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Mustering Up the Courage...


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I couple of years ago I did a similar cruise alone. My husband did not want to

go and my friend couldn't. I even did five days in Cambodia (Siem Reao) also

alone. As for the cruise, I ate breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner in the

MDR. I meet several nice people who since have become good friends.

The flights over are not really that bad, eat, sleep and watch a movie.

On a trip like this I enjoy flying around the world, also look for flights

with a couple of stops, giving one time to get off a move around. From my area, flights are often 30 hours or more. Would I do this again, my answer is

a YES. Last year these cruises dropped in prices a lot before sailing.' Go and

complete your planed journey.

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Did you notice that your list of "pros" is longer than your list of "cons"? Which may be your subconscious telling you to go for it. Your Mom will be with you every step of the way and still sharing the journey and adventure with you and maybe you will be able to fill the empty spot in your heart that her passing left by completing this journey you were going to share with each other.


Wishing you all the best,

After you pointed it out, I did notice that my pro list was longer. Thanks for helping me to see that.

Have met really great pax on cruises that have dead or nonexistent roll calls.


The Soli board should have info for you.





Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

Thank you.

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Your post made me think....


My wife and I cruise together and enjoy it, but if it was just me, would I go?


I think there are more of us natural introverts than there are extroverts. Oh, I can hold a conversation, as no doubt you can, but I could just see myself in your shoes and pretty much planning my day solo. That part is tough. We love to share new experiences with others - new places, new discoveries, new experiences. Being alone tends to make me "brood" a bit or at least become melancholy (at least it does for me). That said, I would still go. Tours are done in a group. Meals are done as a group (at least I would not choose to dine solo - I so enjoy a full table of company). But there will be time alone.... I think I could handle it and still enjoy the experience.


We only have 2 cruises under our belts, with a 3rd coming up in November, but we can only afford insides, so that is what we take, and are completely happy to have it. I really don't see this as a major negative. You can be deck-side in minutes and get all the light you desire.


I also dislike long flights - but hey - there is something invigorating about being at the airport ready for a new experience. Take the bad with the good. Go for it!




I did not think that I would ever leave either my husband or mom at home... But you know-- anything is possible.



If your heart is telling you to go, then do it! I have traveled solo in Europe for as long as three weeks, and am looking forward to a 20 day solo cruise the end of October. I am generally a quiet person so I hear your concern about being lonely. But part of the joy of solo travel is the ability to gift yourself with solitude and then to join people again as you desire. Cruisers are so very gregarious and seem always willing to chat for a while when you need a “people fix.”


It sounds as if this has been a long-standing dream trip for you. If you are healthy, mobile and financially able to go, why risk missing this opportunity? No one knows what tomorrow or next year may bring. The real question may be how much would you regret not taking the cruise and then never getting to go later? Only you can decide what is right for you, but if you do go, I look forward to reading about your journey and adventures. Safe travel!


Thank you!

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Hi Tracy,

We are in similar situations. Although my Mom is still alive, it's very difficult to do our favorite itineraries like we used to do. She is 91.

I think it will help you with the grieving process to do this cruise. As far as cruising solo on a long cruise, I booked 35 or 39 days on the Pacific a couple of weeks ago in a heart beat. (I did change it to a shorter version of summer solstice on Crown.)


I have a good friend who I met on a cruise and we cruise together all the time but I still like my solo cruises. Like you I am used to living and being by myself. Living and caring for my Mom has been a challenge and a solo cruise is a great way to decompress.


I usually have to book an inside room as prices have gone up so much, I can only afford an inside if I'm solo. Lack of daylight doesn't bother me and it can be an advantage especially on my summer solstice cruises.


There are cruises my Mom never got to do. I can do them solo and still share them with her. You can keep a diary and share them with your Mom.


Good luck with your decision.


It can be a real gift to complete someone else's bucket list- while chipping away at your own. My mom wanted this trip, a safari in Africa, and Egypt. I will find a way to get her to all three. I managed to check the Panama Canal off of her list last December.;)

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Grief is a lifelong process...it just doesn't end...I know...I lost my husband six years ago and he's still the first thing I think of every morning and the last thing I think of every night....


But since he's passed away I've begun to travel more and more...cruise more and more...and we just finished our first Baltic cruise...which btw...was amazing.


And each and every single time I do travel I remember Matt and I smile and I think to myself "he would have loved this."


If you go, go for you...not for your sweet mamma and what would have been...go because that's what your heart is telling you to do. And when you do go...you'll think of her often...more with smiles than with tears.


Only you can make the decision for what is right for you. We can all give you our opinions but only YOU know what is in your heart. And your wallet for that matter...it's a long expensive trip!!!


You've got a fan club here kiddo. We all love your reviews! I am 100% positive you will meet someone and have an amazing trip. Even with your "man cold" on the Royal a few years ago you had a great time. You can do it again!





Thank you so much, Nat. Your words are so inspirational- and I loved your adventures on the Baltic- even with the lost suitcase!!!


My best, TL

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tracie, i don't want to make your mind up for you; only you know deep down what you really want.


Viesczy's response is perfect. i can list reasons why you should go and why you should not. which do you want? that will give you your answer.


for me, i can't even afford premium economy. its the cheap seats on the plane and the bat-cave on the ship. i've done up to 30 days solo in an interior. in many ways its better for me as it forces me to go out and be social. i too am an introvert (i don't like people--that's almost the same, right?) and if i had a window or balcony cabin i might never leave it!


i always ask to share a table at dinner so i meet lots of people--some i am happy to only have that one dinner with! i meet people at dinner, on tours, in the buffet...wherever you go, like-minded people are there.


i'm lucky for my upcoming baltic cruise the roll call has lovely, friendly people who i am looking forward to meeting. yours will pick up, i'm sure....it sounds exotic and interesting....maybe i should look it up!


you will be on a ship (which by now feels like home), you can take tours where you know you are safe and you will come home changed, braver and proud of yourself!


i agree with what you said about challenging yourself. that is when you are in the moment and living! (or peeing, depending on how scared you are). i am a huge worrier and i have to keep asking myself: what would i do if i wasn't afraid?

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If you'll allow me to be a bit poetic, almost all of your "Pros" are spiritual and your "Cons" are matters of inconvenience. Let the spirit rule the day. While there will be some discomfort (both physically and financially), often times our greatest days come when we stray from our comfort zone.


Thank you for that reminder. A trip like this has to be about more than the money- For me, it need a higher purpose. You nailed it.

Go. You might later regret not doing it if you stay home. The missing of dogs...that I understand. :)


I always miss those ugly mutts! As a matter of fact, when I travel, and I start accosting other people's dogs, I know it is time to come on home!

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Tracie... Do it. You say it's "unfinished" and will always second guess yourself if you don't. Life is full of missed opportunities and speaking for myself, as you get older, you realize that some things are more important. Fulfilling dreams is one of them. Whether you do it in an inside or a full suite, the ship goes to the same ports with all the same passengers. :) Your husband, dog, family and friends will still love you when you return.


Thank you, Pam. The dogs may be a little stand-offish for a day or two. Except for the dachshund. He will just tinkle on my feet!:eek:

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I have heard it said that as one nears the end of their life they regret the things they did not do much more than they regret the things that they did.

Go for it!


Just do it. You will regret not taking it forever, you can always cut back on some other expenses for a little while. The memories you will create and the feeling that your Mom is with you will carry you thru. I always travel alone and like it but there is always someone to talk to if you feel like it.


Have you looked at an obstructed cabin? Lots of times those are only slightly more than an inside and there is a website that will help in selecting the least obstructed view. Sometimes just having some natural light is a huge difference. If you book an inside I recommend as far aft as possible on Aloha deck, you are only steps from the open aft pool deck. when you want to get outside for the view and some fresh air.


Go for it :)


I work really, really had not to amass a bunch of regret in my life. I hear you loud and clear! Thank you!

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I normally cruise with my daughter. However' date=' when college "got in the way," I did at least 3 cruises on my own. 2 of those were 14 night trans-Atlantics.


Honestly, cost was the only negative. I did take a friend on the shortest of the cruises. For me, that was probably a mistake. My friend had never cruised before and I felt like I was being a "mother" to a 60 year old. She wouldn't even order food at dinner until I ordered, and then she'd select the same thing. Yes, I tried several times to explain how cruising worked, etc....bottom line, the only person I want to be a mother to is my daughter.


I would say "go for it." I'm rather introverted too, but I always meet nice people on a cruise....at sit down lunch or tea normally.


SO, if you have someone you'd like to invite who would eliminate the single supplement, consider that carefully. But I'd do the cruise in a heartbeat.[/quote']


My Mom used to tell a very similar story. She took a long time friend along with her on a cruise and when she returned said the only alone time she had all week was when she went to the bathroom lol Mom said she couldn't get 20 feet away from her friend without her going crazy. She also had no clue about choosing her food etc. It was probably her first time travelling without her husband and she needed to be held by her hand and directed everywhere.


My Mom said she was still a dear friend but that she would never take a trip with her anywhere again lol


Thank you for sharing that with me. I had to negotiate a lot of infrastructure with my mom (especially in the end). I don't want to have to entertain a "newby". I think that if I decide to go, I will go solo.

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I think you should go for it.


I've been cruising solo for a few years now. Sometimes I cruise with friends, but mostly I go solo. Honestly, I really like my solo cruises more. The first solo cruise I was a bit lonesome, but when I felt that I'd just get up and do something. I loved that you said you are really good with yourself. That's really the key to happy solo cruising in my opinion. Now, I love this time to myself.


For me, the only real issue, beyond the money decisions, is the long flight. I hate them. If can do the flight...go for it. I think it's clear that you really want to do this. If so, you should do it. You'll be happy you did.

Thank you,KP. It has to be about more than money...

OMG - this is too funny! This is the only CON I noticed also :)

T- We do love our "puppies"! It will be your turn soon. :)

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I recently returned from my 1st solo long cruise after my mom died last year. I spend 16 days cruising Japan on the Diamond Princess with 2 days in Osaka before the cruise.

Yes, it was far away but Japan will never get closer to US and I will get older ...

Yes, it was expensive but I was lucky and got upgraded from Inside to Balcony.

I loved Japan so I am planning another cruise to southern Japan and Taiwan next May.

I discovered that I really enjoyed traveling by myself. I booked excursions that appealed to me and decided which at which ports I like to do my own thing. If I wanted alone time, I hang out on my balcony and if I wanted to socialize, I hang out in the common areas.

Diamond only has Traditional dining so I had the same dinner companions for the 16 days. On several nights I brought food to my cabin so I could eat on the balcony and enjoy the sunset or passing scenery.

We had exceptionally nice weather so on sea days I usually grabbed a chair by the Terrace Pool in the back of the ship. The same people were there each time so we got to know each other.

It was a great cruise and I can't wait to do another one. If my job gets eliminated in September and I get my severance pay as expected, I am treating myself to the LA-Hawaii-Tahiti-LA 28 day cruise and I am going by myself again.

My advice would be to give it a try and see what happens. If you don't enjoy traveling solo, you don't have to do it again :)


I did post a review of my cruise.


I couple of years ago I did a similar cruise alone. My husband did not want to

go and my friend couldn't. I even did five days in Cambodia (Siem Reao) also

alone. As for the cruise, I ate breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner in the

MDR. I meet several nice people who since have become good friends.

The flights over are not really that bad, eat, sleep and watch a movie.

On a trip like this I enjoy flying around the world, also look for flights

with a couple of stops, giving one time to get off a move around. From my area, flights are often 30 hours or more. Would I do this again, my answer is

a YES. Last year these cruises dropped in prices a lot before sailing.' Go and

complete your planed journey.


Thank you, both for sharing your stories with me. I will keep my fingers crossed for a good price drop or a killer upgrade!

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I agree no one can make this decision but you. I believe in comparing the "what ifs" of consequences. The pros and cons... The possible consequences if you went vs those if you did not.


Yep, and as far as the furry friends...you will miss them the same whether traveling solo or not. Pets are like children... They appreciate you more when you return 😉!!!


Good luck Tracie.

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While I was reading what you wrote I got goose bumps.


To me that means this is a good thing and someone wants you to experience it.


You've got more pro's than con's in your replies from CC.


I think you know deep down what you want and need to do. Enjoy!! :)


... To book (and pay for)- my first long vacation as a solo.



While we went on to enjoy two more cruises before her death in July of 15, we had always felt this Singapore/ Indonesia trip was unfinished business.


As I approach the 1 year anniversery of her death (July 24), I am feeling compelled to complete this trip- It is hard to explain, but there is something about the taking this trip that feels like I am honoring my mom.


Dear Tracie Lynn,


The fact that you are considering it seriously is enough to tell me you SHOULD go. If in your heart you feel it honors your mother, which in my book is reason enough to go, then that is good for your heart too! I understand the concern over all the time you may spend alone... in that light, would your husband be able to go with you? Or if he can't go, what about a friend of relative who shares your love for your mother? That would reduce your cost and also give you some close time with that person, making new memories to savor.

Even if you were to go alone, there are lots of opportunities to meet new people and share experiences and make new friends to share with. You say you are comfortable by yourself... sometimes that alone is cathartic and necessary.

Above all, even though I don't know you, I think that the fact that you have given it a lot of thought and want to go in her memory is a definite "Yes" vote for the trip.

Sometimes you just have to go with your gut. Best of wishes making your decision. But, just so you know, I would go if I were you.




Thank you. I do believe in listening to one's heart and trusting one's gut.

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tracie, i don't want to make your mind up for you; only you know deep down what you really want.


Viesczy's response is perfect. i can list reasons why you should go and why you should not. which do you want? that will give you your answer.


for me, i can't even afford premium economy. its the cheap seats on the plane and the bat-cave on the ship. i've done up to 30 days solo in an interior. in many ways its better for me as it forces me to go out and be social. i too am an introvert (i don't like people--that's almost the same, right?) and if i had a window or balcony cabin i might never leave it!


i always ask to share a table at dinner so i meet lots of people--some i am happy to only have that one dinner with! i meet people at dinner, on tours, in the buffet...wherever you go, like-minded people are there.


i'm lucky for my upcoming baltic cruise the roll call has lovely, friendly people who i am looking forward to meeting. yours will pick up, i'm sure....it sounds exotic and interesting....maybe i should look it up!


you will be on a ship (which by now feels like home), you can take tours where you know you are safe and you will come home changed, braver and proud of yourself!


i agree with what you said about challenging yourself. that is when you are in the moment and living! (or peeing, depending on how scared you are). i am a huge worrier and i have to keep asking myself: what would i do if i wasn't afraid?


I love this post. And yes, You should totally look into it. It is the Diamond- January 17, 17 and it goes from Singapore to Bali to Kuala Lumpur to Paneng to Phuket, and back to Singapore.

Edited by TracieABD
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I agree no one can make this decision but you. I believe in comparing the "what ifs" of consequences. The pros and cons... The possible consequences if you went vs those if you did not.


Yep, and as far as the furry friends...you will miss them the same whether traveling solo or not. Pets are like children... They appreciate you more when you return 😉!!!


Good luck Tracie.


Thank you! Did you get my email?

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Definitely go! I agree with the poster who said that you will have a lot of smiles throughout the cruise as you think of your mom in different places and situations.


Before I was married, I did a few cruises alone but I was never lonely. There are so many nice cruisers, I'm sure you will have a wonderful trip if you go.


Looking forward to your "live from" - your's are definitely entertaining!

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Check out my signature line. ;)

Booked and paid for my flights. That hurt. Ouch!:eek:

Chatted with my TA- and gave up an FCC for the cruise.:)

Booked a hotel.

Started a spreadsheet (oh, those spreadsheets!:rolleyes:)


I guess that means I might be going on a cruise!


Thank you for loaning me a bit of courage. It was exactly what I needed to get me over the hump!



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If you'll allow me to be a bit poetic, almost all of your "Pros" are spiritual and your "Cons" are matters of inconvenience. Let the spirit rule the day. While there will be some discomfort (both physically and financially), often times our greatest days come when we stray from our comfort zone.


LOVE this! I am in total agreement. Also, consider this: if you asked your mom this same question, and showed her the same pro/con list, what would she say? Only you know that answer for sure, but I have a feeling she'd say go for it! :)

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Hello Tracy.... I do not know you personally, but feel like I "know" you through your beautiful blogs that you write. I love to read them, and feel like I am right there with you.


I will be travelling alone now, as I lost my husband just about 2 weeks ago now, and I am not even 50 yet.....


I say... go on your trip, do what you want because our path is unknown, and you should enjoy and accomplish what you can now, while you still can .....


I hope one day to be so lucky to be on a Princess ship with you.... and give you a hug!! :):)

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Definitely go! I agree with the poster who said that you will have a lot of smiles throughout the cruise as you think of your mom in different places and situations.


Before I was married, I did a few cruises alone but I was never lonely. There are so many nice cruisers, I'm sure you will have a wonderful trip if you go.


Looking forward to your "live from" - your's are definitely entertaining!


Flattery will get you everywhere! I know that I will do a live-from, because it is how I keep up Bradley up to speed.

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LOVE this! I am in total agreement. Also, consider this: if you asked your mom this same question, and showed her the same pro/con list, what would she say? Only you know that answer for sure, but I have a feeling she'd say go for it! :)


O.K. You have the cutest handle I have yet to see on the boards! Thumbs up to you for creativity.:D

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