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Hurricane Irma Watch

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Wrong. This is serious. The governor has made a specific announcement for specific reasons. He is very worried about fuel and traffic. He specifically asked people to evacuate no further than they need to, going so far as to say that people should not fill their gasoline tanks, and to only take as much as they need to get the shelter in their own county, because otherwise some people won't get any gasoline, and will not be able to evacuate. There is also a very big concern about traffic, and people clogging the highways while evacuating from Miami Dade Zone C (for example) will cause traffic backups that leave those evacuating from the Keys and Zones A and B in harm's way.


Don't ignore what the governor is saying because you are getting some kind of twisted visceral thrill from the erroneous, sensationalized headline that the news station used.


I live directly in this storm's path. I and everyone else down here don't need some keyboard commando from Georgia telling us how serious this is.

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I live directly in this storm's path. I and everyone else down here don't need some keyboard commando from Georgia telling us how serious this is.
Evidently you do since what you are suggesting would endanger my family.
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I believe one of the photos I saw was of Marigot, and it looked like a total loss.


With all due respect, the cruise ships dock in Phillipsburg. If that port isn't damaged, it quickens the time ships can return.


And it's an operating container port- so it can be used for supplies.


The pictures for that show much less damage. If any to the operating pier.


The picture of Marigot that I saw shows a lot of very damaged boats. Hard to really tell if the actual port is that damaged- can't really make a "total loss" call until that debris is removed.

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With all due respect, the cruise ships dock in Phillipsburg.
Yup, understood. Just reporting what I saw with regard to Marigot.


The picture of Marigot that I saw shows a lot of very damaged boats. Hard to really tell if the actual port is that damaged- can't really make a "total loss" call until that debris is removed.
I suppose that's true, but I took the fact that we couldn't even see the port, and the statement from the French navy, as indication that it is substantially gone. I could be wrong though.
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With all due respect, the cruise ships dock in Phillipsburg. If that port isn't damaged, it quickens the time ships can return.


And it's an operating container port- so it can be used for supplies.


The pictures for that show much less damage. If any to the operating pier.


The picture of Marigot that I saw shows a lot of very damaged boats. Hard to really tell if the actual port is that damaged- can't really make a "total loss" call until that debris is removed.

Saw a pic yesterday that showed port containers thrown all over the place. Also saw a barge that was on the beach in front of the shops and restaurants that have been destroyed.

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I live directly in this storm's path. I and everyone else down here don't need some keyboard commando from Georgia telling us how serious this is.


Ain't that the truth! How many times in S Florida were we not in the direct path a few days out, only for that path to change slightly at the last minute, which created chaos at the gas stations. The last thing you want to do if anywhere in S. Florida, is to be caught off guard. Everyone in S. Florida should be filling up. You, I and everyone who has lived on the Gulf and/or east coast knows that.


By the way, stay safe down there. You'll be in my thoughts as this plays out. Same goes for all my friends and former neighbors in the Keys. I'll be praying for them.


Cruzaholic and everyone - stay safe. Having had friends and acquaintances deal with Harvey, I feel for you. Don't spend your time trying to reason with someone who constantly bickers and challenges everyone here.


Totally agree.

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Hilton Corp hotels east of Federal Highway (route 1) in Fort Lauderdale have the following notice on their websites:


Due to Hurricane Irma, a mandatory evacuation has been issued for the area and therefore our hotel is closed. We are waiving cancellation penalties for reservations arriving Thursday, Sept. 7 through Monday, Sept. 11 and encourage guests with existing reservations to contact 1-800-HILTONS. Our thoughts are with those impacted by the storm.

Considering that Broward County announced a mandatory evacuation of the area east of Federal Highway that impacts almost all the Fort Lauderdale hotels that serve cruisers I presume others will follow suit.

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Yes, and Royal Caribbean has much more financial ability than you to enforce the contract you agreed to. I understand it stinks, but they have given, IMO, pretty fair alternatives that they legally didn't have to do offer per the contract you signed. Time to stop complaining about it.


The contract I agree to, when I book a cruise is for a set date, set number of days, and set departure and return to a set port. Anything besides that is a breech of contract on their part, an act of god does not nullify that. Their CYA (cover your a--) in that the so called contract,is that they aren't liable for any of your other cost such as nonrefundable airline tickets, hotel and living expenses going to port or a delay in sailing. You surely don't think they give you a refund out of the goodness of their heart do you?

If you choose to litigate this, I'm sure there are compentent lawyers lined up around the block to take a case like this, since the settlement would include all lawyers fees.

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I saw a post here on CC of a sheet from one of the Oasis Class ships and it said that RC would cover the extra days of gratuities. It also went into detail of laundry specials, half price dining etc...

On Oasis now. The only thing we are getting, is gratuities for our extra two days. Anything else we spend on board of course we are responsible for those charges and gratuities . During our two extra days ONLY – we can buy drinks at half-price, Internet at half price, specialty restaurants at half price, but of course we still pay gratuity, and likely at the full price prior to the discount. They have also allowed for half price wash and fold. They will arrange for you to make a phone call, and have arranged for 30 minutes of Internet. We have received nothing for free except the phone call and 30 minutes from the Internet. Everything else encourages us to incur an extra cost.


Being on the ship for a few extra days sounds like a dream, but it has really caused a lot of disruption for many passengers.


I know this is contrast with the horrible loss of life and devastation of the hurricane, but as others have mentioned, it is a cruise message board


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Saw a pic yesterday that showed port containers thrown all over the place. Also saw a barge that was on the beach in front of the shops and restaurants that have been destroyed.

Containers and beached barges can be moved- some within a few hours.


rebuilding the pier could take months.


The pictures I saw had the wooden structures decimated, but the concrete ones had roof damage.


So it all depends on what the building was made with.


Given the importance of cruises, I would fully expect them to rebuild REALLY quickly. It may not be 100%, but it will be enough to bring in visitors.

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On Oasis now. The only thing we are getting, is gratuities for our extra two days. Anything else we spend on board of course we are responsible for those charges and gratuities . During our two extra days ONLY – we can buy drinks at half-price, Internet at half price, specialty restaurants at half price, but of course we still pay gratuity, and likely at the full price prior to the discount. They have also allowed for half price wash and fold. They will arrange for you to make a phone call, and have arranged for 30 minutes of Internet. We have received nothing for free except the phone call and 30 minutes from the Internet. Everything else encourages us to incur an extra cost.


Being on the ship for a few extra days sounds like a dream, but it has really caused a lot of disruption for many passengers.


I know this is contrast with the horrible loss of life and devastation of the hurricane, but as others have mentioned, it is a cruise message board



Thank you for the update.

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The contract I agree to, when I book a cruise is for a set date, set number of days, and set departure and return to a set port. Anything besides that is a breech of contract on their part, an act of god does not nullify that. Their CYA (cover your a--) in that the so called contract,is that they aren't liable for any of your other cost such as nonrefundable airline tickets, hotel and living expenses going to port or a delay in sailing. You surely don't think they give you a refund out of the goodness of their heart do you?

If you choose to litigate this, I'm sure there are compentent lawyers lined up around the block to take a case like this, since the settlement would include all lawyers fees.


Yes, I'm confident that the cruise line's contract would hold up should someone choose to sue. They often fall under Maritime law or where the ship/cruise line is registered - there's a reason so many are out of the Bahamas - who's laws are much more lax than US/EU.


I'm also confident the cruise line would defend itself rather than settle, because then there is a slippery slope of people just suing hoping for a settlement. And they have way more financial resources and better attorneys than you or I do.


But give it a shot and let us know how it goes.

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We were the first cruise allowed back to Cozumel after Wilma. I can't remember the timeframe but it was somewhere like 4-5 months perhaps. We tendered in. The city had a special celebration to greet guests. The shopkeepers and workers were SO happy to see tourists back - it was quite touching. We saved all our shopping for that one port and were so happy to see so many people shopping and tipping and helping the people of Cozumel recover. I'm sure the same will happen once our friends in the Caribbean repair and rebuild.


Hound - wow, I saw your comment and then saw you've moved to NOLA. Hope you enjoy it there - be sure to eat at my fave The Gumbo Shop. It's in the Quarter but a local friend guided me there almost 30 years ago and we still eat there 1-2 times every single time we go!

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Hound - wow, I saw your comment and then saw you've moved to NOLA. Hope you enjoy it there - be sure to eat at my fave The Gumbo Shop. It's in the Quarter but a local friend guided me there almost 30 years ago and we still eat there 1-2 times every single time we go!


Thanks Wolf. It was a bitter-sweet move. I miss the Keys dearly but this was a job promotion I couldn't pass up.


I'll definitely look up that restaurant. I've learned to avoid the Quarter but I do wander in from time to time. :)

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Thanks Wolf. It was a bitter-sweet move. I miss the Keys dearly but this was a job promotion I couldn't pass up.


I'll definitely look up that restaurant. I've learned to avoid the Quarter but I do wander in from time to time. :)


(Where in the Keys were you? My folks lived in Marathon until the real estate crash, and my father was a contractor out of Key West. Sadly you would have been more likely to encounter any of my family members down there on the wrong side of the law. ;) )

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The contract I agree to, when I book a cruise is for a set date, set number of days, and set departure and return to a set port. Anything besides that is a breech of contract on their part, an act of god does not nullify that. Their CYA (cover your a--) in that the so called contract,is that they aren't liable for any of your other cost such as nonrefundable airline tickets, hotel and living expenses going to port or a delay in sailing. You surely don't think they give you a refund out of the goodness of their heart do you?

If you choose to litigate this, I'm sure there are compentent lawyers lined up around the block to take a case like this, since the settlement would include all lawyers fees.


Not a lawyer, but in general business contracts almost always have a force majeure clause that does in fact nullify the contract for acts of god. Royal's CYA clause specifically covers weather. The only commitment to a refund seems to be for mechanical failure.




a. Carrier may for any reason at any time and without prior notice, cancel,advance, postpone or deviate from any scheduled sailing, port of call, destination,lodging or any activity on or o the Vessel, or substitute another vessel or port

of call, destination, lodging or activity. Except as provided in Section 6(e) below,Carrier shall not be liable for any claim whatsoever by Passenger, including butnot limited to loss, compensation or refund, by reason of such cancellation,advancement, postponement, substitution or deviation.

b. In connection with a CruiseTour, Carrier has the same right to cancel, advance,postpone or deviate from any scheduled activity, departure or destination,

or substitute another railcar, bus, destination or lodging or other component

of the CruiseTour. Except as provided in Section 6(e) below, Carrier shall not

be liable for any claim by Passenger whatsoever, including but not limited to

loss, compensation or refund, by reason of such cancellation, advancement,postponement, substitution or deviation.

c. By way of example, and not limitation, Carrier may, without liability (except asprovided in Section 6(e) with respect to mechanical failures only), deviate fromany scheduled sailing and may otherwise land Passenger and her property at

any port if Carrier believes that the voyage or any Passenger or property may

be hindered or adversely a ected as a result of hostilities, blockages, prevailingweather conditions, labor conflicts, strikes onboard or ashore, breakdown ofVessel, congestion, docking di culties, medical or life saving emergencies or anyother cause whatsoever


d. Carrier shall have the right to comply with any orders, recommendations, ordirections whatsoever given by any governmental entity or by persons purportingto act with such authority and such compliance shall not be deemed a breach

of this Agreement entitling the Passenger to assert any claim for liability,compensation or refund.

e. In the event that a Cruise (or the cruise component of a CruiseTour) is canceledor terminated early due to mechanical failures:

i) Passenger shall have a right to a full refund of the Cruise Fare if the Cruise iscanceled in full, or a partial refund if the cruise is terminated early;

ii) Carrier may cover or reimburse Passenger for additional costs (e.g. airlinechange fees) as deemed appropriate by the Carrier.

iii) If the passenger has travelled to the Vessel Passenger shall have a right totransportation (by means selected by the Carrier to the Vessel’s scheduled port ofdisembarkation or the Passenger’s home city; and

iv) Passenger shall have a right to lodging (selected by the Cruise Line) ifdisembarkation and an overnight stay in an unscheduled port are required due

to the Cruise or cruise component of a CruiseTour being cancelled or terminatedearly because of such mechanical failures.

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Wrong. This is serious. The governor has made a specific announcement for specific reasons. He is very worried about fuel and traffic. He specifically asked people to evacuate no further than they need to, going so far as to say that people should not fill their gasoline tanks, and to only take as much as they need to get the shelter in their own county, because otherwise some people won't get any gasoline, and will not be able to evacuate. There is also a very big concern about traffic, and people clogging the highways while evacuating from Miami Dade Zone C (for example - which happens to be where my family is right now) will cause traffic backups that leave those evacuating from the Keys and Zones A and B in harm's way.


Don't ignore what the governor is saying because you are getting some kind of twisted visceral thrill from the erroneous, sensationalized headline that the news station used.




I heard the same thing. Evacuation from certain Zones. Mostly East of US 1. He said if you evacuate, go to closest place you can safely hunker down. The highways can't handle all the traffic coming from the South.



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Post of the day.




Not really. Those beliefs will cause more problems. Find some DOT Cams and look at the traffic, not to mention most gas stations along the interstates are out of gas. Most cars can't get out of harms way from the Keys and Miami on ONE tank of gas. Nothing worse than running out of gas on the side of the road.


Listen to our Governor, he is trying to keep us safe.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums

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(Where in the Keys were you? My folks lived in Marathon until the real estate crash, and my father was a contractor out of Key West. Sadly you would have been more likely to encounter any of my family members down there on the wrong side of the law. ;) )


I lived on Cudjoe Key and worked in Key West. Yeah, it's a small town. If they're on the wrong side, I've probably met them. ;)

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Containers and beached barges can be moved- some within a few hours.


rebuilding the pier could take months.


The pictures I saw had the wooden structures decimated, but the concrete ones had roof damage.


So it all depends on what the building was made with.


Given the importance of cruises, I would fully expect them to rebuild REALLY quickly. It may not be 100%, but it will be enough to bring in visitors.

Not disagreeing with you at all. I just feel some are saying it will be quick. Unfortunately it won't be quick, one year min. Also keep in mind you can't see all the cracks in the concrete from the pics, I am sure there are many. Correct barges and containers can be moved, once you can get to them. Btw, they are now under a hurricane watch for Jose.

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