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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Thank you.  My two big trees are very, very different.  I wanted this to have just certain colors in it, but I wasn't exactly looking for a theme.  My family room tree is anything and everything, and mostly very, very fun.  I will post those as well.  The funny thing is that this started with just wanting to be able to show different things that I like, and it was so joyful to see the bright colors.  Now with my grandson at an age where he enjoys it, it has become more meaningful because I can see it through his eyes.

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Laurie it's fun seeing your different trees. I see what you mean about the one having a "look" and the other being all about fun. It's nice that you have room for those choices.


We just put up our two little trees this year since we will have such a busy December. I am on jury duty standby this week and next, and then we leave for a week in Michigan. I decided to make my life easier and only put out the little trees (one for the apartment, one for the house). I have a day off from jury duty today, so I am going to do as much wrapping as I can since we will have to ship some things early, before we go.


If anyone else is a Costco fan, I highly recommend this Skechers shirt. Our store had them in green, purple, and black. I bought the purple and green. The purple is a bit on the dark side and muted, and the green is actually a very dark teal:



They are very soft and the reviews are good. I have a lot of long sleeved tshirts that all seem to be wearing out at the same time. These new ones are perfect for the kind of weather we are having now. I also did another closet purge and took two bags of clothes and a chair to the thrift store. One thing I have noticed since I stopped coloring my hair auburn is that some of the oranges and browns I had in my wardrobe don't look as good on me now. Especially with tops, I find that an orange on the peachy side (not pink!) is much better than a brownish orange against my skin tone and current hair color, which is more a chestnut brown.


I finally used up my giant roll of wrapping paper, so I'm off now to do a supply run....



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I go to Costco regularly.  I need to look for those!  We have an interesting house. Our family room used to be the garage, and it is always to the cool side. As a result, I tend to dress very warmly at home, or I use a throw.  The throw is actually rhe kind Tha makes you feel spoiled.  It's an ivory cable knit lined with fleece!!


I have two more tree too.  They are matching pencil trees, so same ornaments on each.   They coordinate with one of the larger trees.


After debating about those dresses from Chico's, I finally decided to order.  I had a coupon so they were $23 each.


First, the fabric on each is great.  The purple dress has a bit more weight than expected, but also a nice shape.  It's going to be a go to dress for sure.


The orange dress surprised me.  Based on the fabric description, I wasn't sure what to expect but I really like it.  I could have used a smaller size, but I think I will just take it in myself, since the adjustments will be easy to do. 


Both are keepers!






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Those two dresses were my favorites of the sale items. I'm glad you're happy with them. I was tempted by the orange one!


Our family room at the lake is always cooler too. It has two outside walls and shares a third wall with the garage. It was an add-on to the house plans so it only has a crawl space that is about 4ft high that isn't good for much. I have a cozy fleece blanket as well. Sometimes our cat will stare at me until I sit and put the fleece on my lap. She loves to sit with me that way. 🙂


Today I went through my spare closet, which has my dresses and my too-small clothes. I ended up with two bags for the thrift store. I also pulled out some of the casual dresses I may bring on our January cruise. After the new year, I will start trying things on and picking my wardrobe. I already have a pile of workout wear, swimwear, and tops that I want to bring stacked in the spare room.


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I bought that Sketchers teal shirt at Costco, we didn’t have other colors, it fits well & is perfect. Glad you like your dresses Laurie, I’m really pleased with Chicos quality. 

We leave tomorrow for our cruise. I just finished antibiotics for a nasty ear infection so am finally feeling good again. Suitcases are packed & ready to load in the car. We have to drive to Denver as flights from our Springs airport were just insane. I wasn’t going to spend more for a flight than I did for the cruise. Looking forward to being warm!!!  Melody

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I'm a little late here, but have a great cruise, Melody!


I've never ordered from Chico's before, but the fabric on both of those dresses was so nice.  I think they will both be great on a cruise, and I really could wear the purplish color one to work, if I wanted.  I really never wear dresses to work, because it is just too cold there.  


I hope to get to Costco soon to look at those shirts.


My husband has been having a bad week or so with his health.  The issues seem to come and go to a certain degree.  It never really goes away, but as you know, he did really well when we were on vacation.  I actually learned a lot this week about his health.  At one point, my husband had told me he doesn't have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) so I had not paid attention to that.  When we were talking, he told me that the specialist he goes to changed his diagnosis to severe RA.  He never told me.  He said he didn't think it was different.


Well, that changes everything.  Now his symptoms all tie together.  RA is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks and creates inflammation.  That is why he can wake up with knees so swollen he can't walk, and why he is having all the digestive issues.  It explains the fatigue, anemia, and so forth.  Sometimes, his temperature will spike and it's just like he is coming down with the flu or something, only to have the fever go away 3 hours later.


I looked up some info for him, and we are looking to see what we can do to help keep the symptoms under control.  Unfortunately, there is no cure.  He is currently having trouble with both his stomach and his joints at the same time.  He is managing to go to work, but barely.  I feel helpless.


There are a few different medications they use, and he has tried a few of them.  Currently, he takes meloxicam but I don't know if it is doing anything for him.  I'm going to keep learning all I can so that I can try to help.

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And I decided to update my profile picture.  This was taken when I was on vacation with my daughter in May.  The other picture had gotten pretty old!  I would probably do this more regularly, but I always have to resize the pictures.

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Laurie, I feel for your hubs. Severe RA is a very debilitating disease. You need to find a specialist that really specializes in it. There are effective treatments out there. Be aware that a mobility scooter may be a great option for the bad days

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FYI. I highly recommend Apple Air Tags for your luggage. Yup, mine was left at DEnver airport, I told Les, I’ll get the bag tomorrow. Nope they crosscheck now on SW & the plane doesn’t depart until all luggage is on board. I had my find your tag app open & realized my bag wasn’t on the plane (Les’s was). The flight attendant was standing behind me looking at tge app. All of a sudden my tag starts moving rapidly & a luggage truck comes up very quickly & unloaded 3 suitcases, mine was one. The tag now showed my case was ‘with me’. Flight attendant said I’m buying those tomorrow 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I love a good sale.  🙂  I have had to buy some new things, as not everything fits anymore, sadly.  It's been very different, as my husband's flare ups mean a lot of time at home.  We have been talking though, as our gym membership is quite expensive.  We have weights at home, and I think I am going to add a few mats and get an elliptical.  I am kind of particular in that I like things to have their space.  I don't love the idea of putting it in the spare room, but it makes sense because I have the room since I haven't purchased a small dresser yet.


I figure that this is a way to give myself a workout space, which is part of the overall plan for later on anyway.  I've wanted to create a home gym, but didn't want to give up living room space, etc.  I also don't like having stuff like that in my own bedroom or whatever.  I figure that eventually, my younger daughter is going to be focusing on getting her own place.  I will have an empty bedroom to make into a gym at that point.


Of course, with my husband struggling to get around, I have talked to him a bit about the idea of going to something one level.  I wouldn't call it downsizing, as I think we would both like to have a similar amount of rooms.  It would just be easier to eliminate the need for stairs.  All bedrooms and the full bath are on the second floor.  The den on the first floor could be converted to a small bedroom, but there is only a half bath on the first floor.


My husband really feels that the stairs are okay for now.  He can't make a lot of trips, but he can do it.  In addition, this is due to a flare up.  Assuming it settles down, then he is fine.  I am just going to focus in making them as safe as possible, so I want to get a stair runner.  Right now, there are just the oak treads.


I love the slippers that you gave a link to.  I love slippers, and live in them in the house.  I have the fancier LLBean slippers right now, but I admit that I don't think they are all that they are cracked up to be.  They are wonderful, don't get me wrong...but I wear things out quickly, and I tihnk I would get my money's worth out of something cheaper.


On the other hand, my husband would never wear slippers, and I got him a pair last year from LLBean.  He doesn't go a day without wearing them.  His look much better than mine, even though they are older, lol.


I haven't purchased from Land's End before.  Do  you like the quality, Margaret?


I'm just thinking that Melody should be getting home soon, I think.  I wonder how Anita is doing also.


And I miss Sally too.  I think the holidays make us very reminiscent, and we think about people who are no longer with us, or that we don't hear from often.  


My plan for the rest of the day today is some baking and household chores.  I don't bake a ton of cookies anymore.  More daughter is making cutouts with my grandson, so I am going to make peanut butter balls and white trash.  I really wish they'd come up with a different name for that, lol.  Anyway, those are two items that everyone likes that also keep well.  The big plus is that my husband loves them.


Getting closer to Christmas, I'll make the cranberry bread recipe I have.  It's make with cream cheese, so it is kind of like a pound cake.  


Christmas Eve, we are going super relaxed and casual.  It's a Saturday, and we aren't going to anyone's home nor having anyone over this year.  I am actually looking forward to it all.  I will make things like bacon wrapped scallops, homemade spinach artichoke dips and other things to much on.  I always pick a special cocktail for me and my daughter, so it will be some sort of fun martini.  Dessert will be some cookies.  We will watch Christmas movies all evening.


Christmas day, my grandson will be over in the morning before he goes to his Dad's.  I am making breakfast strata and that is when we will also have the cranberry bread.  I will probably pick up a fruit salad too.


No lunch - we will have cheese and crackers, maybe expand it to a little charcuterie board.  Dinner will be around 3.  That will be beef tenderloin, smashed potatoes (not the kind you see on Pinterest - these are mashed potatoes make with some sour cream and chives with skin on red potatoes) then popovers, a veggie, and make another side.  Dessert is an ice cream cake from a local ice cream shop.  


I've contemplated making a cheesecake, but it is fun to support a local business too. I was thinking that if I wanted, maybe I could make the bite sized cheesecakes to go with the cookies?


This is a whole lot of cooking, lol.  But I love it, and I know how much my husband loves all these foods.  I do wish I didn't have to work until 6 on Friday, but with being off Saturday, it isn't a big deal.  We are normally open until 3 on Christmas Eve so it allows me the time to do all this.


We are going to miss this round of snow. Thank goodness!  We got a lot between Thursday and Friday, sort of.  It kept going from snow to rain so it didn't end up accumulating a lot, but it made for some yucky driving.

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Laurie - sorry to hear about the DH's turn with RA.  Did he, by chance, have COVID?  Researchers are finding out that it is activating some of the autoimmune and inflammatory issues with people.  Some never had them and get it, some had it mild and get it worse.  My boss is in that 2nd group.  



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Back home last night. I’m so behind with my holiday prep!! I haven’t done much shopping…I think it’s a wine & gift card holiday this year (so unlike me). Being so sick before our cruise really put me behind. I haven’t don’t ANY baking or wrapping. I bought a couple things on the cruise but not like usual.  I’ll go out today, get gas & a spiral ham for Christmas dinner. I’ll make rotten potatoes (au gratin) too. This was a special request from our son & grandson (excited he’s going to be home). Karin is cooking a beef tenderloin but not until Christmas week as she doesn’t get her daughter till Christmas morning. That’ll be tenderloin, Yorkshire pudding, veggies from her garden, her special cookies & other desserts. Haven’t heard our oldest daughter’s plans, she’ll likely do Christmas Eve after church but she just came back from Toronto & England & Texas in the past few weeks. So she’s likely behind too!!  

here’s a couple of pictures of the crowd. 

Happy Hanukkah & Merry Christmas. Melody



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Wonderful pictures, Melody!  I hope you find that were able to catch up a little after coming home.  Having a trip close to a holiday throws me off too. I am not sure I would do that again, mostly because I love the holidays.  I love cruising too, but I can choose from many other dates.  I know this was a bit of a reunion type cruise for you, right?


Well, we are about to get this storm that they have been talking about, starting tomorrow.  My husband and daughter are both off, but I am not, sadly.  We should miss the majority of it, but midday, the temp is going to drop over 30 degrees and the windchill will kick in.  We will go from rain to snow so we will likely have some ice to worry about on the roads.


Yesterday we went to the liquor store and today we went to the grocery store so at least when I get home from work, there is no pressure to go anywhere.  I have everything wrapped, and only made two types of cookies.  I am making two desserts, and cooking both Christmas Eve and Christmas day.


I really like that everything falls on a weekend.  If the bank was open Christmas Eve, I'd be there until 3:00 and then I would be returning to work bright and early the day after Christmas.  We have Monday off so that will be nice.


Honestly, I want a relaxing, laid back holiday.  I don't mind cooking at all, but just having us makes it simpler.  (by us I mean me, my husband, one daughter and dogs.  My other daughter and grandson will be by for a while on Christmas day.)


I hope everyone enjoys whatever they celebrate.  Share your pictures after the holidays, Melody!

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Laurie, hoping you stay safe and snug. We are in Michigan with family for the holidays and are hunkered down in advance of many inches of snow and near zero temps tomorrow. We are so glad we traveled when we did, we had no hiccups.


Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! So thankful for everyone's friendship throughout the years here on the EARTH thread. Looking forward to more clothes and colors chat with all of you in 2023.





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Well it’s been brutal weather here yesterday & today. -16F & -35 with windchill. -14 this morning only about 3” of snow. Supposed to be 50 on Christmas!!!  Hope everyone stays safe this is an awful weather event all over the US Melody 

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