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MITSUGIRLY decides to CONQUEST new ports-complete pictorial review


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Thank you so so much. I am so proud of her and her artistic ability. She has been drawing since she was 3 years old and her preschool teachers brought her "detailed drawings" to my attention and even donated stacks and stacks of paper to her for summer break because they knew she would use it up...and she did!



I am desperately trying to find a school that caters to her abilities, but so far, I have only been able to find a middle school...so she has 2 more years to go before she can enter a school of art program. Until then, I guess she will continue to practice.



She was tested, last year in 2nd grade, and was determined to be "gifted" in the arts, but nothing more ever came of it and I didn't need them to "test" her to tell me that. I'm really not sure what the purpose of it was for.



I love to showcase her work (and keep it all in totes) and here are some of my favorite pieces (starting when she was 5 years old).













I continue to see the improvement every year. I can't wait to see what this year brings.


If your artist mom has any suggestions for improvement or things I could help her out with...please let me know.



One "odd" thing about her and her drawings...she usually can only draw with pens or markers. She has tried many times with crayons and pencils (and I try to convince her that with a pencil, she can erase if she makes a mistake...she claims she never makes a mistake :')). She is NOT good at coloring and NOT good at painting (I wanted to try to find a "paint night" for us to go to around here, but they all only cater to adults :(). She is also VERY FAST at her drawings. Some very detailed ones can take her about 10 minutes and she's done. She has a photographic memory and will see an animal and several hours later go back and draw every single detail about it.



That is a very impressive collections of art work! I also noticed her artistic ability in some of the previous drawings you've posted. Hers is a talent that she was born with, it is very hard to teach that kind of thing. Especially if she doesn't have to be looking at the object she is drawing, using only her memory for detail! I'm glad you are willing to help her further her education in art. She definitely has a future in that field!

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It's too bad that the stand that makes these were closed because I probably would have bought one of these cheesy little souvenirs. I thought they were adorbs!





Oh my gosh! Tell me how fun these would be!!!










We headed in to the terminal and on a hunt for a I <3 Aruba tee. I managed to fine one, for a decent price compared to other ports (just $14) and it also came with a "free sticker"





After I made my purchases, we came out of the store inside the building and noticed there were a lot of people in the hall. We would find out this was actually the line to get back to the ship. Yikes! Everyone decided this was the perfect time to go back? Come on people, you have another 3 1/2 hours of free time....go be free!





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We decided to get in line and head to the ship and Sakari begged to go over and take her own pictures of the sparkly costumes again.













The line moved super quick and before you knew it, we were on the ship again and headed to our room for showers and a change of fresh clothes.


We headed up to the buffet, hoping it wasn't closed yet...and it wasn't...thank goodness because we hadn't ate since breakfast that morning.


We were done eating by 9:30pm and decided to head up on deck to get some pictures.






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What is this castle looking thing in the picture below? The lights on it changed colors constantly as well. Aruba is such a colorful place...both night and day.







Here comes the party bus...they made it back in time...blowing horns and music blasting.











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Tonights buffet dinner was "ok", but they had the same noodles they had the previous night. Hmm


Also, some of the food was bland again. Blah




For the first time I tried bread pudding. I have always wondered what it was and gave it a shot. It was super yummy!





At this point, we really didn't feel like heading back off the ship for 1 1/2 hours and thrilled had told me about a hypnotist show that was going on that night. She explained that she tried this once and it just didn't work on her. I just knew I wanted to see the show and made the executive decision we would be staying on the ship.


We hung out on the deck until it was time to go to the hypnotist show at 10:15pm.




It was pretty funny and to my surprise...when they ask people from the audience to come up and take a chair if you wanted to participate...guess who shows up? THRILLED. I was "thrilled" to see her up there and shouted with joy! Sakari was excited too and jumped up and down.


The show was hilarious and there were some that it worked on and others that it didn't. When it wasn't working on some, they were removed from the stage and replaced with new people. I knew that Kia said it did not work on her in the past, but she sure looked like she was falling into a trance. Then after awhile, she stood up and walked off. DARNIT! After talking to her later, she said she was almost there and she spoke to the hypnotist after the show about why she was having a hard time....I'll let her chime in with the details.


I always wondered if this was a show and people were pre-selected to go up there and told what to do. We would later run in to a guy that was up there and he confirmed he had no memory of what happened. Later in the cruise, we would run into someone else that also said the same thing.


We pulled out at 11:30pm and were on our way to the next port. After the show, we decided to head back to the room and pack for our next exciting day in Curacao. We would have to get up bright and early so I knew we needed our rest.


Sakari said "but I need to draw"...so I told her she has 5 minutes and the light was going off. She scribbled something real quick and the lights went out.



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Looks like a party bus ready to pick up the cruisers that are willing to crawl back to the ship either right before sailaway or after in some cases.




That is the Kukoo Kunuku party bus. Stayed in Aruba a few years ago with a large group and we did that one night. It was a blast.KUKOO KUNUKU

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You should totally video Sakari drawing and then speed up the video so we can see it from start to finish. My husband is a natural born artist so it's awesome to see kids with this talent, you either have it or you don't!

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Loving your review! We're doing a very similar cruise on Conquest but not until April 2019, and they've replaced La Romana with Princess Cays...we were pretty happy with the change, and it extended our time in Curacao also. Originally when we booked it was going to be:


sea day

Grand Turk 7am to 2pm

La Romana 9am to 4pm

Curacao 1pm-11pm

Aruba 8am-4pm

sea day

sea day


Now the new itinerary is:


Princess Cays 9am-4pm

Grand Turk 12pm-7pm

sea day

Curacao 10am-11pm (13 hours!!)

Aruba 8am-4pm

sea day

sea day


I'm a night owl like you, so I'm really happy with the change in Grand Turk, and I think I'll like that sea day between the ports instead of 4 port days in a row. We're also going to Grand Turk this fall on the Glory and we're looking at doing a tour to Gibbs Cay so I was really glad to see your review and photos!


Anyway, enjoying your review, thank you for posting! I know how much work it takes to do it, so I really do appreciate it!


Mitsu - sorry to highjeck for a second - but I am DYING to do that itinerary!

Edited by tropicaledrink
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Looks like a party bus ready to pick up the cruisers that are willing to crawl back to the ship either right before sailaway or after in some cases.




That is the Kukoo Kunuku party bus. Stayed in Aruba a few years ago with a large group and we did that one night. It was a blast.KUKOO KUNUKU


Do you know if you can book through the Cruise Line or do they have a website?

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I will add my 2 cents on the hypnosis show as requested, if anyone cares, but wanted to say something 1st. I noticed that now my real name has been assigned to me (lol) and I am no longer just "thrilled' and I just wanted to let anyone who is interested know something now that you see that we've become more than just internet friends. Prior to this cruise I knew 'Mitsugirly' by a method similarly to you all (online/computer convos). I will tell you that (just as the "Ma'ams and other cruising friends) I am a witness to and fully corroborate Kim's story that she has a "goofy" family that is all about fun and rolls with the flow and just makes the most of her vacation! I think if you look back on this day in Aruba you will see what I am saying for sure. There are many people who will take the little things that add up during a day's time and then determine that it wasn't a good day. Not Kim! And not me.....a reason why we clicked so well :D. Aruba was wonderful!


Aruba: 1. Couldn't find each other as planned when getting off of the ship and didn't know whether to take the bus or taxi 2. Couldn't get Aruba sign pic (big deal for a planner and photographer like Kim) 3. Camera battery dies while snorkeling! (HUGE deal) 4. Some new friend stuck 11 year old child with equipment issues on her while attempting to snorkel so that she couldn't fully focus on snorkeling Aruban waters 5. Prepaid chairs and umbrellas were snatched from under her in the blink of an eye 6. Little boy has somewhat of a hissy fit because of lost toy truck in the sand 7. Potentially stranded on remote Aruban beach because we were too busy chatting to be concerned about how were getting back to port (but thankful that the random Aruban blue eyed, blonde haired teens.... that weighed the same as I weighed at age 9 and should really not have been allowed out on the beach alone after sunset without a chaperone, that said that buses don't come there at night...were wrong. JK, sortof :P) 8. Still not getting Aruba sign pic on the return trip after counting on it 9. Coming back to port to a line of people waiting to get back on the ship even though it was nowhere near all-aboard time 10. Starving and then finding sub-par food, some of which was left over from the night before (I have to inject here that this is why we went to the MDR instead lol), etc.


All of that and she STILL didn't hesitate to find the beauty and the fun of the day, which is reflected in this review!! So many other people would have focused on the negatives :(. To the contrary, she wants to plan a land vacation in Aruba because it was such an awesome day and the island is so beautiful! I love that nothing phased her, and Sam didn't care or know enough about any "plans" to know any different so in his mind almost everything was going as smoothly as expected (gotta love well trained hubbys :cool:). I do land vacays more than cruises and I lived in St Maarten for a few years after many land vacays there and, I agree! I want a land vacay in Aruba....but only after a longer land vacay in Curacao which has now beaten St Maarten as my (and my kids') favorite Caribbean island!


And FYI Kim: I think you were holding back for fear of offending me (but I know and accept how I am) and I appreciate it but I know that you said that you think Kendra and I would cruise together well.....I'm pretty sure that people have grasped that from the number of times that you have mentioned looking for me and the kids and we were running late or nowhere to be found (I'm blaming that on the fact that I was raised on CPT, for those that live under a rock...that's "Colored Peoples Time"). I am not offended and next time we cruise together, you are welcome to say what you really are thinking as we run on CPT, lol.

Edited by Thrilled2012
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I know you weren't asking me but I'll respond because Kim was snorkeling with the girls at this point and I was sitting on the chairs with her hubby. The guy came up to us and told us that he needed to take the chairs and umbrella. Why asked "why?" and he responded that they were closing (the chair/umbrella company, not the actual beach). They were taking everyone's chairs. Kim's hubby and I asked him why they didn't tell us when we first rented them that it would only be for 2 hours...and the guy just shrugged in response. I felt that they should have told us so we could decide if we wanted to spend the $ and/or offered a reduced rate since we would only be able to have them for a short period of time. I had to giggle when he told us that he didn't know the name of the company that he worked for. It really didn't matter though because there seemed to be only one chair/umbrella company working the beach. They have the monopoly and so I guess they can do whatever they want. Just beware if you go to Arashi later in the afternoon that you won't get to keep your chairs for long if you rent. :o


Wow...I would have been a bit unhappy that they did that. Glad you guys had a great time regardless!


Sakari's artistic talent is amazing! Even my 12-year-old was quite impressed!! And I agree with a pp...either you have it or you don't! And she definitely has "it"!

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Quote: We seen a taxi van pull up and a family getting in. The hubby went over to ask the driver about more taxis and I think he replied they usually aren't coming here this late unless someone called for them. He ask the driver if he could call a taxi for us and he said he would. However, a taxi never came.


We knew it was probably a good thing that we still had about 4 1/2 hours before we were actually considered a "no-show" back on the ship (it was almost 7pm).


We started to worry...just a little, because we weren't really seeing any more traffic coming and going at Arashi. The only traffic we seen coming completely passed us by and was heading toward the lighthouse. I guess if I'm going to be stranded, this is definitely the port I would want to be left behind.


After awhile, we ask the teen girls if they were waiting on a taxi and they said no. I ask if they were locals and they said yes. So the interrogation began..."Do taxi's come here this late?" "Where can we get a taxi?" "Where is the bus stop?" "How far from here is the main road?" "How far is the next beach where the bus stops?" "Where are you parents...don't you know bad things can happen to pretty young teens at beaches when they are alone?"....no just kidding, I didn't say that, but thought it.


I wasn't getting very encouraging answers from them. They didn't think cabs came there that late. They don't think the bus runs there, but it does down the street. They tried to give walking directions to the bus stop, but they were a little confused about which way to turn....wait, you live here? I ask if they could call a cab...since one of them had a cell phone in her hand. She said "I don't know how to do that". Ugh! She did tell me that if I had a number, I was welcome to use her phone, but how would I know numbers to cabs...." end quote


Mitsugirly the whole time I was reading this I was saying to myself: "pull out the card, remember the card the van driver gave you, he said he would come back and pick you guys up...come on girl, pull out that card.." LOL


Anyway glad it all worked out and you got back to port just fine! :D



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Originally posted by Thrilled2012

Love it! He does wind up looking much bigger in your pics than in real life. Perfect. He needs a name

You're right, I do need a name for my scuba girl! Suggestions? clear.png?emoji-tearsjoy-1678



How about "Sandy Seahunt." Great review.

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I will add my 2 cents on the hypnosis show as requested, if anyone cares, but wanted to say something 1st. I noticed that now my real name has been assigned to me (lol) and I am no longer just "thrilled' and I just wanted to let anyone who is interested know something now that you see that we've become more than just internet friends. Prior to this cruise I knew 'Mitsugirly' by a method similarly to you all (online/computer convos). I will tell you that (just as the "Ma'ams and other cruising friends) I am a witness to and fully corroborate Kim's story that she has a "goofy" family that is all about fun and rolls with the flow and just makes the most of her vacation! I think if you look back on this day in Aruba you will see what I am saying for sure. There are many people who will take the little things that add up during a day's time and then determine that it wasn't a good day. Not Kim! And not me.....a reason why we clicked so well :D. Aruba was wonderful!


Aruba: 1. Couldn't find each other as planned when getting off of the ship and didn't know whether to take the bus or taxi 2. Couldn't get Aruba sign pic (big deal for a planner and photographer like Kim) 3. Camera battery dies while snorkeling! (HUGE deal) 4. Some new friend stuck 11 year old child with equipment issues on her while attempting to snorkel so that she couldn't fully focus on snorkeling Aruban waters 5. Prepaid chairs and umbrellas were snatched from under her in the blink of an eye 6. Little boy has somewhat of a hissy fit because of lost toy truck in the sand 7. Potentially stranded on remote Aruban beach because we were too busy chatting to be concerned about how were getting back to port (but thankful that the random Aruban blue eyed, blonde haired teens.... that weighed the same as I weighed at age 9 and should really not have been allowed out on the beach alone after sunset without a chaperone, that said that buses don't come there at night...were wrong. JK, sortof :P) 8. Still not getting Aruba sign pic on the return trip after counting on it 9. Coming back to port to a line of people waiting to get back on the ship even though it was nowhere near all-aboard time 10. Starving and then finding sub-par food, some of which was left over from the night before (I have to inject here that this is why we went to the MDR instead lol), etc.


All of that and she STILL didn't hesitate to find the beauty and the fun of the day, which is reflected in this review!! So many other people would have focused on the negatives :(. To the contrary, she wants to plan a land vacation in Aruba because it was such an awesome day and the island is so beautiful! I love that nothing phased her, and Sam didn't care or know enough about any "plans" to know any different so in his mind almost everything was going as smoothly as expected (gotta love well trained hubbys :cool:). I do land vacays more than cruises and I lived in St Maarten for a few years after many land vacays there and, I agree! I want a land vacay in Aruba....but only after a longer land vacay in Curacao which has now beaten St Maarten as my (and my kids') favorite Caribbean island!


And FYI Kim: I think you were holding back for fear of offending me (but I know and accept how I am) and I appreciate it but I know that you said that you think Kendra and I would cruise together well.....I'm pretty sure that people have grasped that from the number of times that you have mentioned looking for me and the kids and we were running late or nowhere to be found (I'm blaming that on the fact that I was raised on CPT, for those that live under a rock...that's "Colored Peoples Time"). I am not offended and next time we cruise together, you are welcome to say what you really are thinking as we run on CPT, lol.


Lmao! You should write reviews too. I know all about CPT lol! Vacation is the only time I'm ever on time though since I swear I run on "new" air. Anyplace new and I've gotta go-go-go. I LOVE St. Marteen so I'm excited to hear all about Curaçao since it's now the new favorite of your fam! We have a DS (8) and DD (9) so I'm interested to see what family activities they have!

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I will add my 2 cents on the hypnosis show as requested, if anyone cares, but wanted to say something 1st. I noticed that now my real name has been assigned to me (lol) and I am no longer just "thrilled' and I just wanted to let anyone who is interested know something now that you see that we've become more than just internet friends. Prior to this cruise I knew 'Mitsugirly' by a method similarly to you all (online/computer convos). I will tell you that (just as the "Ma'ams and other cruising friends) I am a witness to and fully corroborate Kim's story that she has a "goofy" family that is all about fun and rolls with the flow and just makes the most of her vacation! I think if you look back on this day in Aruba you will see what I am saying for sure. There are many people who will take the little things that add up during a day's time and then determine that it wasn't a good day. Not Kim! And not me.....a reason why we clicked so well :D. Aruba was wonderful!


Aruba: 1. Couldn't find each other as planned when getting off of the ship and didn't know whether to take the bus or taxi 2. Couldn't get Aruba sign pic (big deal for a planner and photographer like Kim) 3. Camera battery dies while snorkeling! (HUGE deal) 4. Some new friend stuck 11 year old child with equipment issues on her while attempting to snorkel so that she couldn't fully focus on snorkeling Aruban waters 5. Prepaid chairs and umbrellas were snatched from under her in the blink of an eye 6. Little boy has somewhat of a hissy fit because of lost toy truck in the sand 7. Potentially stranded on remote Aruban beach because we were too busy chatting to be concerned about how were getting back to port (but thankful that the random Aruban blue eyed, blonde haired teens.... that weighed the same as I weighed at age 9 and should really not have been allowed out on the beach alone after sunset without a chaperone, that said that buses don't come there at night...were wrong. JK, sortof :P) 8. Still not getting Aruba sign pic on the return trip after counting on it 9. Coming back to port to a line of people waiting to get back on the ship even though it was nowhere near all-aboard time 10. Starving and then finding sub-par food, some of which was left over from the night before (I have to inject here that this is why we went to the MDR instead lol), etc.


All of that and she STILL didn't hesitate to find the beauty and the fun of the day, which is reflected in this review!! So many other people would have focused on the negatives :(. To the contrary, she wants to plan a land vacation in Aruba because it was such an awesome day and the island is so beautiful! I love that nothing phased her, and Sam didn't care or know enough about any "plans" to know any different so in his mind almost everything was going as smoothly as expected (gotta love well trained hubbys :cool:). I do land vacays more than cruises and I lived in St Maarten for a few years after many land vacays there and, I agree! I want a land vacay in Aruba....but only after a longer land vacay in Curacao which has now beaten St Maarten as my (and my kids') favorite Caribbean island!


And FYI Kim: I think you were holding back for fear of offending me (but I know and accept how I am) and I appreciate it but I know that you said that you think Kendra and I would cruise together well.....I'm pretty sure that people have grasped that from the number of times that you have mentioned looking for me and the kids and we were running late or nowhere to be found (I'm blaming that on the fact that I was raised on CPT, for those that live under a rock...that's "Colored Peoples Time"). I am not offended and next time we cruise together, you are welcome to say what you really are thinking as we run on CPT, lol.



I'm interested in your thought (or 2 cents) on the hypnosis!! Please, please, please!

I just read your post 3 times wondering if I missed it, lol.


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This made my Day!!


LOL, not sure which part made your day, but I'm glad.



That is a very impressive collections of art work! I also noticed her artistic ability in some of the previous drawings you've posted. Hers is a talent that she was born with, it is very hard to teach that kind of thing. Especially if she doesn't have to be looking at the object she is drawing, using only her memory for detail! I'm glad you are willing to help her further her education in art. She definitely has a future in that field!


I just hope she puts it to use and uses it to her advantage as she grows up. I'm not sure how she could incorporate it into employment as a mermaid. :')



That is the Kukoo Kunuku party bus. Stayed in Aruba a few years ago with a large group and we did that one night. It was a blast.KUKOO KUNUKU


It definitely sounded like they were having a blast.



You should totally video Sakari drawing and then speed up the video so we can see it from start to finish. My husband is a natural born artist so it's awesome to see kids with this talent, you either have it or you don't!


That's kinda an awesome idea! I might have to try that some time (or do a time lapse).




Mitsu - sorry to highjeck for a second - but I am DYING to do that itinerary!


Highjack away...it sounds like something I want to do too!


Hi Kim, awesome review, as always.....I did this for Sakari



Oh my gosh! That's amazing and I showed her as soon as she got out of school and she loves it!





I love how thorough your reviews are! You entirely helped me plan our Fascination trip...that we just got back from and we had a great time!


So glad you had a great trip on the Fascination! Such an amazing itinerary!



I will add my 2 cents on the hypnosis show as requested, if anyone cares, but wanted to say something 1st. I noticed that now my real name has been assigned to me (lol) and I am no longer just "thrilled' and I just wanted to let anyone who is interested know something now that you see that we've become more than just internet friends. Prior to this cruise I knew 'Mitsugirly' by a method similarly to you all (online/computer convos). I will tell you that (just as the "Ma'ams and other cruising friends) I am a witness to and fully corroborate Kim's story that she has a "goofy" family that is all about fun and rolls with the flow and just makes the most of her vacation! I think if you look back on this day in Aruba you will see what I am saying for sure. There are many people who will take the little things that add up during a day's time and then determine that it wasn't a good day. Not Kim! And not me.....a reason why we clicked so well . Aruba was wonderful!


Aruba: 1. Couldn't find each other as planned when getting off of the ship and didn't know whether to take the bus or taxi 2. Couldn't get Aruba sign pic (big deal for a planner and photographer like Kim) 3. Camera battery dies while snorkeling! (HUGE deal) 4. Some new friend stuck 11 year old child with equipment issues on her while attempting to snorkel so that she couldn't fully focus on snorkeling Aruban waters 5. Prepaid chairs and umbrellas were snatched from under her in the blink of an eye 6. Little boy has somewhat of a hissy fit because of lost toy truck in the sand 7. Potentially stranded on remote Aruban beach because we were too busy chatting to be concerned about how were getting back to port (but thankful that the random Aruban blue eyed, blonde haired teens.... that weighed the same as I weighed at age 9 and should really not have been allowed out on the beach alone after sunset without a chaperone, that said that buses don't come there at night...were wrong. JK, sortof :P) 8. Still not getting Aruba sign pic on the return trip after counting on it 9. Coming back to port to a line of people waiting to get back on the ship even though it was nowhere near all-aboard time 10. Starving and then finding sub-par food, some of which was left over from the night before (I have to inject here that this is why we went to the MDR instead lol), etc.


All of that and she STILL didn't hesitate to find the beauty and the fun of the day, which is reflected in this review!! So many other people would have focused on the negatives. To the contrary, she wants to plan a land vacation in Aruba because it was such an awesome day and the island is so beautiful! I love that nothing phased her, and Sam didn't care or know enough about any "plans" to know any different so in his mind almost everything was going as smoothly as expected (gotta love well trained hubbys ). I do land vacays more than cruises and I lived in St Maarten for a few years after many land vacays there and, I agree! I want a land vacay in Aruba....but only after a longer land vacay in Curacao which has now beaten St Maarten as my (and my kids') favorite Caribbean island!


And FYI Kim: I think you were holding back for fear of offending me (but I know and accept how I am) and I appreciate it but I know that you said that you think Kendra and I would cruise together well.....I'm pretty sure that people have grasped that from the number of times that you have mentioned looking for me and the kids and we were running late or nowhere to be found (I'm blaming that on the fact that I was raised on CPT, for those that live under a rock...that's "Colored Peoples Time"). I am not offended and next time we cruise together, you are welcome to say what you really are thinking as we run on CPT, lol.




Oh em gee! I busted out laughing when I was reading this...especially the part about the hubby and of course he wanted to know what I was laughing at. I told him "Kia's post" and he looked over and seen all the writing and said "yep, I can tell" :') Remember me telling you how he ask how we met and I showed him your email and he started reading it and then finally gave up and said "Ain't no one got time for this" LOL (I totally just told him I was telling you what he said about knowing this was your post). But, he agrees about not knowing the plans and just rolling with the punches thinking everything is going smoothly. He said the only time he wonders is if we have to walk far and he feels like that wasn't done on purpose. Pshh...men.



Aruba was one of my favorite days. I really enjoyed just sitting on the beach and chatting all day. I know we both had plans to go back to the ship and get dressed and then head out to (was it Palm Beach?) at the mall and we probably both never planned on staying that late at Arashi, but I was having such a great time...looking for buried treasure ...I mean trucks and all.



Oh no worries, I never hold back on any thoughts...ask the hubby. I knew you would get there eventually. (I've been known to leave Kendra behind before...Bermuda, and she made it. If she can do it, you can). :') But really, I have no negative thoughts about you and was joking when you talked about being late when I said you and Kendra would do well together because she lives on island time...even though she's not an islander. I think I've told you all there is to know about Kendra and "B", but...when it all boils down to it...she is my best friend and vice versa. So comparing you to Kendra is not a bad thing after all. ;)



Where is your .02 on the hypnotist show?



Wow...I would have been a bit unhappy that they did that. Glad you guys had a great time regardless!


Sakari's artistic talent is amazing! Even my 12-year-old was quite impressed!! And I agree with a pp...either you have it or you don't! And she definitely has "it"!


Thank you. I think Sakari's talent is pretty amazing too.




Mitsugirly the whole time I was reading this I was saying to myself: "pull out the card, remember the card the van driver gave you, he said he would come back and pick you guys up...come on girl, pull out that card.." LOL


Anyway glad it all worked out and you got back to port just fine!


I know right, I didn't even think about the card he gave me! It was definitely a "duh" moment for me. But honestly, I'm actually glad we did the bus. It was a neat experience and it gave me the chance to see a different part of Aruba, which made me want to go back even more.



Originally posted by Thrilled2012

Love it! He does wind up looking much bigger in your pics than in real life. Perfect. He needs a name

You're right, I do need a name for my scuba girl! Suggestions?



How about "Sandy Seahunt." Great review.


Love the name, but I'm wondering if I can remember it. LOL



Lmao! You should write reviews too. I know all about CPT lol! Vacation is the only time I'm ever on time though since I swear I run on "new" air. Anyplace new and I've gotta go-go-go. I LOVE St. Marteen so I'm excited to hear all about Curaçao since it's now the new favorite of your fam! We have a DS (8) and DD (9) so I'm interested to see what family activities they have!


I tried to tell her she needs to do a review! I want full details on Curacao too. I know the pics you showed me were gorgeous, but I want to see them on a computer.



I'm interested in your thought (or 2 cents) on the hypnosis!! Please, please, please!

I just read your post 3 times wondering if I missed it, lol.


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Oh my gosh! I did the same thing. I went over it twice wondering where are these details? :')

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...especially the part about the hubby and of course he wanted to know what i was laughing at. I told him "kia's post" and he looked over and seen all the writing and said "yep, i can tell" :') remember me telling you how he ask how we met and i showed him your email and he started reading it and then finally gave up and said "ain't no one got time for this" lol



tell him that the sad part is that i spent at least 5 minutes before hitting "submit reply" trying to shorten that darn post (obviously unsuccessfully). I have been known to talk to walls and inanimate objects at times. At least i'm never lonely :confused:


Where is your .02 on the hypnotist show?


after submitting my novel (um, my post), i figured i'd spare everyone those details unless they were interested.


i tried to tell her she needs to do a review! I want full details on curacao too. I know the pics you showed me were gorgeous, but i want to see them on a computer.


in the words of your hubby, "aint no one got time for that"! Lol. I might do just a curacao review in the ports of call board though. We crammed a lot into that one day.


oh my gosh! I did the same thing. I went over it twice wondering where are these details? :')

i'll explain what the hypnotist told me in a bit.



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Finally decided to comment. Love your reviews and have learned so much. It's like a blog. And like "Buckett" said I too was saying but you have the card of the taxi driver. And also when looking for the bus terminal I was saying to the computer screen.. "it's right down the street and riding the bus was great adventure to see that beautiful island"

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I'm interested in your thought (or 2 cents) on the hypnosis!! Please, please, please!

I just read your post 3 times wondering if I missed it, lol.


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Lol, sorry about that. So I had just read Jamman's Pride journeys review prior to this cruise so I knew what the hypnotist show was going to be like and the types of things that he was going to have the volunteers do. My 11 year old begged me to go up on stage and since I am open to it and don't have a shy bone in my body, I figured that I would be a good candidate. I don't have any clue how long I was up there or what happened since I was in some state of hypnosis. When I first went up there I briefly talked to the girl next to me and she told me how nervous she was. Hypnotist started with the process of making us "relaxed", staring into lights, etc. I'm told that we had to lean on the people next to us and imagine ourselves sinking into them. Earlier that day I had to carry my sleeping 4 yo up several flights of stairs and I was so sore all day as a result. I felt all of that pain leave my body, never to return. And that's the last thing that I remember. Fast forward a bit...the hypnotist is confident that we are all fully "under" and starts asking us to do things. I realize that I am not hypnotized, I turn to look at the nervous girl next to me and she is no longer there. Where did she go?? How did this new person who is in her seat get there?? So odd! I am the last person to get up and return to my seat in the audience.


Apparently, as the hypnotist realized that certain people were just not getting into a hypnotic state, he would tap them on the shoulder and have them return to their seats in the audience (I guess the girl next to me was too nervous to allow herself to go under and was asked to leave the stage). Same with the person on the other side of her. After he got rid of the "divergents", he did some kind of hypnosis with the entire audience (or so I am told) and those that he was able to hypnotize were told to come up on stage and replace the divergents that he sent back to their seats. In talking to him later, he told me that the girl sitting next to me and the person on the other side of her were moving around, twitching and distracting me and they "popped" me (I guess that means that their movements and auras were popping me out of my hypnotic state). He said that if he had realized that I was not fully hypnotized then he would have given me a couple of more minutes and it would have worked.


If you have a chance to see one of these shows...do it! It was really interesting and funny. Talked to one guy and his wife afterwards and he is a police officer with a very reserved personality. On stage he took his shirt off (wife said he NEVER takes his shirt off in public), he pretended to be a ballet dancer, was laying on top of total strangers and rubbing nonexistent sunblock all over the people next to him. He even thought he was Michael Jackson and did the best impression ever, complete with dancing and interview where he spoke with the MJ voice. He and his wife later told me that he has never tried to do a MJ impression before and he had no idea that he could moonwalk....but he did it SPOT ON while on stage. He would never have volunteered to go up on stage but he was one of the ones who was hypnotized on the second go-round when the hypnotist did it on the whole audience (so he was TOLD to come up on stage and had no choice in the matter).

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Mistugirly, love your awesome reviews. Doing this itinerary on the Vista next year. So it's super helpful. All your reviews have been helpful and I usually will always check your reviews to see if you've been to the ports we are going to as a reference.. because your always so detailed and accurate. Thank you for taking the time to do these wonderful reviews.

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