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Opinions on taking an 18 month old on Caribbean Princess


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A family vacation is a family vacation - including the little ones. Our children have traveled extensively with us since they were babies. They are now 9 and 11 and if given the choice between Europe and Disney, they would choice Europe. So, I say take the kids, teach them early how to travel and behave in a variety of environments and they should be set for the rest of their lives. A Caribbean cruise with other family members is an EASY EASY vacation. We are going with 15 this Thanksgiving, the oldest will be 67 and the youngest will be 15 months. We will all help with the youngest child so everyone will have a good time. Also, all of the cousins range in age from 3-12 - they will all take turns entertaining the little one. IMHO, in this crazy world, family memories are really one of the most important things you can give your children.

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In no post did the original poster suggest her family babysit. That was OUR idea....



Oceanic '82

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Thanksgiving on the Millie '04

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I politely disagree with that. The original poster has stated numerous times that this is a "family vacation" - that implies to me that it is assumed that other people will help out with the babysitting duties.


I just find it ironic that in another thread the original poster has used the argument that her toddler is entitled to all cruise amentities (in that case the pool) since she is paying full fare for her, yet seems to have no trouble interfering in the amenitites that the rest of her family enjoys, in implying that the cruise will go much smoother if everyone else pitches in and helps with the child.


To digress for a moment - hubby and I do not have any children. We go back and forth on the timing of children - hubby is adamant that we really get the "traveling" bug out of us, before we have children as it is not fair to others for us to travel with a small child. I always find the conversations regarding children on vacations fascinating, as I am starting to think hubby has a point!


Voyager of the Seas - 05/04

Tahitian Princess - 10/03 (Our Honeymoon)

Carnival Paradise - 08/02

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Well I guess we can agree to disagree icon_smile.gif

I thought she meant "family vacation" as in all these people were planning on going from her family and she wanted to join them, but was it a good idea?

Oh well , I could be wrong.....

I responded on the "babies in the pool" thread as well ( I won't swim in public pools no matter what age the other swimmers are!)



Oceanic '82

Oceanic '83

Century '01

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FYI - we are going on a family vacation with our 18 month old and please dont offer your two cents unless you know the full story. We dont expect other people to "babysit" her every night. My parents absolutely are thrilled to be spending all of this time with her and will probably watch her one night of the cruise for a few hours. I think it is amazing people feel the need to chime in about something that has nothing to do with them and wont affect them. Everyone has the right to travel how they please and I am sick and tired of people on this board constantly complaining about kids on cruises. Unless someone has asked you to babysit....mind your own business..espcially people chiming in that dont have children.



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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>A family vacation is a family vacation - including the little ones. ........So, I say take the kids, teach them early how to travel and behave in a variety of environments and they should be set for the rest of their lives. .... in this crazy world, family memories are really one of the most important things you can give your children. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Very well said! We have a family reunion cruise planned for this Nov. We will be age 19 mo. to 86 yrs. Our grandsons will be the 4 children going 19 mo. 6, 8 & 10. We are thrilled that they are going we are more than willing to babysit. They will have the opportunity to spend time experiencing new things with their parents, grandparents, greatgrandmother, aunts, uncles, great uncle and distant cousins. We are so glad for them to have the opportunity to spend time with their extended family! icon_smile.gif


Nina & Popa

aka Julie & Joe


Deuteronomy 4:29


Grand Princess 8/17/04 Baltic B2B with 8/27/04 Transatlantic & 11/27/04 Western Caribbean



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bisous3 - nothing wrong with some polite disagreement icon_smile.gif


suzw - I am assuming your post was directed at me. People bringing children to places not designed for children does AFFECT me. Case in point (and the reason why I am kinda moody this week) - my grandmother passed away last Friday. My cousins in their wisdom decided to bring their 25 month old to the funeral parlor for every viewing. Obviously, they did not want their child to see that grandma had passed on, so they kept her in the lobby, or when she was sleeping, in the car. This required all of us to "take turns" watching her. The quiet moments that should have been mine saying good-bye to my grandma were spent entertaining a 25 month old. Not fair at all!!


I do apologize for posting in an area where I have little expertise. I have been very sad since the passing of my grandmother and the issue with my cousin has stuck in my mind. Just wanted people to see that there are two sides to every argument. Obviously the thing getting me through this week has been all the wonderful memories with my grandmother. When all is said and done, all we have are memories!


Have a nice day everyone!!




Voyager of the Seas - 05/04

Tahitian Princess - 10/03 (Our Honeymoon)

Carnival Paradise - 08/02

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I don't think people mean to be rude when they chime in here. That's what this group is all about, expressing opinions. If a question is posed on this board it's generally because someone is looking for varied opinions and with those opinions they can make their own informed decision. I think we're all here to help not to hinder a great experience such as cruising. Everyone should have the right to express themselves here as long as thee is no hurtful intent. People should definitely be allowed to bring their children on board as long as they realize what's in store for them and that they don't infringe on other passengers who have paid a lot of money to maybe get away from the kids for a week or so.


That being said, have a wonderful time on your cruise and I hope your children do as well.



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This whole discussion is making me so sad. First of all in my mind a family vacation does not always mean "extended" family. In our household our family is me, DH and DS and that is who goes on a family vacation. Secondly I am depressed that people actually pay money "to get away from the kids". In the span of my lifetime and my sons he will only spend a small percentage of his time here on Earth with us. Then he will go out on his own and start his own family. I don't want to miss out on one minute of that time together and neither does my husband. When we had our son we decided we were no longer a couple, we are now a triple. It may not work for everyone but it works for us. Some folks do enjoy travelling with their children and some children do get quite a lot out of travelling. It may not be for you but please don't feel the need to tell us we are wrong for doing what is right for us.

****stepping off soapbox now***




"I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine"--Caskie Stinnett


Elation 10/20/02

Paradise 9/21/03

Star Princess 10/24/04

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let's not all forget that in Pshkbb's original post, she asked straight out if she is "crazy" for bringing an 18-month old on board a cruise. she got plenty of answers to that question - some people have felt, yes - it is crazy, and others have though no - it is not crazy. everyone is entitled to their opinion! i enjoy disagreements on these boards - if we all had the same answer, life would be boring icon_biggrin.gif. just because someone enjoys cruising without their kids, doesn't make them wrong, and vice versa!


Voyager of the Seas - 05/04

Tahitian Princess - 10/03 (Our Honeymoon)

Carnival Paradise - 08/02

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K. Here is a different slant. We are an extended family at home. There are 7 of us, and we range in age from 93 to 5. My DH, son and I do the child rearing. When we cruise, Son, and great gram, stay at home. When we cruise, a managerie of kids, grand kids, and great grand kids, in any order, cruise with us. I take total care of my two granchildren from home. Any of my children, take care of their children and so on. By some miracle this Oct.,Dh and I are almost alone. Today, grandson announced, he didn't want to miss halloween again. His sister said I want to go to the beach. Hallelulla!! icon_biggrin.gif My son is taking two weeks off, and enjoying his children, and my mom. icon_eek.gif He is going to love me when I get home. There will be another grandaughter coming, but she is 17. Yippeeeeeee.Point of story? I love it when I have kids, and love it when I don't. icon_biggrin.gif



7 days on Star Princess 10/24









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Our daughter has had every birthday on a cruise plus a year 2000, so she will be 12 onboard and will be her 13th cruise. We have always thought cruising was the best way to go on vacation with an infant, no traveling, no packing and unpacking and she's loved every minute of every cruise. My husband loved the nap time when she was little, the perfect excuse for him to nap also. On her first cruise we'd go to the movies when she was asleep, just carried her in her carseat. We'd do the shows and she loved them. Never had any problem at dinner and we'd always do the early seating. She was no problem at home, she was no problem on the ship.


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Just got back from a week on the CP with SWMBO & our son, who turned 1 a week before the cruise. We had a fabulous time & I can't even fathom having gone without him. Every other parent with child with whom I spoke during the week felt the same way, they were all quite happy that they had done so. Also had many, many parents who'd left their young children home that told me that after they saw how much fun we were having with Bradley, they were sad that they hadn't brought their kids.

A few pros & cons:

Cons: We decided to eat dinners at the buffet instead of the sitdown dining rooms to avoid possible dinner-wrecking meltdowns; it typically takes about 2 hours to eat in a cruise dining room - way too long to expect a young child to sit still (sometimes tough for this 41 y/o to sit still for). Cramped quarters in the room. Precludes having a wild time with lots of drinking (this can be a pro, also). Makes you spend more time in the shaded areas (again this can be a pro). Kept us from going to the casino (based on the odds, this is also a pro). Cuts back on the pure relaxation since you'll have to be very attentive.

Pros: Being with, and bonding with, my baby 24/7. Truly a joy after a long, tough tax season that kept me at the office during most of his waking hours. I love being a dad, I love being with my son & SWMBO. Nobody on earth I'd rather spend my time with. On the last day of the cruise (at Princess Cay) a lady approaced us with her husband & said to me "We have something we need to ask you. We've seen you interacting with your boy & how great a time you seem to be having with him; we've taken a few pictures & filmed you a little bit, and we'd like to show the pictures & film to our son to show him how much fun he should be having with HIS son. We hope that this is ok with you, & if not we'll destroy the pictures."

I told them "It's perfectly fine with me. If the pics & film come out good can you send me a copy?"

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Hi SeaPA

A suggestion for your next cruise:

We have been cruising with my daughter since she was about the same age as your son. We bring a full reclining stroller (Cicco makes an umbrella stroller that reclines 180 degrees)and have dinner at the late seating. She's crashed out and slept through ever dinner!



Oceanic '82

Oceanic '83

Century '01

Century '03

Millennium '03

Island Princess '04

Thanksgiving on the Millie '04

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Many of the posters who love cruising with their children seem to have one of two things in common. They either are families with only one child( families with 3 or 4 kids find cruising espensive, extra air fares and extra cabins) . Or, they seem to be able to travel with family members who WANT to help them out.


Not everyone is so lucky. Frankly I think cruising with one child would be easy, you can trade off with hubby, cabin wouldn't be too crowded, plus obvousily it is cheaper then cruising with the brady bunch!! LOL


As for Dosi not understanding why anyone would want to vacation with out the kids , there are a couple of reasons, one of them is sex. You know alone time with your mate, one day the kids are gone and many people discover they don't have any real relationship with their mate,the best thing for a kid is to see their parents maintain and feed a good marriage.


We don't get to cruise very often, so I believe that once every five years our kids can in fact survive a one week seperation.

And every year we travel in a 24 foot motorhome for 2 to 3 weeks, NOW,,,,,,,,that 's togetherness and no "kids club " to stick them in either!

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pg, terrific observation. I just LOVE your post. icon_smile.gif

Dosi, one other thing.......I like to see you sing that same tune if you ever have 3 or more children.


Caribbean Princess 7/03/04




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My son, who just turned 6 on 4/21, will be taking his 9th cruise this Saturday (Caribbean Princess, here we come!!!) and has been sailing since he was 9 months old. Sure, there are obstacles to overcome and it is much easier now that he is six and can enjoy the children's activities which he loves, but my husband and I always managed quite well and enjoyed our cruises immensely with him when he was younger. We didn't have the help of grandparents either as my parents like to party into the wee hours of the night! icon_smile.gif


Personally, I say, "Go for it!" I think it will be a wonderful family experience for all of you and if not, the next time, you can try to make arrangements for just you and your husband. Either way, you can't lose as you will be on the Carribean Princess which certainly is better than being home, right? icon_smile.gif


Good luck with your decision!




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