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So, I've cruised so many times as a single and then married person, I don't think I can fully comprehend what it will be like to cruise with a 16 month old child. I always used to see people cruising with babies and wonder why they would bother -- but, now I know and I understand. I'm addicted to cruising! And baby or not, I'm ready to cruise again! My wife, child, and me are booked on an 8 night Caribbean cruise this coming March. What haven't I thought about that is going to be totally different on this cruise?? Do you have any tips or secrets to help us survive AND have a great time?

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So, I've cruised so many times as a single and then married person, I don't think I can fully comprehend what it will be like to cruise with a 16 month old child. I always used to see people cruising with babies and wonder why they would bother -- but, now I know and I understand. I'm addicted to cruising! And baby or not, I'm ready to cruise again! My wife, child, and me are booked on an 8 night Caribbean cruise this coming March. What haven't I thought about that is going to be totally different on this cruise?? Do you have any tips or secrets to help us survive AND have a great time?


Lots of good information here:



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My daughter was 18 months old on her first cruise (she turned 33 yesterday).


I would say the most important thing is to remember that your child has a routine for meals, naps and bedtime. Keep to the times that the child is used to doing those things and you will hopefully avoid the meltdown of a tire hungry toddler.

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So, I've cruised so many times as a single and then married person, I don't think I can fully comprehend what it will be like to cruise with a 16 month old child. I always used to see people cruising with babies and wonder why they would bother -- but, now I know and I understand. I'm addicted to cruising! And baby or not, I'm ready to cruise again! My wife, child, and me are booked on an 8 night Caribbean cruise this coming March. What haven't I thought about that is going to be totally different on this cruise?? Do you have any tips or secrets to help us survive AND have a great time?


Make sure the ship your going on has a "nursery" and go sign up as soon as you board. We've done 20+ cruises with RCI and yes traveling with little's is different...but easier than we thought it would be now cruising with toddler grandkid's...just take a bit more planning...but absolutely worth it.....Enjoy !!!

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It's going to be a different cruise - not bad - just different. :) Yes, remember to stay on the baby's schedule. Allow time for your child to explore and swim and have ice cream. Bring some favorite toys/blanket from home. Also bring any particular medicines that you know work for your child. Be sure to bring sunscreen and a hat. I'd also recommend a stroller - not an umbrella stroller - but one that the child can sleep in so you can still be out and about if the child is sleeping. As far as eating - be prepared to eat in the buffet some nights instead of the MDR (unless you plan to leave the child in the nursery). You can't expect an 16 month old to sit at dinner for a couple of hours - and if you plan to eat in the MDR, I'd suggest a private table. There are *gasp* people who don't want to sit through dinner with a toddler. Try to plan a beach day too - bring a small pail/shovel and beach toys. And mostly, don't stress!

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My daughter was 18 months old on her first cruise (she turned 33 yesterday).


I would say the most important thing is to remember that your child has a routine for meals, naps and bedtime. Keep to the times that the child is used to doing those things and you will hopefully avoid the meltdown of a tire hungry toddler.


My 6 yr old grandson has cruised since he was 6 months old..and about to take cruise #5 :) Two things saved us a million times over, 1. A stroller with canopy (6 months)/an umbrella stroller (18 months). He rode all over that ship and even in the dining room...Some nights he fell asleep at the table and we just let him sleep in the stroller while we finished dinner. Umbrella strollers are skinny, fold easy and mover around small spaces. It was a huge must on excursions and he was sooooo happy and we were too. 2. was his ipad or DvD player. At 6 months old the DvD palyer kept him happy at the table watching his favorite movies. Once he got older, the iPad games were his friend and ours...he he he...A few times the dining staff stopped to watch him play....I loved cruising with him and he is an old salty now and looks forward to going again in December.

Edited by kdnurs
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Bring some packaged snacks so if you're on a shore excursion you'll have something in the diaper bag for baby to eat in case of food emergency.


Bring favorite toys and only break out a few at a time, then put away some of the toys and put out others. That way baby won't get bored with the same toys.

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It will be fun, just different. As long as you go in with the realization that's it's not all about you or your spouse it's really about Working your plans around the baby. So you can't spend hours in the Solarium / Schooner bar / casino (wherever) because you have a lttile one to deal with.


If you can book a balcony, do that so you can hang out there while the little one is napping and at night while sleeping. When ours were little one of us would go to the bar and get drinks and we'd have them on the balcony while the kids were in bed.


The tip on prepackaged snacks is a good one, make sure you have some along with water bottles, juice, milk, whatever the baby is drinking by then. Also the cruise lines offer diapers, so they are in you room as opposed to having to bring them along with you, you might want to look into that too.

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iPad, snacks, stroller. And recognize that your cruise will largely revolve around the little one at that age. If you are comfortable with the nursery, take advantage of it to get some free time. There is a cost (I think $8/hr?) but well worth it if you use it.


We booked family friendly excursions and enjoyed them a lot. My youngest will be 2 in October, and we are taking an October cruise. Carnival has actual camp for 2 year olds (and not for-fee nursery) - so we are trying out Carnival instead of Royal. Notably, the camp is for 2 - 5 and our oldest is almost 4. So the brothers can go to camp together, win!


On my last cruise, I paid for my mother/father in laws to come along and they helped with babysitting. Plus it was nice to have more family anyways. If you can afford it, bringing grandparents along for free, with the understanding that they will do a bit of babysitting is a great option. Assuming you like them :)

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When you have kids, you're a FAMILY! That's how your life will go for the next 18-22 years...depending how you parent....better parents have kids who leave the nest earlier! After all, that's the whole point..to raise good adults!


You VACATION with your kids...that's what a family does! Enjoy! Make memories! If you parent correctly...those kids will be grown and gone, and your memories will sustain you!

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When you have kids, you're a FAMILY! That's how your life will go for the next 18-22 years...depending how you parent....better parents have kids who leave the nest earlier! After all, that's the whole point..to raise good adults!


You VACATION with your kids...that's what a family does! Enjoy! Make memories! If you parent correctly...those kids will be grown and gone, and your memories will sustain you!


You sound like my wife!!! :D

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It will be fun, just different. As long as you go in with the realization that's it's not all about you or your spouse it's really about Working your plans around the baby. So you can't spend hours in the Solarium / Schooner bar / casino (wherever) because you have a lttile one to deal with.


If you can book a balcony, do that so you can hang out there while the little one is napping and at night while sleeping. When ours were little one of us would go to the bar and get drinks and we'd have them on the balcony while the kids were in bed.


The tip on prepackaged snacks is a good one, make sure you have some along with water bottles, juice, milk, whatever the baby is drinking by then. Also the cruise lines offer diapers, so they are in you room as opposed to having to bring them along with you, you might want to look into that too.


Sorry but I disagree about the diapers...while you can order them thru the cruiseline they are $$$$'s...OP bring your own and those little disposable bags (or dog potty ones) to put the dirty ones in. Also if you're on RCI when you go in to sign up your toddler they will give you a bag of toys to use in your cabin for the duration of your cruise.


OP ask some specific questions ;)

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I don't think I can fully comprehend what it will be like to cruise with a 16 month old child...... What haven't I thought about that is going to be totally different on this cruise??


Since you didn't elaborate it's hard to know what you HAVE thought of but here goes:

Your daily schedule will likely be completed different from what you are used to, and there will be probably be a lot of times when you are "stuck" in your cabin when you'd otherwise be elsewhere doing things, OR you and your wife will be spending more time apart.


While it's great to think that your baby might sleep in a stroller wherever you are, he or she might also NOT sleep unless they are in your cabin. I can't imagine a baby taking an afternoon nap enclosed in a stroller in the heat of the pool deck, for instance. And assuming the baby goes to bed at, say, 8pm, you're either going to be in your cabin at 8pm, or paying extra every night for a babysitter. That means dinner may be earlier than you expected, and nightlife may be non-existent. Even pool time when the baby's awake will be different.... no more just reading or napping in your chairs; someone has to be watching and playing with the baby. Bottom line: Just expect your daily schedule to be very different, with a lot more "down" time in the cabin.

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So, I've cruised so many times as a single and then married person, I don't think I can fully comprehend what it will be like to cruise with a 16 month old child. I always used to see people cruising with babies and wonder why they would bother -- but, now I know and I understand. I'm addicted to cruising! And baby or not, I'm ready to cruise again! My wife, child, and me are booked on an 8 night Caribbean cruise this coming March. What haven't I thought about that is going to be totally different on this cruise?? Do you have any tips or secrets to help us survive AND have a great time?


Take one of those ultra small inflatable pools or bathtubs with you to use in the shower to fill up and use as a bathtub for the baby. Also, since he/she will still be in a diaper and no swim diapers are able to be used in the main pool you can have this small one poolside right next to your lounge chair for the little one to go "swimming". that is what we did with my grandson and it was probably the best thing we packed for the whole trip. Also Adventure Ocean has toys that you can "borrow" and take to the room and they also have like a baby playtime (i forget what they call it) which you can take the baby up for some play time. you do have to stay with them but it was fun.


Also- don't let other people make you feel as though your baby is an inconvenience and one that should not be on the ship...... he/she has every bit as much right as anyone else. Enjoy your family trip!

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When you have kids, you're a FAMILY! That's how your life will go for the next 18-22 years...depending how you parent....better parents have kids who leave the nest earlier! After all, that's the whole point..to raise good adults!


You VACATION with your kids...that's what a family does! Enjoy! Make memories! If you parent correctly...those kids will be grown and gone, and your memories will sustain you!


I live 10 minutes away from my parents. And I take them along on every cruise that we go on. What did they do wrong? I suspect it is my memories that will sustain me when my patents are gone.

Edited by Ocean Boy
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Sorry but I disagree about the diapers...while you can order them thru the cruiseline they are $$$$'s...OP bring your own and those little disposable bags (or dog potty ones) to put the dirty ones in. Also if you're on RCI when you go in to sign up your toddler they will give you a bag of toys to use in your cabin for the duration of your cruise.


OP ask some specific questions ;)


you are sooooo right about the cost of diapers onboard.....we brought a carry on filled with his jars of babyfood, fruit, treats, powered formula, bottle washer and cleaner (small bottle of dish soap)extra bottle or 2, when older we packed sippie cups, medications, extra paci's and other things. On the way to the terminal/or night before we purchased a box of diapers and checked them in with the luggage at the pier so we didnt have to carry it around. At the end of the cruise most every thing was eaten and the empty carry on was used to take back souvenirs. :D

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Take one of those ultra small inflatable pools or bathtubs with you to use in the shower to fill up and use as a bathtub for the baby. Also, since he/she will still be in a diaper and no swim diapers are able to be used in the main pool you can have this small one poolside right next to your lounge chair for the little one to go "swimming". that is what we did with my grandson and it was probably the best thing we packed for the whole trip. Also Adventure Ocean has toys that you can "borrow" and take to the room and they also have like a baby playtime (i forget what they call it) which you can take the baby up for some play time. you do have to stay with them but it was fun.


Also- don't let other people make you feel as though your baby is an inconvenience and one that should not be on the ship...... he/she has every bit as much right as anyone else. Enjoy your family trip!


I agree so much with what you said...they shouldn't be made to feel like their child is a chore. It can be a really fun time for all of them. Our experience was just that and continues to be. I can't remember the name of the toddler time either, but it was good fun for my grandson and us. He played with other toddlers or by himself and had a blast. It was always quiet and lots of room for him to crawl and play. We also took advantage of the toy exchange and when he didnt want to play with a particular toy anymore we exchanged it. I hope the OP takes some of these positive ideas and has a wonderful cruise :-)

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Been on cruises pre-kids, with kids, and post-kids. Each one is different, and part of life. Important thing to remember, is once the kids come along, they are very much your life, and personally, never found it to be an inconvenience, just maybe a slight challenge. For example, on a cruise, you don't have access to everything, in case you forget something. So you might need to learn to compromise, and adapt. Expect the unexpected. Overpack and bring everything you need. Worst thing possible is that you don't need it, and laugh years later.

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Wow! Thanks for all of the great advice and suggestions! I'm sorry my question was a bit vague. I guess I just didn't even know exactly what to ask -- but your responses have been great. It's encouraging to hear so many of you have done cruises with small kids and have had a great time! We recently did a family vacation (infant was 9 months old at the time) and it was quite a bit of a challenge, at times. I started to wonder if cruising in March would be a mistake! But, I think we're going to have a great time. I think the age difference from 9 months to 16 months should help a lot, too! I hope she sleeps as well on cruises as my wife and I do! Based on some of your posts we will definitely take our stroller w/ canopy! And if we run out of space in our luggage I like the idea of buying diapers after our flight and just checking them at the port. Great idea! Thank you all!

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I'm not sure if it is available on your ship but there may be an option to have a sitter in your cabin if you what to spend a night out, if I remember it costs around $20 per hour per child. This may give you some time for yourselves.

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One of the most fun things for me traveling with a toddler was seeing a cruise ship through her eyes. What was old hat to me was new and exciting to her.


She loved the sparkly stage curtain in one of the lounges and wanted to visit it several times a day. Kneeing by one of the small openings to allow water drainage off the promenade deck allowed her to see the water flowing by - another engrossing activity.


And as far as you schedule goes, my daughter figured out by the second day that the action was up on deck. She was up and wanted to go at 6 AM every morning. This was in the days before ships had buffets and would set out a small breakfast buffet on the upper deck. We were usually the first ones there.


Have fun!

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I hope she sleeps as well on cruises as my wife and I do!


My son booked a junior suite and ordered a pack 'n play on Freedom. He tucked it into the corner behind the chair and his little guy never missed a nap. Mom and Dad could go in and out on the balcony without disturbing him.

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Two more suggestions that I have not seen on this thread:


If you have not yet experience the escape velocity of a toddler and the heart stopping moment when you realize she is out of sight, you will. Buy a toddler harness. It is invaluable when a fussy toddler wants out of the stroller to walk. In a crowded airport or street, you will know where she is and that she is safe.


Ignore the snarky comments you will get about her not being a dog. Anyone who is particularity insistent on the harness comments will usually shut up if you ask the person why they are so interested in your child being available for snatching and if needed, a call out for security to question the person on their interest in your child will also work.


Second, there will probably not be a bathtub in your cabin. I have seen suggestions about bringing a small blow up tub to place in the shower. Great - more stuff to lug with you.


Start now in getting your child use to a shower. Bring her in with Mom or Dad to become accustom to the water coming down on her. If she is not walking yet, hold her in your arms in the shower with the second parent standing by with a towel for the hand off. Work up to having the full shower experience of shampoo and soap. Hopefully, by cruise time, she will be accustom to showers and will not be upset by its use.

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