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Willdra's Dramatic Carnival Dream October 15-22 Cruise


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Sup CC Fam??!!

Welcome to Willdra's Dramatic Dream Cruise!

In case you haven't read my other “reviews”, which is not at all surprising, here's a little something something to bring you up to speed: I cruise primarily with my husband W. We live in GA and we have 2 adult young’uns . We cruise at least twice a year, and during those cruises our main goal is to be as lazy as humanly possible. We want to be so lazy that the word lazy crowns us its queen and king! I honestly don’t know why anyone hasn't made laziness a high paying occupation. If they do, please let a sister know! Thanks in advance!


This cruise was a celebration of my husband W's birthday (he turned 50 on Oct 13), and my birthday ( I turned 48 on Oct 20, but it's really hard to tell, because you know, DNA. And coconut oil. Lots and lots of coconut oil).


W and I on his birthday:



We had a surprise party for W, on his birthday before the cruise, and all of his siblings came to Nola for a birthday bacchanal. He had no idea we had been planning this surprise for a whole year, and it was worth every low key, shady, creepy, suspicious, morally questionable thing that we did to keep it from him. The turn up was so real! We got back to our hotel at 5am Saturday morning and 4am Sunday morning before the cruise. There is so much to do in New Orleans, I highly recommend it with a group! One night when you have completed everything on your past present and future to do lists, and you need to waste 30 minutes of time that you will never get back, you can read about our pre- cruise nonsense and foolishness here: https://soulontheseas.wordpress.com/willdras-big-easy-birthday-bash-part-1/


W and his siblings




So after all of that partying, there were 8 of us actually going on the cruise. W and I, our daughter A, her fiancé Z, our friends AC and L, along with BIL (Brother In Law, W's Brother) and SIL (Sister In Law, BIL's Wife). Still with me? Good! It'll make sense later. Maybe.


We stayed at a new Towne Place Suites in Slidell, LA because it was easier for the group to gather there, W's party was in Slidell, we have relatives there, it was close to the highway, and because no one had a better idea. At the time.


Here are some pictures of the hotel:



We had a 2 Bedroom Suite, which was perfect for the 4 of us





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On cruise day, Sunday October 15, my alarm was set for 10, but I woke up at 8:15 and couldn't get back to sleep because carb consumption was suddenly critical. I threw on some clothes and went downstairs to the hotel's breakfast bar for waffles. I made a few for W, A, and Z also since they felt that sleeping was more important than sustenance. Losers.


Breakfast Area



My foolish plan for this morning was to get back, eat, write some notes for the review, then take my time getting ready to leave at a nice, leisurely, relaxing pace. I must've been thinking of someone else's life when I made that plan, because that was never gonna happen. I got back, ate my waffle, made a few notes, and before I knew it all of my time cushion was gone. I was now behind schedule. How could this be??? I sat down for 10 minutes but 2 hours went by. I need to speak to the manager! I am owed a refund of my time! I started yelling “reclaiming my time” over and over, but since that netted me a big fat nothing, I hurled myself into hyper-speed mode. I quickly finished up, showered, then packed everything back up so that we could get going. Whew!


When W, A, Z, and I walked down to get in the car, we passed SIL and BIL outside waiting for Baby BIL to pick them up and drop them off at the port. We were going to let them pile in with us, but the 4 of us already had 6 suitcases, and they had another 6. We called for Baby BIL to be the backup driver because we knew that wouldn't work. #teamtoomuchstuff #overpackersanonymous


As we walked by, we silently judged them for having 6 suitcases and 2 carry ons. What could they possibly have in those bags? I hope it was some muscles or a bellhop, because they were going to need help hauling all of that luggage around.


We loaded up our stuff quickly and peaced out. I wish I could say that we went straight to the port from there, but we were summoned and seduced by the spirit of Sam Walton to visit his fine establishment for last minute essentials. As usual. However, on this trip a miracle of epic proportions occurred. Somehow I only purchased the items on my shopping list and not one thing more! For once I followed the 11th Commandment which reads: Thou Shalt not buy 87 items every time thou visits Walmart. Blessed Be. There's hope for me yet. Keep praying fam.



When we left Walmart the sky was looking upset so we quickly jumped in the car and W drove us to the Fulton Street Garage to park. On the way there, we started to get excited about the cruise and all the fun we would have. During the ride A asked what excursions we were doing. I immediately did a face palm and gave her my biggest side eye, because I posted everything that they needed to know in the group message board. Including excursions. Since it was obvious that I wasted my time by posting all of the information beforehand, I recited the plans once again. We did not have an excursion for Belize, but I told them they could go zip lining with SIL and BIL, cuz there was no way we were ever doing that. Sorry not gonna actively pay someone to attempt to kill us. I'm trying to cut down on participating in, and paying for my own death. We would sit that one out like a bird that doesn't take flight. Then I made the mistake of asking "what birds don't take flight?" out loud, and A, being a true smart A, said "you can be chickens". Can't believe I gave her that opening. I must be slipping! All of those late nights in Nola must've fried my brain! #Fail


Traffic was a little thick as usual but we made it to Fulton Street Parking Garage in good time. We've parked here before, but the only thing that gives me pause about parking here, is that the roof of the garage looks like it's loaded with asbestos and carcinogens. It looks like just being here fills you with toxins and pollution. Other than that it's a pleasant experience. I guess.


When you get out of your car a porter driving a little trailer will pull up and take your luggage downstairs. They ask you not to take luggage on the elevators. Maybe it can't take the weight of luggage and the resident asbestos. After your ride down, you meet up with the porter downstairs where he unloads the luggage at the shuttle. Before they put it on the shuttle they ask you to make sure it's all there . Then you jump on the shuttle with your crew to take your "we’re on our way to the ship selfies". This usually happens quickly except when there is a 278 year old man getting on in front of you. It took about 20 minutes for"Lazarus" to stand up, then another 10 for him to go up 2 steps to get on the shuttle. Soooooo…..his family couldn't just go straight to the port to park????? You just had to make your great great grandpa go through the absolute most to get there? Smh


W, A, Z, and I on our way!



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Hey Wildra!! I've been waiting for this one. This is going to be good, especially since you're sailing with the whole darn alphabet!!! :D


LOL!!!!! :'):') Always a pleasure to have you reading along! :hearteyes:

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When you get to the terminal, the luggage is unloaded again and the port porters come over to pick it up. Once this is done you are free to enter the terminal. Almost. In New Orleans the check in time is strictly enforced. You will not be permitted to enter before your assigned time.


Here's a picture outside of the port


It gets more hectic and busy as the day goes on.



From here, W and I went through the priority line, while A and Z went to the general line. There wasn't really that many people waiting around outside so we figured A and Z wouldn't have a long wait. Wrong! It was a mess inside the terminal. Their line was as long as that last hour at work. On a Friday. Right before your cruise.


As we were boarding we saw them waiting in their Zone. Wish we could've assisted them. Sort of.

Going through the line W is always extremely impatient. Maybe he thinks he will spontaneously burst into flames if he waits more than a few minutes for anything. He tried to get me to go in a shorter line to get our cards scanned, but I declined the invitation because it was an optical illusion. Even tho there were only two people in that other line, they had a lot going on . It looked like confusion, duress, and dismay.The agent was trying to get them to pull out their card, so they could scan it. Now I don't know why they were making that hard, but for some reason, they just didn't get it. She literally had to break out a display that has the cards printed on it and point to the cards. She pointed y'all. Whoever calls this couple mom and dad need to come get their parents! Now. Shame!


We skipped to a better line, and got our cards scanned in by an agent who had the biggest hair that I've ever seen on a human. It was Deep and Wide. Sorta looked like a big hairy pillow was glued to the back of her head. I felt bad for her because it was obvious that she neither had a friend nor a mirror. I'm also wondering how she fit that hair in her car. Does she take it off to drive? Is her car specially made with a big hump in the top? Is it a convertible? How does she get dressed? Did someone put a curse on her hair? Did she pay to look like that? I have questions and concerns. Since I have no time to wait for answers, we move on. Some things are better left unsaid.


After we get past Big Hair Beverly, we were on the ship! It truly feels like home on the Dream because we have sailed her more than any other ship. We went through the Main Lobby and went straight down to our cabin on 2. We were staying in 2365 this time which is mid ship-ish. The cabin was ready for us so we wasted no time putting our stuff in. We took some pictures while the cabin was clean, because it doesn't stay that way long.









Extra pillow and blanket in the bottom drawer






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I am so happy to find your review !!! I was looking for it. I love your writing style ! I know when I set out to read your review it will take me aboard with you and I will laugh till my sides hurt ! Thank you so much for tak8ng the time to write this.

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When we felt like we had enough clean cabin pictures, we went to W's favorite activity. Eating. Don't even act surprised. We all know how he gets down. We split up so that we could divide and conquer. I went to Guys, and W went to the buffet first. He actually loves the salads on the ship, and he often goes there first. I don't think he knows that salads are healthy, so no one tell him please. We met back in the aft area with food in hand. Lunch was quick and quiet. I must've inhaled my burger, because I don’t see a picture of it to share. Sorry not sorry.


I wanted to start unpacking before Sail Away so it was back to the cabin for us. Our luggage started to arrive shortly after that. I went on the balcony while W unpacked first. It didn't take him long at all. About this time Muster Drill was hanging over our heads like a wet coonskin cap and we had to finish what we were doing.





Luggage Bin



Balcony Sitting Selfie




Inevitably, the long whistle blast sounded which signaled the beginning of the drill. At our Muster Station Sail and Sign cards were scanned at the entrance to keep track of everyone. Of course there were lots of folks missing, because this drill is for everyone else but them. As a result of their tardiness and delinquency we waited longer than usual for the drill to start. It may just be me, but this drill seemed extremely lengthy too. I think I was missing Rev. Dr. E’s version of the drill. W was fighting sleep the whole time. The only thing that kept him awake was me telling him that I would snitch on him if he fell asleep. He shot me a “snitches get stitches” glare, which did not scare me, and he stayed awake. Ha!


W not paying attention to the drill (jk it hadn't started yet)




Many minutes later, God was merciful and the drill was over. We weren't going to make the mistake of going back to the elevators again, so we hit the stairs back down to 2. It’s never too late to learn! My bag made it to our cabin door sometime during Muster, which enabled me to unpack. I bought packing cubes this time and I'm still trying to figure out what I did with my whole life before I had them. They are wonderful and make packing and unpacking very easy! While I was putting my cubed clothes away, I could see the baggage handlers still loading luggage outside of my balcony window. I figured I still had some time, but sail away would start shortly after the luggage was on. When I️ saw the last luggage cart being loaded, I wrapped up my unpacking so that W and I could catch the sail away Party.

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This is our first time sailing with The Flying Scotsman Chris Williams, and I wanted to check him out. At the party, BIL and SIL saw us out and came over. We whipped and nae naed together until the party was over. W and I then adjourned back to our cabin to recharge our batteries (i.e. Watch Sunday Night Football) until dinner. I always feel yucky after embarkation, so we showered and changed before dinner.


Me and my first Blue Margarita of the cruise



W and I



Chris and his first volunteer (victim)





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Here are some random pictures that we took on the balcony before dinner








Notice the camera pointed right at us, they must've heard about our Nola naughtiness!



Side Note, I don't know who Shelby and Kyle are, but I sure do hope they are paying our Sail and Sign bill


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For our dinner arrangements, we were originally assigned early seating for our party of 8. I took a vote from the fam, and no one wanted early seating. So a few weeks before the cruise, I emailed the Maitre D' and asked if we could have late seating. I received an email confirmation a few days later stating that we had been moved to 8:15 at a table for 8. I was very thankful that it was worked out! The dining rooms are huge, and we had to ask upon entering where our table was located. The host showing us to our table was confused, and he had to ask 9 people to help. He was still lost after he asked, so we all started helping him look, then we found the table. He must be new. Bless his heart!


Everyone was at dinner on time except our friends AC and L, who are both from St. Thomas, and always on island time. We had Surin as our Head Waiter, and Randy was his Assistant. For my meal, I chose the Calamari, Strawberry Bisque, Bacon Mac N Cheese, and Beef Brisket. Everything was delicious except there was some sort of root vegetables that were not good in the Beef Brisket. They tasted like gloom, doom, and agony. Dessert was definitely on the agenda for the evening, and I had Butter Pecan Ice Cream for mine.


AC and L



Z and A



W and I










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Oh Thank Goodness!! I saw your comments on a couple of other threads and saw that you had just finished a cruise and I had my fingers crossed for another one of your fantastic reviews. I so wanted to ask you if you would be doing a review....but didn't want to seem pushy...yea...okay.

So looking forward to this! And belated Birthday wishes!!

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Port of Call Menu




Strawberry Bisque


Bacon Mac N Cheese


Braised Beef Brisket



Butter Pecan Ice Cream



Dinner was relaxed, and we were finished around 10, which put us right at Comedy Club Time. Everyone finished up and rushed over to the Burgundy Lounge. There was absolutely no line or wait,and we were able to walk right in and sit together. They keep it as cold as a meat locker in there, and I was glad I brought my wrap scarf. The comedian was Chris Wiles and he was mostly ok. I was falling asleep a little at the show, so afterwards we went back to the cabin to turn down and turn in. I was tired boss. Dog tired.



Before I fell asleep, I sent up a quick prayer thanking God for friends and mirrors because both of them would let me know that my hair-do was a hair-don't.

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