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furious w/ RCCL...and cozumel....


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Wow! I guess you did vent. Just relax. Take some deep breaths. I'm sure this will all work out. Nothing is worth getting this upset about. Is your daughter as upset as you? I'm not familiar with a ceremony on the ship that is not legal, but I didn't have a choice where my ceremony was. They notified me 2 weeks before the wedding where it would be. Mine was in a lounge. It didn't bother us, but that is our personalities. We didn't care. We thought it was funny. We brought stuff to decorate and made it what we wanted. If it is just a symbolic ceremony, maybe you can arrange something on a sea day. You'll have to talk to Royal Romance or RCCL about that. I know that wasn't an option for me. It either had to be before we left or on an island to be legal. We did do it before we left port. It worked out great because we had family that came just to the ceremony and then got off the ship and didn't take the cruise. They all had a nice meal and to explore the ship. We had cake and champagne and then took our pictures and headed to the muster drill. We do have some pretty unique wedding pictures. We have no regrets. That is the kind of wedding we wanted. We wanted something small, relaxed and fun. We had a huge party when we returned from our honeymoon with everyone that couldn't be at the wedding. Here is a link to some of my pictures, in case you want to see them. http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8QcMmrFo2aMbA They may not be your traditional wedding pictures, but we love them. These were scanned into the computer, not digital, so the quality isn't the greatest. Good luck to your daughter and son-in-law. You will all have so much fun on the cruise, don't get too stressed about the wedding. We had 25 people on our cruise with us and everyone still says it was the best wedding they have ever been to.



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jdr93, I doubt people are trying to make her feel bad, rather more realistic. I admit to not reading every sentence on this thread, it just gets a little drawn out sometimes. I actually think the people who are boo-hooing with her are encouraging even more bad feelings with their pity party.


I still feel the same way I did about this days ago, let the dust settle, the whole thing can be arranged in a short amount of time. They have the clothes, the guests. The food, flowers, location and whatever else, can be arranged in only a few days. To get your pants in a wad over what may or not happen and when it may or may not happen is not only stressful, it makes a very bad memory.


I know not knowing the outcome is a major disappointment, but life is not perfect. The beauty of a wedding has nothing to do with the backdrop, or accoutrements, but the feeling, the hope and the future.


The best things in life are not things.

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They may not be your traditional wedding pictures, but we love them. These were scanned into the computer, not digital, so the quality isn't the greatest. Good luck to your daughter and son-in-law. You will all have so much fun on the cruise, don't get too stressed about the wedding. We had 25 people on our cruise with us and everyone still says it was the best wedding they have ever been to.



I love these pictures,especially the muster drill.You both look so happy.That is what's important and you have some really unique pictures of your special day.By the way,your dress is absolutely gorgeous.

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christi...great pics.....was that your cruise on the jewel.....the radiance and voyager class ships have alot more options for wedding venues than the class the splendour is ....


syndyj.....in answer to how the bride and groom are.....not good....they are really disappointed....which is why I am trying so hard to make this a positive thing....."see it was good cozumel got blown away....because look what we are going to do now"....as for not knowing where we are going...they do not know all of the chapters.....they just know that we are working on salveging what we can....and that cozumel has suffered some major damage........


kathy.....you did bring to my attention that I must not have finished my thought on the tittle of the thread.....it does sound like I am furious w/ cozumel......and that is not the case....the only thing I can think of is I got interupted when I was typing it.....


and finally...sweet john......it does look like we might be there...but I am wondering....dec is the start of the busy season....and there can be as may as 11 cruise ships in port....I really can not see more than 3 or 4 tendering....and personally...I hate tendering...


and that is realy interesting about the airlines....I know the folks down there really need to get back on track....but bringing in folks before the town can really handle them....could cause more problems....


I am going to head to the cozumel board and see what is going on.... they really stay ahead of the rumors!!!!!


thnx again........trish

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just spent some time on the cozumel board.....and no it is not my first visit thru this ordeal....I spend a lot of time on it...


I found it interesting that several folks have had their travel agents report to them that RCCL told the travel agents that RCCL will not be going to cozumel for the rest of the the year....and has yet to make a decision about early 2006....


another post (and this was only one.....not several) reports that cozumel will only recieve a maximum of 2 ships a day ....one carnival and one RCCL...


I think I am going to have to go on a cruise to be able to handle the stress of the uncertainties of this cruise!!!!!


yeah....that sounds like a plan!!!!



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JMHO but have you tried writing or calling Mr Fain or Mr Goldstein's office to calmly and politely explain your dilemna?

I am not a big believer in the huge conglomerate companies, but will say that RCCL has renewed my trust and belief recently.

Also, as I said to my daughter the other day...."those who vacation or plan for vacations in or around hurricane season in the Carib, should plan for the worst case scenario".

Also, just a personal reflection... if I was being married and 50 people were attending, I would want their comfort seen to way, before my own. Such an honor to the bride! that they would want to come that far. The actual wedding is over in 10 minutes, what's that compared to the whole vacation time! I feel competant to speak this way, as 30 attended our daughter's wedding last year in the Caribbean. It wasn't the actual wedding that made the trip... it was the friendship, fun and love that we ALL had for 7 days!!!:)

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Can someone explain the laws governing wedding ceremonies on a cruise ship? I thought I read somewhere that the wedding ceremony must be in port and most weddings on a cruise ship take place at the port of embarkation before the regular passengers board. I remember our Rhapsody cruise embarkation was slightly delayed due to a wedding party embarking before us. If I am incorrect I apologize. I just wanted the get the facts straight. Thanks.

Trish you keep saying you only wanted RCCL to inform you of POSSIBLE ports of call on your cruise. How is this going to help you since definite plans cannot be made unless you are absolutely certain where those port stops will be :confused: The reality is that nothing is definite until you actually dock at a port. Good luck in whatever your daughter and future son in law decide.

Christie your wedding pictures are fabulous. I wish your future to be as bright as the smiles on your faces.

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just spent some time on the cozumel board.....and no it is not my first visit thru this ordeal....I spend a lot of time on it...


I found it interesting that several folks have had their travel agents report to them that RCCL told the travel agents that RCCL will not be going to cozumel for the rest of the the year....and has yet to make a decision about early 2006....


another post (and this was only one.....not several) reports that cozumel will only recieve a maximum of 2 ships a day ....one carnival and one RCCL...


I think I am going to have to go on a cruise to be able to handle the stress of the uncertainties of this cruise!!!!!


yeah....that sounds like a plan!!!!




You get these early reports all the time and most of the time they are wrong. You need to wait a few days until they have a real handle on how long. Two years ago Bermuda was hit head on by a Hurricaine. The first reports were that it would be weeks before the cruise ships return in the end only one week was missed although I am not sure how well or poorly the first ships made out. Its been only a week and a lot has still be going on by next weekend it will be clearer.

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Look on the board- Cometocozumel.com There was an article the other day that ships will start tendering Nov 14 That was written by the mayour of Cozumel. Some hope for you. At least you could still have a beach wedding. Good luck.

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While I can understand the frustration of the OP, I have to wonder (as others have) who's wedding is it anyway? I would think that if you were that much of a control freak (as was my mother, god rest her soul), then you would have planned something totally infalliable. Not dependent on something that could change at any time for any reason.


We are scheduled to be in Cozumel on the 13th of December on the Jewel. I had planned the dolphin discovery for my 6yo DD as her special present from Santa. Well that may not happen now. She will never know if we don't go but I will and it disappoints me terribly. Why? Because she is my only child, my baby and she wants to do this one thing while on vacation and I want to be able to give it to her. Have I called up RCI to find out what they plan to do 6 weeks from now when they barely know what is going to happen the week after next? No. I will deal. And while a dolphin swim is not comparable to a wedding, the fact remains that we both want our daughters to have a "perfect day".


BUT, the day doesn't matter so much as all the days that follow. Look at the folks of the "greatest generation". They did not have such elaborate weddings, but many, like DH's grandparents, have been married a long time (65 years for GP's). IT"S THE MARRIAGE THAT COUNTS, NOT THE WEDDING.

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christi...great pics.....was that your cruise on the jewel.....the radiance and voyager class ships have alot more options for wedding venues than the class the splendour is ....


It was actually the Majesty, 4-night Bahamas. The ship wasn't anything like the Radiance or Voyager class, but we had nothing to compare it to. It was our first cruise. We wanted the cheapest cruise we could find, so as many of our friends and family could be there with us. We had no idea what to expect. I'll have to say that neither of our mothers were too excited about us getting married on a cruiseship at first, but after it was all over, they had to admit how great it was. Now we have a reason to take a cruise every year for our anniversary.



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Sounds like a cruiseship wedding is alot of fun followed up by a welcome home reception afterwards. Just another great reason to put on the wedding gown again for everyone who missed it the first time.


What are the bridge and groom's first names? I wish them the best of luck. Please let us all know how the wedding turns out. I am sure the ship will tender everyone if the pier is not ready and that the weather will be perfect in mid December for a wedding on a beach or on a ship.

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Ya know...I really couldn't tell you any of little details about my own wedding. I am not really sure if the invitations were on white paper or cream...and was the ink black or green? Does it matter?


We've been married almost 9 years (December anniversary!) so we must have done SOMETHING right...and I don't think the bridesmaid matched the groomsman "perfectly".


Just my $.01 because I'm saving my pennies for the cruise!

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"Well.......since.....things.......are.....day to day......what exactly......are you ......expecting RCI....to do......:confused:


How about the simple truth? And not a condescending attitude? Trish, you have a real force on your side with American Express, file a claim right now that the contractor (RCCL) is being less than honest and forth coming and you fear you are about to become the victim of a scam. Should you end up with a cruise to Tamp file for a complete refund and then negoiate from their. We were on a RCCL cruise after Hugo and they will take you to ports which have no electricity, sewers, water, ect. I know this because the ports we called on had none of the aforementioned luxuries. I know these things are luxuries because the nice RCCL Customers Relations office told me so. So, you won't be the first cruiser to be on a cruise from hell going to hell. Hope this situation get better for you.


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I ... just.... saw.... one statement... that you .... made in.... your .... Saturday venting.... that made me .... shake my.... head.


You declared... yourself... to be a .... control... hound...


Here is a .... really ... important concept.... you can... not control... things beyond... your control....


Failure.... to .... accept this... obvious truth... is going to result .... in more of .... your ... own... frustration. If we see ... it .... in ... this ... forum... you will increase.... our .... frustration....


Hope it all works out for you, but really take another step back and realize that the wedding is just a moment. A marriage is about a lifetime. Concentrate on the big picture and not the little details, over which none of us have any control whatsoever........



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I can see that you're angry, but maybe you should do some reflecting and stop blaming everyone else for the situation you're in. Hi...it's hurricane season. NOTHING is ever definite during this 6 months stretch of uncertainty. It sounds like RCI told you exactly what they knew....which is that they don't know. Do you want them to lie to you? If they gave you a few certain options of where they might possibly go, it sounds like you would hold them to it, which isn't necessarily fair considering you're in a boat in hurricane season. It stinks that it's an important date for you, but how is it their responsibility to make everything perfect, when it's obviously beyond human control?

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mpffls: this link

http://www.cometocozumel.com/english/wilma/hotels.asp has a list of hotels in and around cozumel (including the presidente) and the dates they expect to re-opon, if they are not already open. since it looks like your ship will probably visit cozumel, perhaps one of the other hotels would work. don't know what the real story is with planes flying in there, but several people seem to think the port will be 'open' as early as the 14th of november.


how are things going?



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....so I figure a 7 pm ceremony....I beleive the word is "simbolic" using Colleene's sugestion of the back sports deck....it wll be dark....but a full moon.....and I think with the addition of "twinkle lights" that of course we will provide.....we can make it a very nice spot.....then we will just have open bar...some form of music..background....and go to dinner....and party in a lounge for th rest of the night....

I hope your daughter's special day is just perfect.


She is very lucky to have a mom like you to worry about all these details for her. I only wish my mom had lived to see such a day for me. She would have loved it. Unfortunately, planning my wedding just wasn't in the cards for her ... since marriage was never in the cards for me.


Blue skies ... and happy memories ...



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