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Any 5k/10k/Half or Full Marathon Runners/Walkers?


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I have seen quite a few runners on the various boards and thought it might be a great idea if we all had a central place to chat and share race stories/training techniques. Im a walk/runner and will be doing the Maui Marathon, Sept 18th, this will be my third Marathon.


We can also list pre cruise running routes in port cities. I know some like to have a general idea before they take off and run in a different city.


Has anyone tried doing a marathon then getting on a cruise the same day? I had thought about doing that for the Mardis Gras 2007 race in New Orleans, but made other plans for 07.

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I do run marathons. No way could I run a race and enjoy getting on a ship the same day. I am training for a marathon in January and cruising out on 10/8. That morning my group runs 12 miles and I am a coach. Even 12 miles will make me tired for the sail away so I think I will show up and run 5 to conserve energy. In terms of Ports San Diego is fabulous for running.

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I used to do half marathons as a runner but buggered up my knee and then added 3 kids to the mix. I haven't done a race since 97. I've been giving serious thought to training for a half as a walker or even a sprint length triathlon but have been in a holding pattern this summer as we're expecting the call for child #4 any minute. If we can get him home in the next few months and get settled then I would like to train for the Indianapolis Mini next May. If nothing else, I need the exercise involved in doing the training. :D



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Having four kids is a different type of marathon :)


I am so impressed that so many Moms of young children are in the program I am in. Some of them hire sitters for 6:00 a.m. for training runs!


Many marathons are now "walker friendly" so the sport is much more inclusive.


There is actually a web site where they coordinate marathons with cruises but I have found the pricing to be far higher than average:mad:

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One of the things I like about the mini in Indianapolis is that it is very walker friendly. What I don't like is the amount of people. If I'm not mistaken there were something like 30,000 or more walkers and runners last year. They closed registration early because there were so many. I'm not a crowds person. :rolleyes: I'm still thinking more seriously of a sprint length tri. I think there's one in Chicago for the Susan B Komen foundation. I think once I lose some more weight my knee could handle the shorter running distance of that. I'm not so sure it could stand up to the training for distance running. As it is I ice skate weekly and it lets me know when I've done something stupid. :( Unfortunately it's the knee on my landing leg.


I twisted it on a cup at the mile 3 water stop on my last mini. I heard it pop but it didn't hurt so I kept running the last 10 miles. Not real sure how I got through the last two but I couldn't walk the next day and have been fighting with it ever since.

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Does it bother you when you ice skate? I used to work for Orthopedic Surgeons and snapping, clicking. or locking were bad signs. Usually a torn meniscus. A sprint Tri sounds good if your knee is feeling good. My knees are fine but I tend to develop Plantar Fascitis when I get into high mileage. After the marathon in January I think I will cut back to 1/2's and 10K's at least for a while. I turn 45 in October and am starting to feel the really long distances beat up my body too much.

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Grumble! I had this great long post and lost it! Anyway, my knee doesn't really give me an issue anymore. It will occasionally throw a fit if I'm trying some new move and do it repeatedly but it's more muscle pain around the knee not down inside the knee. I've also been working on strengthening it alot lately.


I have PF too. A friend of mine is a homeopath and gave me a blend of oils containing lemon grass, Rosemary, melaleuca and myrtle to rub on it twice a day because I can't take NSAIDs. It really seems to work even though I smell like Pledge. :rolleyes: I havent' even had to tape it this time around. I hadn't had issue with it for a long time but we did alot of hiking a few weeks back and that aggravated it again. I'm almost back to normal though.



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Can I just spray Pledge on my foot? Just kidding. PF can be a chronic pain that is for sure. Sounds like you have found a way to manage it. When I get into the high mileage for Jan I am afaid it will come back. Sounds like you are O.K. if you are not getting the snapping, slicking, popping, or locking in the knee. Tomorrow we run 9 miles and it has been hot here for San Diego so that will be a challenge. I will put on my Ped. to record steps. Not sure if that thread is still going. Since you and I are the only ones on this one well....where are athletes:confused:



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Hi there!



I havent been able to post much over the past few days. It good to see fellow runner/walkers online. Here is a great site if people want to find out marathons going on.



If you are interested in walking check out this sites



Im currently training for a half marathon on 18th in Hawaii. Things are going prety good I am going for a run later today and again in the morning. Im not that fast, but I dont let that stop me:p


Thankfully, I have been injury free for most of this year, I do have a bad knee and flat feet so finding shoes is always a challenge.


Have a wonderful holiday weekend



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Doria- :D It's funny. I NEVER considered myself to be an athlete growing up. I grew up in a family where the girls weren't encouraged to do such things and after my PE experiences in school I KNEW I wasn't athletic. I have no hand to eye coordination so ball sports, which was all we did in gym, were a nightmare. The 9 weeks of swimming saved my PE grade from being a D. :rolleyes: So, imagine my surprise when I took up running to lose weight and found after about 6 weeks that I actually enjoyed it. :eek: I like ice skating even better. I can't wait to get back to it. Our coach had a liver transplant about 6 weeks ago and Dd and I took a break. We'll probably start back in another week or two. Our coach started back teaching this week but only part time and she's starting with the kids who are going to do a competition in October.


Well, I have to go get on the elliptical torture device. It's a gorgeous day outside but I know better than to go outside to exercise this time of year. I have to wait until a big frost or I'll sneeze my head off.



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Wow! That is a great time. Amazing with the training (or lack of) that you did. I love 1/2 marathons and as I once read they are twice the fun and 1/2 the pain and know that to be true. With some training you could be on your way to a full if that is a goal of yours. I have done Rock n Roll here in San Diego the past two years. A very fun atmosphere. Keep on running...


Jeff - Good luck with your 1/2. Maui will be lovely no doubt. Friends of mine have done that race and the heat and humidity got to them but they did the full. Doing the 1/2 is much wiser. Who cares about the time/speed just have fun!


Tami - You are a classic "adult onset athlete" Something to be proud of! I do my volunteer coaching with mainly middle aged adult onset athletes. Many have post traumatic stress syndrome type issues from Junior High P.E. What joy is it to see them develop as athletes and finish a 1/2 or full marathon. As we are doing an 18 miler and they are saying "I am not an athlete" I always reply "Well guess what you are NOW!" I love working with Moms knowing they will be having a positive influence on their own children to become athletes. My Saturday run was difficult. I have been so sad and depressed over the tragedy in the Gulf I did not even feel like going. Since I coach I have to be there. I am glad I went and got away from the sadness for a little while. Lots of good things are happening here in San Diego with the churches, Red Cross, and generous private citizens helping people out so my hope is coming back a bit.


Keep on working out, running, skating, and keep the people of the Gulf in your thoughts and prayers.

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Well, I have to go get on the elliptical torture device.


Ha ha. I used to feel the same way - but after using the one at the gym for so long now, I guess I must have gotten used to it, cuz I really love it now. I work out on my lunch hour as often as I can, and that workout is usually 30 minutes on the elliptical. I think it's a Precor EFX or something like that. They have treadmills there too, but I like to save my knees for my outside runs (it's hell getting old!), so the elliptical has become a very good friend of mine. :D


The runs and the elliptical have really paid off. I had a minor medical procedure last month, and they hook you up to a heart monitor prior to the procedure. Well, the monitor alarm kept going off so they just shut it off. The alarm goes off at 45, and my heart rate was 43!!:eek: I had no idea my resting rate was so low....they said that I must be an athlete. Ha! I'm with you Tami - never ever considered myself an athlete before!:D

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La Jolla runner- Which marathon are you training for and which group do you train with? I live in Mission Valley and enjoyed a beautiful run in Mission Bay this morning. The cool weather was nice for a change. I've run the Rock and Roll the last five years and my running buddies and I decided to try the Carlsbad Marathon this winter.

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I am training for the Carlsbad marathon. I ran it last year and have done the 1/2 there twice. I have done RnR twice but prefer the Carlsbad race. On the day of RnR I had the flu so it was not a fun race experience but I finished and lived through it barely. I train with USA FIT down at Hospitality Point. I am an assistant coach and enjoy working with new athletes and the adult onset athletes. Do you train with a group?



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I've done the 1/2 at Carlsbad three times but this will be my first shot at the full marathon there. I've trained with Team in Training (first two marathons), on my own with a group of friends and for the past year with the West Coast Road Runners. I do the group long runs with them on Saturday mornings and occasionally the speed/track workouts. The rest of the time I just get up at the crack of dawn and run by myself around my neighborhood. I love running in the morning when it's quiet and the sun is just coming up. I think it's a great way to start the day.


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I am familiar with West Coast. It was started by a prior USA FIT coach. You are probably on the same schedule or very close to the schedule that we are on. We are doing the Train Run on 10/29 from Oceanside to Solana Beach. That is one of my favorite group runs. I also like the early morning runs but this Saturday we meet at 6:00 a.m. which is hard after working all week. This week we run 10 miles You and I are fortunate to live in such a beautiful area with many options for runners.



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Hi All -


I'm not a runner but my DH is. He also ran the RnR in June. It was his first marathon after years of 1/2s. Right now he is training for the Las Vegas Marathon in December. This will be the first time ever that they are closing down the strip. In the past he has done the 1/2 that they had in January but that was down on the old 215 in the middle of nowhere.


Jeff - we've decided to join your group on the 12/10 Liberty cruise. Now you and DH can talk about running and flat feet. :D Good luck in Hawaii.

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Ha ha. I used to feel the same way - but after using the one at the gym for so long now, I guess I must have gotten used to it, cuz I really love it now. I work out on my lunch hour as often as I can, and that workout is usually 30 minutes on the elliptical. I think it's a Precor EFX or something like that. They have treadmills there too, but I like to save my knees for my outside runs (it's hell getting old!), so the elliptical has become a very good friend of mine. :D


The runs and the elliptical have really paid off. I had a minor medical procedure last month, and they hook you up to a heart monitor prior to the procedure. Well, the monitor alarm kept going off so they just shut it off. The alarm goes off at 45, and my heart rate was 43!!:eek: I had no idea my resting rate was so low....they said that I must be an athlete. Ha! I'm with you Tami - never ever considered myself an athlete before!:D


Don't get me wrong, I love my Elliptical machine although I wish I could afford a bigger badder beast. Mine is an under $200 model from Walmart. However, even though it's loud it's still stable and does the job. 30 minutes is my limit on it though for 2 reasons. #1- my feet go numb. I haven't been able to come up with a solution to that and it isn't just my cheapy machine. Same thing happened when I used to be able to make it to the gym and use theirs. #2- My mind goes numb. I just got a MP3 play and am going to load it up but my solution so far has been videos. Our library has a set of Trailside which was a show put out by Backpacker magazine and ran on PBS years ago. They run just the right time to get through a session and usually the kids come in and watch too. They know most of the dialog by heart now and can't wait to go snow camping. However, Mom's a weenie and mid October is my limit. :D I love to ski and ice skate but actually sleeping on a slab of ice is beyond me. I did notice last week on our canoe trip though that our son was telling his dad how to properly portage a canoe. (Probably not the best time to do so since DH was hoisting the canoe off the rocks DS ran him into but hey! He knew what to do. :D )



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#2- My mind goes numb. I just got a MP3 play and am going to load it up but my solution so far has been videos.


Oh I could not stand it without my mp3 player - that's for sure!! I have certain folders on it that are specifically for my elliptical workout, and by the end of the 30 minutes I am whipped! :D If I am not strapped for time, I'll go longer, and take it easier. My first song is HollaBack Girl (yeah - it really is :o ) and I start with level 14 and raise the height all the way. Kills me from the start, but then I am ramped up and the rest of the workout seems less difficult. I've tried starting out easy, and starting out hard, and the latter seems to work better for me. But man - I NEED my music!!

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Adoptmom~ I read your post about your feet going numb yesterday and a few hours later I was doing my 30 minutes on the Ellipitcal. About 10 minutes into my workout my feet went numb and I instantly thought of what I had just read in your post. :eek: I kept going thinking this was some strange mental thing I was doing to sabatoge myself! LOL I finished my time, got off and once my feet were awake enough to carry me over to the Trainers desk I started asking questions! The trainer instantly said without looking at my feet that my shoes were too tight.. I had on brand new sneakers and I believe they were too tight for the first time I had worn them.




What do you think? I was on again today with my older shoes and did not have the problem. The trainer also mentioned if the problem persisted to get some kind of laces that expand when your feet swell. That sounds good too! That reminds me of when I gained weight and bought elastic pants instead of making myself fit into my clothes!!!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, that sounds awesome! I'd just love to go to Alaska. At this point I'm trying to work myself back into running at all. The longest I've run is halfs. I goofed up my knee by sliding on a cup at a waterstop at mile 3 and then continuing to finish the race at Indy in 97. I was lucky that it just needed time to heal but then we had 3 more kids and my time to get back into running disappeared somehow.:rolleyes:


My plan for now is to keep my running to short distances (5-10K) and see how my knee handles it. A friend and I are training for the Komen Race for the Cure on April 21st and I'm planning to run the whole thing. After that it kind of depends on what kind of training access I have. I'd really like to train for and do a sprint length TRI but lack of pool access may be an issue. If I can't do that then I will probably either train to walk another half or maybe bike a century. It may be a couple of years though before I can get that kind of training time. My older kids have to be old enough that I can leave the little guy with them for long rides if my DH has to sleep. He works nights.



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  • 3 weeks later...


My plan for now is to keep my running to short distances (5-10K) and see how my knee handles it. A friend and I are training for the Komen Race for the Cure on April 21st and I'm planning to run the whole thing. After that it kind of depends on what kind of training access I have. I'd really like to train for and do a sprint length TRI but lack of pool access may be an issue. If I can't do that then I will probably either train to walk another half or maybe bike a century. It may be a couple of years though before I can get that kind of training time. My older kids have to be old enough that I can leave the little guy with them for long rides if my DH has to sleep. He works nights.



Good Luck! I would love to do a tri or bi one of these days.

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Good Luck! I would love to do a tri or bi one of these days.

I am from Nashport OH, between Newark and Columbus. My husband got me running when we got married 10 years ago and I now focus on the marathon because my body feels best with this length. I have been on the Destiny too. I love the course it takes.

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