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Internet And Laundry Packages

Aussie Gal

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We will be sailing on the Regal Princess for 21 days in January. Can anyone tell me the cost of using the Internet on Princess and also the cost of laundry packages. On HAL the laundry package is a one off payment of say $95 for unlimited laundry. Does Princess have anything like this or is it by the bag and how often does this occur in a 21 day cruise. ;)


Thanks for any info. :)



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For use of the Internet Cafe the cost is 35 cents per minute, no packages that I have ever seen when using their computers.

As for laundry, Princess offers self service laundry rooms which include irons and ironing boards so they usually do not offer package prices for the ships laundry.

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We were on the Regal, Jan. 2004 and at the time the self-service laundry rooms had washers and dryers that were free. I took my own detergent and dryer sheets and did my on laundry. There were times that the room was very crowded and times they were not. They were open from 7 a.m. to 10:00 pm.

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Thanks to everyone for answering my questions.


When we were on the Tahitian Princess 18 months ago, there was a special put out where one could fill the bag for say $15US. I am really not sure of the cost.


That is what I am after. I normally do not do any laundry whilst on vacation. I do not want to spend my holiday time in the laundry though I may have to this time but am hoping that the bag special will be available a few times.



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When we were on the Tahitian Princess 18 months ago, there was a special put out where one could fill the bag for say $15US. I am really not sure of the cost.Jennie


I have seen this on various sailings, but not on all sailings. Specifically, I have seen it on sailings longer then 7 nights and in Alaska when people would have done land trips before or after.


The price I remember is also $15 for the bag.

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Detergent is usally available, for a cost, in the laundry rooms. I agree that the all you can fit in to a bag specials seem to be per sailing or possibly per ship. We saw this on the Dawn on a 15 day Panama cruise where it was offered twice, but it wasn't offered at all on our recent 10 and 16 day B2B cruises on the Star. Prices on both ships were:


$1.00 for washer

$0.50 for dryer

$1.00 for laundry detergent (enough for one load)


There are also change machines in the laundry, so you don't need to bring quarters with you.

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By the way, what are dryer sheets?




They are small rectangular pieces of cloth-like paper coated with fabric softener, perfume and anti-static stuff. You throw them into the dryer with your wet clothes, instead of using liquid fabric softener in the washing machine. Then you throw them away afterwards.


Sometimes you inadvertently end up wearing them too, as they can get caught up inside your pant legs.

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The change machines are fine if you have $US. For us Aussies its a pain in the bum. We were lucky in that on our cruise in January some kind American gave me $2 so I could do a load of washing. If you go to the purser they get a big cranky if you only want a couple of dollars. Gayle

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On a ten day sailing they have 2 $15 a bag day. I think the first one is on day three and the last one is on day 8. we missed the first one but got in on the second one. We got the equivilant to $75 worth of laundery in the bag. The paper was screaming to hang on! So on your 21 day sailing I would say they are going to offer it 3 to 4 times (my guess). I know that you said you did not want to do your own, but if the machines are like the ones on the Sun, washing and drying is $.75 each, and soap was $1. The machines have timers on them and they tell you the time left so you don't have to hang around, just get back in time!


Enjoy your cruise

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Hi Jennie,

They used to sell them in Australia but they haven't done for many years. I remember buying them years ago when I first bought a dryer when my daughter was born 22 years ago. I think they stopped selling them here about 15 years ago because nobody used them. I didn't find them that good - although I never used the dryer all that much - only when it was raining for days on end. You will find just doing one or two loads in the dryers on the ship won't make any difference to the softness of your clothes. Gayle

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Thanks for that info. I will probably have to use the washing machine and dryer a couple of times and use the bag of laundry as many times as I can.


We are going to be away for six weeks. Already we will have been away just over a week when we board the Regal so I want to make sure we have clean clothes when we leave the ship as we will have just over another two weeks before we arrive home. The logistics do not bear thinking about!



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Thanks for the info. I will look out for Tumble Bars in our supermarket over the next few weeks. I will try Safeway, Coles and IGA. Surely one of them will have them.




I have to laugh - we have some of the same stores in common half way across the world. Safeway and IGAs are common here.

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