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Navigator Spa refuses massage to Cancer Patient


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My GF and I cruised on the Navigator last week.

We had booked this cruise a couple months ago


She is a stage4 cancer survivor of 6 yrs

Well she was rediagnosed 3 weeks ago and will start her chemo again this Friday.


So we canceled my 50th bday cruise in Nov and we were going to cancel this cruise but her Oncologist said it would be ok if she waited another week for tx

We decided we were just going to relax the whole week and splurge on a massage for her

The first sea day(mon) we went to the Spa and she booked a 75minute deep tissue massage for late morning Thursday while in Falmouth.

She was so happy looking forward to it the next few days.

On Thursday after breakfast she goes to her appt and I go relax in the VCL

About 20 minutes later she comes in and is in tears.


While in the tx room, she was asked if she had any medical issues and she said yes.

Now over the years of her having cancer she has had a couple massages on RCCL Never been an issue before.

SO we head back to the Spa and asked to speak to the manager

Lisa didn't want to go in since she was embarrassed

The Manager took me into one of the rooms so we could talk

The reason they refused the massage is they didn't want the cancer to spread:rolleyes:

When she told me that I laughed and told her, while im not an oncologist I do have a long medical background ;)

After a 15minute discussion of me explaining all the merits of massage therapy for cancer patients and metastasis is not caused by a massage, she said she would call corporate and get back to me in a half hr.

So we went back to the cabin and waited for about an hr and no call. So we head back to Spa and this time Lisa goes in with me.

The manager said she was waiting on corporate to research my claims, but currently she would not authorize a massage.


I asked her to call us in the DL since our cabin was being clean

2 hrs go by and still nothing. So we head back to our cabin.

As we enter the phone rings and guess who it is.

Corporate said it was ok to have the massage as long as it was only light to medium.


Lisa goes and haves her massage and when she comes back she said that was the best massage she had ever gotten onboard a ship


In the end she was happy, but what the spa didn't realize, is stress can spread cancer more than a massage can:eek:

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Maybe a letter to these people with a cc to rci's management is in order


























I wish your GF all the best

Edited by setsail
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I feel for your situation and have friends going through similar at the moment.

Obviously extra stress must be avoided but I would prefer that someone edge on caution rather than proceed without any level of concern or care.


It is a shame that such issues are not covered in the training of the managers of these areas, but do understand why they would want to obtain authority rather than take a decision above their pay grade. However I doubt they were being sarcastic in giving you the reason they gave.


I wish you both well and respect the fighting spirit of those that suffer with this terrible illness.

Edited by ChipLondon
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My GF and I cruised on the Navigator last week.

We had booked this cruise a couple months ago


She is a stage4 cancer survivor of 6 yrs

Well she was rediagnosed 3 weeks ago and will start her chemo again this Friday.


So we canceled my 50th bday cruise in Nov and we were going to cancel this cruise but her Oncologist said it would be ok if she waited another week for tx

We decided we were just going to relax the whole week and splurge on a massage for her

The first sea day(mon) we went to the Spa and she booked a 75minute deep tissue massage for late morning Thursday while in Falmouth.

She was so happy looking forward to it the next few days.

On Thursday after breakfast she goes to her appt and I go relax in the VCL

About 20 minutes later she comes in and is in tears.


While in the tx room, she was asked if she had any medical issues and she said yes.

Now over the years of her having cancer she has had a couple massages on RCCL Never been an issue before.

SO we head back to the Spa and asked to speak to the manager

Lisa didn't want to go in since she was embarrassed

The Manager took me into one of the rooms so we could talk

The reason they refused the massage is they didn't want the cancer to spread:rolleyes:

When she told me that I laughed and told her, while im not an oncologist I do have a long medical background ;)

After a 15minute discussion of me explaining all the merits of massage therapy for cancer patients and metastasis is not caused by a massage, she said she would call corporate and get back to me in a half hr.

So we went back to the cabin and waited for about an hr and no call. So we head back to Spa and this time Lisa goes in with me.

The manager said she was waiting on corporate to research my claims, but currently she would not authorize a massage.


I asked her to call us in the DL since our cabin was being clean

2 hrs go by and still nothing. So we head back to our cabin.

As we enter the phone rings and guess who it is.

Corporate said it was ok to have the massage as long as it was only light to medium.


Lisa goes and haves her massage and when she comes back she said that was the best massage she had ever gotten onboard a ship


In the end she was happy, but what the spa didn't realize, is stress can spread cancer more than a massage can:eek:

Way to go RCI. Great way to put a buzz-kill on a cruise.

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My GF and I cruised on the Navigator last week.

We had booked this cruise a couple months ago


She is a stage4 cancer survivor of 6 yrs

Well she was rediagnosed 3 weeks ago and will start her chemo again this Friday.


So we canceled my 50th bday cruise in Nov and we were going to cancel this cruise but her Oncologist said it would be ok if she waited another week for tx

We decided we were just going to relax the whole week and splurge on a massage for her

The first sea day(mon) we went to the Spa and she booked a 75minute deep tissue massage for late morning Thursday while in Falmouth.

She was so happy looking forward to it the next few days.

On Thursday after breakfast she goes to her appt and I go relax in the VCL

About 20 minutes later she comes in and is in tears.


While in the tx room, she was asked if she had any medical issues and she said yes.

Now over the years of her having cancer she has had a couple massages on RCCL Never been an issue before.

SO we head back to the Spa and asked to speak to the manager

Lisa didn't want to go in since she was embarrassed

The Manager took me into one of the rooms so we could talk

The reason they refused the massage is they didn't want the cancer to spread:rolleyes:

When she told me that I laughed and told her, while im not an oncologist I do have a long medical background ;)

After a 15minute discussion of me explaining all the merits of massage therapy for cancer patients and metastasis is not caused by a massage, she said she would call corporate and get back to me in a half hr.

So we went back to the cabin and waited for about an hr and no call. So we head back to Spa and this time Lisa goes in with me.

The manager said she was waiting on corporate to research my claims, but currently she would not authorize a massage.


I asked her to call us in the DL since our cabin was being clean

2 hrs go by and still nothing. So we head back to our cabin.

As we enter the phone rings and guess who it is.

Corporate said it was ok to have the massage as long as it was only light to medium.


Lisa goes and haves her massage and when she comes back she said that was the best massage she had ever gotten onboard a ship


In the end she was happy, but what the spa didn't realize, is stress can spread cancer more than a massage can:eek:


I am glad that she got her massage in the end. Hope you realize what they were trying to say and do. They were meaning to do her no further harm to her body more than what she was going thru. I prefer that caution much more than collecting the money and doing it.


Wishing her treatments are successful. Take care.

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Two quick points about this thread.


1. The OP doesn't say what type of cancer the friend had. I assume from the message that this person was 6 years cancer free, but just recently was re-diagnosed so I assume that person wasn't currently undergoing Chemo or radiation.


2. The "don't want to spread the cancer" sound like one of those things mid level managers give to front line people as a valid answer. In total speculation, I can imagine some type of tumors that some cancer patients might have could cause excessive bleeding if handled roughly. In the absence of too many facts, I can see RC taking a generic no cancer patient stance.

Edited by BillOh
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I have boycotted the spa for several yrs because of crazy things like this. The real truth might be some other reason and just used that as an excuse. I have a personal theory that they bump people off the schedule to give the spots to more expensive treatments ....happened to me twice. Once they claimed I canceled ("probably my hubby did??). the next they came out and told me the person before me upgraded and they were running one hr behind. No more spa for me until steiner goes bye bye!!!



Sent from my iPod touch using Forums

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First of all, congratulations to you for confronting the staff. Prayers for your friend.


I was taken back by the statement about the cancer spreading through massage. I went to the American Cancer Society website and looked around. It appears there is at the least an unproven theory about the spreading of cancer due to massage. I copied the paragraph below from the website. As stated, it is an unproven theory.




Another concern for people who have cancer is that, in theory, tissue manipulation in the area of a tumor might increase the risk that cancer cells will travel to other parts of the body. It might be prudent for cancer patients to avoid massage near tumors and lumps that could be cancerous until this question is clearly answered.

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While I think, they might be trying to protect themselves, I know it was handled the wrong way.


I posted this, so hopefully, it wont happen in the future to other cruisers.


To everyone, thank you for the good thoughts and well wishes.

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First of all, congratulations to you for confronting the staff. Prayers for your friend.


I was taken back by the statement about the cancer spreading through massage. I went to the American Cancer Society website and looked around. It appears there is at the least an unproven theory about the spreading of cancer due to massage. I copied the paragraph below from the website. As stated, it is an unproven theory.




Another concern for people who have cancer is that, in theory, tissue manipulation in the area of a tumor might increase the risk that cancer cells will travel to other parts of the body. It might be prudent for cancer patients to avoid massage near tumors and lumps that could be cancerous until this question is clearly answered.



I guess me playing with her Ta TA's over the years caused it to spread:p:D Im Joking. Laughter is the best medicine for any patient

It is an unproven theory. Metastasis is due too the cancer type

There are studies that show a massage helps release endorphins and that helps make the Pt happy.

Also it is proven stress can do more good than bad

Edited by jonbgd
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I was going to have surgery several years ago and my wife had a friend come over who was a massage therapist. It was a wonderful gift from my wife. I remember clearly the therapist telling me there are patients with certain conditions that she is not allowed to work on. On the flip side, there is no doubt that the patient's state of mind is a huge part in their treatment, so anything that makes them feel better is good in my book. Best of luck with things going forward.

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...In the absence of too many facts, I can see RC taking a generic no cancer patient stance.


I think in the end they did the right thing.Unfortunate it took a long path to get the right answer but it was resolved...


Agreed on these points. I am by no means a cheerleader but I do believe they were trying to protect both the company and the guest/patient.


I am a recent survivor myself so cancer is still close to my heart. I'm sorry to hear of her recurrence. God bless.


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Really hope your girl friend beats the cancer a second time!


Having said that...


1. Understand that the spa is not an RCCL operation. It is independently owned and operated.

2. It seems to me the spa manager was using prudence. Like you, she is not a physician and not equipped to judge how a massage might interact with the cancer cells.

3. She actually acted correctly in seeking the opinion of someone with greater understanding. God forbid, the massage could do damage.


Bottom line... I commend the staff and manager for acting with caution and wisdom

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Hi Sorry to hear about your gf. I will keep her in my prayers. As for the massage. My DIL who was not suppose to become my DIL until this coming Saturday, but she was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer in June. They were married June 29th as she wanted to be married before she started her chemo. I had read that massages were good for cancer patients also so I did some research on them and they do mention that there are massage therepists that take special training and actually gear their business for cancer patients. My DIL's doctor also agreed that the massages were a good idea, but that we should either use the one's on staff at the hospital where she is being treated (Dana Farber) or use one who has gone through the training, which is what I did. RC handled your situation poorly no doubt. These young ladies are going through so many emotions and should be treated with kindness and caring. However they were probably unsure if any of their actions would maybe cause undo discomfort. I think when people don't understand the situation especially when it is such a serious illness they tend to not want to deal with the situation or are unsure of just how to handle it, which ends up making a bad situation even worst. Good luck to the both of you.

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I am happy that you were satisfied in the end and that your girlfriend said she received one of the best massages she ever had.


With that in mind, you stated that she originally asked for a deep tissue massage. If done correctly, that can involve some serious pressure. Is it possible the therapist was afraid she would hurt your girlfriend with a deep tissue massage? Perhaps she was simply afraid to say that and made up the silly excuses.


I was refused (NOT on a ship - but at a well known land spa) a deep tissue massage several months following some surgery. They suggested a light massage instead. Like your girlfriend, I was pleased in the end. I understood and was actually happy that they considered my medical condition and potential risk to me - rather than sell me a higher priced massage.



Best wishes for a full recovery and future good health.


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I am happy that you were satisfied in the end and that your girlfriend said she received one of the best massages she ever had.


With that in mind, you stated that she originally asked for a deep tissue massage. If done correctly, that can involve some serious pressure. Is it possible the therapist was afraid she would hurt your girlfriend with a deep tissue massage? Perhaps she was simply afraid to say that and made up the silly excuses.


I was refused (NOT on a ship - but at a well known land spa) a deep tissue massage several months following some surgery. They suggested a light massage instead. Like your girlfriend, I was pleased in the end. I understood and was actually happy that they considered my medical condition and potential risk to me - rather than sell me a higher priced massage.



Best wishes for a full recovery and future good health.



Good post. As a marathoner I have a licensed Massage therapist and she is qualified to interpret medical conditions and proceed accordingly. After having spinal fusion surgery, I can visit her and have her work on my legs and shoulders, but she probably wouldn't touch my lower back. But I guess I probably won't be getting any more full body massages on board any more.

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Really hope your girl friend beats the cancer a second time!


Having said that...


1. Understand that the spa is not an RCCL operation. It is independently owned and operated.

2. It seems to me the spa manager was using prudence. Like you, she is not a physician and not equipped to judge how a massage might interact with the cancer cells.

3. She actually acted correctly in seeking the opinion of someone with greater understanding. God forbid, the massage could do damage.


Bottom line... I commend the staff and manager for acting with caution and wisdom


This is actually the most correct and relevant response regarding the actions of the spa manager and is worthy of noting. The spa's are indeed 3rd party independent contractors with RCI (as are the photographers, most on board shops, and shore excursions) and it was I believe a prudent course of action.


That being said, I am glad for the outcome and certainly wish the best for your girlfriend!

Edited by leaveitallbehind
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To the OP:

Aren't you glad that you do have enough medical background that you were abled to "educate" the people in the SPA so this won't happen to the next person facing the same thing your GF is facing?


Good for you for standing your ground and taking a step forward.

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Glad your GF got her massage finally, and I wish her a full recovery. Somebody at that spa didn't know what they were talking about. I was in the middle of a 12 week chemo cycle when we cruised. I booked a massage...no questions asked and when the masseuse learned my situation, she even offered to massage my "bald as a billiard ball" head which was so relaxing and one of the best parts of the whole massage! :D

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  • 7 months later...
TThe "don't want to spread the cancer" sound like one of those things mid level managers give to front line people as a valid answer.


Actually, here's the American Cancer Society's statement regarding this:


"Another concern for people who have cancer is that, in theory, tissue manipulation in the area of a tumor might increase the risk that cancer cells will travel to other parts of the body. It might be prudent for cancer patients to avoid massage near tumors and lumps that could be cancerous until this question is clearly answered." http://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/complementaryandalternativemedicine/manualhealingandphysicaltouch/massage

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