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All Things EARTH... part 2


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This is Riley, she’s 8 weeks old & having her first piece of watermelon. Nobody told me she couldn’t have people food [emoji48]. Daughter is puppy sitting 8848fb52581b2a142486acbb34277153.jpg



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Definitely too rich for my taste. Interesting concept tho


All 3 dresses I ordered arrived. There were 2 I liked one was a definite no. I’m keeping the peacock blue one that has the lace poncho. It’s quite form fitting & beautifully made & the 10 fit really well. I’m still losing a bit (not as fast) & I can drop another 10 lbs & have it still fit well. I can’t go smaller size due to the chest. I’m actually surprised that the 10 wasn’t too tight in the chest. I’ll get my daughter to take a picture. It’s not a cobalt blue like the one I thought would be great, the color was but the quality just wasn’t there. This is a interesting color. I’ll try to get picture tomorrow. Melody



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There are so many services now that will send you clothes that they pick out for you. I like to shop for myself.



Picked up a great pair of Rafaella red ankle pants today at L&T for $30, in a color called Chili Powder, not quite brick red but not red red either.

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I like to shop, I don’t think I’d like someone picking out my clothes either. Ooh, red pants! So many things go with a good red. Rafaela, great price. I wish we had a L&T here. One of my favorite east coast stores.



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The idea of a place that chooses your outfits and sends them to you has always intrigued me. I'm kind of fussy, so I don't think it would work BUT I have always wondered how well the clothing choices suit you. I'm game for seeing what a place comes up with, but I'm certain they won't understand our colors!



That purple really is nice and warm. I love it when I can find things in good colors. I've been noticing how colors trend in and out, and the next time chocolate brown is in for basics, I plan to buy different pants, shorts, suits, etc. Right now, the earth colors I seem to see a lot of are olive green and rust. I love those colors, and I have been trying to bolster my wardrobe a bit when I find good choices in those colors. Sometimes, you have to grab things when you see them!



Our new, huge bed is here, and despite the heat, I find that I am sleeping better. I can't wait to see what it is like on a night where the temp isn't stifling. We do not have central air, and we have one old iffy window air conditioner that I finally put in the window because I couldn't take the heat anymore. It helps enough so that we can sleep.



I'm not against AC...we have hot water heat, and therefore, no duct work. I see those Mitsubishi units on TV all the time, but when we got an estimate about 5 years, we were quoted an outrageous price, like $15,000.00 or something like that? I always thought the guy made a mistake, but we haven't gotten another estimate since. Then there is the look of the units. They are big and white and if the guy who gave us the estimate was correct, we were going to need two downstairs, and two upstairs.



Maybe I should get a new estimate.



Speaking of the heat, how is everyone holding up? It's been pretty rough. I heard it should be cooler this weekend and I'm looking forward to it. I have yard work and what not to do, and it's been too hot to do it.



Melody, you get such good deals on cruises. I never seem to find those kind of deals, but we can't sail whenever we want, so I think that plays a role too.



Does anyone have plans for tomorrow? I have none...it's going to be very hot again so it will be hard.

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We’re unbelievably hot here too & very dry. The wildfires are all over, closest is about 25 miles.


Laurie there’s a huge sale on right now for cruises, all different locations & dates (CruCon).


I’m doing an Aqua Zumba marathon this morning (it’s a short marathon only 2 hours). Melody



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It is hotter up North than it is in Florida. We have been having rain everyday so it has been cooling it off plus we have central AC . We had to redo our AC last year including new duct work and it was $9,000.It has really reduced our electric bill and keeps the house perfect .

Chico's is having a 50% sale so I grabbed another pair of my favorite shorts .RCL is having a great sale on cruises from Tampa so we will probably grab one for late October . I keep looking at the 8 day to Cuba but I am not seeing much on the other ports so we may wait on that until they get more tours in place .

So far no plans for today except to watch the fireworks from our deck . We can see all the fireworks over the bay while sipping wine .

Anita should return soon .Can not wait to hear about her adventure .

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Melody, I love our shirt. It got too big, but it was very easy to take the sides in and I wear it all the time. It is a cruise must have for me too. How often do we find something that perfect colorwise, that fits into a summer wardrobe??


On another note, I had a thought not long ago. Maybe a crazy one? I was thinking of planning an early spring vacation that includes a few days of the spring training games (Fenway South in Fort Myers) and then a short cruise. The thing is, I have no idea when the spring schedule will be out, or if we are just too far away from a cruise port. It isn't a big deal to me to do a 3-4 hour drive to get to the cruise area the day before. So, two days at Fenway South, one day for transporting, then the next day a 3-4 day cruise.


That being said, sailing from Port Canaveral is always fun because we can go to Kennedy Space Center, and we really aren't far from Disney or Universal Studios. There is always a lot to do in Florida.


Looking at Fort Myers on a map, it looks like a long drive to things like Tampa or Miami, but I am also looking at a state map, where I haven't figure out the scale in miles, not looked at the actual driving maps or anything.


I am trying to think of my husband too, and the things he likes to do. He loves museums and forts, an he is a big car guy. If I can throw things in there that he loves, then I feel like it makes it special for him too.


It's funny, because we were just talking about different things. We work hard to save for retirement, and we are trying to get things done in our home so that when retirement rolls around, we don't have a bunch of bills and a to-do list that we can't afford.


Our top of the list item is our septic tank, and I readily admit to not having a clue on what it costs to replace one, so that is scary. But we also have no outdoor living space at all. We have a very pretty yard, and absolutely no deck or patio. That has been our list for quite some time.


Other than that, we have a lot of finishing work...small things. Nothing we can't do as we go.

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Laurie, If you goggle spring training it will tell you the dates . Fort Myers is an easy drive to Tampa or Fort Lauderdale .There is also a bus going from Fort Meyers to the cruise ports .It is called Cruise Connection .We have used it a few times .

We booked a return trip to Cuba for late Oct . They price was a bargain so we decided to return while they are still cruising out of Tampa .

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Sally, which cruise did you book? We’re looking at Empress for Jan 2019 ($368 pp). Our air will be more!


Laurie. Tampa is about 1-1/2 hours from Ft Myers. Jet Blue & SW fly into Ft Myers



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Well we’re on the road driving to Kansas City. We were able to get military tickets for the Red Sox for tomorrow & Sunday. So excited! Totally unplanned. I came home from the gym & Les said look at the price of these tickets ($36). I said let me find a hotel. Found Embassy Suites 20 minutes from ballpark for $100 Sat & Sun night. Ok, threw Red Sox jerseys & capris in a duffel & off we went. Called the kids from the road. They’re jealous [emoji8]. Melody



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Welcome Home Anita!!!! So glad you had an awesome time. We are all waiting patiently for pics and review.


Melody, how fun! Drive safely!


Last weekend was our lake's fireworks display, so we had company all weekend off and on until Tuesday. We are dealing with the heat wave by refusing to go back to the city. :D DH went to work on Monday for a few hours as they have recently moved offices and he had to get set up. When he learned that his new office computer is a 14" laptop, he told them he'd be working from home until they got him a real one. It's been just lovely at the lake in spite of the heat. It is very quiet here during the week, especially since the 4th was rainy all day. I made it a mental health day and just read and napped all day, and we ate leftovers. It was divine.


I've been working in my yard in the mornings before it gets too hot. Laurie, you will sympathize because we are battling a bad infestation of burr thistle that came in with the mulch we got last year.:mad: Our doves finally finished nesting so I got to clean the porch and trim the bushes in front, which were like a forest. I finally got my flower pots planted and rigged up a new bird feeder setup to thwart the squirrels. I gave one of my safari shirts a trial run and after 2 hours in the sun, no sunburn at all. It was sweaty but not stinky, and came out of its first wash and dry perfectly.


I also got a Pilates machine at a local yard sale! I've wanted one for a long time but they are pricey. I got a super great deal and my friend who has a truck helped me move it. Pilates is the most amazing core workout. I'm continuing to enjoy my new camera and planning to practice some low light and sunset shots. My friend with the truck is taking golf lessons, so she and I went to the driving range this evening and had some fun together. I'm being a good girl about taking my vitamins and hormones, and getting enough sleep, so I'm feeling a bit better. I've also given myself a news vacation which is certainly helping my stress level. ;p

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How fun Melody!! That's wonderful that you can do something like that on the spur of the moment. Very nice. Hope you have good weather!


Score on the Pilates machine!!! I have never used one...the only time that I have regularly done Pilates was back in Houston when I was taking Kelly's Zumba class. She also taught Pilates. That was a very good class. Super challenging but also very rewarding.


I've come back from Alaska with a few thoughts...one is that I would definitely like to be in better physical shape. DS was very enthused with our backpacking to the cabin experience. He has expressed an interest in doing more such activities. He found that the highest mountain in the Appalachians is in North Carolina. He wants to do a backpacking overnighter on that mountain. I haven't looked it up...don't know if there is even a park or a trail or what...but it's something we're thinking about doing after he gets back from Boston.


He leaves Sunday for two weeks for the composition camp. DH is flying up to Boston with him. Help him get checked in and settled. Originally, DH was just going to turn around and fly home, but we landed in Atlanta for our layover and discovered that 50 minutes earlier he had received a message saying they wanted to interview him Monday for a new position.


Now he's flying out of Boston to go on an interview. Things at the new division have taken a turn. I haven't talked about it much because there isn't much to say, but DH's direct boss moved to a different division and DH was moved over into a new area. Not by choice. It's a situation that DH would prefer to leave. It doesn't feel like the new business venture has any longevity to it, so DH has been looking for a new position for many many months now. This interview is coming on a position that applied to at the beginning of March.


Fast moving company. UGH.


We have high hopes for this interview though.


So it's a fast turn around for the men.


Independence Day we just slept in and recovered. Yesterday, our anniversary, DH actually had to work. Easy work...with so many others out on holiday for the week, he could have time to see what happened in his absence and prepare for a conference call that would begin at 8:30 pm yesterday. Some team members are in Japan, some in India...and so conference calls are usually very late. Yesterday's lasted for 2 hours...


We're really hopeful for a new position.


I'm also feeling the renewed need to sort through our stuff. It was a little miserable to be moving around with all the gear that we did. It wasn't really so bad...but having all that stuff that was only useful for parts of the trip really made the whole process a bit more complicated than it needed to be. I'm feeling like getting very organized and streamlined.


Also feeling like just slowing down a bit. I love that you are taking care of yourself Margaret. There was something about some of the simplicity of what we did on our trip that really hit me. I think any time you are gone for an extended time...in this case almost 2 full weeks, including travel days...that really brings home how little you really need in life to enjoy life. And also how stuff can enhance life...but how there's diminishing returns...and too much stuff really starts to detract and drag you down.


The interview just brings home the fact that not only is DS entering his senior year of high school and will be moving away next year...going off to college...but we also will likely be moving on next year. How many times have I said this on this thread? (Or similar?)




Anyway...I have already started the review and reporting on my previously started trip report:




I'll probably post some more fashion directed posts here. Probably when I'm home alone.


Big bummer on the invected mulch. That's the worst. Hope everyone is staying hydrated and cool in the heat. We had a huge downpour earlier today that really cooled things off nicely.

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Anita , Glad you had a great time.I can't wait to read the review .


Melody , What fun !


Margaret , I had to google pilates machine . That looks like a great work out . I am trying to build my endurance so I am doing flights of stairs . I am up to 20 .


Laurie , If your husband loves cars He would be in heaven in Cuba . There were a lot of guys on our trip for that reason.



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Wow, so much to comment on here today.




First, Melody...that is beyond awesome. I have often don't have the ability to just be impromptu, and do something on the fly. Now, I'm a planner by nature. I just love to do that. However, being a planner does not mean I can't do something like that. For me, if my husband said let's go here for two days, I could be planning and thinking in seconds, organizing, packing, and getting things done fast. And the whole time he would be driving, I would be making a list, checking out fun places to eat on my phone, etc.




For us, it is often about our work and home obligations, as well as a limited budget. Having two dogs, we can't just go somewhere without making arrangements first, and our dogs don't do well at kennels. We have to make sure one or both of our daughters are available to take care of them at home.



Margaret, our thistle came from the mulch too! It is so awful...deep roots and prickers. After two years of not really caring for the gardens themselves but concentrating on getting rid of them, most are gone. They choked out some beautiful perennials along the way.




We are in a hurry suddenly to get all the gardening done, because we are getting an appraisal soon. Working in lending, I realize that our small adjustable HELOC is going up in rate, and we can refinance it it a fixed rate home equity loan for a lower rate, and it will have us even more on track with our retirement plans. But anyway, I have this thing about having everything just so when I get an appraisal done, so it's a nice thing to force us into action.



Our heatwave left today. I don't know how long the break will last, but I will take it.



I have found that there is a lot to be said for vacations, me days, or just taking a break from certain things. That is why you always hear me talking about planning vacations. We have to really plan out the finances a lot, and we take a balance approach. We are very focused on retirement savings and becoming debt free, but we also know that life was meant to be enjoyed. So it takes a bit of work.




For a combination Mother's Day and birthday gift, my daughter gave me a gift card for a one hour massage. After speaking to her, I told her for her birthday, I'm doing the same. :-) We are going together, and this place also has a hot tub we can enjoy while we are there too. After, we are going to dinner. My husband will be out of town for three days at a car event he goes to every year. These are the kind of things you just have to stop, plan and take the time for. My husband loves cars, and this is where he finds a lot of his parts as well as being able to enjoy all the Mopars that have been restored. And me and my daughter get some time together.



Anita, it sounds like your vacation was great, and that you learned a lot about what you would like to do moving forward from the experience. I feel so badly about your husband's situation though. I don't think businesses are as stable and growing as many people would like to think. Although my own job is not in jeopardy, I see so much of a mindset towards less people, more work. and just pressure in general.



I hope your husband's interview goes well for him!

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