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Calamity Jane Takes PRIDE (11-15-15) in Having NO Calamities

Delta Dear

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Great review!


Could I ask a couple of questions?


For your balcony - was there a step or a ramp? We're planning a cruise next summer with my brother and his family and I am debating on upgrading my mom's cabin to a balcony (instead of the 4k) because that accessible balcony would have space for all 8 of us. My mother is a full time wheelchair user so I would only get the balcony if it was fully accessible (with a ramp to the balcony).


Second question - we debarked at Baltimore in March (but embarked at Tampa as it was the repositioning cruise). Do they use the same ramps to go up to the ship as they do to debark? I remember it being 3-4 ramps down and worry about trying to push my mother up that. I am hoping that for embarkation, there is another way onto the ship.




Ask away, I hope I can help. We both seem to remember stepping over the doorway to get onto the balcony, but I vaguely think there might have been a portable ramp out there that you could use to level that difference between the door and the floor of the balcony. PLEASE don't depend on my vague memory though. I would check with the Special Needs Department to ask for sure. I think their phone number is on the Carnival website.


The ramps getting on the Pride in Baltimore are steep and there were about 4 or 5 turns to get to the entry. Carnival crew will always push your mother you do not need to try to do that yourself. Even though Morgan's mobility is limited, I have arthritic knees so I also have someone push me in a wheelchair at embarkation and debarkation. I would hold up half a ship of anxious cruisers if I tried to walk those ramps.


When you contact special needs they will send you a form to fill out that asks if you need wheel chair assistance for boarding. Be sure to request that someone push your mom for you.


Are you aware that the doorways of many cabins are not wide enough for wheel chairs? They do not allow you to store wheel chairs or scooters in the hallways, so just be sure your mom's chair will fit.


According to my TA, 7260 is the only handicapped cabin with that huge balcony. I hope that will work out for you. Have a wonderful time with your family on that cruise.

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As for the ports, we had not planned to get off in Port Canaveral since there is nothing right there at the port. We have been to Nassau several times and did not feel the need to get off there.


We had thought we might explore the shops there at the port in Freeport but the weather was damp, foggy, then very rainy. By the time it cleared it was almost 11:00 and we were due to leave Freeport at 1:30. I decided the time it would take to get off, and walk around just a little, it would be time to get back on. Morgan was tired that day so he’d already nixed the idea of getting off. We are just as content to stay on the ship when others are in port.




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One general observation; The Pride is the perfect ship for those who may have some physical challenges. It was so quick and easy to get from one place to another. The decks never seemed crowded and the elevator access was very easy. We did not encounter any waits at all. We never had to ride in the opposite direction to assure a spot going where we wanted to end up.


I really enjoyed seeing the multigenerational family groups on board. There was a family that sat near us in the MDR at three different tables, I believe, who were celebrating the 102nd birthday of the matriarch of the family. She seemed to be enjoying herself even if she did catch a few winks each night at the dinner table.


To sum up the experience on this cruise, it was one of rest and relaxation. I did not take nearly as many pictures. I tried several new drinks, new desserts vs. ordering Chocolate Melting Cake nightly. I actually tossed the Fun Times rather than bringing them home to add to my piles of clutter. If you only knew what a step toward decluttering my life that was. I put them in the waste basket and pulled them out several times before being able to let go.

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Thank you for a lovely review! I like your spirit and approach to life. We are scheduled on a Journey cruise on the Pride in February 2017 and I'm almost more excited for that cruise than our Med cruise on the Vista.


Looking forward to your next cruise review.



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I always enjoy reading your reviews and this one is no exception! I love sailing on the Pride it is so easy to get around and the port is not far from home. As far as not getting off at any of the ports, I could do the same thing-

It's not the destination, it's the journey. I just like being on a ship. We ate at the steakhouse and didn't care for it either. Glad you enjoyed your cruise.

Edited by BattyL
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Hello Jane and Morgan ! We are Keith and Dawn, just up the road from you in Townsend Delaware. I am enjoying your review, sounds like you guys needed a good cruise !


Hi Almost Neighbors, LOL, if you live anywhere in DE, you are almost neighbors, aren't you.


Thank you for reading along. We did have a wonderful time and BOY, did we need it. I kept my hopes up that Morgan would be cleared to travel. We never expected all of the extra challenges that he had, but life is all about challenges and how we meet them.


I hope you will enjoy the rest of the review. Thanks for chiming in.

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Thank you for a lovely review! I like your spirit and approach to life. We are scheduled on a Journey cruise on the Pride in February 2017 and I'm almost more excited for that cruise than our Med cruise on the Vista.


Looking forward to your next cruise review.




Those Journey cruises look fantastic. I KNOW you will have a wonderful time. Thanks for taking this trip on the Pride through my eyes.

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I always enjoy reading your reviews and this one is no exception! I love sailing on the Pride it is so easy to get around and the port is not far from home. As far as not getting off at any of the ports, I could do the same thing-

It's not the destination, it's the journey. I just like being on a ship. We ate at the steakhouse and didn't care for it either. Glad you enjoyed your cruise.


I just love being out there on the water in a BIG BOAT. When people ask about our cruise, they don't understand how we could not get off of the ship. You are absolutely right; it's the journey not the destination.

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I was hoping to complete this review last night but my laptop and Photobucket didn't agree with me. It went into overload. I was very happy to turn it on today and find it was rested and rarin' to go. So, let's move right along.



On the Nassau day, I slept until about 8:00. I sat on the balcony for a little while then went in and turned on the TV…. OH, MY SOUL. The towel animals had taken over the Lido Deck. I quickly showered, dressed, grabbed my camera and make my way up there. To my delight and great surprise not one animal had been moved by sunbathers. In December when we were on the Freedom, it was fairly early in the morning when I hit the deck and several people had moved the animals which meant those of us with cameras had take pictures while avoiding having them in the shot.


Isn’t it amazing how something so simple can bring such joy to adults? It seems that display brings out our inner child.








The crew who make the animals seemed to enjoy watching us enjoy their handiwork. These crew members were pleased as some of us took time to thank them for their masterpieces.




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On the final day, I borrowed Morgan’s scooter to ride to the Butterfly Lounge to pick up the liquor we had purchased. It was not busy at all. I went down at 8:00 or so and there was no line whatsoever. Since we were driving home, it was not a problem. I would not buy liquor if we were flying. That would be too much trouble to have to try to pack it before checking luggage in at an airport.


Living in the middle of the state of Delaware we have to travel over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge quite often to get from Eastern Shore Maryland to Baltimore, DC and points south. Since Delaware has no commercial airports, we also have to travel to BWI whenever we want to fly somewhere. Philly airport is our other option, but I do not like that airport at all.


I was thrilled to see the bridge from the ‘under side,’ on our way back to Baltimore Sunday morning. The twin span has been called by many as the, ‘scariest bridge in the country,’ because of its height and length of span. I must admit that after growing up in the Mighty Midwest, (Cleveland, Ohio) when we first moved to DE, I would white knuckle it anytime I had to drive on that bridge. Now, 25 years later, it is not at all intimidating. Believe it or not, there are 'escort services,' that will drive you in your car to the other side.














This is an aerial view I found of the 4.3 mile twin span bridge.

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Ooops, I forgot to say that I borrowed Morgan's scooter so I could put the liquor in the basket and not have to carry it through the ship. We only bought 3 bottles of booze, but why carry a package if a basket is available, right ?


Debarkation was pretty easy for us. We both use wheelchairs for embarkation and debarkation so they told us to be ready at 10:00 in our cabin to be picked up. The rental scooter was to remain in the cabin for rental company to pick up. We ate breakfast in the MDR, returned to our cabin before 10:00, and were picked up a few minutes before 10:00. We were seated in the area near the Alchemy Bar until the call to begin the Platinum, Gold debarkation. We had Zone 1 tags. When they called our number, our transporters pushed us quickly through that final, dreaded ding, and down and around the ramp we went.


Customs and luggage pick up went quickly. A porter found our luggage, took it to the van and loaded if for me while Morgan waited at the terminal for me to pick him up. We were out of the parking lot by 11:15. We were back home by 1:30.


Prior to this sailing, I had never wanted to go on the Pride because of the limited itineraries. We had always flown to FL, visited our son in Ft. Lauderdale and cruised from either Miami or FLL. The older we get the more of a physical toll airport security, time in flight and in airports takes. We have decided that we have reached the age and stage in life that future cruises will be for rest and relaxation. Our exploring port days are behind us and that’s ok. We are going to limit our cruises to the Pride from Baltimore from now on and are content and comfortable with that decision.


Oh, yes, by the way, Morgan doesn’t know it yet, but I have already booked the Pride for Nov. 6, 2016. The only reason I haven’t told him is that he was back in the hospital for four days two weeks ago and not feeling up to par so it was not the best time for the news. He is fine now. I think he’ll be excited once I tell him. All I need say is, 'jammin' in the Red Frog Pub,' and he’ll be ready.


I’m excited about the trip. The best part of all is that our TA found that the same handicapped room with the extended balcony 7260 was available so our home away from home awaits us. If you are not doing anything else that week, come on and join us. That week includes Election Day here in the States, so we’ll need to have absentee ballots, and it also includes Veteran’s Day so some people may actually have both days off from work. As always, I’ll be ready!

I know this review was a little dull compared to my others. Good. That’s because of the lack of calamities. Good ! I’m hoping the next cruise will be the same. The sailing was smooth except for one rocking and rolling night between the first sea day and Port Canaveral. Someone mentioned that the Carolina coast tends to be a little rough. Other than that night, we felt no vibrations.


So long, Pride. It's been REAL. You are a real beauty, inside and out.




Until the next time, Happy Sails to YOU. Feel free to ask questions. I'm not sure I'll have answers, but I'll try.

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Thank you for your review! Great pictures. I love your attitude. My mom always says, "You can choose to laugh or choose to cry. If you cry, your eyes turn red and your nose runs. Better to laugh." You strike me as the laughing kind.

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My family is also booked for this cruise. So excited. Loved reading your review.


Yay, I have not clicked into the Roll Call yet, but now that is review is complete, I am going to join in there.


Looking forward to meeting you. See you Nov. 6 !

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I've been in that cabin and loved the balcony!


I was also in another one, not sure of the floor. The shower had some strange contraption to turn on the water. The room steward, the housekeeping head and another lady couldn't figure out how it worked. Finally one of us did and couldn't imagine having something like that on a cruise. (The steward was on his first week of his contract. Maybe the prior one would have known.)


I also had a bad steak in the Steakhouse. Couldn't even identify the shape of the piece of meat. I also couldn't get anyone to wait on me and it was only 6:30 pm and nearly deserted. Couldn't get water refilled, coffee. Disaster. Good thing it was comped but maybe that's why I was ignored.

Edited by crusinpsychRN
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Hi Jane - I enjoyed your review! Thanks so much for sharing it. I really liked your photos of Bay Bridge. We drive from upstate NY to BIL's house in northern VA by taking Delaware Route 1 to Middletown, then cutting over to US 301 and down to Bay Bridge. It's a much saner drive than I-95. And twice we've been fortunate to sail under it on Pride.:cool:

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Hi Jane great review :) It was a really nice trip and I am glad that I got the chance to meet you and Morgan hahhahha I even see a pic of me in the review :) I am booked on the Pride on April 15th Glad Morgan is feeling better hope you have a great New Year!

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Jane: Loved the review.. !! We are Dave & Denise who you met in the Red Frog, with our 'shirts' on.. A special thanks to your friend who made them for us..:)

We enjoyed spending time with you and Morgan, and especially for your upbeat attitude, knowing there could/would be obstacles to overcome during the cruise..

It is a pleasure to have met you both!!:D

Denise and I are booked on the February 'Journey' Cruise on the Pride from Tampa to Baltimore via the 'southern Caribbean' in 2017, so will be unable to join you in 2016 on the Pride, but wish you a wonderful sailing!!!:D Would LOVE to be able to sail with you guys again.. We will look forward to the opportunity!!:cool:

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I really enjoyed your review of the Pride and how easy it is to get around. Sounds like a ship just the right size for us too. We will be sailing on her in 3 weeks, doing a b2b (21 days) total. My husband also has limited mobility issues and uses a walker to get around. We have accessible balcony cabins for both legs of the trip. I have purchased the FTTF for embarkation in Baltimore.


My sister-in-law gave us a Carnival gift card for Christmas and you said to just go to guest services to have it applied. Is that correct.


DH will need wheel chair assistance both getting on and off the ship. Do they take you right to your cabin when embarking. Also interested that they come to your cabin with the wheel chair on debark day. Do you need to sign up for that in advance. Any information would be appreciated.


Just to mention to you that we cruised the NCL Gem in November and they were absolutely terrible with wheel chair assistance. We waited over 2 hours, they had folded up 4 wheel chairs, and there were still people (us included) waiting for assistance. Worst debarkation ever from the ship. I wrote to them and am still waiting for a response, which I know will never come.




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I've been in that cabin and loved the balcony!


I was also in another one, not sure of the floor. The shower had some strange contraption to turn on the water. The room steward, the housekeeping head and another lady couldn't figure out how it worked. Finally one of us did and couldn't imagine having something like that on a cruise. (The steward was on his first week of his contract. Maybe the prior one would have known.)


I also had a bad steak in the Steakhouse. Couldn't even identify the shape of the piece of meat. I also couldn't get anyone to wait on me and it was only 6:30 pm and nearly deserted. Couldn't get water refilled, coffee. Disaster. Good thing it was comped but maybe that's why I was ignored.


Ours dinner sure wasn't comped, wish it had been then I wouldn't feel so bad about it. That's funny about the shower. Thanks for sharing.

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I really enjoyed your review of the Pride and how easy it is to get around. Sounds like a ship just the right size for us too. We will be sailing on her in 3 weeks, doing a b2b (21 days) total. My husband also has limited mobility issues and uses a walker to get around. We have accessible balcony cabins for both legs of the trip. I have purchased the FTTF for embarkation in Baltimore.


My sister-in-law gave us a Carnival gift card for Christmas and you said to just go to guest services to have it applied. Is that correct.


DH will need wheel chair assistance both getting on and off the ship. Do they take you right to your cabin when embarking. Also interested that they come to your cabin with the wheel chair on debark day. Do you need to sign up for that in advance. Any information would be appreciated.


Just to mention to you that we cruised the NCL Gem in November and they were absolutely terrible with wheel chair assistance. We waited over 2 hours, they had folded up 4 wheel chairs, and there were still people (us included) waiting for assistance. Worst debarkation ever from the ship. I wrote to them and am still waiting for a response, which I know will never come.





Hi Theresa, I'm sure you and your husband will find the ship very easy to get around. Have a ball on your B2B. We've never done one of those.


We didn't realize that yes, the transporters can take you directly to your cabin. I can't remember if we asked to be taken to our cabin, or if we just assumed we couldn't be. We tipped them when we got to the Atrium, then I went directly to Guest Services where I asked for a chair for my husband. The person at GS told me the transporters who pushed us on could have taken him to the cabin. She called for someone else who then came to push him.


I stopped at GS the day before disembarkation to ask about what to do since the rented scooter had to be left in the room. The person there told me that she would put in a request for two wheel chairs and she gave me the time to be ready. It worked very smoothly. I suggest you do the same on the day before.


What a nice gift, a gift card. I sent one to my daughter-in-law for Christmas for their cruise in Jan. You can have it applied by GS or you can do it yourself at one of the kiosks on the ship. I choose to have them do it since I was already there.


One other thing. If your husband will be transferring to a chair in the main dining room, the staff will take his wheelchair and park it until after dinner, then will bring it back to the table when he is ready to leave. I would suggest that you stop in the MDR soon after you board to see exactly where they have you seated. If you find it is not going to work in terms of ease, comfort, or location let them know so that it can be changed.


Feel free to ask any other questions. One reason why I like to do reviews is because we represent the older, more challenged population. It is funny but when I told Morgan I had rented a scooter for him (of course he said he didn't need one, HA !) he asked if I had ever seen a scooter on a ship before. He was afraid he would be the only one. He had never noticed or been sensitive to the number of cruisers who have mobility challenges. It is almost as if, unless you are part of that population, you do not pay attention to the same issues. Glad I can help.


Be sure to come back on here after you cruise to let me know how things worked out for your husband.

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