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Cruising the Baltics with a Teen and Tween on the Getaway; A Review

Travel R

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Eventually we made our way past a remainder of the original town wall, along the exterior of the park, and along the streets of some newer architecture in order to make our way to the Stasi Museum. [Note:Although I had referred to “newer” architecture, most of Rostock was leveled during WWII, so much of the architecture is less than 100 years old – in fact the main square I had mentioned earlier was only made to look old, it too was destroyed.]


The rain was a constant unwelcomed companion most of the day, and our walk to the Stasi was no exception. The museum was located in the most unlikely of places, across the parking lot of a (Penny’s) supermarket. Its exterior not being noteworthy, we had difficulty in realizing that we had arrived. The museum is within a plain soviet-era industrial-like building,behind a large metal door, and on the second level from what is not used as the offices of professors for the university. Nonetheless, the museum (which is small, and covers only one floor) was very interesting. All exhibits included English translations, so it was easy for us to understand all that was being displayed. My DD17, who has interest in WWII history, found this museum to be of great interest – and had even listed it as one of the five things she had enjoyed most about this vacation.










[After thought: With my DD17’s interest in WWII history, was I stupid (to be blunt) not to go to Berlin? She was one of the people against it –however,although my DW, DD12 and I had never been to Germany before, this was actually my DD17’s second trip to the country, and most likely not her last. Besides the fact that she was sick, and would have been miserable on a long bus ride, I think we made the correct decision – and visiting the Stasi museum was a plus which she would not have done on the Berlin tour.]


We exited the museum and made straight-away to the tram depot (the one in from of the city tower gate), and this time took the #5 tram back to the central terminal, then hopped on the train back to Warnemunde. On this last length of the journey we passed by the infamous Sunflower Tower Apartments (whose 25th anniversary of an unsettling past event is fast approaching), which I was not quick enough to capture on photograph.




Our transport arrived back in Warnemunde by 2 PM. Being worse for the wear, and our daughter feeling ill, we boarded the cruise vessel instead of heading into the town itself. Although we said we may return after lunch, in our minds we knew that we were only lying to ourselves. We fought off hunger for a little more time to go back to our room and change out of the dampened swathe into dryer apparel.

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The Buffet Lunch


At this hour the choices for dining venues was limited, and our daughters insisted onus going to the buffet. So, it was to the Garden Buffet, we went. Being an off-time for mealtime and many of our fellow passengers still abroad, we were able to locate a table fairly easy, however, the venue was still a tad crowded with individuals shoving their way between stations with piles of food in their hands (including one chap with food stacked ten inches high on each of the plates he held in both hands). My first round at the buffet consisted of a large plate of salad, which was quite good, although I had noticed baby shrimp by the pasta station (too late) that would have made the dish even better. My second round consisted of grilled chicken(I placed it on a burger bun, and garnished with the onions intended for the burger), which was okay, along with some “Butter Chicken” on the side [their version of Chicken Makhani?], which was “okay” at best – it was way too bland, the sauce did not have enough flavor, and I am by far no expert, but it just did not take like the Northern Indian food I enjoy. [Note: The culinary highlight of our last cruise on Carnival was the Indian food station in their buffet, so I was looking forward to the same.] My DW did not especially enjoy her lunch, but at least found something to satisfy her hunger. The best item I had discovered at the buffet was their selection of SUGAR FREE DRINKS at the beverage dispensers– Kiwi Strawberry and Mango. [Note: It was at this time that we started to think about the souvenir drink mugs that came with the package – it would have been great to have the mugs to take back some of these drinks with us to the cabin.]


An Uneventful Afternoon


After returning to the room, my DDs decided to chill out in the room (DD17 wanted to take a nap). My DW wanted to do something, but due to the rainfall the above-deck activities were cancelled, and there were not many offerings below deck during the afternoon – and none that interested her. She decided to take a quick walk,then returned to the room to watch some TV. I decided to take this time to get in some exercising, which seems to have been as elusive as a white whale since this holiday had begun.


I did an upper-body workout using a mix of machines and free weights. The gym has a decent array of machines, but the free weight selection was a bit thin. However, if a person has the desire to exercise, no matter how lacking the facility, they should be able to get in a good workout. There were only two people exercising when I entered, and maybe 5 or 6 by the time I finished – but it was not crowded at all. One thing I had found disturbing, however, was that although I had wiped down each machine before and after using them, there was one person that went through the circuit (using one machine after another) without wiping down any at all. [Note: although machines should be cleaned with the disinfecting wipes at a regular gym on land, due to the potential for the spread of germs on a cruise ship, this is even more critical.] My second criticism is that there is only a wipe dispenser at one end of the gym, and maybe it would be beneficial for NCL to add a second one at the back end. I was mentally and physically tired even before beginning this workout – and my mind and body knew it. It was a decent workout, but in order not to over-strain anything, I kept the weights lighter than usual.


Upon entering the room, the only light was from a sliver escaping around the curtain to balcony. The cabin was silent with only the momentary sounds of three beauties deep in slumber. I quietly consumed a protein bar, traipsed around the room gathering my clothing, and headed for a well deserved shower. After the shower,weary from this adventure, lack of sleep, and some physical exertion, I joined my cabin-mates in the arms of Morpheus.


A Divine Diner at Tropicana


Our pre-cruise booking for the Million Dollar Show had been rescheduled to a date further in the cruise, so I had instead reserved a table of four at the Tropicana Room. This is the Getaway’s “semi-formal”main dining room (MDR). The menu is the same as the other two MDRS (Taste and Savor), but there is entertainment provided during the meal. [Note: On the Getaway, dining is “Resort Casual” – and shorts can be worn in all dining venues (except Le Bistro and Ocean Blue after 5 PM). However, I believe that this venue has a more formal feel (from what I had read), and wore a nice pair of slacks and a polo shirt (and black shoes), while the rest of my family were also semi-formal, with my DD17 and DW wearing sun dresses. The room was nicely decorated, and I would guess, modeled after the famed Tropicana Club in Havana.





We were taken to our table and sat fairly quickly, with a table right off of the dance floor. Soon afterwards a band came out and played some slow music – my DW and I were the first ones out on the dance floor. We had a great waitress with an awesomely fun attitude (I cannot remember her name, but she was from the Caribbean). The band’s second set was longer, and a lot more upbeat, and to the dismay of our daughters, we got up and danced again.


The meal, however, was a letdown for that evening (decent, but not great). As an appetizer, I ordered the Gnocchi& Sausage, which was good, but too much pepper; along with the Bibb Salad –which was exceptional (my DW had some of mine and ordered her own). For dinner I ordered two entrees – the BBQ Mix and the Cajun Shrimp and Beef. The Ribs were the star of the BBQ Mix plate,the hot dog/sausage was “so-so” at best, and the tiny piece of chicken was nothing to write home about. There were only two pieces of fried shrimp in the Cajun dish, and I did not care for the beef. For desert, I had the No Sugar desert (some kind of a pastry puff, which was bland)and a decent cup of Earl Grey tea. [Trivia: For you cruisers in the Eastern US – where is there a bridge named after Earl Grey? If you said Bermuda, you are correct.]


The younger generation left after the main course was finished to attend their respective clubs [although DD12 came back because we were still in port and unable sign herself in – I know stupid, but those are the rules] – so my DW took a quick walk to sign her in, and returned for desert and a few more dances.


We all(except for maybe my DD12) enjoyed our dinner and experience at the Tropicana. If we were on this ship on an itinerary that was not so port intensive, we would probably have reserved more dinners at this restaurant. My DD17, however, did dine here again later in the cruise with her friends.


An Evening of Music – Nicole Ward (Singer), Sweet Beats Band, and Howl at the Moon


After we had dined and danced, we returned to the room to relax for a little while before heading back into the evening. Although we did not enjoy Nicola Ward at the Welcome Show, we decided it was something to do for the evening.


The show was not horrible. Nicole Ward has a good voice, She uses very good techniques. Her voice instructor would be very proud that she sings from the diaphragm and breathes properly. But something is missing. The breathing, etc., is too obvious, and she needs to maybe forget some of her formal training and do her own thing – and possibly be a little more interactive with the audience (or have more interactive songs).


I found it amusing, and annoying, that before the show began, NCL shows an advertisement video for all of the offerings on the two video screens. Maybe this is for the benefit of those that arrived in Warnemunde – but who knows.


After the Nicole Ward show we decided to explore the ship a little bit, and made our way to the Atrium, where the Sweet Beat Band was playing. We luckily found a seat (that area is crowded). I was not impressed with this singer either. Specifically, her non-English accent was too thick for the English songs she was singing. My DW listened for a while while I went through the pictures on my camera – reliving the day in my head and deleting all of the out-of-focus photos.


We went to pick up our DD12 from the Splash Club, but when she came out, she asked if she could hang out with her friends around the ship. We (and the friend’s parents) agreed – as long as they told us where they were (which was the buffet for ice cream and snacks), and that she had to be back at the room by midnight.


Still feeling the energy of our afternoon naps, when the SBB finished, we were still in the mood for more. On the activity screen we saw that Howl and the Moon was listed. We decided to take a chance and see what it was about. We stood for a few minutes listening to the music and banter, and when two seats opened up towards the back of the room, we quickly sat ourselves upon them. After the previous two encounters with entertainers,this was refreshing. For those that have never been to this – there are two pianos (usually) with a person on each –they receive music requests from the audience, and one or both will play and sing the requests. In-between there is banter (oftentimes funny) between the musicians (there are two men and one womanthat switch off). The song I had enjoyed the most that evening was a rendition of “Devil that Went Down to Georgia” in which they had a passenger join them with a harmonica – it was excellent. We enjoyed this “act” so much we had returned again later in the cruise.



We had returned to the room a few minutes before 12, and DD12 was already lying in bed awaiting our return. I wanted to await my DD17 so we could do our nightly food routine, but by 12:30 my eyelids won the battle, and did not reopen until she came in (after 1), but I quickly fell back into my world of dreams.

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[Tram in Rostock]



There was a bit of disappointment in our visit to Rostock, but it was still an interesting visit that we are all glad we had made. I still hold by my decision not to go to Berlin - we got up later, were able to see a little bit of Germany, did not spend hours on a bus, and were back on the ship fairly early.


[Rostock City Hall]


First the disappointments:

  • The rain (and lower than expected temperature) – but we were prepared for it with layers of clothing and rain jackets. You always have to expect bad weather, especially in this region.
  • Max-Samuel Haus – this was missed, unfortunately do to miscommunication. Next time, if I make similar arrangements, I would have at least one of us take a cell phone with us to access the Internet/email.
  • Daughter’s Illness – unfortunately, there was not much we could do. She said she was well enough to walk with us (she did not want to miss it) – but it did keep us from spending a little more time and seeing any additional sites
  • Lack of Research (and Rick Steve) – Rick kinds of dumps on Warnemunde and Rostock in his book and although he provides a quick walking tour, there is a lot more that Rostock has to offer. Unfortunately, I did not perform much more research beyond what was offered by Rick Steve in his guidebook. For this I blame myself – and for those of you that decide to DIY in Rostock – his book is a very good place to begin, but expand upon what he provides.

[Kropelin Gate]




The highlights:

·Some very interesting architecture and statues

·St. Mary’s Church is a lot more elaborately decorated than what one would have expected for this port

·Stasi museum

·McDonalds (for my DD12)

·The train ride

[A store in Rostock with a loooooong name (which us Americans are not used to)]


If I were to do it again (and my daughter was healthy):

·More research on the city - and find out what else there is to explore outside of what is in Steve's book.

·Visit the University (if it were allowed)

·Visit Rostock Cultural History Museum

·Explore Warnemunde

·Visit IGA Park

·Eat in a German restaurant

·Walk a little slower,enjoying the architecture

[Rain Drenched Adventurers walking through Rostock]



Next Up: Me and the Sea (Our First Sea Day)

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I am about half way through this opus magnum, so thought it would be helpful to you (the readers) to provide a linkable index to quickly find the specific information you may looking for. I will update the index again when I have reached the ¾ mark.





Clothing (“Clothing – How to Dress”) - Page 2 – Post #28

Copenhagen – see Page 3 – Begins with Post #59

Coming Down to the Wire Checklist” within post #25

Currency, Exchange - Page 6 – Post #107

Dailies, previous itinerary - Page 2 – Post # 25 (at end)


  • Boarding & 1st Day/Evening (“Time to Getaway”) - Page 5 – Post #88 & 89
  • Bus to Port from Central Station - Page 5 – Post #85
  • Entertainment - Page 8 – Post #154
  • Garden Buffet - Page 8 - Post #154
  • Howl at the Moon - Page 8 – Post #154
  • Tropicana - Page 8 – Post #154

Iceland – see Page 3 – Begins with Post #44

Teenagers and Tweens

  • 18-21 Year Old Group - Page 7 – Post #s 137 and 139; also see Page 8, Post #143
  • The Baltics and Teens/Tweens, In General - Page 6 – Post #s 102 & 103
  • Country-by-Country Rundown of Likes and Dislikes - Page 6 – Post #104
  • Rules (we gave them) - Page 6 – Post #109
  • Splash Academy and Entourage Teen Clubs – Begins Page 7 – Post #125
  • Top Favorite Things My Daughters Liked - Page 4 – Post #70

Warnemunde/Rostock –see Page 8 – Begins with Post #146





18-21 Year Old Group - Page 7 – Post #s 137 and 139; also see Page 8, Post #143

Background (“There and Back Again”) – Page 1– Post #4

Baltic Cruise (“Why And How We Decided Upon a Baltic Cruise”) - Page 1 –Post #13

Berlin [see Warnemunde, below]

Booking the Cruise (“Signing Up For the Journey”) - Page 1 –Post #14

Clothing (“Clothing – How to Dress”) - Page 2 – Post #28


  • Copenhagen Morning - Page 4 – Post #65
  • Day In, Proposed Itinerary (Wed) - Page 3 – Post #59
  • Day In, Proposed Itinerary (Thu) – Page 4 – Post # 64
  • Day In, Proposed Itinerary (Fri) - Page 4 – Post #80
  • Getaway, by Bus - Page 5 – Post #85
  • Hotel Nebo, Safety of Area – Page 5 – Post #83, and Page 6 – Post #118
  • Poem - Page 4 – Post #61
  • Tivoli Gardens - Page 3 – Post #60
  • Walking Tour of Copenhagen, Full DIY Tour – See post
  • Walking Tour of Copenhagen, Review - Page 4 – Post #s 71-73

Currency, Exchange - Page 6 – Post #107

Dailies, previous itinerary - Page 2 – Post # 25 (at end)


  • Quick Review - Page 1 – Post #s 19 & 20

Excursions, Summaries - Page 2 – Post #26


  • Boarding & 1st Day/Evening (“Time to Getaway”) - Page 5 – Post #88 & 89
  • Bus to Port from Central Station - Page 5 – Post #85
  • Entertainment - Page 8 – Post #154
  • Garden Buffet - Page 8 - Post #154
  • Howl at the Moon - Page 8 – Post #154
  • Tropicana - Page 8 – Post #154

Hotel Nebo (Copenhagen)

  • Choosing the hotel - Page 6 – Post #118
  • Hotel Nebo, Safety of Area – Page 5 – Post #83

How to Dress [see Clothing, above]

Iceland (“24 Hours in Iceland” Parts I and II)

  • The Arrival & IcelandAir - Page 3 – Post # 44
  • The Drive, A Golden Circle, Mostly - Page 3– Post #s 45 & 46
  • Filling Up the Tanks & The Way Back - Page 3 – Post #s 47 & 48
  • Reykjavik - Page 3 – Post #s 51 & 52
  • Reykjavik, Proposed Itinerary - Page 3 – Post # 55


Introduction (“We Are All On Our Own Journey”) – Page 1 – Post #2

Itinerary (“Why And How We Decided Upon a Baltic Cruise”)- Page 1 – Post #13

Packing (“Packing and Getting Everything Together”) – Page 2 – Post #25

  • Also see “Coming Down to the Wire Checklist” within post #25

Planning (“Over Planner and List Maker”) - Page 2 – Post #55

Ports of Call

  • Copenhagen – see Page 3 – Begins with Post #59
  • Iceland – see Page 3 – Begins with Post #44
  • Warnemunde/Rostock –see Page 8 – Begins with Post #146

Reservations for the Ship – Dining and Entertainment (“Reservations, and More Reservations;A Checklist for the Rest of Us (Especially Nubile Freestylers)” - Page 1 –Post #16

Reykjavik [see Iceland, above]

Teenagers and Tweens

  • 18-21 Year Old Group - Page 7 – Post #s 137 and 139; also see Page 8, Post #143
  • The Baltics In General - Page 6 – Post # 103
  • Country-by-Country Rundown of Likes and Dislikes - Page 6 – Post #104
  • Dailies, Entourage - Page 7 – Post #129
  • Dailies, Splash Academy - Page 7 – Post #128
  • Entourage Teen Club Review - Page 7 – Post #140 & 141 (on Page 8)
  • Family Activities and Non-Club Activities - Page 8 – Post # 145
  • General (“An Ode to Teenagers and Tweens: A Baltic Cruise on the Getaway”) - Page 6 – Post #102
  • Kids Clubs: An Introduction - Page 7 – Post #126
  • Kids Clubs: In General - Page 7 – Post #127
  • Rules (we gave them) - Page 6 – Post #109
  • Splash Academy Review - Page 7 – Post #s 130 and 131
  • Top Favorite Things My Daughters Liked - Page 4 – Post #70

Rostock [see Warnemunde, below]

Tips (“Top-Eleven Tips Off The Top Of My Head”) – Page 1 – Post #5

Traveling, To Copenhagen (“On Our Way to the Forum. I Mean – Getting to Copenhagen) - Page 3 – Post #58

Traveling, To Reykjavik (“Getting to Reykjavik”) - Page 3 – Post #42

Tweens and Teenagers [see Teenagers and Tweens, above]


  • Additional Pictures - Page 8 – Post # 155
  • Rostock, Getting to, by Train - Page 8 – Post #150
  • Rostock, In Hindsight (summary) - Page 8 – Post #156
  • Rostock, Walking Tour, Review - Page 8 – Post #s 151 - 153
  • “To Berlin or Not to Berlin” - Page 8 – Post #150
  • Warnemunde, Proposed Itinerary - Page 8 – Post #s 146 and 149

As noted, I am only a little more than half way through this review. Besides my review of four more ports (Tallinn, Saint Petersburg, Helsinki, and Stockholm), I still have posts to write on the following topics:

  • Family Traditions
  • How to Dress - expanded discussion
  • Illness Aboard a Cruise Ship
  • Diabetic – Sugar Free Options
  • Allergies
  • Our Stateroom
  • Meet and Greet; Roll Call; Cruise Critic
  • Restaurant Reviews – Also, Are the Specialty Restaurants (SDP) Worth It?
  • Public Areas
  • What I Did Not Do
  • Alcohol Package
  • Finding Your Way Around The Ship
  • Comparison With RCI & Carnival
  • Final Invoice – Misc Charges
  • Coming Home
  • Summary

I may have more to add as I continue to write this review. If there are any topics I have not yet discussed, and are not listed above that you would like me to write about or discuss, please feel free to make a request.

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[A store in Rostock with a loooooong name (which us Americans are not used to)]



Did anyone else notice that the photo I took of a store with the long name happens to be a cruise/travel agency?



The subconscience is a fascinating thing.



Sorry for another delay. Did another mud run yesterday, and running around with the family last night and today. The review of the day at sea is being written and will be posted shortly.

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Hi all!


Travel R ~ I thought you took the picture on purpose because of what it was. I was aware of what it was because of knowing some German due to my DH being German.


So sorry your weather wasn't the best. Our cruise on May 25th only had a downpour in Helsinki. It added a certain dimension to the pictures taken from the bus, lol.


Looking forward to the rest of the story...


~ Jo ~ :)

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Hi all!


Travel R ~ I thought you took the picture on purpose because of what it was. I was aware of what it was because of knowing some German due to my DH being German.


So sorry your weather wasn't the best. Our cruise on May 25th only had a downpour in Helsinki. It added a certain dimension to the pictures taken from the bus, lol.


Looking forward to the rest of the story...


~ Jo ~ :)


I had no idea when I took the picture. Also because of the rain and my daughter wanting to get the day over and go back to the ship, most of the pictures during the day were taken while walking quickly along the streets, so it was just one of many photos I had taken without thought.


Note: As you will see this was the only day that the weather really affected us. It did rain from time to time on other days, but not with as much severity, and my daughter was not feeling as bad.

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A Second Taste


Notification for moving our hands back an hour had been presented on a small placard with that evening’s selection of our menagerie of towel figures. I had used this twenty fifth hour to my advantage and did not arise until a quarter of seven. The Baltic sun had once again won the race and was already far above the horizon when I made my way onto the balcony for some solitude to enjoy some music and scribble upon my notebook the day’s past happenings. Occasionally there was the hint of land in the distance beyond the dark waters broken by the white foam of the ship’s wake and the tops of the waves, like miniature snow-capped mountains. It is this kind of tranquil solitude that I endear most about sailing.


The solitude was broken about a half-hour later, when my DD12 came out for company and conversation whilst the rest of the cabin had still not begun to stir. It was several years earlier that we had sailed the much bluer seas of the Mediterranean together, and one of my fondest times of that holiday were the times when she would sit on my lap, and we would just sit there and dream up stories of the images we saw in the shapes of the clouds. On this morning she sat on my lap, under the cover I had brought out to hold off the morning chill, and we simply talked. Another priceless moment I will add to the highlights of this family getaway.


As the morning grew older, the remainder of my compatriots awoke. We took our showers in turn [of course, they let me know when I should take mine], and dressed for the day. Our day’s schedule was fairly bare through the evening hours with one considerable exception, the occurrence of the Meet and Greet (M&G). [Note: from what I have gathered through my reading, the M&G occurs on the first sea day, and this was no exception.] With a great deal of time until the assemblage of my fellow roll call members, we decided upon a leisurely breakfast and returned to Taste for our morning’s repast.


One’s experiences and opinions can often change, even for that which you do not expect to have had any modifications. I did not find our second breakfast at Taste to be as satisfactory as the first. We arrived at the top of the dining period, and were seated in the vacant of the two separated rooms. A few moments later, with only my family occupying the entire section, a second guest was seated – a right next to us. [Note: I usually do not mind, and I do like to talk to strangers (I was never taught stranger danger) – but the guest walked in with magazines and a laptop computer, which he stared at during his entire meal. I just thought it strange that this was where they sat him.] The waiter (and assistant) did not present themselves with the same amount of cheer and were not as attentive as the previous morning. [Note: The prior morning the wait staff brought Danish and rolls before we had even ordered, and when I ordered the grits, no brown sugar or other additives were offered. It also took forever for them to bring my DW’s milk for her coffee. I know, I am being picky, but I am just pointing out that these were not issues only a short day before.]


I broke my evening's fast with a bowl of grits, seasoned with Splenda and made creamier with a dab of butter. For my main entrée I also ordered the whole wheat Belgium waffles, which were too dry, even when drenched in (sugar-free) syrup. My curiosity was piqued as to the Salmon and Dill Pancakes that were listed upon the menu, so I ordered it for a second plate. [Note: Although most of the menu was the same each day, there were a few items that changed daily. FYI – it is piqued, not peaked or peeked.] I am glad I was able to have satisfied my culinary interest, but I did not care for the dish, and my DDs did not care much for its piscine fetor.


The draw of the ocean was strong upon my being, so the time between Taste and the morning’s conclave was had by me on the balcony with the cool air blowing on my brow and breathing in the fresh salty air.


Meet and Greet



Please note – the M&G post will be written in a more straight-forwardlinguisti c style.

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Meet and Greet: The Benefits of [Roll Call] Membership


The Meet and Greet (M&G) was many months in the making. I had begun the Roll Call post almost exactly one year from the date of sailing. Within two weeks someone had already volunteered to organize the M&G for our cruise. Another member created a sign-up sheet for the Roll Call to get an idea of how many people would attend, and on this same sign-up sheet, we also had information about a gift exchange (including an opt-in column). I had volunteered to bring a get-to-know-you Bingo game. When the member that organized the shindig stated that she may not be able to attend, I stepped up and volunteered to act as the MC in her place.


The organizer, and a few other members of the roll call, were boarding in Warnemunde. They were boarding late and would have missed the scheduled time for the muster drill, and the make-up drill would have corresponded with the time of the M&G. They contacted NCL, and the time for the muster drill was pushed back – and they did not need to attend the make-up.






On that morning, I did not know that she was going attend, so I arrived at the meeting-place (Cagney's Steakhouse) a little early to ensure that everything was set up correctly, and begin greeting people as they arrived. Everything was set up fine, and the NCL hostess even provided name tags (with markers) for us to use. A few members began to arrive, and we quickly began to schmooze. After we let each other know our Cruise Critic ID name, it was like we were friends for years.



A waiter began coming around with a Strawberry smoothie of some type. I did not have it, it looked too sugary, but my DW said it was good. Another waiter brought around a pastry for us to eat. It was very nice of NCL to have done that for us.


Although the organizer of the M&G was able to attend, she asked me if it was okay if I would be okay to still MC the event, and I said sure. The meeting was kicked off with Andrew, our Cruise Director, saying a few things and introducing some members of the staff.



I was given the microphone, thanked the staff, then proceeded to get into the nitty-gritty of the M&G, going around and asking everyone for some basic information about themselves and their party/family. Once we had finished, and it lasted for a few minutes, there being at least 40 of us in attendance, we went onto the gift-exchange portion of our program. It was almost 15 minutes until the meeting was scheduled to end, so instead of playing the Bingo, I decided to let everyone just talk to each other for the remainder of the time. Luckily they did not kick us out at the allotted hour, and I probably spent an extra half-hour talking to my fellow cruisers, and new-found friends.


Although I had been a member of a few roll calls on Cruise Critic, this was the first M&G I had ever attended, and I have to say it was a very positive and enjoyable experience. I am glad that I was not only able to participate, buthad a roll in making it come together. [Thanks again FourUpstate for organizing it. Also thanks to NCL for making sure that everything was in-order for making it a successful event.]



It was great bumping into people from the M&G throughout the cruise to talk with every now and then, or just receive a friendly waver or smile.

One more note – NCL also sent a nicely displayed plate of chocolates to the rooms of each of the participants. Thanks again NCL!!!

Tween Note for M&G


Our DD12 did attend the M&G with us. Not of the children attended. My daughter thought it was interesting, but would have preferred to have gone to the Splash Academy. What is funny, is that one of the girls she became good friends with at the kids club was a daughter of members that attended the M&G, who was at the club instead of the M&G.



My Personal Take on Cruise Directors


Up until this, being our eighth cruise, ever found a cruise director that I felt impacted upon my cruise (positively or negatively). To me they were always a non-factor, and nohow molded in the fashion of a Julie McCoy. However, I found Andrew to be quite entertaining, and seemed to be everywhere. I had several interactions with him during this one cruise, whereas I cannot count on one finger the number of times I had personally interacted with any of the CDs on previous cruises.



I am not sure if it was NCL or Andrew, or a combination of both, but I would like to say (write) thank you Andrew.

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Ooooooh That Smell!!!


I had read of several passengers on various prior sailings on the Getaway complain(and some complain a lot) about the smells being emitted from their bathrooms.We were not immune to this malady. The miasma was not always present, but it occurred enough to be of a nuisance.However, knowing about it, and it not really affecting us (it did not seem to be noticeable in the mornings or late evenings when we were present in the room), we did not complain and just lived with it. My DD12, who has an oversensitive nose, was not very offset about it – so we just let it go. I’ll probably mention it again when I discuss our stateroom, but I had it in my notes at this point, so figured I would add it now, in case I forget at that later time.


The Afternoon At Sea


Lunch was had at what has become one of our favorite go-to venues, O’Sheehans. I did not jot down what I had eaten, nor do I remember, but it most likely included a half-dozen Thai Chili Wings and either a BBQ burger or the Stew.


One of the traditions we have over the years on our high seas adventures, has been that my DW would receive a Spa treatment, and I would have room service deliver a banquet to my room. Due to upholding the principal of not wanting to spend money on room service, and I was going to be busy, my DW upheld her end of the tradition, and I did not. While she was getting her treatment was also the time that the Bingo cards were being sold, so I, being a devoted husband,went to purchase the cards for her. I also staked out the perfect seat that would be amenable to the best viewing of the caller and number board. Although my original plans had been to attend a function at another venue, I changed my intent, and stayed with my wonderful DW to help her with her Bingo cards. This was a move that she really appreciated, since she knows how much I dislike it.


Moderno Dinner


We are no greenhorns when it comes to dining at Brazilian churrascarias, including being well fed at one less than a year before while visiting South America. Our DDs had been to them before, but it had been some years, so we decided that this would be one of our choices for a specialty restaurant, since it is not the usual dining experience.


To sum it up quickly, it was an enjoyable experience, but the offerings were adequate for a venue to be billed as a specialty restaurant, and being billed an up-charge for our daughters. As to the positives – these types of steakhouses are a unique experience, and it is fun. The bacon on the salad bar was thick and crispy, just as I like it. The lobster bisque, also found on the bar was very good (albeit not very thick). From the carved offerings, the flank steak was also very good. I also have to comment that they took my allergy to cheese very seriously, and even offered me some of the chicken and another meat before they added cheeses to them. The wait staff was very friendly and attentive.


The offerings on the salad bar were okay – although nothing to shout out about,except for what I had mentioned above. There were some cheeses and cheese-infused offerings that I could not have, but my family did not rave about any of these. Beyond the flanks teak, the meats were adequate to so-so, and most were overly salted.


We, as a family, enjoyed the experience of the venue, however, Moderno would most likely not be a venue I would chose as part of my SPD package in the future.


Burn the Floor


Due to all of the rescheduling, the ships dance show, Burn the Floor, had been moved to this evening at 10 PM. It was not exactly what I had expected it to be. Not that I was disappointed, but I was expecting more of something akin to Dirty Dancing. The dancers were very good, and some of the female’s costumes let little to the imagination,especially when they are draped tightly around their athletic physiques. [Note:Your tween and teenage boys will enjoy the show for that reason alone.] It was a very entertaining hour of non-stop dancing, with only a very few down moments.


It was much better than most of the dance shows I have seen on other cruises. Was it the greatest show I had ever seen? No. However,it was something I enjoyed. [Note: My one question is: was there a “leading” couple – and if so, which couple?]


Our DDs were both at their respective clubs, and went out with their friends afterwards,so they did not see the show with us, so I cannot comment on it from a teen/tween perspective. After the show, my DW and I went back to the room and relaxed until the younger members of our family came back to the cabin to go to bed.



Up Next: Family Traditions

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A suggestion from a co-worker regarding Rostock (he is from Germany), whom had just read my review thus far.


One recommendation for you inhindsight, and for others coming to the port of Rostock, would be to spend justminimal time there, and instead do a day-trip to Luebeck, which is a larger,prettier and more historic city. It’s also much wealthier, better maintained,has nicer architecture, and wasn’t impacted by 40 years of communism.

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A suggestion from a co-worker regarding Rostock (he is from Germany), whom had just read my review thus far.


One recommendation for you inhindsight, and for others coming to the port of Rostock, would be to spend justminimal time there, and instead do a day-trip to Luebeck, which is a larger,prettier and more historic city. It’s also much wealthier, better maintained,has nicer architecture, and wasn’t impacted by 40 years of communism.


Travel R, I don't remember if you've mentioned it or not, but was there a reason that you didn't consider visiting the Schwerin Castle?

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Travel R, I don't remember if you've mentioned it or not, but was there a reason that you didn't consider visiting the Schwerin Castle?


Short answer - majority ruled against it.


For each port, I gave my family ideas for what to do at each port (it would have been up to me to decide upon how to do it - DIY, NCL, or private tour). However, they did not chose this as an option.


From a teen/tween point of view, although it would be cool to see a caste, they would have to deal with getting there (either by bus, or by rented car) - it is not so far away, but they would rather not have to travel. They also know that they will be seeing more palaces, castles, and museums for two days in Saint Petersburg, so the idea of visiting Schwerin was not as appealing to a teen and tween under the circumstances. I do not believe my DW was in favor of visiting it as well on this vacation.


From my own personal point of view, if I were not traveling with the family, I would have loved visiting there - I most likely would have liked to rent a car and driven to Shwerin while stopping off at other locations along the way. But it is a family vacation, so the majority ruled against. Visiting the castle and surrounding area is an idea for whenever I return to Germany with only my DW, and plan on spending a few days enjoying all that the country has to offer.

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A suggestion from a co-worker regarding Rostock (he is from Germany), whom had just read my review thus far.


One recommendation for you inhindsight, and for others coming to the port of Rostock, would be to spend justminimal time there, and instead do a day-trip to Luebeck, which is a larger,prettier and more historic city. It’s also much wealthier, better maintained,has nicer architecture, and wasn’t impacted by 40 years of communism.

Thank you very much for this suggestion! Also I have a few questions.

- how far in advance you booked your hotel ? We are party of 6 adults ans 2 kids , 9 and 11yo.


-when to book SPB tour? So far looking and learning about our options. We cruise in 10 month and I am thinking to book SPB private tour for 8 after a final payment due date in February. Not too late?


-Have you purchased a trip insurance? What company you use? Again, thinking to get one with final payment.


Thank you for your time to write this review!

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Thank you very much for this suggestion! Also I have a few questions.

- how far in advance you booked your hotel ? We are party of 6 adults ans 2 kids , 9 and 11yo.


-when to book SPB tour? So far looking and learning about our options. We cruise in 10 month and I am thinking to book SPB private tour for 8 after a final payment due date in February. Not too late?


-Have you purchased a trip insurance? What company you use? Again, thinking to get one with final payment.


Thank you for your time to write this review!


Booking Hotels - I booked our hotel at the very beginning of April for the end of July. In my opinion this was too late. My first choice of hotel was already booked for their family rooms, and this was the last family room available at Hotel Nebo. If the hotel you book has a cancellation policy, you are better to book the hotels as much in advance as possible.


Booking Private SPB Tour - We had booked our tour with less than two months before sailing, so waiting until after final payment (IMO) should be fine.


Trip Insurance - Yes, we took out insurance through Allianz. Unfortunately my daughter had to see the ship's doctor. Doctors on cruise ships do not take medical insurance, and they are not cheap. I currently have the claim in with them - if they pay out, it will have made the insurance well worth it. [i'll be discussing the ship doctor in an upcoming post.] For such an expensive cruise, I would highly suggest getting decent coverage. NCL does sell its own insurance (as you probably know), which does not cover as much (or to as much extent) as the third party carriers.


Please note that NCL (for us) added their insurance to our bill and I had to have it removed before final payment date. [Another big drawbacks of the NCL policy is that it only covers issues with air travel if you use their air package.]


I also purchased insurance way after the payment due date, and I believe within six weeks of the cruise.


If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.

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Tradition, tradition! Tradition! [Tevye, “Fiddler on the Roof”]


Traditions can be created intentionally, or they can occur because a pattern had been set without forethought. We do not have many traditions within my family, but there a few that I would like to just mention as part of this review – and it may answer some questions, like, why eat pizza in Copenhagen?




Kids,well most people, love pizza. Somewhere along our family’s personal sojourn,whenever we visited a different state or country, we began to dine at pizzerias (pre-cheese allergy). We have consumed pizza in almost every state on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, and Canada, and had begun our international consumption as a family when we visited Italy a few years ago. After pizza in many different places around the world, can you guess where they chose as their favorite pizza? Brooklyn – L&B Spumoni Gardens, to be exact. [Note: by pizza, I mean a cheese pizza with no toppings (occasionally pepperoni may be the only topping allowed and still call it pizza).]




Being Brooklyn raised, I have to agree that this is where the best pizza can be found– even the smallest of pizzerias are heads above anything you can find outside the borough (NYC & queens are good, but still no competition with Brooklyn pizza). Note that Di Fara, also in Brooklyn is usually on many lists, but to a true Brooklynite, it is average pizza that now overpriced that now has some hype. [i had a lot of buddies that lived down the block/ around the corner, soI was there a lot in the 80s & early 90s, before the hype.] Since I am already digressing, I will digress some more; back at that time, my favorite pizza was Papa Leone’s on Oriental Blvd. in Brooklyn. The sauce they put on their Sicilian (square) slices was amazing [it was also a great place for good food and a place to take a cheap date]. Years later, in the early 2000s, I had gone back after many years with my daughter for a slice, and the pizza was just not the same – they changed the recipe for the pizza sauce.




First,let me state that my DW and I are not lovers of McDonalds. Back in college, I probably woofed down my share of Big Macs, but between college and kids, we rarely went to Mickey-D’s or BK, or any of the other fast food places, exceptf or maybe a quick bite while on the road. Enter two beautiful children, who like most other kids, get introduced to the junk food at a party or want to get something quick and cheap, and they get a craving for this junk. I guess because we tend not to go to McDonaldsvery often, my daughter has always associated it as a special treat (which we have used on occasion as a “reward” for doing something good). If we go somewhere that has a unique McDonalds, we will take her there – or if we go to a new state or country. Although we did not go to a McDonalds in every country on this vacation, I did take a picture of at least one in the countries in which we did not visit them.



As noted earlier, Iceland is one of the few countries in the world that does not have a McDonalds. If you are in New Hyde Park, Long Island, NY, there is a pretty cool one that is in a house from the late 1700s. The one on Wall Street (NYC) has a pianist, or a UFO shaped one in New Mexico. There is also a pretty cool one (I think it was the world’s largest in the world at one time) in Oklahoma I had stopped at with a friend on across-country drive that took on old Route 66 [this was before I had kids] –what I remember most about it is that they had a store that sold all of the giveaways and other merchandise. If you Google “Unique McDonalds” there are some in very interesting locations.


I know it may be sacrilege to speak of it on a cruise website, but there are so many wondrous, beautiful, amazing, interesting, etc., etc., places to see and things to do in the United States and Canada (as for Mexico, I have only been to tourist areas and Tijuana) – and these McDonalds and the pizzerias mentioned above are only just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.


Spaand Room Service


On our first cruise, my DW went to the ship’s spa one afternoon and I ordered in from room service. After that, for the next few cruises, it had become a tradition to continue doing so. She enjoyed the treatment and I did not bother her as to how much it cost, and I ordered in a lot of food, and she did not inquire as to what or how much I ate. I would sit in the room, put on the TV and feast.


The tradition had come to an end – although I think it is temporary. Three cruises ago we were on a busy itinerary on the Med, and she tried to book one too late, and could not get a time that worked into our schedule. [Note: She normally books the afternoon we board, but it did not work out that way.] Two cruises ago we were with friends and family, and it just did not work out. On this past cruise, she had her treatment,but I was stubborn, and just did not want to pay the $7.95 service charge –it’s not a lot of money, it is just the principle of the matter. There was also an activity I wanted to attend at about the time of her treatment, so it also played a part in my decision. In hindsight, I will continue with this tradition on our next cruise – I had made my stand, spoken volumes by not ordering, so next time, I will have a fête for one.


Sitting with Daughter on the Balcony


This is a tradition that had occurred naturally on our balcony cruises – my DD12 would sit on my lap while I was out on the balcony. It is always one of my favorite cruise moments. I hope she does not get too big – or at least sit beside me if she does.


Midnight (or Later)Snacks with Daughters


This was a tradition that began during the first cruise with my daughters. My older daughter began returning back to the cabin late. I would wait up for her and when she got back, we would go to the 24 hour venue for a snack. It was a great daddy-daughter bonding time. We did the same on our last cruise. Unfortunately, I only did it once with both daughters on this last cruise. My DD17 got back too late, and I was usually too tired. If our next cruise is not so port-intensive, and I am not so worn out, I hope to do it again.

[Note: Below not the buffet late at night -- it is the crepe station during dinner.]



Well, those are our traditions. For traditions of others, there are a number of other threads on CC, such as: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2347778



[below is the desert plate at Cirque Dreams and Steam:]






Up Next: Food Impairments: Allergies, Diabetes, and Alcohol

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I am a diabetic (Type 2). I also have an allergy to cheese. Because alcohol intensifies allergic reactions, I also refrain from drinking. L


Allergies – Cheese and Chocolate


I did not contact NCL in advance, nor did I meet with any maître d’s or waiters the previous day before I dined. Being a cook myself, and knowing what to look for, I would scan the menus myself and try to order what I believe would be less likely to have cheese. However, I would then also ask the waiter to be sure (so I would not waste time, I would ask about two or three dishes, and ask to serve those that do not have cheese –although I would give a preference so I did not wind up with three entrees, two is enough).


Some waiters went out of their way to ensure that the food did not have cheese (the wait staff at Moderno, Cirque show, and a few in the free restaurants) – and some either did not care or maybe understand (Le Bistro). Overall, it was a good experience.


The issue in Le Bistro was that my DW and I both ordered different appetizers with shrimp – they gave us the wrong ones, and to tell you the truth, we did not exactly remember what we had ordered, and the ways that they were presented did not really give it away, and it is fairly dark in the restaurant. Although the looks were not a giveaway, after I took a bite of mine, I knew it was not something I would have ordered. Luckily, the dish did not have any cheese in it – but it was a scare. They also had messed up on serving the incorrect items for the entrees as well.


Although the wait staff at the Cirque show were very attentive to me regarding my cheese allergy, they had a faux pas with my wife and her chocolate allergy. For dessert, they removed and replaced the obvious chocolate desserts (there are three different on the plate), however two of the items were red velvet cakes. Quick food lesson – red velvet cakes are made with cocoa (which is what you use to make chocolate). She was not happy. On a related thought – My wife was not happy at the selection of desserts at the buffet. Almost all of them, especially the cookies, had chocolate in them.

You know your allergies best, so do whatever you think is going to work best for you. Over caution, when it comes to a potential allergy in the middle of the sea, might be prudent - but we are all our own best guide (or more likely our spouse/partner).



For those of you that have diabetes, you know that it is a lifestyle change, and not a death sentence. Although there are many things you should not eat, moderating your diet will allow you to have some of the danger foods at times, just in smaller quantities that you may wish.


The Getaway is like all other ships I have been on. There are many, many options in every venue for you to eat well without getting your glucose levels too high. Although I will admit I did go a little overboard at times on this cruise – I tried not to go too far off the entire cruise. There are a lot of salad choices, and although I did not love the buffet, they did have a decent salad bar. Grilled chicken, fish (without heavy or sugary sauces) and meats could be found that are low sugar, as well as a number of good vegetable options.

They do have a full menu especially for diabetics, if you contact NCL, they will work with you (and you can chose your menu each evening for the following day) - I did not want to do that, I feel that it would be too restricting, and I know what I should and should not eat. However, we are all on our own journey, and this might be the best path for you.

As mentioned, I did go overboard on the food, especially with several “snacks” beyond my meals, but I tried to stay away from the desserts – and stuck with the “no sugar added” options, no matter how unappealing they seemed.

Note: I liked the fact that they had two types of sugarless drinks in the buffet - it was a very pleasant surprise.

If you are a diabetic, especially for those recently diagnosed and/or have never been on a cruise before. There is plenty of stuff to eat (even if you do not cheat) that will keep you satisfied. You could also contact NCL, and they will ensure that you have a low carb/sugar menu for every meal – but that is up to you.

So if some of you think that I am a little overboard with my exercising, especially on vacation -- it is the exercising that keeps me healthy, as well as keeps my sugar levels down.



I never drank much, maybe a glass of wine or two on a weekend, but I did enjoy drinking. In my old age I actually started to become familiar with the differences in wines. I was never a beer drinker, but enjoyed a good vodka and/or scotch. It has been two years since I had to stop.


On family trips/vacations I had always tended not to drink very much (on our Med cruise, I purchased two bottles of wine, and only drank one). Even if I were to drink on this cruise, it would have not been to excess – a glass of wine with dinner, maybe a scotch in the evening, and probably try one of those cold fruity drinks by the pool (if the weather would have been nicer and allowed me to sit by the pool). So, I think I would have enjoyed the drink package – but I can’t cry over spilled alcohol.


So, this entire vacation, and the writing of this review was performed entirely sober. Maybe it would have been shorter if I were drunk? But by being sober, my feelings and experiences were not distorted by a drunken halo. When I am drunk, everything is great. So by being sober the whole cruise, when I write I enjoyed something – it is an entirely lucid conscious experience, not the alcohol speaking.


Up Next: Going Medieval: Tallinn, A Baltic Surprise

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Tallinn (Mon 7/3) 9:00 to 4:30


Tallinn - Tallinn, Estonia’s capital on the Baltic Sea is the country’s cultural hub. It retains its walled,cobble stoned Old Town, home to cafes and shops, as well as Kiek in de Kök, a 15th-century defensive tower. Its Gothic Town Hall, built in the 13th centuryand with a 64m-high tower, sits in historic Tallinn’s main square. St. Nicholas Church is a 13th-century landmark exhibiting ecclesiastical art.


Day’s Summary: We shall be taking a Free Walking Tour of the old town given by local college students (see below) [2 hours]. The old town is the most medieval city we will be visiting in Europe. The tour will take us through all of the highlights in the old town which is worth seeing. If we do not like it, we could leave at anytime – and that we can keep the Tallinn Zoo and the Estonian History Museum in mind as alternatives. Note that a number of museums are closed on the day we visit. This should give us a few hours to chill out on the ship before the dinner show (Cirque de Soliel), followed by Burn the Floor.

1. Breakfast – Taste/Savor sit down option (no rush)


2. 10:00 Free Walking Tour (also given at 12:00) (http://www.traveller.ee/tour/tallinn-free-tour) [Tour is Free, but they work off of tips; Tours depart from Tallinn Tourist Info Center. On the corner of Harju and Niguliste street; it is a 25 minute walk to meeting point.] [Map available in addendum]

3. Stop at Maiasmokk Café before heading to ship for lunch [Pikk 16,10123 Tallinn]

4. Chill out on Ship in afternoon

5. 5:30 Dinner/Entertainment - Cirque du Soleil w/ Dinner

6. 7:30 Entertainment - Burn theFloor

Alternate Ideas to doin Tallin (in case we do not like the Free Tour)

Note: Three other cruise ships in port that day (over 9,000 pax total) - http://www.portoftallinn.com/static/files/122.Cruise%20Ship%20Schedule%202017%20-%20Tallinn.pdf

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First view of Tallinn








As I will discuss at a (much) later time, when I post about my cabin and cabin location - I enjoy getting a cabin on a higher deck. One of the major factors is that the view IMHO is better. On lower decks I do not know if I would have been able to see such vistas - including all of the spires reaching high above the streets of the town below.


Although the sun was invited to join in the picture, it did not show as desired, which would have led to a nicer picture. But this photo does express the climate for the day's adventure.


I have not cropped out the trucks in the forefront to show the contrast of the ages being displayed.


The the meaning of the photo is changed when it is cropped:




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