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Any Tips To Not Gain Too Much Weight??


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Congratulations on you wait loss.


One thing you might consider to help in your efforts to maintain your current weight is a fitness band like Fitbit. They are wonderful to help keep you active and see you daily progress. Can even be more fun if a friend or partner also gets one. A little competition is very encouraging. I have lost 30 pounds after getting my Fitbit.


Whether you count calories, points or other measurements of food intake - Eat everything you want but adjust your portion size to stay in control. Instead of eating a big 12 ounce steak eat half of it and enjoy a desert (maybe half a portion).


Diet and drinking. You will hear many tell you to drink this or that because there are fewer calories. Fact is most drinks regardless of what you drink are about 100-150 calories.


A 12-ounce glass of beer has about 150 calories, a 5-ounce glass of red wine has about 125 calories, and a 1.5 ounce shot of gin, rum, vodka, whiskey or tequila has about 100 calories. Make a choice would you enjoy an extra glass of wine or a slice of bread and butter.


My basic rule of thumb in dieting is to maintain weight or loose weight you need to burn as many or fewer calories than you eat. For weight only (not things like heart health) it doesn't matter if those calories are Fat, Booze, Sugar or Protein. You make the choice and have a ball.

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I say don't stress about it. We take 14 day cruises and I usually gain 7-8 lbs. by the end. I eat whatever I want but don't gorge. But I don't force myself into exercise that I don't really want to do. The dinners I find have portion sizes that are just enough not to make you feel bloated and gross despite the multiple courses, and sometimes I skip dessert. But I do a lot more drinking than normal so that's where I get most of the empty calories (especially those tropical frozen drinks). When I get home though my eating patterns are much less so 3-4 lbs. usually drops off right away and then if I manage my diet the rest goes away within a couple weeks after that.


I'm getting to that age where it's much harder to get rid of weight easily so I started a diet at end of September. Lost 12 lbs. so far and hope to lose 14-17 more by the time we sail in January which should put me at my comfortable weight. That will give me a good base to start with knowing that I will gain on the cruise, then it's back on the diet again when we get back to reach my comfortable weight again.


I say not to stress because I watch my sister who cruises with us go through a dramatic ordeal. She'll diet for months before the cruise and lose sometimes 20-30 lbs and be so happy with herself when we get to the cruise date. She talks on and on about all these things she's going to do onboard (avoid eating these things, not take elevators, exercise every morning) and then when we actually get onboard she throws it all out the window and literally gorges herself daily (taking food left on other's plates, big snack runs multiple times each afternoon, having several desserts from the buffet at one sitting). Then she starts crying and complaining halfway through the cruise because clothes aren't fitting and is depressed by the end of the cruise with how much weight she gained, usually around 10-15 lbs.


A vacation is supposed to be FUN and eating should be part of that enjoyment. If you set the right expectations then you'll have a good time and won't be upset by some weight gain.

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I lost 70 lbs in last 1.5 years with weight watchers.


I want to have a good time on the cruise.


I don't need to stuff myself but I want to enjoy the food and drink.


I am thinking maybe I will be real sensible at breakfast & lunch and then splurge more at dinner.


I will either go to the gym or walk around the ship once a day.


What are your tips for gaining no more than 1-3 lbs during your cruise?


The laws of physics, chemistry and biology are very simple to understand and utterly impossible to circumvent. :cool:


Tip #1... eat/drink less. Tip #2 exercise more. That is ALL there is... the rest is up to you.


You have already PROVEN that you know HOW to loose weight...


...and you have already PROVEN that you have the SELF DISCIPLINE to actually DO what it takes. ;)


Congratulations on the 70 pounds. You will live longer, and be healthier and happier.


Enjoy both food and drink in moderation but DON'T "splurge." (tip #1)


Change that once a day exercise goal to three times a day. (tip#2)


20 minutes of exercise, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, once in the evening, keeps your metabolism elevated all day . :)

Edited by teecee60
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I'm on the Celebrity for 10 nights on Dec 11. I lost 70 lbs in last 1.5 years with weight watchers. I have gained back 10 lbs and am working to get that off and an additional 15 lbs to get to my goal weight. I would really like to lose at least 5 lbs by our cruise.


For first time ever we have the premium beverage package and it's first time just hubby and me. So I want to have a good time on the cruise. I don't need to stuff myself but I want to enjoy the food and drink. I am thinking maybe I will be real sensible at breakfast & lunch and then splurge more at dinner. Also, I will either go to the gym or walk around the ship once a day.


What are your tips for either staying the same or gaining no more than 1-3 lbs during your cruise?


Congrats on the weight loss....it's so darn hard, isn't it? I'm just off the Summit and I find it fairly easy to keep the weight gain under control. Here are my tips:


Stay away from the buffet! Too many choices and too easy to eat waaaay too much.


Breakfast in the MDR where I can order a fruit plate, V8 juice and an egg white omelet loaded with veggies. Peppers and onions aren't always listed, but if you ask you'll get them. No french toast or pancakes (they're not that good anyway) and forget the toast, which is always cold and dry when you get it.


Lunch in the Spa cafe where I can make my own salad with balsamic dressing and have bread sticks and some really interesting desserts made with things like couscous and quinoa! Or smoothies if you have a drink plan.


Dinner in the MDR where I can order a plant based meal....most of which are delicious...and treat myself to dessert.


Stay away from Cafe Baccio! :D The cookies and gelato are just too tempting....but if you must then go for the oatmeal raisin or sugar free peanut butter and have only one scoop of gelato in a cup not a cone. On days when I don't have dessert in the MDR, I'll treat myself to a scoop of gelato. It's really good, and that's the problem!!! :D


I've been able to keep my weight gain to under 5 lbs. and once I get home I go back on what I call "austerity" and drop them quickly.

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The laws of physics, chemistry and biology are very simple to understand and utterly impossible to circumvent. :cool:


Tip #1... eat less. Tip #2 exercise more. That is ALL there is... the rest is up to you.


You have already PROVEN that you know HOW to loose weight...


...and you have already PROVEN that you have the SELF DISCIPLINE to actually DO what it takes. ;)


Congratulations on the 70 pounds. You will live longer, and be healthier and happier.


Enjoy both food and drink in moderation but DON'T "splurge." (tip #1)


Change that once a day exercise goal to three times a day. (tip#2)


20 minutes of exercise, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening, keeps your metabolism elevated all day long. :)


Agree with you 100%


Remember - 3,500 calories equals about 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound. So, in general, if you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day, you'd lose about 1 pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories). Reverse these figures for weight gain.


If you want that extra glass of wine you will have to walk approx. 1-2 mile. 3-6 miles if you want that Desert. Walking will burn about 50-100 calories depending on you weight and walking speed.

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I too had lost 70 lbs prior to our Alaska cruise in May. I only gained 2 lbs during the entire 13 days we were on vacation. The secret? Walking everywhere, working out every day as if we were still at home, and following my nutrition plan onboard (as closely as possible). In port we walked as much as possible, especially in Seattle we walked everywhere we could, except to and from the cruise terminal.


Good Luck, enjoy your cruise, and congratulations on the weight loss! I know that is a huge accomplishment.

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I came back from our cruise in August 2lbs lighter than I left. I ate and drank what I liked (and didn't really even try to be good) but I did walk plenty around the ship and off the ship which I think made up for it. Also I rarely snacked between meals, which is my usual downfall at home.

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I always lose a few pounds before I cruise, just so I come back only one or two pounds heavier. I love desserts, so they are my downfall.

As someone earlier, egg white scrambles are fantastic. You just add the veggies you favorite, along with an English muffin and fresh fruit; my lightest meal is dinner, as I never eat all of it. Yes, I do like to graze too. Just remember to use the gym, get a cabin away from the elevators and visit the cubbies all over the ship...walk, walk, walk! Also, eating dinner early is a real plus for keeping weight off too; however, it is a vacation too. Probiotics can also play a role in keeping you regular , along with fiber.

If your eating habits are good before you leave, it is much easier to stay close to your ideal weight!

Enjoy your cruise!



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I eat a healthy high protein breakfast to start my day..

How about not walking through the food areas between meals .. out of sight , out of mind.


also try not to eat ordinary foods that you eat at home..


all those pastries are just flour, fat and sugar disguised to trick you into eating them. They hide in many shapes and colors to trick you!!


If you find something decadent then sit down , eat slowly , enjoy every bite and tell yourself that it is good for you. . By doing this you get the extreme pleasure that you are craving. If you feel guilty with each bite then you will still need to fight the craving for the pleasure it is supposed to bring.

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Been fighting and losing the weight battle for years.


Spent 12 days in June on Royal's Anthem. Modest exercise, gained 4 pounds. No big deal, worked it off soon after returning home.


Last month 14 days on Summit, did at least 10k steps/day and gained 14lbs:eek::eek::eek:


The differences - late vs early traditional dinner and bev package. Too many 4pm post-tour Celebrity burgers, 6pm sushi at the buffet, 7pm cocktails at showtime and an Iglu a day at cafe al bacio.


Worked 9lbs off so far, but it's a major struggle, and only 4 months until next sailing.

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1) I try to eat only one dessert per day, usually with dinner

2) Don't eat more than one entre.

3) Go to the fitness center on sea days

4) Use the stairs as much as possible instead of elevators

5) Insead of burgers for lunch, go with a salad, not necessarily every time, but mix it up


I rarely gain weight on cruises and I eat what I want for dinner and enjoy breakfast and lunch.

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A very good topic.


I used to gain a average of 8 pounds in the 2 weeks. The day after getting home it was all gone. Now that does not happen that quickly. But after the cruise we always say the feeding at the trough is over. We are back to our regular routine of eating sparsely and healthy.


I love to eat all the things I would not eat at home. So I indulge. Yes wear a fit bit and walk at least 10,000 K a day, go to the gym, walk in ports.


Must admit, though, even with indulging, I come home and still think I should have eaten more desserts and bread. Love that french bread, my nemesis.


I holiday is just that for me, an escape from the eating rules and regulations. Its a good thing we dont do more than one or two cruises a year. :)

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One big mistake people make is that they think that being more active on a cruise will help keep the weight off. On the contrary, if you increase your activity AND foot intake it should increase your muscle mass. This is particularly true for people who don't usually exercise much.


What you are basically doing is "bulking up". Eating lots and exercising more. You are providing your body with so much fuel it doesn't need to burn fat.


Of course this is not a bad thing, but people get fixated on weight and ignore where the weight is coming from.


My advice is to just resign yourself to weight gain but be as active as you can. When you get home keep the activity level up but eat less. Your body will then start burning fat again and you will end up fitter than when you left.

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Avoid the elevators and use the stairs.


Walk around the ship twice or three times.


The more active, the better.


Yes, I am going to take your advice. I don't mind going down the stairs but really don't like going up the stairs. But I will do it for the exercise. Thank you!

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First of all congratulations on your weight loss, not easy...


We have five pointers we try to keep to....


We always have some breakfast but after that first cruise day with a full English we tend to start with a fruit plate then keep other items small portions.


Lunch we tend to keep to soup and salad...


Evening, we order what we like but no longer feel guilty leaving what we don't really want. Deserts we often skip...we ask ourselves do we really want them?

(we often prefer to share a cheese plate later on the balcony).


We are just not gym people but we walk around the ship everyday after breakfast, always have a swim every day and make sure we pick excursions with some walking.


We make nothing a 'no go'. In our experience if you say you can't have something (full breakfast, deserts, drinks...) the harder it is to make sensible choices...We also think about either/or...(things like having a desert or a speciality coffee).


We have not lost weight on our last cruises but we haven't gained...and we haven't felt we have compromised our cruise experience.


Hope you have a great cruise, great idea for a post too. I will be looking out for the tips of others.


Thank you so much for all the great tips! Based on the feedback from everyone, I will try to get more walking in.

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Go on the Radiance of the Sea! LOL, we went years ago and the food was awful. Joking behind. Fruit and nuts, bring nuts for breakfast, salad or nothing too heavy for lunch, basically be careful what you eat at each meal. I tend to eat less dinner so I can have desert. It's not easy ... I hope I can be careful in May when we go.:eek:

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I have always struggled with weight - going up and down like most do. But I have never once gained weight on a cruise. I think a key factor is that I take it very light on the alcohol. Thankfully I am satisfied with one pre-dinner drink and some wine at dinner. I honestly think that is where most people's weight gain comes from - I just can't believe how many liquid calories some people drink down! (I know - it is their business - I am not judging, I am just honestly amazed).


The weight rules are no different on sea than on land - smart choices, don't waste splurges on food you aren't really craving, get in some extra exercise, etc.. For me, I think I actually eat better on a cruise as the healthy foods are right there for the taking - I don't have to plan ahead or cook something special for myself. I also always have a dessert - I just take it easy and often eat only part of it - stopping when I am honestly full.


Good luck and congrats on your achievement so far!

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I'm on the Celebrity for 10 nights on Dec 11. I lost 70 lbs in last 1.5 years with weight watchers. I have gained back 10 lbs and am working to get that off and an additional 15 lbs to get to my goal weight. I would really like to lose at least 5 lbs by our cruise.


For first time ever we have the premium beverage package and it's first time just hubby and me. So I want to have a good time on the cruise. I don't need to stuff myself but I want to enjoy the food and drink. I am thinking maybe I will be real sensible at breakfast & lunch and then splurge more at dinner. Also, I will either go to the gym or walk around the ship once a day.


What are your tips for either staying the same or gaining no more than 1-3 lbs during your cruise?


On my first cruise I gained 10 lbs. Since then either no change or a loss of 3-5 lbs over 14 days. 1. I am much more active on a cruise. I walk the stairs (no stairs at home), I walk long distances to bars and theater and restaurant ( all are in the next room at home) and I walk around interesting towns when ashore. 2. I am conscious of the fact that the dinner before me is not a once-in-a-while special occasion [where I would totally indulge], but rather it is one of 7 or 14 nice meals I will be able to enjoy within a short one or two weeks period. So I do have soup/salad/main course/dessert but I don't feel the need to scrape the plate clean with every course. And I'll pass on the soup and/or dessert if they aren't really to my taste.


In short, exercise + moderation.

Edited by GottaKnowWhen
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I have always struggled with weight - going up and down like most do. But I have never once gained weight on a cruise. I think a key factor is that I take it very light on the alcohol. Thankfully I am satisfied with one pre-dinner drink and some wine at dinner. I honestly think that is where most people's weight gain comes from - I just can't believe how many liquid calories some people drink down! (I know - it is their business - I am not judging, I am just honestly amazed).


The weight rules are no different on sea than on land - smart choices, don't waste splurges on food you aren't really craving, get in some extra exercise, etc.. For me, I think I actually eat better on a cruise as the healthy foods are right there for the taking - I don't have to plan ahead or cook something special for myself. I also always have a dessert - I just take it easy and often eat only part of it - stopping when I am honestly full.


Good luck and congrats on your achievement so far!


Thank you for the tips. I am not a big drinker but this is the first time having the drink package and I would like to try some different wines or drinks. But I won't over indulge. I am going to try to keep everything in moderation. Can't wait for Dec!:)

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On my first cruise I gained 10 lbs. Since then either no change or a loss of 3-5 lbs over 14 days. 1. I am much more active on a cruise. I walk the stairs (no stairs at home), I walk long distances to bars and theater and restaurant ( all are in the next room at home) and I walk around interesting towns when ashore. 2. I am conscious of the fact that the dinner before me is not a once-in-a-while special occasion [where I would totally indulge], but rather it is one of 7 or 14 nice meals I will be able to enjoy within a short one or two weeks period. So I do have soup/salad/main course/dessert but I don't feel the need to scrape the plate clean with every course. And I'll pass on the soup and/or dessert if they aren't really to my taste.


In short, exercise + moderation.


Thank you for all the tips. I am going to stay off the elevator and walk as much as I can. And I agree with you, it will be all about moderation. I can enjoy the great food but just not in big quantities. Thanks again!

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One big mistake people make is that they think that being more active on a cruise will help keep the weight off. On the contrary, if you increase your activity AND foot intake it should increase your muscle mass. This is particularly true for people who don't usually exercise much.


What you are basically doing is "bulking up". Eating lots and exercising more. You are providing your body with so much fuel it doesn't need to burn fat.


Of course this is not a bad thing, but people get fixated on weight and ignore where the weight is coming from.


My advice is to just resign yourself to weight gain but be as active as you can. When you get home keep the activity level up but eat less. Your body will then start burning fat again and you will end up fitter than when you left.


True, certain types of exercise build muscle mass, but long term muscle mass is healthier than fat and muscle burns calories, especially if you are active.


You can use the fitness center to focus on fat burning exercises, I disagree that it is better to just resign yourself to weight gain.

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Here's a little trick I forgot in my earlier post. I often find myself at the table waiting for the next course to be served with part of my food uneaten (trying to portion control) on my plate. While I'm waiting for the plate to be removed, I used to find myself having just another little bit, and another and so on. Now, when I'm done, I simply pour a little water (not a puddle!) on top of the uneaten portion, making it unappetizing to nibble while I wait. Works really well on desserts. Nothing less appetizing that soggy cake, ice cream, crème brulee, etc.

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