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Not so Happy Bithday celebration in Chops


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I have seen quite a few "families" who have come on a cruise thinking someone else would watch their children - they were there to have fun! If that's the case - leave the kids home! The parents should be responsible for their children - the cruise line is not your personal babysitter!


I agree with all the comments that you should have called over a manager but in reality the parent should have acted on this knowing it was unpleasant to everyone. I don't know how anyone could think that is appropriate behavior anywhere. It's not only restaurants, it happens in supermarkets, malls, etc. Parents ignore the full blown meltdowns of their children while everyone else has to put up with it.


I remember Chops as having a rule about younger children only at early dinner seatings. Is that no longer the case or was this an earlier dinner seating?


The restaurant manager should have asked that the child be removed from the restaurant and if you can calm them down you are welcome to return otherwise we will have your dinner sent to your room or we will be happy to refund the cost of your meal. Problem solved with only 1 unhappy diner. No one should have to ask the manager to act - that should have been automatic protocol for him/her to handle that situation.

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I have seen quite a few "families" who have come on a cruise thinking someone else would watch their children - they were there to have fun! If that's the case - leave the kids home! The parents should be responsible for their children - the cruise line is not your personal babysitter!


I agree with all the comments that you should have called over a manager but in reality the parent should have acted on this knowing it was unpleasant to everyone. I don't know how anyone could think that is appropriate behavior anywhere. It's not only restaurants, it happens in supermarkets, malls, etc. Parents ignore the full blown meltdowns of their children while everyone else has to put up with it.


I remember Chops as having a rule about younger children only at early dinner seatings. Is that no longer the case or was this an earlier dinner seating?


The restaurant manager should have asked that the child be removed from the restaurant and if you can calm them down you are welcome to return otherwise we will have your dinner sent to your room or we will be happy to refund the cost of your meal. Problem solved with only 1 unhappy diner. No one should have to ask the manager to act - that should have been automatic protocol for him/her to handle that situation.


As stated earlier kids are now allowed at any time.

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The policy has changed. There is no longer an early suggested dining time for the kiddies. They are welcomed at any time.


That's probably because enough people, who take their children everywhere whether it is the appropriate time or place, complained.

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To be honest, I've never thought of Chops as a place to have a quiet, romantic dinner. We've almost always seen large tables occupied, and the more people you get in a group, the more noise they are going to make. However, if they were really making that much noise (and had I been in your shoes), I think that my response would be to ask if the manager would intervene. And the boss (I assume it was the Hotel Director) should have known to hold it down a bit without having been asked.




Thank you! And here's a question for the OP: what time were you dining? The dear little ones are supposed to dine early and then go to bed. If it was after the magic hour (I want to say 7:00), then I might have escalated to the manager. Quietly, of course.


And for any staff who tells me that RCI is family oriented and doesn't want to offend, my response would be that DCL is just as family oriented, which means that they take care of the adults, too.


IMO, I think Chops can be romantic but then, after almost 42 years of marriage to "Mr. Romance," it probably does not take much to impress me!:D And it was more than just a large group having a conversation, I think several people at the table had probably way to much to drink and what became extremely annoying was the elderly woman sitting at the end of the table who clanked her spoon against her wine glass throughout the dinner whenever she wanted attention which was quite frequent. We were not the only table to say something and you could tell the manager was not happy with their behavior but, as he said, his hands were tied.



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A family celebration in Chops was disappointing when a young child in the room screamed and cried during our entire dinner. The child's family made no effort

Whatsoever to appease or quiet the child. Looking back now, we should have asked to be rescheduled for another dining time as the noise resonated throughout the entire restaurant. Hate that there are people who do not respect the rights of others.


Perhaps you should have got up, walked over, and said something. That would be my advice.


Not sure why you do absolutely nothing and then come here to Cruise Critic and post about it. What is it that you are expecting us to do or say?

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A family celebration in Chops was disappointing when a young child in the room screamed and cried during our entire dinner. The child's family made no effort

Whatsoever to appease or quiet the child. Looking back now, we should have asked to be rescheduled for another dining time as the noise resonated throughout the entire restaurant. Hate that there are people who do not respect the rights of others.


I am so sorry that this happened. I would have not been happy either. The manager should have addressed this situation right away. If he told me that he could not offend them by asking them to leave I would have asked why is it it o.k. to offend me by having to listen to the screaming. I find that a lot of people today have the mind over matter syndrome. I don't mind because you don't matter.

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I am so sorry that this happened. I would have not been happy either. The manager should have addressed this situation right away. If he told me that he could not offend them by asking them to leave I would have asked why is it it o.k. to offend me by having to listen to the screaming. I find that a lot of people today have the mind over matter syndrome. I don't mind because you don't matter.


You said it best. Plus I think a lot of parents think I am on vacation and ill just let me kids so whatever they want. I know I wouldn't have been allowed to do that with my parents growing up as a child. Id like to think my parents taught my sister and I very well.

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When we were on splendour a few years ago and we had a very noisy family sitting very near to us. This was when there were meant to be no kids after 9pm (we booked the table for this time because of that). The kids were running round the restaurant and into the Viking crown lounge and the parents weren't doing anything about it even when the kids almost tripped the waiter up with their food! (We were secretly hoping for it to spill but unfortunately the waiter was very balanced!)

We did complain at the time about the issue but nothing was said or done about it so went to guest services the next day and got a very personal apology from the hotel director and the chops manager who offered us another dinner as an apology. They also said if this family tried to book that night that they were told it would have to be early or not at all. When we went for our dinner we did see the family but happily enough they were paying their bill so we had a great dinner that night :-)

It's great when something bad can turn into something good!



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Looking back, I wish we would have talked to the manager of the restaurant and asked for his help. Perhaps they could have approached the family and diplomatically asked if there were something they coul do to make the child happy. I did speak with another dining room manager who said that they could not do anything in that situation as this is a family ship and the do not want to offend anyone. A lesson learned here.



But weren't they offending you? I'm tired of getting that phrase for an answer as it seems to suit almost every complaint. 'We don't want to offend anyone' seems be be the 'go to' answer.



Shirley, Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

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It comes down to most children have no table manners, and the parents have given them gameboys to shut them up. It doesn't work for long. I have seen it 1st hand with my eldest Brother parenting skills. None of their 3 kids were taught table manners. Now my middle brother always removed Patrick and got him under control or they went home hungry. Patrick learned quickly.


It's a baby and we should all just put up with it! Screw that; I am not putting up with that; when I am paying for my dinner. I highly suggest to get a manager and tell them to take care of it or I am not paying for dinner! I want OBC to come back when a child is not screaming through my dinner!


So just because your brother cant parent, you make a blanket statement about "most children"?


Do you have kids?


My kids have excellent table manners, enforced somewhat harshly by me and my wife. The first sign of trouble, they are out of there.


However, I do agree with your statement about not paying. I would alert the manager, then tell them "Well, I hope you will not be offended when I walk out without paying for this dinner".


Then again, I have said something to people before, and my wife always gets mad a me for "making a scene".


"Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."


....and then come to cruise critic to complain

Edited by twindaddy
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Best thing I've ever seen was a Florida "Choose Life" license plate with the letters "1SLAP"




Couldn't agree more, one free smack if they are being jerks!


Sent from my SGH-T699 using Forums mobile app


Yeah, smacking the child will really make him shut up.:rolleyes:

The responsible thing for the parent to do is to take the child out of the restaurant - give the kid a time out until he/she calms down. But that would mean the parent would have to eat cold food. Well, that's part of being a parent. I did it when my child was small.

Maybe smacking the parent?:)

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Had a similar situation and the staff did nothing. Luckily we where close to our room so wife and I just picked up our plates and went to the room and ate in peace on the balcony (always have wine in the room). The head waiter tried to stop us but just told him if they can't do anything I was. Next day we had a credit. To much it's about me these days.

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Best thing I've ever seen was a Florida "Choose Life" license plate with the letters "1SLAP"




Couldn't agree more, one free smack if they are being jerks!


Sent from my SGH-T699 using Forums mobile app


Yup, how lovely. Have kids so you can smack them around. This may be the most offensive post I've read on CC.


OP, so sorry for your experience and I too was not aware that children can now go to Chops later in the evening, bummer.

Edited by Oville
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Yup, how lovely. Have kids so you can smack them around. This may be the most offensive post I've read on CC.


OP, so sorry for your experience and I too was not aware that children can now go to Chops later in the evening, bummer.


I don't get what the post said from the image of the license plate. But whatever...we don't have and would never have that sort of a plate in California.


In hindsight...if it (the child) was that bad, I guess we probably would have gotten the manager over and left. And of course, we probably would have (rather loudly) told him or her why. And we would expect to dine again on another evening without charge.


That would be what we would do for the two of us. If it was a group, for a celebration, I don't know what the procedure or best thing to do, would be. One person should probably talk to the manager....but I don't know what sort of fair resolution would occur. Champagne/wine/comped meals? Otherwise it would involve getting everyone together again for another celebration. Interesting question. :)

Edited by Coralc
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Perhaps you should have got up, walked over, and said something. That would be my advice.


Not sure why you do absolutely nothing and then come here to Cruise Critic and post about it. What is it that you are expecting us to do or say?


Are you suggesting they say something to the parents or the manager...it is not clear in your response.


Agree the OP should have said something to mgmt. about the distraction. I would not approach the family; that is not my responsibility. You just never know how people are going to react and it could add to the circus environment the parents have already created.

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IMO, I think Chops can be romantic but then, after almost 42 years of marriage to "Mr. Romance," it probably does not take much to impress me!:D And it was more than just a large group having a conversation, I think several people at the table had probably way to much to drink and what became extremely annoying was the elderly woman sitting at the end of the table who clanked her spoon against her wine glass throughout the dinner whenever she wanted attention which was quite frequent. We were not the only table to say something and you could tell the manager was not happy with their behavior but, as he said, his hands were tied.







Ha! I think we've dined in the vicinity of the same old lady!!! Ours not only did that but also at one point put her teeth on the table during one of the courses

!!! Imagine that eh? We laughed it off and kinda felt sorry for the people who brought her cause for sure they had to change her diapers.


As for the crying baby, I say be an adult next time and talk to the parents directly instead of complaining after the fact.


And for those people suggesting to slap the baby, shame on you. It's 2015 and there are better, more effective, less violent ways of doing things now.






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Best thing I've ever seen was a Florida "Choose Life" license plate with the letters "1SLAP"




Couldn't agree more, one free smack if they are being jerks!


Sent from my SGH-T699 using Forums mobile app


There's a perfect solution. Child abuse. Seriously? If that's how you feel perhaps you need help.

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Having had a child and on occassion found her to be cranky it was usually due to a reason, tired or sick.

Some time comforting worked other times a great nap.


When we were in a restuarant or another public venue we would take her in our arms, and let her rest.

We took turns and we were able to calm her down and enjoy our meal.


We are fortunate we never had a "screamin---demon":eek:


Safe travels

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Best thing that could've happened is for everyone else in the restaurant to quietly get up from their tables and walk out.


How so? You'd have left a meal sitting on the table that YOU PAID FOR !!


Who exactly would you be spiting here ??

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I have seen quite a few "families" who have come on a cruise thinking someone else would watch their children - they were there to have fun! If that's the case - leave the kids home! The parents should be responsible for their children - the cruise line is not your personal babysitter!



I had to comment here, even though this didn't actually happen on Brilliance this week, but at Nachi Cocom Beach Club in Cozumel. My daughter (25) and I took a cab to Nachi Cocom for the day with another nice woman we met on board. About an hour before we were ready to leave, we moved from our seats on the beach to the hot tub.


There was a little boy, who couldn't have been more than 5, swimming in the hot tub (which wasn't very "hot"). He had taken off his life vest and hat, and was swimming around. Not splashing or being disruptive, but there was a sign that clearly stated it was an adults only area. There were two other women sitting across from us, and two men sitting on the end near the swim up bar. I originally thought that this little boy was with either of those couples, and he really wasn't bothering anyone, so I just thought, "oh well, whatever." Then after a while it became clear that this child was clearly unattended.


The other women sitting across from us finally asked him who he was with. After about 20 - 30 minutes, he went out to the beach and returned with his grandmother, who had her drink in hand, and asked us if there was a problem. The conversation got a little heated, because the other women in the hot tub basically told her "it's not our responsibility to watch him, he shouldn't have been left alone, he took off his life vest, this is an adult area, etc." (all true statements). The grandmother's reply, and in a snippy tone too? "Well the nice women who were here before said he could be in here!" Couldn't believe it. She left her young grandchild to splash around in a hot tub, unsupervised, and then had an attitude when someone confronted her.


I thought I'd seen it all, but this just about took the cake.

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