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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Margaret, I'm sorry about you having that cyst removed.  It looks like it was painful surgery.  I hope you are on the mend soon.  Kudos to your doctor for being right on things.


Sally, what a wonderful picture!  It must have been so much fun to spend time with your family. 


Melody, I hope your travels went well.  The storm is now hitting the northeast.  So far, not too bad, but it is supposed to come in waves, with freezing rain and snow in just a while.  As it turns out, it is the day of the bank Christmas party.  I am not happy about anyone traveling in what has been indicated as nasty driving weather.  There are a few others on the committee with me, and they don't think it is an issue.  Not everyone lives close to the venue, although quite a few do.  Also, there are a lot of retirees attending and I worry about them.  


Quite a few years back, we made the choice to postpone the party, and we ended up having it mid-January instead.  We loved it.  But a few people in the group are focused on tradition and not wanting things to change, so....we will see what happens.  We are going to wait until 2:30 to make a decision.  If it is still on, I need to get those place cards printed, lol.  I wanted to wait, as I have it saved.  It is just a matter of pressing a button to print them.  If we have a delay, then there will be people who will be able to attend now, and others who were going to who now have to cancel, so I figured I'd wait rather than waste the paper.


I'm no vacation right now, and it has been busy and fun!  Wednesday, we had someone giving us an estimate as well as getting the furnace cleaned and making pies and other goodies.  Thanksgiving day started with just my husband and I, then my daughter and her boyfriend joined us for dinner.  They left, and my other daughter, her husband and our grandson joined s for dessert.


Friday, I did some online shopping, then started the house decorating.  Everyone came back over in the evening so we could decorate the trees and have pizza.  Yesterday, my daughter was running in the Ugly Sweater 5K, to raise money for the Rescue Mission.  I went with her to cheer her on, and it was soooooo cold.  Like 20 degrees.  We then caught some lunch, went home, watched the SU football game, then my husband came home from work and we went to see "Ford Vs. Ferrari".  That was a very enjoyable movie.  


So, I've been busy!  It's been fun.


Congratulations, Melody and Les!

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We're back today from our wonderful weekend cruise! And it WAS wonderful.


Lovely picture Sally! Looking like you were having a great time with family!


Happy 50th Melody!


Margaret...OMG. So sorry that you had to deal with that. You sound chipper enough about it...but man oh man. That's rough! I hope everything heals up with no complications. That shower is going to feel amazing.

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Anita, I can't wait to hear about the Flowrider....


My incision is healing beautifully. The worst part was the compression bandage, which gave me a rash, and that I could only take Tylenol, which upsets my stomach and gives me horrible bounce-back headaches when it wears off. I stopped it as soon as I could bear it. Now I am clearly coming down with a cold... 😞  sore throat, headache, fuzzy head. I'm supposed to be resting anyway, and it's snowing wetly so I wouldn't want to go out because I have to keep my head dry.


Did anyone get a good Black Friday buy? I got myself an Ellen Tracy cashmere leopard sweater for $30 and a beautiful ICE blue one for my sister. I did most of my gift shopping on Friday and wrapped everything yesterday. I love wrapping! If I never buy any more bows or paper or tags, I'll probably have more than enough for the rest of my life, lol. I usually have a theme each year, but this year I'm using up what I have so not everything matches, which is fine. I like to use wired ribbon and tie "silk" flowers into the bows (I get them at the dollar store).


Since I'm not allowed to lift or carry anything, I won't get to put up my full size tree AGAIN this year, so I have the table top one out. All our holiday decorations are in the attic up at the lake, and since DH doesn't fit up there, I usually pull everything out. Oh well.


On a completely separate note, has anyone been to Greece, specifically Athens? (Melody??) We are thinking of adding three days to a business trip DH will have to Israel (where he's been many times) and we've never been to Athens. We love history and ruins and museums, so it's a good fit.

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Sally I'm looking at the weather in Sarasota and it looks like it will be pleasant but not really warm for Christmas at my sister's.  We may not even bother to visit the beach this time, we'll see. I'm excited that I should be able to fit in three classes at Zumba Sarasota, where one of my favorite teachers is, and a visit to St. Armand's.


Hard to believe that last year at this time we were getting ready for our Africa trip, having shots and making packing lists.



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Margaret, can’t get Les over the pond. He just doesn’t want to go. I want to do a Greek Isle cruise & may with my cousin.   Glad you are healing, I don’t do well with Tylenol either & cant take Aleve. I don’t like to wrap (I’m the queen of gift bags).  Great buy for Eileen Fisher. 

Sally, I have a silk leopard cardigan that I got at Banana Republic. I’m adding it to my cruise list for MardiGras. 

Anita, glad you had a fun time, can’t wait to hear about it...3 days till DS gets home for winter break?

I'm doing bar gifts this year. The fixings (& crystal Martini glasses) for Godiva martinis for my girls. Both enjoy them when we all get together. That & a couple of gift cards. Our son will get movie gift cards & a restaurant or two.  I’ll take him shopping for his new job (he’s been working from home & his wardrobe is sad...his word). He has very recently filed for divorce, so trying to boost his spirits. Melody

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I got a super sweet buy for Black Friday. Not everyone will appreciate what I bought...so I will just say that various items had a star sticker on the price tag to let you know that they would be on sale on Black Friday...but you had to show up on Black Friday to see what the % off was. The item I was looking at was $1499...and it was 40% off. So yes...screaming deal on Black Friday for me.


Yes, DS comes home Wednesday...I need to see if it's late evening or more like 10 PM...but he flies all day Wednesday and has to make a connection in ATL to come home. We get him for over 4 weeks. His term ended Nov 29 and the next one begins Jan 6. We gave him time to chill and deal with stuff before leaving for home and time to get over jet lag on the way back...we get him from Dec 4 to Jan 2.


Do what you can to cheer your boy up. Aw...


IDK what I'm doing for gifts this year. We usually don't do much in the way of surprises...usually buying something high dollar and special...but with DS flying...and flying international on top of that...not sure what would really be good. Thinking to figure out more of an experience to get him instead of a thing.


The short story on the Flowrider is that it is awesome and I loved it and I am motivated for strength training to be better at it in 10 weeks on the Harmony. It's a full body workout...

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Margaret, while I know Tylenol is THE thing to take, I get so much more relief when I take Advil.  The thing is, that thins the blood and they tell you not to take it after surgery or anything like that.  The same goes with Naproxen, which I take from time to time for my hip.


I always thought that they exaggerated a little, but the truth is, I found myself having a lot of unexplained bruising, and then I kept breaking blood vessels in my eyes.  Those look dreadful, but in my case, they were painful as well.  So I really avoid certain products altogether, unless I am only taking them once for something.


I didn't know that Tylenol could affect people that way.  I generally don't take anything at all other than my thyroid medicine and vitamin D.  The hips are an issue, but I don't feel like I'm ready for surgery yet.  Your husband did really well with his first hip, if I remember correctly?  You mentioned he is getting the second one done in February?  I'll bet it will be good for him to have this out of the way.  A friend our ours had his hip replaced, and I couldn't believe how speedy his recovery was.  I know my sister had a lot of other issues involved, which is why it was more drawn out for her.


This year, I'm trying to keep things somewhat simple.  I used to over-buy a lot, simply because I didn't plan myself out well.  I had fun buying for my grandson, but I did a good job of keeping with the budget I set for him.  With my daughters, I decided I need to think about buying things that I know they want, and just getting a few bigger things.  It's when I start adding all the small stuff in the mix where I end up thrown off.


My younger daughter is a huge Syracuse Crunch (hockey) fan, so I usually purchase a ticket package they have available on black Friday.    My husband has a thing about picking out something on his own, and so he is going to go the route of a Movie Tavern gift card.


With my older daughter, well...her life is a whirlwind right now!  Newly married, new mom, they moved into a rent to own house.  I am thinking of getting her a Target gift card as a joint gift for her and husband, and they can get what they would like for the house.  I am also getting her a mall gift certificate because she is carry some extra weight since having the baby.  She could really use some pants.


Then for my son-in-law, he likes sportswear, so I have an outfit picked out for him.  My other daughter has a boyfriend, and she just helped me pick out a sweater for him.


My husband is more complicated.  He is very fussy.  He postpones shopping for himself, so I usually refresh his wardrobe where needed by getting things I know he needs/likes.  He also likes to pick out a few car parts for his 1970 Challenger he is restoring.  


And I buy my dogs some stuff too, lol.  Overall though, I have gotten almost everything already.  We have a TV picked out for our family room, but it's not a Christmas gift.  Just something we plan to buy and are going to get it now while the price is so good.  Right after Christmas, we have someone hired to mount the TV and run the wires to the other side of the wall, inside of our pantry.  It should help clean up the look as well as having a nice big 65" TV to watch sports on!


About 5 or so years ago, I decided to stop buying for adult nieces and nephews and for my siblings.  We simply get together now.  It is so much better for all of us this way.  


Has anyone else decorated?  I always enjoy it.  I do have the issue that my sensible, economical side competes with my desire to create a certain look.  Then thrown in the guilt issue related to items I have had for a long time, so it is a real mix of items.  I am being very selective though as things wear out so that there is some cohesiveness, and things that I have chosen, instead of having them given to me.  Of course, there are some things I could never get rid of.  I'm sure a lot of us feel that way.


I look forward to hearing about your trip, Anita.  Which ship was this again?  Mariner?  I remember it was RCI, but I wasn't sure which ship you were on.  


Melody, the bar gifts sound fun.  You mentioned Godiva, and that reminded me of their white chocolate liquor, which I use when I make a white Christmas martini.  They are really good!   Do you create like a gift basket with the items in it? 

Edited by laurspag
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47 minutes ago, Sailor_Sally said:

Well I was able to score a leopard cardigan from loft . It will be fine for Florida .I do decorate but now I decorate light . We do a tree and a few other things  but not much .My goal is to get through the holidays with minimal stress and lots of fun.


Oh Sally, you and me both!

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Laurie. Share the white chocolate martini recipe please, that’d be a nice addition to the gift basket. Here’s my traditional chocolate martini. 

we’re looking at an 82” tv (I know!). Les loves sports & our room is big enough to handle it (we’ve had a 65” flatscreen for over 10 years), just have to find a truck big enough to haul it (that doesn’t have a sand/salt spreader in it 🙄

our grands are old enough that all they really want is cash...I hate just giving cash. Melody


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lol, Sally.  It can be fun to shop!


One thing about decorating is that I enjoy it.  I love the creativeness of it.  While I don't have the style or theme I would prefer, I enjoy challenging myself a little to try to create little groups of things that go together and to see what I can do with them.  I feel no stress at all from decorating, other than that internal struggle of what to keep, what to get rid of, etc.  


A while back, I used to make tons of cookies, and I gave trays to everyone.  It was a labor of love, something that I truly enjoyed doing.  Then over time, I didn't have the few days off leading up to Christmas off from work, and I found myself pressed for time.  I didn't enjoy the process as much, and I felt myself being somewhat sensitive if someone said "oh, you didn't make the peanut butter cookies with the chocolate kisses on them?" Also, they were routine.  People didn't seem excited, maybe because they weren't cookie lovers or perhaps they were watching their weight.  I ended up cutting back to just two things where I could put a small plate out during our gathering, and then I used the little treat bags and gave people some to take home.


They were items that I could make in a larger quantity, such as my peanut butter balls and white trash.  (I HATE the name) I actually enjoyed putting a dessert on the table in place of spending hours and hours making cookies.  Eggnog poundcake with ginger whipped cream is a welcome change and doesn't take long.


I will bet though that I'm going to have a blast making cookies with my grandson and daughter down the road, but it will be making them for enjoyment, with no pressure or rushing.


I'm feeling so chatty during my time off, lol!


I don't think I will be changing my flight plans from Fort Myers to Sarasota, as much as it seems more convenient.  I will have to pay a fee to make the change, and the tickets are about $400.00 more than what we paid so we are going to deal with it.  I plan to try out a carryon only for each of us, to see how we do.  We are there for a short time, and do not need any dressy clothes.  I will pay close attention to the forecast when the time comes to pack, and check in with my fellow Florida peeps here!  


Yesterday and today were the first two days of my vacation that were really about rest and relaxation, although I had things to get done yesterday such as laundry.  While it is very cold today, the sun is shining and our stormy weather has cleared up.  I have been thinking about what it would be like to be retired.  I am 54, so I have a ways to go.  I think my 401K allows me to begin drawing on it at 59 1/2, but I won't have enough saved to feel comfortable doing that.  My husband doesn't know what he wants to do yet or when, but I have been thinking about 62.  We have been working with a financial planner for a while now, and it has really made a difference.  In reality, all the advice in the world means nothing if you aren't able to save up that nest egg.  I got a late start as a divorced mother of two who didn't make much money.  I put away what I could, and have steadily increased my savings over the past ten years or so.  I'm proud of where I am heading, but I'm not there just yet!  


I also have so much to be thankful for.  While life is not always perfect, my heart is full.  There is so much love to take in, and to give.  I am thankful for all of you here as well as my family.  I feel like we are all good frineds.

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On 11/28/2019 at 8:24 PM, Sailor_Sally said:

Had A great visit with my daughter, son in law and grandsons !

thanksgiving 2019.jpg

I love this picture, Sally ❤️ Your daughter reminds me of the mom from Gilmore Girls (Lauren Graham) and your grandsons are precious (even if the older looks torn between "I love my family" and "I'm too old for this" )


Congratulations, Melody ❤️ Glad you got to see your grandson and the pictures were great.  


On 11/29/2019 at 7:07 PM, MJC said:



We spent turkey day with DH's family on Long island. They keep kosher, so turkey but no pie. I really needed pie! Here was my sporty new hat:




Ouch, Margaret 😞 I pray you are feeling better and healing well with no further complications.  I'm curious about the pie comment - I didn't realize pie wasn't kosher (then again I'm a protestant and don't know much about it).  What makes pie "unclean"?


We had a nice, but short visit with DD.  Our drive to get her was uneventful, but she had to go back a day early due to the storms coming Sunday.  She made it back safely though and I'll see her again in a few weeks 🙂 I have an even deeper respect now for military and missionary families - at least my child isn't in harms way and I can see her more frequently.


I got some really good deals and shopping is almost done.  There are a lot of events this month and I'm feeling a little pressed for time (but still managing to spend time here 🙄).  Decorating isn't started yet, but should get most of it done Thursday.  My dad gave me an old sled he found and my in-laws gave me an old pair of ice skates.  I'm going to check the yard for some greens and have a nice little spot by the front door 🙂 


For those who don't like just giving cash, could you put the cash in something like a book or cute trinket box?  I struggle giving cash too, but recognize it's sometimes the best option.


1 hour ago, laurspag said:


I also have so much to be thankful for.  While life is not always perfect, my heart is full.  There is so much love to take in, and to give.  I am thankful for all of you here as well as my family.  I feel like we are all good frineds.

image.png.14b38543ecc8159a3b1e97e8e1babfce.pngI feel much the same way.  I'm very thankful to have found you ladies and the support we can provide each other.

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These cocktail recipes sound so good!!


I posted about my Flowrider experience on my review on the Royal board...if anyone wants to read about it. I posted this photo there too...but it's too fun:




I haven't decorated at all because we are celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday. So feeling no pressure to put up Christmas until Thanksgiving is over. I'm not sure what all we still have for Christmas...I know we have a couple small trees...but I think the lights were getting finicky on the one tree...and the other doesn't have lights...


pacruise...Margaret can confirm but the milk component of a pumpkin pie is at odds with the turkey for a Kosher meal.

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When I worked I made tons of cookie trays. I still make cookie trays for our neighbors & one for our local fire station & the guys/gals on the gates at the AF base. Individual box for our mailman & I have a basket by the front door with bottled water & packaged snacks for the Amazon delivery folks. I sent a box with our grandson when he went back to base on Monday. He snuck a peek & said, ooh, I’ll be really popular!  He helped me make my Moms mix on Sunday & has decided he’ll make it for the folks standing 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭, Fire station & gate at Offutt. Traditions continue ❤️  There’s no cooking involved, just need a microwave. Melody

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Today is the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Texts confirm that DS made the train, got through security, hung out in the area eating breakfast waiting for his gate assignment (he's flying out of Heathrow)...and boarded the plane!!! Woot woot!!


I tell you what...it's somewhat nerve wrecking to be on this side of the pond and forced into the advisory only and observation position knowing that your kiddo is doing their first solo international flight.


He has a connection in ATL but he hasn't checked in baggage. The positive of the whole situation is that the London and Florida climates are so opposite...he has a Florida wardrobe here and doesn't need to pack any clothes. So he's just brining laptop, books, etc. He arrives around 7:30 PM!!


Meanwhile...I never got into the cookie thing. Other members in the family did for a long time...it was a treat to receive that package in the mail, but with everyone having special diets and schedules being what they are...they stopped with the cookies.


IDK if anyone is reading my review...I'm writing it down so that I don't forget...it's the one thing that I really appreciate...having these threads I've started and completed...I go back and read them on occasion! LOL Anyway...my pace may slow down a bit with the things I need to do today. But Melody...I wanted to tell you that I tried paddle boarding at CocoCay.


In the OCEAN.


I have a feeling that it was not beginner paddle boarding. Standing up was a challenge but I got up! We had to paddle while sitting through the calm waters near the shore that had been roped off for access for the boards and kayaks...then when we hit the more open water...THAT'S when we were told to stand up. Bobbing all around on the waves...it was really difficult to fight the current! We didn't receive any instruction...and we finally figured out that I wasn't making a long enough stroke as I was really getting pushed around by the ocean waters. It was SO MUCH easier to paddle back to the shore in the calm waters.


We have a couple SUPs that we can use here at our apartment complex to get out on the lake. I think that would be easier by far. Also...I think the boards on CocoCay weren't the best quality. They seemed a bit clunky. Anyway...I can see the appeal of the stand up board...in some ways it is so much easier on your body...standing can be easier on the back and rear end...hips...and you can sit down and move all around when you get tired. Though paddling that way wasn't the easiest...but possible.


Anyway...it was fun overall and I'm so glad that my first attempt...such as it was...was in the beautiful Bahamas.

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23 hours ago, Anita Latte said:

These cocktail recipes sound so good!!


I posted about my Flowrider experience on my review on the Royal board...if anyone wants to read about it. I posted this photo there too...but it's too fun:




I haven't decorated at all because we are celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday. So feeling no pressure to put up Christmas until Thanksgiving is over. I'm not sure what all we still have for Christmas...I know we have a couple small trees...but I think the lights were getting finicky on the one tree...and the other doesn't have lights...


pacruise...Margaret can confirm but the milk component of a pumpkin pie is at odds with the turkey for a Kosher meal.

Amazing picture!  Congrats on son being almost home ❤️ 


Thanks for the explanation.  I don't make pumpkin so I didn't realize it had milk, but most of our pies are served with ice cream so that would also be a no-no.

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