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Ira does Paris --> Budapest on Avalon


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Hello All,


My Lady wife and I shall be landing at CDG on Friday at 08:00, more or less. After a few days in my favorite city, we shall be whisked - as if on a magic carpet - to the famous city of Remich, where we shall board The Visionary.


I shall try to post day-by-day reports of our voyage.





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Howdy Ira,

LoneStarCruisinCouple Lisa and Gary here.

We are doing with Scenic The Spectacular South of France with Paris and Monte Carlo in September any info re Paris greatly appreciated. Did Amsterdam to Budapest 2015 with Scenic.

Shall be in Paris for 7 days prior to our cruise.

Smooth Sailings

Best Wishes

Lisa and Gary


Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk

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Hello Ira,


"famous city of Remich" :D I like that, Remich is neither a city nor famous but does have a nice esplanade (waterfront) that you can see photos of on google pictures. The Moselle has its own thread: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2353480


I do not think I have actually posted a link to Remich: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remich


It is very much liked by daytrippers from Germany.


Safe travels and have a great cruise.



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Thu 04/27

Picked up by driver at 13:00. Heavy traffic all of the way to ATL.

Arrived about 2:30 ATL nearly empty. Very pleasant.


Food on flt not too bad good coffee


Fri 04/28

touched down about 1/2 hr early - 07:30

We arrived at the terminal at 08:00

passed through Immigration by 09:30

Had a cuppa and a croissant.

Eric of Blacklane Limo arrived right on the dot of 10:15

We were at the hotel at 11:45. That's why I booked a limo and didn't take a cab.

Light lunch at Au Corona around the corner.


Lady Wife sorts through checked luggage. Note from TSA - they have inspected our suitcase.

They removed her cuticle scissors.


Dinner at La Pascade - a very pleasant, small place close to the old Opera. They serve pascade see https://www.gourmandize.co.uk/recipe-52404-pascade.htm


A pascade is what a Yorkshire Pud would be if it knew how.

LWS had the risotto vert, which came with bits of mushroom as well as slices of very mild asparagus and green tomato.

I had the pho pork. Satisfactory


Dessert was "les minis pour 2". 5 small pascades for each person - mascarpone, apple, whipped cream, chocolate - only 2 bites large and very good.

Beware the chocolate - it is molten, and dribbles all over your shirt if you take a bite out of it.

With coffees, a bottle of Bourgogne Aligote and a splurge for water - 90Euro.


Walked back past the illuminated Opera.


And so to bed

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Hi all,


Sat 04/29

I had thought to get an early croissant and a coffee at a patisserie around the corner from the hotel.

I hadn't thought that it might be closed weekends. :(


Found some pastries at a Monop near the hotel. Got some coffee at Starbucks.

Off to Giverny to view the famous lilly pond, etc.


Train was mobbed. Monet's house was mobbed. Still, it was worth the visit.


Returned to Paris about 7:00 PM. Stopped for an apero. Dinner at Le Garnier - across the street fropm the Dare St. Lazare.


A very nice room. They gave us a table upstairs by the window, so that we could people watch.


Excellent service.


Opener of taramasalata madfe from Icelandic herring roe. Very good.


My Lady wife had the oyster assortment - which she declared to be very good, especially the Belons - while I, who can no longer have shellfish of any sort, had to watch.


I comforted myself with 2 appetizers: a dozen escargot bourguigonne, and some frog's legs.


A carafe of Sancerre accompanied the meal.


A group of 12 celebrated a birthday at a large table near us. Unlike what we are used to in the US, we were not at all disturbed by their proximity.


A very nice dinner. with drinks, wine, coffee - 135E.


We walked back to the hotel past Au Printemps and Galleries Lafayette. Very imaginative window displays. Her Grace (My Lady Wife) did not care for the current fashions.


Stopped off at a cafge on the corner, where we were overcharged for 2 coffees.


And so to bed.



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Good Morning,


It is about 03:30 on a drizzly and chilly Wednesday mornimg (05/03) in Trier.

I am in the Club Lounge at the aft of The Visionary with a plate of cookies on my left, a cup of cappuccino on my right and a large-screen TV behind me showing a video of a roaring log fire.


It is very warm and cozy.


Yesterday was, essentially, a travel day from Paris to Remich: We had to have our suitcases ready by 09:00 to be trucked to the boat; by Noon, we (along with the rest of our things) had to vacate our rooms, and by 13:15 we assembled in the lobby to be herded onto buses for the ride to Le Gare de l'Est.


For about 0:40 hr we stood in a fairly tight circle while young men in camoflage, carrying automatic rifles and accompanied by guard dogs, protected us from the dangers of the wild.


It was not unlike a flock of sheep with its shepherd.


After a very-high-speed train ride across the fields of France, we arrived in Luxembourg City for transfer by bus to Remich and the boat. The bus went up the hill and down the hill and up the hill and down the hill..........


We assembled in the lounge for the usual necessary announcements, introductions and safety drill.

One iof the announcements was that our luggage, which had been expected at about 14:00, had not

yet arrived.


Fortunately, it did show up during supper.


Supper was very nice - prosciutto and melon appetizer, clear soup, grilled Arctic char. cheese tray accommpanied by your choices of French Chardonnay, German Reisling, French Rose and French Cabernet Sauivignon.


Fell into bed about 23:00.


Now, for those of you who are thionking that this was a rather expensive, wasted day, let me put your minds at rest: It was FREE. Yes, this was not a wasted day. Simply divide the total cost of the cruise by 16 days instead of 17, and you have a free travel day.


Sunday 04/30

After breakfast we visited the Grand Palais and the Petite Palais for the exhibits "Rodin/Jardins". From about 13:30 to 16:00 we viewed, perused and studied mvarious works by The Master as well as objects by contemporaries who had been influenced by him.


Lunch break.


From about 17:00 - 18:30 we viewed paintings of country life, before taking the Metro back to the hotel.


We are still suffering Rodin-overload, a condition which causes you to wince if you even think about The Thinker.


Dinner was at Brasserie Julien, an Art Nouveau restowith an authentic "fin de siecle" ambience and very nice food.


While my Lady Wife gorged herself on oysters, I had to content myself (1) with a dozen escargots Bourguignon and a dish of frog's legs. Dinner was quite good. 139Euro with drinks, wine and dessert.


(1) Shellfish - even just a taste - triggers a painful attack in my feet. It is an example of "chacun a son gout"


Monday 05/01

We visited some of the covered Passages from the late 1800's. Bought a souvenir or two and got lost returning to the hotel. I'm not sure if the fault was with my GPS or myself, although I am inclined to believe that the fault lies within ourselves and not our GPS.


Took a cab back. His GPS led us home.


Dinner was at Le Grand Gafe des Capucines - another Art Nouveau facility - where we were escortupstairs and settled at a table by the window overlooking the boulevard.


Her Grace, my LW, again dined on oysters while I had to accept the day's special of a terrine of duck and duck foie gras "en croute", broiled cod and a coffee sundae (ice cream by Berthillon).


Very nice - 110E with wine.


More to come.



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(1) Shellfish - even just a taste - triggers a painful attack in my feet. It is an example of "chacun a son gout"



I assume you are quoting Flanders & Swann, and pronouncing it "chacun a son gowt" :D

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Ira, love your recount of the Paris adventures! Where did you stay? Last time, we were at the Hyatt Place Vendome which is quite nice, and probably near your location.


Too bad you just walked by the Galleries Lafayette. I agree; the store itself is not worth braving the crowds for...but nearby, they have their gourmet food shop. Chocolates and other treats! And upstairs, a great wine shop. That's where we always go. :D:wine-glass::wine-glass:


Hope you had a chance to experience Trier. It rained when we were there too, but there's still plenty to see despite that. Looking forward to the rest of your trip.


And BTW. Your punny take on "chacun a son gout" was hysterical. :') I hope that you are spared a visit from that malady on this trip.

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Friday 05/05


Awoke this morning at 05:05 in order to get on deck to see the famous statue of Kaiser Wilhelm I on the Deutsche Eck at the corner of Mosel and Rhein.


We begin our voyage up the Rhein to Rudesheim with our first castle: Burg Stolzenfels, a yellow stone construction set on a hill overlooking the river.


I've traveled the Rhein before. I know that there is a plethora, if not a surfeit, of castles, fortresses, palaces and ruins. I am not going to list them all. (Here come 2 and 3)


After leaving Remich, we stopped near Trier, from whence we took a bus into the city. The Old Town is a nice replica of a medieval German town. We were led to the Porta Nigra - the last remaining gate of the Roman fortifications (There goes number 4) - where our guide gave us a short, interesting talk (with pictures) of how the old Roman gate had been converted into a priory for a congregation of Canons.


Napoleon visited Trier in 1804, and ordered the church structures removed and the gate restored to what it had been when it was built by Constantine.


After wandering about a bit, we returned to the boat for lunch and a nap.


Yesterday was a visit to Bernkastel-Kues; another restored old town. Our guide dropped us off at the Wine Museum where we were admitted to the tasting rooms without having to pay an extra fee. Unfortunately, the wines on offered ranged from plonk to bad.


(There goes 12)


More to come.

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Hello again.


They have set such a hectic pace here aboard The Visionary - Bkfst, 2 hr tour, lunch, nap, happy hour, dinner, sleep - that I haven't been able to have tea (4 - 4:30), much less write about the trip.


Here goes:


Wednesday 05/10


After passing 76 locks going up the "Rhein-Donau Wasserstrasse" we reached an elevation of about 1300 ft and began our descent. The locks here are very deep, about 80 feet. It gets dark when we descend.


Friday (05/05):

Travelling through the Rhein Gorge, we oohed and ahhed at a number of ruined and restored castles (There are more of the latter since our last visit).


After lunch - we each had a bit of salad. I had the Oriental lamb ragout, and my Lady Wife chose the leek and potato quich. Dessert was ice cream for both of us - we stopped at Rudesheim, where we visited Sigfried's Mechanical Musik Museum. (http://www.smmk.de/pages/en/welcome.php )

If you have any interest at all in music boxes you will like it.


After our visit to Siegfried's we were ushered off to a coffee house and treated to a genuine Rudesheimer coffee - an ancient drink dating to, it is believed, 1957. The secret is the special cup - no handles - from which you drink the hot beverage.


The rest of the time was spent picking up a souvenier or two in the small, restored "old town".


After our post-visitation nap, we went to happy hour, dinner, a bit of musical entertainment


and so to bed


Sat 05/06

I awoke early to a very foggy stretch of river. Quite lovely.


After lunch, we toured Miltenberg "Die Perle des Mains". (I swear I remember a guy on TV named Milton Berg.)

Miltenberg is well worth a visit.


That night I had the rack of lamb, MLW chose the mushroom pie.

Wines tonight are a Brogsitter sauvignon blanc, a Weisburgunder pinot blanc, Chateau Beaulier Rose and a Bouchard Aine & Fils cabernet sauvignon.


More to come



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Oh, Milton Berle. :)


Today is Friday 05/12. Sorry to have not been keeping up.


Sunday 05/07

We docked in Wurzburg, where we took a bus ride through town and visited The Residenz - home of the archbishop/prince.

Terrific architecture.


Monday 05/08

We visited Bamberg, another restored old town.


Tuesday 05/09

Today was debarkation for those doing the Paris--> Nuremberg trip, and embarkation for those doing the Prague --> Budapest trip.

What about those who were going on to Budapest?

We had a daytrip to Munich. All six of us, along with a licensed guide, were taken in a small van to see the big city. Part of the visit was a tour by van and part was a walking tour of the city center.

With nearly perfect timing, we were brought to the Marienplatz to hear the bells ring and the figures "dance" around the clock tower.

We were last in Munich about 5 years ago. Therte have been some major updates, reovatyions and improvements. The one I found most important was that the bicycle lanes along the sidewalks have been moved from the innermost to the outermost part of the sidewalk. Way back when, we were always walking in the bike path on the far right - much to the annoyance of the natives. This year, the bikes just wooooossssshhhhhed past us on our left.


Wed 05/10

We awoke in Roth (pronounced "wrote") where we joined the walking tour - 08:30 - 10:00. A not unpleasant visit.


Thursday 05/11

There were a morning and an afternoon walking tour of Regensburg alternating with bus tours to other places.

Regensburg proved to be pleasant town, where new construction is being allowed in the old quarter - under strict supervision to maintain the character of the 800 year old area.

We were treated to a plate of Regensburger sausage with sauerkraut, a glass of beer and a roll at the Historische Wurstküche on the river at the historic Stone Bridge. Unfortunately, the boat was about 0.6 km away at the Iron Bridge. Long walk.

Back on board, we had a Bavarian beer tasting and a Fifth Birthday toast to The Visionary.

I flaked out immediately after dinner from a surfeit of beer, sausage, bread and cheese.


More to come.



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Fri 05/12

We had two choices this morning - visit Passau or take the bus to Cesky Krumlov. Most of us went to CK.


Tip: bring at least one 1Euro coin. You will need a 0.05 Koruna coin to use the WC. They have change machines at the WC. They are clearly marked 1E = 25 K. With your 4 x 5K coins you can spend the dasy in Czechia without fear.


Cesky Krumlov was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Center in 1992. Since that time, a lot of effort has gone into restoring the Old Town into what it looked like around 1800 - a mix of medieval, Baroque and modern.


After the "guided walk" my Lady Wife and I stopped off at resto in a very old building. It was a good choice. Bread - VG. Beer - VVG. Cheese - VG. Local characters - interesting but peaceful.


Back to the town square. Back to the bus. Back to the boat. Back to bed for me along with a muscle relaxer. I did make it to dinner, though.


Sat 05/13 Her Grace, my Lady Wife, has developed symptoms usually associated with the assaults by people who can't cover their faces when they cough and/or sneeze. (Can one cough and sneeze at the same time?)


She will retire to her boudoir whilst I visit Melk Abbey. Photographs are not permitted inside the Abbey. Do not use your flash.


Today is the day for First Communion and most of the families are wearing traditional garb.


There are many additions to the Abbey to make it more "user friendly", such as an elevator from the car park to the entrance level. The tour through the Abbey has been upgraded in style and content. The exit is now by way of the church, so we got to view the service and hear the orgasn and the singing. Definitely worth a visit.


Following the Melk visit, The Visionary motored through the Wachau Valley while our Cruise Director gave us a running narrative of what to look for and where. Very pretty.


We tied up in Vienna about 18:00. Dinner was early to accommodate those going on the musical excursion.


Sunday 05/14 Mother's Day.


Dawn broke at about 04:00


Her Grace has retired to her bed. Despite the best efforts of the hotel staff to supply her with chicken soup and other medications yesterday she has succumbed. Not even a Kaiserschmarrn could stay the symptoms.


I shall go into the City on tyhe morning guided tour and find a pharmacy. Anyone want two tickets to the Kunstkammer - good all day today?


More to come

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Thank you for reporting from what so far has been a wonderful trip for you. Sorry to hear about your wife's problems. If chicken soup and Kaiserschmarrn did not help then rest is the best answer. Hope the gentle movement of the ship can lull her to a restful sleep so that she can enjoy Budapest. Perhaps a spa treatment in one of the famous baths might help.



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