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Rude Passengers


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Hi All


My husband and I felt compelled to write about this as we were shocked by some passengers behaviour whilst on our Island Princess Cruise from Venice on 9th July.


Our holiday was fabulous. The crew members and majority of passengers were wonderful and so friendly, The only people we had a problem with were those rude obnoxious passengers who felt they were better than any of the staff and crew so felt the need to resist any politeness such as please and thank you and to those people, i wish to say, shame on you and think, without these, so called "lower people" to yourselves, you wouldnt have had such a lovely cruise.


It shocks me when people have this attitute towards others. What on earth is wrong with a bit of gratuity??


So thank you to the wonderful crew members and the fabulous passengers we met from all over the world, for helping us to have the best holiday ever:D and to those rude high and mighty fools, whatever!!! You make yourselves look ridiculous!!:mad:



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Know exactly what you mean.


The one's I feel tempted to say something to are those who feel that it is correct behaviour to force their way into the lift (elevator) as soon as the doors open and before those who wish to get out have had a chance to leave.

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No matter where you are, on a cruise, in a hotel, or just walking in your home town, you will find rude people. Just ignore them and don't let it bother you. So glad you enjoyed your cruise. Venice is a special place in my heart.

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“Rude, obnoxious jerks”!

We have noticed some passengers are self-entitled, pretentious, and rude not only to the crew but also to fellow passengers, and arrogant. I wonder if it is the age and they think because they have lived a long time and they feel they can do whatever they darn well please. But that can’t be, because the rest of us are well over 65, so it must be that they are just “Rude, obnoxious jerks”!


Just remember that you are a Lady or Gentleman and simply follow these tips: http://www.purposefairy.com/9569/8-clever-ways-to-deal-with-rude-people/



Just Mike

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We really kept our cool on this holiday as rudeness as I mentioned in my OP is something which really annoys us in all walks of life and normally, we do make a remark, i.e. queuing in Rome for the shuttle bus and a woman pushes in front of us, her son remarked she is being cheeky and she responded "NO I'M NOT". I failed to hold my tongue and quietly said (but loud enough for her to hear) that people were really starting to annoy me with their rudeness, my husband asked who and I said, her for a start!! She must have heard me as she said you go in front of me :) On a ship though, we must hold our tongue as you dont want a full scale barney on an enclosed space but it didnt ruin things, the holiday was amazing. We certainly wont let imbeciles like them ruin our time but just had to mention this, as you never know, there may be some members on here which it may have struck a chord and make them think twice in future when they realise they just look like fools! :D

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As someone that has dealt with the general public for over 50 years, I can say that the 95 - 5 rule always seems to apply.


95% of the people are great The other 5% cause 95% of your grief.


The key is to never let the 5% spoil it for the other 95%.



Edited by Matcodixon
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The only people we had a problem with were those rude obnoxious passengers who felt they were better than any of the staff and crew so felt the need to resist any politeness such as please and thank you and to those people, i wish to say, shame on you and think, without these, so called "lower people" to yourselves, you wouldnt have had such a lovely cruise.



Unfortunately, this is the way society is becoming. It's a true shame, really. However, the good thing is it sounds as though it didn't detract from a great vacation for you.

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Hi All


My husband and I felt compelled to write about this as we were shocked by some passengers behaviour whilst on our Island Princess Cruise from Venice on 9th July.


Our holiday was fabulous. The crew members and majority of passengers were wonderful and so friendly, The only people we had a problem with were those rude obnoxious passengers who felt they were better than any of the staff and crew so felt the need to resist any politeness such as please and thank you and to those people, i wish to say, shame on you and think, without these, so called "lower people" to yourselves, you wouldnt have had such a lovely cruise.


It shocks me when people have this attitute towards others. What on earth is wrong with a bit of gratuity??


So thank you to the wonderful crew members and the fabulous passengers we met from all over the world, for helping us to have the best holiday ever:D and to those rude high and mighty fools, whatever!!! You make yourselves look ridiculous!!:mad:




This has been our observations frequently on cruises too.....unfortunately you will see "human behavior at it's best on a cruise ship but also you are much more likely to see it at it's worst."


We were on a Mediterranean cruise and when people were getting off the ship in Venice there was such a rush to the elevators that two handicapped people were knocked down to the ground from their walkers...almost nobody stopped to help them up because they we so eager to get off the ship......shocking but true....:eek:

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We really kept our cool on this holiday as rudeness as I mentioned in my OP is something which really annoys us in all walks of life and normally, we do make a remark, i.e. queuing in Rome for the shuttle bus and a woman pushes in front of us, her son remarked she is being cheeky and she responded "NO I'M NOT". I failed to hold my tongue and quietly said (but loud enough for her to hear) that people were really starting to annoy me with their rudeness, my husband asked who and I said, her for a start!! She must have heard me as she said you go in front of me :) On a ship though, we must hold our tongue as you dont want a full scale barney on an enclosed space but it didnt ruin things, the holiday was amazing. We certainly wont let imbeciles like them ruin our time but just had to mention this, as you never know, there may be some members on here which it may have struck a chord and make them think twice in future when they realise they just look like fools! :D


Good for you. To ignore bad behavior that affects you just encourages those people to continue that bad behavior. I have calmly and politely informed those who try to board an elevator before allowing anyone to get off that they would find more room in the elevator if they would stand to the side until those wanting off make their exit. On my last cruise my wife and I were the only ones in the elevator lobby on our deck when I called an elevator. The elevator closest to us indicated it would be the next one to reach our floor. Before it stopped, 3 ladies of about 75 years of age entered the lobby. My wife and I stood to the side of the elevator door as it opened. Before anyone could get off and we could get on, those 3 ladies dashed clear across the lobby and pushed their way into the already crowded elevator. I kind of lost it then and told them that it certainly paid to be first in line and that they were rude anal orifices. They had an embarrassed look on their faces as the elevator doors closed and left my wife and I to take another elevator.

I still think replacing stairs with escalators would solve the problem of crowded elevators.

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Unfortunately, this is the way society is becoming. It's a true shame, really. However, the good thing is it sounds as though it didn't detract from a great vacation for you.


I don't know if it's that or if there are just more rude people on cruises. There's something about being in the company of the same people for days confined on a ship. Maybe it makes the rude ones more noticeable? Anyway, I agree with OP that the types who are rude to staff and order them around like their personal servants are most irritating.

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Hi All


My husband and I felt compelled to write about this as we were shocked by some passengers behaviour whilst on our Island Princess Cruise from Venice on 9th July.


Our holiday was fabulous. The crew members and majority of passengers were wonderful and so friendly, The only people we had a problem with were those rude obnoxious passengers who felt they were better than any of the staff and crew so felt the need to resist any politeness such as please and thank you and to those people, i wish to say, shame on you and think, without these, so called "lower people" to yourselves, you wouldnt have had such a lovely cruise.


It shocks me when people have this attitute towards others. What on earth is wrong with a bit of gratuity??


So thank you to the wonderful crew members and the fabulous passengers we met from all over the world, for helping us to have the best holiday ever:D and to those rude high and mighty fools, whatever!!! You make yourselves look ridiculous!!:mad:




Not sure what your complaining about. Can you give some specific incidences as to what and who was rude. May give me a better perspective of what you're angry about. Thank you.

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My DH suffered from a nerve disease that was so painful that it changed his personality on a daily basis.


He would become angry at everyone he encountered and I would try and intercede before the poor souls came in contact with him.


He was truly a lovely man but when he was in pain, the whole world suffered.


I would feel so badly for him because I knew what was going on, the public did not. But, if they came close to him in an elevator, at the market, standing in line or on an airplane he would "bark" at them in an angry tone. He loved to travel but it was becoming increasingly more and more difficult for him and for me to watch him.


He recently passed away but not before he terrorized every nurse and doctor in the hospital.


So, next time someone "barks" at you or you see them acting badly towards someone else, it may not be something they really mean but something that is happening to them and they can't help it! My husbands illness taught me a lot and gave me great insight into human behavior. It may not be a good excuse for poor behavior but it may be an explanation.


I wish I could apologize to EVERYONE who had to bear witness to my DH's rages and pray that I NEVER have to experience such sadness again!

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Before anyone flames me, think about what im saying as a neutral observation. As we become a melting pot of mixed cultures, we are being introduced to the more "competitive" or "aggressive" nature of cultures with large populations. They take no time for polite niceties, door holding or offering disarming smiles. Its a dog eat dog world they come from and it clashes big time with ours. Its never personal as far as I can tell, it just feels so insulting because we were brought up differently.



Edited by MTJSR
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Before anyone flames me, think about what im saying as a neutral observation. As we become a melting pot of mixed cultures, we are being introduced to the more "competitive" or "aggressive" nature of cultures with large populations. They take no time for polite niceties, door holding or offering disarming smiles. Its a dog eat dog world they come from and it clashes big time with ours. Its never personal as far as I can tell, it just feels so insulting because we were brought up differently.




Thank you for that, you are right. I could sit here all day and type incident after incident of rude passengers. However, I would be called a racists, bigot, on and on. I've experienced firsthand, and I do say something to them.

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we all meet rude people everyday in one form or another? it may be in the workplace or walking along the street, or possibly on the holiday that you have worked/waited and saved up for all year ?


don't get angry or react hastily, because that's what they want you to do.



all rude people just need a "high-five"..........on the head......with a chair.



see, problem solved ? :D

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My DH suffered from a nerve disease that was so painful that it changed his personality on a daily basis.


He would become angry at everyone he encountered and I would try and intercede before the poor souls came in contact with him.


He was truly a lovely man but when he was in pain, the whole world suffered.


I would feel so badly for him because I knew what was going on, the public did not. But, if they came close to him in an elevator, at the market, standing in line or on an airplane he would "bark" at them in an angry tone. He loved to travel but it was becoming increasingly more and more difficult for him and for me to watch him.


He recently passed away but not before he terrorized every nurse and doctor in the hospital.


So, next time someone "barks" at you or you see them acting badly towards someone else, it may not be something they really mean but something that is happening to them and they can't help it! My husbands illness taught me a lot and gave me great insight into human behavior. It may not be a good excuse for poor behavior but it may be an explanation.


I wish I could apologize to EVERYONE who had to bear witness to my DH's rages and pray that I NEVER have to experience such sadness again!


How terrible for the two of you. I pray that he is finally at peace and that you will also be rewarded for your loyalty.

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My DH is going to outlive me because when we encounter rude people who push ahead of others (not just us), I fume about it while he ignores it. I'm an activist type who wants to improve the situation, he's the laissez faire type who says it will all even itself out someday.

I'm trying hard to be more like him, but so far....

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My DH suffered from a nerve disease that was so painful that it changed his personality on a daily basis.


He would become angry at everyone he encountered and I would try and intercede before the poor souls came in contact with him.


He was truly a lovely man but when he was in pain, the whole world suffered.


I would feel so badly for him because I knew what was going on, the public did not. But, if they came close to him in an elevator, at the market, standing in line or on an airplane he would "bark" at them in an angry tone. He loved to travel but it was becoming increasingly more and more difficult for him and for me to watch him.


He recently passed away but not before he terrorized every nurse and doctor in the hospital.


So, next time someone "barks" at you or you see them acting badly towards someone else, it may not be something they really mean but something that is happening to them and they can't help it! My husbands illness taught me a lot and gave me great insight into human behavior. It may not be a good excuse for poor behavior but it may be an explanation.


I wish I could apologize to EVERYONE who had to bear witness to my DH's rages and pray that I NEVER have to experience such sadness again!

I am sorry for your loss. Thank you and MTSJR for reminding us that not everyone's reality is the same as our own. I was taught that it is rude to point out rude behavior and I try not to. I would certainly never feel it was my right to mention it to the person demonstrating it. I haven't walked in their shoes. And if I returned home from a cruise and the behavior of others was the most notable thing I could mention about my experience, i would consider the issue to lie with me.



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How terrible for the two of you. I pray that he is finally at peace and that you will also be rewarded for your loyalty.


Thank you, you're very kind. I've never thought about receiving any reward....I loved him and made a promise "in sickness and in health", on our wedding day. I miss him terribly. What happened to him could happen to any one of us.


He taught me to be a kinder, gentler human. To not judge others by what they say or do......to try and look beyond what we see. It's not always easy but it certainly makes for a more pleasant life experience.

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I am sorry for your loss. Thank you and MTSJR for reminding us that not everyone's reality is the same as our own. I was taught that it is rude to point out rude behavior and I try not to. I would certainly never feel it was my right to mention it to the person demonstrating it. I haven't walked in their shoes. And if I returned home from a cruise and the behavior of others was the most notable thing I could mention about my experience, i would consider the issue to lie with me.




Thank you! Lovely words!

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