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unhappy on the adventure

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I'm sorry you had so much trouble; however, the whole situation could've been avoided with a couple better choices, which a more experienced cruiser would've known:


- Never fly on the day of the cruise, especially when a connecting flight is involved.

- Pack light and keep control of your own luggage at all times.

- Always keep medicine and other valuables in your carry on.

Again, magical thinking.:rolleyes:
LOL ... my thinking may be magical, but by arriving a day early and maintaining control of my own luggage, I have never even come close to missing the ship or being without my things. Clearly magical thinking -- some of us call it common sense -- works! Edited by MrsPete
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This is complete BS, as Royal DID NOT live up to its contract and should fully compensate the OP.

A question: what about Corporate Responsibility, for the products & services it sells?? :eek:


Ok, then. What SPECIFIC part of the contract did Choice Air -which is really just a glorified travel agency- or RCCL not live up to? Please cite the actual contracts and not just spew hyperbole.

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I'm sorry you had so much trouble; however, the whole situation could've been avoided with a couple better choices, which a more experienced cruiser would've known:


- Never fly on the day of the cruise, especially when a connecting flight is involved.

- Pack light and keep control of your own luggage at all times.

- Always keep medicine and other valuables in your carry on.



I've read about keeping control of your luggage at the beginning of this thread as well. May I ask how does one do so when a Cruise is 7-10 ie days, and a flight is involved?


Just curious could you en-lighten me? :)

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I've read about keeping control of your luggage at the beginning of this thread as well. May I ask how does one do so when a Cruise is 7-10 ie days, and a flight is involved?


Just curious could you en-lighten me? :)

Pack in a carry-on only. Quite a bit of stuff can be packed in a 20-22" rolling carry-on. Edited by MrsPete
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Ok, then. What SPECIFIC part of the contract did Choice Air -which is really just a glorified travel agency- or RCCL not live up to? Please cite the actual contracts and not just spew hyperbole.


How is it advertised and what are the implied benefits & guarantees??

That's the real question; not how they try to wiggle-out of their responsibilities through their endless legalese.

Edited by gkbiiii
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LOL ... my thinking may be magical, but by arriving a day early and maintaining control of my own luggage, I have never even come close to missing the ship or being without my things. Clearly magical thinking -- some of us call it common sense -- works!



When I booked through Disney, they had assigned me air direct from Miami to LA, the day of departure.


1. I did not learn of the flights/airlines until three weeks from departure.


2. Disney had given me, just a 45 minute transfer time in Dallas, but insisted that if anything would happened; they would fly me at their (Disney) expense to Cabo-San-Lucus and give me a hotel, until the ship, would have arrived.


3. I am not sure the OP, had the choice to when they would assign the flights/airlines/connection times, etc.

Edited by gkbiiii
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This is complete BS, as Royal DID NOT live up to its contract and should fully compensate the OP.


A question: what about Corporate Responsibility, for the products & services it sells?? :eek:



Ok, then. What SPECIFIC part of the contract did Choice Air -which is really just a glorified travel agency- or RCCL not live up to? Please cite the actual contracts and not just spew hyperbole.


How is it advertised and what are the implied benefits & guarantees??

That's the real question; not how they try to wiggle-out of their responsibilities through their endless legalese.


While I feel for the OP and maybe Royal could have done better, once again your inflammatory rhetoric holds no water. Apparently you cannot even backup your claims with actual fact.

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Wow. I was initially hoping this was some joke or satire..... But no. That is so not a relaxing vacation. Sounds more like torture. Glad u guys made it back safely. I have nothing to add re: culpability cuz I really don't know all the intricacies... But Yikes! Horrible. Sorry for your loss of luggage, but especially loss of a planned, relaxing, pleasant vacation!

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When I booked through Disney, they had assigned me air direct from Miami to LA, the day of departure.


1. I did not learn of the flights/airlines until three weeks from departure.


2. Disney had given me, just a 45 minute transfer time in Dallas, but insisted that if anything would happened; they would fly me at their (Disney) expense to Cabo-San-Lucus and give me a hotel, until the ship, would have arrived.


3. I am not sure the OP, had the choice to when they would assign the flights/airlines/connection times, etc.




When using Choice Air the person picks the actual flights they take. The website ask for a departure date and what date to go back.

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Last summer American Airlines lost one of our suitcases on the flight home from a European cruise. We never saw it again. We were gone for 24 days and there was a lot of stuff in the suitcase. I had to fight with airline for months, but eventually we did receive compensation for our loss. I cannot imagine losing the suitcase before the cruise. That would be a disaster. The experience has changed what I decide to take and how I pack.


If I were the OP I would be furious with Royal Caribbean and the airline. The biggest mistake she made was putting medication in the checked luggage. ALL the medication should have been in the carry-on. Also, I personally cannot fathom travelling without a credit card. Just because you have the card doesn't mean you have to use it, but it sure might come in handy.

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Unfortunately, you cannot depend on the airlines to do anything on time. You can't depend on them to make things right when they screw up. You have to assume they will screw your connection and plan accordingly.


It's nice to book everything thru RCI and expect them to take care of you, but that's not going to happen when things get messed up. You're on your own, and have to plan accordingly.

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I think the Problems the OP had need to be sorted a bit.


The Initial Problem of the OP and from where it all got downhill is with the Airlines. It´s about delays, missed Connections and likely because all of this missed luggage.


RCI can´t be blamed for any of These Problems, it doesn´t matter if they booked the flights or not, they simply have no control over Airlines and Airport operations. It´s not RCI that caused those delays or lost those bags and RCI has no power to find those lost bags. The way the flights are booked really doesn´t matter. Had you booked those flights with a local TA I don´t think anybody would expect the TA to find the lost bags.


Now those lost bags had some Major Impact on the OP as it was not only a Major inconvenience with no clothing and other essentials, but also with missing medication, which could cause some serious issues to the OP. Now this is something RCI had really no controll over. It´s been stated enough on this thread already, but I still Need to say. Never never never put any needed medication in checked luggage. Actually nothing you can´t live without should be in checked luggage. It doesn´t matter the OP had medication for 7 days with them and only after that ran out of it. YOu simply don´t put that in checked luggage and there´s nobody else to blame other than the OP.



Now let´s get to the issues with RCI. OK RCI booked the flights. They got the OP to the ship. Maybe the customer Service desk could have been more empathetic with the OP, but they provided the OP with some clothing and essentials. We all know RCI cabins don´t have much in the way of toiletries to offer, this has nothing to do with the OP´s Situation, but having a word with the cabin attendant and asking him for some stuff would have gotten them some shampoo and shower gel.


I´m not sure what the OP expected from the ship to do:confused: They can hardly give them their luggage back and they don´t have a department store at Hand to provide new clothing.

Same goes for the dr. onboard. I agree here that the dr. should have provided all medication he had at Hand for the OP, but you can´t expect the ship or the Islands you are travelling to being able to provide every single medication you Need, especially if it´s something rather specific.


I also can´t understand the comment of the OP about not being willing or able to afford to replace those lost medications. I do think my well being would be my first priority and I´d fight for getting my Money back later with the Airlines or choice air or insurance.


Last but not least, I´m sorry but you can´t blame RCI for travelling without proper monetary funds and/or credit Cards. I´d never leave home without sufficient cash including currencies of countries I´m travelling to plus credit Cards.


I can see why the OP was unhappy, but I think very Little on the blame should go towards RCI. Maybe they should have shown more Action and empathy towards the OP and maybe they lacked some communication, but the result would have likely be the same. I doubt RCI had the power to bring back those bags.


I don´t think the OP deserves a free cruise for this. Reimbursement for missed days of the cruise is due and that should cover extra expenses they had for meals ashore. Expenses for medication should be on the OP, as it´s their fault having packed it. Throw in a $100 OBC for a next cruise as a sign of Goodwill.

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You know, I'm going to say what I say on other dramatic "I'm never doing xyz again" threads. We only have the OP's side of the story. Do people overdramatize their side to get support, empathy, etc? Absolutely. Do I doubt that the airlines lost her luggage or that she couldn't get her meds from the Dr onboard? No, but my original post was to point out that so much of what happened wasn't RCI's fault, not because I'm a "corporate cheerleader" or anything like that, but because I'm realistic and the luggage issue is the airline's fault, others have posted that RCI has given them vouchers for lost luggage (even if they booked their own flights) and never, ever pack medications or items of value in checked luggage. It's just common sense and as others have said, common sense and personal responsibility needs to be used. Everything is not someone else's fault, period. I also don't get not having a credit card for emergencies or stating that only fast food is available when we all know that's not true. Any diabetic knows better (or should) than to depend on others for their blood sugar issues.

Edited by BND
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This culture of endless entitlement we have is truly getting crazy.


Even by the op's own account:


1. Choice Air provided the exact service they advertised. (What they actually advertise...not what the op assumed they meant).


2. RCCL provided the exact service they advertised, and probably even went above what they were obligated to do.



As a previous poster put it, was the op seriously expecting to get the run of the shops on AoS? I don't see why RCCL has any obligation to do that to compensate for the airlines' screw ups.





I never read where they take your bags and never give them back!

When did you ever buy anything, get only part of what you bought, and say I got what I paid for!

And yes, if you sell the product, like RCL sold it(air and cruise), RCL is responsible for it! DUH!

The culture of entitlement, more like the culture of 'EXCUSES'!

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You know, I'm going to say what I say on other dramatic "I'm never doing xyz again" threads. We only have the OP's side of the story. Do people overdramatize their side to get support, empathy, etc? Absolutely. Do I doubt that the airlines lost her luggage or that she couldn't get her meds from the Dr onboard? No, but my original post was to point out that so much of what happened wasn't RCI's fault, not because I'm a "corporate cheerleader" or anything like that, but because I'm realistic and the luggage issue is the airline's fault, others have posted that RCI has given them vouchers for lost luggage (even if they booked their own flights) and never, ever pack medications or items of value in checked luggage. It's just common sense and as others have said, common sense and personal responsibility needs to be used. Everything is not someone else's fault, period. I also don't get not having a credit card for emergencies or stating that only fast food is available when we all know that's not true. Any diabetic knows better (or should) than to depend on others for their blood sugar issues.


Spot on! It´s horrible to see the way our Society goes These days with less and less People taking responsibillity for their own Actions and always blame others and especially the big corporations for everything. Common sense seems totally out of the window and entitlement has taken it´s place.


Unfortunately it´s not the big corporations that got greedy, it´s mostly the individuals.

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What is Choice Air®?


ChoiceAir® is the name of Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD air program. It provides you, our valued guests and travel partners with the option to purchase air accommodations via our interactive website. Our website, http://www.choiceair.com, offers a seamless, worry-free way to purchase flights in conjunction with your cruise reservation. With ChoiceAir® you select the airline, schedule and price that works best for you!


What happens when my flight is delayed?


Assured Arrival is our guarantee to assist our ChoiceAir® guests when they encounter any flight disruptions that occur through no fault of their own. We have a team of Emergency Travel Specialists standing by that proactively monitor flights and act as a liason between our ships and our guests. This team is available to assist you 24/7 @ 800-256-6649 (domestically) or 305-539-4107 (internationally

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You know, I'm going to say what I say on other dramatic "I'm never doing xyz again" threads. We only have the OP's side of the story. Do people overdramatize their side to get support, empathy, etc? Absolutely. Do I doubt that the airlines lost her luggage or that she couldn't get her meds from the Dr onboard? No, but my original post was to point out that so much of what happened wasn't RCI's fault, not because I'm a "corporate cheerleader" or anything like that, but because I'm realistic and the luggage issue is the airline's fault, others have posted that RCI has given them vouchers for lost luggage (even if they booked their own flights) and never, ever pack medications or items of value in checked luggage. It's just common sense and as others have said, common sense and personal responsibility needs to be used. Everything is not someone else's fault, period. I also don't get not having a credit card for emergencies or stating that only fast food is available when we all know that's not true. Any diabetic knows better (or should) than to depend on others for their blood sugar issues.



Realist, No! RCL sold the product! Responsibility 'begins' with them!:eek:

The everything wrong is someone else fault sounds to me like an excuse!

Common sense, the seller is responsible to provide what they sold!

No one considers not receiving their luggage as part of the flight ticket deal! The flight ticket deal RCL sold!:eek:

Could the OP have planed better, yes, but that doesn't excuse RCL as the seller, or the airline for what did happen!

Could RCL have done more, YES!:eek:

I do think the OP in the future will carry all their meds. on them personally!

Why the OP doesn't have a credit card, was answered, but its no ones business!

The fast food available comment might be because of how they were dressed in t shirts the entire cruise.

There are many here in the forums (dress police)who'd be truly insulted if they showed up in the MDR with t shirts on.

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Spot on! It´s horrible to see the way our Society goes These days with less and less People taking responsibillity for their own Actions and always blame others and especially the big corporations for everything. Common sense seems totally out of the window and entitlement has taken it´s place.


Unfortunately it´s not the big corporations that got greedy, it´s mostly the individuals.




Lets put your Society views aside because they are meaningless to the facts, and in your words quite horrible!

RCL sold a product, an air/cruise package and when they were notified by the cruisers that what they bought wasn't fulfilled, the actions by RCL were not one of responsibility, but one of indifference until the OP and family insisted!

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Realist, No! RCL sold the product! Responsibility 'begins' with them!:eek:

The everything wrong is someone else fault sounds to me like an excuse!

Common sense, the seller is responsible to provide what they sold!

No one considers not receiving their luggage as part of the flight ticket deal! The flight ticket deal RCL sold!:eek:

Could the OP have planed better, yes, but that doesn't excuse RCL as the seller, or the airline for what did happen!

Could RCL have done more, YES!:eek:

I do think the OP in the future will carry all their meds. on them personally!

Why the OP doesn't have a credit card, was answered, but its no ones business!

The fast food available comment might be because of how they were dressed in t shirts the entire cruise.

There are many here in the forums (dress police)who'd be truly insulted if they showed up in the MDR with t shirts on.


Common sense These days dictate that you should absolutely be Aware that your luggage might not join you at the final Destination.


I´m not a frequent Flyer and though most of the times my luggage joins me at my Destination Airport, I´ve lost enough bags to know it´s not uncommon. So no I don´t expect them to lose my bags when buying a ticket, but I know it may happen. I´m sure not going to blame Expedia for it.


OK, it´s non of my Business if the OP has a credit Card or not, but niether an Airline or RCI can´t be blamed for whatever inconvenience this will cause to the OP, that´s non of our and the corporations Business either.


If you had ever been on a cruise you´d know that you have many Options of Food that is not fast Food outside the MDR, if you feel uneasy entering with T-Shirts, including getting the MDR menu delivered as room Service. And before you tell me that´s only an Option for suites. Yes it is, but a short Explanation with the Maitre D would have resulted in getting the meals delivered.


Sorry, but your cruiseline bashing holds no water.

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What is Choice Air®?


ChoiceAir® is the name of Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD air program. It provides you, our valued guests and travel partners with the option to purchase air accommodations via our interactive website. Our website, http://www.choiceair.com, offers a seamless, worry-free way to purchase flights in conjunction with your cruise reservation. With ChoiceAir® you select the airline, schedule and price that works best for you!


What happens when my flight is delayed?


Assured Arrival is our guarantee to assist our ChoiceAir® guests when they encounter any flight disruptions that occur through no fault of their own. We have a team of Emergency Travel Specialists standing by that proactively monitor flights and act as a liason between our ships and our guests. This team is available to assist you 24/7 @ 800-256-6649 (domestically) or 305-539-4107 (internationally


Clearly you left this part out


Why were my flights changed?


Occasionally, our airline partners’ make changes to the times that flights operate; the type of aircraft; or even the city that flights originate from. When this happens we will work with the airline to get you re-accommodated to get you to your cruise vacation.


Rci states they have no control over 3rd party providers, in this case the airline that you pick on choice air. If nthere are no flight problems then you arrive on time, if there are problems they say, as above, they will get you to your vacation,ie. Catch you up to the ship.

Edited by setsail
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Spot on! It´s horrible to see the way our Society goes These days with less and less People taking responsibillity for their own Actions and always blame others and especially the big corporations for everything. Common sense seems totally out of the window and entitlement has taken it´s place.


Unfortunately it´s not the big corporations that got greedy, it´s mostly the individuals.



Wow really?


I think the problem with today's society is that the world is run by large corporations that treat people like a statistic. If they can get away with lowering service without impact to their bottom line they will. They also pay off the people they need to to get their way. Just look at ATT or Time Warner Cable. They have the worst customer service because they are monopolies. When companies behave this way it causes unreasonable behavior from customers because they fell like and probably in reality have no way to be heard.


The small business has to provide great customer service to survive. Large companies just buy out or kill the good businesses by temporarily lowering prices until they go out of business.

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Wow really?


I think the problem with today's society is that the world is run by large corporations that treat people like a statistic. If they can get away with lowering service without impact to their bottom line they will. They also pay off the people they need to to get their way. Just look at ATT or Time Warner Cable. They have the worst customer service because they are monopolies. When companies behave this way it causes unreasonable behavior from customers because they fell like and probably in reality have no way to be heard.


The small business has to provide great customer service to survive. Large companies just buy out or kill the good businesses by temporarily lowering prices until they go out of business.


Yes really.


If you don´t like a product or the Terms associated with it, don´t buy it.


I see nothing wrong with what you describe on how big Corps work. It´s money making Business. No one Forces you to buy such products, especially when it Comes to stuff like Cruises.



BTW, why don´t those small businesses don´t survive anyway with their great customer Service? It´s because todays Society is greedy as I said. People will run towards the big corporations Business to get those lower Prices, knowing they will get less customer Service. It´s their free decision to put greed over Service. That´s why small Business are run over by the big corp.


Look what´s Happening with online Business. People go to the stores to see, touch and check out the products. Many of These stores will be small businesses offering lots of Service and guidance. Then People leave the store witout a purchase and go home to order it online from Amazon or ebay or others. Now who´s fault is this? Big Corp? Small Business? Or maybe the consumer who cries foul later?

Edited by Paulxyz2004
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For me what it boils down to is that they actually had to argue to get some soap? Really? They got a toothbrush and t-shirt. Not that is the WOW they talk about. :rolleyes: I would have eaten in the main dining room and when the dress snobs would have given the un-approving sour face I would have announced that RCI's air partner lost my luggage and this was what they provided for us. It is so sad that people are actually arguing about which one is responsible. What about compassion for your paying customer? :(

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