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Review: Carnival liberty – september 20, 2015 – southern itinerary out of san juan,


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There would actually be two stops in Bathsheba and the first one was a pullover area/small parking lot with a path down the hill to the beach. I asked Patsie if I had time to go down to the beach for pictures and she said I did. I went down and got as many pictures as I could. This place is gorgeous and would have been even better if the sun had been out, but regardless, I was here and seeing it with my own eyes. The water was rougher and Patsie told us that this is the surfing area is in Barbados. The coast is also rugged and there are very large rock formations in the water. When I was just about finished getting pictures, I could see DH coming and he waved me back up. My time there was up, but it had been about 10 minutes, which was enough time.


The following pictures are all from our first Bathsheba stop













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First Bathsheba stop continued...








We all got back into the van and Patsie told us we’d be going to another stop in Bathsheba that was even prettier. Before we headed out, Patsie got into the cooler she had in the back and passed out another round of beer.






Views from the van as we approached our next stop in Bathsheba






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We were soon approaching the other stop at Bathsheba. This stop was a small parking lot that had a building with some vendors and restrooms. It was located on a grassy area next to the beach. We had about 15 minutes here. I wanted pictures, so I went down to the beach. Patsie was right, it was much prettier here. I took quite a few pictures here but will only post the better ones, which is still a lot. Bathsheba is mainly a beach that has the rugged, stunning beauty, but it’s not really a swimming or lounging beach. I was just so happy to finally be able to get over here and see it myself. The east coast of Barbados is totally different from the west coast.


When I mentioned earlier about Barbados being industrial where the ships dock and that it’s not a spectacular view sailing in but also added not to let first impressions fool you, this is why. Barbados IS a beautiful island. But our tour isn’t quite over, Patsie has more to show us.


From here, I again will let pictures take over. These are all of our second stop at Bathsheba.













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We were heading back up to the higher elevations and Patsie told us she’d be stopping at another area with a beautiful view and we’d have another 15 minute break. We arrived there about 20 minutes later. It was a scenic, grassy area that was well maintained. I’m not positive on the name, even though Patsie DID tell us, but through the internet and Google Maps, I think this was at Mount Hillaby. If this is correct, then this is the highest point on Barbados. If anyone can confirm or correct me on this, please do, because I’d love to know.


While we were here, we were free to walk around and there were restrooms available. Patsie told us that there was a guy at the back of the building with a monkey in a cage and informed us that if we wanted pictures of the monkey, the man charged to take pictures. DH said he’d love to get a picture but he felt bad that the monkey was caged like that and put on display.

I took advantage of the restrooms and when I got back, the other couple were getting pictures of themselves with Patsie and DH was taking the picture. They returned the favor for us. Now I’m only posting this picture because it’s the only one I have of Patsie, and it came out great of her, but not of me. First of all, I had a beer in one hand and we were all posing arm in arm, with Patsie in the middle of DH and I. I felt funny being at a beautiful overlook holding a bottle of beer, so I was trying to hide it behind my back but ended up cropping the picture because it was still visible. And I was wearing croc shoes, very comfortable for walking and great for the beach, but they have holes in the toe area for ventilation. I had a pebble from the beach at Bathsheba stuck in there, a pebble I did not know about at the time, that had become lodged in the hole, but was now rolling around lose around my toes. After getting the picture, I got that little pebble out, but it was neat looking so I kept it. It was about the size of a dime.

This is what I'm thinking is Mount Hillaby...if anyone can confirm or correct me on this, please do so.













This is the picture of DH and I with Patsie (Patsie is in the middle, DH on the right, and myself on the left)






And the infamous pebble, which I kept as a souvenir


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After we got our pictures, we got back in the van and were heading back to Bridgetown. We got back in about a half hour, but we weren’t done with the tour.


Some beautiful views along the way back to Bridgetown





We were able to see Liberty, but this is the best picture...a traffic light is almost blocking my view of her



We didn’t have to be back on board until 4:30pm, so there was plenty of time left. Patsie took us to the Parliament Building in Bridgetown, and it’s Barbados’ national legislature. At first I thought it was a church.


The Parliament Building in Bridgetown, Barbados





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There was a nice fountain where we were parked which we also got pictures of. Patsie told us what that square was called but again, I forgot the name, so I looked it up. It’s called National Hero’s Square. For some reason, there was no water in the fountain when we were here.






Across the road was a marina that Patsie also pointed out and told us about the Chamberlain Bridge (also had to look up since I’d forgotten the name). Chamberlain Bridge was a “swing bridge” that was dismantled and rebuilt around 2005. We got pictures of that and the marina. The couple we were with saw a nice boat that they both really liked. It was a nice boat, so I also got pictures of it.







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Marina and Parliament Building area continued...




I think DH found a boat that he liked


After getting those pictures, we all walked back over to where Patsie was and got back in the van and from there she took us right back to the cruise terminal. We had to have our Sail & Sign cards out to show security, from the van windows, before they’d let us in. She dropped us off right at the cruise terminal and we all got out and tipped her and thanked her. She asked if any of us would like to have another beer. The other couple didn’t, but DH and I accepted. She knew one of the security guards there and he went and got us each one of the red, plastic cups to pour the beers into. We visited with him and Patsie while we had the beers and once finished, we thanked Patsie again. We really had an enjoyable day with Patsie and I would highly recommend her. She does other tours as well, and tries to customize them. She mentioned that she also does tours to Harrison’s Cave. That may be an idea for the next time.


After we said our good byes, we made our way into the cruise center shopping area. Right before entering the cruise center shopping is an area where local vendors are set up. I went into one store run by a nice gentleman to get some post cards and got a couple other smaller items, one being a nice little resin turtle. This little turtle was almost identical to the resin turtles that one of the vendors at Cherry Tree Hill overlook had. I liked the turtle there but couldn’t see spending the $12.00 for it. It was $6.00 here, so I bought it.


After making those purchases, we went into the cruise center shopping area. It’s very nice and set up almost like a miniature mall. We got a T-shirt and a golf shirt here then made our way back to Liberty.


A few pictures of the cruise center duty free shopping area








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We stopped for pictures of the “Welcome to Barbados” sign and pictures of Liberty docked.






The shuttle busses were there, so we got on and once it filled, we were driven and got off at the drop off area close to the gangplanks. There was a small line but it moved quickly. I can’t remember if one or both gangplanks were open, but we weren’t waiting too long. We “dinged” our Sail & Sign cards and were back on board. We didn’t have to wait long for an elevator to take us back to Deck 8 and went directly to the cabin do drop our purchases and my beach bag off.



I stepped out on the balcony for a couple of pictures while we were in the cabin







After our cabin stop, we went right up to the Lido Deck and got in line for a Guy’s Burger. The line was long today, but that was only because they were waiting on a fresh batch of burgers that were being cooked. Once those were done, the line moved pretty quickly. After getting our burgers, we stopped at the topping station then went to find a table. It was a little more crowded up here today, but we were able to find a table along the windows behind Red Frog. Antonio was working and he saw us back there, so he walked around and asked if he could get us a drink. We each ordered a rum drink but I forget what it was and DH can’t remember either, but they were good. We took our time eating our burgers and enjoyed our drinks.





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Once we were finished, it was almost 5:00pm, so we each ordered another one of those drinks at the Red Frog and went up to Panorama Deck 10 for sail away. The water was still very calm and on the starboard (right) side of the ship, the sun was behind clouds, but still reflecting on the water and there was this little sailboat out there, making for great pictures.






We got pictures and then suddenly, we could see where the sky had opened up and it was pouring rain over the water. We went under the covered area and grabbed some seats because that rain was coming our way.













We ended up talking to some others that were sitting up there and they were also from Virginia, but lived in Roanoke. One of our good friends is from Roanoke and we’ve been there twice, so we know it’s a larger city, but nothing like our area. I did not ask if they knew my friend or her family who still reside there. They were commenting about that little sailboat and how it was headed right into that rain. The sailboat disappeared behind the sheets of pouring rain, which were getting closer to the ship and within minutes, it was pouring but we stayed put since we were under the overhang. This was a very heavy rain and from the starboard side, it was hard to tell if it would clear out before sail away or not. Within five minutes, the rain let up and moved on. One of the others said she couldn’t see the little sailboat, but someone else pointed to it and said it had already moved out of the rain. I think it would have been kind of fun to be on that sailboat going through the rain.

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Once the rain stopped, we went back to the railing to watch as we sailed out of Barbados. Right on schedule, Liberty moved away from the pier and backed out, and once backed out, we turned to head northwest and away from Barbados.


***When sailing out of Barbados on this itinerary, either side of the ship is good for viewing because you can see Barbados from both sides***


The sky was really pretty and the water was calm, so the reflections were great. We spent time out there getting a lot of pictures.


Letting the sail away from Barbados pictures take it from here.













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Sail away from Barbados continued...




A few were reflections of Liberty’s “tail” (funnel). I took a picture of this on Valor two years ago on embarkation day in San Juan. We had just gotten on board and were waiting till 1:30pm to get into our cabin to drop off our carry-on luggage before heading back off to see Old San Juan and the forts. While we were on Panorama Deck 10 of Valor getting pictures that day, I noticed the reflection of Valor’s funnel on the wet deck. It hadn’t rained that time, yet, the decks had just been hosed down. When I took that picture, DH thought I was crazy and wanted to know why I was taking pictures of the deck. Now he knows why and knew what I was doing this time.




We walked over to the other side, the port (left) side, and the sky (pink clouds) and water were really pretty, more pictures. Also more pictures of Panorama Deck 10’s port (left) side. And, another funnel reflection picture.










Edited by pghsteelerfan
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Sail away from Barbados continued...




Yes, I just had to sneak another one of Liberty's "tail" in and it won't be the last.





It was while we were up here when DH and I were standing at the railing on Panorama Deck 10 that these two woman came over. The one stood at the railing right beside me, spent most of the time with her back to the railing conversing with the other woman, who was right behind us. Usually not a problem, but the woman she was talking to, right behind us, had this nasty sounding cough, and non-stop. She wasn’t choking, she sounded sick (stuffy, congestion). And to make it worse, she was NOT covering her mouth…and she was old enough to know better. I’m guessing late 60’s/early 70’s. Come on people!!!


This just kept up, so I nudged DH and just told him I was going to get pictures over-looking the pool. When we got to the area over-looking the pool, between the steps and where the DJ’s usually set up, DH told me I had every right to be there. When I asked what he meant, he assumed that the two women were crowding me to purposely get me to move. They weren’t trying to “purposely crowd” me into leaving that spot, there was plenty of space, and asked him “didn’t you hear her coughing?” He did. I let him know that she wasn’t covering her mouth. End of discussion. This may or may not come into play on the last day.




At around 6:30pm, it was dark so we decided to head back to the cabin to get ready for dinner. On our way to our cabin, we saw Kendrick and I-Ketut in the hallway, so we stopped and talked to them. They still thought yesterday’s prank was funny and warned me that they were all planning something good for me. I got a picture of Kendrick and I-Ketut before we went into the cabin.




And finally introducing, in a picture, Kendrick (on the right) and I-Ketut (on the left)





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When we got inside, we took turns getting ready for dinner, but there would be no hurry since we had almost two hours. We took our time, DH again checking the TV just hoping they weren’t replaying the video from yesterday’s contests. They weren’t. He brought it up about the couple on the beach recognizing him. I told him I was sorry. What else could I say? I let DH go first and while he was getting ready, I went back up to Panorama Deck 10 for a few more pictures since we still had time before dinner.





















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At about 8:10pm, we started down the hallway to the aft (back) set of stairs and took the stairs down to Deck 4 then entered the dining room and went to our table. Our table mates were already there. The apologized to us for not being there last night and told us that they had reservation for Diamond’s Steakhouse and had eaten there last night. We asked them what they thought of it and they highly recommended it and told us about it.


On Last year’s Liberty cruise, we were at a table with 5 others. A family of three and a couple who just retired. The couple who just retired had dinner in the steakhouse one of the nights and during that night we asked the others if they’d tried it. They had but told us it was just like any other steakhouse you find at home and to them, it wasn’t worth the extra cost. A few nights later, we ran into the other couple who had eaten there while on that cruise and they highly recommended it and said it’s better than your typical steak house. Two out of three highly recommended it, we may have to try it one of these days so we can find out for ourselves.


Our wait staff soon came around with water, the bread basket and the menus. There was really nothing on tonight’s menu that appealed to me for the main course, so I decided to get the Chicken breast that was on the “From the Grill” section of the menu, which was good (I’d give it a B); a Caesar Salad as my appetizer (an A, will always be an A); and for an appetizer I had the Bacon Mac & Cheese, another favorite of mine (I give that an A). I forget what DH had tonight.

We enjoyed our meals while conversing with our table mates. We talked about what we did that day and what our plans were for tomorrow in St. Lucia. They hadn’t booked any tours yet and hadn’t decided what they would be doing. Once we finished, our wait staff cleared our table and brought out the dessert menus. Right around that time, Yoki came around with the cordial, after dinner shots. Tonight’s color was Amber, or yellow. I forget what liquor was in them, but it’s almost always something good. The two of us gals at our table ordered them.

Marko came back out and took our dessert orders. Tonight I ordered the cheese plate (I love cheese, so this gets an A). This is new since the last time we cruised, so this is a great addition to those of us who aren’t into the rich, sweet desserts. A shout out goes to Carnival on this one. DH had the Carnival Chocolate Melting cake, or Warm Chocolate Melting Cake. That’s one of his favorites. We visited for a few minutes after finishing dessert then left the dining room to proceed on with tonight’s plans.


We went back to our cabin and Kendrick had been there and, no “surprise” for me yet. Whatever they were planning, it was going to be good. I can’t wait. Tomorrow’s edition of the “Fun Times” was on the bed, along with our towel animal, a rabbit.




There would be no Punchliner Comedy tonight since the two comedians that we had for the first part of the cruise, Diane Ford and Al Romero, got off Liberty today. We would get two more and comedy would resume on Friday. Tonight they were having auditions for the “Legends” show in the Victoria Lounge. Since we had passengers debarking in Barbados this morning and more embarking there today, there was another Deck Party tonight, the “Blue Iguana Latin Fiesta”, which started at 10:00pm.

We got changed into some more comfortable clothes and went up to the Lido Deck to see what was going on. There were others out there, but it’s not nearly as big as the sail away from San Juan deck party. We were kind of tired and decided we wouldn’t make it a late night. We went over to Red Frog and we each decided to order double Captain & cokes (double the rum) tonight. Joseph and Winston were working but I forget which one made tonight’s drinks, but they were good and strong. Since the deck party was going on, we didn’t stay at the bar since they’d be busy.


I had my cell phone and decided to try for some night pictures of Liberty’s outer decks at night with all the lights on, so we took our drinks and walked around most of the outer decks and got pictures. I was happy with the results on the phone’s screen but the real test would be once they were uploaded onto the computer, but they came out good.













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Blue Iguana's Latin Fiesta Deck party continued...







When we were walking down the starboard (right) side of the Panorama Deck 10, DH commented on all of the water that was still on them. He feels that should have been swept off and not just left there. This is one of the observations he made that he complained about and felt should have been addressed. Me? Well, I actually thought it was kind of pretty and I loved the reflections. I noticed the life preserver rings that lined along the Panorama Deck had nice reflections in that water. I went and sat in one of the chairs to get a few pictures of that reflection. I thought the wet decks were cool and great for photo opportunities. DH still disagrees and felt this was an area where Carnival needed improvement on getting the outer decks squeegeed off.









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We were half way finished with the drinks, so DH wanted to go down and check out the EA Sports Bar to see if anything was going on in there, so we took the stairs down to Promenade Deck 5 and walked down toward the atrium. Before going into the EA Sports Bar, I stopped at the top of the stairs to get a picture of the atrium from that point and then we went into the EA Sports Bar. Not much going on in there and there were only three other guys in there, so we didn’t stick around.


The atrium at the top of the stairs on Promenade Deck 5



The EA Sports Bar



It was sometime between 11:00 and 11:30pm, so we went back to our cabin, I got my beach bag ready and packed with what I’d need tomorrow in St. Lucia, we finished the drinks and called it a night. I turned the alarm on my clock back on as I wanted to get up at 5:30am tomorrow morning.




This is a good spot to get things wrapped up this evening. Next up will be our day in St. Lucia, one of my favorites.






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I am LOVING your review. We are sailing out of San Juan on the Adventure in 27 days! We have a few ports the same so I am excited to read those.


One being Barbados, one of my bucket list wants is to swim with turtles. Your pictures are amazing. What kind of underwater camera are you using? It was crazy the difference when you switched to the underwater setting.


I am also curious about your night pictures at sail away. You said you played with the ISO (the ship pictures prior) but I was wondering if you found a setting you really liked. Your sail away of the coast/forts are great. What settings did you use to not have motion? Did you use a tripod?


You do a great job including everything in your review, I wish your review was of the AOS. I am searching for all the information you included about the Liberty.


Speaking of the Liberty, I sailed that ship a couple years ago and it was one of my favorite ships! I would love to sail on her again.


Thanks again!




I too am sailing on Adventure OTS out of San Juan but not until March 2016. Only 132 days but who's counting? LOL I just started doing my research on Adventure as well. Please let us know how your cruise was!


We sailed on Jewel OTS this past April (Southern Caribbean) and it was wonderful. "Max's mom" has many Royal Caribbean reviews and some of hers were from Adventure. Her reviews are good reads, maybe you can get some of the info you are looking for from them.


Have a wonderful time!

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Loving the review. I'm excited to see what you did in St Lucia. Last year we did the Cosul tour which was fun, but I'm looking for a beach opportunity this year.


Glad you're still enjoying it. If you're looking for a beach opportunity, there is one I recommend. When we did the same itinerary on Valor in May 2013, I wanted to go to Jalousie Beach (Sugar Beach - Sugar Beach Resort), which is the beach between the Pitons.


Carnival offered and excursion, by boat, directly to Jalousie Beach and, according to the description, there was complimentary soda and dry snacks provided. When I was researching, I had been interested in this excursion but it only allowed about an hour and a half at Jalousie Beach. There are currently two excursions, one by catamaran and the other is a snorkel excursion by powerboat, both to Jalousie beach. It doesn't specify how much time they allow at the beach for these excursions on Carnival's website.


Through reading reviews by others (both Valor and Victory), I noticed high ratings from several different tour groups. Since we were only interested in the beach, we chose Spencer Ambrose since they were the only ones that offered a "Jalousie Beach Break". With Spencer's tour, they take you directly by speedboat to Jalousie Beach, a very good lunch is provided, unlimited beverages (non-alcohol and alcohol), snorkeling. They also allowed between 4 and 5 hours at the beach. We'd done other excursions and if you want to snorkel and enjoy the beach, we've always found an hour and a half a little too rushed. We booked with Spencer through their website and were not disappointed and it ended up being the best time we've ever had on an island tour. It cost $85.00 per person and it was well worth it for the time, meal, drinks and scenery. We got a sea tour on our way back with several stops along the cost and great photo opportunities. It was also the first non-ship sponsored excursion we'd ever booked, but they always get you back to the ship with plenty of time and they had good ratings, so we felt comfortable doing it. Oh, forgot to mention, best snorkeling we've seen - lots of fish and very colorful coral.


Spoiler alert: We booked with Spencer again this time, but a land, sea, beach tour, and again we not disappointed and had a wonderful day and we still had time at Jalousie Beach.


I did a review of our Valor cruise (link in my signature) and if you want to see more about Jalousie Beach, that section on Spencer's Jalousie Beach break starts on page 10 and goes though page 12. I hope this helps.

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