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Carnival Sensation - Bless her Heart - Preview and Report


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I didn’t get many menus but this was of interest because this meal should never have happened! This was shortly after Princesses Cays was cancelled. Sea Day brunch would still be held the following day, even though we would arrive in Nassau at 3pm. Since this was supposed to be a port day, normally there would have been no dining room lunch service.


I had the apple curry soup and Caribbean pepper stew which were both excellent. The pepper was green sweet bell pepper, not black peppercorns, not hot peppers, and the entree was similar to a rich beef stew or pot roast. The apple curry soup was very creamy and had only a mild curry taste, slightly sweet but not overwhelming.


Did not have dessert. Less than 24 hours on board and already completely stuffed and overfed. We had eaten a full breakfast in the MDR earlier that morning and let's face it. We did not need lunch for a few more hours. But I dragged DH in and he was a good sport about it.


What we really did not love about this meal is, we were seated at one of those tables for two that is 4 inches from the next table for two and 4 inches on the other side from a table for four. In other words, you are basically at a table for eight with strangers surrounding you, because everyone nicely gets to chatting with each other.


There are numerous topic threads all over Cruise Critic Boards discussing the table situation on cruises. I don't hate people but as I said, I am a bit weird about food, and having everyone looking at each other's plates as they are being delivered, and chatting about what everyone got and by the way, what we have all been doing all day, and also, what we are all doing next. . .


Well folks, either you like that socialization or you don't. And furthermore, maybe sometimes you are in the mood for that and other times you are not. It's no big deal. I am not unhappy. I am not asking for an OBC because people were close to us during lunch. I don't care, but both DH and I felt a bit awkward and uncomfortable with that arrangement. The other diners were kind and charming people who looked, frankly, quite a bit better than us, which might have added to our discomfort!


Which is why a lot of people end up in the buffet.



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I have soooo enjoyed reading your review. Thanks for taking time from the fun to post.


If I have questions as my cruise gets closer, I will contact you. You answered several for me[emoji15]


Take Care, Brian




Thank you Brian. Please tell us about your voyage afterwards, this old ship has much more to offer than we could cram in to our short time aboard!



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Thank you for doing this awesome picture review. I sail the Sensation next month. I haven't been on her since 1998.


Hi Cherbear. You're welcome, thank you for calling it awesome! I hope you will enjoy visiting your old friend; it will be interesting to see how you feel she has held up over all these years of hard wear.

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Oh dear. I am getting a bit ahead of myself. Here I am already going on about lunch on Day 2 and I have not finished droning on about Day 1! Disorganized reviewer! Well as harryfat1 says, you can send your complaints to Cruise Critic and demand a refund of your annual subscription price.


So going back to the beginning, the burgers from Guy's that we grabbed shortly after embarkation were very tasty but there were already lots of other people with the same idea. As we ate we saw hundreds more passengers coming through on their way to the buffet, many pulling their carry on bags with them. At times the flow became quite bottlenecked.


While noshing on the burger, Loyd (a nice young lady) asked if we would like to do a kitchen tour at dinner time, with tastings, for free. Um, yeah. I thought she was a Maitre d' but later noticed her nametag said Junior Hostess. So finding someone to come do a tasting is the job of a junior hostess apparently, which told me it must not be a very important tasting. That and the fact that they are inviting us to do it!


I noticed there was no Fun Aboard, Fun Ashore show on the Fun Times, which seemed just wrong. I have seen the posted Fun Times from others for this ship (thank you) and also sailed Carnival before, and this is typically offered around 2 pm on embarkation day.


However there was "Get to know your ship" at 1:15 on the Lido deck, which had a little outdoor stage. I saw one polo-shirted Carnival guy, and asked him if they were going to be doing some kind of show for this, and he (Tyler the Intern) said it was actually a tour of the ship, and did we want to do it? Yes, we did, and we were the only ones who showed up. Really I wonder if any of the other dozens of people hanging around on the pool deck had actually shown up for the same activity, not knowing what it was and probably wondering why the show never started.


Anyway, it was just my family, the tour was great and helpful, and dad and stepmom had lots of questions which were patiently answered, but weather was crap. Misty cool rain and no sun at all. We started in the pool area and went down the stairs in that weird glass room people always ask about (pics coming) that goes down to deck 9.


So the midship elevators on Sensation (maybe also the rest of the Fantasy class ships?) only go up to 9, and not to 10, which is the Lido deck, home of the pool, Guy's, Blue Iguana, Seaview Buffet, Pizza Pirate, Deli, and Swirls soft serve ice cream.


We walked along Sensation Boulevard past the casino. This is a nice area except that it does smell smoky, all the time. I am not terribly bothered by this, though I certainly don't prefer it this way. We walked along to the atrium and finally the Fantasia Lounge, which is the large main showroom theatre in the forward section of the ship of decks 8 and 9. This tour was a really great start to things for us.


I was still baffled that Fun Aboard and Fun Ashore was not happening, but I found out much later it was because the crew already knew Princess Cays was questionable. There is no point in doing a show telling you about your great port you are visiting the next morning if things are looking bleak for said port.


Tyler said the muster drill would be around 3pm and it was. Our station was the casino, or more accurately the seating area outside the casino at the end of Sensation Blvd. It was easy enough. No life jackets, just sit and listen. As on every other cruise I have ever taken, there are always a bunch of people who stroll on in to the drill pretty late, and then the announcements start, demanding that certain people get to their station, NOW. Every single cruise.


So that left us clear for sail away. Oh my goodness. ROUGH SEAS, my friends! Remember, I had assured my stepmon, who was very terrified of seasickness, that winter is the dry season in the subtropics, and that means calm seas and clear skies.


Except no. Very rocky and everyone was walking like a bunch of drunks, swaying all over. Okay probably a few were in fact drunk. Also a lot of people were very sick. I went into a public restroom that evening and the sounds made it clear what most of the ladies were doing in there, and it's not what they normally do, and I didn't feel like hanging around very long and listening to that.


We went to the Fantasy dining room at 5:15. Loyd was there to meet us and walk us into the main galley, where we swayed our way back and tried not to fall over. We continued swaying throughout the entire experience, meeting one of the three sous chefs as well as the head chef for the cruise. They told us a bit about how food service works on the ship and that they are the largest department by personnel count (nearly 300) on board, followed by housekeeping.


I probably was not really paying enough attention, on account of the swaying, but perhaps more so because of all the covered dishes sitting there and wondering when we were going to dig in. Here is what we were given to sample - one of each for the 5 of us to share, lots of silverware and little plates so we could each carve off little bits. We all quickly got absolutely stuffed and it looked like we had hardly touched anything; many of the plates were still almost full. Needless to say that was dinner for us for the evening. If it was always that fast I would do it every night. We are pretty open to trying just about anything, and we are not snooty about quality. We thought everything was scrumptious. Here's what they gave us:



Fried Calimari

Chilled Vietnamese Rolls

Shrimp Cocktail

Smoked Chicken Quesadilla

Corn Chowder

Lychee Bisque

Cream of Ripened Tomato soup



Sweet and Sour Shrimp

Grilled Sword Fish Steak

Honey Glazed Pork Loin

Braised Beef Brisket

Vegetable Lasagna

Indian Vegetarian (this was fabulous, but I like this sort of thing)



Warm Date and Fig Pudding

Carnival Melting Chocolate Cake ®

Nutella Tiramisu

Chilled Strawberry Parfait

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My stepmom had a piece of the brisket that she said was fabulous, but my piece was tough. I was not sure whether they wanted our opinion, so I nicely told the sous chef (sorry forgot his name) that it was tasty but tough. His response was courteous but I got the impression he wasn't thrilled to hear it, so I refrained from mentioning the sword fish steak was overcooked, not that I would have turned it away or sent it back if it had been served to me in the MDR. I've worked in restaurants so I am somewhat forgiving, but not completely oblivious or ignorant of food preparation either.


The Indian vegetarian dish is on the menu fairly often but I had never had it, mostly because my family does not want to eat in the dining room every night. So I was especially happy to taste it and would have been quite satisfied with that even if nothing else had been on the table. I wanted some of that tomato soup but by the time I worked my way over to it I was too full to stick a spoon in it for a little sip.


We heard a plate or two getting dropped with all the rocking, and the cooler door I was standing in front of smacked me pretty hard in the back when a cart inside rolled into it, pushing it open.


(Picks herself up off the floor) I'm okay! I'm okay! Just kidding, I did not fall but I was a bit surprised. Everyone else was pretty freaked out but I really was okay. I did hear later that a lot of food got dropped in the dining rooms that night.


By show time at Hasbro the Game Show, DH and I were slightly woozy so we each took a Bonine. It worked pretty fast, but as neither of us have had any antihistamines in a while, it made us sleepy and so called it a night right after the show. We found the bed very comfortable and slept fabulously that night with the rocking of the ship.

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Here’s our inside cabin with the trundle bed made up. If the ship were registered in the U.S., this would certainly not be to code. Very little open floor space but the beds were super comfortable and that’s mostly what the room is for.



Here’s one of those dark blue-purple light fixtures that are all over the Sensation. The lights change color every few minutes.


And here are the magenta purple walls that are also all over.9de3afbed6e2ba304035c0ee61407085.jpg


And here they are together. How’s that for a nice, tasteful, well-coordinated color palette?





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So we were not too broken up about missing Princess Cays, though we had gone to extraordinary lengths to secure water shoes for the legendary bad sand.




We sailed out of the bad weather after canceling the port, but conditions never got exactly calm or hot. Often we were asked to stay inside due to the high winds.





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We like the song and dance shows but had trouble finding good seats. Bright lights were shining in our face up front so we tried moving around a few times.



Yeah. How’s this for a good view?



Okay let’s move again.



Okay I’m sitting on the stairs way out on the edge and watching through the glass railings.



How about we go back where we started?




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So what about these art auctions? They are trying to reel us in with their free champagne and their promise of fancying up our homes.


Look, folks. Everyone spends their money differently and maybe this is the most convenient way to pick up a Peter Max. We walked past a rather filled room as The auctioneer said “current bid $5,600.”


Kmom is not getting anywhere near that scene. Because those paintings have a lot of bright colors, which I love!!! I know my weaknesses. They are going to tell me how this is an INVESTMENT that will never lose value and can turn back into liquid cash at a moment’s notice.


Something I can leave to my heirs after enjoying years of enhanced life in its presence. They are going to make me feel like an idiot if I don’t buy, and like I won the Olympics if I spend just $5K on something I don’t need and really don’t want.


I don’t even know if that was the final bid as we escaped by continuing on our way down Sensation Blvd. I wanted to go in there and see what dazzling rainbow hued creation enticed some esteemed collector to part with no fewer than 56 hard earned $100 bills.


Maybe one of these.98c52ebf0b51ef32926f713042d9b335.jpga3fe61e4c937f4b5751821253c8e43e5.jpg5c1b4b3403c2eafb908e98722077000b.jpgf6ef5889e021e57bebf7ffae0c72bf28.jpgf127acf63eb8d4d139626273eafd0c52.jpg



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This is all lying around the art gallery at 3am when no-good characters like Kmom are out wandering through places they probably don't belong.





See what this one is? A painting of a room with paintings in it. Peter Max paintings, perhaps?


So you can get a real Peter Max and hang it up next to this painting of a room that also has a similar Peter Max!



They also have art that’s not for sale at the stairway landings.




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Your kitchen tour sounds wonderful! I hope they have it on our Pride sailing. Was there any type of dress requirement, like closed toed shoes?

Oh dear. I am getting a bit ahead of myself. Here I am already going on about lunch on Day 2 and I have not finished droning on about Day 1! Disorganized reviewer! Well as harryfat1 says, you can send your complaints to Cruise Critic and demand a refund of your annual subscription price.


So going back to the beginning, the burgers from Guy's that we grabbed shortly after embarkation were very tasty but there were already lots of other people with the same idea. As we ate we saw hundreds more passengers coming through on their way to the buffet, many pulling their carry on bags with them. At times the flow became quite bottlenecked.


While noshing on the burger, Loyd (a nice young lady) asked if we would like to do a kitchen tour at dinner time, with tastings, for free. Um, yeah. I thought she was a Maitre d' but later noticed her nametag said Junior Hostess. So finding someone to come do a tasting is the job of a junior hostess apparently, which told me it must not be a very important tasting. That and the fact that they are inviting us to do it!


I noticed there was no Fun Aboard, Fun Ashore show on the Fun Times, which seemed just wrong. I have seen the posted Fun Times from others for this ship (thank you) and also sailed Carnival before, and this is typically offered around 2 pm on embarkation day.


However there was "Get to know your ship" at 1:15 on the Lido deck, which had a little outdoor stage. I saw one polo-shirted Carnival guy, and asked him if they were going to be doing some kind of show for this, and he (Tyler the Intern) said it was actually a tour of the ship, and did we want to do it? Yes, we did, and we were the only ones who showed up. Really I wonder if any of the other dozens of people hanging around on the pool deck had actually shown up for the same activity, not knowing what it was and probably wondering why the show never started.


Anyway, it was just my family, the tour was great and helpful, and dad and stepmom had lots of questions which were patiently answered, but weather was crap. Misty cool rain and no sun at all. We started in the pool area and went down the stairs in that weird glass room people always ask about (pics coming) that goes down to deck 9.


So the midship elevators on Sensation (maybe also the rest of the Fantasy class ships?) only go up to 9, and not to 10, which is the Lido deck, home of the pool, Guy's, Blue Iguana, Seaview Buffet, Pizza Pirate, Deli, and Swirls soft serve ice cream.


We walked along Sensation Boulevard past the casino. This is a nice area except that it does smell smoky, all the time. I am not terribly bothered by this, though I certainly don't prefer it this way. We walked along to the atrium and finally the Fantasia Lounge, which is the large main showroom theatre in the forward section of the ship of decks 8 and 9. This tour was a really great start to things for us.


I was still baffled that Fun Aboard and Fun Ashore was not happening, but I found out much later it was because the crew already knew Princess Cays was questionable. There is no point in doing a show telling you about your great port you are visiting the next morning if things are looking bleak for said port.


Tyler said the muster drill would be around 3pm and it was. Our station was the casino, or more accurately the seating area outside the casino at the end of Sensation Blvd. It was easy enough. No life jackets, just sit and listen. As on every other cruise I have ever taken, there are always a bunch of people who stroll on in to the drill pretty late, and then the announcements start, demanding that certain people get to their station, NOW. Every single cruise.


So that left us clear for sail away. Oh my goodness. ROUGH SEAS, my friends! Remember, I had assured my stepmon, who was very terrified of seasickness, that winter is the dry season in the subtropics, and that means calm seas and clear skies.


Except no. Very rocky and everyone was walking like a bunch of drunks, swaying all over. Okay probably a few were in fact drunk. Also a lot of people were very sick. I went into a public restroom that evening and the sounds made it clear what most of the ladies were doing in there, and it's not what they normally do, and I didn't feel like hanging around very long and listening to that.


We went to the Fantasy dining room at 5:15. Loyd was there to meet us and walk us into the main galley, where we swayed our way back and tried not to fall over. We continued swaying throughout the entire experience, meeting one of the three sous chefs as well as the head chef for the cruise. They told us a bit about how food service works on the ship and that they are the largest department by personnel count (nearly 300) on board, followed by housekeeping.


I probably was not really paying enough attention, on account of the swaying, but perhaps more so because of all the covered dishes sitting there and wondering when we were going to dig in. Here is what we were given to sample - one of each for the 5 of us to share, lots of silverware and little plates so we could each carve off little bits. We all quickly got absolutely stuffed and it looked like we had hardly touched anything; many of the plates were still almost full. Needless to say that was dinner for us for the evening. If it was always that fast I would do it every night. We are pretty open to trying just about anything, and we are not snooty about quality. We thought everything was scrumptious. Here's what they gave us:



Fried Calimari

Chilled Vietnamese Rolls

Shrimp Cocktail

Smoked Chicken Quesadilla

Corn Chowder

Lychee Bisque

Cream of Ripened Tomato soup



Sweet and Sour Shrimp

Grilled Sword Fish Steak

Honey Glazed Pork Loin

Braised Beef Brisket

Vegetable Lasagna

Indian Vegetarian (this was fabulous, but I like this sort of thing)



Warm Date and Fig Pudding

Carnival Melting Chocolate Cake ®

Nutella Tiramisu

Chilled Strawberry Parfait

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This is all lying around the art gallery at 3am when no-good characters like Kmom are out wandering through places they probably don't belong.





See what this one is? A painting of a room with paintings in it. Peter Max paintings, perhaps?


So you can get a real Peter Max and hang it up next to this painting of a room that also has a similar Peter Max!



They also have art that’s not for sale at the stairway landings.




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I like to wander through the art gallery too - usually on the way to or from dinner (not a bad way to pass the time if you are waiting for a table at anytime). I treat it like a museum though, nice to look at the art but can't imagine purchasing any.


I also often like they stairway art even more than the gallery art.

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Your kitchen tour sounds wonderful! I hope they have it on our Pride sailing. Was there any type of dress requirement, like closed toed shoes?


Hello pa! There were no requirements communicated to us and no one in the kitchen seemed to notice what we were wearing. I got the impression they were doing it each night on the Sensation but they may have said once per cruise. We were given the time of 5:15. Obviously they wanted us out of there before the hustle of service began. I hope you get to do it as well. It was so random and lucky for us but maybe you can ask about it and get in.

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I like to wander through the art gallery too - usually on the way to or from dinner (not a bad way to pass the time if you are waiting for a table at anytime). I treat it like a museum though, nice to look at the art but can't imagine purchasing any.




I also often like they stairway art even more than the gallery art.




Museum is the right way to look at it. This lovely art looks great but I don’t need to bring it home. I don’t even hang up many photos of my family. We have very beigeified walls!



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This is just to discuss the glass enclosed stairwell leading from the midship Promenade deck (9) up to the pool on Lido (10). People who have never sailed on a Carnival Fantasy class ship often see these in review photos and ask about them. No mystery really.


This first photo is looking toward the front of the ship, standing a couple of stairs down from the Lido.




Taken from the same stair but turned around toward the rear of the ship with Guy's Burger Joint in the background.




Taken from a stair or two up from the Promenade Deck (9) looking up.




Sorry for the blurry condition of this photo at the bottom. This is Sensation Boulevard, just a few steps from the casino.



Here’s a rare sunny moment on a cruise that mostly wasn't. You can see the glass room covering these stairs in the photo, to the left of the pool stage. It looks like it's some kind of solarium retreat where you might get an exclusive massage but it's just stairs! Which is good for me, because in addition to not wasting money on things like spa services, I also don't like strangers touching me.


While we're at it, notice the incredible lack of people at this pool. There are a few in the hot tub as you can see, and also notice the heavily clothed condition of the few brave souls on deck chairs.


It was cold, my friends! But not as cold as Chicago. This was shortly after we arrived in port in Nassau on Day 3. You can see just a bit of Royal Caribbean's Enchantment of the Seas to the left as well. I find it to be super fun checking out the other ships in port, watching each other come in and head out, walking around getting a gander at them at the pier, and also watching the rich people on balconies of nicer ships watching our little boat make her way in as well.





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Speaking of day 3, here’s page 1 of the Fun Times. I plan to eventually scan them and post in their entirety. This is kind of a difficult project so it will Be later on. Also I don’t think ours will be the best examples since our itinerary is 1. Not the most common for the Sensation (it does not go to Princess Cays all that regularly from what I’ve seen) and 2. Even that was completely jacked up from the plan.


However, here you go.



More random images from Day 3:





They have a lot of high end liquor on board. In my drinking days I thought Cuervo Gold was good stuff. Any call brand was good compared to the well hootch of my college days.


I decided to give the stuff up when I found out DD was coming, of course, and never went back. Once in a while a small amount gets through (a champagne toast at a social event, a taste test of a beer or wine before throwing a pot roast into it, etc.). I have an O’Douls now and then but have not felt so much as a buzz in nearly 13 years. Not judging anyone else, but I am surprised how many people judge me because of this choice. You should’ve heard the crap I dealt with when I refrained from meat for 4 years in my late 20’s. More for the rest of you, so why does anyone care? Insecurity, I assume.


Anyway I am so far out of the modern liquor market and booze trends that I have no idea why there are so many expensive varieties of Johnny Walker but I assume some readers will be glad to know you can get them onboard and avoid tax or duties or whatever adds even more to the cost of high end spirits.



Speaking of which, DH was required to put away a free mimosa to earn me this free necklace. Probably a lot weaker than those bottles shown above.

He survived the ordeal.




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They finally had Fun Aboard and Fun Ashore on day 3, since we would arrive in Nassau that afternoon. Cruise Director Orlando Magic, who signs his name T. Barrett according to the letter he sent us on Day 2, gave out helpful information and prizes.




Outside the Fantasia Lounge, a plethora of $10 goods lined the access route on deck 8.






Variations on this theme were prominent throughout the cruise. Invicta watches, gold by the inch, and the previously discussed liquor were often part of the welcoming committee at the showroom entrance.


A lot of people find this very tacky and annoying (understandably) but you can just ignore it and keep moving. The crew doesn’t care if you don’t buy. Plenty of other passengers love this stuff and drop loads of cash so in my opinion Carnival would be foolish to stop them. Those shoppers subsidize the cost of running a cruise line and help keep prices low for the rest of us.


My mom and I used to be happy to get cruises at or under $100 per person per day, inside cabin, back in the late eighties and early nineties. Unbundling has made it possible to still get this, in real dollars (not adjusted for inflation) even during shoulder seasons.


The problem is, unbundling means more up charges for those who want better stuff like lobster or Filet mignon every night. And more efforts by the line to recoup money by enticing us with promises of the good life. For a fee of course. Fees Large and small, they’ve got them all.



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For anyone like me who Newish to this part time unpaid gig of writing cruise reviews, a tip: posting photos on Cruise Critic through the normal website is a miserable experience. Using the cruise Critic forums app is so much easier that I cannot put a number to it without being accused of excessive hyperbole (not to be confused with conservative hyperbole).


My all-text posts are coming from the desktop PC and pics from our iPad or my iPhone.


Here’s more stuff Carnival provides for your shopping pleasure.




This shop was never open. It had limited posted hours. It’s all the same stuff they peddled during the Fun Aboard show outside the Fantasia Lounge showroom. It’s the shop with the tipped over stand in an earlier post from the rocky first night.



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After the Fun Aboard show we headed off to check things out around the ship and stop by the buffet where I forced myself to take a few photos.


But not before peeking down at that adults only Serenity Deck. Do they look serene to you? I don’t know. They’re cold anyway, I guess that’s something.









This next pic is not my food. I don’t get too upset about every little thing but I really dislike waste, especially food waste. I know people always say, if you don’t like the food on the cruise, don’t eat it and go get something else.


Do whatever you want but for many deep reasons that probably don’t need to be listed here, Kmom doesn’t approve of that practice or that attitude.




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That last photo of the taco salads and half a burrito were abandoned, discarded by other passengers. We once saw a guys burger with one bite taken similarly left behind. We saw plates full of food left on the tables in the buffet. I’m not talking a few bites because our eyes were bigger than our stomachs, or one serving of a dish that someone tasted and didn’t like.


I’m talking tables full of dishes still full of many large servings of many different items. Like it’s fun to just pretend you’re the king and you can thoughtlessly do absolutely anything you want without any thought of where it came from, how much work went into producing and preparing it for you, the mess left behind by your garbage, etc.



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Okay, sorry. I guess I’m not as easy going as I think.


Here have some more photos without any scolding this time.






This is the old stair carpet. In some spots it’s recently been replaced with some newer more bluish stuff. You can see it below. While not quite beigeified, the new stuff is less garish.





This stuffed corn muffin was so delicious I stopped shoveling it into my mouth and took a phot to remember it by.





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Hey there. It’s about 2:30 on day 3 and LAND HO!!




Ooh, who’s there? Which line? Which ship? New? Old? For rich people? For us?




I see a familiar whale tail of a funnel!!




Let’s spin around and stir up some silt so The harbor pilot can back us in.



Ahoy, Oceania Riviera!!



Ahoy, Enchantment of the Seas!



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