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Depsicable Line Cutters

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In January we were on the Oasis and chose to do self assist. We got up extra early and we were in line by 5:45am. There were already at least 50 people ahead of us and by 6:15 the line stretched way past us and all the way into the dining room


The place in line where we were waiting was right next to a large column and as we stood there a man came off the elevator with his luggage and backpack and proceeded to place them up against this column and then walked away.


Sure enough.....when the line began to move at 6:45 he strolled up to the column, picked up stuff, broke in line ahead of us and walked out.


Made me so angry....but I am sure he must do this all the time because it sure didn't bother him!!



We were doing the self assist in 2008 on the Freedom, standing in a long line when two women came down the stairs and tried to get in line in front of us and my friend and I both said, quite loudly, "OH NO, BACK OF THE LINE LADIES, BACK OF THE LINE" :)


Those are the same people who cut in front of cars at the last possible second when a lane merges or trying to get on the freeway at the free entrance on the Tollway or, like this morning, some dirt bag didn't want to wait in line to get through a light and at the last minute I saw him coming around the right side of my car, he almost hit me and at that moment I SO wanted to be in the husband's truck because I probably would have broadsided him and then just hit the gas and shoved him into the ditch. So fed up with this "ME FIRST" mentality that people seem to have. Common courtesy and decent behavior is dead :(


As the one gentleman's wife said, we should let those things go, but when you face it every day and see it more and more, it becomes harder to just "let it slide".

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all you can hope for is that karma pays them a visit. I remember years ago flying back from overseas. Was in line for customs when a guy decided to cut in front of me and my (ex)wife. Not sure if it was random or what, but once he got up the agent, he was asked to step aside for further screening. Hopefully it was karma paying him a visit!





I fail to see how reacting to rude behavior with a passive aggressive response is any better?




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Europeans know how to stand in line, trust me!


I used to be a person who would always speak up when someone tried to cut in front of me in line, then we moved to Texas and my husband told me I'd better shut my mouth if I didn't want to get shot!


The thing is now, you call them out and they look you square in the face and say so what. They know they're doing it, they think you're a sucker for not doing the same. And I see them teaching their kids and grandkids that this is acceptable behavior.


I'm also a firm believer in karma, and that eventually they will get what is coming to them. Probably from one of those kids they did such a bad job of raising 😉

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One day I was standing in line at the counter of Sorrentos. When I mean standing in line I was the only person behind a kid picking up his pizza. As the kid walks away and the pizza guy looks up to me, a random dude just walks up and tells pizza guy he wants two of the pepperoni. I just look at him and say you know I was next right? He just gets this sheepish look, says sorry, takes his pizza and slinks away. He had to go around me to get to where he was going so he saw me there.
I think the most disturbing thing here is that the employee saw /heard the whole thing and still served the other guy first. Jerks will always try to get something, but why would the employee allow such behavior?



The world is full of dirtbags, The are everywhere. The trick is to not let them get to you. I often enjoy observing bad behavior and laughing at those people, you must feel sorry for them being the hated losers of the world.
It seems to me that rude people are getting worse. This has nothing to do with line-cutters, but I have a kid in my high school class this semester who -- when I speak to her -- either grunts at me like an animal or turns away and faces the other direction. No special needs are involved here, no conflicts between the two of us in the past -- no, just a kid who doesn't want to be at school and is taking it out on everyone. Occasionally she breaks it up by just staring at me. The other students laugh at her behavior. Yeah, she has a lovely future.
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Had that happen at the restaurant at the end of the universe but just used the improbality drive and they turned in flying whales :)



This is the second Hitchhikers reference I read today in this thread thumb.gif I kept thinking the same thing when reading about Queuing.



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I find it is much easier to tolerate rude people when you remind yourself that some people are alive simply because it's against the law to kill them.




All right, TC1957, you owe me a new keyboard. I don't think I can get all of the tea I just spewed out of this one. ;p


All that being said, yes the world is full of boorish people who think the world revolves around them. However, as annoying as they are, sometimes it's best to remember that if a line cutter is the worst thing that happens to you that day, then you've had a good day. These people are not worth the space and energy they are taking up in our heads.


OP, a big thank you to you and your wife for your service. I imagine your job conditions you to spot the bad behavior in people, so that makes it harder to ignore. However, you also mentioned how everyone else was really great--just these three people who were rude. Perhaps to offset the aggravation, think about some of the people you met who were really nice or generous to you and your wife. I bet there was more than 3. It is human nature for us to ignore 1,000 positive encounters and focus on the one negative one--at one time it served a survival purpose. Nowdays, I consider it more of a detriment to the human race.


Finally, with regard to the crew, someone else should probably verify this, but my understanding is that they are always under constant threat of losing their job. One or two complaints to management and they are gone. For them, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't, and if someone is rude enough to barge in front of a waiting guest, chances are that person will also be the type that will throw a big fit if called on their rudeness by the crew member. While they probably would want to say something, it is safer for them to say nothing, serve the rude person quickly to get rid of them with the least amount of fuss, and continue on as if nothing happened. Yes, it is frustrating for those of us who follow the rules because we see it as rewarding bad behavior, which it is. However, the crew sees it as the easiest and safest solution.


Now to go find something to remove tea stains... :D

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The older (and more mature?) that I get, the more that I'm able to let actions like this go. I try to tell myself that they are in a hurry because of some sort of emergency, or maybe they have something really deep going on in their head that causes them to miss something obvious right in front of them (like me standing there). I know this isn't always true, but it helps me let it go (at least sometimes).


Talking about lines in cultures, I was blown away by the lines in train stations in Japan. The platforms had shapes painted on the edge of the platform. The shapes were spaced differently for different sized train cars. You looked at a sign to see which symbol would be used for your particular train (say a diamond) and then you would wait patiently in line behind a diamond symbol on the platform. The train would pull up, stop such that the doors were exactly at the diamonds, doors open and people walk off, THEN people boarding would walk on in order. No pushing and shoving. All very precise and civilized. Would never work here in the US.


And by the way dwayneb236, you spelled despicable wrong. ;p

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A number of years ago (during the OJ trial in CA). I was in the middle of a line at the hotel (across from the courthouse) waiting patiently for the one bartender to fill orders. This man (can't call him a gentleman), pushed his way through the line (of about 15 people) & proceeded to order his drink. I said, sir the line forms back here. He turned to me & said I'm with the LA Times. My response was, is that supposed to mean something to me? He said, it's a newspaper in CA (meanwhile the bartender is filling orders as fast as he can -- not this guy's). I said, I'm from CO & the line is now back there (about 10 more people had gotten into line). He slunk to the back of the line, the entire line applauded. It's now my turn, I place my order & asked how much. The bartender said, you don't pay at my bar, he's been doing that for 4 weeks & no one ever called him on it & I've been told I can't say anything. I had a very nice week [emoji485]



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I am generally very tolerant of those who cut in front or jump unto the elevator before we have gotten off, but as I have gotten older, I am feeling less tolerant and liable to speak up by saying with a smile,, " excuse me I was next" I say to myself, this world will be here far longer then we will so what is the rush.

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My line cutting story was hilarious, we were on our first cruise, Grandeur, during the midnight buffet. This big opinionated lady darts right in front of me, finger in air, saying "I only wanna grab me one of those lobsters" but she grabs two of them and sneaks off like a thief in the night laughing. Then the head waiter casually walked up to us and said there's no meat at all in the lobsters, they were only there for decor.

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Same thing happened to me at Sorrento's on the same cruise. I had waited a short time behind 1 other person for a fresh pepperoni pizza to come out. When it did they quickly served the person in front of me. Then 3 people just walked in from the other side and just started ordering slices. I am not a small person (6'-2" and thickly built) so I know they saw me standing there. After they served the first cutter, the second just stormed up to the counter and tried to order. I not so very nicely cut them off and requested my slices and the nimrods actually shot me a dirty look.


Something similar happened the year before at Guest Services on Oasis. Very long lines and 2 guys just shot up to the counter when everybody had been waiting in lines for at least 10 minutes. I called out that there was a line and these punks said what are you going to do about it :mad: I was fuming (still am, I guess) and would have loved to have gone over and beat some manners into them.


I can also tell you this, when we were in Italy several years back on a 16 day bus tour our guide told us that it was a nuthouse and that many European walk up counters are a free for all (what's a line ;p). Most of the people on the tour with us were polite older Americans, Brits, Aussies, and South Africans. I assumed to role of the battering ram and would push to the front as gently as needed :evilsmile::evilsmile: and place orders for quite a few of the others.

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In January we were on the Oasis and chose to do self assist. We got up extra early and we were in line by 5:45am. There were already at least 50 people ahead of us and by 6:15 the line stretched way past us and all the way into the dining room


The place in line where we were waiting was right next to a large column and as we stood there a man came off the elevator with his luggage and backpack and proceeded to place them up against this column and then walked away.


Sure enough.....when the line began to move at 6:45 he strolled up to the column, picked up stuff, broke in line ahead of us and walked out.


Made me so angry....but I am sure he must do this all the time because it sure didn't bother him!!



We were on Oasis October 2015, well it was the sailing the jumped overboard and then fell off the lifeboat. We were down waiting in line for self assist at 6am. We ended up being delayed due to the stopping and searching for the guy. So we stood in line for nearly an hour. We were right by the entrance dining at the hall - so not inside the waiting area. We start moving get up to the shop right where you turn to scan your sea pass and this lovely woman tries to jump in! Oh people went off on her- a crew member actually stopped her and told her that these people had been in line for over an hour and she if needed to find the back of the line he would escort her there!



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Last spring we were on Carnival and it was their "bloggers" cruise so all of their bloggers followers. One morning I'd gotten up to get coffee had waited 10 minutes in line and I'm now next in line to order. This little elderly lady, walks up in front of me and says "I need my coffee, I have a lecture to attend I DO not have time to wait, I'm with the BLOGGER GROUP!" And shoves her badge up for me to see, I proceed to move up and start placing my order- she took her cane hit my leg with it and held it there and said " I SAID I NEED TO GET TO MY LECTURE YOU CAN WAIT!" I looked at her told her I didn't care where she needed to go, every one of us had some where to go we all came and waited in line and if she touched me one more time with her cane or any thing else I'd be reporting her for assault! Placed my order, the lady behind me looks at the woman and says "don't even think about it you can wait like everyone else- I will report you if you dare step in front of me!"





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The problem is that RC encourages this because the staff serves the cutter first.


Why cant they simply say "Ill get right to you" and serve the person who was next?



On our last cruise, a crew member pointed to the long line and told a couple that were cutting in line that they needed to go to the end of the line.


On another cruise, just when my daughter and I got to a table, a woman threw her papers in her hand on the table when she was coming from another direction, and told us "that's MY table". My daughter reminded me how I had said I'm not going to let a rude person ruin my vacation. That's because twice that same day two different women cut in front of me in the Windjammer. Amazing, isn't it?

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I had this happen to me twice on the Freedom. I chose not to ignore it and politely directed the "lady" to the end of the line. She ignored me and was served ahead of me anyway. I am a retired police officer (28 years) and learned along time ago not aggravate any situation. I received my food and guess what, it tasted the same. So why get upset about rude, ignorant people.

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I was on the Liberty and had gone to the Windjammer for breakfast. I got a table by the window. I waited for about 10 minutes for my husband but he still had not shown up. I went to get coffee and left my journal and pencil bag on the table. When I got back there was a man sitting at the table. I told him I was sorry but I was sitting there and he told me I was not. I said I was because my journal and bag was on the table. He told me to leave and take my things with me. I told him I would not because that was my table first. Finally a few of the workers came over and told him to get up and give me back my table. I always wondered why these workers had watched this and it could have been avoided if they brought around the coffee cart or my husband would not take so long to get ready! For a few cruises I got breakfast by room service. I avoided the Windjammer!

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I was on the Liberty and had gone to the Windjammer for breakfast. I got a table by the window. I waited for about 10 minutes for my husband but he still had not shown up. I went to get coffee and left my journal and pencil bag on the table. When I got back there was a man sitting at the table. I told him I was sorry but I was sitting there and he told me I was not. I said I was because my journal and bag was on the table. He told me to leave and take my things with me. I told him I would not because that was my table first. Finally a few of the workers came over and told him to get up and give me back my table. I always wondered why these workers had watched this and it could have been avoided if they brought around the coffee cart or my husband would not take so long to get ready! For a few cruises I got breakfast by room service. I avoided the Windjammer!



You can bet that if someone spoke to his wife that way, it would not have ended well.

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You can bet that if someone spoke to his wife that way, it would not have ended well.



Or he talks to her the exact same way. We've uncomfortably sat a a table with a guy who just talked down and belittled his wife. (Not on a cruise)



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We all must have wives smarter than us. I'm retired Military and I've had to stand in lines all my life. I just can't let anyone cut in like without saying something...Most of the time my choice of comments are not the best choice. But I can always count on Barb to grab, pinch or smack me...To remind me I'm on vacation and to just chill[emoji30]


Let me add our thanks to you and your wife...Being a Police Officer is not an easy profession these days. One of our sons is a SWAT team member and a Narc officer... They don't pay him near enough but he loves what he does and he's always telling me he's making a difference



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After 30 years in the thin blue(in my case green) line I've developed sharp elbows. I find that works with queue jumpers.


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