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European Treasures 24.4.15 Review.

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Don't get too excited yet. I do plan to do a review so setting the post up so that I must get round to it. Photos will be sorted for the FB page later, and I might even get some on here. As you can imagine, I am knee deep in washing and with an iffy forecast here, thought that is a priority.


First thing I must say, is we both had a fantastic rain free 13 nights. The cruise was chosen for the itinerary basically as so many of the ports were new ones for us, and the others were some of our favourites. Our first time on Celebration, and we have no worries about going on her again.


Hopefully our daily diary type review will get started on here sometime today.

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We were also on this cruise and absolutely loved it.


As said the weather was extremely kind to us and most of the ports of call were great - apart from Rome which was just too busy to fully enjoy but it was a Saturday on a bank holiday weekend!


I will also try to do a review once the washing and shopping done.

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We had taken our cases to Birmingham for check in the day before flying, so only had our hand luggage to take to the airport in the taxi. I picked up a wheelchair for Ray and off we went straight through to security and it was totally stress free. Bacon sandwich and coffee in Wetherspoon and when the gate opened and I started pushing Ray over to it, a chap came and took over. All very efficient.


After our trip to the Caribbean in January in the Dreamliner I am afraid the Thomson plane for the flight to Tenerife felt very cramped. Nowhere to stow my bottle of water except between my knees or feet, and I kept banging my elbows on the armrests.


A wheelchair waiting for Ray as we got off the plane, and we were through to the coach in an hour, and in Santa Cruz by 14.30. A wheelchair waited there too and we got through registration and the photograph ok. The cases were found and tagged with the cabin number and we were soon on board, our first time on Celebration.


We had cabin 457 on the third floor, and made our own way there, and wow. First impression of our inside cabin was brilliant. It seemed so massive. L shaped beds, 2 double wardrobes, 2 large chests of 3 drawers and a small bedside cabinet. The bathroom with shower only was also decent size with more storage space than we could fill up. Loved it. I went to reception to pay the £25 for the safe, and we went up to Lido for lunch. Ray settled in Hemingway while I did a ship tour at 16.30 and found the layout very like the Spirit so we would soon find our way round. I joined Ray for a drink then went to collect life jackets for the drill. We like to get to our muster station area early so that Ray doesn't have to use the stairs if they won't let him on the lift. We got there before 18.00 but as usual they had us put the jackets on, and we waited in the heat for a long time for stragglers, some who had gone to eat first. We were given seats and they had a code alpha for someone further along the deck.


We went to Liberties for a drink and Peakles were on the deck below. Back to the cabin to unpack and get ready for evening meal which we chose to have in the Lido as there was not a lot of time before the showcase at 19.30 then the show at 20.45. It seemed very rushed, but we relaxed in the Lido for sailaway. I went up to Liberties to find Lynn and Lorraine then back to Lido where the party was going full swing with a great atmosphere. Back at the cabin we found a chitty for free pressing of 3 items each and another for a complimentary continental breakfast in the cabin one morning. Our steward came to introduce himself, then we settled down having had a tiring but enjoyable day 1.

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Thanks gill - enjoyed reading episode 1. :) The basic cabins really are a good size on Celebration and the storage the best of any ship we've been on for hanging and drawer space (Spirit likewise). Did you have a special one to accommodate Ray's wheelchair?


The drill can be a bit of a chore especially when inconsiderate passengers decide to come in their own time keeping others waiting. I must say though Thomson do the most professional and serious muster drills. We have been on other ships which frankly are a joke - and rather worrying really. I do applaud the thorough approach on Thomson is reassuring.


Looking forward to the next installment. ;)

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I got up at 6.30 looking forward to exploring outside. I don’t set any alarm but love my early mornings on board. We leave the TV on the bridge channel, so if I am up for the loo and see daylight, I get up and leave Ray in the cabin after arranging to meet him for breakfast in the Lido around 7am. I also took advantage of the free pressing we had been given putting 5 of Ray’s shirts and a pair of his trousers out to be pressed. Watched the docking and chatted to Michael who was part of the new showteam who were taking over when we got to Dubrovnik. Will add here that the new showteam worked their socks off from 8am every morning rehearsing in Broadway for their shows, and there was often a theatre of folk enjoying their rehearsals.

After breakfast we got ready to go out. It was quite a long walk for Ray to the square which was full of motorbikes having what appeared to be a rally with stands and events going on during the day. I left Ray on a seat while I wandered round looking for a bar with wifi. My DIL had just come out of hospital after having a serious op and I needed to get in touch while away. There was a lovely group of local folk sat at tables playing a variety of games. I saw chess, dominoes and cards being played. We went to the Lolita bar where we got excellent wifi with a couple of beers and got caught up with family and friends. We watched some country dancing with the locals in costume getting visitors up to dance, then had a lovely trip round on a hoho bus.


We strolled back to the ship for lunch, and I left Ray settled there while I went off to find the beach for a swim. In the square on the way back I saw the motorbikes had an area with upside down skips where they had been doing stunt riding, and there were young kids doing their own stunt riding over humps. There were some tiny kids all dressed up in the right gear and helmets riding their stunt bikes over wooden bridges.

Met Ray for a drink in Hemingway and booked Del Carmen beach trip for Lanzarote before getting ready and going to MDR for our evening meal. I had decided to get a wine package, and we had the 7 bottles for £99 package rather than the 5 bottles for £72, and I won having 4 bottles of red to Ray’s 3 bottles of white, but it was good to get chitties to hand in and be able to choose the wine we wanted. We always asked for and got a table for 2 even though we had a short wait sometimes. All the meals we had every night were great for choice, and I had no problems at all with any of the food on board. We went to Liberties for Peakles but left when the quiz came on as they are not really our thing. We went to the Coffee Port till time for the late show. The showteam were excellent. My one problem wasn’t really with them but with the volume of the backing music. It was so very loud, and sometimes spoiled the solo singer’s numbers. The PA for quizzes too seemed excessively loud too.

I did find over the 2 weeks that I went to buy drinks from Hemingway more often than getting served in Broadway itself. The quality of the drinks seemed better from the bar than the show lounge too for some reason. I don’t like ice and that is a problem for cocktails until they get used to my requests, but I did have some strange virgin Coladas as well as brilliant ones without ice, and trying to get vodka and orange 50/50 was a nightmare at times. A splash of orange in my vodka was a £4.60 cocktail in Broadway, but £3.30 spirit in Hemingway. You need to find someone who serves your drink how you like it, and go there for service. I was given half a pint of orange with my vodka in it a couple of times as they had not heard what I wanted over the volume of the music, so having to go to a bar didn’t bother me at all although some were not happy having to do that.

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Thanks gill - enjoyed reading episode 1. :) The basic cabins really are a good size on Celebration and the storage the best of any ship we've been on for hanging and drawer space (Spirit likewise). Did you have a special one to accommodate Ray's wheelchair?


The drill can be a bit of a chore especially when inconsiderate passengers decide to come in their own time keeping others waiting. I must say though Thomson do the most professional and serious muster drills. We have been on other ships which frankly are a joke - and rather worrying really. I do applaud the thorough approach on Thomson is reassuring.


Looking forward to the next installment. ;)


Ray does not have a wheelchair. He manages to walk with two sticks as long as he can get sat down when he feels he needs to. I am his runner, get his water, tea and food in Lido, although we found if I pushed 2 trays round a waiter would carry his to a table which saved me from getting his and then queuing up again to get mine. We didn't book anything special and were fine in the inside cabin they gave us.



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Ray does not have a wheelchair. He manages to walk with two sticks as long as he can get sat down when he feels he needs to. I am his runner, get his water, tea and food in Lido, although we found if I pushed 2 trays round a waiter would carry his to a table which saved me from getting his and then queuing up again to get mine. We didn't book anything special and were fine in the inside cabin they gave us.




Oh sounds as though with some thoughtful planning and a dedicated gofer Ian can manage OK and you were able to get around to do what you wanted. I'm pleased it all worked well for you. We find the inside cabins suit us fine too.


Thanks for the interesting account of your day in Gran Canaria. :)

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I was up before 7am again to see sunrise. Decided it was better to spend my early mornings walking the mile 5 laps round the prom deck rather than the gym. Meeting up with fellow walkers enjoying the beautiful mornings was more fun. We were on the Puerto Del Carmen beach trip this morning, just a transfer and got dropped off on the main road where the bars were, so found a seat for Ray and explored where to go. I could see beds on a beach but it was a long way from where we were dropped, so we made our way down to the beach from the nearest ramp and looked for a base. Ray doesn’t swim and I needed a base for him, and all there was were the rocks so we got him settled and I enjoyed a swim and did a spot of sunbathing on the rocks. I got changed and we found a bar by the road for a beer and free wifi to get caught up with everyone, and had good news that Hartlepool are safe from relegation. We got the coach at 2pm for the trip back to the ship. Found the houses looked strange that we passed as the not only were all the walls white but the roofs on them too. Had lunch in the Lido and sorted the trip for Gibraltar. In the MDR we were served by Randy who knew us from Island Escape and enjoyed a bit of banter during the meal. It was getting on for 9 by the time we left so we went up to Horizons for a drink. We were joined by another couple, but although Matt from the showteam was singing, the background music was so loud trying to chat was difficult so we left and went down to the coffee port where we enjoyed a couple of the hot chocolate specials before turning in. They were works of art, but a bit too sweet. We did however enjoy our evenings in there as it was the only place on an evening without entertainment for reading or chatting.

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Monday 27.4.15 Sea Day.


I was up 5.30 for a wander round deck 6 even though it was still dark. As it was sea day and I wanted a table for Ray with a sunbed near it for me so that I could get him drinks when needed, I went back for the towels to put on them, but there was hardly anyone about and we had the deck to ourselves for a while. When the sun got up I had my bit of exercise walking round deck 6 getting the mile done. The Prom deck was better on the Dream where it included the Lido deck. On Celebration it is on deck 6 above the Lido and the back is where the tables and beds are for the smokers behind the Liberties bar. I have to keep popping down to Lido to see if Ray needs anything, but it is all good exercise so I don’t feel guilty enjoying my food. What a hot day this was. In the afternoon I went in the pool a couple of times to cool off and that was fun as the pool water was a bit choppy. It was a lovely relaxing day and we had a drink inside to cool off a bit before our evening meal and West End Wonders in Broadway.


Tuesday 28.4.15 Gibraltar.


I was up early to watch the sail in, and after we had docked I had a walk out to see if I could get to town but despite a brisk 20 minute walk I didn’t make it so went back to the ship as we were booked on the Gardens and Cable Car tour. I popped into the shops I passed and found that one sold Bushy’s (brewery from Isle of Man) Gibraltar Ale. I planned to visit after the tour to pick a bottle up. At the gardens there was no way Ray was going to get up the steep bank of steps that faced us, so we left him sitting at the bottom while we had a good guide taking us round the gardens which had plenty more steps leading to different levels and some interesting plants. We then went for the cable car and they packed us in like sardines for the 6 minute ride to the top. Poor Ray had plenty more steps to cope with but made it. Some lovely young apes playing around like kids on the rooftop. When the coach got back, Ray went on board while I went to the shop for the Gibraltar Ale. I asked at the Seaman’s Mission, Flying Angel, if I was allowed in, and was able to have a local beer there, Cruzcampo 4.8% for £1.50 so I took a bottle of that back to the ship for Ray too. Went to the showcase for the second week, and we enjoyed the evening show again before finishing yet another good day in the Coffee Port. We found I was able to buy our drinks from Hemingway to take in there which suited us as it was so difficult to get seats in the bar areas on a night.

Edited by gillhalfpint
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Don't know why I find reviews so difficult. Reading what others have put is great, so as I will just list the rest of the ports we did in case it is of use to others. That itself might be dubious as Ray is limited as to how far he can walk without having a sit down, and we still needed wifi contact daily as our daughter in law had been taken back into hospital after discharge from a major op. Getting into a bar with wifi with very little walking seemed our limit in most places.


Cartagena, Spain.


Loved this port which was another first for us on this cruise. We had no tour booked here, so planned to wander round and find somewhere for wifi. We tried a couple of bars before discovering one called Yellow Submarine which had an amazing selection of worldwide bottled beers, and Ray even managed to get his favourite Belgian beer Kwak served in it's cradle holder. After a good time in the sun we went back to our cabin after lunch for a siesta.


Palma, Majorca.


No trips booked here, so we went for the bus into town with the weird system of charging 2 euros to go in and issuing tickets with 1.50 euros printed on. The trip back only cost 1.50 euros. We enjoyed wandering round Palma in the sunshine.


Civitavecchia for Rome.


We were booked on the Relaxing Rome trip and wasn't sure about wifi contact today, so I went off in the shuttle bus to try and get wifi in Civi somewhere before catching the tour bus to Rome. It dropped us off at the bus station where anyone going to Rome on the train could catch another bus to the railway station. I followed some crew members down the street and thought they had gone into MacDonald's so I went in there and ordered a coffee which was brilliant with different shades but in a tiny cup, but I couldn't get the wifi to work, so went back for the bus to the ship. Managed a bite to eat in the Lido before catching the 12 noon tour bus. It was a good trip out with a loo stop on the way, then a tour round some of the sights in Rome. We were dropped off at a square with fountains, and lots of artists displaying their wares in the centre. We only had an hour, but managed to get a bar with wifi and a drink before getting back on the coach for the trip back to the ship.




We had done Sorrento last time we berthed in Naples, so decided to take a HoHo bus round Naples this time. 22 euros each as we could not find our previous HoHo tickets which would have got us 10% off. We went on the red route which took us round the town, then changed buses with half hour wait for the blue route which was brilliant going round the coast with great views. Ray couldn't manage the stairs so I was up and he was down, and I really needed the sun cream up there. It was a scorcher. I enjoyed it so much I would happily have gone round again, or tried the green route, but we had to start back to the ship, and found a bar on the way with wifi to catch up with home. Traffic in Naples was manic. Would hate to try and drive round there. Checked with destination services to find out if Ray would be ok on the Mount Etna trip from Messina, and they had been in touch with their shore folk to find there would be a bar or café where we were dropped off for the walk where Ray could wait for us so we booked it.


Last episode later.

Edited by gillhalfpint
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Hi Gill, I am really enjoying reading this, although feeling slightly exhausted :D Where do you get all that energy from? It must be the beer ( it sends me to sleep :D )


I may pick your brains on the Rome tour as my Ray has been there, many moons ago! but I haven't, so I know he would like the one you went on, but I am wondering how much of Rome we would actually see.


Give my regards to Ray. Looking forward to the next installment. Don't put yourself down! They are brilliant. :)

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Hi Gill, I am really enjoying reading this, although feeling slightly exhausted :D Where do you get all that energy from? It must be the beer ( it sends me to sleep :D )


I may pick your brains on the Rome tour as my Ray has been there, many moons ago! but I haven't, so I know he would like the one you went on, but I am wondering how much of Rome we would actually see.


Give my regards to Ray. Looking forward to the next installment. Don't put yourself down! They are brilliant. :)


Thanks Linda. You must be looking forward to your next one now. Relaxing Rome tour meant we didn't see a lot of the main Rome attractions. The coach didn't stop at any of them, and the Colosseum was the only place I recognized and managed a photo of from the coach as it drove past. We got a stop for an hour with dire warnings that we had to be back to the coach at the due time as he was not allowed to wait at the pick up point. It was ok and we hadn't been to Rome before, but it really does depend what you expect or want from the tour. I enjoyed my walk round the square we stopped at, but Ray was worried about missing the coach and set off back after we had had our drink.


Have had a hard time getting on here today for some reason. Will get this off and then try to finish the other ports. x

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Messina Sicily.


I was up early as this was a new port for us, and after our early breakfast we saw a coastal garda boat come in behind us crammed with folk and it appeared to be full of rescued migrants. There were 3 large tents on the quayside and medical people waiting for them. We went to get ready for our trip as we had booked the Mount Etna tour when we found Ray would be ok with somewhere to sit while I went gallivanting off to the crater. I had wanted to do this one when Island Escape was going to Messina in October 2013, but due to getting stuck in Corfu in a thunderstorm we had to miss it, so I was really looking forward to the trip. I loved it. Ray was ok in a bar, so I walked round the crater and down into it. Took photos, enjoyed the views on another hot clear day. We were told sensible shoes and something warm needed, but it was warm enough there. Ground is rough and dusty so you do need something comfy to walk in. Joined Ray in scorching sunshine for a couple of beers before the trip back. I had dinner with Ray on board and then went out again to look for wifi. Plenty of places advertising wifi free zone, but again it was hard to get one with working wifi. I did enjoy Messina though.

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We were due in Corfu late and had a trip to Glyfada beach booked as there were bars around so Ray would be ok while I had a swim. There is quite a walk to the beach area from where the coach dropped us off, and we were given a time for meeting up by the bar on the beach for the walk back up the hill to get the coach back. Got Ray settled in the shade in the bar with a beer while I went onto the beach. Didn't see any beds on the beach, so left my things on a towel but enjoyed the swim as the water was lovely. There were fish about 4 inches long in shoals swimming around me, but I couldn't catch one! Someone said a bit further along the beach round some rocks they had seen more while snorkeling. In front of the bar there was a swimming pool with beds round it which appeared to be used by folk staying in the complex. Suppose we could have used it, but I didn't ask. I think some from the ship arrived on the beach by taxi from the ship while we were there. I think I would have been worried due to it being a short stay in port though. I got changed and joined Ray for a beer and wifi before the trip back. It had been another good day.




What a way to end our fantastic cruise itinerary. Well known for the long fjord sail in we were not disappointed. Very mystical with mountains over a haze above the water. Beautiful. We were going to use tenders here, and Ray decided it would be a struggle for him so stayed on board. I got my ticket and left for a lovely ride over at 11.20. There was a group of folk dressed in black with long white gloves doing amazing things, spelling Hello, welcome, Friends, Kotor, 2015 as well as a car and ship. I have put photos on FB while away. I love Kotor and decided to wander round the town as last year I had walked up the many steps to the chapel up the hill. I found one bar for a beer and wifi, then just wandered round in and out of alleys just loving the place, but had to make a pitstop, so why not another beer, and wow. Got a bar with a dark beer. It was another Niksicko beer but not the usual gold lager and pilsner that everywhere seems to stock. A deep reddish brown and wonderful. Loved it so much I bought a bottle to fight Ray over back on board. Made my way back to catch the tender back to the ship.


One of the most fantastic cruise itinerary's and I will certainly be looking for repositioning cruises again.


Transfer at Dubrovnik.


The coach at the ship was fine, and the trip to the airport was fine, but then we hit problems. We got to the ramp into the airport and there were no wheelchairs for about 4 couples where one or both needed a chair. We were told to sit on a wall till the chairs became available. They were taking people through security in the chairs and as the seating area was so crowded they had to stay in the chairs till boarding, so it was a slow process releasing them again. We did get in and straight through security and it was difficult to get seating. All with wheelchairs and their partners got a lift to the plane in an amazing contraption. We were placed on a platform that lifted us into a hydraulic cabin which drove to the plane, then the whole cabin went up to get us off by the cockpit. Brilliant fun.


Loved the ship, loved the crew, loved the itinerary.

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We like to try local beers so aim to get something in every port, but not being a lager drinker we found most beers were this style which is why the dark beer was so welcome. The Yellow Submarine bar we found in Cartagena was good though with Belgian and American beers on a massive beer menu. Plenty of choices there.

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We also saw rescued migrants in Messina last June. They were on a naval (or may have been coastguard) vessel docked behind us. It was distressing to see hundreds of them all sitting huddled in a cordoned off area of the deck. The crew were all in the white suits and masks and there were ambulances coming and going most of the day. Not a sight I would want to see again. Made me realise how lucky we were to be on a ship for pleasure.

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