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Who to cruise with?


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Who do you think it’s best to travel with? Are you happiest with just your spouse/partner, solo, or with twenty-three of your best friends? What are advantages of traveling with a group, or a couple of generations of family? Is it easier on your own?


I think, for a first cruise, you need to go with someone who’s cruised before. There are so many little tips and hints that a first-time cruiser would miss! Plus, it’s fun for the experienced cruiser to see the trip through fresh eyes. I like cruising with others, but I admit it’s much easier with just my husband. We can coordinate with just a sticky note on the mirror (“meet you at 2pm by the dolphin statue”), whereas the times we’ve traveled with a couple dozen people, it’s been like sheep-herding all week long!


What advantages and disadvantages do you see in choosing traveling buddies?

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I cruised with my SO early in our relationship (6 weeks). It went so well that I knew we were going to be compatible. That was in 2013 and now we have been sharing a home for 15 months. I still prefer cruises with just the two of us. We have done family cruises, but the romantic cruises are the best.

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DH & I have cruised alone twice and definitely find it's more fun to travel in a group. Our usual is either a group of 5 or a group of 7 (depending on if the extra 2 can come up from Australia to join us). In September on the first leg of a b2b we'll be with the 2 from Australia and the rest of the group will join us for the 2nd leg. We always have a great time but don't find that we need to spend every waking minute with everyone either. Most of the people in our group this is the only time we get to see them is when we cruise so it's a nice way to catch up!

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This is another one of those things where it's an individual preference. I prefer to cruise with just my wife. It gives us quality time with each other away from all the drama back home.


Happy cruising wherever you choose to go.

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I prefer cruising alone, especially after my last cruise where I went with 2 friends (one of whom I'm no longer friends with). I just like the freedom to do what I want, when I want and how I want. I'm sure once I'm in a relationship, I will enjoy couple cruises but even then, I'd want a solo one every once in awhile. What can I say, I'm my best company :D

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Luckily my husband and I travel well together. If you do not particularly like one another do not cruise together. My Husband makes friends with strangers easily and we are always with others on our cruises.

Remember when traveling with families and friends you feel as though you have to be joined at the hip [from what I have heard] and too many feelings to deal with...... anything that messes with my fun is a no thankyou.

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mostly we cruise just the 2 of us and like it. We can please ourselves doing what we want when we want. We meet new people in the diamond or suite lounge and enjoy the time with them. We have also cruised in a large family group, and enjoyed that too. Always someone who wants to do what you want but you don't have to be in each other's pockets all the time. We have also been with friends. We have a cruise coming up with new friends that we met in the concierge lounge on our last cruise. I enjoy all the different experiences, they are just that - different. But if I had to choose - it would be me and DH.

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DW and I have cruised a couple of times by ourselves but we have cruised with friends/family many times. In fact, we are usually part of a group of 4 or 5 couples when we cruise. We are a very close group of friends that do many other things together. For cruises, this is what we have always done and it has worked out great for us. We treat this as everybody's own vacation, we just happen to be on the same ship going to the same ports. First, we link our reservations so that we all eat dinner together. Dinner is our ONLY pre-planned activity together.


When we first get on the ship we find an area on the pool deck (or the deck above it) and this becomes "our spot". If you want to meet up with the group, that's where everyone can usually be found. If someone feels like lying in the sun, that's where they go. Odds are, there will be other people from the group there. If you want to be by yourself, you simply find another spot and hang out there. No one will bother you if you aren't in "our spot".


Shore excursions: Most groups of people don't always want to do the same activities. We understand this and plan our shore excursions accordingly. We usually get together before the cruise for a pre cruise party. We talk about the shore excursions available at the various ports. Everybody picks their own. If we all want to do the same thing, we all book it. If one couple wants to do "A" and another couple wants to do "B" then we book different excursions. Nobody is forced (or feels obligated) to do something with the group. We all do our own thing and everybody is happy. Then, at dinner, we say "What did you do today? How was it?"


Another thing we do is pick a different bar for a pre dinner drink every night. We spread the word to everyone at "our spot". If someone isn't there, we'll call and leave a message on their phone informing them what bar we'll be at. Most people show up for a drink, some don't. It's no big deal. It's their vacation, they can do what they want.


After dinner most of us go to the show. Then we'll find something to do afterward. Some will hang out at the Schooner bar, some will hit the casino, and some will find a place to dance. If everyone ends up doing the same thing, great! If not, we know that people are doing the things that THEY WANT to do.


The key is to not make this a big, group event. Too many people with too many different opinions makes it very hard to please everyone all the time. Don't force people to follow you everywhere and just as important, don't LET someone follow you everywhere. First time cruisers will want to latch on to the experienced cruisers. Don't let it happen. Encourage them to venture out and do things on their own.

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You make good points but I also think a family or friend meeting is in order before concrete plans are made.

There are those people with very STRONG personalities who think that it is their job to keep the masses in an orderly fashion. Had this happen and it ended with people taking sides and no one speaking to one another when it finally came to a tortuous end.

Yes....call a meeting with large groups;)

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You make good points but I also think a family or friend meeting is in order before concrete plans are made.

There are those people with very STRONG personalities who think that it is their job to keep the masses in an orderly fashion. Had this happen and it ended with people taking sides and no one speaking to one another when it finally came to a tortuous end.

Yes....call a meeting with large groups;)


This is why we let everyone plan their own vacation, even if we're on the same ship. We don't spend 24/7 with these people at home and we don't spend 24/7 with them on the ship. Usually 1 or 2 couples will pick the cruise then they say "this is the cruise we're going on, if you want to join us, great! If not, that's okay too"

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This is why we let everyone plan their own vacation, even if we're on the same ship. We don't spend 24/7 with these people at home and we don't spend 24/7 with them on the ship. Usually 1 or 2 couples will pick the cruise then they say "this is the cruise we're going on, if you want to join us, great! If not, that's okay too"


100% agree. It is the best way. :)

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This is another one of those things where it's an individual preference. I prefer to cruise with just my wife. It gives us quality time with each other away from all the drama back home.


Happy cruising wherever you choose to go.


I could not imagine cruising without my DW -who is my best friend, it is always quality time and unplugged from normal life.


We do on occasion cruise with relatives and friends, but they understand that cruise time is primarily for DW and myself. We don't talk about anything from our normal life outside of the ship or cruising. If we do get together, it is for a previously planned excursion or a casual bumping into on the ship like you would have with any other cruiser. It's not that we are anti-social, but rather that we are on call 330 days a year 24hrs/day.

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We've always cruised with friends, except for the China river cruise (although we were friends with the others on the tour by the time we got to that portion of the holiday).


I have no wish to cruise again with the couple that went on our first-ever cruise with us. We are still friends, but not compatible for travel. Unfortunately they perceive this differently and occasionally suggest another trip together.


Since then we've cruised with the same four to six other people and have marvellous times together.


Unfortunately, these people are a generation older than DH and I and we wonder about our first cruise on our own. I think we'll choose a port intensive itinerary for that one. Or, maybe by then our friends with children will be at a stage where they would cruise without the kids.


People will say to have a frank conversation prior to traveling with others, but in the case of the people we struggled with, it didn't work. We had the conversation, but everything they said was different to how they acted once we were there. And worst of all, they took it personally if we wanted to do ANYTHING without them - they wanted to stick together for all waking hours.

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I only cruise with my DH lately. It is our hobby and the best way to vacation. Before we cruised with our DS when he was young.


My parents, our friends want to cruise with us, but we are not sure. This can ruin experience we accustomed to.


We do enjoy random conversation with our fellow cruisers, but this is as far as we want to go. Everything else will feel as a commitment which will affect our plans.

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I prefer cruising alone, especially after my last cruise where I went with 2 friends (one of whom I'm no longer friends with). I just like the freedom to do what I want, when I want and how I want. I'm sure once I'm in a relationship, I will enjoy couple cruises but even then, I'd want a solo one every once in awhile. What can I say, I'm my best company :D


Agree that solo is best now that I am alone. Cruised once with three long time friends( 2 rooms) but missed not meeting other people and hated having to "wait until I'm ready " from a room mate and "where are you going"!!

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If you have an SO, then that's the way to do it! If friends are along, and you talk about what to expect regarding doing stuff together, that can be fun! BUT...everyone needs to know the ground rules!


I HATE waiting for people...and one of our friends is chronically tardy...I've told her on many occasions, that if she's late, she's left behind....so she knows the ground rules and agrees to it!

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DW and I have cruised a couple of times by ourselves but we have cruised with friends/family many times. In fact, we are usually part of a group of 4 or 5 couples when we cruise. We are a very close group of friends that do many other things together. For cruises, this is what we have always done and it has worked out great for us. We treat this as everybody's own vacation, we just happen to be on the same ship going to the same ports. First, we link our reservations so that we all eat dinner together. Dinner is our ONLY pre-planned activity together.


When we first get on the ship we find an area on the pool deck (or the deck above it) and this becomes "our spot". If you want to meet up with the group, that's where everyone can usually be found. If someone feels like lying in the sun, that's where they go. Odds are, there will be other people from the group there. If you want to be by yourself, you simply find another spot and hang out there. No one will bother you if you aren't in "our spot".


Shore excursions: Most groups of people don't always want to do the same activities. We understand this and plan our shore excursions accordingly. We usually get together before the cruise for a pre cruise party. We talk about the shore excursions available at the various ports. Everybody picks their own. If we all want to do the same thing, we all book it. If one couple wants to do "A" and another couple wants to do "B" then we book different excursions. Nobody is forced (or feels obligated) to do something with the group. We all do our own thing and everybody is happy. Then, at dinner, we say "What did you do today? How was it?"


Another thing we do is pick a different bar for a pre dinner drink every night. We spread the word to everyone at "our spot". If someone isn't there, we'll call and leave a message on their phone informing them what bar we'll be at. Most people show up for a drink, some don't. It's no big deal. It's their vacation, they can do what they want.


After dinner most of us go to the show. Then we'll find something to do afterward. Some will hang out at the Schooner bar, some will hit the casino, and some will find a place to dance. If everyone ends up doing the same thing, great! If not, we know that people are doing the things that THEY WANT to do.


The key is to not make this a big, group event. Too many people with too many different opinions makes it very hard to please everyone all the time. Don't force people to follow you everywhere and just as important, don't LET someone follow you everywhere. First time cruisers will want to latch on to the experienced cruisers. Don't let it happen. Encourage them to venture out and do things on their own.


I totally agree with the above statement. We also have dinner together, other meals are hit or miss. We like to go to beaches and luckily so do our friends, but if anyone wants to take a tour it's no problem. I prefer cruising with 4 to 6 of us. In June we have a family cruise with 16, should be interesting.

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Agree that solo is best now that I am alone. Cruised once with three long time friends( 2 rooms) but missed not meeting other people and hated having to "wait until I'm ready " from a room mate and "where are you going"!!


This would make me insane:rolleyes:

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I totally agree with the above statement. We also have dinner together, other meals are hit or miss. We like to go to beaches and luckily so do our friends, but if anyone wants to take a tour it's no problem. I prefer cruising with 4 to 6 of us. In June we have a family cruise with 16, should be interesting.


Family meeting;)

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I usually sail with another friend and my husband. The last two and our upcoming cruise is just the husband and I. I like having my friend with me. My husband would rather spend the night in the cabin reading. My friend and I will do the shows, or the disco, and games. We had one cruise where I had 2 additional friends, and that was a blast! The cruise next January, my friend is coming with us. My parents might go too. We shall see.


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Agree that solo is best now that I am alone. Cruised once with three long time friends( 2 rooms) but missed not meeting other people and hated having to "wait until I'm ready " from a room mate and "where are you going"!!


OMG yes!! I had my own cabin and they shared. We were both on deck 8 but opposite sides (which I'm glad I did last minute!). Every night before dinner, I'd call them to meet me at the elevator. I swear they were on time twice and it was entirely one of the woman. Plus, we spent 3 nights pre cruise together so by the time we got on the ship, I was completely over the experience.


I had a CC friend who actually booked that sailing as well. He travels alone and he did his own thing. I was jealous of him as I felt I had to make sure my two friends were having a good time. I've learned my lesson. I can't stop anyone from getting on the same ship as me but I won't share my cabin and you see me when you see me :D

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My DH doesn't mind going to the shows alone. I love having my shower after dinner and then reading in bed till he comes in and tells me what I missed. When I cruise with a friend, she'll want me to have drinks after dinner and go to the show. I sit there wishing I was in bed. It doesn't matter which friend it is, I always feel obligated not to make them celebrate their cruise on their own.



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I can do what I want when I want (within the allotted schedule of course). Also if I waited for my friends to make up their minds I'd never go anywhere (not to mention I'd have to shackle one of them to me in order to ensure she was back on the ship on time - she is NOTORIOUSLY late such that we'll regularly tell her a meeting time an hour earlier than what it is (like we'll tell her 11 if it's 12) so that she'll be on time).


I'll have to know someone pretty well before I'd do a cruise with them. I know even that isn't a guarantee nothing will go wrong, but there is nothing worse than breaking up or having a falling-out with someone you're traveling with and being stuck with them for the rest of the time.


(I do like cruising with the running group I've cruised with twice. Or with my family - parents and sister - since as we're all adults we're all free to choose our own activities.)

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