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Thanksgiving On Splendor - Eastern Caribbean - CruiseXLife's Photo Review!


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The beautiful countryside of Puerto Rico. I plan on coming here one day and doing a roadtrip around the entire island, a new hotel every night. Ponce, Aguadilla and Mayaguez have some interesting sights that I would love to see, and a roadtrip seems like the best way to do it.




View looking over the bow




Bridge wing shot




Docking in a city is very different than docking in a beachy/island place, so be aware when planning your day here. There are not many excursions because most of the attractions are within walking distance.




Castillo San Cristobal.



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Right when I went to go back in, Mom and Elron came outside to check out the view. They had planned a trip to San Juan in August, but had to cancel (only to reroute to Grand Cayman) three days before due to the hurricane that went through. I stayed outside to look at it with them for a while, and then decided to go back to the room, wake up Katie, and we could all enjoy breakfast together. Except when I went in, she was still asleep. I woke her up, and she said that she was feeling much worse. She asked if she could skip the day in San Juan, or at least skip the morning and possibly head out around 12-1. I told her it was no problem, that her health was the main concern. However, I felt badly because I had hyped up San Juan the most out of all of the places we were stopping. I decided to get on my day clothes and walking shoes, and pack my day bag now so I wouldn't disrupt her again later. Mom and El did the same.


We ate at the lido buffet for breakfast. I really like the Lido buffet, lots of good options. Pastries, fruit, eggs, waffles, bacon, omelettes, etc. The food is also decent in my opinion. However, expect a line. The lines are always shorter at the aft buffet stations. After our meal, we walked back to the forward elevators, and flew down to Deck 0, and got off of the boat. Our plan was to spend the time together walking around the two castles, and shopping along the way. Plus, we wanted to visit an old favorite, Café Ochoa, for some rice and grilled sandwiches.


Our first stop was the Castillo San Cristobal. You would think to walk in a straight line, but there are buildings there, so you have to go around. We went left, and up the street to the next street over.




The beautiful Splendor docked in Old San Juan at the Carnival Corp. Pier!




It was about a 10 minute walk. It was a very pretty walk, we got to walk past some really cool places and pretty buildings along the way. Finally we ended up at Cristobal.




There was a huge gate in front of the entrance. The hours said they opened at 9, and it was 8:45. So we waited for about 15 minutes, and they still didn't open. I took this through the fence.




We then noticed the walkway up the side, so we began walking up the side area. I was just hoping and praying that it wasn't restricted.




We walked to the top, and we ended up in the little area by the entrance. It was closed. I then realized, I was in a USA territory on a holiday, so all of the public areas would be closed... Take note! I took this photo before I walked back down to the street.



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We decided that we would still carry on with our designated route, and that we would skip anything that was closed. We then planned on walking along the northern road of OSJ, along the rocky coast, to El Morro. Took these two photos on the walk up. I absolutely love the buildings, design, color, and just the wonder of San Juan. You'll see throughout these photos, I can't get enough of this city.






Similar to the front, I realized that there was a large back portion road to the top that was open. I wanted to walk up it to get the views, but Mom and Elron wanted to go down on the end of this fort (below). So we split so I could get these.




Such a cool looking place. This gives me an excuse to come back!




Took this picture and ended up loving it. I printed it out and hung it in one of my hallways.




Zoomed in picture of Splendor from the top.



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I decided to meet Mom and Elron down at the bottom. They were getting pictures done on their cameras, so I didn't miss much. I really love the coastline here. This photo almost made it on my wall.




I assume these are called watchtowers, but does anyone know the real name of these things? I always forget to get them whenever I go.




Took this looking down out of the small windows inside the watchtower.




After I got my pictures done, we decided to continue to walk along the street towards El Morro. I loved the views all the way around, between the colorful houses and culture on my left, an the ocean on my right.




We walked past this basketball court. Carmello Anthony built it, God only knows how long ago. It was neat seeing it, and I assume it always has kids on it, just not on the holidays!




Yet another photo that almost made my wall. I love these views. I would love to just live up here, maybe even rent a bike and bike it every morning before work.



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Here was a sign for a community. You had to walk down these steps into the area, where there were a few houses . It was very close to the water, but no beach. I really wanted to head down, but Elron said that he felt "unsafe". When I asked why, he simply said "I don't feel safe going into a lower class, poor neighborhood. I don't find the fun in it. I'd rather see the tourist sights." I was somewhat taken aback by this, because I am all for cultural immersion, and that sort of stereotyping is something I do not endorse. Strike 1. However, I was still in San Juan, and I did not want to start anything, so I just let it be.




Looks like a ghost town, but I saw many people walking about down there.




Looking up an alley. I love the cobblestone streets here, they add to the beauty.




Finally, we ended up at the entrance to El Morro. Well, the start of the half mile walk up to the fort. It didn't take us long to realize that it was also closed, but after talking it over, we decided that we still wanted to walk up to the top of the fort and check it out.




Next: El Morro, More of Old San Juan

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Thanks for reading! You will have a great cruise!




Hello, while I loved this trip very much and would recommend it to anyone, I'm Afraid that I would not recommend it to you. Some parts of the trip you need to legitimately swim, and you need the basic aspects of kicking and pushing to the surface after sliding down a waterfall to get back to the top. Plus, the jump was my favorite part, and that's a very high drop. There are tons of heights throughout, especially on the hike. I think when you stop here, you should do something a little more in both of your comfort zones, because the last thing you want is an injury or discomfort to make the day turn into a bad one.


You will ove the Dominican Republic, and like I said, get out to Amber Cove and go see the place!


Thanks for the answer. Although we could probably do the excursion no need to be anxious or stressed during a cruise. We'll look for some other options.

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Regarding La Perla, my husband and I visited Old San Juan a few years ago and we were warned by a local to stay away from that area. We did walk past the area with others during the day as we were heading to El Morro and San Cristobal, but chose to follow the local's advice and not go down the street that led to the community. We were told that it was a dangerous, drug ridden area.


I'm enjoying your review as a friend and I will be on Splendor in February, although a different itinerary.

Edited by Cruisin' Broad
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Hi...my question is about Amber Cove.......Is the pool in the port area or will we need to rent a taxi? Thanks I am enjoying your review.


Don't take this as etched in stone but I think the pool is right at the port. It's part of the port like the pool at Grand Turk. Amber Cove is a Carnival development pretty much like GT.

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Thanks for your review and pics.

Sorry that medical problems with Katie and some issues with Elron put a little negativity into your cruise.

Elron was right about La Perla though. That is a known high crime area/ghetto/slum and even the locals say to stay away from it.


From the linked article below:

Wedged between the cliff and the Caribbean lies La Perla, a slum infamous as a redoubt for drug traffickers and a tourist mecca for marijuana, cocaine, and heroin.


"They have sophisticated radio equipment so they can listen in on us and signal blockers keeping us from spying on them," says Juan Nieves, a veteran cop with salt-and-pepper hair, as he peers down into the dark, densely built barrio from his cruiser on the higher ground of Old San Juan.


La Perla — where police are powerless and the drug trade paramount — is a microcosm of Puerto Rico, which is sure to see ever more drugs and violence as the States and Mexico clamp down harder on their shared border.



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Thanks for your review and pics.

Sorry that medical problems with Katie and some issues with Elron put a little negativity into your cruise.

Elron was right about La Perla though. That is a known high crime area/ghetto/slum and even the locals say to stay away from it.


From the linked article below:

Wedged between the cliff and the Caribbean lies La Perla, a slum infamous as a redoubt for drug traffickers and a tourist mecca for marijuana, cocaine, and heroin.


"They have sophisticated radio equipment so they can listen in on us and signal blockers keeping us from spying on them," says Juan Nieves, a veteran cop with salt-and-pepper hair, as he peers down into the dark, densely built barrio from his cruiser on the higher ground of Old San Juan.


La Perla — where police are powerless and the drug trade paramount — is a microcosm of Puerto Rico, which is sure to see ever more drugs and violence as the States and Mexico clamp down harder on their shared border.




Regarding La Perla' date=' my husband and I visited Old San Juan a few years ago and we were warned by a local to stay away from that area. We did walk past the area with others during the day as we were heading to El Morro and San Cristobal, but chose to follow the local's advice and not go down the street that led to the community. We were told that it was a dangerous, drug ridden area.


I'm enjoying your review as a friend and I will be on Splendor in February, although a different itinerary.[/quote']


Thank you both for your input. While I had no strong desire to visit La Perla, I did not like the condescending attitude. As the trip went on, Elron continued to make remarks looking down on me and my travel habits and experiences, which I took no liking to. I'm an adult, not a child. In addition, I am Puerto Rican, and I just wanted to gown down and walk through for just a bit to get a little taste of the local culture again. However, this was probably the wrong place to do it. It has been a month since the cruise, but I know I did not want to go to La Perla, but another neighborhood nearby. However, I forgot to mention this in the review.

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Don't take this as etched in stone but I think the pool is right at the port. It's part of the port like the pool at Grand Turk. Amber Cove is a Carnival development pretty much like GT.


Hi...my question is about Amber Cove.......Is the pool in the port area or will we need to rent a taxi? Thanks I am enjoying your review.


LeapDayMom, Boozebabe is correct. Like Grand Turk, Carnival built the port, and it is in direct walking distance of the ship. After going through the mandatory shopping center, it is the first thing to the right :)

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Thanks for the answer. Although we could probably do the excursion no need to be anxious or stressed during a cruise. We'll look for some other options.


Good choice. Puerta Plata is very closeby, and there are some neat excursions that Carnival has to go snorkeling or deep sea fishing, plus some all-inclusive beach packages. Plus, there are some cool off-roading tours as well. The Dominican Republic is a great place, I'm sure you will find something!


Loving your review. Thanks for sharing. I feel bad that Katie was sick for a good part of it.


Thank you for reading! And I know, I have a feeling she would've loved San Juan, and probably St.Thomas as well if she wasn't sick. But all in all, she said that she had a good time, and plans on taking another cruise too!

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I assume these are called watchtowers, but does anyone know the real name of these things? I always forget to get them whenever I go.





Just got back from being out of town for the holidays and just got caught up with your review. We LOVE San Juan and would love to spend a week (or more) there to tour the island as well. Still enjoying your beautiful pictures.


Now to answer your question, one I actually know the answer to. :D Those are Sentry Boxes and the locals call them "garitas". They are basically "watchtowers" and were used for soldiers to hide in as they kept watch. I love these and took a lot of pictures of them on our visits to San Juan. There was also one on the commemorative US quarter for Puerto Rico when they did the US territories. I was curious about them, so I actually looked them up after we were there on a cruise stop in 2010.

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Just got back from being out of town for the holidays and just got caught up with your review. We LOVE San Juan and would love to spend a week (or more) there to tour the island as well. Still enjoying your beautiful pictures.


Now to answer your question, one I actually know the answer to. :D Those are Sentry Boxes and the locals call them "garitas". They are basically "watchtowers" and were used for soldiers to hide in as they kept watch. I love these and took a lot of pictures of them on our visits to San Juan. There was also one on the commemorative US quarter for Puerto Rico when they did the US territories. I was curious about them, so I actually looked them up after we were there on a cruise stop in 2010.


Wow, thanks for the information!

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We arrived at the base of El Morro. Such a beautiful sight!




El Morro is actually a national park, and if you collect stamps or items from the parks, make sure to bring your things!




I walked the half mile up to the top. It was closed, but you could still walk around and such. I was up at the top, and Mom and Elron were still very far down near the entrance. I don't know if I walk fast, or if they were slow, but it was continuous throughout the day. Strike 2.


But the view was beautiful along the coast!




I wonder what the stones would say if they could talk.




The pigeons in San Juan are some of the friendliest pigeons around. One man actually picked up a pigeon and held it. I opted for the more sanitary and safe option and took a picture.




Looking all the way down to the street. Kind of far. One day I want to get a kite and fly it on this grass, or bring my ship towel and go buy some authentic food nearby, and have a picnic on the green!



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Some more shots of El Morro's exterior






I always wondered what this little island out there was. I wonder what goes on out there.




Mom and Elron made it to the top, and I did some touring with them for a bit. Both have been here before, so after about 15 minutes, I asked if we would continue on with our day. They said they wanted to walk down to the cemetery and see it. I've seen it before, and I did not want to. So, being the final strike, I handed them a map and said that I would be doing my own thing on the way back to the ship. No hard feelings, it's just you can't control this wanderlust! I took this walking out of El Morro




Back on the street, right at the entrance, there was a man selling sherbet. It was very hot, and my water was also getting hot, so I got a strawberry sherbet, and it was so good! Plus he had a really cool cart as well.



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It was now about 12:30, so I began heading back to the ship. I figured after walking and shopping, I would be onboard between 1:30 and 2. Here was a building I saw along the way.




I found an alleyway to walk down, and since Elron wasn't comfortable with going down them earlier, I decided to use my free-time wisely. So I went down the beautiful alley. I found an adorable cat!




I will always love the beauty of Old San Juan. Such a unique place.




I really like this picture. I love cats, and have always wanted to get one of my own.








I would love to just meet a local and sit on one of these steps and talk about our lives in our cities and at work. That would be so cool!



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Eventually, the alley dropped you back onto a main street. I used the map I had to get me to the shopping district that Carnival mapped out.




I'm not much of an island shopper, but there were a few things I had in mind. I found this convenience store a block from the cruise district that sold stamps (post offices were closed too), so I bought two. Next I headed into the shopping district, bought a sweatshirt for me, an ornament for my girlfriend as well as another friend at home, and got two postcards. I wrote them out, and then had to search for a mailbox. I figured this was a good time to practice my Spanish, so I went up to a man and asked where the nearest postal box was. He gave the directions, and then told me that my Spanish was very good. I walked down the street and put them in the box. This pretty building was on my walk.




Another beautiful building I saw!




Finally, I made it to the area where the ships were. Here was the Regatta docked at her terminal.



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Finally what I had waited for all day, lunch at Café Ochoa. We stopped here on out Glory cruise last year, and I really enjoyed the place. I was very excited to eat here, and lost my excitement shortly afterwards when I realized that it was also closed. Oh well. If you need somewhere good to eat in OSJ, come here! Walk to your left once you get off of your ship, and walk past Senor Frogs and to the open air market, hang a right, and then another right, it'll be the first shop there!




Semi-disappointed, I stopped at the open air market to look for some crafts. I picked up an amazing plaque here last year, but after browsing for 10 minutes, my stomach took control of me and made me leave. I decided that I would eat on the ship today.


Here is Senor Frogs on the way back. Before stopping here, try and go see some of the beauty of the island!




Since it was Thanksgiving, I do want to say that I am thankful for all of my travels, especially the cruises, and the experiences I've had over the years!




There are many tour operators right off of the ship. So before booking through Carnival, remember that some of these vendors offer 2 hour tours for $10. I think next time I come, I want to go to El Yunque, and I'll take one of the tours off of the ship. As much as I would've loved to go back out on a tour or on a rented bike, I was really hungry, and worried about Katie. So I kept walking to the ship. This was the only time throughout the whole cruise The line didn't take over 15 minutes to get through. I was blessed to have an empty line this time.




I headed up to the room and set my bag down. Katie was awake, but was on the phone with a doctor friend back home. She paused the call, and told me to go get food, that she wasn't going to eat anything. So I headed to the burrito station on Deck 9. I really liked these burritos. However, I was also feeling some chicken, so I went up to the Rotisserie station on Deck 10. There is always room up here to sit, so on your next cruise on a Triumph or Conquest class ship, or the Splendor (may be more but those are the ones I am sure about), do not spend time looking for a table.


When I got to the station, I could not help but become GaPearl for a minute. I was welcomed with this:




Is that an attempt at cornbread!? Really!? I got a piece just out of curiosity, and it was literally the regular bread with corn on top. As Kim says, Jiffy boxes are only a dollar :D

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Great pics of San Juan. Was the map that Carnival gave you very detailed?




Somewhat, it was more of just a shopping map than a local map. But it pointed out all of the shops, as well as what they sold, and what they were good for. Like I said, I'm not too into shopping, but every cruise my mother goes to the shopping show with the shopping guide. Mom said that this one in particular (Jenny) was really good. The shopping talks always give good information. But the map had just what I would want to know on it! They give them out for all of the ports.


Hope this helped!

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