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Non issue to non drinkers. We have no problem with the increase.


I really have no problem with the small increase either and I order all kinds of drinks. I always tip extra so if I was unhappy with this increase I would just leave it at the 18 percent. But more than likely I will receive great service and tip extra as usual.

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Not looking for confrontation... looking for an honest answer. When someone says they deliberately remove tips from their account because they want to tip what they determine to be "fair," it begs the question that they need to define what they mean by "fair."


In addition, think about it logically. If they believe "fairness" is more than the recommended amounts, they would allow the tips to remain and give additionally. The only logical reason to remove tips is to give less.


I disagree on both points. Nobody should "need to define what they mean by fair", as if you don't agree, then there is confrontation, especially since in the next paragraph you suggest it is illogical to remove; implying that you already disagree.


And it is not the "only logical reason", though it is one possible reason. I sometimes do not officially put gratuities on bills, as I really do wish to give in cash and in person. I also put smaller percentages on the bill and give extra in cash or just all on my bill. A lot depends on the location, service and person(s) I am dealing with, time, custom, and a number of other variables.


Assuming or suggesting that the "only" reason is to be unfair just supports my previous post that those kinds of questions or comments begs for confrontation.

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oh, contraire...I am a 25 year professional in the housekeeping industry (including management) and my husband is a 32 year professional in the restaurant industry (including chef). So please don't judge who you don't know. We intentionally give more than required amount to those that show their utmost best in their profession. If it was adequately their best, they at least get required amount. There was only 2 ppl (on two different sailings) that we were being ignored, forgotten and/or given less respect than others at our table.

With that being said...we will continue to tip with abundance when appreciation is deserving to be noticed. This includes smiles and hugs from us.


FYI: do you really know how each company divides their tipping money. At least I know who and how much is given when I personally hand it over.

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EXACTLY!!!!! The only reason to ever remove such a small tip is because she thinks a waiter (or whoever) may be worth less than $4 a day, or $3.65 or whatever. Anyone claiming to give that exact amount or more, would never waste their vacation time standing in line to remove a daily $12 tip. Hey thanks lady, for your dollar, lol. I highly doubt she even gives anyone a dollar either.


Look, I am not suggesting that the poster being attacked is either fair or unfair, but every person chooses for themselves how to spend their vacation time and money. Assuming that the "only" reason to "waste their vacation time" is to be unfair or cheap, well, only proves the old adage about "assume".

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oh, contraire...I am a 25 year professional in the housekeeping industry (including management) and my husband is a 32 year professional in the restaurant industry (including chef). So please don't judge who you don't know. We intentionally give more than required amount to those that show their utmost best in their profession. If it was adequately their best, they at least get required amount. There was only 2 ppl (on two different sailings) that we were being ignored, forgotten and/or given less respect than others at our table.

With that being said...we will continue to tip with abundance when appreciation is deserving to be noticed. This includes smiles and hugs from us.


FYI: do you really know how each company divides their tipping money. At least I know who and how much is given when I personally hand it over.



Well, because first off, the amount is posted on Royal Caribbean's website. It's true that they may take some off the top or spread it out even more thinly, which is even more reason to give additionally. But to remove them entirely just so you can turn around and give the same amount in cash...I'd be willing to bet an entire cruise vacation to you and your "generous" husband, that you are giving absolutely nothing to anyone (although I am not actually willing to gift that to you, for the record). A semi retired 25 and 32 year old in the service industry? Yep, I'm sure you're not looking for ways to cheap out. I'm sorry but anyone removing a $12/day tip, is most definitely not spending additional money. Anyone who makes any kind of good money would never view such a small amount of money as worthy of even blinking an eye at, let alone feeling it's worthy of their time to scrutinize and dish out as they deem fair, lol. For people in the service industry, you should be more understanding of how tipping works.

Edited by ColoradoGurl
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Look, I am not suggesting that the poster being attacked is either fair or unfair, but every person chooses for themselves how to spend their vacation time and money. Assuming that the "only" reason to "waste their vacation time" is to be unfair or cheap, well, only proves the old adage about "assume".


To some degree I see where you're coming from. But on the other hand, I'm sorry, but I absolutely think that anyone removing a minimal $12/day tip is being completely unfair as well as cheap. These people work 7 days a week for 6 months at a time and they do so for room and board plus tips. If a person can't afford $12/day, or thinks it is a significant enough amount of money to nickel and dime and dole out a dollar at a time, then they should probably not be cruising. Not to start a debate about how people should spend their money, but I'd be willing to bet that cruise money would be better off in a bank account since $12/day is apparently a large enough amount of money to be concerned about at all. That's my opinion and I know it's a strong one, but I feel sorry for the people who are working hard, even if they aren't doing it with a smile, for people who are removing their only salary. I see it as basically stealing. She's using slave labor, and not paying for it...or at least threatening not to, if her demands aren't met. Haha.

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Not really. If I never use the spa, it doesn't matter to me whether they raise their rates. It doesn't affect me. Only those using the service have to decide if it is still worth it.


The person said "Non issue to non drinkers." They think the drink packages are only alcohol. They aren't. The minute they get a water package, Refreshment, or Replenish, it's going to affect them.



As they stated. There is no price increases/gratuity increases at this time


Royal (like Disney) doesn't tend to know everything. Those employees helping you don't think there's an increase, but I would be there is. They just didn't know it yet.

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To some degree I see where you're coming from.


Do you? I'm not sure you do, because your post seems to suggest otherwise.


My point is all about not making assumptions about how or why others do something just because you would do it differently.

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Do you? I'm not sure you do, because your post seems to suggest otherwise.


My point is all about not making assumptions about how or why others do something just because you would do it differently.


I do, I think. What I think you're saying is that I can't assume that her reason for removing tips is because she's stiffing people. And I appreciate that you're playing devil's advocate and offering an alternative point of view in defense of someone who is getting railroaded and not really able to defend herself. But I'm making my assumptions based on facts that she's given herself, which is that she removed them because sometimes she does feel like people don't deserve a tip at all, and that she takes the time to evaluate each person's service to her in order to calculate for herself what she sees as fair to tip them, which by her own admission, is sometimes ZERO DOLLARS!!! That is her right as Royal Caribbean offers that ability as an option (although I hope at some point they stop allowing it and just add the "service fee" to the base cruise fare). However, I am making a blatant "assumption" that in so doing what she claims, she is cheaping out and being unfair. And I stand behind that entirely!! (And you can read through my many prior posts as to why I feel this way about absolutely anybody and everybody who removes those tips).

Edited by ColoradoGurl
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Agreed...the actual amount per day the employee receives is so miniscule, its hard to imagine anyone giving them less. As my father in law and Jimminy Cricket always said, "let your conscience be your guide".


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IMO it isn't miniscule.


$12 per person per day plus 15% (or 18%) bar gratuity is a lot of money for a lot of people on top of a cruise fare and other expenses.

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Not looking for confrontation... looking for an honest answer. When someone says they deliberately remove tips from their account because they want to tip what they determine to be "fair," it begs the question that they need to define what they mean by "fair."


In addition, think about it logically. If they believe "fairness" is more than the recommended amounts, they would allow the tips to remain and give additionally. The only logical reason to remove tips is to give less or nothing at all.

Or a logical reason might be because staff benefit more from paying them cash ?????


I don't know how it works but on my recent cruise our stateroom attendant and one of the bar staff thanked us for paying cash as they both said this is financially better from them.


That's a good reason to remove gratuities and pay cash right there :)

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See my edit- as I elaborated on that statement, knowing this would be your reply). I don't feel overwhelmed by crabby cruisers on board. I was told by staff that they felt overwhelmed by crabby cruisers and made that statement based on that. But I do admit that after reading so many posts on this board, I do think there are a lot of entitled and crabby travelers. I don't feel overwhelmed by them on the ship, but if I did I can assure you I wouldn't continue to cruise. But I also am unlikely to let other people's attitudes on their respective vacations ruin my own. I like to travel and I like to cruise. I enjoy my time and I enjoy meeting new people and I enjoy the people I travel with. That's why I keep going :)

If I ever caught wind of my employees talking to patients of mine about other patients like that I'd fire them on the spot.

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Or a logical reason might be because staff benefit more from paying them cash ?????


I don't know how it works but on my recent cruise our stateroom attendant and one of the bar staff thanked us for paying cash as they both said this is financially better from them.


That's a good reason to remove gratuities and pay cash right there :)


I'm sure the staff much prefers being GUARANTEED their basic tips than having to wonder if they will receive any. It is a given that some people will not tip at all, if given the choice.


Your argument simply gives some people an excuse for asking that the tips to be removed.

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My thoughts...............


ColoradoGurl - It's time to give it a rest & agree to disagree. IMHO you have some valid points but attacking people for doing things differently than you is not the way to go.


delirious9876 - $12 per person per day plus 15% (or 18%) bar gratuity does add up HOWEVER............ The daily service charge & added gratuity for drinks is well known & should be taken into account when determining whether a cruise is affordable. Stiffing or short changing staff because you're on a tight budget really means you should take a different vacation or save a little longer.


Ocean Boy - Your staff talking to patients about other patients is a completely different situation since they may be violating HIPPA laws.

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IMO it isn't miniscule.


$12 per person per day plus 15% (or 18%) bar gratuity is a lot of money for a lot of people on top of a cruise fare and other expenses.


Two points...


1. The $12 per day includes: stateroom attendant, assistant stateroom attendant, waiter, assistant waiter, entire staff of windjammer café, etc.. $12 per day is certainly reasonable to say the least.


2. You complain that the tips are "a lot of money" on top of a cruise fare. What about airfare or cost of gas if driving, pre and post hotel stays, cost of the cat sitter at home (that's one we have), taxis to and from the port, and on and on. If $12 is "a lot of money" compared to everything else, then a person should probably consider downgrading to an inside cabin or choosing another vacation.

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My thoughts...............


ColoradoGurl - It's time to give it a rest & agree to disagree. IMHO you have some valid points but attacking people for doing things differently than you is not the way to go.


delirious9876 - $12 per person per day plus 15% (or 18%) bar gratuity does add up HOWEVER............ The daily service charge & added gratuity for drinks is well known & should be taken into account when determining whether a cruise is affordable. Stiffing or short changing staff because you're on a tight budget really means you should take a different vacation or save a little longer.


Ocean Boy - Your staff talking to patients about other patients is a completely different situation since they may be violating HIPPA laws.


Agreed! I was actually going to make all of those statements as well. So I second your comments, and I'll try to give it a rest ;)

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two points...


1. The $12 per day includes: Stateroom attendant, assistant stateroom attendant, waiter, assistant waiter, entire staff of windjammer café, etc.. $12 per day is certainly reasonable to say the least.


2. You complain that the tips are "a lot of money" on top of a cruise fare. What about airfare or cost of gas if driving, pre and post hotel stays, cost of the cat sitter at home (that's one we have), taxis to and from the port, and on and on. If $12 is "a lot of money" compared to everything else, then a person should probably consider downgrading to an inside cabin or choosing another vacation.



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True- I am making generalizations as I know there are Brits who tip just as there are Americans who don't. But I also know it isn't in your culture to tip and so many British people get on these boards and complain about the tipping because when you eat out in your country, it is not the norm to tip and therefore from what I'm reading on cruise critic at least, the British are the ones suggesting that people remove their tips from their accounts. That is not to say all of you refuse to tip. I will say though, that as an overall generalization- if you read any amount of trip advisor reviews of hotels in the caribbean, the majority of British people make a point to include numerous complaints regarding their disgust with Americans and our "boorish" and loud and unruly behavior and have had no problem making generalizations about Americans in that way. So I don't feel too bad doing it here in regards to the tipping policy, since it is clearly evidenced in other posts by Brits.
This is one post you probably should have not hit the send button!....:rolleyes:
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This is one post you probably should have not hit the send button!....:rolleyes:


I stand behind it :) If you disagree with where I've gotten that idea, read through the first 452 pages on this board and open the threads on tips.

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I stand behind it :) If you disagree with where I've gotten that idea, read through the first 452 pages on this board and open the threads on tips.
I actually agree with you on tipping and how you tip, for I myself am a generous tipper of 20% plus. What I was referring to that generalizations as a whole are flawed and I stay away from them, period. Also could care less what RCL pays or doesn't pay the crew and until someone can show me factually what the crew does or does not make, what percentage of tips are actually given to each crew member or not makes no difference. I tip the crew generously for the hard work they do and the long hours they put in. As far as the crew always doing there best to keep a smiling face, well not easy is all I can say. If you cruise enough or as much as I cruise you see difficult passengers everyday on a cruise ship that I know would test the limits of my patience.....Happy cruising...K.O.:)
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I actually agree with you on tipping and how you tip, for I myself am a generous tipper of 20% plus. What I was referring to that generalizations as a whole are flawed and I stay away from them, period. Also could care less what RCL pays or doesn't pay the crew and until someone can show me factually what the crew does or does not make, what percentage of tips are actually given to each crew member or not makes no difference. I tip the crew generously for the hard work they do and the long hours they put in. As far as the crew always doing there best to keep a smiling face, well not easy is all I can say. If you cruise enough or as much as I cruise you see difficult passengers everyday on a cruise ship that I know would test the limits of my patience.....Happy cruising...K.O.:)


I realize that, and I had this conversation regarding the generalization with some British folks on here yesterday and conceded to that fact. It's a long thread though and perhaps you didn't read through the whole thing to see it play out. But your statement about the generalization is fair, and really it's just a cultural difference, so rather than mark Brits as "cheap" as a generalization I realize it's better to recognize that they are just culturally different. However as I said, there have been quite a few Brits who encourage others to remove their tips and do so themselves (although I know there are many who don't), so my point was to try and explain or debate that it should not be done and why. I have no idea if the breakdown given by RC regarding who gets the tips is really true, but that's all they give us, and regardless, even if just one of the people giving me service in the dining room or stateroom received the entire $12, in my opinion, that isn't enough for the work that they do. And I doubt it's all going to one person. Anyhow- I hope to one day get to cruise as much as you, but I'm nowhere close yet. Happy cruising :)

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My thoughts...............


ColoradoGurl - It's time to give it a rest & agree to disagree. IMHO you have some valid points but attacking people for doing things differently than you is not the way to go.


delirious9876 - $12 per person per day plus 15% (or 18%) bar gratuity does add up HOWEVER............ The daily service charge & added gratuity for drinks is well known & should be taken into account when determining whether a cruise is affordable. Stiffing or short changing staff because you're on a tight budget really means you should take a different vacation or save a little longer.


Ocean Boy - Your staff talking to patients about other patients is a completely different situation since they may be violating HIPPA laws.


Hardly. We are not talking about naming people or medical conditions. I would have no tolerance for employees airing their frustrations to patients. When they are in the office and on my time they will behave appropriately. Patients do not come to the office to listen to my employees gripe.

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Two points...


1. The $12 per day includes: stateroom attendant, assistant stateroom attendant, waiter, assistant waiter, entire staff of windjammer café, etc.. $12 per day is certainly reasonable to say the least.


2. You complain that the tips are "a lot of money" on top of a cruise fare. What about airfare or cost of gas if driving, pre and post hotel stays, cost of the cat sitter at home (that's one we have), taxis to and from the port, and on and on. If $12 is "a lot of money" compared to everything else, then a person should probably consider downgrading to an inside cabin or choosing another vacation.

I do have inside cabins and totally resent your judgements

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