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Does anyone else get a little anxious before a cruise? About all the details?


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Hi everyone,

I've been reading this thread with great interest. I'm one of the OCD types. I LOVE planning and all the details. When we went to the Mediterranean last year on Carnival's then-new Vista, it was our first trip to Europe and we started in Greece and well, it was all Greek to me, but! It wasn't as stressful as I thought it'd be. Why? Because I had researched, planned, and then enjoyed every minute of it.

One of our CC members on a cruise from 5 years ago had a great spreadsheet she shared with us and I've been using it ever since. We'll be on our 11th cruise in February and have 2 more lined up, but I still like to use this spreadsheet to ensure I have everything covered. I admire those who can "shoot from the hip" and just "wing it" but there are a lot of us who just aren't wired that way -- me included.

So, I'm including the spreadsheet here and feel free to use as much or as little of the 7 tabs on it as you so choose. I'm working on one now for our February cruise. When I'm done I print each tab out and include it in my cruise folder but also take pictures of each tab just in case. Yup, I'm just that kind of gal. :-)


Cruise Details Spreadsheet Template.xls

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gingersvp - Wow! Looks like you've got it all together girl!;) We really enjoyed the Oasis and will be on her again in 2019! Cruising from PC is also the easiest! The Caribbean is a great place to tie the knot, so enjoy the upcoming wedding and take full advantage of your genie!!!!!!!:hearteyes: They are wonderful!!!!!!!!:cool:


Thanks! Between working full time and 3 kids that are 15, 11 and 2 - I had to find a way to not go crazy. Lists and spreadsheets are my friend. :D

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My SO passed away earlier this year. We cruised together twenty times, so every detail was routine for us. I am cruising with a total newbie next week, and feel slightly stressed by being the one “in charge” and wanting the cruise to be perfect for him - I am counting on him becoming addicted, too! I am looking forward to trying some new activities and having a different experience. Once I am on board and have my luggage, I think I will be as relaxed as usual.


I’m sorry for your loss, I hope your cruise is wonderful, even though it will be a new experience for you!


I am definitely the planner, I pick the ship, the destination, the dates, husband just shows up. I am starting to feel like I let it stress me out too much so I’m trying to be more mellow about our next cruise. I spent months this year planning for Oasis, and then our entire vacation plan got turned upside down, twice, and all my plans had to be changed, twice! My husband is more of a go with the flow guy, and he’s right. We have insurance, there are shops to stop off at and buy stuff we forgot on the way, and if all else fails we’ll just wear what we came in for a week.

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I love reading this thread and seeing how everyone approaches the planning for their cruise. It's neat to see all different people from different walks of life and how everything plays into getting on the ship.

My work is in corporate events so by nature I tend to be a planner. I am gracious to have a job as a freelancer and work from a home office when I am home. With my job it can be difficult to plan a cruise a year in advance because of the changing nature of events. I do travel 20-25 weeks out of the year. So traveling for me is second nature. I can pack a bag and be out the door in 30 minutes and know that I have everything that I need. My wife is currently able to stay home with the kids but she was a flight attendant when we were first married so traveling for her is second nature as well.

There are different stages of planning, Some more important than others. To me the most important is logistics. Getting yourself and anything else you are dragging along (kids included) from point A to point B. Once I have the cruise booked, flights booked, rental cars booked and hotels booked then logistics are done and I can settle down. Logistics can change with traveling but we as a family are really good at rolling with the punches (Canceled flights, No more rental cars upon arrival, Sold out hotels) and I don't worry about any of that. It's really how you approach it when it happens.

The second part of planning is the schedule. I used to be a nitty gritty scheduler and have everything down to the minute but as I've gotten better at events over the years I realize the schedule should just be a rough idea of what you want to do and if you don't stick to it, it's okay. Often times we find ourselves in places we would never would have thought of becuase we make changes on the fly. Maybe it's someone we met, sometimes we see things we didn't know would be there. It's important to have a a schedule so you know what your options are and whats going on around you but it's not always a bad thing to veer from it and find yourself on a new adventure.

The last part of my planning is the vacation part. The experiences. I often battle with my wife on this one as she doesn't like spending money on anything that seems overly expensive or unneccesary.

One example is paying for specialty restaurants (Don't we already get free food? Lobster and steak in the dining room?) another was our last cruise where I booked a catamaran and snorkel trip. She thought it was way expensive to spend money to get off a ship and get on a boat (and it was... I think I payed a little too much) but once we got on the catamran and enjoyed an amazing day all the stress dissapeared and we had a great time. And now 9 months later we still talk about how much fun it was sailing around St. Kitts and whatever it cost is, well... forgotten.

I will say there have been times when I have paid for things and afterward all I could do was shake my head and agree with my wife that it was a waste of time and money. But this is rare and we are getting better at shaking down the excursions before booking them.

I think I am more excited than anxious about going on a cruise. For us the travel is a lot of fun. This next one is crazy as I am leaving early on Black Friday to an event, Wifey is making airport trips twice this week with visitors and when I get back we all pack and jump on a plane to Boston. Stay with family (At their house...uggh) for a week then drive to NYC then cruise then back to Boston then a big family dinner and then fly home and land after midnight driving to be home on Christmas day at 2am with an afternoon visitng friends for Christmas dinner.

Should I be anxious? Nah... it's gonna be great :)


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After years of cruising, mostly on RCI, I don't get too stressed. I'm an over-planner, work off of a worksheet, packing list, try to account for every possible detail. Typically, everything goes off without a hitch. BUT, I am sooooooo stressed about our upcoming cruise in two weeks for two reasons: 1) It's on a cruise line we've never been on before (MSC Divina,) and on top of that, 3 other couples are joining us based solely on my recommendation! Yikes! What was I thinking??!! At the end of the day, I'm sure everything will be fine, but I know they will all look to me as the "group leader," (always my role,) and what they don't realize is that I'm winging it just like they are. Certainly, everyone is responsible for themselves and their own good time, but I will be very upset if it turns out to be a bust. Fingers crossed!


Fortunately, our next cruise after this one is back on RCI. I'll be able to breathe easy again.:D


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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I don't feel so bad now after seeing this thread. I really needed it...I have been stressing since booking our March 24 12 day cruise in Aug. I am actually considering cancelling it (we have until Dec. 23). I never booked that far out before and I feel like it has just given me more time to stress about everything. I do all the planning, packing, pet arrangements, etc. I am feeling overwhelmed trying to figure out what clothes to take for the two of us. Not to mention toiletries and other supplies we will need. 12 days just seems so long (never went for that long before). I work full time and will have no days off before leaving to pack. When we've gone away before I always had time off before going to get ready. I'm a teacher assistant and we always went in the summer when I had the time. I just don't know how I'll figure it all out. We don't travel very often, and so I don't have this down to a science like some folks. Any help or moral support is greatly appreciated. :eek:

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I know this is silly-but I sometimes get a little anxious before I actually get on the cruise! I am the vacation planner in our house- I book the cruise-motel before-meal times-excursions,etc. We drive about 7-8 hours to the port-so I have to figure time off-motel room-dog boarding. This year-our cruise is the first week of December- so I need to do the tree and get presents done- also before the trip. My husband does not understand- "We get on the ship-relax-drink-repeat-get off the ship-no big deal"- I don't really "relax"-till I actually step foot on the ship-oh-and make sure my luggage made it on (the porter didn't leave it on the dock-because I didn't tip him enough-lol). Anyone else feel this way? This will be my 12th cruise- I think-so I know all the stuff to do- and I love planning for my cruises-BUT? I'm thinking the holiday stuff-added in-is stressing me out -:eek:


I do all the planning and I am never stressed about cruising just about everything else.:):)

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I can understand if you are not accustomed to planning this far out it may now seem overwhelming. I get that. :)


For us I am always at least two years planned out so that is my norm, and I plan everything. Every hotel, transport, flight, cruise, tours, everything. But I only pack for me and the meds/toiletries etc.


How about you only pack for you and the other half packs for themselves, that way you don't need to worry that you may leave something out, etc.


About 5 years ago I gave DH the job of packing for himself and he has handled it since. That was like taking that last bag off my shoulders. He may not pack what I would pack for him, but oh well, he is packing.

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I can understand if you are not accustomed to planning this far out it may now seem overwhelming. I get that. :)


For us I am always at least two years planned out so that is my norm, and I plan everything. Every hotel, transport, flight, cruise, tours, everything. But I only pack for me and the meds/toiletries etc.


How about you only pack for you and the other half packs for themselves, that way you don't need to worry that you may leave something out, etc.


About 5 years ago I gave DH the job of packing for himself and he has handled it since. That was like taking that last bag off my shoulders. He may not pack what I would pack for him, but oh well, he is packing.


I was considering letting him pack...but I don't know. He would pack all sorts of strange things, like clothes that don't match, not enough of one thing, too much of another, clothes inappropriate for the weather, etc. He's just not good at that sort of thing. He would be fine with it, but I don't know if I would ! ;)

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I don't feel so bad now after seeing this thread. I really needed it...I have been stressing since booking our March 24 12 day cruise in Aug. I am actually considering cancelling it (we have until Dec. 23). I never booked that far out before and I feel like it has just given me more time to stress about everything. I do all the planning, packing, pet arrangements, etc. I am feeling overwhelmed trying to figure out what clothes to take for the two of us. Not to mention toiletries and other supplies we will need. 12 days just seems so long (never went for that long before). I work full time and will have no days off before leaving to pack. When we've gone away before I always had time off before going to get ready. I'm a teacher assistant and we always went in the summer when I had the time. I just don't know how I'll figure it all out. We don't travel very often, and so I don't have this down to a science like some folks. Any help or moral support is greatly appreciated. :eek:


First, take a deep breath. Years ago I developed a packing list that I put in a word document on my computer. Over the years, I revised it as our needs and preferences changed. As soon as I book a trip, I print out a copy to work off of. I also keep a folder with every piece of paper that pertains to the trip, so everything is in one place. I work off of a check list of things to do. If you're worried about DH packing, then offer to do it with him, so at least you will know he'll have everything he needs. That'll take all of 10 minutes. Twelve days is not hard to pack for. If you pack all mix & match clothing, it will stretch your wardrobe. Do not pack shoes for each outfit. That's a rookie mistake that takes up too much room, both in your luggage and in your cabin. Use packing cubes to keep things organized. I think they are lifesavers, and use them for all trips, both cruises and land trips.


Try to relax and enjoy the anticipation of your first extended cruise. Check out the link for the packing cubes that I've been using for years. The most functional configuration is the set of 3-large cubes. I have one set of those, and two sets of the small/med/large configuration (one for me, and one for DH.)



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Count me in on this, we cruise Jan 2018 on freedom. Made deposit for cruise two years ago and hotel flight one year ago. This is our last big family vacation as Daughter will be college grad in 3 weeks. We packed a long time ago. Hope for the best,Ports or no ports...

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First, take a deep breath. Years ago I developed a packing list that I put in a word document on my computer. Over the years, I revised it as our needs and preferences changed. As soon as I book a trip, I print out a copy to work off of. I also keep a folder with every piece of paper that pertains to the trip, so everything is in one place. I work off of a check list of things to do. If you're worried about DH packing, then offer to do it with him, so at least you will know he'll have everything he needs. That'll take all of 10 minutes. Twelve days is not hard to pack for. If you pack all mix & match clothing, it will stretch your wardrobe. Do not pack shoes for each outfit. That's a rookie mistake that takes up too much room, both in your luggage and in your cabin. Use packing cubes to keep things organized. I think they are lifesavers, and use them for all trips, both cruises and land trips.


Try to relax and enjoy the anticipation of your first extended cruise. Check out the link for the packing cubes that I've been using for years. The most functional configuration is the set of 3-large cubes. I have one set of those, and two sets of the small/med/large configuration (one for me, and one for DH.)




Thanks so much for your thoughtful suggestions.

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Count me in on this, we cruise Jan 2018 on freedom. Made deposit for cruise two years ago and hotel flight one year ago. This is our last big family vacation as Daughter will be college grad in 3 weeks. We packed a long time ago. Hope for the best,Ports or no ports...


You packed a long time ago for a Jan. 2018 cruise? You DO plan ahead. And congrats to your daughter's graduation.

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My anxiety level is down now that my cooking Thanksgiving dinner is over-tree done-indoor decorating done. 1 week till cruise- now I am over the top EXCITED! See a trend here,lol. My poor husband,but he does get to cruise more,since I look for good deals.Thanks everyone.

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I'm loving reading all of these posts. I'm a planner/stresser as well. I get it. :cool:


We're leaving on the Jewel on December 10th so I'm having the extra stress of playing hotel room bingo and wondering where we'll end up sleeping in San Juan. I also made the mistake of reading a bunch of threads about people being left behind at ports. We always do private excursions so now I'm having "what if we were left behind" anxiety too! Totally self-inflicted! LOL!



Here's to all of us planners and worriers out there. :hearteyes:

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It's pretty much the same for me. DH does not partake in any planning. We leave Jan. 5 and I'm stressing even though I have time before the holidays to care of everything, my major stress is going to be the week after Christmas with packing and all the undecorating of the house.




All the paperwork is done have set sail printed and luggage tags ready. Most toiletries are packed. Now Christmas planning to get through!




Have a great cruise!




Save the undecorating for post-cruise?



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Or reduce the amount of decorating so there isn't as much un-decorating to do before you leave?


This is very sensible advice. I think Facebook/Pinterest is guilty of generating "Decoration Envy" and many are trying to keep up, "out do" or feel guilty if they don't. Used to be, people sort of competed with the few houses in the neighborhood, now the neighborhood is all of your facebook friends... and their friends... and so on, and so on...


Cutting back on some stuff to have more time with friends & family and relaxing should be on everyone's to do list. I have never heard of anyone on their death bed, mentioning that they wished they had spent more time working, or decorating.



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  • 4 months later...
Stress is self induced based on your choices. Have a great cruise, make great decisions!




This is me. I am the planner for our cruises. I Youtube places and excursions we consider. I will consult with DW but she wants to be surprised by not only the excursions but the ship as well. We always have a great time, whether we take an excursion or not. Sometimes I will just tell her there are no real interesting excursions so we’re going to just shop around the port town. Like I said, we always have a great time and as long as we get on the ship (we’ve never missed one yet), I don’t stress. I always travel to the embarkation port at least one day ahead of time, so no stress there either. Finally, being the planner gives me so much more “anticipation joy” than just going on a cruise. So embrace the process and don’t stress the small stuff.



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We are a 2 person planning family. My son books the boat and I try to take care of everything else. I book airfare, hotels, shuttles, etc. Since we live in NV and cruise from the east coast it takes a little more time trying to get all the information. This year we are doing a red-eye into Newark so there will be no hotel to find but still need the car service to get from airport to cruise port and back. If anyone has a good car service I would appreciate the name. Cruising is wonderful but neither my son or I relax until at the cruise terminal. One nice perk has been a genie for the last 2 years and again this year so we do not need to worry about on board activities, that is all set up before we get on the boat.

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