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Men, their feet, and the MDR

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Here is the kicker.... "inappropriate" to whom? Not to the RCI, as folks are allowed to wear sandals into the MTD. Well, of course, we're only concerned about MEN doing so -- women are free to wear their "nice" high heeled sandals all they want in your world.


Bottomline is that YOUR opinion is completely useless and unimportant to others. If the staff allows it than it is APPROPRIATE by the authorities that matter.


As Miss Manners would say -- those who spend all their time telling others how inappropriate or classless they are -- simply show the world that they can't see themselves in the mirror.


I mean I get it -- I've met many people like you -- you are only happy when complaining about others and holding yourself up as a shining example of "righteousness in the world". So - this thread is making your day, have at it - you will have ZERO impact, but you'll be happy and smug.


No need to reply to me, I'm done with you and this thread - I think I will pack sandals for my next cruise now, thanks!!




here, here!

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Didn't you just preach to the choir? Exactly my point. When one books a vacation, whether a cruise, a resort, nudist or otherwise there is an expectation that the individual will abide by the norms of that venue. If someone doesn't like the customs of that vacation option they choose another, not spend a great deal of time trying to circumvent.


what exactly are the norms of the MDR on RCI, Celebrity it sounds like, CCL, and Disney? The norm is what you are allowed to wear in the dining room. If you are not aware (you cruise more than I), no longer is it mandatory to wear certain items in the MDR on casual or formal nights on the cruise liners. What the norm is to you, is not the norm to 8 or 9 out of 10 people. How can one circumvent a policy/rule that is just a suggestion? If I was to circumvent a rule I would wear fancy shmancy ballet or tux shoes to the MDR and tuck a pair of my hidious $150 birkenstocks under my dress coat, and slip those bad boys on once seated so I don't get caught! Not sure why you don't understand that the norm has changed. Some like you prefer the good ole dinosaur days, many more like I have changed with the times. As you mentioned, if one doesn't like the customs of that vacation option they choose another...hence, if you do not like how things are trending on certain cruise lines than choose another that is more to your liking. Thus, why I do not cruise Princess, Cunard, or whatever...pretty simple analogy, no?

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Bottomline is that YOUR opinion is completely useless and unimportant to others. If the staff allows it than it is APPROPRIATE by the authorities that matter.




You can apply this to almost every thread;)

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This is the most hilarious thread I've ever read on here. I can't believe some people are about to have a stroke because of other people's footwear. It's sad and hysterical at the same time. Why take a vacation at all if you hate people and want to wear business clothes all the time? Just stay at work.

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This is the most hilarious thread I've ever read on here. I can't believe some people are about to have a stroke because of other people's footwear. It's sad and hysterical at the same time. Why take a vacation at all if you hate people and want to wear business clothes all the time? Just stay at work.


stop making too much sense please...

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Why should he/she book Cunard? To be around a better class of people? I am so sick of this whole "but they are a NICE pair of sandles, flipflops, crocs, jeans, shorts, tee shirts". Also, this too often repeated refrain: I'm on vacation and I'll wear whatever I damn well please. Or the other usual one: I paid a lot for this vacation and I'll wear whatever I damn well please. Let's not forget the classic: I get dressed up at work why should I have to on vacation? In either case if you don't like it tough s...


You people can justify it all you want. As they say lipstick on a pig is still a pig. Don't want to dress like a grown man or woman in the dining room? Go to one of those nudist resorts. Sure you'll be right at home.


Does everyone approve of what you wear on a cruise ship? You will never really know .....

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Why should he/she book Cunard? To be around a better class of people? I am so sick of this whole "but they are a NICE pair of sandles, flipflops, crocs, jeans, shorts, tee shirts". Also, this too often repeated refrain: I'm on vacation and I'll wear whatever I damn well please. Or the other usual one: I paid a lot for this vacation and I'll wear whatever I damn well please. Let's not forget the classic: I get dressed up at work why should I have to on vacation? In either case if you don't like it tough s...


You people can justify it all you want. As they say lipstick on a pig is still a pig. Don't want to dress like a grown man or woman in the dining room? Go to one of those nudist resorts. Sure you'll be right at home.


Oh and your example of the lipstick on a pig, it works the other way around. It doesn't matter what you disguise yourself in, you are still the same person underneath. So why should it matter when you don't need to impress anyone on your cruise.

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This is the most hilarious thread I've ever read on here. I can't believe some people are about to have a stroke because of other people's footwear. It's sad and hysterical at the same time. Why take a vacation at all if you hate people and want to wear business clothes all the time? Just stay at work.


My work clothes for my tech job at a large telcom consisted of shorts and T shirts in the summer which strangely enough I carried over as my daily wear in retirement,and daily wear on warm vacations.

This thread on footwear is silly.Flop flops and sandals goes from shower shoes to dinner dress at a deluxe resort .

That said I never noticed anyone wearing appalling shoes to dinner

Edited by Captain Jake
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Does everyone approve of what you wear on a cruise ship? You will never really know .....


You are right. One never knows what other people are saying about you and what you are wearing. Although wearing a pair of NICE khaki dockers, golf shirt and topsiders for casual nights I'm not too noticeable.


On our recent cruise to Norway on the Constellation there was an older couple that obviously had issues. Every night and I mean EVERY night he would wear a different color suit. Didn't see them all but did see: pink, green, powder blue and bright red. She always wore some type of period outfit. One night was a scarlet o'hara thing, another was a twenties flapper do with an enormous hat. Every night they would wait until the Elite cocktail hour was well underway then make a grand entrance. They were at the late seating as were we. There also they waited until 20 minutes after dinner started then make another grand entrance. Can't imagine how many suitcases they needed.


Never noticed their shoes however. If they had crocs we were going to demand they not be admitted!

Edited by PoppyandNana
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Someone said that being casual is the new norm, and that flip flops and sandals are normal. However, I live in Florida. I have noticed a trend for young guys to begin to dress better. This includes putting various types of footwear on, that does not expose one's foot.


This whole idea of man wearing flip flops, and actually thinking this is a normal thing, is fading away. Like all fads, most men are realizing that dressing "lazy" is not normal, and places a poor image on themselves.


Look around. If women are looking and spending tons of time to look good, than why would they want a person, that is too lazy to tie shoelaces? The trend is changing. This topic is now about a past trend, and for a group that does not want to give it up. For all the men out their, wearing flops to dinner is not appealing!

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Unfortunately you are right. I live in south florida and if you didn't have sandals ripped jeans and a abercrombie and fitch shirt you were not in style.

I take care of my body which also includes my feet and now I rarely wear sandals to go out. :-(

Sandals are no longer trending lol



Someone said that being casual is the new norm, and that flip flops and sandals are normal. However, I live in Florida. I have noticed a trend for young guys to begin to dress better. This includes putting various types of footwear on, that does not expose one's foot.


This whole idea of man wearing flip flops, and actually thinking this is a normal thing, is fading away. Like all fads, most men are realizing that dressing "lazy" is not normal, and places a poor image on themselves.


Look around. If women are looking and spending tons of time to look good, than why would they want a person, that is too lazy to tie shoelaces? The trend is changing. This topic is now about a past trend, and for a group that does not want to give it up. For all the men out their, wearing flops to dinner is not appealing!








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Someone said that being casual is the new norm, and that flip flops and sandals are normal. However, I live in Florida. I have noticed a trend for young guys to begin to dress better. This includes putting various types of footwear on, that does not expose one's foot.


This whole idea of man wearing flip flops, and actually thinking this is a normal thing, is fading away. Like all fads, most men are realizing that dressing "lazy" is not normal, and places a poor image on themselves.


Look around. If women are looking and spending tons of time to look good, than why would they want a person, that is too lazy to tie shoelaces? The trend is changing. This topic is now about a past trend, and for a group that does not want to give it up. For all the men out their, wearing flops to dinner is not appealing!


So, are we going back to shirts with separate collars, corsets, long petticoated dresses, an absence of button cuffs, hair styled up, dressed head to toe all day?


Please please tell me why these etiquettes changed? Was it not for comfort?


And why are we happy just with our toes being covered, for women especially showing any part of the leg is something that didn't used to happen.


It's not laziness, its moving with the times. You don't need laces on shoes so why is it more lazy to wear flipflops.


Most women don't want to spend a ton of time on their holiday getting dolled up - maybe a couple of times per cruise.


As I said earlier its very hot in the UK at the moment. Over the weekend in the evenings in pubs and restaurants (at least the average quality of the MDR :rolleyes::rolleyes:) most men have had smart shorts and open toe sandals of some description. They look much better than sweaty men in top much clothing.


Should we ban open toe heels for women too? After all, what is the difference.


Ps - we all have dressing preferences. I hate seeing women my age (40 something) plaster themselves in foundation, but are we going to ban that too? What about hair dye, tattoos, piercings, mini dresses).


Wy are you relating dressing to laziness? I don't know what trend you are on about, but I don't see it.

Edited by Adayatatime
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This is great!! Going on our first cruise on the oasis in September. I often wear shorts/deck shoes/ polo shirt on holiday. I'm certainly not taking a suit!!!!

Edited by raydmc
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This has been one of the most entertaining threads, it helped past the time yesterday as we drove home from Wisconsin!:D


I don't understand why people think sandals/flip flops are dressing "lazy"? And I don't get why it's ok for women to wear sandals or shoes that are open, but not for men?


I grew up in an era where it was rare to see a woman leave the house in a pair of pants. We were not allowed to wear pants in high school until we lobbied for it my junior year, the school board changed the policy to let us girls wear pantsuits but not separates and not, god forbid, a pair of jeans.:eek: Fortunately, times and fashion change. My parents were horrified when I came home from college with jeans, and I admit, I cringe whenever I see a young man with his pants sagging. But, it's not the end of the world. My sons and nephews have all been able to enter the adult world appropriately dressed even though some of their previous outfits were horrifying!:eek:


I go on a cruise to relax and have fun, I do not go to be the fashion police, smoking police, chair police, etc. Some of the most amazing people I have met on a cruise probably would have been frowned upon by the fashion police! And there have been a few, always dressed "to the nines", that, based on their behavior, I have quickly learned to avoid!



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So, are we going back to shirts with separate collars, corsets, long petticoated dresses, an absence of button cuffs, hair styled up, dressed head to toe all day?


Please please tell me why these etiquettes changed? Was it not for comfort?


And why are we happy just with our toes being covered, for women especially showing any part of the leg is something that didn't used to happen.


It's not laziness, its moving with the times. You don't need laces on shoes so why is it more lazy to wear flipflops.


My point on the topic, is times are changing. More and more "men" are realizing that their looks, and impressions are important. Flip Flops worn by man, in the MDR, is simply being lazy. Wearing the same clothes all day for all occasions, just means you don't want to be bothered to change. Yes, times do change, and from where I live, it has become more apparent that men are dressing better today, than they did 5 years ago.


Most women don't want to spend a ton of time on their holiday getting dolled up - maybe a couple of times per cruise.


As I said earlier its very hot in the UK at the moment. Over the weekend in the evenings in pubs and restaurants (at least the average quality of the MDR :rolleyes::rolleyes:) most men have had smart shorts and open toe sandals of some description. They look much better than sweaty men in top much clothing.


Should we ban open toe heels for women too? After all, what is the difference.


Man have to live with a double standard, just like man can go topless on decks, and woman can't. The double standard goes both ways. Man should have their feet covered, and woman should not. Sorry, the argument for flip flops don't work here.


Ps - we all have dressing preferences. I hate seeing women my age (40 something) plaster themselves in foundation, but are we going to ban that too? What about hair dye, tattoos, piercings, mini dresses).


Wy are you relating dressing to laziness? I don't know what trend you are on about, but I don't see it.


Going bare foot, or flip flops all day, is a sign of laziness. Since I had two teenagers, now young adults, they will agree with this statement. They will be the first to tell you, they were just lazy. Neither one today, will go out to restaurants wearing them. A few years ago, they did. Reason being is that trends have changed.


The original post asked if it was ok, and if they would be turned away. Yes, if you wear flip flops, or shorts, etc, you can be turned away. I have seen many turned away. It's a shame, that it is needed to be policed, when in fact, it is a simple task, to change your clothes for the occasion, or visit the Windjammer for the casual atmosphere!

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On our recent cruise to Norway on the Constellation there was an older couple that obviously had issues. Every night and I mean EVERY night he would wear a different color suit. Didn't see them all but did see: pink, green, powder blue and bright red. She always wore some type of period outfit. One night was a scarlet o'hara thing, another was a twenties flapper do with an enormous hat. Every night they would wait until the Elite cocktail hour was well underway then make a grand entrance. They were at the late seating as were we. There also they waited until 20 minutes after dinner started then make another grand entrance. Can't imagine how many suitcases they needed.



Oh there are obvious issues alright, but I don't think it's with the festive dressers. He wore a suit every night? So he was....over dressed by the guidelines, and this is a problem how?

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Who said it was a problem?


You went on and on about how they dressed, you certainly took notice of what time they entered cocktail hour. You made note of how they dressed. Said they had "obvious issues" (what were those???) and failed to mention anything about their feet.


So, you tell me, what's the issue? Why do you care? Sounds like people were nicely dressed, you didn't notice footwear, your post actually makes little sense in regards to the context of this post.

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At the end of the day, I don't really care how people dress for the MDR as long as they aren't overly disheveled, sweaty or stink. That said, I do still think men shouldn't be open toed in the MDR. That's just my opinion and other than expressing here, I wouldn't force it upon others, give them dirty looks or make snide comments...and I certainly wouldn't get all wrapped around the axle by what people say on the anonymous internet.

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, or flip flops all day, is a sign of laziness. !


Really...... Im lazy because I wear thongs:confused:

So am I suppose to wear shoes, while walking around the ship all day?

If not Im lazy??????

Even when I served with the Marines, when I was on Liberty, I wore thongs.

It is about comfort and allowing the feet to breath. it has nothing to do about being lazy:rolleyes:

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Really...... Im lazy because I wear thongs:confused:

So am I suppose to wear shoes, while walking around the ship all day?

If not Im lazy??????

Even when I served with the Marines, when I was on Liberty, I wore thongs.

It is about comfort and allowing the feet to breath. it has nothing to do about being lazy:rolleyes:


you can tell the posters on here who home schooled their robotic children....was at a Katy Perry concert with my 12 year old and let me tell you she dresses like a child, acts like one, has funky hair and dresses in polk a dots...she is a pop sensation at the age of 29, and considering she tours 3/4 of the year I'd say she is far from lazy...far be it for me to tell her to dress like a 29 year old, huh?

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You went on and on about how they dressed, you certainly took notice of what time they entered cocktail hour. You made note of how they dressed. Said they had "obvious issues" (what were those???) and failed to mention anything about their feet.


So, you tell me, what's the issue? Why do you care? Sounds like people were nicely dressed, you didn't notice footwear, your post actually makes little sense in regards to the context of this post.


You really need to stay away from those funny cigarettes.

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