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* LIVE from the Rotterdam - 30 day Passage to Spain and Western Europe - Mar. 30th*


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Have a great time! I'll be following the thread. Thanks for posting the documents, especially the drink menus.




Great photos of the sailaway. DW and I think we also recognized someone else, Rick and Joyce. Rick is hard to miss. If they are on board, please say hi for us.








They are indeed on board Dave :). Rick & Joyce were organizers of the M & G and fellow collaborators on the roll call organizing. A big help in checking my spread sheet for me :)


It was nice to meet them in person. A lovely couple and happy to say hi for you.



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It's day 2 of the cruise, our first full sea day so it must be Friday ;)


At least that is what the rugs in the elevators say ;)


We try to use stairs as much as possible and were only in one elevator to see the day of the week (which was Thursday) but a roll call member told me that yesterday (embarkation day) one of them said Wednesday and they were starting to wonder what day it was - LOL.


Since it's the first sea day, that means it is time for our Meet and Greet! Rick and Joyce (rajkr74) did a great job organizing it. Their delivering reminders to the cabins resulted in a very good turn out. I didn't count but knowing the #'s we had registered and the #''s that came last minute who didn't get added to the spread sheet, I would say that we had over 70 people.


Out of the Crow's Nest we saw a small white vessel which was hard to identify floating nearby. The Captain announced we were meeting it to see if assistance was required. Turned out it was an overturned catamaran. No one was seen near it and the Coast Guard was called when the catamaran was identified (I think it was called the Leopard?). The Coast Guard advised the Captain that the catamaran was reported a few months ago and the 3 people on board were rescued. With assurance that no help was required the Captain advised us that we could now return to our course and on our way to Madeira. We were thankful that the people who had been on her were safe.


Once the Captain's announcement was concluded, we returned to our meeting and enjoyed each other's company. Always fun to put faces to names and finally meet people in person. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. A great bunch of people and roll call :)


We are having a beautiful day at sea. It's around 70 degrees F with a nice breeze and waves are only around 6 feet. Very smooth sailing. At today's update, the Captain announced that the winds would die down tomorrow (it's just a nice breeze IMO) but so would the temperature and if predictions hold true, the waves will pick up. sounds like there may be a bit of rocking.


The crew are busy working today on maintenance, happily. Sanding the bannisters, varnishing, working outside and smiling. As we passed them working on the stairwell, they laughingly told us not to worry, the mess wouldn't be there long.


There are pre-made sandwiches in the Lido but there are some fixings as well to make a sandwich or add to it. They seem to be of far better quality to me than what we have experienced in the past (except on the P'dam which at the time offered both pre-made and made to order). Don't know if it's because we are on the Rotterdam, a flag ship or if we just lucked out.


I'll check out the oj in the Lido tomorrow, but for sure the oj in the Neptune Lounge and the Pinnacle Grill is fresh squeezed.


I knew the Rotterdam did not have windows in the Pinnacle Grill, but it is a lovely dining room. Puts me to mind a bit of the P'dam. Lovely decor, not overdone (IMO) but very elegant. Happy to report that NS + above DO have breakfast in the Pinnacle Grill. FWIW, I was told last night that they make it a point to do this as their NS + passengers have indicated that they prefer the PG.


For the library fanatics out there. There is no librarian (at least none that I have seen). There is no need to sign for library books any longer (big sign outlining that). You just take the books you want and return them later.


If you need help with the internet in general terms, you go to the Front Desk. So, it appears that the internet/librarian position is gone completely. It hasn't impacted us. The library is still beautiful. The books may not be in absolute perfect order but they are where they belong and in pretty good order.


There are a number of new HAL cruisers on board and they are all thrilled with the library and it's size, games, puzzles, etc.


So far, my friends are absolutely enchanted with the ship. They love the size of their room (they are in an OV) and the art on board. They are quite knowledgeable in music and VERY impressed with the Adagio and Stryker. They will catch BBKings tonight.


Oh and Happy Hours (yes, it's the buy one drink get the 2nd drink for $2 but it's any drink ;)), I am happy to say that there are two in two different locations. The first is at 4 pm in both the Crow's Nest and the Ocean Bar and the 2nd is at 9 pm in both the Crow's Nest and the Ocean Bar. Of course the 4 pm interferes with Kazu's bingo, but I plan to put DH to work perhaps. What is nice is with the 2nd Happy Hour at 9 pm, those doing Main Dining can most likely catch it since you just have to get there by 10 pm. So, we will enjoy an after dinner drink there. And, since BBKings performs in the Crow's Nest we just might catch them tonight now that they are back to their 3 performances a night.







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Have a great cruise, Jacqui and Jose!


We had to cancel our April 2nd Koningsdam cruise so we'll enjoy the TA by following along with yours. After several trips to Houston Barb's news is all good and we will resume cruising with an October 19th TA from Athens to FLL on the Prinsendm.


Dan and Barb

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There is a cyclone off the coast of Newfoundland that is the source of the increased wave height if it keeps up. Hopefully the Rotterdam can keep a bit south to avoid the worst of it.


My hope remains for smooth sailing.


I will post a picture in tapatalk

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Hi Jacqui i do believe you have Explorer 4 on this voyage which has the SBP (drinks under 8$) Have you already tried to upgrade to the Elite package and if so succeeded?


I am sailing on the Rotterdam in May so i am interested if it is possible like on some other ships.


Have a fabulous crossing and cruise on my favorite ship and thank you in advance







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Hi Jacqui i do believe you have Explorer 4 on this voyage which has the SBP (drinks under 8$) Have you already tried to upgrade to the Elite package and if so succeeded?


I am sailing on the Rotterdam in May so i am interested if it is possible like on some other ships.


Have a fabulous crossing and cruise on my favorite ship and thank you in advance










Sorry Maria,


We don't have Explore4. We are paying as we go.


I'll ask if any of our roll call does. Those of us that booked early didn't take it as the price increased prior to Explore4 and then again with it which took the price out of sight!



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Here is the picture from windytv.com





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YIKES. I think / hope we are far enough away. Our Captain is doing a good job and I am sure he is aware.


He has said nothing about it so hopefully, we are ok.



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Have a great cruise, Jacqui and Jose!




We had to cancel our April 2nd Koningsdam cruise so we'll enjoy the TA by following along with yours. After several trips to Houston Barb's news is all good and we will resume cruising with an October 19th TA from Athens to FLL on the Prinsendm.




Dan and Barb




Glad to hear that Barb is OK, Dan. That's the most important thing.



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Happy April Fool's Day everyone!!!


I am already behind so have some catching up to do.


I neglected to thank my kind benefactors for the lovely embarkation gift that was waiting for us in our room. Not only do they know I love flowers (as does DH) they also wisely thought this way I would have a vase for future flowers that they KNOW I will pick up in Europe.


They are meant as a thank you for a wee bit of help which IMO was nothing and not worthy of this, but many thanks to the 4of4 (1of4's family) for the lovely bouquet.


It sure started our cruise the right way. DH was VERY touched by your thoughtfulness.


The pictures don't do the bouquet justice, but it is very beautiful and being well cared for.






Many, many thanks to Gail and the 4of4. It is beautiful and being lovingly cared for.



Now, I have to go back to yesterday. What a great day. We have two guest speakers. The first is Stephen Mings who is talking about the Pirates of the Caribbean.


The second is Steve Ragnall who is focusing on history on Transatlantic Crossing. Yesterday's was the fastest ship to cross the Atlantic. Today's is Columbus and what led to his passage to America. This is really good for our cruise since we go to Huelva on the 2nd segment which is where Christopher Columbus stayed while awaiting $ from Queen Isabella of Spain. His crew sailed from there and there are replicas of his ships at La Rabida in Spain. (And, yes, we are going to see the monastery where he stayed, etc.)


We had a session of Ask the Captain yesterday. The showroom was packed and deservedly so. Our Captain (Marco Carsjens) is a very congenial man. Great personality and invited anyone to ask him anything if they saw him passing by. No wonder the crew is so happy.


A couple of things from the questions asked of him that I learned. Not only does the Staff Captain hold his Master's License, so do all of the 1st officers on the Rotterdam as well as # of 2nd officers so the Rotterdam has lots of licensed seamen.


Asked about the future of the smaller ships, the Captain said he hoped they would be around for a long time. He felt there would be a future for the smaller ships with special itineraries. Ships the size of the Koningsdam are probably the future builds as larger ships are more economical to run. And, while the smaller ships MAY disappear, it will be at least 6 - 10 years out before that happens. No one has a crystal ball of course, just his feeling.


Before I forget, here is yesterday's (March 31st) When & Where:







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Of course Kazu went to Bingo yesterday and when asked why it wasn't happy hour at Bingo, our great Bingo caller said "Happy Hour" in Bingo too!!!! YAY! It's the first time I have EVER seen this on any ship. I didn't win, of course, but it was less painful with a glass in my hand. LOL.


We had a full evening of music and OMG the music is good on this ship.


Before dinner we listened to the Adagio. They are very, very good. One of the best I have ever heard.


Then, it was dinner time. And the dinner was wonderful. I confess, I chose the cold soup for dessert. Prime rib for me and it was beautiful (and kazu knows her prime rib). No drowning it in sauce. No need to. Perfectly done, lovely thick piece. One couple liked it so much they took their remainders back to the room. (Seriously? There's lots of food on a cruise ship - I don't think anyone can go hungry - LOL)


Here is the dinner menu from last night.







After dinner we joined the throng to listen to Stryker for a bit. The room and outside are of the Mix is absolutely packed and deservedly so. Boy, can that man sing. DH thought he was lip synching at first it was so good. I said no - that's Stryker. Then we timed it to get up to the Crow's Nest to catch the end of Happy Hour and the 2nd performance of BBKings.


The BBKing performers are VERY good. The singer is outstanding. It's a larger group than I recall seeing before and they do NOT play so loud that you have to leave the room. In fact, they were so good, we stayed for the final set.




There were 2 of the Rotterdam's dancers dancing away but they were quickly put to shame by a couple of passengers who took to the floor. They were a joy to watch and moved in such synchrony that we figured they had been together for years. I went over to tell them how beautifully they danced and explained I was doing a live thread and asked permission to take their picture. What was amazing was that they told me they just met 2 days ago on the ship. A lovely couple and a pleasure to watch. It was pretty dark and the pics aren't the best but....








In fact, they inspired us and we too, were soon dancing the light fantastic.


Then a few of us headed back to our cabin had some water (yes, water), chatted and bid adieu. YIKES, after staying up way too late, we discovered the clocks were going forward for today. Oops, we really miscalculated on this one. LOL


By the way, the carpets do not get rolled up on this ship at 10 pm. Tons of people out and about. With the great music that is abounding on this ship, who can blame them? Rotterdam's performers were in the Showroom at Sea last night, but I just couldn't fit that in with all the other stuff last night.




And before we knew it we were dancing the light fantastic.





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The Cajun Tuna and the prime rib from last night:






The best I could get of the talented Adagio ladies:






The washrooms on the Rotterdam are truly elegant, like the ship.








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Well, now it is really April Fools Day.


April 1st on board. I totally confess, kazu slept in - especially with the time change. Not often she sleeps in until 8:30 a.m.


The ship has a sense of humour. In the When & Where today - "Today's Dress - Clothes"


And "DEEP SEA FISHING - By popular demand we are excited to offer deep sea fishing (you must provide your own rod and bait)." I thought the latter was part of the April Fools but the CD made the same announcement when she came on with the day's activities and asked people to wear close toed shoes. I have never seen this on the TA's before (or I was not observant).


Here is today's When & Where:







When you get to your cabin, there is now an orange WELCOME book and there is a lot of information in it.


Here is the current Wine Package and Drink Package pricing:








Drink Pricing for room service:










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2:15 A little crowded in your stateroom.... lol




It will be quite crowded tomorrow with our wine tasting get together but it should be fun :)



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YAY, I got my hands on DH's memory card.


Here are much better pics of the Adagio:






And a few better pics of the lovely arrangement that 1of4 's family (the 4of4) sent:







Dancing the night away with my friend Jose last night:







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Oh Kazu, I am so happy the flowers were waiting for you and Jose. I received your email too. Thank you so much, especially with no unlimited internet package. A token of our appreciation and our deepest thanks for stepping in and offering expert advice. The stakes were very high and we didn't know who to believe. Flowers were the least we could do and I am very happy with the arrangement.


The cruise sounds amazing. The Rotterdam sounds like a ship we would love. I hope to be able to cruise again soon.


Please pass on our thanks to Jose. Wish we were there!

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