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Navigator 09/03/05 Review - Long....


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:D Finally getting around to write my review of our first cruise on Navigator of the Seas 3rd Sept - 10th Sept. Followed by a week in Orlando. This was to celebrate our 25th Anniversary. It will probably be quite long, so apologies if it takes a few days to complete. As a first timer I really enjoyed reading the long reviews especially all the info and peoples stories, a big thank you to all those who wrote reviews, answered my questions and helped us to have such a wonderful time.


Preperations: A little bit about ourselves. We live in the UK and have two sons 18 and 6. (So please bare with me if I get some terms or names wrong)This was our first vacation on our own since our eldest Simon was born, we were a bit apprehensive about going away without the boys, but it worked out ok. We had the idea of a cruise many years ago, but as life goes we just never seemed to be able to arrange it or even afford it. So with our 25th Anniversary coming up we were determined to finally do this. After deciding on RCCL and NOS, we booked our first cruise 18 months ago. What a long way off it seemed then. I got a second job to help raise the money, we knew it was going to be an expensive vacation and we wanted to make the most of it, doing everything we wanted too. I found this great site one day about 6 months ago and am afraid have been quite addicted to it ever since. Have driven my husband Peter mad sometimes. I like to read and he does not, so he can not understand why I am on here so much. But where is there a better way to gain information and make new friends before you cruise then this site??:) :) The 18 months were spent organising, shopping, reading and counting the days until we sailed, which I am sure we all did. Finally the day before we left arrived...............


Part 1 - Trains, Planes & Miami


The 1st of Sept. was a kind of funny day, I promised myself for weeks before that I would have everything done and arranged beforehand, so that we could just relax the day before leaving, but as usual the best laid plans do not always work out. Our eldest Simon informed me that he had to go to his new college that day for his Induction and Enrolement, that meant I had to go into work late and stay later to make up the time. It had been a hectic week anyway with the end of the month reports etc at work, so I was looking forward to getting home early and finishing off all the last minute packing etc., but oh well would just have to get on with it. My cousin and her husband had offered to come over from Ireland to stay with the boys while we were away, which we were very grateful for. Their flight was not getting into Gatwick, London until 10.40pm and they were going to get the last train from there to our town. We spent most of the evening cleaning and getting things organised for them, awaiting their arrival. Hopefully it would not be too late and we could get a few hours sleep, as we had to leave our home at 5.30am to get to the airport for our flight to Miami.


The phone rang at 11.30pm, they had missed the last train by 5 minutes because of the security checks at the airport taking a long time. It meant Peter had to drive down and pick them up, an hours run down and back again. But never mind, we were just glad they had got here. Anyway, after nearly three hours, (it was 2.30am by now,) Peter phoned to say they were nearly home, (he had taken the wrong road coming back and went miles out off the way, it is usually me who has to navigate when we go anywhere) but they all finally arrived about 3.00am. Everyone went off to their beds, but off course we could not sleep worrying about getting up at 5.00am. You can imagine we were pretty tired by the time we got on the flight.


After our teary goodbyes with our sons, who were half asleep, and did not want to be disturbed, we were finally on our way for this much longed for cruise. We flew out off Heathrow airport, London on British Airways. As this was a special occasion we splashed out a bit and paid extra for Premier Economy seats, which were great, loads of extra leg room. Peter being 6'2 was very grateful for this. We went at the end of the catering dispute on BA, but even though you did not get a choice of meals, it was ok, just typical airline food. At least it was hot, the week before passengers had to make do with a cold deli bag. Our flight took just under 8 hours and got into Miami Int airport a bit earlier then scheduled. The first thing we Brits always notice when we go to the states is the woosh of warm air when we get off the plane which is great, it makes you feel you are really on vacation. After our fingerprints and photos' were taken at passport control we headed to retrive our luggage in the baggage hall, this was not too bad, I got a bit worried when the suitcase with our formal wear in was taking a bit of time to come through, but it arrived after a while, I suppose because we had checked in really early that our luggage was last off the plane. We cleared customs and walked through arrivals to find the RCCL representative, he was a really sweet little man who guided our group to the awaiting bus to our hotel the Intercontinental at Chopin Plaza, near Bayside. This must be RCCls' appointed hotel as everyone seemed to be going there. We had been told by our TA that we would be staying in the Intercontinental at the airport, and it was not until we received our cruise docs, that we found out it was the one at Bayside, which we were really pleased about. Had read very good reviews about this hotel. It was a short journey, only about 15 mins to get there. We had met Susan (Earth Angel) from Cruise Critics at the airport, it was funny because we had conversed on our Meet and Mingle thread for a few weeks and had told each other what we looked like. I had spent most of the day looking out for her, and so had she for us. She spotted us by the elevators in Miami and came over. It was great to meet someone from CC, putting a face to the name. We had arranged beforehand to meet her and Lesley (Cruise Fanatic) that evening for a drink too help with the jet lag, it seems that if you try and stick to your usual sleep routine you do not feel as bad.


The hotel was in a lovely position, right next to Bayside Place, which had lots of restaurants,bars and shops. There is a great Hard Rock Cafe with a giant guitar on the roof. From there you can see across to the port of Miami. The hotel is pretty impressive, very clean with friendly and helpful staff. But can be expensive. We made a phone call from our room to home to let them know we had arrived ok. Our cellphone did not work in the USA, we were only on there for 4 minutes, it cost $25, Peter was not impressed, you live and learn I suppose. Our room was on the 6th floor overlooking the pool area. Very comfortable with a king size bed, nice bathroom with a hair dryer, toiletries including shower caps, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, shoe shine, and repair kit. There was a safe in the closet and an ironing board and iron, coffee facilities were provided. We did not use the drinks bar. Peter got caught out on that one on his first trip many years ago. He did not realise you got charged for anything you touched. Ended up paying most of his spending money on the bar tab lol. After a nap, which we really should not have taken, (you feel worse for it,) we showered and got ready to walk down to Sharkeys bar at Bayside to meet Sue and Lesley.


We met Sue in the hotel lobby and walked over, it only took 5 mins to get there, and we felt pretty safe. Met Lesley and had a bite to eat. It was nice to meet people who would be on the same trip as us. Lesley had cruised a few times already so was very helpful with info. As we walked back to the hotel it started to thunder :eek: and it was quite a show with the lightening behind the hotel. Hopefully the photo I took will come out well. Back at our room we fell asleep really quick, we were shattered. But drifted into a dream off ships, white sand beaches and new adventures...... would the ship live up to our expectations?.................


To be continued: next Embarkation Day - Ships,Padlocks & Dinner.


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i love reading the reveiws and look foreward to the next instalment on this one.

although i am going on my 5th cruise i only found this site recently so i found it very interesting that you met your meet and mingle friends at the airport.

catseyes i too am adicted to these boards.I find myself talking to dh about someone and realise he hasnt got a clue who i am talking about.

of course he wouldnt as he doesnt come on the boards.

Cant wait to check in to the next instalment.


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My DH and I are originally from England having come here 25 years ago this month. We lived in Hampshire and I am sure from my name you can see where!! We still love the feeling of walking outside, especially at night, and getting that warm whoosh of heat and living in Dallas we get it for quite a few months of the year. I think it is a Brit thing!:)

Love your review and look forward to the rest. We leave on NOS on the 15th Oct to do the Western Caribbean. Not sure if I can wait but guess there is no choice. Eat some good fish and chips for me. I will be over in Nov, first time for a couple of years and already have my food list ready. And to think I have a week of cruise food before then. Weight Watchers, here I come!

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Thanks everyone for reading my review, hope you are enjoying it. It is my first so forgive any mistakes or if I get any terms or things wrong. I am trying to write it from memory as I started a journal on the first day and never really found the time to keep it going, so much to do on board.


Hi Pompey, pleased to meet you. Glad you are making it back to these shores. We go down to Portsmouth every year, Peter runs in the Great South Run. Am sure you will get great Fish and chips there, better than up here. Wish you a great trip on NOS, you will love it.


Will try to get some more of the review done tonight, as Sarah said my son keeps on at me to get off the computer so he can use it, we definately need a second one.


Have a good evening all,



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Cats Eyes


The review is wonderful, can't wait for the next installment. I got quite choked reading it as it brought back so many wonderful memories, not just of past cruises but of past holidays and the WHOOSH of warm air when landing in a hot country.


Definitely a BRIT thing.




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Embarkation - Ships,Padlocks & Dinner.

3rd September 2005 - I woke up with a start to pitch darkness, the curtains in the hotel were very good at keeping out any light. I panicked a bit as I thought we had slept too long and had missed the ship ahhhh. But calmed down when I saw the time was only 6.00am (silly me). Opened the curtains to a rather overcast morning, it was just starting to get light and if I sat on the window ledge, which was quite wide (inside I might add)hehe, I could see the opening to the port. I watched for while and could see a ship in the distance, got pretty excited and woke Peter up to come see, he was not too pleased as he just wanted to sleep, but I kept on like you do!! and persuaded him to get up and look. By the time we got over to the window the ship had gone from view, I don't think it was the Navigator, Lesley had told us the night before that it usually gets into port about 6.30am. Now that we were up we showered and changed ready to go for breakfast. People were already in the pool below, not sure if it was heated or not. Headed down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Nice setting with plenty of food stations. Decided to have the 'Choice from Buffett' menu which was $19 each, a bit pricey but loads of choice, hot food including hash browns which I love, pancakes, pastries, breads, cereals, fruits, juices etc., It was nice but the hot food was not that hot. The service was very good.


Decided after breakfast to go for a walk, you did not have to check out until 12.00 noon. I wanted to see if the ship was there yet. Got the camera and headed out. It was nice and sunny by now and pretty warm. I have to say now that we were exceptionally fortunate and blessed with perfect weather for every day off this cruise, I had remembered last year at the same time the bad hurricanes and a lot of cruises were cancelled or delayed, so we will be eternally grateful and thank God for that.


As we walked across the concourse in front of the hotel we could see the Royal Caribbean office buildings across the harbour, with their logo on the buildings. I looked just to left of them and said to Peter "I don't remember seeing that big building there last night", "Thats' not a building, thats' the ship" Peter replied. Wow! I will never forget that image or the surreal feeling you get as a first time cruiser seeing your cruise ship for the first time. She was huge, all 15 decks and 138,000 tonnes. We just stood there gobsmacked for a few minutes. I wonder if you get the same feelings again on future cruises?? Took loads of photos and walked down to Bayside. Could not wait to actually be on this beautiful ship. Got back to our room and repacked our carry on bag, it is a good idea to take your toiletries, a change of clothing for dinner and anything else you might need before your luggage arrives in the stateroom. Went down to the lobby at 11.45am, we had a note given to us the evening before at check in to ask us to make sure we had our luggage in the lobby by 12.00 noon, there were already quite a few bags stacked on trolleys waiting to go. They would take our luggage to the ship and we would get it delivered to our stateroom, which was handy. Do not forget to put your luggage tags from RCCl on the bags, I nearly forgot as I did not want to put them on at home, just in case they got ripped off in transit.


Went to the reception desk to pay our 'shocking' phone bill and met Sue to wait for the bus to the port. We were really impressed that all these transfers were included in the price of the cruise. Even back to the airport afterwards for our flight to Orlando. The bus loaded everyone at about 12.15 and we were finally on our way to start our Anniversary cruise. yipeee. This only took about 10 mins. and we stopped just outside the entrance to boarding. We were surprised to see people still with their luggage waiting to go home, seems there was a delay in disembarking and immigration. We hoped the queues would not be too long. Followed everyone else inside the building and decided to walk up the stairs, they have an elevator if you need it. Joined a small queue and put our bags through the scanner, I thought this is not too bad, but changed my mind when I saw the queues the other side to check in. A lady looked at our Sign and Sail Passes, which we had filled out on the Internet through RCCL, it makes it quicker to check in. She told Sue to join one line as she was on Deck 6 and told us to go down to the end for Deck 10. The line for this seemed to be roped off, so I asked an elderly man with a RCCl uniform on which line we should join. He looked at our paperwork again and pointed to the C&A, Suites etc., line. We were not too sure about this, but joined it anyway. A few other people had the same idea. After about 15 mins we got to the front and another lady looked at our paperwork, "You are in the wrong line Sir" she said "You should be over there" pointing to the line that was roped off. She lifted the rope and let us join the line "Weird!!!". Thankfully there were was only one family in front off us, so after them it was our turn. The lady on the desk seemed to be having trouble with her computer and called another man to look at it, this went on for a few minutes and finally they got it sorted. After going through our Sign and Sail pass, passports etc., and getting our Sea Passes, (which you use to sign in and out of the ship and charge drinks, spa treatments, photos' etc., too on the ship.) she said we had been upgraded to a Junior Suite, wow! we were originally booked in stateroom 1536, a E1 with balcony, changed to 1538 when we got our cruise docs and now JS 1294. This was definately a nice surprise!! When she had finished we were told as we were foreign nationals we had to join another queue to go through security and hand in our passports, these would be returned at the end of the cruise. This was back at the end of the room. It took about 15 minutes to go though this, more fingerprints, photos and handing passports over. Over to yet another queue to actually get on the ship. I suppose we are used to queues over here so it did not really bother us. You go up another esculator and join another queue to sign in, where your photo is taken again! this is for the security checks when you get on and off the ship. We had our photo taken together by the NOS Welcome board, which we later bought as it was pretty good. Stepped across the gangway and we were finally on the ship we had planned and dreamt about for so long.......


Met Sue again, funny how you can meet up with the people you know amongst so many people, the NOS can hold 3114 passangers and 1300 staff and crew. Arranged to meet for lunch in the Windjammer Cafe at 2.30pm. Waited for an elevator or lift as we call them, this was pretty quick, you get onboard on Deck 4 I think. I know! we should have taken the stairs, but did not think I would be able to manage 6 decks with bags. We did use the stairs quite a bit during the cruise, I have asthma and found sometimes I got quite out of breath going up the flights, shows how fit I am (not). Our first impression off Navigator was awesome! it was huge, beautiful, very clean and well kept, with some gorgeous pieces of art everywhere. The theme on the decks were ballet and performance, I loved looking at all the pictures and sculptures around. The elevators on the promanade side are glass sided and you can see all the decks when you are in them. They have the day off the week printed on the carpet inside these, which they change every day. Funny how you soon forget which day off the week it is when you are on vacation. Arrived on Deck 10 and found our stateroom, they have the room numbers listed on either side of the elevator station, we were always getting this wrong, 1530 to 1630 one side and 1230 to 1330 the other. In the end we found a piece of art that was at the entrance and looked for that when we got off the elevator. I know this may sound a bit silly, it should be simple enough, but we always got confused, maybe it is just one of the joys off getting older Hehe. Stateroom 1294 was on the port side about 3 cabins from the hump, (think I have that right). It was very roomy, 299 sq ft. with a balcony 65 sq.ft. We were impressed with how much room there was. As you enter the hallway there is a good sized bathroom to the left which had toilet, basin, two mirrored glass cabinets with shelves, room for your toiletries on the counter (provided were shampoo, conditioner, bath gel, lotion, shower cap and cotton buds, ear buds.) Plenty of towels which you could have changed any time by leaving them on the floor. You are provided with 2 pool towels, which you can have changed at the pool or just ask your cabin steward. I think there is a towel charge if you lose these. The Junior Suites have a full bath with shower, a screen and curtain, shower gel and soap are provided. Under the basin is a further shelf and a waste bin. We had no problems with space and hooks are on the back off the door for your gowns. I found these handy to hang clothes up when showering to get the creases out. A shaver socket is in the bathroom. Opposite is a walk in closet, very big with plenty of shelfs, a rail with loads of hangers and room to store your life jackets. I noticed extra pillows & blankets, which we did not require. I had brought along a fold up laundry bin which I kept in the closet. You can have laundry done on the ship, a valet service is available, there is a price list & bags on the wall outside the closet. We never used this as had taken enough clothes to last. Clothes can be just ironed if you need this.


You have a dressing area next to the closet with a long cupboard with shelves, plenty of drawers and little cupboards. We did not use half of these. A hairdryer is in one of the drawers which was ok, quite loud and you have to hold the button down. There were two sets of sockets on the wall one was 110/120v and the other had a 230v. We used the travel adaptors in these and it was ok. On the desk is a folder with note paper, envelopes, details of your steward and ship info. The ships newsletter "The Cruise Compass" was on the bed with a pamphlet detailing Spa treatments and times, your crew details, (Captain Rick Sullivan from Canada, Cruise Director Graham Seymour from England, (very funny) Wim Van Der Pas from the Netherlands,Executive Chef. etc., The TV unit is next with the safe above, you key in your own four digit number to open and close it, we had a bit of trouble with this as it kept showing an error sign. I phoned our steward Ashley who had introduced himself a few minutes earlier,he was from Jamaica, and a maintenance guy came out within 10 minutes. The battery had gone on the safe, which he changed. Under the TV was the dreaded mini bar (as mentioned earlier) we never even opened this LOL. On the corner was an ice bucket and glasses which you could ask your steward to fill with ice if required. I expect you can have the mini bar emptied to put your own stuff in if needed. We did not bother.


We had requested the two twin beds be put together to form a Queen size, we did not have any trouble with the join (even though it was our anniversary hehe) you only had two pillows which were ok and the bed was comfortable enough. We managed to store all our luggage under the bed. In the sitting area was a double sofa and chair with a small coffee table. A full length window and double sliding doors opened onto the balcony which was a good size. Glass panels under the rail allowed you to look at the sea when seated. There was a lounger, two chairs and a small table. We used the balcony quite a bit during the cruise, especially when pulling into port. It was interesting to watch all the docking procedures and people getting on the tenders at Labadee and Grand Cayman. I loved to sit out there before we retired for the night just listening to the sound off the sea.


At 2.30pm we went up one deck to the Windjammer to meet Sue for lunch, they were handing out Pina Colada cocktails as you entered. These were in souvenir glasses you charged to your SeaPass card. Very good!! They cost $5.95 each. Every day there was a 'Drink of the Day' at $5.95 and a souvenir sloozie glass with any frozen drink for $8.95 . Non alcholic drinks were also available. We ordered two off these sloozies on the Sunday, which was really good,Bay Breeze it was called, but did not realise you could keep the glasses which where glass with a swirlie pattern. Dumb ahh!! made sure we kept the glasses after that. Neither of us are big drinkers, so only had a couple of cocktails during the trip, which we really enjoyed. You could ask for a cocktail in an ordinary glass which was cheaper. Drinks waiters go around all day long by the pools calling out if you need a drink, some were very amusing to listen too. The Windjammer was packed. Was surprised how big it was in there. It went around in a circle with several food and drink stations serving lots of different choices, salads, meats both hot and cold, loads of fruit, pizza, burgers, deserts etc etc., even if you are a pickey eater, there had to be something you could eat. Tea, Coffee, water and cold drinks like ice tea, lemonade and fruit punch were free and available all day. (I met a girl in the elevator one evening with four glasses of fruit punch, she saw me looking at her and said she went up to the Windjammer every night to get drinks for the night time to take back too her cabin.) A very cheery and pleasant girl would greet you every morning and lunch time when you entered, she always asked how you were and if you were enjoying your day and your meal. I was surprised at the number of people who would ignore her. It does not take a second to acknowledge someone. She always made you look forward to your day with a big smile. It took us a little while to find somewhere to sit, but eventually we found a table by the window which was great. We enjoyed lunch and after decided to take a walk around the ship before the Muster Drill at 4.30pm. This is compulsary and is explained on your TV and in your cabin.


The size off the ship is really acknowledged when you walk around it. Certainly when you get to deck five and see the Promanade you can not believe you are on a ship. It is just like a street with shops, bars, a cafe which had great cakes and cookies, but not so great coffee. We do not drink a lot off coffee, typical Brit I suppose, prefer Tea. But found the coffee very strong. It is Seattles Best. The Promanade Rooms overlook this deck, we never saw one inside, but Lesley was in one and she said it was good, you could watch the parades in comfort on your window seat. Our favourite bar was the Schooner Bar on the other side of the Casino. It is done out like an old ship with sails and chairs shaped like barrels. The barmen were very friendly and chatty. A piano player is in there most nights and people can get up and sing with him if they want. Not so sure some of them should have, but what the heck, you are on vacation.


We did a tour of the Spa before Muster, will go into the Spa details later. Now Muster drill is an experience! Fun and interesting to see but definately an experience if you have never done this before. At 4.30 sharp the ships horn and alarm bells sounded to call everyone for the drill. This was on Deck 4 and you had a note on the back off your door explaining were your assembley point was on deck, also how to put on your lifejacket, it was also shown on your TV. We had such a laugh putting on the vests. Peter did not not look too bad in his, but I looked like a red ninja turtle, being only 5'1 and petite it was quite big and covered most of my face. Peter burst out laughing, but the photos' should be fun to see. (When I get around to getting them

developed). Made our way to Deck 4 by the stairs, the elevators are shut during Muster Drill. Very amusing seeing everyone in their lifevests, should have been like a lot,who did not put theirs on until they reached the meeting point. The drill was not too long, had to wait for the,I am sure,usual people who are late or do not want to attend. It was getting pretty hot and very stuffy in the vests, was relieved when it was over.


Have to mention why I put Padlocks in the title of todays page. When we returned from Muster, there were two suitcases outside our cabin. They were not ours but a cabin on the other side of the corridor. I saw Ashley down the hall and told him about these, he said he would get them moved to the correct cabin, I asked if he knew when ours would arrive. I knew it would take a while to get everyones luggage to them. I was worried they had gone too our original cabin down the corridor. Checked there, but none to be seen. They did arrive about 6.30pm. Started to unpack when I noticed there was a small padlock on one of the cases. We had not put any locks on our luggage because of the airlines request that you do not lock your bags unless you have a TSA lock, they need to be able to open them for security reasons. Forgot the cable ties I was going to use. I phoned Ashley again ( he must have been fed up with us by now) and he arranged for the maintenance man to come back again and cut the lock off. He came back really quick again, this time we tipped him a couple of dollers. He had no idea why a padlock had been put on our case. It must have been at the hotel??


Sail away was about 5.15pm. We stood on our balcony and watched the NOS

move out of Miami Port. You could not even feel it move. The weather was still quite overcast and it started raining, Peter was worried that this was to be the trend for weather the whole of the cruise, but off course he did not have to worry. We did not go to the Sail Away party up on deck 11, but we heard it had been good fun.


We had requested second seating for dinner at 8.30pm. It was at 9.00pm on the first night. After showering and getting ready (Casual wear) we walked down the stairs to Deck 5 and the Swan Lake dining room. Early seating was at 6.00pm. We missed the Welcome aboard show at 8.00, I thought it was after dinner. I have to say the dining rooms on 3 decks are amazing, beautiful chandeleirs, drapes and furniture with a long sweeping staircase on deck 3. Pieces of Ballet art are all around. We were greeted at the door by the Maitre D' who asked a waiter to show us too our table. We were at table 113 by the windows. Your table number is printed on your SeaPass. You can check out your table earlier in the day and meet with the Maitre d' if you do not like were you are seated. The waiters are all dressed very smart and are a friendly bunch. Our waiter was Ramon from the Philaphines, he introduced himself and his assistant waiter Michael. They were very attentive and laid your napkin out for you and offered you bread and rolls and water, which they kept toping up if you wanted. Our table was for 6, and there was another couple sitting down. We said hello and introduced ourselves. We managed to find out that they were Italian and on their second cruise, but the lady could not speak english and the man just understood a little. They were very nice people but as the other couple did not turn up for dinner that night it was a little strained trying to make conversation. Dinner was very good. I had Tomato Soup, Ceasar Salad, Cod, and Cheesecake for dessert. Peter had a great Shrimp Cocktail, Steak and Ice Cream. I did not get a copy of the menus so forgive me if I do not remember the exact names for all the dishes. We did enjoy the meal and feel the food in general was very good on this cruise. But then we are not pickey eaters and have only eaten food served and presented like this a couple of times. Once on the Orient Express,but that is another story. The other couple, (we never did get their names,) left after dessert while we had coffee. They would not return until the last night. We hoped we would have a full table the next evening. By this time about 10.15pm, we were feeling pretty tired, the jet lag was beginning to kick in, so decided to go back to our cabin. We walked through the promanade and bumped into Lesley who persuaded us to stay for the Bon Voyage parade at 11.15. This was great to see, very colourful and got lots of photos', glad we stayed. Finally made our way back to our stateroom, after getting lost again!! I was a bit disapointed Ashley had not left a Towel Animal tonight, I was looking forward to this treat. But he had turned the bed down and left chocolates on our pillows. Sundays Cruise Compass was also there. I used to look forward each night to reading this. It is very useful to have, especially the times and places for everything, info on our next port and dining times, dress code etc., bring a highlighter to mark things you want to do.


So this was the end of our first day onboard this wonderful ship, time for sleep and the excitement of new places and new experiences, roll on Sunday....................:)


next First Day at Sea - Blue Skies,sexy legs & red lobsters.

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Catseyes - can't believe I am going to miss the rest of your review before I go! It's been great so far.

We set off tomorrow from Scotland - down to Heathrow and then to the Intercontinental at Bayside for a few nights before we join the Navigator for two weeks! Can't wait.

We did our first cruise for our silver wedding and became hooked!!! Will look forward to reading the rest of your review when we get back.


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Thank you all so much, I am so pleased you are enjoying reading my review. I am driving Peter crazy at the moment spending so much time doing this, I can only get on here in the evening, and it takes nearly all evening to write it. It is the first time I have written anything this long! he really can not understand why I even want to do this. But if it helps amuse, and give new cruisers a bit of info then it is worth the time. Also if I am honest, I wanted to see if I could really do it and write a review. As I said before I loved reading long reviews before we went, and do hope this is not too long for some people.


Hopefully will get some more done tomorrow eve.


Maryjohn, wish you a safe journey all the way, as wonderful a cruise as we had and please let us know how you find the Navigator when you return. Bon Voyage.



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Reading your review has brought back such wonderful memories of our trip on the Navigator in May. We have been on previous cruises but none on a Voyager Class ship - and we were awe struck when we saw her. The entire week we were finding new places on the ship to explore and sooooo many activities. I wish we could have done a back to back just to be able to experience more of the ship.

Will look forward to reading the next installment of your review.

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Catseye? More like the cats meow! I am loving your review and I keep checking back for the next installment so I won't miss anything! Tell your hubby that you are spending so much time writing it because it is like being there all over again. I always type my reviews a day at a time as well, so I can savor the experience a bit longer. Great Job!

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