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Cruising and returning with illness . Is it worth it .


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Please tell me what is personal in my post? You don't seem to be able to supply the answers to my questions for research to back up your supposed facts.


And from another of your posts, as if this isn't personal,

Just some clarification for those struggling with The English language .]


Which is apparently you, do you not understand what documented research is? Do you have any? Oh sorry, that might be a personal question.


There is nothing in your posts to prove that they are anything more than PERSONAL supposition and conjecture on your part. Sorry, you don't win the point.


Heck, I didn't even know there was a contest.:rolleyes:

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Friends, Trolls should be ignored and not fed!


Well it appears that I have made my point . Why ?

People are getting personal to win the point.:)


Am I the only one who is getting bored with this thread:rolleyes: The OP has made a point, which as far as I can tell, no-one else agrees with but still they won't lie down. I have to admire their persistence in trying to justify to a Cruise Forum why they don't like cruising by making up some pathetic excuse that it made them ill.


I think the word Troll is apt and I suspect our OP is actually sat at home laughing at how we've all been sucked in.



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Gloria Mundi, please read and consider some well-meaning advice


DH is 76 with some chronic health issues and has come down with a respiratory infection that morphed into pneumonia or bronchitis on 4 out of our last 5 trips....

Your DH has a lot of risk factors for contracting an airborne disease - age, chronic health problem, predisposition to respiratory infection, and apparently he has not to this point routinely used hand sanitizers


Planes are germ factories ...

airplanes use hepafilters to recirculate air. these effectively block recirculation of viruses and bacteria - the air is cleaner than in a public building, unless you are sitting within 3 rows of someone with active coughing and sneezing who doesn't cover his mouth. consider bringing a high quality face mask to protect your at-risk husband for situations where he can not avoid an infected person.

surfaces of any public space should be considered contaminated. We can't avoid touching them - airplane seats, or door handles, or handrails or any other public surface. Since you cant avoid them do NOT touch your face, eat or in any other way bring the germ from the "dirty" surface to where it can infect you - you mouth and nose. this is why hand sanitizers are needed.


DH is going to start using hand sanitizers religiously. ...

THIS is a very good idea


I'm also wondering about having his doctors prescribe preventative antibiotics even though in general I'm opposed to overusing them.

Antibiotics kill bacteria. they do NOT kill viruses. They not only will not prevent a viral infection, they will destroy your normal "good" bacteria that help protect you. Overuse also leads to "superbugs" that have been exposed to antibiotics and have developed resistance, making antibiotics no longer effective when you DO need them. PLEASE, NEVER consider taking an antibiotic unless you know you have a bacterial infection.


Also, if you have not already done so, talk to your doctor about pneumo-vax vaccination against bacterial pneumonia

and always get a flu vaccination every year and you should be getting the High Dose flu vaccine that offers more protection to seniors.

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We have not cruised for a couple of years . Why? You might ask .


On returning from our last cruise I came back infected with a severe chest infection . Which persisted for about four month's .


We paid thousands of pounds to fall ill . Large numbers of people herded together increases the odds that you will catch something.


It is not worth it. There is no way to protect yourself .


No -one is suggesting that you avoid all contact with fellow human beings . But it is about odds and exposure .


Really depends on your resistance. We are healthy rarely get ill at home. Did find years ago, we something got a cold after a cruise. We took steps to reduce the chances and it has seemed to work well for us. We have over 50 cruises rarely get ill after a trip.


We do the following:


When we fly we wipe down anything we touch around our airplane seats with sanitizer.


On board the ship, we rarely use the public restrooms, we return to our cabin as a first priority.


We wash our hands as often as possible.


We turn down the air conditioning in the cabin, actually put on the heat temperature so we are not sleeping under the air condition blowing cold air on us all night.


We also pace ourselves and get some rest while traveling to maintain our resistence.

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Sorry to inform you that magic and superstition will not protect you . Washing your hands will reduce the risk . But you could wash your hands raw and still develop a very nasty respiratory infection with complications .

I guess if you are in peak condition with no underlying medical conditions you will pull through . But it will not be a pleasant experience .


In England we touch wood ,never stroked it .But whatever rocks your boat.


OP it looks like u seem to think everyone going on a cruise is going to become sick and the only thing "saving" everyone from getting sick is only because they are lucky (from some of the other posts I read). That is simply not the case. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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To the OP......


The thing I notice most about your post is your signature line,

"The secret of happiness is contentment.:)", these words obviously have meaning to you.


What makes you content? If never stepping foot on another cruise ship is what would make you content, then obviously that is your choice.


Your post is confusing, in that what you have said sounds as if you have already made up your mind that you do not want to take another cruise, due to being so sick after you got home. If that is the case I'm sure we all respect your choice, and agree that you should do what you think is best for you. It is, however, also confusing that you have bothered to come on CC to state this.

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  • 1 month later...
13 cruises and never once returned ill or got ill on board. Yep, totally worth it!!!


By your line of thought, airplanes, subways, and concerts should also be avoided.


and working in an office...hahaha! There are so many sick people where I work ... and they come in hacking up a lung all the time. And....I work in a hospital, no less. You think they would know better.

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No fear of anything . The particular cruise that I refer to ,we also contracted Norovirus . Which lasted a few days .

However the chest infection was very persistent and remained with me for a considerable amount of time on return. Very unpleasant with the potential for more serious conditions.


It is a fact that a ship is a place that multiples the odds considerably . Shown by the persistence of Norovirus on cruises .


In fact I cannot think of any other place that gives you weeks of enclosed conditions with so many people.


Touch wood . We are have no major medical conditions . But if you are vulnerable . The odds are increased "a fact"


Interesting you should mention the "Odds"

The Center for Disease Control in America just published a study they did, computing the odds of contracting Norovirus in different settings. The study was based on the percentage of the population that reported ill with Norovirus.


If you live in America, you have a 1 in 15 chance of contracting Norovirus at home.

If you take a cruise you have a 1 in 13,000 chance of contracting Norovirus.


The UK has had it's worst ever Norovirus season in 2014.

The British Government estimates that 1.2 million Brits contracted it this year.

There are approximately 61 million people living in the UK.

That gives you approximately a 1 in 50 chance of contracting Norovirus in the UK - at home.


I am not much of a gambler, but I prefer to bet on the 1 in 13,000 odds on a cruise.


Most people who contract Norovirus have put their dirty hands into their mouth, nose, eyes, or ears, or they have handled food with dirty hands.

People who wash their hands properly and often, and keep them out of their mouths, have even better odds of staying well.

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No fear of anything . The particular cruise that I refer to ,we also contracted Norovirus . Which lasted a few days .

However the chest infection was very persistent and remained with me for a considerable amount of time on return. Very unpleasant with the potential for more serious conditions.


It is a fact that a ship is a place that multiples the odds considerably . Shown by the persistence of Norovirus on cruises .


In fact I cannot think of any other place that gives you weeks of enclosed conditions with so many people.


Touch wood . We are have no major medical conditions . But if you are vulnerable . The odds are increased "a fact"


Maybe you cannot think of any other places that give you weeks of enclosed conditions with so many people, but the CDC certainly can. So can I.

Just look at the locations that have the highest number of Norovirus outbreaks; Prisons, schools, old age homes, hospitals, and hotels. Cruise ships report just over 5% of the total Norovirus outbreaks. The remaining 94% occur in those places you couldn't think of.

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So you came on cruise critic, after all this time, just to tell everyone they shouldn't cruise? This is one of the strangest posts I've seen.


I'm a cellular and molecular biologist and have worked in immunology research for years. You're just as likely to catch something at the grocery store or anywhere in your day to day as you are on a ship. Although I do avoid the buffet.


I'd much rather take my chances while enjoying life, having fun, and seeing the world, than crawl in a corner, shivering in fear, but that's just me.

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We have not cruised for a couple of years . Why? You might ask .


On returning from our last cruise I came back infected with a severe chest infection . Which persisted for about four month's .


We paid thousands of pounds to fall ill . Large numbers of people herded together increases the odds that you will catch something.


It is not worth it. There is no way to protect yourself .


No -one is suggesting that you avoid all contact with fellow human beings . But it is about odds and exposure .


OP Your post indicates your last cruise was 5 1/2 years ago. It seems curious that you would wait that long to decide that it isn't "worth it".


If that is truly how you feel then by all means, follow what you feel is best

for you.

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We have not cruised for a couple of years . Why? You might ask .


On returning from our last cruise I came back infected with a severe chest infection . Which persisted for about four month's .


We paid thousands of pounds to fall ill . Large numbers of people herded together increases the odds that you will catch something.


It is not worth it. There is no way to protect yourself .


No -one is suggesting that you avoid all contact with fellow human beings . But it is about odds and exposure .


Wash your hands very often. Eat with a fork, not with your hands.

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Highly doubt they will come back. They swore off cruising, remember? ;)

Well good, because they would have a tough time scaring me. People coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths, vomiting on complete strangers, pushing and shoving like cattle, one person got the flu and then everyone got the flu, bad attitudes and no manners or class to fellow passengers, hysterical crying for no reason to the point people have to fled in terror, some preacher calling everybody harlots and demons - typical Monday thru Friday commute on the subways for me, so you know a cruise is like slice of heaven to me, lol.[emoji1]


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk

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LOL Maywell, that subway ride description was priceless!


To the OP, I have an auto immune disease, I catch stuff easily but cruise ships have only once given me a mild cold that was going around on an 18 day cruise. And dh and I have cruised LOTS! I catch stuff from the grandchildren a LOT, but only the once on a cruise and it wasn't a bad one.


Firstly the cleanliness of the ship is really really good. I'm a retired RN and I'm impressed with the staff and how they keep things clean. We've seen 2 Noro outbreaks on board ship and both times the staff doubled down on the cleaning and once it had been found, within 24 hours they only had a couple more cases. End of outbreak both times.


Second there is lots you can do personally. Here's some of what I do and I think it helps.


Unless desperate, use the washroom in your cabin. Wash hands well after every visit to the toilet and before meals. Use the paper towel in the public washrooms to turn off the tap and open the door to exit the washroom.


EVEN tho you washed hands, don't bypass the sanitizer. USE IT! Give the stinkeye to the person in front of you who doesn't use the sanitizer! If that person handles the plate stack you want, choose another stack of plates.


If you spot someone who seems contagious in the lineup ahead of you at the Lido, go to the other side or to the pizza place.


Avoid touching your face. Use Purell gel as often as you wish. The sanitizers are all over the ship.


Avoid standing close to anyone who is hacking and sneezing or coughing up a lung. Get off that elevator pronto if that is the situation. Take the next one, or the stairs.


If you are contagious, be nice, get room service. Stay inside or on your balcony. I know, I must be dreaming. A person can wish can't they?


Don't shake hands. If you do get into a situation where someone shakes your hand, don't touch your face, and as soon as politely possible excuse yourself to wash your hands.


Use sanitizer or wash hands if you've touched the handrail on the stairs or the elevator buttons (I use a knuckle to push those).


I like a good big personal bubble of space so I don't crowd in to others, and I avoid letting others get too close. Elevators are often crowded. Take the stairs more.


Some vitamins do seem to help such as Vit C or zinc lozenges and some herbals are helpful like Cold FX which is made of ginseng. My sister in law swears by Echinacea. The only thing dh and I use is the ginseng.


Finally get plenty of that fresh sea air and sunshine. It will keep you healthy and it's fun. It is why I cruise.:)

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Well good, because they would have a tough time scaring me. People coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths, vomiting on complete strangers, pushing and shoving like cattle, one person got the flu and then everyone got the flu, bad attitudes and no manners or class to fellow passengers, hysterical crying for no reason to the point people have to fled in terror, some preacher calling everybody harlots and demons - typical Monday thru Friday commute on the subways for me, so you know a cruise is like slice of heaven to me, lol.[emoji1]


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk


I'm reading your post, not looking where you're from and I said to myself it has to be NY, great post!

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Well good, because they would have a tough time scaring me. People coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths, vomiting on complete strangers, pushing and shoving like cattle, one person got the flu and then everyone got the flu, bad attitudes and no manners or class to fellow passengers, hysterical crying for no reason to the point people have to fled in terror, some preacher calling everybody harlots and demons - typical Monday thru Friday commute on the subways for me, so you know a cruise is like slice of heaven to me, lol.[emoji1]


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk


:D Love it!

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At the drugstore you can get an oral spray from Halo that when used reduces likelihood of getting an airborn illness. I use it when we fly, go to theatre & before shore excursions! Seems to work sine no colds or resp. infections in last 8 trips!

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Well good, because they would have a tough time scaring me. People coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths, vomiting on complete strangers, pushing and shoving like cattle, one person got the flu and then everyone got the flu, bad attitudes and no manners or class to fellow passengers, hysterical crying for no reason to the point people have to fled in terror, some preacher calling everybody harlots and demons - typical Monday thru Friday commute on the subways for me, so you know a cruise is like slice of heaven to me, lol.[emoji1]


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk


You made me LOL!! Typical New Yorker, if you can survive the subways, you can survive anything.:D

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You made me LOL!! Typical New Yorker, if you can survive the subways, you can survive anything.:D

Before my subway rides in the mornings and evening were mundane most of the time were crazy instances happening like once or twice a month. But since like about 2012, it has been one crazy madcap misadventure after another especially in the morning. So getting to work on time without any melodrama whatsoever is an miracle. If riding the subways during rushhour everyday doesn't make you hate people or give you a serious case of pet peeves - nothing will!!!


So being on cruise ship, at least you can go to your room and close the door. At least on a cruise ship, if someone is hygienic nasty, you can get away from them by going the opposite or complete different (s). At least on a cruise ship, you can take a shower if your feeling dirty from standing next to someone who look like they don't know what soap and water is. On cruise, you can get a new plate of food if some jerk sneezed into it. On cruise ship, hand sanitizer is pretty much everywhere and they have paper towels to open the restroom doors. On cruise ship, especially the large ones, if an area is too overcrowded, at least you can go somewhere else or do something else. Trust me, I'll take a cruise over the subways any day of the week!!!


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk

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