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I missed the ship last week! Allure, at first port... what to expect...


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Would you be so kind as to repeat or enlighten me (in case you did answer this question and I managed to miss it... although I've been reading your posts very carefully)...


How did your son reboard the ship without his Sea Pass card? I am under the impression, and I may be misinformed, that one of the reasons you were waiting for your son and friend at Atlantis is that you were in possession of their backpacks and, therefore, thought you had their IDs and information that would allow them back on the ship. Am I correct? Was your son registered with the Teen Club on board?


This isn't an idle question on my part. We do travel with our grandson, at times, and I can't even imagine the stress of this incident for you. We had a MINOR, not even stressful but just annoying, incident where we were supposed to gather at a place for the kids to do something as a group and this father had coupons for his kids. After long minutes waiting for his arrival, my son-in-law went to look for him and... he'd just forgotten! You know, some people are just more responsible and tuned in than others. And, this guy was a nice guy that you really like to be around, so it's not about a jerk personality by any means.


I know that relating our own personal experiences isn't helpful, on this thread. I just wanted to chat with you so that you'd understand I'm not being confrontational with my question. I sincerely am following this thread so that I can formulate a scenario to follow if I ever find myself in this situation... on either end. Like, would Captain Johnny have thrown me in the brig if I staged a sit down on the gangway? (being a child of the 60s just never goes away! tongue-in-cheek thought)...


If I haven't understood the finer details of your story, please correct me. I appreciate the time you're spending doing this...


To perhaps answer the question of how do you get back on the ship---- My adult sister lost her seapass card in Acapulco. We presented ourselves to the guard at the port gate who got a security officer from the ship,. He escorted her to the machine where they ping your card and they verified her picture on the computer. They then escorted her to guest services where they gave her a new card, escorted her to the port gate (I guess to satisfy the guard there) and then she was home free. Took a long time, but they had a system. I don't think she was the first person this has happened to:D

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Personally, I would have preferred that the story was told in one instalment.


Then, perhaps other people would post sensible questions arising from the story, which the OP could then answer.


As it is, we have a few instalments of the story, interspersed with what seems like thousands of silly comments.


However… that's just my preference. It's the OP's story. It's the OP's thread. It's up to the OP to tell the story the way he wants to. Let's cut him some slack, folks.

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How did your son reboard the ship without his Sea Pass card?


People lose their cards all the time. You can still get back on the ship. I was with a friend whose husband had gone back ahead of us without realizing he had her Seapass. She was able to reboard and it was not an issue at all.


There probably is not a US Embassy on those islands. I just checked the cruise compasses for my recent NE/Canada cruise and information for the US Consulate's office is listed for our Halifax and St John, New Brunswick stops. Both stops list the office in Halifax, so there isn't an embassy there either, just a consulate office.


A consulate can help you in the absence of an embassy. :)

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Don't care if I get flamed 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥for this, basic common sense.


By having all the above is not going to prevent an incident like the OP,s from happening, but will be very useful in the events that occurred afterwards.


This is just something we have always done when ever we leave the country, either by Ship or Plane. closed loop or not. It's easy, common sense and really in the big scheme of things with all the preparing people do for cruises 6 months to a year in advance, just another thing to add to the "to do list"

Way more important than show,dinner or drink package reservations IMO, when traveling.


People tend to use the term "common sense" a lot when it is in fact not. All of the items you pointed out are things you need to learn or know. Common sense by definition is "good sense and sound judgment in practical matters". That clearly isn't the case. Common sense would be not sticking your hand in a fire because it is hot.


Clearly your goal is to make people feel like they are stupid for not doing what you seem to be doing. Instead of making people feel stupid, you could instead help to educate them, as that is what is really needed as very little of what you pointed out is common sense.

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Personally, I would have preferred that the story was told in one instalment.




Then, perhaps other people would post sensible questions arising from the story, which the OP could then answer.




As it is, we have a few instalments of the story, interspersed with what seems like thousands of silly comments.




However… that's just my preference. It's the OP's story. It's the OP's thread. It's up to the OP to tell the story the way he wants to. Let's cut him some slack, folks.



I agree. I would have preferred one installment then questions. I'm starting to get very frustrated with this entire thing. I understand the installments during the work week but he's had all day yesterday and this morning to finish this up! I keep checking back and nothing but everyone but the OP making comment. I'm beginning to wonder what's actually going on here. Can we please wrap this up OP?

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People tend to use the term "common sense" a lot when it is in fact not. All of the items you pointed out are things you need to learn or know. Common sense by definition is "good sense and sound judgment in practical matters". That clearly isn't the case. Common sense would be not sticking your hand in a fire because it is hot.


Clearly your goal is to make people feel like they are stupid for not doing what you seem to be doing. Instead of making people feel stupid, you could instead help to educate them, as that is what is really needed as very little of what you pointed out is common sense.


It is a bullet list, not intended to make anyone feel stupid.

People are wanting to learn from OP,s experience

You think what you like, no goal here, sorry you have to make that assumption.

It's all common sense, sorry if you fail to see that.

Happy Days!

Edited by PompeySailor
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To all who answered about getting back on board without a sea pass card, thank you so much for that information. I guess I'm not surprised that the ship has something in place to mitigate passenger issues; I'm not ever surprised by what people can manage to do to add stress to their lives (me included). I was just thinking that a minor might have more difficulty in getting back on the ship, without one of his parents in tow. Perhaps, upon reflection, they would actually receive even more assistance.


It's interesting. There have been several postings stating that the ship DID wait for someone who had a minor on board, especially if the minor was in the nursery. I wonder if the procedure is different if parents are on board and the minor is off ship. Anyone know?


Fundamentally, my belief is that this would never, ever happen to me. Basically, I can't envision, for a moment, that my daughter or son-in-law would allow my grandson to go anyplace where one of them wasn't present (or if he wasn't with us and we wouldn't allow him to be anywhere where one of us wasn't present).


For me, I think I've entered into the realm of idle curiosity, at this point.


Again, thanks everyone.

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I never thought of carrying the US Embassy 's phone number with me. Here is a link to the Embassy where you can get the phone numbers to the Embassy in the country in which you are traveling to.




Very useful - except I don't have a smartphone.


I enjoyed feeding your fish. For those that don't know, if you click inside the fish take (in the signature), a piece of food is dropped in, which the fish will actually swim toward and eat. Its fun for a while. :)

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I agree. I would have preferred one installment then questions. I'm starting to get very frustrated with this entire thing. I understand the installments during the work week but he's had all day yesterday and this morning to finish this up! I keep checking back and nothing but everyone but the OP making comment. I'm beginning to wonder what's actually going on here. Can we please wrap this up OP?


One could also put the details as they think of them in a Word document and then copy/paste it in to their initial post. I agree that stringing it along is frustrating. Either way, I am glad to read about the experience.

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Jacquelyn, thank you.. Also thanks to the supporters..


I don't consider myself a writer, I'm not overly emotional... I'm just writing this as it comes to me. I'm an IT guy that specializes in software, so I'm not here for the dramatics or for attention, I get plenty of attention from my dog :)


Flamers, 'sorry' if I'm not writing this on your time frame or in one post, but I really do have things to do.


First, the 3 members that went to the ship w/o their cards WERE able to get on, since I had them in my possession.


Why didn't I go to the ship and see if my son was there? As I mentioned, the what if's start taking over, i.e., what if my friend lost my son and my friend went to the ship w/o my son, and my son was alone at Atlantis with no clothes, no money, no phone, etc. Yes, I would've gone back, but what if I couldn't find him, or what if he attempted to get back to the ship on his own. Sorry, but those are the things that started crossing my mind.

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I agree. I would have preferred one installment then questions. I'm starting to get very frustrated with this entire thing. I understand the installments during the work week but he's had all day yesterday and this morning to finish this up! I keep checking back and nothing but everyone but the OP making comment. I'm beginning to wonder what's actually going on here. Can we please wrap this up OP?



Just checking back in to the "endless" story and I find at last a voice of reason...

The OP's choice of name in this community seems to speak volumns !


I'll check back tomorrow, this thread could have been so informative to so many, instead it has turned into a lonnnnnggggg drawn out exercise in frustration!


Certainly glad the OP was safe and rejoined his family at some point but the details have still not been shared and the usefulness of this report is diminishing.





Sent from my iPhone using Forums

Edited by nana541
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Jacquelyn, thank you.. Also thanks to the supporters..




I don't consider myself a writer, I'm not overly emotional... I'm just writing this as it comes to me. I'm an IT guy that specializes in software, so I'm not here for the dramatics or for attention, I get plenty of attention from my dog :)




Flamers, 'sorry' if I'm not writing this on your time frame or in one post, but I really do have things to do.




First, the 3 members that went to the ship w/o their cards WERE able to get on, since I had them in my possession.




Why didn't I go to the ship and see if my son was there? As I mentioned, the what if's start taking over, i.e., what if my friend lost my son and my friend went to the ship w/o my son, and my son was alone at Atlantis with no clothes, no money, no phone, etc. Yes, I would've gone back, but what if I couldn't find him, or what if he attempted to get back to the ship on his own. Sorry, but those are the things that started crossing my mind.



Please just tell your story! A new cruiser or any cruiser will not be able to follow your story as it is spread out by over 25 posts and your still in the "flea bag" motel.....



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I received one text during the night from my oldest son, it only said 'Dad'.. I replied and nothing. Kept trying, this drove me crazy not know what was going on. Nothing I could do but hope that everything was ok.


I barely got any sleep, but got up and dressed at 7:30. Recall that I had that spare tee shirt, but I didn't want to wear it yet, I wanted to wear it once I got on the plane, so I wouldn't offend any of those sitting next to me, lol.


I put all of the important stuff into my backpack, put all of the clothes and stuff into the others. I headed downstairs, checked out and sat on the couch until 7:55. I then headed to Mr Photo.


They were open, I took two pics and headed down the street. I felt so much better, now that it was daylight. I still stood out, contrary to what some flamers posted earlier. I don't think they know which part of town I was in. True, I never felt unsafe, but I did stand out.


As I got closer to the street where the embassy was at, I noticed a Hilton and many people going out and about. I can see why one of the flamers posted earlier that people come and go, and feel safe. But again, I wasn't in this area the night before.


I arrived at the embassy, there's a long long bench, but only one person in front of me. I headed to the gate and told the soldier that I'm an American citizen and here for a pp. He tells me where to go.


I enter the small office, I explained who I was and what I was doing there. I think they were expecting me or aware that someone missed the ship and would be coming in.


Now here's where I made a huggggeeee mistake!

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I received one text during the night from my oldest son, it only said 'Dad'.. I replied and nothing. Kept trying, this drove me crazy not know what was going on. Nothing I could do but hope that everything was ok.




I barely got any sleep, but got up and dressed at 7:30. Recall that I had that spare tee shirt, but I didn't want to wear it yet, I wanted to wear it once I got on the plane, so I wouldn't offend any of those sitting next to me, lol.




I put all of the important stuff into my backpack, put all of the clothes and stuff into the others. I headed downstairs, checked out and sat on the couch until 7:55. I then headed to Mr Photo.




They were open, I took two pics and headed down the street. I felt so much better, now that it was daylight. I still stood out, contrary to what some flamers posted earlier. I don't think they know which part of town I was in. True, I never felt unsafe, but I did stand out.




As I got closer to the street where the embassy was at, I noticed a Hilton and many people going out and about. I can see why one of the flamers posted earlier that people come and go, and feel safe. But again, I wasn't in this area the night before.




I arrived at the embassy, there's a long long bench, but only one person in front of me. I headed to the gate and told the soldier that I'm an American citizen and here for a pp. He tells me where to go.




I enter the small office, I explained who I was and what I was doing there. I think they were expecting me or aware that someone missed the ship and would be coming in.




Now here's where I made a huggggeeee mistake!



Can't wait to hear the rest



Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

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11- ALWAYS GET TRAVEL INSURANCE. sorry, but people who travel without it really cease to amaze me. It should be mandatory IMHO.

(If you can afford a cruise you can afford insurance)

Don't care if I get flamed ������������for this, basic common sense.


Happy Days!


There are many valid reasons for not needing insurance. Insurance does not prevent problems from happening, it only reimburses you after a COVERED problem occurs. In fact, since miscommunication and failure to meet at the required time are not covered, insurance would not have helped the OP in this case at all.


Many people have health insurance that will cover them world wide. Health issues are the most expensive issue that can happen. Even if you never get on the ship, all you lost is the enjoyment of the cruise. If you miss the ship in port, you end up having to pay for transportation to the next port or transportation back home. That is at most a few thousand dollars. Health issues can run into the hundreds of thousand dollars, and as I said, some people already have world wide coverage for that. Many people may be in a positions to self insure for the lose of the cruise or of the expense of flying home. Insurance will not get you home any faster if you miss the ship.


In short, just because you thing travel insurance is a good idea does not make it so.


Take a company like Hertz, which has thousands of automobiles. Hertz owns more cars than some of the smaller insurance companies have policies. It makes sense for a company like Hertz to self insure, and when I worked for Hertz, that is exactly what it did, Hertz was self insured.


When someone asked for a certificate of insurance I simply explained that Hertz had more assets than many of the insurance companies that that person would accept a certificate of insurance from. The person agreed - problem solved, and no insurance was necessary.


You don't know everyone's situation, so you have no right to claim that if you can't afford the insurance you can't afford to cruise. In fact, the very people who could afford to buy the insurance company and the cruise line and still have money left over are the very ones who least need to purchase insurance.


Go tell Bill Gates that if he doesn't buy insurance he cannot afford to cruise.


Also, insurance does not have to be purchased from an insurance company. Some people arrive at the port a day or two before. That is insurance against missing the ship. Other only purchase shore excursions from the ship. That is another form of insurance against missing the ship. Some people I know don't ever get off the ship, which means that if they make it on embarkation day, they have no chance of ever missing the ship.


In fact, it is possible to reduce the chance of missing the ship to the point that it is NOT WORTH BUYING INSURANCE for this risk. If the person has world wide health insurance, THEN THERE IS NO REASON TO PURCHASE TRAVEL INSURANCE.


But if you think insurance is so vital, please explain how you think it would have helped the OP in this case. What happened to the OP is not a covered event.

Edited by Cuizer2
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Yo flamers, go away...


Security at the embassy ask me to put all my possessions on the table, similar to airport security. They ask what I have in my possession. I tell him what I know I have, then I vaguely describe what's in the others. He asks, so why don't you know what's in there? I say, I do, but this is not mine. He says, WHAT! AND BACKS AWAY FROM THE BACKPACK! I had to quickly say, it's my friends and his daughters, I missed the ship and got stuck with it! The reason he panicked, is because he thought someone gave it to me outside before entering the embassy, and we know what has happened in the past when this happens (terrorist). So huge mistake on my part for not clarifying it at the beginning.


Now they take everything out and I have wallets, cameras, phones, etc. I really do look like a thief or pickpocket, but they understand. I go thru xray and finally told to enter another building.


Alfred again, was really looking out for me. He called the day before, even though it was a legal holiday in the Bahamas, Columbus day and told them of my dilemma. They were expecting me and within and hour and a half, I had my passport.


They did ask me many questions to verify that I was who I said I was, so pay close attention if they do this. I totally understand that they need to do this, they have to be 100% certain that those entering the u.s.a are who they say they are.

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Knowing what I know now, and hindsight is always 20/20, a good move if one were ever to find oneself in this situation might be to call the RCCL 800 number collect and let the folks on the other end start sorting things out. I like to think someone at Atlantis would have allowed a collect call in this situation. RCCL 800 would be able to contact the ship and relay the information to the captain. They would be able to tell you if the missing person had already checked in. And at the very least, the captain would know you are not out drinking at a local bar without a care in the world.

It is scary to think of your child abandoned in a foreign place. And hard to know what you would do until you are in such a situation. RCCL's 800 will go in my phone before our next cruise. I assume it's the same number one gives family back home in the event of an emergency and you need to be contacted.

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There are many valid reasons for not needing insurance. Insurance does not prevent problems from happening, it only reimburses you after a COVERED problem occurs. In fact, since miscommunication and failure to meet at the required time are not covered, insurance would not have helped the OP in this case at all.


Many people have health insurance that will cover them world wide. Health issues are the most expensive issue that can happen. Even if you never get on the ship, all you lost is the enjoyment of the cruise. If you miss the ship in port, you end up having to pay for transportation to the next port or transportation back home. That is at most a few thousand dollars. Health issues can run into the hundreds of thousand dollars, and as I said, some people already have world wide coverage for that. Many people may be in a positions to self insure for the lose of the cruise of the expense of flying home. Insurance will not get you home any faster if you miss the ship.


In short, just because you thing travel insurance is a good idea does not make it so.


Take a company like Hertz, which has thousands of automobiles. Hertz owns more cars than some of the smaller insurance companies have policies. It makes sense for a company like Hertz to self insure, and when I worked for Hertz, that is exactly what it did, Hertz was self insured.


When someone asked for a certificate of insurance I simply explained that Hertz had more assets than many of the insurance companies that that person would accept a certificate of insurance from. The person agreed - problem solved, and no insurance was necessary.


You don't know everyone's situation, so you have no right to claim that if you can't afford the insurance you can't afford to cruise. In fact, the very people who could afford to buy the insurance company and the cruise line and still have money left over are the very ones who least need to purchase insurance.


Go tell Bill Gates that if he doesn't buy insurance he cannot afford to cruise.


But if you think insurance is so vital, please explain how you think it would have helped the OP in this case. What happened to the OP is not a covered event.


Do you have car insurance, house insurance? Mandatory correct?

Does Bill Gates have car and house insurance, I expect ;)


Does Bill Gates go on cruises, no he has his own super yacht!! Guaranteed his yacht is insured.

What the hell does Bill Gates have to do with this:p


Agreed I do not know everyone's circumstances, but traveling without a passport or insurance just for us is a no brainer:)


If you can afford a cruise, and a drink package and excursions and all else that goes with it, insurance is a small price to pay. IMHO


One phone call to the insurance company, that hotel could of been the Hilton and not the one OP had to stay in as offered to him by Alfred.

The insurance company may of got earlier flights. Notice I said May of.


It was a bullet list:eek:


If you can't grasp the concept of wanting to protect your family with insurance, that's your choice and your entitled to travel without for the sake of piece of mind and a few $$$.


Happy Days!

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I have my passport, its a beautiful day, I purchased my air the night before, I finally feel that everything is going to be ok.


I head over to McDonalds so that I can call Alfred. He answers! Asked how I am, did I do everything, etc. He's happy that I did just so and cant believe how quickly they did everything! I thank him for everything, and explain to him that I already got my air. He's happy, but then gives me a few 'warnings/heads up'. He states to be at the airport early, I MIGHT run into some issues, mostly questioning. Next, he needs to call RCL Jamaica to let them know that I'm on my way. He starts looking for numbers but can't find them. He suggest that I call the 800 number to Royal and let them know of my plans.


I thank him again for everything. Oh, I failed to mention that after he left me at the motel, a few hours later he came back to check up on me. During that time, he took a few people out to a tanker, cleared the boat and then came back to check up on ME! What a guy, I'll never forget Alfred for the time he took in helping me out.


Honestly, I'm not sure if it is his job to do this or not, I really don't think it was, but I do question why did I never hear or see anyone from Royal? Recall that they told my wife on the ship that they would take care of me, and that I'm in good hands. idk, but thanks Alfred.


And this reminds me of one more thing: When my wife and kids and friends were begging them to wait, they asked her if I had money? She said of course. What about a credit card? I think so. Phone? Yes. I think that they were asking these questions so that they could leave, knowing that I had the necessities. This is when my wife heard Capt. Johnny say, ' we can't wait for ONE person'.

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With my docs, I decided to get the heck out of town. The only working phone I had was dying, so I started to look for a radio shack or something similar. I texted my family and they responded. I asked for the password to the other phone with the charger. I finally got a response and now had two phones.


I grabbed a cab and asked them to take me to a hotel close to the airport. We made two stops, one was ok, but $400 a night. Went to another, sold out. These were boutique style, so I asked the driver, don't you have like a Hyatt, Hilton, etc. He says the Melia is similar. So we headed there, stopping at a Radio Shack first to get a charger for my phone.


Room was available, only $185 a night! I have to say, this place is NICE! I check in then decide to call my beloved TA :) I explain to her what Alfred said, that I needed to call RCI Jamaica and let them know of my plans. Immediately she asks for all of the details, i.e., flights, times, ect. She says she'll take care of the rest! I can't believe this, one last thing for me to worry about! Advice: Go with a reputable TA, and not the ones that might offer you the 'world', but those that offer world class service! Thanks Carol!

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FYI, cab cost me $40 CASH obviously, and $20 for the charger (just stating this to show how quick cash can go).


I won't bore you with the details at the Melia, but one thing did bum me out, and I have pics, lol: I'm sitting at the beach, finally was able to fall asleep, it's about 4 or 5 pm. I open my eyes and what do I see, ships leaving Nassau, lol! Two CCL ships and I believe one older RCL ship. My first reaction is to flip them off, lol/jk. But I was imagining what it was like leaving port, but being ON the ship.


I'm thinking, one more day, just one more day, we're almost there.


Just another fyi: I had to spend two nights in Nassau.


Charges: Room service $30 for club sandwich, fries, coke and tip. Drinks at pool bar, $8 for a beer, $10 for a BBC.

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I get up early and get to the airport at 5:15 am for my 7:15 AM flight. The gate thru security is closed and a long line is forming. It opens, I go thru and NO issues. I didn't know this, but Bahamas security works under U.S. laws or agreement, idk, but once you go thru customs here, you don't have to do it again when you land in the U.S.


We're at the gate waiting for our 737 on Bahamas Air. But there is no plane. 6:00, 6:30, 6:45. A man next to me says, 'I hope they don't cancel the flight'! I asked him why they would? He says 'if they don't sell enough seats, I've seen this happen with Bahamas Air'! No way, this cant be happening. Next thing you know, they roll up a small prop plane, OUR plane!


We board, we're in the air and arrive in FTL a little before 8:00 AM.


I go straight to Caribbean Air and check in.


Advise: I know I have a great TA, but I wanted peace of mind. So I called Royal. After waiting, they confirm that Jamaica is expecting me, but he says he'll be sending an email to the ship just to be 100% certain.

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