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Navigator 09/03/05 Review - Long....


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every chapter more enchanting than the last. Glad you were able to post tonight. The details you included are wonderful and really add to the review. Looking forward to Cozumel!

Glad your red bits were better for the 2nd formal night. I am sure you looked gorgeous.

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Oh Catseye, your review of the NOS is amazing. I can't wait to get to Cozumel with you. LOL !


We had our 25th last September and sailed the Mariner of the Seas/ Eastern.

We fell in love with the whole experience and are leaving for Maimi and the Navigator/Western in

49 days :p


I'll give your StingRays a big kiss for you .


Thanks and keep up the great work .


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Catseye....I am also another one of your fans who has thoroughly enjoyed reading your reviews...especially because I will be sailing on the NOS in 16 days!!! Everyday I anxiously await reading your posts and getting more and more excited about my trip reading each one of your descriptive words.


This will be my 2nd cruise (1st was a Carnival cruise) and I can hardly wait to check out the elaborate and beautiful NOS. I am so tickled for you that you had a great 1st cruise and that you and your husband was able to re-connect and enjoy each other's company!


I can't wait to see what vivid descriptions you provide us with next..........


Thanks again! :)

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Thank you once again everyone for reading this. :)


Marcmedic - Navigator was the only ship at Grand Cayman while we were there. In fact we only saw one other ship, a Celebrity one I think, did not get its name, in Jamaica.


bbnbama & Brooklyn North - Wish you both wonderful and exciting cruises, am sure you will have an awesome time. I also hope I have inspired you to write a review when you get back, I for one would love to read them. Would love you to give our 'friends' the Stingrays a big hug for us. Bon Voyage.



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I got the pictures from BoneDry today. They are the only ones I have from the cruise (since I left my camera on the chair at home) so it was a nice memory. I promise I will get the portable waterproof developed next week and will be in touch.

Mary (meripour)

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I was originally thinking about a cruise on the Jewel of the Sea but since reading your review of the Navigator I have to admit I think I'm going to change my mind a look at crusing on the Navigator.


Your review is wonderful look forward to reading the next installment, makes me wish I was on the ship right now:)

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Hi:) Meripour - Good to hear from you, how have you been? Shame about your camera, and yes the Stingray photo's are great. Would love to see the ones you took.


Sheltielady and Cruise Fever - Thank you for your kind words, glad you enjoyed reading my review. You would love the Navigator.


Have just finished reading the review from Dovey and all the flaming she received for it. Noticed a few 'comments' aimed at posters (myself included) who like to do 'long' reviews. I did my review in this way because I wanted to share our experiences and thoughts with other cruisers, to give some info etc., and I have enjoyed doing it. Yes, it is in Parts!, as that is how I decided to write it, I used to enjoy reading these sort of reviews before we had our first cruise. After all, is that not what this site is about? Some people like reading long reviews and some prefer short and to the point reviews. We all have a choice in what we decide to read.;)



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Guest Jaxmania



Thanks for taking the time to share your cruise experience with us.


I hope you are making copies to keep for your family. What a treasure this will be someday for your children and grandchildren.


We will be on MOS Sunday and it would be great to have tablemates with your attitude and sense of humor. Your the kind of passenger that makes coming to dinner fun.

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Catseyes-Thanks for taking me back to Grand Cayman! Can't wait for


Keep on writing-if it wasn't for CC, I wouldn't have had a clue

when my family and I started cruising. It's very interesting to

read about other people's experiences and educational :)

Looking forward to the next part-it will have to hold me 9 more long

weeks until LOS!!!

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Hi:) Meripour - Good to hear from you, how have you been? Shame about your camera, and yes the Stingray photo's are great. Would love to see the ones you took.


Sheltielady and Cruise Fever - Thank you for your kind words, glad you enjoyed reading my review. You would love the Navigator.


Have just finished reading the review from Dovey and all the flaming she received for it. Noticed a few 'comments' aimed at posters (myself included) who like to do 'long' reviews. I did my review in this way because I wanted to share our experiences and thoughts with other cruisers, to give some info etc., and I have enjoyed doing it. Yes, it is in Parts!, as that is how I decided to write it, I used to enjoy reading these sort of reviews before we had our first cruise. After all, is that not what this site is about? Some people like reading long reviews and some prefer short and to the point reviews. We all have a choice in what we decide to read.;)



hi catseyes

I also read reviews from dovey and agree entirely with you.

I thought your review was great and looked foreward to each part.

Well done , you gave a lot of people pleasure.


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Tessa, your review is sensational! Every word a gem. Your positive attitude shines through every post. You created wonderful memories. To those that complain about a review in parts, nobody put a gun to their heads to make them read anything. However, if I remember Dovey's thread, she was very dramatic and kept everyone waiting to find out what happened to a fellow passenger that had a medical emergency. Most of her posts were not forthcoming about the incident until the very end yet the title of the thread was something like.. tragedy averted. (I'm too lazy to go back and check lol) But, we all have options. I posted my Rhapsody review in parts as well and got positive feedback as you are getting. As another poster stated, you are the kind of passenger I would also love to have as a tablemate. Happy future sails to you.

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Thursday - Cozumel,Mexico - Sun Faces,Mud &"Anyone for Cricket".


We had a nice lie in today as the ship was not due to dock in Cozumel until 10am. By the time we had showered and dressed for the day, and gone out onto the balcony, we were just pulling into the International Pier. There are four piers in Cozumel, the International Pier & Puerta Maya Pier which is 3 miles outside downtown San Migual, Town tendar Pier for those ships that tender people over, (I expect when a lot of ships are there at once) and New Town pier just 2 minutes walk from the town. There are loads of taxi's around, so no problem in getting to the shops. Cozumel has some of the most talked about diving and snorkeling areas in the world. If we ever get to be able to snorkel or even go scuba diving, this is one place we will definately go back too. There are a lot of excursions on offer for whatever people are interested in doing. Loads of Mayan ruins like San Gervasio Ruins in the heart of the island, Tulum Mayan Ruins on the mainland (Cozumel is 10 miles from the mainland) a ferry will take you across to see it at Playa Del Carmen, takes about 45 minutes. This is quite a long tour of 6 1/2 hours and leaves the ship at 10am. Costs around $75 for adults and $65 for children. You can combine this tour with Xel-Ha which is a collection of caves, inlets and lagoons, were you can go snorkeling for 1 1/2 hours, costs around $99 adults,$75 for children.


One of the most attended trips I think is the Dolphin Swim or Interactive Experiences. On the first you can swim and touch the dolphins, maybe getting to have a ride with them. You have to be at least 4 feet tall to do this and be ok in the water. The Interactive program is in waist deep water on a submerged platform. A very hands on experience learning all about their anatomy and behaviour. Everyone gets a kiss and a shake of their fins. I would imagine a great photo opertunity. Quite expensive at $140 and $94 each, but if you have always wanted to do this, well worth it. Our ship mate Susan went on this and had a great time, but would have liked a bit longer there. I think you only get 30 minutes in the water.


The other trips are Jungle Hiking, Kayak tours, Party Boats, Snorkeling trips, Snuba adventures, Atlanis submarine were you go down 90 feet in the ocean to see the beautiful coral and coloured fish. Off road jeeps, Beach breaks to Passion Island, Playa Mia beach and Hideaway beach. A few people we got talking too, said they were going Horse riding in the jungle. We were going to do this, as had always wanted too. But was a bit afraid of attempting this due to my back playing up, a great pity, but maybe some other time.


As we had not planed any trips we decided to just walk to the shops around the pier. A guy I work with wanted me to get him some Mexican Chilli Sauce. He collects different sauces and to be honest I had forgotten to get him some from Jamaica and Grand Cayman, so had to make an effort today. There are quite a few shops around, a bit like a market. A duty free shop just as you come off the pier, with the usual liqueur, perfumes and aftershave, cigerettes etc., some good bargains can be found here. We walked around quite a few small shops, all really selling the same kind of thing, Tee-shirts, of which we bought a few, some nice carved items in stone, wood and granite. I found a little shop which had the sauce I was looking for. As we wandered back to find somewhere for lunch we encountered a guy asking us to come into his shop. We decided to follow him and had a look around. He did have some nice pieces, Mayan calenders carved out of wood and I found a really good Sun Face made out of pottery in blues,red and orange. He was getting quite persuasive and kept showing us other things, but we stood our ground and told him we only wanted the Sun Face, which we got for $20. It hangs in our kitchen now and is a nice reminder of our day in Cozumel.


We found Senior Frog's restaurant and bar beside the pier. Had only a beer but was nice to just sit and watch people coming and going from the ship. There is a covered area with tables and chairs, hammocks and a small beach area with sun loungers. As we walked back to the ship we met our waiter Ramon, we stopped to chat for a while and he took a photo for us standing with the NOS in the background. I suppose thinking back we should have done a lot more in Cozumel, like taking a taxi to Chakanaab lagoon. Had read quite a bit about this on the boards and it had a good review. You can get a taxi from the pier for about $10 per cab and pay the $12 admission fee,($6 for kids). It has a great beach, gardens, a Dolphin encounter, or just go snorkeling. But we had ummed and ahhed about going and decided in the end to go back to the ship. Had lunch in Jades, some good mexican dishes. Went back to our cabin and checked our SeaPass account on the TV, (go to RCTV and it will show you everything that has been charged to your card.) We would settle this tomorrow with cash. They do advise you to settle all cash transactions today, as there could be long queues on Friday. If you just leave your account, the amount due will be deducted from your Credit or Debit Card on Saturday morning.


Peter had been driving me crazy all week trying to get news of how the Cricket had been going back home. England were playing Australia in the Ashes Tournament and for the first time in 18 years were doing really well. He does love this game and was not having much luck finding anything out, the TV did not have a sports channel, only one which covered the tennis most of the time. We had found out that you could get a Daily News leaflet just inside the Library on deck 7. There were different ones for the USA, Britain, Germany, Italy etc., which was good. They are usually a day behind any news from your home. Managed to get a few news bites here and there but would not get the full story until we got back to Miami and found a newspaper. He was so excited when he heard that England had won, we were in Orlando when he got the news, standing in a drug store leaping up and down shouting Yes,Yes! They did it!! We did get some funny looks that day Lol.


There were the usual things going on around the ship, she was not due to leave until 7.00pm. In a sheer moment of madness we decided to try and book an appointment at the Spa. During the tour on the first day we had seen the Exotic Couples' Rasul Treatment. This had sounded good fun, so I went down to the Spa and spoke to one of the young women, she said we could come down in about 1/2 an hour. They were doing a special offer for that day as we were in port. It would normally cost $91 for one session per couple and today it would be $85. She explained the treatment again and booked us in. The Spa has some great treatments like Ocean Wrap Seaweed Massage, Aroma Therapy Stone Massage, Swedish Massage, Facials, Manicures, Pedicures etc., Teeth Whitening and many more. We thought they were all quite expensive, but if you want to pamper yourself it would be a nice experience. Quite fancied the Couples Massage & Float Combo, were one partner is massaged and the other is wrapped in foil and submerged in a floating chamber, then the roles are reversed. But at $188 we decided to stick to the Rasul. You can go down to the Spa in just your robe if you wish, there is not a lot of space in the room to leave a load of clothes. The young lady took us through to the treatment room, explained all about it, what you can do, all the oils and lotions etc., and then left us on our own for an hour. First of all you can apply cleanser, & toner to each other, then you take a shower together using expholiator on each other. The shower is quite big and dimly lit which is quite romantic really. After that you go into another cubicle which has stone seating that is warmed up. This is also a steam room with essential oils, you pick which ones you would like and pour them on the coals. We picked jasmine and lavender, Lovely! Then the fun begins! You get a bowl of green mud which smelt great, you rub this all over each other, we had great fun with this, quite ticklish! You sit in the steam for another 1/2 hour and then the showers overhead come on and you can rinse each other off. After you towel dry and can use the body lotions and moisturisers on offer. We really enjoyed this treatment, it was relaxing, made you feel & smell lovely afterwards, and most of all was a LOT of fun;) . The only complaint I would have, is the steam could have been a bit hotter, they had only turned it on just before we went in there, and maybe it needed a lot longer. As we came out to pay, there were three young women sitting at the desk. As we paid our bill we were very amused at the knowing looks the other two girls were making to each other, as we explained we had had a lot of fun in there. They said it was mostly Honeymooners who chose this, but even though we are, as they say, middle aged! you are never too old to have a good time!! Your body might think it's on a downward trek to the South Pole, but your mind can still think it's 19 again hehe.


At dinner tonight it looked like we were on our own again, still no sign of our dinner mates. We had kind of resigned ourselves to this fact and would not let it undermine our enjoyment. It felt so good having someone else do the cooking and someone else fussing over you. I tried the scrimp rissotto which was very good. The show tonight was at 7.45 for second seating and 9.30 for main. It was an Impressionist called Roger Behr. He was very funny and a good singer. He did Neil Diamond, Tom Jones etc., and a really funny sketch of Barry Manilow. He involved the audience in his comedy and I remember a great bit were he noticed a young boy of 12 sitting in the front. He did jibe him about being out of school during term and missing lessons etc.,


After dinner we had a drink in the Poets Pub bar, just people watching and listening to the singer. Tonight was also 'The Quest' show. This was at 10.45pm in Studio B. We totally forgot it was on and only caught the end, which was a shame. Did try to see if it was on the TV next day, but never did see it. Tonights animal was a crab, very inventive we thought, well done Ashley!. Off to bed again, as the ship made it's way back to Miami, a trip of 537 nautical miles. We did not want this cruise to end...............


next: Last Day at Sea - Golf,Dancing & Sad Farewells.


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Catseyes, I wait with bated breath for each part of your review everyday!! Thank you so much for taking the time to write these. I love that you have broken it up and made each post so indepth. It makes the waiting sooooooo much easier!! I'm saddened to think your next part of the review will be the last :(!

By the way, one thing's for sure, my DH and I definitely going to have to try the Exotic Couples Rasual Treatment, it sounds soooo relaxing ;)!!! Thanks again!!

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Thank you for taking the time to write such an impressive review. We did NOS last Feb with our 2 boys and loved it so much we are doing the exact same trip this year (we've enticed 3 other families to join us.)


Amen on the relaxation of the Rasul couples treatment. What a wonderful relaxing way to reconnect with spouse while on a trip with the kids!

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Friday - Last Day at Sea-Golf,Dancing & Sad Farewells.

We woke up to our last full day on this beautiful ship.:( did not want this cruise to end, so decided we would make the most of this day. Went up to the Windjammer for breakfast, we were greeted as usual by the lovely young lady at the entrance and looked for a table. It was quite packed today and had to wait a little while to get one. Half way through breakfast we realised that we had decided last night that on our last day we would eat in the Dining Room. Oh well, missed out on that, would have liked to see how it was in there for breakfast. At 9.30 we made our way down to the Swan Lake dining room to collect our passports that had been kept for the week. There was a long queue, never realised there were so many non U.S guests on board.


Afterwards we went back back to our cabin and I got the video camera out, wanted to get some film to show the family of Navigator. Peter went down to Guest Relations to pay up our Seapass account and I walked up to the top deck 15 to start my film. The Skyline Chapel was quite small, with a lovely skylight in stained glass. It was very peaceful and quiet in there, so I spent a few minutes saying a little prayer, thanking God for this wonderful cruise. A couple of other people came in, perhaps for the same reason, so I continued down to deck 14 and viewed the Cosmopolitan Lounge and Seven Hearts games room. It took me quite a while to make my way around the ship, trying to get a much as I could that would show NOS in all her glory. It amused me when people would wave at you when they saw the camera. One guy up by the basketball court even did a little dance.


Met Peter back at the cabin and we went up to the pool deck to sun bathe one last time. We were getting a nice colour now. Found two seats overlooking the pool on the upper deck and settled down to relax. The drink of the day was Bahama Mama, Rum,grenadine,pineapple and orange juice. Ordered two from the waiter and sat listening to the band playing calypso, what more could anyone want!! We were being pretty lazy today (again)! but could have done so much if we had wanted too. There were a lot of activities going on around the ship. Loads of sporty things like Aerobics, Walk a Mile, (there is a track that runs around the sport deck, I think it was once around for a mile.) used to see quite a few people jogging or just walking this everyday, Peter kept saying all week he would get up early and go up there, but never did. Yoga, Ice Skating, Pool Volley ball, etc., some of these activities, you could earn what they called Shipshape dollars, which you traded in at the end of the week for goodies. Off course lots for the kids to do, if our two had been with us we would have been more involved in these.


At 10.30am you could go on a tour of Backstage in the Metropolis theatre to see behind the scenes and meet the cast of the shows. Simon would have loved that. Also happening was a Towel Folding demonstration, see how all those great animals are made. Cooking demonstration, Family Talent show, Wine Tasting, Trivia quizzes and so on. Bingo was 'Winner Takes All' today, which I think was quite a good prize. At 1.30pm our CD Graham did an Interview with Captain Sullivan in the Cosmopolitan lounge, you could go and get photo's again. After lunch, which we had at the Pool bar, good pizza, we changed and went to play mini golf. This is on the Sport deck 14. Had a laugh doing this as it had started to get pretty windy up there now. Today had been the only day we had felt any movement with the ship. Had noticed it a little during breakfast and walking around, nothing that would make you feel nausea or anything, but it did seem strange after nothing all week. A tropical storm was meant to be on it's way, but I think it came to nothing.


We watched a volley ball match being played by a group, men against the women, think the women won hehe. Next was watching all the brave people attempting the Rock Wall:cool: would definately have tried this if I had been a bit younger, looked a lot of fun. Today was the day to get the bargains at the shops, on the promanade was a table set up with Tee Shirts, 2 for $20 and other goods. A lot of the jewelry was 50 and 70% off as well. There was also the 'Every thing for $10' table, nothing great, but some cheap buys. Got some scrummy Key Lime Pie Patties to take home, these lasted all off 2 minutes when we got back. Grabbed a coffee and great cookies at the Cafe Promanade and went back to sit on our balcony for perhaps the last time. Could not put off the dreaded packing any longer, so packed as much as we could, not forgetting clothes for tomorrow, did not want to go home in our birthday suit!! Lol. Just about got everything in with a push.


The show tonight was early for second seating guests at 7.15pm. It was called the 'Farewell Variety Show'. So we got ready for dinner early and went down to see it. Graham Seymour did his bit first, they then showed you the 'Cruise in Review' video, which was a film with all the memorable moments taken around the ship all week, the shows, the guests, the staff and crew etc., you could purchase this after the show outside for $18.95. Then a great duo called Szabo Duo came on. We had missed them on the 'Welcome Aboard' show and were looking forward to seeing them, had heard good reviews from people. They did a lot of amazing juggling with anything from balls, rings to acrobatics. After them was a very funny comedian called Kevin Jordan, we love comedians.


Dinner was another Casual night called 'Feast of Nations' celebrating all the different nationalities onboard. It was quite sad knowing this would be our last meal in this lovely dining room and we would be saying goodbye to Ramon and Michael our waiters. The night before we had our coloured baggage tags left for departure, we had white, we would be leaving early between 7.15 and 7.30am. Also our envelopes for the staffs tips. We had prepaid the gratuities beforehand and there were vouchers made out to our Steward, Head Waiter, Assist. waiter, and Maitre d'. We had also put a bit extra in cash in each of these, everyone we feel had rightly deserved these and had looked after us very well. We had met Ashley just before dinner and had given him his with a little thank you card. I had thanked him for a great job and especially the wonderful towel animals. It was funny because I used to tidy up the cabin before we ever left it, old habits die hard I suppose.


As we walked into the dining room we were amazed, we had table mates! Our Italian couple had come to dinner for the last evening. We were very pleased to have company. The evening went well and we managed to have a bit of conversation with our table companions, finding out that they had prefered to eat in the Windjammer as it meant they did not have to dress up every night. The food was good as usual, we tried the Mahi Mahi a fish dish, though we had no idea what it was, it was tasty though. The sampler of desserts was very good and we all tried these. Near the end of the meal the waiters all gathered on the staircase to sing to all the guests. This was very entertaining. The Maitre d' did a little speech thanking everyone for attending the dining room and wishing us all a safe journey home. Well that was it, we gave our envelopes to our waiters, said our goodbyes and thank you's, which was very sad.


I had phoned Susan & Lesley our CC friends earlier in the day to arrange to meet for a drink after dinner in the Schooner Bar. We all met and chatted about all the things we had all done during the cruise until just after midnight. Lesley wanted to go to the Casino for the Caribbean Stud poker game. She had learned it on a previous cruise and enjoyed playing it, had done quite well during the week. The jackpot was at $20,000. Wow. We said our farewells and exchanged e mail addresses etc., Susan went to meet her table mates for a drink and we decided to try the Dungeon disco for a change. Had wanted to go there all week, but had felt too tired. This is some place, very gothic with great bar chairs in purple and black. It is over 2 decks and the lighting is very colourful. Lots of little cosy corners and booths. Great dance floor. Music was ok, a good mixture. There were several dance classes all week from Hip Hop, Jive and Line dancing to Latin Salsa. We had a bit of a boogie and then walked through the promanade and along the deck outside for our last look around, a lovely starry night.


Back at our cabin we changed, packed up the last bits, (we had left our suitcases outside the door just before dinner, they have to be out by midnight). So our wonderful cruise was nearly at an end, could not resist one last time out on the balcony, just to feel the warm night air and smell the sea. Off to bed, we had an early start, had to be up at 6am. Oh why did it have to end.....................



Saturday - Miami & Disembarkation.

Woke up realising the ship was already docked at Miami Port, had to rush a bit and get ready to leave. A quick breakfast in the Windjammer, everyone seemed a bit down with long faces and very quiet, exactly how we felt. Said goodbye to the young lady at the entrance, she still had a very cheery face, even at this time in the morning. Collected our carryoff bags and said farewell to our home for the past week. Down to the theatre to await our colour tag being called to leave. It was strange to think only 7 days ago we had been so in awe of this beautiful ship. It was good to think we still had a weeks vacation in Orlando to look forward too, but very sad to be leaving, would'nt it be great to do a back to back cruise.


Our colour was called about 7.30am and we made our way to deck 4 to disembark. There was a bit of a queue, but not too bad. Followed everyone else out and into the Port terminal. Joined another queue and waited to go through customs and immigration. We were in a line that seemed to have a trainee official, he seemed to be slower than the others. Eventually it was our turn, passports checked, fingerprints and photo's again, the usual questions and then we were out of there. I suppose it took about 45 minutes to leave. Our carryoff bags were put through a scanner and then we went around the corner to get our luggage. A porter came up to us and asked if we were going to the airport and what airline. We said American Airlines and he told us we could check in for the flight right here at the port, fantastic we thought, no luggage to hump around. Found our bags and went to check in, this was easy enough and we were soon sitting on our coach waiting to leave for Miami airport and our trip to Orlando and a week of just being big kids with Mickey.................



Well, as they say in the cartoons 'Thats All Folks' the end finally of my very 'long' review of our first cruise to celebrate our 25th Wedding Aniversary. I want to say a BIG THANK YOU! to everyone who has taken the time to read it and to those who have left such kind comments. (Honestly, I was waiting all week for the 'Flame brigade' to tell me to get on with it, it was taking so long! sorry! only kidding);) hehe......... Seriously, I am grateful, have enjoyed reliving it, and hope I have given first timers and people contemplating going on a cruise, a little bit of insight, information and tips on the wonders of cruising. I can honestly see why so many people love to do it. I have tried to give an honest, interesting and some times amusing recount of our time, on what for us was a very special time. Who knows if we will ever get to do it again, we hope we can, some time in the future with our sons. Everything was not perfect, certainly not seen through rose coloured specs, and some things did not go quite to plan or how we had envisioned it, but for those 7 days and nights, in our own little world, on that beautiful ship, life had been 'Wonderful'. So its back to the 'Real World' for us.........................




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Thank you Tessa! Great reading!

I'm a little sad you're done now :( I've checked in every day to hear

the next chapter.

Happy Cruising to you too. You know you have to take your kids now!

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Tessa, what a wonderful review! I am sure I speak for all of us who have been reading your review with great anticipation.. WE ARE SORRY IT'S OVER. Your warmth, enthusiasm and positive attitude have made your review a joy to read, every last word. Please book another one soon so we can hear from you again!

Happy sails to youuuuuuuuuu.

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Tessa thanks for a great review! I enjoyed seeing your different spelling...I'm originally from Ireland, moved to Canada and now live in Texas so it makes me a little homesick. We also just recently returned from our first cruise. Unfortunately we were on the shortened version of the Rhapsody thanks to hurricane Rita. It's been a week now and I'm still pining for my cabin and all that special attention. Thanks again, Jill:)

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I feel about reading your reviews like you did when your cruise was over....:( No more reviews from you..no more of seeing things thru your eyes, no more wonderful descriptions....ahh..it makes me sad. As I stated before, I leave in less than 2 weeks to be "introduced" to the lovely Navigator of the Seas and the anticipation is about killing me. I was living thru your reviews...what will I do now??? :confused:


I hope you learn how to post pictures of your trip because I would love to see them (and also a picture of you and hubbie!)


Thank you again so much for your wonderful re-caps. You have a true talent in writing and taking your readers on a journey and I hope to read something else from you soon (have you posted your Orlando trip anywhere? Heck, I'd love to read that!!!) :D

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:D Thank you everyone. It was sad coming to the end again, just like our cruise. Soooo glad you all enjoyed it, even my different spelling;) . It will be at least three years before we can go again, hopefully 2008 for our eldest sons 21st. Have this site to keep me going until then I suppose, it seems such a long way off!!


A friend of mine is scanning some photo's (especially the one of our 'friends' the Stingray!!) and I will hopefully, if I can work out how to get them on here, post them at the end of this week.


If anyone would be interested I will probably do a 'small review' of our trip to Orlando in the Floataway thread under 'UK Passengers',


Wish you all a great week.



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Felt guilty reading all of your posts and not even saying thank you. So, thank you. For someone about to be lucky enough to go on the Navigator twice in the next four months your posts have been a little bit of a widow onto the subject of my obsession.

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Tessa.....thank you for the best review I have ever read! :) I am so looking forward to my cruise on the Navigator in February. It was wonderful to be part of your cruise, even if it was vicariously. Enjoy your next cruise whenever that will be.

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