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Cruise cut short Gem Oct 31, 2017


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Our chipotle is always packed, and lots of organizations use them for fundraisers, they give 50% of the proceeds to the organizations. We only seem to fly United, major hub here.

The last time we went to Chipotle the guy working the register had a coke nail. That was about 4 years ago and was the last straw for us. We used to go there a lot but always noticed things that were off about the place. Wasntsurprised at all to see all the stiff in the news about them. We have never seen any organizations using Chipotle for anything. Chick fil a, yes, but definitely not chipotle. Lol

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OMG! I just saw it and the tears from the family member "just hoping to get them home safely" says all I need. ...... and they are concerned about little Nicky missing school..... he's in 4th grade and they have the internet.... instead of him hanging with the monkeys how about getting assignments from the school and sitting his butt down for a couple days of home schooling!!! Mom had no issues pulling him out of class for 7 school days..... and they're low on medication??? FedEx the medication down and give the bill to your travel insurance company (and if you have that severe of medical conditions where you cannot fly, etc then you better have Platinum Travel Insurance.... if not WOW)...... again, I'm completely sympathetic to their situation but my goodness.... http://abc7ny.com/travel/cruise-nightmare-for-one-new-jersey-family/2648832/


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Just because 50% of the population is always looking for free stuff doesn't mean NCL shouldn't make people whole for their ruined vacations. I am really surprised that NCL is not giving a partial refund for the cruise. Maybe 25%? 35%? Their engine. They should take responsibility. If I miss the boat I take responsibility for that.

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The last time we went to Chipotle the guy working the register had a coke nail. That was about 4 years ago and was the last straw for us. We used to go there a lot but always noticed things that were off about the place. Wasntsurprised at all to see all the stiff in the news about them. We have never seen any organizations using Chipotle for anything. Chick fil a, yes, but definitely not chipotle. Lol


I'm sure there are a few Chik fil a's with employees who have coke nails. Seems like a silly "last straw" for not eating an establishment. Now, if you saw him doing lines off the register, that's a different story.

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I'm sure there are a few Chik fil a's with employees who have coke nails. Seems like a silly "last straw" for not eating an establishment. Now, if you saw him doing lines off the register, that's a different story.

Have you been to chick fil a? And you are joking about not being disgusted by a coke nail, right?

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If you’re a logistics person, you should read the guest contract.


The reason they don’t fly you someplace convenient is because the contract states they will return you to the port of departure or your home city - at their discretion. It’s much easier to move 2000 people to one place than multiple.


The medical section has specific warnings about fitness to travel and the fact they may not have the ability or supplies to help you. Your health is on you (which others have said.)


I understand you’re just spitballing but they are required to do what’s in the contract. I agree “in the contract” is a minimum, but it is “good enough”.


It is interesting that the contract states the passenger is entitled to a partial refund in case the cruise is shortened by a mechanical failure. So, people might want to look at that section.





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You misinterpreted my suggestion...


A logistics engineer would offer alternatives and possible solutions


They also research the feasibility of such


They try to avoid snafus and make things run smoothly



So...in this situation it may or may NOT have lent itself to alternate solutions


As for pax contract....well I ask you this....regarding flying...


If it's such an issue to fly without a passport then why could those pax without pp fly to NYC?



I'll tell you why...the federal government either...waived...altered...adjusted...etc the rules for flying without a passport


They know when to break their own rules....as should cruise lines


From what I gather cruise lines break their own rules when it suits them so maybe they should do it when it suits the pax



Also, regarding partial refund, yes the pax should pursue this but in addition...and this is coming from a very NON litigious person...


The pax should look into stress related compensation



Please none of this "first world " problems nonsense because as I read it the stress levels were overwhelming for some starting on day 7


I was caught up in a hurricane that extended our cruise by 4 days and caused many issues for all the pax...oh and we were made aware of all of this on day 3 of 7 which actually turned into day 3 of 11


It was a very slow moving storm and we were trapped in the gulf


Hurricane Frances.




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Edited by maggie cruises
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You have to recognize they should have done better at communicating with passengers. That said, I think some of what is discussed here is also unreasonable.




Using this to judge how effective they would be at handling a Concordia type situation is a stretch. An on-ship emergency is something completely in the hands of the employees on the ship to handle. It is also somethings they train and drill extensively to handle. In comparison the propulsion problem and getting all the passengers back to the home port involves a complex network of suppliers that all need to be sourced, contracted and paid in very short order.




Suggestions were made that NCL should have put passengers onto regularly scheduled flights from Brigtown airport. I had a quick peak at the flights from this airport. Hand full of flights to other Caribbean islands. One flight on JetBlue to New York, one on Air Canada and a second on WestJet to Toronto. Two on American to Miami and a British Airways flight to London. Last minute you should not expect more that a handful of seats on any of these flights. That is going to take weeks if you dump 2,500 people onto regularly scheduled flights.




They had to charter flights out and have early morning departures in they had any hope of getting most people back to New York at the same time the ship was originally scheduled to dock in New York.




Omni Air does a lot of US military charters, they probably do not go into Bridgtown that frequently. They need to arrange fuel, catering, security, check-in staff etc. Air Canada operates regular flights from Bridgtown to Toronto and Montreal, so they already have people on the ground.




We all expect flawless customer experiences and execution when the cruise lines has months to prepare. They tentatively order food for the ship two months ahead of time and finalize the order a few weeks ahead of time. They sign contracts for charter buses and check in agents months ahead of time.




This is a situation when they have to pull together all of the moving parts in a day or two and it shows it. Not certain any other cruise line would have done better.




Using the Concordia was an example of how a cruise line disregards their pax


As I read it...the captain left the ship before it was evacuated and many crew did as well


It was an example about how the cruise line does not always put pax interests and safety first


Could have use the Triumph fiasco as well as an example


Heck United is right up there too



The point is we are all getting brainwashed into expecting shabby careless treatment everywhere we go


Although I will admit the front desk clerks at most good hotel chains are very cognizant of providing good service



Nothing more nothing less



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OMG! I just saw it and the tears from the family member "just hoping to get them home safely" says all I need. ...... and they are concerned about little Nicky missing school..... he's in 4th grade and they have the internet.... instead of him hanging with the monkeys how about getting assignments from the school and sitting his butt down for a couple days of home schooling!!! Mom had no issues pulling him out of class for 7 school days..... and they're low on medication??? FedEx the medication down and give the bill to your travel insurance company (and if you have that severe of medical conditions where you cannot fly, etc then you better have Platinum Travel Insurance.... if not WOW)...... again, I'm completely sympathetic to their situation but my goodness.... http://abc7ny.com/travel/cruise-nightmare-for-one-new-jersey-family/2648832/


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It was Jersey Week...the boy only missed 3 days of school and it's basically sanctioned in New Jersey schools as valid time off


Hanging with the monkeys is educations. My kids school had a mini zoo on campus


Internet? Really? Do you use


It take it you either have no children or your children are in their 40's. Lol



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It was Jersey Week...the boy only missed 3 days of school and it's basically sanctioned in New Jersey schools as valid time off


Hanging with the monkeys is educations. My kids school had a mini zoo on campus


Internet? Really? Do you use


It take it you either have no children or your children are in their 40's. Lol



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3 or 37 ....still took them out yet now it's a major concern.... it sounded like it was the mom with the medical issue so she could've sent the kid and friend home by plane


Internet... yes really.... have the distraught family go to the school, pick up some worksheets, scan and email them to the parent...... Yes, my kids are older but back in the dark ages without the ease and convenience of the internet I've taken them out of school for a week (with communication to the teacher) and had plenty of things for my kids to do to keep them current with the rest of the class..... especially today where it's super easy to get info.... heck.... they can Skype with news reporters how about Skyping with the class!!


That's great your campus had monkies but I'm pretty sure your visits were a coordinated educational moment where a teacher had an agenda..... not just feeding them on the side of the road because it was a great photo OP.


Just my opinion.... she complained about extreme hardships and I provided super easy solutions



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You misinterpreted my suggestion...


A logistics engineer would offer alternatives and possible solutions


They also research the feasibility of such


They try to avoid snafus and make things run smoothly



So...in this situation it may or may NOT have lent itself to alternate solutions


As for pax contract....well I ask you this....regarding flying...


If it's such an issue to fly without a passport then why could those pax without pp fly to NYC?



I'll tell you why...the federal government either...waived...altered...adjusted...etc the rules for flying without a passport


They know when to break their own rules....as should cruise lines Do you know this for sure; can you tell us how that works? I would appreciate the inormation. Rules are different than laws which were involved here.


From what I gather cruise lines break their own rules when it suits them so maybe they should do it when it suits the pax



Also, regarding partial refund, yes the pax should pursue this but in addition...and this is coming from a very NON litigious person...


The pax should look into stress related compensation



Please none of this "first world " problems nonsense because as I read it the stress levels were overwhelming for some starting on day 7 Do you know what first world problems, means? It really has nothing to do with stress levels.


I was caught up in a hurricane that extended our cruise by 4 days and caused many issues for all the pax...oh and we were made aware of all of this on day 3 of 7 which actually turned into day 3 of 11 Isn't this a risk you take when you cruise during hurricane season; did you do some research on it? What you experienced is always possible during that time.


It was a very slow moving storm and we were trapped in the gulf


Hurricane Frances.




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Please see my questions above.

It is about the fitness to travel and all that is involved; good and bad.


I have been on a ship where things went awry and the sense of entitlement was amazing; people who indicated that they were fit to travel by signing the contract, weren't and blamed the cruise line because they did not get special accommodations.


IMO the cruise line did very well with the situation considering the unexpected ship problems. Very difficult to plan for a crisis situation in every port.


Safe cruising all!

Edited by Cruisercl
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This whole thing is getting more outlandish, I'm sure in a effort to get more than what they were given. They had the majority of their cruise, which I would guess was good, and many want a full refund, plus a % of it for the next cruise.


A few points. A poster describes a 90 year old couple, freezing. I wonder why they didn't bring their coats, since (1) they knew they were getting off the plane in New York an (2) they must have been prepared if their ship had docked there knowing it would be cold. If they couldn't realize either, possibly having someone travel with them would be the right thing for them or their family to do.


Suggesting that there should have been medical personnel or at least a nurse traveling with the charter flight, just in case. I guess, just in case someone with asthma has a severe attack, they should either not travel or pay a nurse to travel with them, because we never know in what situation we may encounter while traveling.


It was suggested that NCL disrupt another ships cruise. That is the most selfish thing I've heard. Just because you are inconvenienced, you want to inconvenience someone else. Just Wow!


If the poster who used the Concordia as an example, if you don't feel that NCL could handle things in an emergency like what happened to the Concordia, then by all means don't cruise with them. I have never see any indication, including this situation, that would allude to the fact that NCL is not prepared for any emergency. And to even allude to the fact that NCL might not be able to handle an emergency, is very disengenious and just trying to be dramatic, IMHO. Did they get passengers from point A to B, yes they did. Have we heard of any accounts of anyone dying or seriously injured during the process, no. Were folks inconvenienced, yes, but that can happen no matter where you travel or with any company your travel with. I've got a bunch of stories that happened to me during my travels.


It is said that NCL could have done better, sure they could have. In any situation, something could have been done better. If someone has a suggestion on how it could be done better, write a letter to NCL outlining it and please leave the dramatics off, because that will surely get your letter tossed in the circular file.


Bottom line folks is to be prepared, because you never know what can happen to you during travels, even during a cruise.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Wait, is NCL seriously only giving 25% off future cruise? That is beyond tacky. Definitely gives me pause.
What should they get, taking into consideration that they had more than 3/4 of their cruise without any incidents?


BTW, will be going to Cafe du monde n a couple of weeks.

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It was Jersey Week...the boy only missed 3 days of school and it's basically sanctioned in New Jersey schools as valid time off


Hanging with the monkeys is educations. My kids school had a mini zoo on campus


Internet? Really? Do you use


It take it you either have no children or your children are in their 40's. Lol



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Yes, Jersey Week, kid had 2 1/2 days off, 11 day cruise, do the math.

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What should they get, taking into consideration that they had more than 3/4 of their cruise without any incidents?


BTW, will be going to Cafe du monde n a couple of weeks.


I took it mostly in stride but the last two nights and told to leave ship at 4AM was pretty difficult, then to followed by all the plane connection disasters and shuttling. Looking at nearly 20 hours of traveling all in one period. Maybe they shoulda comped us the same 50% as the follow up cruise at least. It's really not much outta their pockets, plenty of people probably won't even use it. I don't think it's asking too much.

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I took it mostly in stride but the last two nights and told to leave ship at 4AM was pretty difficult, then to followed by all the plane connection disasters and shuttling. Looking at nearly 20 hours of traveling all in one period. Maybe they shoulda comped us the same 50% as the follow up cruise at least. It's really not much outta their pockets, plenty of people probably won't even use it. I don't think it's asking too much.
I think that would have been fair. 25% for what the part of the cruise lost and 25% for the inconvenience.
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I certainly feel for all those who had this event impact their cruise ... I know I would be upset and at least a little annoyed. That said, count me in the group that thinks this is getting a bit out of hand.


Again, as had been said, the contract of carriage is very clear. At a high level, all you are really buying is the right to board A SHIP (not necessarily the one you think) at A PORT (my necessarily the one you think) and travel to one or more ports (not necessarily the locations or number you think) and return on a day (not necessarily the one scheduled). It is really ok an issue of risk allocation. NCL is simply offering a product on their terms. Their terms matter because it is their terms that set the price we all pay!


So all this talk about, "it's not much out of their pocket" or "they could be less cheap" misses the point, it won't effect them AT ALL. They will simply adjust prices to compensate and we will all pay!


Ignorance of this risk allocation is not a justification for compensation to me. Read the terms of the contract, understand your rights and decide if the cost/product is worth that risk. If not, can travel insurance help? If so, buy it.


I think we can all agree that a line like Regent would have handled this better, but that is baked into their cost structure, I'm sure.


Again, not saying I do not sympathize with people effected by this ... I know I would be less than pleased, but I hope NCL sticks to their guns here and does not provide some compensation. Otherwise we'll get threads like this every time something doesn't go as planned, regardless of passenger ignorance.



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What should they get, taking into consideration that they had more than 3/4 of their cruise without any incidents?


BTW, will be going to Cafe du monde n a couple of weeks.


Love cafe du monde (obviously). If you can't get a table, you can get it to go at the window and go sit by the river.

I would say they should get about 25% refund since it sounds like about 25% of their cruise was disrupted. Maybe around 35% if NCL wants to be generous. I disagree with posters who say the evacuation wasn't handled well. Obviously no one wanted to be in that situation, and maybe certain things could have been handled better (like 3am depart times but I am assuming that might have been partially flight slots), but overall, it sounds like NCL did well enough. I just do not understand why they would not give partial refunds for the cruise.

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I certainly feel for all those who had this event impact their cruise ... I know I would be upset and at least a little annoyed. That said, count me in the group that thinks this is getting a bit out of hand.


Again, as had been said, the contract of carriage is very clear. At a high level, all you are really buying is the right to board A SHIP (not necessarily the one you think) at A PORT (my necessarily the one you think) and travel to one or more ports (not necessarily the locations or number you think) and return on a day (not necessarily the one scheduled). It is really ok an issue of risk allocation. NCL is simply offering a product on their terms. Their terms matter because it is their terms that set the price we all pay!


So all this talk about, "it's not much out of their pocket" or "they could be less cheap" misses the point, it won't effect them AT ALL. They will simply adjust prices to compensate and we will all pay!


Ignorance of this risk allocation is not a justification for compensation to me. Read the terms of the contract, understand your rights and decide if the cost/product is worth that risk. If not, can travel insurance help? If so, buy it.


I think we can all agree that a line like Regent would have handled this better, but that is baked into their cost structure, I'm sure.


Again, not saying I do not sympathize with people effected by this ... I know I would be less than pleased, but I hope NCL sticks to their guns here and does not provide some compensation. Otherwise we'll get threads like this every time something doesn't go as planned, regardless of passenger ignorance.



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Just seems to be fair to match the 50% offer. As for them compensating for other factors they do it all the time. Just like the bargain price i paid this time around for a solo cabin but when i sail in summer with the kids they get me for full price. We can only look at this on a case by case basis.

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So basically what your saying is the situation sucked and their handling of the situation sucked even more(for the customers anyway)!?




Thank you for your post. I totally agree with you!!!! I applause your detailed description.


It was also very badly handle for those with food restrictions, however, some people who were not even on the this sailing think the whole way NCL handled this was great. [emoji19]


I refuse to even respond to these people anymore. IMO if they were not there, they should have empathy and not try to make NCL look good.



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Never said anything about knowing better, but just pointing out that those with dietary restrictions should be responsible for themselves to make sure they have the food and type of food that they need and if they don't they can't blame the airline or cruise line, because they can not always accomodate folks with dietary restrictions.


I'm glad you were able to help others and hopefully more passengers were like you and helped those in need. We all need to look out for each other and lend a hand when needed.




The cruise line will not permit you to take on massive amounts of food. Part of the fare that is paid is for them to provide you food that they agreed to accommodate or I simply would not cruise with them. This should be provided until you are back at the port at the ending day of the cruise. If they need to evacuate, they are still responsible until the day and time the cruise would have been over. The responsibility does not end when you leave the ship. They provided food for everyone else. Of course, if they didn’t provide food for anybody the whole ship would be in an uproar. However, neglecting 70 or so passengers gets lost in the 2100(?) passengers. The cruise, I believe, was only about 2/3 full.



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Wow. I wasn't on this cruise but it seems to me NCL should have refunded 100% of the cruise fare. Tremendous inconvenience for the cruise paxs, etc. Anything short of a full refund is insufficient, IMHO.




I appreciate your thoughts. What I really would like is for them to acknowledge the mess that was made.



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The cruise line will not permit you to take on massive amounts of food. Part of the fare that is paid is for them to provide you food that they agreed to accommodate or I simply would not cruise with them. This should be provided until you are back at the port at the ending day of the cruise. If they need to evacuate, they are still responsible until the day and time the cruise would have been over. The responsibility does not end when you leave the ship. They provided food for everyone else. Of course, if they didn’t provide food for anybody the whole ship would be in an uproar. However, neglecting 70 or so passengers gets lost in the 2100(?) passengers. The cruise, I believe, was only about 2/3 full.



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One wouldn't need massive amounts food or at least most people wouldn't. No one asked to be accomodated, knowing that they have restricted dietary needs, is their fault and if they did I'd bet NCL would have made accomadations. I didn't hear of anyone dying or having a serious health issue, but it should be a lesson to everyone with dietary restrictions,,,,be prepared, don't assume someone else knows your issues. You might have been hungry, but as others said, they ate when they got home. Don't be a victim, be responsible for your own well-being. Edited by NLH Arizona
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I appreciate your thoughts. What I really would like is for them to acknowledge the mess that was made.



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Exactly - and a full refund. I had a situation once on the Disney Magic (nothing in comparison to what you experienced). Somehow, the security machine ate my water shoes. I put them on the conveyor belt, walked through, and they never made it through the machine. It was if they had disappeared - poof. Well - the security personnel didn't believe I placed my shoes there and, after a superficial groping into the x-ray machine, they said "Sorry, no shoes." The shoes weren't expensive (only around $40) but it was the principle of not being treated well. I called up the cruise director an he put things in motion. This is how a great company responds. First, a visit from one of the assistant captains to tell me they found my shoes mangled. The machine (the rollers) had devoured them. He returned them to me and said Disney would be refunding the cost of my shoes. Second, Disney gave me a $100 OBC for my trouble. Lastly, Disney sent my daughter a basket (all dolled up with ribbon, etc.) full of stuffed animals, etc. Disney didn't have to do that. I was satisfied with getting my shoes back and a refund of the cost. But Disney gained a customer for life with those actions. It's how a company handles a problem that matters - not that the problem occurred in the first place.

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I appreciate your thoughts. What I really would like is for them to acknowledge the mess that was made.



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It seems like they did the best they could in a bad situation. The mamaged to get thousands of people back to where they were supposed to be with 2 days notice. Of course the flights are going to be at inconvenient times, NYC airports are some of the busiest. This is not a common occurance, or an expected one. It’s not like people were left stranded in a foreign country and left to their own devices. I’m sure folks were scrambling to patch together a plan to get everyone back to the Manhattan cruise terminal by the same time the ship was supposed to arrive back. Sure, it would’ve been nice if it was a smooth, easy task, but I wouldn’t expect it to be. I think NCL did the best they could.

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