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.......idle jottings continued


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While in the early days of Trump's campaign I well understood why his rhetoric resonated with some, his words of late have become indefensible.


Though I have heard some of his ill chosen words in a high school locker room, spouted by some

jock trying to prove his manliness to other pubescent teens, it is hardly what one would expect from

a candidate for President. No, Mr. Trump, it is time to step aside not merely for the good of the party,

but to salvage what little self respect you might have left. I cannot imagine sitting opposite him in the

months to come trying to negotiate a business deal without a sense of revulsion. In other words, Don.

it ain't gonna be good for business!


Though not enamored by Hillary, for the moment she is all we've got and all we can hope is that she

is up to the daunting tasks ahead.




Did you call for the impeachment and removal of Bill Clinton for molesting naive young interns in the White House, and lying about it?

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Raggy old boy, not because I couldn't forgive his over active sex drive,

but because I expect better from our President ... and I don't abide

liars. This not to say that as a card carrying member of the GOP, I wasn't at

all displeased to see Billy getting caught with his fingers in the cookie jar.


As I said in a previous post, i am not oblivious to the disenchantment

that prevails with many in the US but come on Raggy, you honestly

believe Trump is the best the party can put forward? If the answer

is yes, than I can say no more on the subject ... though we'll still be


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I salute your consistancy!


Trump is the worst possible choice for president, except for Hillary. It is a very sad commentary on the US body politic that these are our choices.


How about we delay the election for a year and start over with a fresh batch of candidates? Couldn't do any worse...


We all agree...it's called "pick your Poison"

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We all agree...it's called "pick your Poison"


How true Contessa. In all of the US, where are our Maggie Thatchers? I am certain a woman will be a good President, just not this woman. As far as T, I want to say what happens in personal life should stay personal but then I would have to lay off Bill as well. The sad truth in all this is the Trump debacle will probably guarantee that anyone in the private sector with the means to run for president will look at this and say no way. Why would they want this type of scrutiny and never ending dirty tricks? That will guarantee us a never ending supply of "Clintons" with their hands in the till and public be damned. A sad state of affairs.

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Well funny you ask that Jim, cos Hum can tell you precisely what Churchill said privately on a regular basis during the early days of WWI:


"When will those ruddy Yanks join us in the fight against the N a xis"


Eventually you did, sacrificed a lot of good young men and we are extremely grateful: words cannot express the appreciation.

By the way we also paid back the War Loan to you about a decade and a half ago.

And we have been your strongest allies ever since and always will be, both in good times and bad whatever the political persuasion is adopted from time to time.

Why ?

Because fundamentally we trust in the ordinary American people.

Decent, honest, hard working and fair (unlike the French......and the Italians....just kiddin' or is H ?).


Besides Churchill was fighting a war, of course his language in private would have been colourful but it would never have been at the level of him besides Winston was devoted to his wife and she was his one resolute support.

When he had a "Man Cold", his wife looked after him constantly and never chided him when he smoked his Cubans. Hum left out the passage from his book for Blondie but the hint went un-acknowledged.

One thing he and Donald did have in common though, Winston used to love building walls (yes but with his own hands) around his garden of his home just an hour's drive from Posh Palace.

When you come over Jim, Hum will take you there (if you want).

Nice pubs a long the way.


"...........idle jottings" is a kind of "open mic": none of it is filtered, occasionally offends and was recently jotted under the influence of heavy medication, self-prescribed (Red Label and Bells).

But the chums here are remarkably tolerant and this is a fantastic situation.

The bonds of chums are strong though occasionally stretched a tad.


By the way, loved the "Fifty shades" counter-argument Hum heard elsewhere (not from any of chums here).

Handy for them to have had it laying around.

Only (and very significant) flaw is, "practices" described in the piece of fiction are private and based on agreed terms beforehand between loving and respectful partners entering into a stimulating fantasy world which if one party were deemed to be exceeding the level of ..... (whatever the heck they get up to) there is a procedure to return to acceptable levels or stop altogether: well that was how Raggy explained it, Hum has no clue about that kind of thing, no Raggy's quite the expert by all accounts.

Did you know Contessa, it is quite popular over here amongst High Court Judges and those fixated about law and order.

Yep, they love a good spanking.

Had enough of them to last a lifetime at Hum's Jesuit school which Hum believes to this day were recruited from the SS.

Did nothing stimulating for Hum.


Still chums ?

Hope so.

You are the best.

Love you all.


Hum offers this promise.

No more talk about the pair of 'em (by H).

God bless America (it needs it).

See you in 4 years time.


No it wasn't a spelling mistake: only way it could be incorprated (the "N" word).


Mr. Hum please do not take my mention of Winnie as anything disparaging. I am a huuuge Churchill fan and have read all his books. Even have one of his paintings. I wish he would come back and lead us all out of our collective dilemmas. And yes, the pubs sound loverly. If you keep mentioning such things we will eventually darken your door.:eek::D

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How true Contessa. In all of the US, where are our Maggie Thatchers? I am certain a woman will be a good President, just not this woman. As far as T, I want to say what happens in personal life should stay personal but then I would have to lay off Bill as well. The sad truth in all this is the Trump debacle will probably guarantee that anyone in the private sector with the means to run for president will look at this and say no way. Why would they want this type of scrutiny and never ending dirty tricks? That will guarantee us a never ending supply of "Clintons" with their hands in the till and public be damned. A sad state of affairs.


Or at least never get near an open mic. Unfortunately, you are are correct in your analogy and that is what the Dem plan is. Oh, how I would love to see a woman President. Contessa is a lady and no foul mouth, but 2 husbands later means she would never want those skeletons out ;-) Hence, she is prohibited from running. Although, this lady used to work for a Wall St. firm and knows how to hang with the big boys.


What Poison is on order tonight while watching the debate? If T does well, possibly some champagne is on order while watching the MSM spin and drown in their sorrows. Cheers to more Wikileaks if they will ever discuss their contents!

Edited by portofinoitaly
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They are trying for world domination, but they are a bunch of losers. They have always been losers, and they will continue to be losers. I used to be a supporter, until I was mature enough to really understand their true character. Despite their recent successes, they can never truly achieve their greater objective. They can only go so far, and then their loser-ness catches up with them. I predict that they will get to Washington and will meet their match, sending them home with their tiny tails between their legs. Losers, all of them. You do know, of course, that I'm talking about the Cubs.


Jim, I'd take you up on Hum's suggestion that you and I form a coalition government, except that I have never had any aspirations along that line. I believe in not voting for anyone - it only encourages them.

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Hum my old chum - your Millionaires Club TV epic screens on free to air TV down under this week - your fame will indeed spread far and wide


The show is screening on Tuesday, October 11 at 9:40pm on Channel 9 and 9HD in Sydney - not exactly prime time but I'm sure it will rate well nonetheless

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Hum my old chum - your Millionaires Club TV epic screens on free to air TV down under this week - your fame will indeed spread far and wide


The show is screening on Tuesday, October 11 at 9:40pm on Channel 9 and 9HD in Sydney - not exactly prime time but I'm sure it will rate well nonetheless



Well first great to hear from you old chum.

Hope you are "hale and hearty".

Thanks for letting Hum know.

We have lots of dear Aussie chums and maybe we should let them know.

Blondie gets recognised quite often, Hum never !

The response has been a heck of a lot better than we could have ever imagined and most importantly the crew loved it.

SD have benefitted with more enquiries and bookings whilst our posh travel agency have really capitalised by extra manning of their offices immediately after the programme and generally being very pro-active having planned for a favourable response and it has really paid off.

There is likely to be a second series.

Not with us !

Finding a character and personality like Blondie is nigh on impossible.

We are meeting up with the first British couple of the second episode very soon at a SD evening at the Norway Club in London soon as they are very interested in taking a voyage on SD.


Send Hum's greetings and felicitations to the Crystal crowd and especially Keith.

What a nice bunch they all are.

Should check up on the cartoons by Dribnuts too.

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Send Hum's greetings and felicitations to the Crystal crowd and especially Keith.

What a nice bunch they all are.

Should check up on the cartoons by Dribnuts too.


I will - although Keith and I don't "chat" too often these days ;) - I'll let the others know though. Have to say the tales from Crystal Esprit are few and far between these days - I guess someone must be sailing on her but not many CC's. The Crystal Mozart is floating down the river now so gets a bit of attention but we're mainly all ocean ship fans. We're still waiting impatiently for the overdue announcement on the new ocean builds they keep promising us - apparently we'll hear something this month from Queen Edie


There's a whole story about the Dribnuts - sadly they are persona non grata on Cruise Critic these days - send me an email and I'll send you a bonus prize on that front (I'm on a promise to restrain myself on the Dribs but it will worth your while in delivering you a belly laugh I believe )

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I will - although Keith and I don't "chat" too often these days ;) - I'll let the others know though. Have to say the tales from Crystal Esprit are few and far between these days - I guess someone must be sailing on her but not many CC's. The Crystal Mozart is floating down the river now so gets a bit of attention but we're mainly all ocean ship fans. We're still waiting impatiently for the overdue announcement on the new ocean builds they keep promising us - apparently we'll hear something this month from Queen Edie


There's a whole story about the Dribnuts - sadly they are persona non grata on Cruise Critic these days - send me an email and I'll send you a bonus prize on that front (I'm on a promise to restrain myself on the Dribs but it will worth your while in delivering you a belly laugh I believe )


Hum and his big mouth !

Well it's not the first time and it probably won't be the last either.

Hum was thinking of updating you about "Little Crystal" (Esprit) but was mindful of your loyalty to the brand (Crystal).

It ain't encouraging.

Voyages are being discounted but Hum supposes it is the end of the season.

No great reviews either.

It looks a real disappointment.


The housekeepers, butlers, deck hands, bridge and Captain were all excellent.

They were let down by terrible service.

Silly dining times.

No evening outside dining facilities.

Oh and for Hum, it rocked.


So as not to be a ol' curmudgeon, everybody whom Hum speaks to about Crystal love the main fleet and are perplexed that the service is so poor on Esprit but excellent on the rest of the fleet.

Hum's view is that small ship service people are a different breed to big ship service people.

Just Hum's modest opinion.


Will email you privately for the rest.

Cheers old chum.

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We in US now have some Italian flair aka our mini Berlusconi and bit of Eva Peron being propped up with who knows what so she does not fall over.


the P word..Pffft....but Hillary cannot remember what the "C" stands for. We do and it ain't warm and fuzzy.. ;-))



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Those nasty Marine Surveyors seem to always find additional needs for repairs. You would think they would get it right the first time....:eek::D


Get over there Jim and sort 'em out !

We need SDI back now !

And pop into "Blighty" on the way back.

Bring that wonderful lady of yours too......love her.

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How true Contessa. In all of the US, where are our Maggie Thatchers? I am certain a woman will be a good President, just not this woman. As far as T, I want to say what happens in personal life should stay personal but then I would have to lay off Bill as well. The sad truth in all this is the Trump debacle will probably guarantee that anyone in the private sector with the means to run for president will look at this and say no way. Why would they want this type of scrutiny and never ending dirty tricks? That will guarantee us a never ending supply of "Clintons" with their hands in the till and public be damned. A sad state of affairs.


So you wanna a Margaret Thatcher do ya ?

Well Hum could do a "Mrs.Doubtfire" for y'all.

No Hum is not admitting cross-dressing but if that's what it takes to help a great ally out then Hum's your man.....or woman !

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Mr. Hum please do not take my mention of Winnie as anything disparaging. I am a huuuge Churchill fan and have read all his books. Even have one of his paintings. I wish he would come back and lead us all out of our collective dilemmas. And yes, the pubs sound loverly. If you keep mentioning such things we will eventually darken your door.:eek::D


Heck Jim, never take offence from you old chum.

Never, ever, ever.

Always respect your view old chum.


See Alabama won again.

Roll Tide...yee-ha !

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Or at least never get near an open mic. Unfortunately, you are are correct in your analogy and that is what the Dem plan is. Oh, how I would love to see a woman President. Contessa is a lady and no foul mouth, but 2 husbands later means she would never want those skeletons out ;-) Hence, she is prohibited from running. Although, this lady used to work for a Wall St. firm and knows how to hang with the big boys.


What Poison is on order tonight while watching the debate? If T does well, possibly some champagne is on order while watching the MSM spin and drown in their sorrows. Cheers to more Wikileaks if they will ever discuss their contents!


Is it gettin' hot in here or is it Hum !

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They are trying for world domination, but they are a bunch of losers. They have always been losers, and they will continue to be losers. I used to be a supporter, until I was mature enough to really understand their true character. Despite their recent successes, they can never truly achieve their greater objective. They can only go so far, and then their loser-ness catches up with them. I predict that they will get to Washington and will meet their match, sending them home with their tiny tails between their legs. Losers, all of them. You do know, of course, that I'm talking about the Cubs.


Jim, I'd take you up on Hum's suggestion that you and I form a coalition government, except that I have never had any aspirations along that line. I believe in not voting for anyone - it only encourages them.



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Oh my you have been a busy lot !

Sorry a relapse of the "Man Cold" and then recovering from the "medication" laid Hum low.

Hum made a promise and he will keep it.

It's great we have said our piece with respect for one another.

Hum respects all your views including the wise Commander.

Just hope there are no more revelations !

All the best to you dear chums.

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So you wanna a Margaret Thatcher do ya ?

Well Hum could do a "Mrs.Doubtfire" for y'all.

No Hum is not admitting cross-dressing but if that's what it takes to help a great ally out then Hum's your man.....or woman !


This aint the first time Hum's dressing (cross and otherwise) has come up.

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Oh my you have been a busy lot !

Sorry a relapse of the "Man Cold" and then recovering from the "medication" laid Hum low.

Hum made a promise and he will keep it.

It's great we have said our piece with respect for one another.

Hum respects all your views including the wise Commander.

Just hope there are no more revelations !

All the best to you dear chums.


I feel certain there are more revelations to come. This is the dirtiest contest I can ever recall. Makes divorce court look downright civil.:eek:

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I feel certain there are more revelations to come. This is the dirtiest contest I can ever recall. Makes divorce court look downright civil.:eek:


We will have to start using James Bond movie titles in order to get thru it. AND....wonder who has the Goldfinger?


Wouldn't you like to be a Fly on the Wall...or wait! a Fly on the Face LOL!

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