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Does the situation in Europe affect your future travel?


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I think it is up to each individual to determine their own course of action in relation to the situation at any given time. Some people are not wanting to travel because of the situation in a very small part of Mainland Europe - that's absolutely their perogative.


For me, the situation will not prevent me from travelling to the mainland one iota and it's not because I want to "not let them win".


Europe is a big place and the attack that happened was in a very very small part of it. The problems of refugees are vastly over-stated by the Press (it makes for good column inches and sales !) and Europe is still a very safe place to be - far more so than many other places around the globe.

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What if you are caught in a refugee exodus after your cruise ? What with hundreds of thousands trying to escape via any means of transportation ,there is the probability that you might not get out . Or you are actually caught in the middle of a war & now with many more people fleeing . Look at the downside to this scenario .


When Putin invaded the Eukraine we decided to cancel our Baltic cruise ;because 'if that invasion escalated to the Baltic states' we would be caught in a war zone . Of course it did not happen ;however ,there are those possibilities !


We side on the side of caution first & cruising much later .There are many cruises that don't go close to or in the face of war /terrorism & those we do take . ;)

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Here in the USA we have the right to protect ourselves with 2nd amendment right from our constitution & we have our protection in our home . When on a cruise it is totally disallowed to carry any weapons aboard ;as well as air craft or other public transport .


We are solid Americans & strongly come against all those who terrorize any peace loving individual . Now when it comes to a cruise or other public transport ,We simply don't have the means to take the offense against terrorists nor does the ships crews .Just my opinion so don't flame the writer

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It would be interesting to see a statistic which compares deaths by terrorism and gun crime in Europe and the US in the last 20 years. I suspect that comparison might just see an exodus from the US if that was your only criteria.

If you are worried about the current situation in Paris ( note that that is the only location where there actually is an issue at the moment beyond actual war zones in the Far East of the continent and no one would suggest going there) then obviously do not travel as you may not enjoy yourself. There are however no real grounds to feel fully safe in any urban setting anywhere in the world and the focus of fear will continue to move around the world with each terrorist or murderous act. Let's face it every time you set foot out of your door you roll the dice however the odds are massively stacked in your favour.


That's not really a fair comparison. Sure there are safety issues in any urban environment and we take precautions to keep ourselves safe. But it's not really possible to protect yourself from someone who is willing to kill themselves for a cause. Unfortuneately the new targets may well be tourist attractions (or even ships) that are of interest for cruisers. For now I am not planning any trips to Europe until the current situation calms down. If I do travel to Europe, it will be a last minute trip so I can better asses the enviroment at the time of my trip. However, I think the risk of a river cruise is far to high for me at this time.

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There are many cruises that don't go close to or in the face of terrorism & those we do take . ;)


Do you cruise on the moon then? How could any of us possibly know where they will attack next, so how can you state you will only cruise there :confused:?



I do plan on traveling to Europe next year but thinking of Northern Norway and Iceland or Poland.


Again, there must be many people with crystal balls because lots seem to be able to state where they will definitely be safe :rolleyes:.


I understand that some are afraid to travel, but how one can categorically state, without any doubt, those particular places where they 'know' they will be safe? It's beyond me, especially as most will have to use airports etc. to travel to these countries to join those cruises :eek:.

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I posted earlier that our household has suspended all travel for many reasons. No further cruises on Celebrity or any other cruise line.


Another perspective. The cost to the world of dealing with terrorism is incalculable and will continue to increase.


Whether government or corporate, costs driven by terrorism will rise rapidly and these costs will be passed to the taxpayer and consumer. For example, in Canada the minimum estimate to take in 25,000 refugees is +$1.2 Billion.


For consumers and taxpayers, the price of items/taxes will rise or the quality/quantity of services will be reduced.


I do emphasize with corporations like Celebrity who have no influence on this worldwide debacle but who have to act decisively and incur costs.


Every individual makes their choices, but from a strictly financial sense, travel costs have no where to go but up and I am not participating.


I can not control terrorism or know when and where is the next attack, but I can control my expenditure decisions.


Safe travels to all



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I posted earlier that our household has suspended all travel for many reasons. No further cruises on Celebrity or any other cruise line.


Another perspective. The cost to the world of dealing with terrorism is incalculable and will continue to increase.


Whether government or corporate, costs driven by terrorism will rise rapidly and these costs will be passed to the taxpayer and consumer. For example, in Canada the minimum estimate to take in 25,000 refugees is +$1.2 Billion.


For consumers and taxpayers, the price of items/taxes will rise or the quality/quantity of services will be reduced.


I do emphasize with corporations like Celebrity who have no influence on this worldwide debacle but who have to act decisively and incur costs.


Every individual makes their choices, but from a strictly financial sense, travel costs have no where to go but up and I am not participating.


I can not control terrorism or know when and where is the next attack, but I can control my expenditure decisions.


Safe travels to all




There's always bargains to be had!


After 9/11 RTW airfares were incredibly cheap

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I posted earlier that our household has suspended all travel for many reasons. No further cruises on Celebrity or any other cruise line.


Another perspective. The cost to the world of dealing with terrorism is incalculable and will continue to increase.


Whether government or corporate, costs driven by terrorism will rise rapidly and these costs will be passed to the taxpayer and consumer. For example, in Canada the minimum estimate to take in 25,000 refugees is +$1.2 Billion.


For consumers and taxpayers, the price of items/taxes will rise or the quality/quantity of services will be reduced.


I do emphasize with corporations like Celebrity who have no influence on this worldwide debacle but who have to act decisively and incur costs.


Every individual makes their choices, but from a strictly financial sense, travel costs have no where to go but up and I am not participating.


I can not control terrorism or know when and where is the next attack, but I can control my expenditure decisions.


Safe travels to all




To provide the opposite viewpoint, I consider travel to be one of the very last expenses I would eliminate from my discretionary spending. Travel is a passion for me and I would (and do) voluntarily cut expenses in other areas if necessary in order to keep traveling. Of course, not everyone feels that way, but I've certainly met a good number of dedicated travelers on my journeys.


I view travel as a real broadening and learning experience. If more Americans traveled widely, I suspect they'd have less sense of the world as being "us versus them" and "good versus evil". There are good elements and bad elements in nearly every country and civilization. The trick is not to base one's opinions strictly on the "Crisis of the week" as over-reported in the news (and commented on ad nauseum by reactionaries...)

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We actually see it as a travel opportunity thanks to the North American media.


We have had several Med cruises, land trips to Turkey, Greece, and Thailand during periods of economic downturn often combined with mild in country domestic issues. These have combined to keep North Americans away-the result being many good offers of low prices. Our last minute Med cruises of three years ago were half the price of this season's prices. Same with air and land cost in Greece and Turkey.


We watched the television coverage of the so called riots in Athens and Istanbul. We then started to read the on line newspaper descriptions of the events. They were far different that what was portrayed on the tv. Same with Thailand.


So, we are not staying home. We research our destinations carefully but we do not base our research on television news or what some uninformed TA's have to say.

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Here in the USA we have the right to protect ourselves with 2nd amendment right from our constitution & we have our protection in our home . When on a cruise it is totally disallowed to carry any weapons aboard ;as well as air craft or other public transport .


We are solid Americans & strongly come against all those who terrorize any peace loving individual . Now when it comes to a cruise or other public transport ,We simply don't have the means to take the offense against terrorists nor does the ships crews .Just my opinion so don't flame the writer


I do respect your opinion and can see where you are coming from, but you have to understand that this view is very 'alien' to us re life in the UK. I have never even seen a real gun other than in a museum, let alone owned one.


I suppose it must be very strange to feel that the thing that made you feel safe has been removed. (If that makes sense)


Just cultural differences .

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Here in the USA we have the right to protect ourselves with 2nd amendment right from our constitution & we have our protection in our home . When on a cruise it is totally disallowed to carry any weapons aboard ;as well as air craft or other public transport .


We are solid Americans & strongly come against all those who terrorize any peace loving individual . Now when it comes to a cruise or other public transport ,We simply don't have the means to take the offense against terrorists nor does the ships crews .Just my opinion so don't flame the writer


You would be surprised if you knew what the ship's crew is capable of. Cruise lines have been upgrading their security for quite sometime.

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I would not willingly put myself or my family into an "iffy" situation...there are PLENTY of other places to go! Getting killed because you don't want them "to win"....really????


Thank you for your wise words. I have been to war and it is one place you don't want to be. Second, the less non essential personnel around when things like this happen, the easier to seek out the perpetrators and desimate them, without collateral damage to the populous. If you are not trained for these situations, stay away from them.:eek:


Our hearts are out to the people of France.

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We actually see it as a travel opportunity thanks to the North American media.


We have had several Med cruises, land trips to Turkey, Greece, and Thailand during periods of economic downturn often combined with mild in country domestic issues. These have combined to keep North Americans away-the result being many good offers of low prices. Our last minute Med cruises of three years ago were half the price of this season's prices. Same with air and land cost in Greece and Turkey.


We watched the television coverage of the so called riots in Athens and Istanbul. We then started to read the on line newspaper descriptions of the events. They were far different that what was portrayed on the tv. Same with Thailand.


So, we are not staying home. We research our destinations carefully but we do not base our research on television news or what some uninformed TA's have to say.


I do hope you contact the State Dept. for travel advisories. Today the list was longer than usual.

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I do hope you contact the State Dept. for travel advisories. Today the list was longer than usual.




Are we looking at the same thing? The only recent additions (within the last 10 days) appear to be renewals of advisories not to travel to North Korea or Afghanistan -- neither of which is a destination likely to be visited by 99.999% of tourists...

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To answer a question.. "Will recent terrorist events change my travel plans"

One needs to formulate an answer with a reasonable degree of consideration.

I believe the answer is not as straightforward as " I'm still going because I have a pre booked ticket" or " nothing is stopping my travel arrangements"...

Issues such as these below may play a bigger part in shaping our plans than you may think


- Government recommendations not to travel...like the British being told flights are suspended and you should return from Egypt, as the last passenger flight will be 17th Nov.

- Areas of tourist interest are zoned, out of bounds, closed until further notice or general entry is plagued with extended entry waiting times due to recently put in place security searching procedure. So that planed 2 hour visit, turns into only an hour... As you have just spent the first hour trying to gain entry.

- transport delays: which results in missed connections, raised stress levels because you are now expected to stand in a line for extended periods of time until you have aired much of your personal life and laundry to some unfriendly security guard and lastly, you may have to fork out extra £££'s ($$$) to make up for lost holiday time.


Yes... I too feel I want to continue with my travel plans & I expect to do so. But I can't help wondering how issues like I've mentioned will shape my travels in reality. What I want & what I get may be two different things...

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I do hope you contact the State Dept. for travel advisories. Today the list was longer than usual.


I am not sure what you are referring to.


There are no new travel advisories in the last week or so, and I am on both the American and Canadian contact lists.

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You would be surprised if you knew what the ship's crew is capable of. Cruise lines have been upgrading their security for quite sometime.



I agree.


There are systems/people/methods in place on most cruise ships that would make a takeover by terrorists almost impossible. Almost all are unknown to passengers.


I was on a cruise ship when 911 happened. In Europe. And even then, the amount of security they displayed almost instantly was impressive.

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Do you cruise on the moon then? How could any of us possibly know where they will attack next, so how can you state you will only cruise there :confused:?





Again, there must be many people with crystal balls because lots seem to be able to state where they will definitely be safe :rolleyes:.


I understand that some are afraid to travel, but how one can categorically state, without any doubt, those particular places where they 'know' they will be safe? It's beyond me, especially as most will have to use airports etc. to travel to these countries to join those cruises :eek:.




By comparison there are many cruises safer than those closer to ISIS held territories :eek:. Those are more on the west coast of the USA:D. Take Alaska as a example .By degree Alaska cruises are far safer that meeting thousands of refugees in Europe or Paris from a Med .cruise . Hope this helps ;)

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I agree.


There are systems/people/methods in place on most cruise ships that would make a takeover by terrorists almost impossible. Almost all are unknown to passengers.


I was on a cruise ship when 911 happened. In Europe. And even then, the amount of security they displayed almost instantly was impressive.


Does the cruise line have weapons on board . The answer is NO .


Does ISIS or other terrorists have automatic weapons .The answer is Yes .


What kind of ships security stops a hale of gun fire ?

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Does the cruise line have weapons on board . The answer is NO .




Does ISIS or other terrorists have automatic weapons .The answer is Yes .




What kind of ships security stops a hale of gun fire ?



You don't know if a cruise line has weapons onboard. I've been on cruises where I've seen security staff frequently in public spaces onboard.


But I do know that when in most ports...especially U.S. ports, there is a heightened presence of Port Police and patrol boats.

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I seem to recall hearing something about this, around the time of the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama (Captain Phillips). It was a real surprise to learn that non-military merchant marine ships -- like the Maersk Alabama -- were specifically prohibited from sailing armed. Hence, they were such a tempting target for pirates. I remember wondering, at the time, if that weapon prohibition extended to passenger vessels, as well. Seems to me that I've seen armed security onboard, but I might be mistaken. :confused:

Edited by wwcruisers
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Here's the starting post.


When I asked this question before, I actually had a couple of people ask me what situation I was referring to. Unfortunately perhaps it is clearer now.


As many of you, we have a European itinerary booked in the future. We are very concerned.


And just like before , some will say, if you cancel, you are letting the enemy win.


Will some of you say something different?


Please limit your comments to responding to this question.



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