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Travel blog: QM2 TA 3rd May '15


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Welcome to my travel blog as I sail on the 3rd May 2015 westbound transatlantic from Southampton to New York on Queen Mary 2.


I finally escaped from work at 11am on Saturday morning. I'd not been planning to do a 3 hour shift in the office, but having done so, it gave me peace of mind to head off and enjoy my holiday. I've done all that I can to ensure that things run smoothish in my absence.


The packing list had already been refined so all there was left to do was pack. Hubby presented his choice of attire and, as usual, I halved it. Job done but too hyped up to go to bed. Finally retired (I wish) at 12.45am, alarm set for 6am, back up set for 6.30.


Then it was morning. Well 4.45am to be exact. Who needs sleep?! We were booked on the 10.30am coach from Victoria to Southampton. I work near Victoria - in the morning it takes 50 mins door to door. We decided to allow 2 and a half hours! Better to get there relaxed and early and have a drink then be harrassed and just in time or worse still, late.


Victoria was as ever, very busy. The official Cunard coach for QV was leaving from the same bay after ours, so it was busy with twitchy passengers and tons of luggage.


We left about 10 mins late but arrived in Southampton on time. Taxis were arriving ready to transport us to the terminal. They know when the coaches are due in, so the coach station is not neglected in favour of the train station. The progress of National Express coaches can now be tracked on line which helps. We shared a large cab with the next couple in the queue. The driver did not mind, indeed it was his idea!

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We had no specified embarkation time... so went straight to the terminal. It must have been about 1.15 / 1.30. To be honest, once I was at Victoria, my tracking of time stopped. What would happen would happen when it happened... so we sat down to wait. In summary, people were issued a ticket with a letter on it and you went up to queue when your letter was called.


After a delay to embarkation due to an issue with the air bridge, we were finally on. Crosswords, people watching and a game of Top Trumps (!) kept us occupied.


Our luggage was waiting for us at our cabin. Whilst I started to unpack, hubby was dispatched to get us a table for 2 in the dining room (success - we were already on our preferred late sitting), then sign us both up for the soft drinks package and fetch back a drink. We finished unpacking then I went off to buy my spa pass and sign up for some complimentary exercise classes before heading off for the muster drill. A quick snack in Kings Court followed before we headed out to watch the sailaway with the other 2 Queens. I didn't linger too long as I wanted to take a soak in the spa whirl pool before dinner. I was a bit achy after the day's travels and hanging about. This is why I love the spa... it helps me live my life on board to the full.


On my way back to the cabin, I popped into the Commodore club to get a soft drink to go.. and there was hubby, ready dressed for dinner and testing the quality of the martinis! Quick change and I went back to join him

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The food at dinner was as good as ever. A prawn and grapefruit starter was refreshing, followed by lamb cooked as requested - well done but not overly so that it dried out. Dessert was Creme Brulee - hubby had bruleed creme... such was our waiters' sense of humour. After dinner we loitered in the gift shop, purchasing some '175' items :china mug, magnet and 2 caps. Don't mention the latter to my dad, it'll spoil the surprise!


Next stop was the cabin for an early night. Little sleep in the previous 2 days was beginning to tell. We didn't even go via a hot chocolate... so that shows how tired we were. We did check out the daily programme for the next day, merrily highlighting in our appointed colour what we were intending to do. As with his clothing selection, hubby picked out too many things - but he'll have to make these final choices for himself.


And so to sleep.

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Monday. We were given an extra hour back overnight. I woke but lazed, eventually getting up at 6.30am QM2 time. I performed light housekeeping on myself and dressed ready for exercise before sneaking out of the cabin, leaving hubby asleep.


For those travelling in a inside cabin, note that corridor light can be seen through the bottom of the door.


First breakfast was milk and a muffin which I consumed whilst penning the first parts of my blog. I had a quick chat with an American gentleman traveller about football and sport on the tv.... I had my Everton shirt on. I know that some people frown about their presence but I have found that as a female in a football shirt, it has proven to be a great coversation starter and that in itself is no bad thing. I'll only ever wear it early in the day as I smarten up after early morning exercise.


So.... exercise. There is a free stretch class to sign up for. I am used to these being early in the morning but on this voyage it doesn't start til 8.30. This is a bit of a pain as I found that I was hanging around for it rather than getting it done and getting on with the day. With the spa pool not opening til 8, there wasn't time to go in there first either - and I'd rather stretch first anyway. I went into the gym and did some basic exercises to occupy myself til 8.30.


Stretch is in the Queens room and lasted 20 mins I think. Floor mats were provided. Note, you have to sign up as space is limited. It was simple but good. I'll be back tomorrow.

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Thanks for sharing your trip blog with us. Your reportage is off to a fine start. Do remember that your most important task is to get QM2 (safe, happy, and on time) to Brooklyn on May 10 so that my wife and I may board.

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Thanks for sharing your trip blog with us. Your reportage is off to a fine start. Do remember that your most important task is to get QM2 (safe, happy, and on time) to Brooklyn on May 10 so that my wife and I may board.


And so that I can board next time she is in Southampton :)

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Monday evening. Having sat and 'blogged', I went down to the Connexions area to get myself a login for the internet. They have computers there, or once you are signed up, you can use a wifi enabled gadget throughout the ship, even your cabin - gadget and signal strength willing. There is someone there to assist, though at times he can get busy... people don't seem to have their grand- children on hand to help them like they might at home!


As a passenger with gold loyalty status (ska, frequent flyer), I get 120 hours free. You sign up to the package you want... if you qualify for a freebee, it will show as a cost on your statement but will also show as a refund.


Having posted, it was 5-ish. I returned to the cabin to find hubby munching sandwiches which he'd fetched down from KC. There is room service, but that is something which we just don't use - I guess along the same line as us using KC... we are happy, and able, to sort ourselves out.


I popped up to KC but was too late for scones so sat and had a cup of tea (decaf - though they have allsorts of fancy Twinning options) and some digestives.


After that, I made a return visit to the spa. This time I made use of the steam room before the pool and whirl pool. Met some lovely ladies travelling on Cunard for the first time. Since we were so close, I showed them where the glass (scenic) elevator was and gave away the secret of the Commodore Club. But only because they were nice!

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Pre-dinner drinks in the Commodore Club followed. I like to have a different cocktail each time. Tonight I chose a Lemon Meringue Sparkler ($9.95) - vanilla infused vodka, lemoncello (spelling!) and prosecco. Accidently followed by a rhubarb bellini... a touch of honey, rhubarb puree and prosecco.


Tonight they are offering a discount on the formal photos which they do on 'ball' nights so we decided to have a photo taken in front of the lobby flowers. Tomorrow we will see if we like it enough to make a purchase.


We were a little late in to dinner but is never too much of an issue. As it was 175 ball night, the menus came in a souvenir A4 booklet which contained historical information about Cunard and some photos.


My team had provided a cushion on my chair as promised. .. though I have now commandeered one from the cabin which I take with me. Please note that this is a 'me' thing.... do not start obsessing about issues with chairs.


Dinner for me was a mixed cold starter followed by roast beef and yorkshires and then champagne sorbet.


Tonight the sommelier was rushed off his feet. This was not the best point at which to order a binn end wine - but shiraz viognier is one of my faves. Unfortunately by the time we got to order it, we had already got our starters. By the time it arrived we were finishing our beef so we said that we would have it the following night instead. Not ideal but it was a 'perfect storm' scenario... we were 20 mins late in, we knew what we wantedto eat so no mulling over the menu and our efficient team got our food to us quickly and as I've said, choosing a wine which was never going to get to us quickly was asking for trouble. Having had 2 cocktails already, it was perhaps no bad thing. Plus, our wine will be arriving first tomorrow because its already ordered!

Edited by Toffeegirl68
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A specific post about this which I will duplicate on the main board / my blog.






People wore all sorts of colours and looked grand. There was no special red, black and gold decoration anywhere... just the normal banners which they hang in the Queens Room on a formal night.


To be honest, I'd rather we'd had a black and white ball. That IS a theme.

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The seats near the dance floor were all taken but there are normally tables at the side where there are spare seats. We struck lucky (not sure if they did!) and sat with a lovely couple celebrating their 25 anniversary and ended up chatting / laughing the evening away. There was a group ballroom dance display followed later with a show dance from the professional pair. We left our chairs only to try out our cha cha... we could have done better so will need to go again.


The evening ended with hot chocolate and cookies in our cabin as we planned the next day.


I have done little today... I missed a lecture on something to do with flight / concord which I thought I might attend and I have still not looked at the Sunday Times we bought at 8.15am Sunday morning. Ho hum.


Hubby has attended shuffleboard, darts and has been for a run 10 times round the deck. He now knows why people go early (the evil pre-8am runners) ... as any later you dont get very far very fast. I've told him to try a running machine.

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Its Tuesday - apparently. It was rocky over night and they gave us another extra hour so we are BST -2. With the weather outside not too clement, no one is allowed outside. (Its 6am).


Anyone reading this blog should note that we do not tend to do shows or music recitals.There are many things to do on board so many other things that we do not do.. but I feel that I must put in an early disclaimer on the first two.


With the seas slightly choppy, I am not sure if the spa pool will open at 8am. I will note post-noon update to let you know what the weather has been throwing at us.


This reminds me.... deck 2 forward is the place to go today to watch the waves. I shall try and remember. It can also be a great place to snooze as the waves are mesmorising

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Toffeegirl 68


I am loving your blog!


As a Transatlantic Crossing newbie ( 15 December 15), it is already providing me with lots of valuable information.


Thank you :)


Coco x

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Toffeegirl 68


I am loving your blog!


As a Transatlantic Crossing newbie ( 15 December 15), it is already providing me with lots of valuable information.


Thank you :)


Coco x


I second this. I'm a complete Cunard newbie (Sail date: June 21st), and there's a lot of good tidbits in your posts.

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Toffeegirl 68


I am loving your blog!


As a Transatlantic Crossing newbie ( 15 December 15), it is already providing me with lots of valuable information.


Thank you :)


Coco x


I second this. I'm a complete Cunard newbie (Sail date: June 21st), and there's a lot of good tidbits in your posts.


Agreed regarding valuable information. I'm neither a QM2 or a TA novice but when a report like this appears it is always interesting to read what others do and from that it is possible to think "I might give that a try". It illustates the variety of ways to spend your time on board and how it seems impossible to do it all on one crossing.



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This reminds me.... deck 2 forward is the place to go today to watch the waves. I shall try and remember. It can also be a great place to snooze as the waves are mesmorising


We will be joining the QM2 in New York on May 17th. Can't wait! This will be our 3rd TA on QM2 and would love to watch the waves and haven't found this particular spot you mention on deck 2 forward. Sounds just the place for an afternoon nap.

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As a passenger with gold loyalty status (ska, frequent flyer), I get 120 hours free. You sign up to the package you want... if you qualify for a freebee, it will show as a cost on your statement but will also show as a refund.
I hope you're aware that it's really 120 minutes. :)
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I hope you're aware that it's really 120 minutes. :)


Oh my. Brain cells on vacation. I also keep calling the pub the Red Lion.


Didnt connect to internet yesterday. Forgot. Will catch up now with cut n paste from my tablet. Its Wednesday 10 to 10 ship time right now, but let's go back in time...

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So, early Tuesday morning I made good use of a near empty ship and took lots of photos. They will be posted after my return to Blighty.


With the rough seas this morning, there was no deck access for passengers. Stretch and relax was still on, but was delayed by 15 mins as the instructor got stuck in the lift. Or so he said. After this I returned to the cabin to change out of stretch wear and into day wear. Hubby was there so we went for second breakfast. Sometimes this has to be done. We agreed to partake in the morning trivia. I went via the library to collect my answer sheet ftom yesterday's quiz. Lesson to self: read the question properly. I got one wrong that a really shouldn't have. I got 14 out of 20. We joined an American couple for the quiz but did not set the world on fire. Apathy more than ambition saw us remain as a twosome in the Red Lion for a different quiz. We didn't do too bad on this one, which was based on literature. We loitered chatting to an English lady before the dance class called.


I doubted that the hydrotherapy pool would be open so did not go on Tuesday morning. Even if it happened to be open, it was not somewhere I would have wanted to be, so I didn't even check.

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On the way to dance class we stopped off to take in a viewing of our photos from the evening before. They were not there. What with missing wine and missing photos, Cunards opportunity to make a profit out of us was passing them by. They will look into our missing photos and carry forward the 'one night only' discount.


And so to the waltz. Our teachers retain their newly awarded status of 'best dance instructors'. The approach to keep couples apart for longer is really paying off. They also keep steps basic.... we find ourselves doing fewer moves better and with more confidence and consistency. There is hope for us yet.


More food followed. No lectures as yet and not too much time spent in the library.... I've spent more time doing nothing which is fine.


We have signed up to do the entertainment team's 'Olympics' which is now going to be everyday at 2.15pm. As this afternoon's weather was now fine, our sport for the day was quoits. We were both knocked out in the first round but we had a good laugh with lots of nice people and stuck around to see who won.


Hubby went to darts and is apparently building a reputation of not being very good. Meanwhile I had a quick go at the library quiz, but that thing takes time and I didnt have much of that left as it closes at 4pm. This wasnt a bad thing as I now find myself writing this in the spa with my feet in a foot spa... Hubby, true to form is eating again.... sandwiches from the afternoon tea selection in KC.

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Social invites.... Our list of party invites is growing. Tonight (Tues) is the Captain's Cocktail Party for Britannia guests. For tomorrow (Wed) we now boast a named, 'exclusive' invite to the Art Exhibition drinks reception... They must have heard that we have sime spare cash left over from wine and photo shopping! Then Thursday is the platinum and gold drinks reception... this is just about less exclusive than the art invite as SO many people on board qualify for this.


How ungrateful do I sound? Apologies. Must do better....


At which point I leave you for the whirl pool.

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Didn't write blog this morning over first breakfast.... caught up with photo taking (with recharged camera!!) then had first breakfast watching the first half of the Helen Mirram film 50 foot journey... or whatever its called. Its a nice film. Recommend it.


Stretch class followed, followed by 2nd breakfast. I am officially a hobbit... without the hairy feet!

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