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Cruising during school year


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I know this subject has been discussed many times. I did a search all the way back to October and saw no specific thread recently so here it goes.

Thinking of taking our kids out of school the week prior to Thanksgiving next year for a cruise. The price difference between this week and the Summer or Spring Break, etc. ranges between $500-$800. My question is about the ages. My son will be in the 9th grade. My daughter In the 4th. Has anyone on here ever taken vacation during the school year with kids in those grades? And also - aside from letting the school know and getting their work, does anyone have any suggestions on what we can do to minimize any negative impact this may have?


We've always cruised in the Summer. But as prices rise, it's getting harder to justify the cost associated with Summer cruises. I can save money and put it in their college funds or something. Anyway, any advice is appreciated. Thanks.



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Took DD out of school the second and third weeks of her 10th grade year. Land trip to Rome.


She got her class work and was able to do some at home beforehand as we left on a Sunday. We copied and bound the needed sections of her school books. Didn't want to lose them nor needed the weight. Only issue was with one teacher's internet page. The assignment page couldn't be opened.

Edited by SadieN
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I never hesitated to take my kids out of school BEFORE high school...but once at that level, it's extremely hard to "catch up"....and my kids would have balked at the make-up work needed....the 4th grade isn't much of an issue, but the freshman....not so sure about that one! Although...the week prior to a holiday doesn't usually have that much going on.....talk to your child....he might not want to miss that much work!

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The place to start is with your school administration and find out what the rules are. Some have become extremely strict on absences, other's much more lenient.


We took our kids out of school for trips up until 9th grade. After that they were taking subjects that were difficult to maintain without the classroom instruction. We took their assignments and often had them enrichment reports as well, such as studying dolphins so that they could compare that knowledge with the dolphin experience. We also appreciated that venues were less crowded and cheaper.

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I know this subject has been discussed many times. I did a search all the way back to October and saw no specific thread recently so here it goes.

Thinking of taking our kids out of school the week prior to Thanksgiving next year for a cruise. The price difference between this week and the Summer or Spring Break, etc. ranges between $500-$800. My question is about the ages. My son will be in the 9th grade. My daughter In the 4th. Has anyone on here ever taken vacation during the school year with kids in those grades? And also - aside from letting the school know and getting their work, does anyone have any suggestions on what we can do to minimize any negative impact this may have?


We've always cruised in the Summer. But as prices rise, it's getting harder to justify the cost associated with Summer cruises. I can save money and put it in their college funds or something. Anyway, any advice is appreciated. Thanks.



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First check with school policy and make sure your school district will allow your kids to miss. Second check exam schedules. My kids always had end of semester exams the week of Thanksgiving in High School. Third are you kids willing and able to make the work up correctly and by the time directed by the teacher. Fourth will your son be involved in school sports at that time...coaches are not very forgiving about missing games or practices for a vacation in high school. We've been in your shoes but made our decision based on the answers to these questions. Sometimes we took them out and sometimes we didn't.

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I did take dd14 out of school 4 days in October for an overseas dance competition. She got some work in advance, but some she had to make up. She's in all honors classes, accelerated algebra 2, Spanish 3 - and it was tough! The following week there were only 2 days of school, so that helped. I never took dd19 or ds17 out - dd19 would never have allowed it, ds17 couldn't have handled it. Dd14 is incredibly focused and organized, and I think her teachers gave her some slack because she was going to Ireland, and not Disney (and this was the only week of the competition).


She did get her first B ever!

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It could depend greatly on your school system on how much hassle it is to take the kids out and what the hoops you'll have to jump through will be (or get a truancy letter/fine).


If your kids go to private school, it tends to be much easier.

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It could depend greatly on your school system on how much hassle it is to take the kids out and what the hoops you'll have to jump through will be (or get a truancy letter/fine).


If your kids go to private school, it tends to be much easier.

Understood. And yes they are in private school.


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Definitely first talk with the teachers and the school administration first before booking the cruise. And if they are in any school activities or on any teams, double check on those. Sometimes a child can be kicked off a team for missing important (to the coach) practices and games.


I'm only familiar with public schools (the only ones my daughter and I attended) and the school district here is very type A about school absences -- her high school was strict with allowing only 14 absences (I think semester...I can't remember), but fortunately she culminated from her middle school when she did because they went out wacko with allowing only seven days for the whole school year!:eek: The only time we took her out for a vacation was when she was in kindergarten and the teacher couldn't turn her down was because a classmate already had taken off some time. I did get her homework packet for that week (yes, kinder now has homework:rolleyes:).

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Understood. And yes they are in private school.


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That really does make it so much easier because you just talk to the teachers and the head/administration.

Ours go to private too and we're always taking them out and just bringing their work. We don't always have the luxury of traveling in the summer because that's a pretty heavy time for me at work.

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The other thing to keep in mind about your 9th grader is the type of schedules the high school uses. My kids' high school uses a modified block schedule which is: AP classes are full year (180 days) skinnies (45 minutes/day), the vast majority of the classes are blocks which meet for 1 semester at 1.5 hours/day, 5 days a week. If your child's high school uses a block schedule, taking your son out of school for 1 week is actually equivalent to him missing 2 weeks of a straight, full year, schedule.

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This subject has been debated many, many times on this board, and I'm not quite sure that there's anything new to say.


Usually, these threads turn into many posts such as, "My child is in all AP classes, plays the violin in advanced orchestra and does volunteer work every weekend, and their teachers realize the wonderful educational experience a week in the Caribbean provides. You can learn outside of school and family time is important too". Mostly to justify the cheaper price of cruises during non-vacation times during the school year.


Once they are in high school, IMO, they just miss too much work to be gone for a week. In our school district, you start getting letters home once they miss five days, even if it's for an illness. And, pulling them out before vacation, as someone already mentioned, means they often are missing major tests.

Edited by 6rugrats
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This subject has been debated many, many times on this board, and I'm not quite sure that there's anything new to say.


Usually, these threads turn into many posts such as, "My child is in all AP classes, plays the violin in advanced orchestra and does volunteer work every weekend, and their teachers realize the wonderful educational experience a week in the Caribbean provides. You can learn outside of school and family time is important too". Mostly to justify the cheaper price of cruises during non-vacation times during the school year.


Once they are in high school, IMO, they just miss too much work to be gone for a week. In our school district, you start getting letters home once they miss five days, even if it's for an illness. And, pulling them out before vacation, as someone already mentioned, means they often are missing major tests.

I didn't start the thread to debate anything. But to ask specific questions, which many have been nice enough to politely try and answer. I don't debate things like this as my husband and I make the final decisions regarding our kids. But it is nice and useful to get feedback.


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Here in MN it's not a big deal for them to miss school for vacations, so we don't have that concern. We take 3rd grade DD out once every year. While we try to plan it over a day or two off in the school calendar we DON'T go during spring break as that's just not our cup of tea. She'll be in 4th next year and we're doing the 11 day vista repo over thanksgiving which will require her to miss a bit of school before Thanksgiving break. I'm not at all concerned. High school is a different story entirely and I may change my tune when they're older. :)


PS I'm a teacher too. ;)

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Before speaking to the school and all that your number 1 priority should be speaking to your son.


Many high schoolers do not wish to miss a week of school. This can be due to classes, testing, sports, jobs or extracurricular activities. Missing a week can mean being benched for a few games, not getting the lead in the school play, or missing a big winter dance along with getting behind in classes. If he is not ok with this vacation, plan for another time or arrange for him to stay with friends.


Your daughter should be fine.

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This subject has been debated many, many times on this board, and I'm not quite sure that there's anything new to say.


Usually, these threads turn into many posts such as, "My child is in all AP classes, plays the violin in advanced orchestra and does volunteer work every weekend, and their teachers realize the wonderful educational experience a week in the Caribbean provides. You can learn outside of school and family time is important too". Mostly to justify the cheaper price of cruises during non-vacation times during the school year.


Once they are in high school, IMO, they just miss too much work to be gone for a week. In our school district, you start getting letters home once they miss five days, even if it's for an illness. And, pulling them out before vacation, as someone already mentioned, means they often are missing major tests.


That is your perspective, but another point of view is that children should not be subjected to schooling that is so rigorous that missing a week would make it difficult to catch up.


If I ever start to feel like my daughter's school is that high-pressure, I won't skip the family vacation, I'll find another school!

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Before speaking to the school and all that your number 1 priority should be speaking to your son.


Many high schoolers do not wish to miss a week of school. This can be due to classes, testing, sports, jobs or extracurricular activities. Missing a week can mean being benched for a few games, not getting the lead in the school play, or missing a big winter dance along with getting behind in classes. If he is not ok with this vacation, plan for another time or arrange for him to stay with friends.


Your daughter should be fine.

Understood. I haven't talked to him yet about it seriously, because the trip is over a year away but I definitely will. In terms of sports, he plays baseball. So a trip around Thanksgiving won't have any impact on that. Thanks for your help!


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Here in MN it's not a big deal for them to miss school for vacations, so we don't have that concern. We take 3rd grade DD out once every year. While we try to plan it over a day or two off in the school calendar we DON'T go during spring break as that's just not our cup of tea. She'll be in 4th next year and we're doing the 11 day vista repo over thanksgiving which will require her to miss a bit of school before Thanksgiving break. I'm not at all concerned. High school is a different story entirely and I may change my tune when they're older. :)


PS I'm a teacher too. ;)

It doesn't seem like it's a huge deal with this school. His friends are all always out at least once a year it seems. I think out of his little group of friends, we're probably the only ones that vacation strictly in the Summer. But they aren't in high school yet either. Like you said, things may change. Ugh. We'll see.


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That is your perspective, but another point of view is that children should not be subjected to schooling that is so rigorous that missing a week would make it difficult to catch up.


If I ever start to feel like my daughter's school is that high-pressure, I won't skip the family vacation, I'll find another school!


It's not "my perspective", it's simply reality. Most children in preschool or elementary school are fine missing a week, if your school district allows this. It totally changes once they are in high school for most students.


I believe your daughter is under five years old, correct? Come back and post about teens missing an entire week of high school when you have some experience with the subject.


Then you will realize:


1. Many classes in high school move quickly, and if you miss a week of activities (cheer, sports, etc) you can be benched or be out


2. You can't just "find another school". Most school districts require you attend your assigned school. And all the high schools in your district will be following the same curriculum.


Unless your child is in some type of special education. Then, it may be different and less rigorous.

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It doesn't seem like it's a huge deal with this school. His friends are all always out at least once a year it seems. I think out of his little group of friends, we're probably the only ones that vacation strictly in the Summer. But they aren't in high school yet either. Like you said, things may change. Ugh. We'll see.


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I am another who would be very leery of taking a child out during high school, especially is they aren't even there yet to know how it may impact them.


We usually did a long weekend, or short vacation during the school year with our kids and it was always easy to get the work ahead of time or make it up afterwards until they hit high school. After missing one day during high school my daughter asked if we could not do that anymore. Yes, she was in accelerated classes and did very well, but she felt as if she missed too much even with it being only one day. My son on the other hand would tell you he could miss as many days as you wanted and then fall behind and later blame it on the trip!


Best of luck in you decision I know it is a very hard one to make and only one you can since you are the ones that know you kids and the situation they and you are in.

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OP, thanks for starting this thread. The responses you are getting are interesting to me because my situation is similar to yours. We have booked a 7-day cruise for the last week of September 2016. My youngest DD will be in 5th grade, and my oldest DD in 9th. They attend a private school, as well.


Like you, I'm not looking to debate my parenting decisions with strangers on the internet. You put it well when you said that you make the final decisions for your kids.


Nor am I looking for advice. But I happened to luck out and get some that was useful, anyway - Thank you, SadieN, for the mention of printing and binding sections of the needed texts. I think we will do that for DD14 for this cruise.:)


I've read for years on these boards that once a child hits 9th grade, one shouldn't take him out of school for a vacation. Well, that is most likely true for some children and some schools, and not the case for others. I guess we will see if it is the case for our child.


I'll be able to report back on our experience after September. But I don't expect any major issues. Both of our girls have always been straight-A students, at the top of their classes. They frequently get bored in school, waiting for the rest of the class to catch up. It might do them both some good to have a little "shake up", and be the one doing the catching up.:p


I know this sounds like bragging, and maybe it is a little (I can't help being proud of them:o), but I'm mentioning this for the sake of the conversation - to point out that there is no one correct way (no matter how loudly some might shout otherwise on the internet), no rule that applies to all students. We all need to pick what's best for our own families. Good luck with whatever you decide.:)

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OP, thanks for starting this thread. The responses you are getting are interesting to me because my situation is similar to yours. We have booked a 7-day cruise for the last week of September 2016. My youngest DD will be in 5th grade, and my oldest DD in 9th. They attend a private school, as well.


Like you, I'm not looking to debate my parenting decisions with strangers on the internet. You put it well when you said that you make the final decisions for your kids.


Nor am I looking for advice. But I happened to luck out and get some that was useful, anyway - Thank you, SadieN, for the mention of printing and binding sections of the needed texts. I think we will do that for DD14 for this cruise.:)


I've read for years on these boards that once a child hits 9th grade, one shouldn't take him out of school for a vacation. Well, that is most likely true for some children and some schools, and not the case for others. I guess we will see if it is the case for our child.


I'll be able to report back on our experience after September. But I don't expect any major issues. Both of our girls have always been straight-A students, at the top of their classes. They frequently get bored in school, waiting for the rest of the class to catch up. It might do them both some good to have a little "shake up", and be the one doing the catching up.:p


I know this sounds like bragging, and maybe it is a little (I can't help being proud of them:o), but I'm mentioning this for the sake of the conversation - to point out that there is no one correct way (no matter how loudly some might shout otherwise on the internet), no rule that applies to all students. We all need to pick what's best for our own families. Good luck with whatever you decide.:)

I think it's easier in private school. I also think it's harder for the kids taking the honor/AP classes to make up the work. It's very easy to fall behind, especially on block schedules, or AP classes that require labs. Many of our public school teachers, having many students, have the students ask other students for the work they missed, including class notes.

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