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Live from the Maasdam's ATLANTIC ADVENTURE


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Note: It is possible that I will be putting some port information on even after we arrive home. I want to post accurate and helpful information, along with a few photos of each port, so please bear with my slowness. With so many ports, and a bit of bad weather in-between, and WIFI limitations, it all takes time.

Spiros was our guide as 4 of us toured the island. I had organized this through confutaxitours@gmail. It drizzled on and off all day, but still the views were magnificent; I could only imagine what they would look like on a clear diay! For lunch, Spiros created a picnic at one of our stops with warm bread, olive oil, ripe red tomato, feta cheese, a little chopped basil, and the best olives I’ve ever tasted. Here we purchased some olive oil soap and an olive wood salad bowl. We also visited an olive oil factory, the Palace and ended up with a short walk in the port city, Kekira.





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Co-cathedral in Malta, Haggar Qim 3500 BC, Fishing Village for lunch.

At the restaurant (actually seaside dafe), Janet and I bought a bottle of basaltic vinegar. It is thick and tasty. We couldn't help ourselves!

Fantastic day with professional guide Amy, Janet and Bob, Bill and Jeanette, and Bruce and C.J. I organized this tour on Cruise Critic and Amy, the fantastic guide: pacee@vol.net. http://www.guidedtoursmalta.com




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Note: It is possible that I will be putting some port information on even after we arrive home. I want to post accurate and helpful information, along with a few photos of each port, so please bear with my slowness. With so many ports, and a bit of bad weather in-between, and WIFI limitations, it all takes time.

Spiros was our guide as 4 of us toured the island. I had organized this through confutaxitours@gmail. It drizzled on and off all day, but still the views were magnificent; I could only imagine what they would look like on a clear diay! For lunch, Spiros created a picnic at one of our stops with warm bread, olive oil, ripe red tomato, feta cheese, a little chopped basil, and the best olives I’ve ever tasted. Here we purchased some olive oil soap and an olive wood salad bowl. We also visited an olive oil factory, the Palace and ended up with a short walk in the port city, Kekira.


We are very grateful for any information you can add at any time - including when you arrive home.


I know how hard it can be to do this when wifi isn't co-operating, let alone when it is.


Thanks so much for taking the time and $ to share with us :)

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The Madeira Island and Funchal did not disappoint. I had made arrangements with Ricardo Costa through our Azore guide from from last year. Ricardo (Email: madeira.sun@gmail.com) is a thirtyish taxi driver with perfect English and vast knowledge. He drove our group of 4 (Roll Call friends Janet and Bob were with us) throughout much of the island. We started out at the market. Here Janet bought a lovely Pointsettia in a basket for 5 Euro. The fish market was also interesting with lots of eels and fish we don’t often see. From there, we headed up the mountain to the toboggans!

Ralph and I had decided this was something not to miss so for 30 Euros, both of us hopped into a wooden and wicker sleigh and trusted two men in to push, pull, and ride us down a steep and curvy roadway. About 5-10 minutes later we arrived at the bottom and for 10 Euros bought a photo of us enjoying the ride. The photo was taken on our way and we are both laughing - a good time to remember!

From there we went even further up the mountain to the top of the crater.

What incredible views! Please click on thumbnail photos below to enjoy the magnificent views looking down at small villages dotting the valleys far below. I purchased a small cork purse and some olive wood bracelets.

It was still clear so we headed down the mountain to the glass lookout. Here, you look down, through the glass, to see the cliff and water below.

Heading back to the ship we made a quick stoop at the Fishing Village of the Seals. Although the clouds began to envelope the island, the sail-out at 4:30 was spectacular. What a wonderful day!


Now we are two days at sea and the seas have been fairly smooth. Today we expect a bit more motion as the waves increase to 8 meters. We are maintaining our speed of about 18 knts. at a coarse of around 245 or WSW.


On board for the crossing with us are a couple onf comedians, a lively group called ABBA FAB, and the Steel Drum Band from Trinidad and Tobago playing classical music. Today we should finally meet the captain at the 5 star Mariner luncheon. Our 4 star friends had their lunch yesterday. I’ll report on that as I still have some time left on my WIFI package. I also have some photos and comments on a few ports from last week! If anyone has questions about the Maasdam or ports we have been to, I am happy to answer them to the extent that I can. So ask away!

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Mariner’s Lunch and Award Ceremony was nice. The ceremony for awardees, 5 star and President’s club was in the Showroom 7. The Captain and Hotel Director greeted us at the starboard entrance. Awarding the medals and acknowledging “days sailed” for President Club members took most of the hour. Showroom 7 was full and Adagio Strings played throughout. We were then escorted through the kitchen to the dining room. 4 star members joined us for the lunch (choice of beef, fish, or quiche). CD, Mark did an excellent job throughout even doing the toast at lunch. Doesn’t the Captain usually do the toast and a short speech or brief comment? Well, at least he was there, joined a large table of guests for lunch, and I finally got to see him!


Wind and water were calmer today and captain tells us that we should have calm seas and good weather for the remainder of our cruise. It is warmer now - in the 70‘s and comfortable on our balcony today, though still a bit windy.

Many are wondering when we will begin to see some Christmas decorations. Other than a few of us who have a Christmas shirt and some of the craft projects, there are no signs of the holiday spirit. But there are rumors that we will see them one day soon.


There are some lectures to keep us busy. Stephen Sloan speaks about Terrorism, his wife Roberta about Theatre, and Frank Buzzard lectures on Rockets and Space Exploration. Mr. Buzzard’s talks have produced much interest and he continues with a Q & A session in the Crow’s Nest at noon.


Book Club is reading Children of the Book People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks on the return voyage. (Hideous Kinky by Freud was read on the way over. I passed on that one as I read it on this cruise last year.)


Coffee Talks continued today with ABBA-FAB. Tomorrow’s Coffee Talk is with the Captain and Staff Captain! Also on the schedule for tomorrow is a Behind the Scenes Virtual Engine Room Tour with 1st Engineer, Richard, in Showroom 7. (Previously, we toured the bridge with this slide-show/discussion technique.)

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Loved reading your review. We were on the Maasdam in October - Montréal to Ft Lauderdale. We had the same cabin stewards, Anwar and Buda. I agree, they are wonderful! Exceptional service and such friendly people. Please say hi to them from Nan and Dave! [emoji4]



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Friday we will be in Half Moon Key. Then Saturday am arrive in Ft. Lauderdale. Gingerbread Village is forming on Deck 6 but still no sign of other Christmas decor. Piano Man was to start play8ing Christmas tunes at 9 last night. Every seat was taken in the Mix by 8:30.

Will probably go to the scripture and hymn sing today in the Theatre where we will sing Christmas Hymns. Sun is just rising now so will close for now.

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Re: Christmas Decorations.

In the past, when ships were going to dock in FLL that is the day the decorations went up. I do not know if this is still true or not. From experience, there was a company in FLL that specialized in seasonal decorations for cruise ships. Once I was onboard between 2 cruises in FLL and as the disembarking passengers were leaving a cadre of folks in uniform Polo shirts arrived along with many, many, many boxes. The boxes were unloaded where the decorations they contained were to be displayed and then dozens and dozens of workers appeared and went to work. By mid afternoon the ship had been transformed into a holiday wonderland! The process was fascinating to see - all knew exactly what their assignments were and things went together with amazing speed. What a wonderful transformation! I spoke with one of the workers and in that case they were scheduled to be back onboard after New Years when the ship was back in FLL.


I have no idea if the same procedures are used today, but that was my experience from the past.

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We were not able to tender at Half Moon Cay so are now sailing NW toward Fort Lauderdale at 11.6kts. We were to share the beach with HAL Westerdam which somehow anchored without a problem. A few more things about the ship: Christmas decorations (see photo of lobby on 6) are up. They appeared at the Captain’s Ball Wednesday night and today were dispersed around the ship early this morning. Some bows still need to be fluffed, but it is beginning to look like Christmas. We did not attend the Ball but heard it was lovely and fun. Perhaps others can post more about it. There was also a nice scripture reading and Christmas hymn sing today. I suspect the post earlier on this thread is true and there will be additional Christmas decor on the turn-over day.

We won at Daytime Trivia (see photo of team with CD Mark).

Time to report on The Knitters - a nice group of about 20 that met in the Crows Nest to work on various projects on sea days. See photo!

Crew Farewell started off with HD Randall doing a Q&A with department heads. See photo!!

Chocolate - see photo. There seems to be some variation on the chocolate squares left on our bed at night. We started the cruise with the familiar gold wrapped candy. They switched to the white wrapper with blue HAL logo which tasted much the same. After about a week the chocolate wrapped in blue with white HAL logo began to appear: it is a wonderful dark chocolate. Alas, for the past two weeks the gold wrapped chocolate has returned. My comments will definitely include a comment to switch to the dark chocolate in the future.

Much more on last weeks' ports when I get home:)






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Love the reports, Jean. Did you happen to ask Mark if he will be back as CD for the Jan. 14 sailing? If not, does he know who will be CD post dry dock?

Sorry but Mark plans to be on the Volendam in Asia Spring and Summer this year. He is now one of my favorite CD - does a great job - professional, yet friendly.

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We certainly envy you, doing this all over again with a few different ports and extra days. We enjoyed meeting you last year on the cruise, and will follow along on this one!


I'll be interested to know what you do in Malta, as we will be there next year on Prinsendam.


PS - There is a "sailaway" thread going for your departure, and many, many "addicts" will be waving at you as you leave! Has anyone requested "a wave" from the Port Everglades webcam?


We had a very knowledgeable guide for Malta. Are you going to Gozo too?

Both islands were very different and interesting. I think you would like the guide we had, especially if you want to learn a lot. Pictures and info in the next two posts.

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Since it was to be our first time on this archipelago, I had created a Cruise Critic tour for 8 with professional guide, Amy (http://www.guidedtoursMalta.com) for today and the following day in Gozo. DH and I were joined by Bob and Janet, Bruce and C.J., and Bill and Jeanette. Our first stop was the amazing Co-Cathedral in Malta (see photo). Amy’s tour included short walks and, in Malta, the driver met us at the end of the walking tour. Thus we were able to enjoy the sights of Malta and as well as other old towns such as Medina. It was here that I started taking photos of doors and entrances - a habit that continued to Casablanca!

The island also has some interesting ancient history at Haggar Qim (see photo) as well as salt ponds (see photo).

Lunch was seaside in a colorful fishing village (see photo) where I purchased their thick and tasty Basalmic Vinegar.

Back on the ship we enjoyed the setting sun and watching the harbor lights go on. It is a beautiful town and most interesting island and Amy was a very knowledgable guide, If you want to learn about Malta, contact Amy!




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The Maasdam cruised to Gozo - a short distance away and anchored off the city of Mgarr. Amy, our two-day guide (pacee@vol.net.mt and

http://www.guidedtoursmalta.com) took the early morning ferry from Malta to meet us at the dock. Our group of 8 ended up on the 3rd or 4th tender as HAL did a good job of allowing both tours, private tours, and individuals to get off. That we were 4 and 5 stars, may have helped - special thanks to our group member, Bruce, who got us in the right place to get a “number”.


The tenders were greeted on shored by women who passed out a map and literature about Gozo. Some received refrigerator magnets (very useful on Maasdam cabin walls!) and everyone received a Honey Ring - a local traditional treat (see photo). It is obvious that this island is making an effort to attract tourists and rightly so as there is much to see and do here.


Amy took us to the area where Brad Pitt’s new movie, “By the Sea” just completed filming. It is a lovely beach and inlet, often used by divers (see photo). The island has many topographical interests such as the canyon, the salt flats (see photo), the inland sea, and the azure window (see photo). We had lunch at another lovely inlet, Xlendi, Four of us enjoyed a restaurant on the water called La Karolina - great food at low prices!


Gozo Glass seems to be the popular souvenir. I purchased two pieces which can be used as pendants. We also stopped for photos where we could see the Maasdam at anchor and all three of the Maltese Islands in the archipelago (see photo).






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It was interesting to see your photo of the crew farewell. I thought that HAL had stopped doing this - or do they only have it on longer voyages. We were on a 36 day cruise in the spring - no farewell show then.

Hmmmm, I don't know if there is a set policy. This Crew Farewell was described as a Coffee Talk with HD Randall asking questions of the CD and "a few others" which ended up to be about 12 department heads. After the Q&A from Randall and the audience, all the others began to come on stage and the dance floor. The program ended with the song, Love in any Language.

I think this may be up to the CD and event manager. It also probably depends on the length of the cruise and number of sea days returning to port (we had 7, actually turned our to be 8 with the elimination of Half Moon Key).

During another Coffee Talk with the staff, discussion was about things that are changing with HAL. Specifically on this cruise, we noticed the Pirate Party and Bullfight Party were in place of cocktail parties with the captain and hotel director.

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Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. We were on the Oceania, Riviera and were docked just in front of the Maasdam in Barcelona. I was surprised when Sandy approached me while we were visiting Montserrat - we had previously cruised with her on the Prinsendam. Thanks also for taking the time yo post your "live from"

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Hi Jean.. nicely done... you joined our Pub Trivia Team a couple of evenings--we were with FrankieD and Linda in the right corner booth in the Mix.. we're Ray & Pat


BTW I did My Daily Blog http://stakeouttoo.blogspot.com mainly for family and friends to follow our travels.. haven't yet finished it--have to go back and do a bit of editing --mainly adding a lot more pics that I couldn't include due to internet being slow.. have a lot of pics to choose from-- over 8200 pics taken --unfortunately can't get to it until after Christmas as we drive up to NY leaving tomorrow for a week to visit relatives--I might need another cruise after getting back :)


BTW we just booked this Transatlantic cruise once again for next year on the Rotterdam-- our 6th year sailing it--started in 2011 and every year since

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So someone in the travel industry just told me that the Maasdam is the worst of all the HAL ships and the food and service is like McDonalds. He said don't expect much. I will be going on her shortly and am freaked out now. I'm going to keep looking for positive posts about the Maasdam. I am hoping the person who told me that is wrong.

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So someone in the travel industry just told me that the Maasdam is the worst of all the HAL ships and the food and service is like McDonalds. He said don't expect much. I will be going on her shortly and am freaked out now. I'm going to keep looking for positive posts about the Maasdam. I am hoping the person who told me that is wrong.

Your someone in the travel industry ia ill-informed. Hal excels at service and we just got off 50 wonderful days on the Maasdam.

I trust you will have a wonderful time on your cruise. Bon Voyage!

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