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My Booked Cruise Has Disappeared


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Please let us know what you learn. Thanks



I don't know if this helps you or not. A Celebrity cruise that I took last year disappeared from my Celebrity reservation page for about a week about 6 months prior to the cruise. I had transferred the cruise to a TA and Celebrity told me to call the TA. The cruise reappeared before the TA got back to me.

I never found out what happened. Three weeks is cause for concern. Good luck to you


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I don't know if this helps you or not. A Celebrity cruise that I took last year disappeared from my Celebrity reservation page for about a week about 6 months prior to the cruise. I had transferred the cruise to a TA and Celebrity told me to call the TA. The cruise reappeared before the TA got back to me.

I never found out what happened. Three weeks is cause for concern. Good luck to you



I wish I could say it does Tom, but I 'm not sure that it does. This was a 10 day cruise from Amsterdam to Barcelona that we booked onboard on March 6th. When we got home on March 14th, it was already off of the Celebrity website, but Celebrity was still allowing our TA to keep selling their cabins, up until I realized that they were also not listing it this morning. I have been checking every couple of days, and this past Friday, it was still there. As of tomorrow, it will be 5 weeks, at least, that I know it has been off Celebrity's site. The story I got a couple of weeks ago, was "inventory maintenance". My initial guess until I talk to somebody tomorrow is that it has now been chartered.



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I just got off the phone with a Captains Club representative and felt like I wasted 15 minutes that I will never get back. Essentially, she most have had 1 3 by 5 inch recipe card of the line to deliver and followed it to perfection. She said that when "they" do something Officially with this sailing, that Celebrity will notify us. I asked who "THEY" was. I explained to her that somewhere, there must be an actual person who decided to tell the IT staff, or sales staff, to take this sailing offline, and that I find it hard to believe that that particular person is a mystery. She kept repeating that when "they" do something "Officially" with this sailing, Celebrity would let us know. At this point, Celebrity has $1400 of our deposit for a sailing that will cost us around $9000, and I am a bit disappointed in how my rational inquiries are being addressed.


Long story short, now that even our TA has pulled this sailing from their own website, NOBODY seems to know for sure what is going on.

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The people in the REVENUE department do know, but won't tell. The only reason for this kind of delay has to be because they are waiting for a contract to be executed. If it's the whole ship we'll be cancelled; if it's partial they won't divulge that for fear of existing passenger cancellations. So very frustrating!!

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The people in the REVENUE department do know, but won't tell. The only reason for this kind of delay has to be because they are waiting for a contract to be executed. If it's the whole ship we'll be cancelled; if it's partial they won't divulge that for fear of existing passenger cancellations. So very frustrating!!



We are also booked on this cruise as well as the next one making it a back 2 back. But, as they are about 500 days away, I am content to just wait and see how it plays out. If Celebrity cancels this cruise then we will cancel the 8 day cruise that follows and will have to find something else. We did look and did not find anything at this time that interests us, so will just wait and see. Maybe, Celebrity will offer us some sort of perk or compensation for our troubles.

Hope to hear something within the next few weeks.


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I certainly feel badly for those affected by all this uncertainty as I've gone through something similar before. Having said that, I do think it's a waste of time to try to grill information out of low-level call center employees (Captains Club included). Until the cruise line is ready to officially announce what's going on, these employees are as in the dark as anyone else and are left to simply speculate and take stabs in the dark when questioned.


I realize that's a very unpopular opinion and no way does it detract how badly I feel for those of you going through all this mess. I hope information comes forth much sooner than later. ;)

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Thank you, Barry. Lori & BEAV. You are right not to get too aggravated because it doesn't help.

Only problem is while we wait and wait the prices on other cruises may increase. Last year the European cruise we booked went up continuously and we were thrilled we booked early.

Let's hope we hear real soon.

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Why not go ahead and book an alternative cruise for now? You can always cancel it without consequence IF your original reappears.


We've considered it, but rather not lay out another $1,000.00 deposit. May not have a choice if I get sick of waiting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I decided to email my TA to ask them to see if Celebrity has any "updated" info that doesn't have the words "inventory maintenance" in it on Monday, and this is the answer I got back.


Per your request, we have contacted Celebrity to look into this further for you. At this time, they have advised that the sailing is set to go and no changes have been made. Unfortunately that is all they were able to advise. As I have previously advised, if we do hear anything from them we would immediately contact you. I certainly understand your concerns, however at this time, they have advised that the sailing is set to go as scheduled.


That is about as ambiguous as it can get. Particularly when it is combined with the fact that it still not for sale anywhere.

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That is about as ambiguous as it can get. Particularly when it is combined with the fact that it still not for sale anywhere.


Based on Celebrity's response that the cruise is still scheduled to sail, I would have taken it to the next step and asked to book a stateroom. Would have been interesting to hear their response to that question......

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Called our big box store TA and she got "them" on the phone. Still no news!

Having gone through this myself, it took about three months from the time we heard the first rumblings that our sailing could be chartered. We were actually notified by someone who had seen out sailing advertised through a Jazz Charter group as one of "their cruises". We all got a sinking feeling in our stomachs and eventually our suspicions were realized.



With that said Celebrity will find similar bookings in the same time frame and offer to switch you and honor the price you paid. They will also give small obc.



Right now they are probably waiting for the large sum payment from the group confirming the charter. After that, they will put together a letter with suggested cruises that they will honor your booking on and compensation amounts.



I am sorry this happened to you. Key here is that you didn't buy airfare....thank God.

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My husband got a response to an email he sent to Celebrity. Basically the lady that phoned us cannot at this time disclose any further information than what we already know-- which is nothing.

IMHO Cherylroslyn is correct. We're waiting for something to happen or not so Celebrity can move forward with the booked passengers. Yes, we are fortunate that we haven't purchased air!!

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Having gone through this myself, it took about three months from the time we heard the first rumblings that our sailing could be chartered. We were actually notified by someone who had seen out sailing advertised through a Jazz Charter group as one of "their cruises". We all got a sinking feeling in our stomachs and eventually our suspicions were realized.



With that said Celebrity will find similar bookings in the same time frame and offer to switch you and honor the price you paid. They will also give small obc.



Unfortunately, these 2 cruises back to back will be pretty hard for them to find a comparable replacement for.


Monday, September 4, 2017 Amsterdam, Netherlands -- 05:00 PM

Tuesday, September 5, 2017 Bruges,(zeebrugge),belgium 07:00 AM 04:00 PM

Wednesday, September 6, 2017 Paris (le Havre), France 07:00 AM 09:00 PM

Thursday, September 7, 2017 At Sea -- --

Friday, September 8, 2017 At Sea -- --

Saturday, September 9, 2017 Lisbon, Portugal 08:00 AM --

Sunday, September 10, 2017 Lisbon, Portugal -- 04:00 PM

Monday, September 11, 2017 Seville (cadiz), Spain 10:00 AM 08:00 PM

Tuesday, September 12, 2017 Gibraltar, United Kingdom 07:00 AM 04:00 PM

Wednesday, September 13, 2017 Cartagena, Spain 07:00 AM 04:00 PM

Thursday, September 14, 2017 Barcelona, Spain 06:00 AM --

Thursday, September 14, 2017 Barcelona, Spain -- 05:00 PM

Friday, September 15, 2017 Ibiza, Spain 08:00 AM --

Saturday, September 16, 2017 Ibiza, Spain -- 05:00 PM

Sunday, September 17, 2017 At Sea -- --

Monday, September 18, 2017 Provence(marseilles), France 08:00 AM 07:00 PM

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Cannes, France 07:00 AM 10:00 PM

Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Nice (villefranche), France 07:00 AM 06:00 PM

Thursday, September 21, 2017 Florence/pisa(livorno),italy 07:00 AM 07:00 PM

Friday, September 22, 2017 Rome (civitavecchia), Italy 05:00 AM --


Probably makes it a little easier now to understand our disappointment if it does end up that Celebrity charters it or books a huge group.

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This just happened to our cruise April 2017. It was off the boards for weeks. When we were on The Equinox in March we went to book a cruise to Hawaii and asked about this cruise. "They" had it on thier computer. Showed us and we were ok with that. When we went home to check on it, it was not on our computer. It does show again, now. Did not show for weeks. Very curious. Would like to know just what goes on.



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Unfortunately, these 2 cruises back to back will be pretty hard for them to find a comparable replacement for.


Monday, September 4, 2017 Amsterdam, Netherlands -- 05:00 PM

Tuesday, September 5, 2017 Bruges,(zeebrugge),belgium 07:00 AM 04:00 PM

Wednesday, September 6, 2017 Paris (le Havre), France 07:00 AM 09:00 PM

Thursday, September 7, 2017 At Sea -- --

Friday, September 8, 2017 At Sea -- --

Saturday, September 9, 2017 Lisbon, Portugal 08:00 AM --

Sunday, September 10, 2017 Lisbon, Portugal -- 04:00 PM

Monday, September 11, 2017 Seville (cadiz), Spain 10:00 AM 08:00 PM

Tuesday, September 12, 2017 Gibraltar, United Kingdom 07:00 AM 04:00 PM

Wednesday, September 13, 2017 Cartagena, Spain 07:00 AM 04:00 PM

Thursday, September 14, 2017 Barcelona, Spain 06:00 AM --

Thursday, September 14, 2017 Barcelona, Spain -- 05:00 PM

Friday, September 15, 2017 Ibiza, Spain 08:00 AM --

Saturday, September 16, 2017 Ibiza, Spain -- 05:00 PM

Sunday, September 17, 2017 At Sea -- --

Monday, September 18, 2017 Provence(marseilles), France 08:00 AM 07:00 PM

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Cannes, France 07:00 AM 10:00 PM

Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Nice (villefranche), France 07:00 AM 06:00 PM

Thursday, September 21, 2017 Florence/pisa(livorno),italy 07:00 AM 07:00 PM

Friday, September 22, 2017 Rome (civitavecchia), Italy 05:00 AM --


Probably makes it a little easier now to understand our disappointment if it does end up that Celebrity charters it or books a huge group.

Ours was a very rare itinerary as well with the A, B, C islands and overnights in Aruba and Curacao. Ther was nothing like it and the offerings that they made were not comprable.


I did find something I was interested in a few months later and I was able to get them to revive my future cruise reward which had been holding the initial reservation. For others if they did nt make a decision by the cut off date the money for the deposit was charged back on the original credit card.


For me I thought it was a little unfair, because I had a future cruise reward and although I paid $200 on board and was given $200 in OBC to spend on that ship, I walked away with a nice long booking being held for $200 bucks.


When Celebrity cancelled my reservation I initially lost that deposit and I no longer had a cruise being held.....that was not exactly fair....but the Captain's Club was great and when I found a cruise they were able to revive the future cruise deposit.


I have totally understood from the beginning.......

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Decided to call the Captains Club this morning, even though deep down I knew the call was going to result in no new information. I was correct. Spoke to a friendly enough gal who confirmed that the sailing we have all been curious about is still in "Inventory Maintenance". After being in "IM" for at least 2 months, I am convinced it is either going to be Chartered or Large Group sold. Because I booked this as part of an attractive Back to Back, as did a number of you, I asked if this back to back cruise would be dealt with as a single cruise for compensation, IF, the first one actually at some point gets confirmed as a Charter, or if ONLY the first one would be offered some form of compensation. Her answer is "I would have to discuss that with my travel agent", since I did move the booking to them AFTER booking these on board in March.

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Just had a phone call from my Celebrity CVP. The September 4, 2017 cruise has been chartered. Apparently, there is an official email that will be sent outlining options. But decisions will have to be made by end of May or Celebrity will cancel the booking. Will post the email once I get it.


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So, they held our cruise booking in limbo for two and a half months, and are giving us 2 weeks to make a decision? Customer service at its finest! I think I just made a decision on whether I want to pursue a higher loyalty level with celebrity or try to gain a higher status with a different line.

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So sorry to hear it's been chartered :(. It's so frustrating when you think you are all sorted and then they pull the rug from beneath your feet. I do hope you manage to find an alternative. The sailings for next August on Equinox have never reappeared; I'm still thinking there will be another Atlantis charter during this period (glad we held out on booking and that was just because X were only offering 1 perk at the time or we would have been in the same boat as you guys - no pun intended :o).

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I'm very curious to see what they are offering Barry. I talked to our TA yesterday after you posted and they hadn't heard anything yet. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to go through them since I booked on board and then transferred it to my US based TA.

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I'm very curious to see what they are offering Barry. I talked to our TA yesterday after you posted and they hadn't heard anything yet. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to go through them since I booked on board and then transferred it to my US based TA.



I still have not received the email from Celebrity. But I was told that we would get $200 for inconvenience if we were to rebook one of the options. The offer is fine for us but the choices of alternate cruises are not acceptable. They have delayed telling us what the situation is and now we are under a time constraint to make a decision. Why not offer us the OBC on any cruise that we would take in the next 12 months (from the cruise date).


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