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I"m glad you said that. I just booked 2 cruises, and one of them I booked for my daughter and her bf and my PVP told me that all of the deposit comes back to whoever booked and paid.


That is 100% correct. I had to cancel 1 of 3 cabins I had booked in March. My DD backed out just before final payment last December. Since I had charged the deposit on my credit card, the money came back to me for a future cruise. I applied $200 from both deposits to my November cruise. Carnival did keep $100 ($50 each for DD and her BF) of the $500 for cancelation penalties. Whoever owns the credit card used gets the credit for future cruise.


As far as taking your parents, no one can decide for you. My wife's dad was 91 on his last cruise, in a wheelchair, ate through feeding tube and couldn't speak due to a stroke in the 1990s. He went everywhere with us. We full-time in an RV and he traveled with us from 2008 until he passed in 2012, 5 months after a 12-day cruise to Hawaii and 3 weeks on Oahu. (We lived there until 2008.) He went on a total of 6 cruises with us between 2008 and 2012.


A cruise ship is no harder on an elderly person than living at home is, as long as you are "doing for him. Helping him in an out of the chair, helping dress, etc.


As far as O2, is an oxygen concentrator considered a prohibited item that needs Dr. note? You can rent one. Does he use O2 all the time? I'm surprised he doesn't have a concentrator. We did check with the Dr. and gave blessing. Maybe get a second opinion.


A life lived without enjoyment, is barely living. Our "Pops" lived a life full of travel and family. He never regretted it.

Edited by Hawaiifrank
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Just want to say I am so sorry you are going through this!


Seems like yesterday, but about 12 years ago my dad had a very weak heart but was doing ok but had some mobility issues. He had booked a river cruise to the Norwegian Fjords and had asked my husband and I to come with to help him. We of course said, "yes."


He was so excited! His family was from Norway and he was "all about" being Norwegian.


Anyways, he never made the cruise and was so so sad when he was in the hospital and we had to cancel. He never made it out of the hospital.


I just feel so bad for when you have to tell them they can't go, I've been there and it is so hard!

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I know this doesn't apply to you and none of us know the extent of your parents health. However, I see people all the time on cruises and I wonder to myself how in the world did they even make it onboard. Many with oxygen tanks, one man had cerebral palsy and his companion spoon fed him. He was also in a specialized wheelchair. I see people with service dogs who are also in a wheelchair.


Please don't fret. Ruthlessboss said what I wanted to say and that is doctors aren't God. I really think my doctor would say "go and have a great time" knowing it would be my last hurrah. I hope you get a second opinion from a doctor. Sign a waiver saying you're responsible for your parents - which you will be. My mother is 91 - I wouldn't hesitate to take her any where. But that's me.

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FWIW, my PVP told me that if the insurance is purchased at the time of booking, it comes with a "cancel for any reason" clause. He said you can just say "I don't want to go" and it will be covered.


However, my PVP hasn't been the most honest, knowledgeable person related to other aspects of our booking, so that might not be true either. I definitely wouldn't give up on the insurance route! No one knows what they will approve until you jump through the appropriate hoops and try!


Good luck to you and best wishes for your parents.

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I feel for you completely, but this should serve as a good warning to guests to read the fine print. It isn't a secret that Early Saver is non-refundable and there is a burden of responsibility on the buyer to be aware of these terms. I truly hope you can find something equally fun to do for them though and I hope some others have learned from this!


I wouldn't call it fine print. It is simply the terms that differentiate Early Saver from other fares. Nothing is hidden. OP simply didn't do their due diligence.


Instead of making Carnival out to be the "devil", perhaps the OP should introspect and take responsibility realizing that you cannot have your cake (cheaper fare) and eat it too (ignore the terms).


I offer this as nicely as I can, not trying to flame OP.

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I wouldn't call it fine print. It is simply the terms that differentiate Early Saver from other fares. Nothing is hidden. OP simply didn't do their due diligence.




Instead of making Carnival out to be the "devil", perhaps the OP should introspect and take responsibility realizing that you cannot have your cake (cheaper fare) and eat it too (ignore the terms).




I offer this as nicely as I can, not trying to flame OP.



I was trying to put it lightly...but oh well lol you said it, not me!

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I am not a "Carnival cheerleader" and I'm not going to say that you should have looked into the Early Saver details before you made the purchase (because I think you already know that now). But I will say this: please do not try to make Carnival out as the bad guys simply because they are following their policy. I feel bad for your situation, but the reality is that everyone has a "situation" that they will swear is a bad as yours. Carnival cannot make exceptions for one person, because then they will have to make exceptions for everyone. Anyway, good luck, and I hope that you can find a vacation that your parents can go on. Maybe a land vacation closer to home, for a shorter amount of time.


A good corporation will work with you, however, Carnival will not. Sounds like you are a cheerleader, and I am just the opposite. Post like this need to be heard, so that others can make educated decisions on which cruise line to go on. The more negative Carnival gets, the better it is. Eventually, either Carnival will wise up, or others will flock to other cruise lines.

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FWIW, my PVP told me that if the insurance is purchased at the time of booking, it comes with a "cancel for any reason" clause. He said you can just say "I don't want to go" and it will be covered.


However, my PVP hasn't been the most honest, knowledgeable person related to other aspects of our booking, so that might not be true either. I definitely wouldn't give up on the insurance route! No one knows what they will approve until you jump through the appropriate hoops and try!


Good luck to you and best wishes for your parents.


You really have to look at a lot of variables. For instance....if I canceled my Mediterranean cruise right now then the cost of my CFAR insurance for me to exercise the claim would be more than the reimbursement for non-reimbursed expenses. It would be financially better off just paying the $100 change fee and using the $1500 deposit towards another cruise. Also I could use my insurance for another date if I haven't exercised a claim on it. Of course, the main reason I got the insurance was for the medical insurance and emergency evacuation. Plus I could lose more for non-reimbursed expenses the closer I got to the cruise date and the penalties involved.

Edited by HLGW60
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A good corporation will work with you, however, Carnival will not. Sounds like you are a cheerleader, and I am just the opposite. Post like this need to be heard, so that others can make educated decisions on which cruise line to go on. The more negative Carnival gets, the better it is. Eventually, either Carnival will wise up, or others will flock to other cruise lines.


What needs to be heard? That people need to understand refund policies and check with doctors before booking cruises?


If the OP wanted to warn people, I think the better lesson would have been something like, "Hey everyone...I made a huge mistake and booked a cruise without understanding the refund policy and not checking with my elderly parent's doctor about going. Please make sure you check on these things before booking your cruise"

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If you've been on Carnival and read these boards then how are you not aware of the cancellation policies?! That makes no sense and I don't feel sorry for you. I have a cruise in 2 weeks and didn't get insurance, if something happens and I can't go then you won't see me on here complaining and making Carnival out to be the bad guy. I also love how you expected Carnival to give you some kind of deal because of your parents age/health and the fact that you already have another vacation planned. That was all I needed to read to know where this was going.


Does your post make you feel superior? :rolleyes:

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A good corporation will work with you, however, Carnival will not. Sounds like you are a cheerleader, and I am just the opposite. Post like this need to be heard, so that others can make educated decisions on which cruise line to go on. The more negative Carnival gets, the better it is. Eventually, either Carnival will wise up, or others will flock to other cruise lines.


I am neither a cheerleader or a basher, and I agree that a good company will work with you. Carnival sometimes do and sometimes not, and sometimes only when they are stuck between a rock and a hard place!


Where I disagree with you is "the more negative Carnival gets, the better it is". I doubt Carnival worries much about what is complained about here on CC. (a bit maybe, but not a lot!) Some will go to other cruise lines and some wont. Carnival will find a way to fill their ships one way or another.


The way I see it, here on CC, that the more posts like this, the more other CC'rs, myself included learn....which fares to book and which ones not to, as well as the reasons why they are or are not right for us, then we all learn something. No one is ever too old or too seasoned travel wise to learn something.


I learn more here on CC than anywhere else as far as cruises, and Carnival cruises go...some is good, some not so good, but it is still a good place to get information that is relevant. JMHO, and yours is fine too. We all have a different take on things.

Edited by SMSACE6
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The cruise was to be August 27th. I agree about the Dr...I woke up mad about it all. I'm not saying that Im totally without fault in the matter but I never dreamt that the Dr would say he wouldn't "sign off" on it. I know I've seen old people on a cruise befor with oxygen in their nose and in a wheelchair. I feel so bad for my parents, haven't been able to tell them yet. I'm heart broken. I am just afraid to take them now because if something were to happen I would really feel at fault since the Dr wouldn't condone it.


When I read your dilemma, my first thought was, how dare that doctor! Surely he understands quality of life. You said that your parents sleep a lot because of boredom. Where's the quality? The doctor has to see that a change in scenery would do a world of good. (I'm so mad at that doctor right now!!)


If these were my parents, I'd have my brother call that doctor and talk with him and explain the situation and Special Needs @Sea. Then I'd find another doctor right away.


I hope this doesn't sound crass, but what's the worst that can happen? Though my dad is gone now, I can say with certainty that either of my parents would prefer the "inevitable" happen doing something they loved, like cruising, rather than sitting at home or in a nursing home.


Please don't give up. Fight this doctor for all it's worth. The memories of cruising with your folks will last with you forever. I know-I've taken my mom on three cruises so far.


Best wishes.

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I'm sorry this happened to you.


Whenever I book a cruise, I always make sure to say "is the deposit fully refundable". I know Early Saver is not, but I don't know what other rates might have that restriction.


When the sales rep told you early saver was best, it was because you had insisted upon the lowest possible rate; and it is indeed the best for that.


Perhaps you can call and ask Carnival to review the sales transaction (they are all recorded) if you are relatively sure she never told you it is non-refundable. That may help you if you were not able to use the 72-hour contract cancellation law.



I will say I disagree with the people who say to ignore the doctor and take your parents anyway. If, God forbid, something did happen - in additional to being a horrible experience for you, your could affect thousands of other people's vacation as the ship is delayed or diverted to get emergency medical attention.

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I will say I disagree with the people who say to ignore the doctor and take your parents anyway. If, God forbid, something did happen - in additional to being a horrible experience for you, your could affect thousands of other people's vacation as the ship is delayed or diverted to get emergency medical attention.


I also disagree. Besides taking a chance of endangering their lives and being a horrible experience for all involved.....you would also be violating the terms of your contract with Carnival




(a) The Guest warrants that he and those traveling with him are physically and emotionally fit to travel at the time of embarkation, and further certifies that such Guests have no medical or emotional condition that would endanger any Guest or others. Any Guest with special medical, physical or other needs requiring medical attention or special accommodation during the voyage is requested to notify Carnival in writing at the time of booking of such special need. Upon booking the cruise, guests who have special needs are requested to contact Carnival’s Special Needs Desk (305-599-2600 ext. 70025) to discuss the details of their special needs. Carnival recommends that any Guest who is not self-sufficient travel with a companion who shall take responsibility for any assistance needed during the voyage and in case of emergency


Also...isn't there a form you sign before sailiting attesting to your physical fitness to travel?

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While the threadstarter was trying to do something nice, this is simply a "buyer beware" mistake(s) on her part.


Early Saver has very specific benefits but also very specific rules - the threadstarter should have known what she was agreeing to.


Not sure if threadstarter bought insurance that would cover her cancellation, but she certainly should have based on the physical issues involved.


Threadstater has some 900 posts here on CC, so none of this should be a mystery to her.


Due diligence is always necessary when agreeing to contracts.

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Keep the cruise. Change the doctor. Having worked with my mom battling through terminal cancer, I'm not to keen on doctors who just want their patients to lay down and die. (sorry for the wording there) they will likely never get another chance at a trip like this again and you should most certainly find a doctor who understands this situation and allows them an opportunity to live out their lives with dignity and without being restricted. We took the same liabilities with my mother. I'm hoping things work out for you OP.

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Many of us who frequent these boards are cruise savvy and understand the rules and policies. But every time that I talk to a friend who is thinking about going on their first cruise and I try to explain to them all the mumbo jumbo in the fine print, I realize how complicated understanding it all really is.


Yes, it's easy to tell the OP that they should've known better. But I'm sure that many of us would've made the same exact mistake under similar circumstances. Unfortunately at this point in time, it's just an expensive lesson to learn.


To the OP, I agree with what others have said, and to look at second opinions to see if cruising for your parents is truly not advisable. There are many people who cruise in worse health conditions than what you've described. Many just want to enjoy whatever amount of time they have left on this earth to the max, regardless of a doctor's opinion. It's ultimately your decision to make, but personally, if it were me, I can't think of a better way to spend my last few days than on a cruise. [emoji18]

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Just take them anyhow. Who cares what the doctor says. Let them have some fun



They can't just take them. The doctor needs to write a prescription for the oxygen to be allowed on the ship. That is the problem. They can't take oxygen onto the ship without dr approval.

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Many of us who frequent these boards are cruise savvy and understand the rules and policies. But every time that I talk to a friend who is thinking about going on their first cruise and I try to explain to them all the mumbo jumbo in the fine print, I realize how complicated understanding it all really is.


Yes, it's easy to tell the OP that they should've known better. But I'm sure that many of us would've made the same exact mistake under similar circumstances. Unfortunately at this point in time, it's just an expensive lesson to learn.


To the OP, I agree with what others have said, and to look at second opinions to see if cruising for your parents is truly not advisable. There are many people who cruise in worse health conditions than what you've described. Many just want to enjoy whatever amount of time they have left on this earth to the max, regardless of a doctor's opinion. It's ultimately your decision to make, but personally, if it were me, I can't think of a better way to spend my last few days than on a cruise. [emoji18]


Didn't she say she doesn't know how to tell them? I would gather she's discussed cruising with them, so they hoped to go.

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I will say I disagree with the people who say to ignore the doctor and take your parents anyway. If, God forbid, something did happen - in additional to being a horrible experience for you, your could affect thousands of other people's vacation as the ship is delayed or diverted to get emergency medical attention.


I've been on plenty of cruises where we've been diverted due to someone being ill or injured. It had no affect on me, as a matter of fact, it was kind of exiting to see how the captain handles such situations. When people sign on to take a cruise, most are well aware of what can happen on a cruise.


It doesn't stop that person from jumping overboard 1/2 way between San Francisco and Hawaii, and the ship looking 8 hours for her. Passengers were ticked off that they missed their first port. There's a cold storage on board to place people who have passed on. However, I'm willing to bet the OP's parents don't fall into this category. It could be the trip of their life!

Edited by elliair
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While the threadstarter was trying to do something nice, this is simply a "buyer beware" mistake(s) on her part.


Early Saver has very specific benefits but also very specific rules - the threadstarter should have known what she was agreeing to.


Not sure if threadstarter bought insurance that would cover her cancellation, but she certainly should have based on the physical issues involved.


Threadstater has some 900 posts here on CC, so none of this should be a mystery to her.


Due diligence is always necessary when agreeing to contracts.


Just FYI, I checked her old posts, joined in 2001, so that number is not out of line. Also, they've extensively cruised RCCL and even NCL Getaway. So, she's relatively a newbie to Carnival, and chose Paradise because it's close to home.

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I am sorry, I lost money ($100) for each of 2 cabins, but I am curious why you would not have checked with their doctor before booking? I recently had some eye issues and was prohibited from flying and did not book until cleared by my dr



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