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Age Demographics of Oceania cruisers


What's your age?  

258 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your age?

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Note that you are polling a subsection of O cruisers - those that use Cruie Critic. However that will be interesting to see.




And only a subsection of those who post on Cruise Critic participate in public polls where personal data is open to all prying eyes, Cruise Critic posters and those who just cruise Social Media forums for information they can use for nefarious purposes.


I am curious why the OP did not make the poll private.

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Great idea to have a pol and it looks as I expected.


We do have to take into account that a lot in the 70-80 group may not be into CC and possibly (from some I know towards 80) not into computers at all.


So I think the top end of the pol 30- 60 will prove to be more accurate as a starting point.



Edited by jakes47
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Great idea to have a pol and it looks as I expected.


We do have to take into account that a lot in the 70-80 group may not be into CC and possibly (from some I know towards 80) not into computers at all.


So I think the top end of the pol 30- 60 will prove to be more accurate as a starting point.




I know a lot of CC'ers in the 70-90 age group that would not put their ages on a public board if their life depended on it. While I'm not in that group yet, my DH is. I am amongst the majority of women in the U.S. that keep my age to myself (I prefer to do that rather than lie which many people do).

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I believe the pol presents the typical age groups of the majority of O cruisers. As to be expected, cruises during the summer months typically see far more under 22/18 year olds than those ran during the school year. Not hard to understand. I have been on an O cruise in the Baltic in July where there was a reasonable number of under 40s and children, whereas cruises during the other months have had basically zero people under the age of 50. When you sail matters. I have never been on an O Carribe cruise so can't comment on demographics with those cruises, especially during Spring Break periods.

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Forgot all about this poll. The results turned out to be about what I expected, although I am surprised that there are only a few younger posters represented.


Thank you to all that participated. ;)


And only a subsection of those who post on Cruise Critic participate in public polls where personal data is open to all prying eyes, Cruise Critic posters and those who just cruise Social Media forums for information they can use for nefarious purposes.

I am curious why the OP did not make the poll private.


:confused: Huh....Not sure what you mean, but I certainly have no interest in using an age poll to comment ill intent. That's crazy!


I am on no other social media outside of CC. No Facebook, Instagram, nada. And don't want to be! :rolleyes: The sole purpose for being on this forum, when I joined 13 years ago, was to learn as much as I could about the "ins and outs" of cruising. And now, also to help others.;)


Travelcat2 - I am proud of my age - 57 and glad to announce my new age with each birthday that I reach. It's great to be alive! :D I hope when I am in my 80's (should I be lucky enough to reach that age) that I am still computer literate. It's hard to keep up with the ever changing technology and I applaud those on this forum that do. My parents, who both passed away a few years ago in their mid 80's, never quite got the hang of the computer. :(

Edited by Iamthesea
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LOL😎 I read that post about nefarious purposes with amusement. People have phony names here so why would anyone care? I'm on Facebook (love it!) and I, too, am proud of my age ... 74 years old. I am surprised more people aren't in their 70's because there are a lot onboard! But perhaps they are not on the Internet.


Interesting poll. Glad you took it😃

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Heather, my experience has been that many of the older folk (and I'm up there with you) are NOT computer literate. My husband, who was an engineer and who intended to learn how to work the computer, never has. He just turned 80 ... he depends on me for internet access.


When we took our first QE2 cruise (of 2) in 2003 I went up to the internet cafe to see if they offered a deal for usage as opposed to just $.99/minute -- they did not. But everyone else up there was waiting to sign up for classes because their children wanted them to learn how to use email so as to communicate with the grandchildren.


Our first Viking cruise around the same time had fellow passengers who were interested in message boards and the like (it was new to all of them), but no one ever asked me HOW to go online. Likewise with later cruises on O.


There certainly are people in our age ranges and above who are computer savvy ... but that seems to be comparatively rare. At least in my experience.


Then, of course, the vast majority of passengers don't even seem to know about cruise critic or other internet sources.



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I know a lot of CC'ers in the 70-90 age group that would not put their ages on a public board if their life depended on it. While I'm not in that group yet, my DH is. I am amongst the majority of women in the U.S. that keep my age to myself (I prefer to do that rather than lie which many people do).


:D Whereas I routinely lied about my age at auditions because it really was required that I say I was younger than I was. (Fortunately I did look younger than my age back then.)


I remember one time when I was asked my age and I literally could not remember the right answer! I think that was at a doctor's office....



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Heather, my experience has been that many of the older folk (and I'm up there with you) are NOT computer literate. My husband, who was an engineer and who intended to learn how to work the computer, never has. He just turned 80 ... he depends on me for internet access.






My husband was an architect and is the same as yours except that he does do email and logs on to see our finances. But that's it. And it's constantly "Heather! Help!" :) LOL. He was just stubborn when it came to the internet and now has a mental block. I think that's true of many.


I learned everything I know on my own because computers in offices were just coming in when I went to work for an entrepreneur who didn't use them. I know I'm in the minority for being so techie.


So I'm sure you're right and most of the passengers on Oceania 75 and above or so aren't on Cruise Critic :).


As for telling my age I've just never bothered to lie. It helps, I guess, that I've always had a "young face". That's not to say gravity hasn't set in but some people just have a young look and others look old when they're 40 ... luck of the draw:D I just don't think it matters because we are what we are and I'd much rather tell the truth and have people think I look young than say I'm 65 and have people roll their eyes thinking "yeah.....sure":).

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Y'all are making me chuckle! :D


Heather - From your profile photo, I thought you were about my age.;) Very pretty!


Mura - What were you auditioning for?


My Dad also had his finances online, but he had to call my brother (the one that insisted that online banking would be better) over to help him log on. Then it got so he became so confused, my brother was over at the house every evening to work on the accounts.


My DH is a banker and even he does not do online banking. He can barely use the computer, but is getting better at it. He called me the other day because he was having trouble getting an email to go through to a Dublin golf course that he is playing in May. The email kept bouncing back. When I asked for the email address, he said it was i.e. http://www.dublingolf.com. :D Of course I pointed out that was a web address and not an email address.

Edited by Iamthesea
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:confused: Huh....Not sure what you mean, but I certainly have no interest in using an age poll to comment ill intent. That's crazy!


I am on no other social media outside of CC. No Facebook, Instagram, nada. And don't want to be! :rolleyes: (


Your poll is visible to anyone who signs in to Cruise Critic. I was not suggesting that you personally plan to misuse the data.


Nosy, though? Yeah, I'd say the poll is nosy.

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Your poll is visible to anyone who signs in to Cruise Critic. I was not suggesting that you personally plan to misuse the data.


Nosy, though? Yeah, I'd say the poll is nosy.


Why? Nobody knows who you are unless you tell them. Our real names aren't here. Doesn't seem nosy to be to ask what decade you're in. That aside, no one is forced to participate.


Back to being completely off topic, I do love that photo. Strangely it's a selfie I took of four of us with a selfie stick!! Loved it so much I cropped it and switched my profile pic everywhere😃

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I do not take good photos. Even bought a selfie stick for a Christmas gag gift. I looked ridiculous in the selfie photos. :(


Your poll is visible to anyone who signs in to Cruise Critic. I was not suggesting that you personally plan to misuse the data.


Nosy, though? Yeah, I'd say the poll is nosy.


I still don't get it. Of course the poll is visible to anyone that signs onto Cruise Critic. That was the intent. If it weren't visible, no one could see it and participate. :D It's on the Oceania forum, so I don't think many criminals are cruising a forum of mostly 60+ year olds that are planning their cruises. ;)

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I do not take good photos. Even bought a selfie stick for a Christmas gag gift. I looked ridiculous in the selfie photos. :(




This part of your post gave me a good laugh. It is the exact reason why my kitty, "Whiskey" is my avatar - he photographs so well:D While he isn't opposed to my giving his age (4), I have no problem giving mine either - just not on a public forum!

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I do not take good photos. Even bought a selfie stick for a Christmas gag gift. I looked ridiculous in the selfie photos.


The further away the better which is why the selfie stick works:) The other hint is you have to take it from above looking down. I'm here to help:D We'd had a great lunch with our friends on their way to Ft. Lauderdale for a cruise, we were all happy and laughing so it came out. I was happy! My last one was taken 2 years ago with the same cruise friends!


I still don't get it. Of course the poll is visible to anyone that signs onto Cruise Critic. That was the intent. If it weren't visible, no one could see it and participate. :D It's on the Oceania forum, so I don't think many criminals are cruising a forum of mostly 60+ year olds that are planning their cruises. ;)


I don't get it either. And I still insist that except in the case of people like me who include their photo, no one on this forum has a clue who anyone is. So who cares??? But to each his own, right? Vanilla and chocolate.:p

Edited by HeatherInFlorida
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Thanks! You would have had to click both options and then hit "submit."


This part of your post gave me a good laugh. It is the exact reason why my kitty, "Whiskey" is my avatar - he photographs so well:D While he isn't opposed to my giving his age (4), I have no problem giving mine either - just not on a public forum!


Whiskey is cute. Perhaps I should put my dog in my Avatar instead of the starfish. Nola is very photogenic if she will stay still.


The further away the better which is why the selfie stick works:) The other hint is you have to take it from above looking down. I'm here to help:D We'd had a great lunch with our friends on their way to Ft. Lauderdale for a cruise, we were all happy and laughing so it came out. I was happy! My last one was taken 2 years ago with the same cruise friends!


There is one selfie of me in a group, but my hair is wet after being drenched in Jamaica. :rolleyes:

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My husband was an architect and is the same as yours except that he does do email and logs on to see our finances. But that's it. And it's constantly "Heather! Help!" :) LOL. He was just stubborn when it came to the internet and now has a mental block. I think that's true of many.


I learned everything I know on my own because computers in offices were just coming in when I went to work for an entrepreneur who didn't use them. I know I'm in the minority for being so techie.


So I'm sure you're right and most of the passengers on Oceania 75 and above or so aren't on Cruise Critic :).


As for telling my age I've just never bothered to lie. It helps, I guess, that I've always had a "young face". That's not to say gravity hasn't set in but some people just have a young look and others look old when they're 40 ... luck of the draw:D I just don't think it matters because we are what we are and I'd much rather tell the truth and have people think I look young than say I'm 65 and have people roll their eyes thinking "yeah.....sure":).


Dont feel bad about not "buying" into the techie addiction...its really more about ego than function. For the most part all these gizmos and I this or Apple that were created, not by need or demand, but by companies that could created stuff and then sell the populace that they needed it. Botteled water is anothe good example of this. P T Barnum would be proud of job Steve Jobs did on the masses.

The result is a group to whom tech stuff is their life,socially and emotionally ! They cant bear to be without their security blanket and need constant reinforcement of their own ego.


I used basic computer for flying and sea navigation, because there was a need. I use a lap top to send e-mail and check on travel and stock.

I see no need in these notebooks, watches, pads, phones and refuse to own one or use one.

The rise of illiteracy and self centered behavior is , I believe, a direct result of people turning their entire life over to be controlled by some stupid electronic device. I wont own one because I dont want to associate or be associated with a culture of self-centered narcissistic people, who's best friend has a lITHIUM battery for a soul.


So many of us, have seen the emprers new clothing.... or in this case his I phone or some such you gotta have... toy


Dont feel bad, feel rather wise that you have the wisdom to decide what is really important in life.

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While I agree that not as many seniors are attached to their iPhone every moment, it does not necessarily mean that we don't understand or use the technology. We live in a city with a huge population of seniors as well as college students. I have yet to meet a senior that does not use a computer (even 90+ year olds that are still active). There are many "older" seniors on Cruise Critic - I'm sure many of you have met them at Meet and Greets and many post on the Oceania board (however, I do not see that they participated in the survey and I don't blame them).


In terms of laptops/tablets/phones, etc., - we do own three computers (one is considered a oversized tablet at 18"), cell phones and a Kindle tablet. I use them daily, however, when we go out of the house, everything is left at home (except the phone for emergency purposes only). We want to pay 100% attention to each other and anyone else that we are with. IMO, everything should be done in moderation and that includes being attached to the hip to computers and social media.

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Perhaps it is because I am on a tablet on the Forums app, but I can't see the poll any more. How is it doing?


I and my hubby are on our second O cruise in a week and are nowhere near 75. (Yes, I voted, but can't see the poll and can't vote for him now, lol) On our previous cruise I didn't see very menu 75 year olds, and think it will be the same on this one. I saw a heap of 60 y.o people tho. Many under 50, we felt fine. Maybe there are more 75+ in the concierge lounge or something, we haven't seen that.

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Sorry that you cannot see the Poll or vote from your phones or tablets. :confused: I tried my devices and can see the poll with no problem.


Try logging into Cruise Critic instead of using the app like Tapa Talk or whatever app it is. I don't use an app for my devices. Find them a hinder.

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  • 1 month later...
I still don't get it. Of course the poll is visible to anyone that signs onto Cruise Critic. That was the intent. If it weren't visible, no one could see it and participate. :D It's on the Oceania forum, so I don't think many criminals are cruising a forum of mostly 60+ year olds that are planning their cruises. ;)


All polls are public, but you chose to make the screen names public, and that's different. It's nobody's business what age anyone is on the Oceania forum. I think some people answered your poll without realizing that their screen name would be disclosed, and that's even though it says it's public. Most people don't read the small disclaimers.


Those disclaimers (this is a public poll) should be bold, in red.

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All polls are public, but you chose to make the screen names public, and that's different. It's nobody's business what age anyone is on the Oceania forum. I think some people answered your poll without realizing that their screen name would be disclosed, and that's even though it says it's public. Most people don't read the small disclaimers.


Those disclaimers (this is a public poll) should be bold, in red.


For reasons that you mentioned (in addition to my belief that if you are that concerned about age, you may want to go on other cruise line) I "voted" tongue-in-cheek!

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