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Oasis of the Seas, December 10, 2017 (7 night) Western Caribbean Cruise Review

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Cruise review

A little bit about us, Me - 50 (turning 51 on thiscruise) and my husband is 56 — this is cruise number about 25 for us. It’s our preferred vacation and we typically cruise at least once a year. We have cruised for so long the number has grown, versus folks that do severala year — hope to get there someday.

We were on the Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas,7 days out of Port Canaveral on 12/10/17. Boardwalk balcony cabinnumber 12723. Visiting Labadee, Jamaica and Cozumel.

We flew into Orlando the Wednesday before the cruiseand stayed at the Hilton Parc Soleil on a 3-night $99 deal (just had to attenda timeshare presentation and say no about 50 times) but the place was amazingand worth a 2-hour presentation (not really that hard of a sell). Werented a car from Alamo and returned to Port Canaveral. For anyoneconsidering this, it was a breeze — both to rent and to return in PortCanaveral — could not have wished for anything more (except to maybe get a BMW7 Series for the price of this Nissan Versa) but that’s a pipe dream.

When we first started out cruising we would get theleast expensive room possible, we even had bunk beds on one ship (CarnivalFestivale)....now we typically get Oceanview balcony cabins. We opted fora Boardwalk view this cruise but got the 3rd to the last cabin so we have aview of the boardwalk, the aqua theater and the ocean out of the back of theship. It’s only the first day of the cruise as I’m writing thisintroduction so I’ll let you all know later in the review how we like it. So far so good but haven’t been on the balcony much as FL is unusually cold forthis time of year so staying inside.

The embarkation process couldn’t have beeneasier. We don’t really have any special status on Royal (only about our5th cruise with them). I think we are Gold and that really only got us ina somewhat shorter line when we got inside the check-in area. We arrivedat 10:50 and were on the ship and eating a Roast Beef Sandwich at the Park Cafeby noon. There was a long line to get through security but it moved veryfast. Every single person we came in contact with through the check inprocess was top notch, friendly and generally seemed happy to be there — greatjob processing so many folks off and on the ship Royal, this really was aseamless process.

As I mentioned, the first thing we did was go toPark Cafe and get the infamous Roast Beef Sandwich and it didn’tdisappoint. LOVE LOVE LOVE — why the server guy will not just drown it inthe gravy like I want is beside me, had to ask him to put more gravy on 4times. I like gravy - I felt like he judged me. :-)

At the end of lunch, they announced rooms were readyand off to the room we went. Typical balcony room but facing theBoardwalk, I think I will really like this room. Noise is something folkstalk about on the boards a lot in these types of rooms. Will let youknow, we are on the 12th floor and when on the balcony it feels like the zipline is right on top of us, but don’t know about noise just yet. Right now,it’s really quiet — but it’s 12:02 a.m. so ....

Today we visited the future cruise desk, they arerunning a special through tomorrow so we held a future cruise on the Symphonyof the Seas for next December — but just held it as I wanted to check pricingonline when we got back to the room (I did buy the Voom package for the week —got to keep tabs on work). Their price was right in line with myfavorite booking site so we’ll go back tomorrow and seal the deal. YeahSymphony — see you in like 385 days — ugh the wait!

We did the muster drill — for God’s sake Royal, thatcartoon/movie thing that is the safety video was just plain bad (maybe it wasgeared for kids but even the kids were like, “What the heck are we watching!?!”) Several folks commented on how ridiculous it was as well. Considering we were in Muster station D which was outside in the aqua theater,no one appreciated a 10-15 minute video with hidden safety facts taking 10-15minutes to tell us information that could have easily been conveyed (and mightI add, not as kooky as this video) in a much shorter time. Honestly,Royal probably paid a lot of money for someone to create this video for them. Iknow, I know, safety first but for folks that haven’t seen this video yet, takemy word, really bad. And the safety facts were lost in the length of thisvideo.

After, our luggage arrived and we unpacked then wentto dinner (My Time but I made reservations for 6 each night). Thankgoodness I made those reservations as the line for no reservations was probably100 folks, we walked right in. They were either super packed or shortstaffed as it was a total cluster-&*@! No one seemed to know whatthey were doing at the reservation desks — but once seated the dinner was fantasticand service was okay (not great but nothing to complain about).

Off to the comedy club for the 9:00 p.m. adult show— it was good and a short visit to the casino to quickly give them my $100 billand now we’re back in the cabin ready for bed.

The ship is really rocking tonight, should sleepwell. That’s all for day one — talk to you all again tomorrow.

Up tomorrow . . . .CruiseCritic meet & mingle,parade, slot pull, cabin crawl, seal the deal on the Symphony cruise, dinnerand I’m planning on winning a $1M in the casino (let you know how that goes).


Day two - at sea

Up early this morning, I usually wake up about 7:00and today was no different. The balcony is really nice, can hear theocean, see some folks milling around and the view is nice out of the back ofthe ship. Another good nod about the cabin location. I am used togoing out on my balcony and having the privacy of just looking at the ocean,you do see others on their balcony and it’s actually kinda fun to see the variousbalconies. Men in just PJ pants, a lady in a long grey robe (so peoplepack their robes from home?), families with what appears to be full breakfaston their balcony (good idea), uh oh, just saw a man scratching his um.... wellyou know, in just his boxer shorts. It’s a little like I’m peeping intotheir rooms and they don’t know. I wonder how many of them are saying,“Wow, look at that women over there typing away on her computer, why can’t sheunplug, people and their technology, maybe she is addicted to computer games,my she is quite beautiful (okay I made that part up)!”

Today started with the CruiseCritic Meet &Mingle at 9:30. We had quite a few folks there and Royal did a great jobraffling off prizes. No zipper pulls, all pretty nice stuff and a fewbottles of wine. The host didn’t ask us to say our names/screen names sowe all left not really knowing who was who . . . . Lost opportunity to meetsome of the folks we had been chatting with over the past months. Overallnice presentation of pastries. At the end of the M&M I announced thatthe slot pull was at 2:00 and the cabin crawl at 3:00.

After the M&M we went and signed on the dottedline for the cruise we had held the night before. We got a balcony on the Symphony 12/8/18 sailingfor $2,400 with $300 OBC, had them hook it to my travel agent which is BestPrice Cruises (online) and they gave me another $175 OBC – that’s a gooddeal. We browsed some shops and then hitup Park Cafe again for the Roast Beef (not what they call it) sandwich. Yes, had to ask for gravy a few times. This sandwich really is the best. After lunch we watched the parade in the Royal Promenade. What agreat job on this parade by Royal (and we don’t even have any kids with us). Such a nice time but boy where the line cutters and some pretty rudefolks out. I don’t know how these Royal employees do it, I wouldseriously lose my ***** with some of these folks who try to walk through theparade, etc. One mom actually stopped a character in the parade to take apicture of her family with them. This was a highly charged, constantlymoving parade — and she made the character stop. Many people arrivedearly to get front row, only to have late comers just stop in front of them —even saw grown adults stop in front of kids to watch the parade. Peoplehave been really quite friendly on this cruise but this was the one time whereI thought some manners could have come into play. Don’t miss the parade,was worth it.

After we had our slot pull — 35 folks showed up -wowza. We played a Wheel of Fortune machine for about 45 minutes and allcashed out with $10 each (it was $15 to join). The machine was tight, weplayed (after putting all the money back in) $1,000 total and only got 2spins. Not bad entertainment for $5 but could have used a few more spins(right, everyone says that). Right after we had our cabin crawl and wesaw a oceanview, Central Park and Boardwalk view, a junior suite and then offto the Star class where we saw a loft suite and an owner’s suite. Both ofthese cabins had drinks and appetizer for us — such a wonderful surprise. I was the boardwalk view cabin and had made Sangria. I met acouple of women and we all had a few too many of the free drinks and sangria —so afterwards it was off to my cabin for a nap. If a dance club had beennearby, I think the three of us would have made our own salsa party as we wereall convinced we were the best dancers on the ship at that point in time. We woke up at 5:59 p.m. with dinner reservations at 6:00.

It was formal night tonight but we don’t really getinto dressing up too much. We were nicely (albeit casually dressed) — as niceas you can be getting dressed in 5 minutes flat. Folks on this cruisewere really dressed up. We saw lots of tux’s and many floor lengthdresses. Ladies, if you want to dress up — dress as dressy as you want,you will not feel out of place. Even in our casual clothing we didn’tfeel out of place though.

Dinner service (getting seated) was a ton more organizedand easier tonight — sat right away despite being 10 minutes late for ourreservation. I don’t like being late but the hostess was nice andaccommodating. Dinner was long tonight, took forever — food was good butsat a long time.

Off to the casino to give them more of myhard-earned bucks — no winning for me! Ugh. Talk to you allagain tomorrow.

Up tomorrow — Labadee, we are just going to thebeach at Columbus Cove. Other than Labadee, I don’t know anything else wehave planned.

Follow up on cabin location, it’s about 11:00 p.m.and you can definitely hear a group of teenagers on deck horsing around, lotsof screaming. Not loud enough to walk me up but if you’re a lightsleeper this might get annoying.


Good morning, the noise on the boardwalk didn’tbother me too badly last night as I fell right to sleep. We are inLabadee today and the weather looks perfect — we had rain last night but today,bright blue skis. We are in no rush to get off the ship (we are not big beachfolks, will only stay and hour or two), so probably will get off around 10. As a side note, this was the ONLY sunny dayof our cruise so I wish we would have stayed longer – weather was terrible thiscruise.

We ended up getting off the ship at 11:00 and tookthe shuttle straight to Columbus Cove. If you take one thing from thereview, go to Columbus Cove. If it’s your first time to Labadee, you’llsee the beautiful beach and water on the left-hand side as you walk off thepier. Everyone in your party will be saying, “Why go all the way toColumbus Cove!?!” You will start to doubt yourself as well, and me sinceI’m giving you this advice. But I’m telling you, that beach is hardly swimmable. You need water shoes and there are large boulders in the water thateasily scratch you. But Columbus Cove is just sandy and beautiful. If you get in the small shuttle it will take you right to Columbus Cove. If you get in a bigger shuttle it will drop you off right before the strawmarket — it’s not a long walk, but the hecklers are terrible, buy this, what’syour name, etc. Just don’t make eye contact and walk straightthrough. It’s not dangerous. In fact, I always felt safe. Just a little like walking through the mall with the kiosk hecklers trying toget you to take their samples. But in the end, it will be worth it. As I said, we got off the ship at 11:00 so were a little late to theparty but there were still plenty of chairs in Columbus Cove. We floated,had lunch, floated some more and then got back on the ship about 3:30. Very nice beach day and the food Royal brought on the island was very good. BBQ style with hamburgers, chicken, etc.

So, I had my first experience with someone with“status” on Royal. I’ve seen folks post on the boards about those folksflaunting their status. I think, heck if you have spent like over 350days at sea and have status, more power to you. But today wasdifferent. We were at the beach at Labadee and an older gentleman and hisgrown son were in the water and we struck up a conversation. Hewas asking how many cruises we had been on (with over 25 under our belt I guesshe felt like we were appropriate to talk to — disclosure, we are Platinum onCarnival and Gold on Royal, which is really no status but whatever). Hewent on to explain that he likes Carnival because they have a special statusline at guest services and on Royal when he stands in line at guest services hecould be standing in line with first time cruisers. He said that hedoesn’t want to stand in line with first time cruisers and that they shouldmake a special line for high status folks. While I tried to see his sideof this conversation, the fact that he would say that out loud to me what a bitfascinating. He made himself look like such a jerk. He went on tostay that he could stand there and let those first-time cruisers ask him theirstupid questions and he could answer. I politely wished him goodday and went to lay in the sun. While he has a point, a separateline for the status folks would be nice, it was really rude the way he wassaying it. I’m not saying all folkswith status are like this but this guy is not giving you all a good representation.

We hung out by the pool for a while and then tookour showers to get ready for dinner. Dinner again was super slow, thefood was okay, some dishes phenomenal and others left a lot to be desired. Overall it looks like the wait staff is terribly over worked and understaffed. When you order a steak or meat of some kind, the choice is medium rareor medium well — no in between. The medium rare is too red for me and I’mfinding the medium well is cooked to shoe leather. So, I haven’t beenhappy with the meat selection. But tonight, I got the spaghetti and itwas so so good. Service was again, very very sloooooowwww.

After dinner it was off to the Royal Promenade tobrowse items for sale, the casino for a while (again, no luck) and then in bedby about 10:30.

Up tomorrow - massage in the spa, walk aroundJamaica and then who knows. . . .


I was up early and took the time to walk around theopen decks (pretty windy but looks like it’s going to be a nice day – wrong itwasn’t, no sun, windy and a bit brisk). This ship is reallyimpressive. Every ounce of space has been used to its fullest potential. The pool deck has maximized every bit of pool area to accommodate lotsand lots of guest. There are nice touches everywhere including verysmall pool chairs in the kiddie pool area for the kids (so cute) and a lifejacket station so parents can just check a jacket out or the day versusbringing them on board.

I haven’t had a long wait at any bar or really anyvenue, for the number of passengers on this ship, Royal is the king of processand people moving. I have not felt crowded one time. Onlyexception is the slow service in the dining room.

The ship is showing her age a bit, the carpets are abit dingy here and there, several of the buttons on the elevators don’t lightup, just really little things (walking by the pool there is a rust spot on thebottom of the pool you can clearly see when no one is in the pool) — overallcould just use a short dry dock to shore things up a bit. Although sheis showing her age, the cleanliness is impeccable. The folks work hardon this ship and it shows.

So, I bought the top to toe full body 75-minuteservice for 9:30 this morning. Let’s see how the spa treats me. I don’tlike to overpay for services, but will pay a premium for a resort or cruiseship massage and 75 minutes for $149 isn’t too bad. I have found themassages on ships to be particularity good. I think it is because they doso many they get good at it. Will report back later when I’m a pile ofmush after so much relaxing.

..... I’m back. My service was reallygood. 75 minutes of massage and facial and after tip was $178. That’s pricy for sure, was it worth $178 - no, but did I enjoy it. My therapist didn’t try to hard sell me either....just some mentions of items Ishould buy but no real pressure. I was shocked for the price that youare not given a robe, the quiet area where you wait was not even close toquiet, and no fruits/water, etc. in that area. But those things don’tmake or break a massage for me. At these prices though, Royal should becompeting with a resort quality experience and this was more along the lines ofa regular spa back home (not even our nicest spa). As a side note,I heard a therapist talking to a man that she had booked for the same serviceas me (remember I said the quiet room wasn’t so quiet). Well, sheoffered him an additional 20% discount on his service and was telling him howhe had to pay her directly versus tell them at the front desk that she offeredthat to him. Hey, I’m all about special deals, wasn’t feeling like,“because he got it I should too” but at least they shouldn’t have had thatconversation in the quiet room, at full voice in front of us that paid$149. Just sayin’

After the massage, we hit up Park Cafe again andthen headed on shore to visit the shops, etc. in Falmouth Jamaica. Thetemperature today is only about 72 degrees, it’s windy and looks like the skiesare going to open up and rain at any moment. I thought it might pass butit stayed like this all day. I was glad we didn’t pay for an excursion ora day pass at a hotel as it was just a crummy weather day. Although, Ifound a great spot in the shops at the port — a small massage, facial, sparight at the port (in the middle across from Margaritaville). A 30-minutechair massage was only $32 and it was really, really good. My husband andI both did this (yes, I had two massages today, can anyone smell how spoiled Iam) :-). Seriously, I should have saved my $178 and bought myhusband and I hour massages here at this place for 1/3 the money. Considering a massage but don’t want to pay ship prices? This is theplace to do it. They offer pedicures, manicures, etc. all at greatprices. Place was clean and looked good to me.

Tonight, we decided that the menu in the main diningroom didn’t look promising so instead of a long dinner, we’re going to justvisit the Windjammer for dinner. Dinner was good in the Windjammer, niceselection and plenty of tables, but we did miss being served. We stoppedinto Chops to book for my Birthday night (Friday) and the cover charge perperson was $45 — ouch! But, he offered us the 3-night specialty dinningfor $80 (offered first and second day of the cruise) so we went ahead and did it. We could eat at any of the restaurants or the same one all three nights. So, we are booked at Izumi for tomorrow night, and the Chops the lasttwo nights.

We spent the rest of the evening sitting in theRoyal Promenade people watch (i.e., that’s code for judging folks as they walkby — don’t know when I become such a critic of who and what folks should wear). The people watching is amazing. We ran into a couple we met at thecabin crawl and we stayed out until after midnight just “people watching” andtalking to our new friends. They invited us up to their loft suite for awine party they are having with folks tomorrow. We’re in the big leaguesnow getting invited to parties. Sure hope I can behave and not get asdrunk as I did on the cabin crawl (more on that later but no I didn’t behaveand I did get drunk again).

Up tomorrow - sea day, probably lunch in Park Cafeagain (addicted to those sandwiches and I have the guy trained to give me asoup bowl of gravy), a bourbon tasting at 1:30, dinner at the hibachirestaurant at 5:00 (only time available) and the disco party in the grandpromenade at 10:00 — sure hope the sun comes out and we can hang by the pooltoo.


Good morning! Geez, I sleep well on this shipbut not long, went to bed at 1:00 back up at 7:15 (I hear a nap is in my futuretoday). Cloudy and overcast again today, I sure hope the sun pops out. Am I in the Caribbean during raining season? Don’t know, willGoogle that as I don’t think I’ve seen this much rain/cloudy on a cruisebefore. Google: June 1 - November 30 - hey it’s December 14 (oneday before my Birthday). Sun Sun come out and Play . . . . Please!

Speaking of Googling: I got the Voom package,one device — wanted to stay on top of work stuff in the AM. Oneword: IMPRESSIVE. I have had great connectivity (even justoff the ship in the port area I still have connection), it has only gone downmaybe 2 times for short 15-minute intervals (usually about 9:00, I think folksget up and jump on and maybe it bogs it down, but not for long). Honestly, I wouldn’t depend on the ship’s internet to do anything critical butthis was a good as it has ever been on a cruise ship. I know, I know,unplug . . . .

Today was a pretty lazy sea day. We did abourbon tasting at 1:30 where the liquor host gave an overview of bourbon, wewatched a video and tasted four bourbons from Buffalo Trace. Consideringthe bourbon trail is about 1.5 hours from us, we had known a lot of this informationall ready. But for someone not close to Kentucky, this would be great (ifyou’re into bourbon). The tasting was $15 but you got a bottle of bourbonwith the tasting.

After the tasting we visited our friend up on theconcierge level as they were having a wine party. Just a bit too muchwine and the rest of the day was a blur.

We did make it to dinner in Izumi and it was reallygood, tons of food, typical Japanese steakhouse/hibachi type place. Waiter was very entertaining. The cover for the restaurant is $49 andthat would be too high a price to pay on your own for this experience. However, with the $80 3 dinner package it was worth it.

After dinner we headed to the disco party on thePromenade. This was a fun time, a do not miss activity. Lots ofaction, dancing and fun.

Off to bed for me . . . . Up tomorrow,Cozumel. We have an all-inclusive day pass at Mr. Sancho’s. Andit’s MY BIRTHDAY!


I’m up about 8:00 a.m. this morning and we arealready docked in Cozumel. Feels a bit cool but at least there are no cloudsand it’s bright and sunny - yay! This hasn’t been the case most of thistrip. Unfortunately, the sun didn’t last and it’s overcast and looks likeit is going to rain.

We had reservations at Mr. Sancho’s today but thecloudiness of the day kept us from going. We decided to walk around theport, eat guacamole at Margaritaville and then headed back into the ship tohang at the pool. Overall felt like a big waste of a day considering Iwas looking forward to Mr. Sancho’s (in hindsight, we just should havegone).

The spa had a special so once back on board I did doa $119 in port massage special (it’s my b-day might as well splurge). The massage was just okay (differenttherapist this time). I swear she wasfalling asleep, if that is really possible. The after sale was definitely more intense this time also. Ugh, disappointing but obviously not enoughto complain because I just paid and left.

Dinner was at Chops tonight at 6:30. Thedinner was absolutely delicious. The best! We loved every bite. We ended the day with some time in the casino and off to bed. Really didn’t too much of anything today.

Up tomorrow, sea day, lazy day, hang at pool hopefully.


2:00 a.m. ugh — my husband and I are both sick, weboth got sick at the same exact time so we think it was something we ate but weboth were having the worst stomach pains and throwing up (for me). Itcame on like a vengeance which would indicate to me at least we ate somethingthat didn’t agree with both of us. Not blaming this on anything or anyone food, we just both over ate at Chops and it probably caught up with us.

4:00 a.m. finally back to bed

Today I have been wiped out. I slept and hungout in the room all day. Enjoyed some TV but really just wiped. Maybe tonight we’ll hit the casino for the last day but I’m officially ready togo home.

I got a nice delivery from the casino, $400 off mynext cruise if booked within 30 days. Turns out I can use it on thecruise I booked on this week so I’m a winner!! That was a nice surprise,have not received a perk from the casino before. I didn’t gamble thatmuch, probably only had 600 ish points on my card. I’ll take it! Thanks Casino Gods!

I visited the Windjammer for dinner tonight (hubbywent to Chops since we had reservations), I still wasn’t 100% so just got somecomfort food like mashed potatoes and potato salad. All good, nice crowdup there in the Windjammer. I actually have liked the food up there. We did eat in the Solarium for breakfast one morning and it’s the sameas the Windjammer, just smaller, less crowds.

As a side note, on Carnival the scrambled eggs nothe buffet are terrible. Royal’s scrambled eggs on the buffet aredelicious (for breakfast, there weren’t there tonight for dinner). Justan FYI.


We are doing self-assist departure so all luggagestayed in our room. The self-assist off time is 6:30-8:00 a.m. Wewalked off the ship at 7:45, very short line getting off the ship into theimmigration area, and were in a shared shuttle to the airport by 8:45 (wedidn’t schedule this, there were plenty to choose from right off the ship). There were people all over the place shuttling you to shuttles so don’t worrytoo much about scheduling – It was super easy. I was going to Uber, but there was a 20-person, small bus ready to go,we were about 12th and 13th person on and we waited less than 5 minutes and offon our way to the airport. The cost was $25.00 per person. Door to door, we left our room on the ship at 7:45 a.m. and walked into theOrlando airport at 9:30.


Overall observations:

We had a t43q5 cruise, would rate this 4 out of 5stars. Every Royal employee wasfriendly. The issues in the dinningroom point to needing additional help. The servers were running around like chickens with their heads cut off –they were working so hard. They justhad too much to do to serve all these people on this ship.

Food was great with the exception of a fewitems.

Weather sucked which contributed to this vacationnot being as great – no reflection on Royal whatsoever. Four out of 5 stars given due to serviceissues in dining room and lackluster spa experience.

The future cruise desk this cruise was a good deal(not always the case).

Boardwalk view cabin – had no issues with the cabinbut given the choice will not book again. I like the privacy and unobstructed view of the ocean so we will bookthose cabins moving forward. Was niceto try.

Spa – just okay, would like more amenities in thespa for the cost of services.

Royal Promenade – loved this area, visited manynights. Did not miss the view of theocean because after dark you can’t see the ocean anyway.


See you next year Royal!

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How would you rate the quantity of pool lounge chairs available in shaded areas on pool deck? This is something I haven't been able to get a good sense of through pictures. I know the weather didn't cooperate for you so may not have been a lot of demand. I love to lay by the pool all day everyday, but need to be in shaded spot.



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How would you rate the quantity of pool lounge chairs available in shaded areas on pool deck? This is something I haven't been able to get a good sense of through pictures. I know the weather didn't cooperate for you so may not have been a lot of demand. I love to lay by the pool all day everyday, but need to be in shaded spot.



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Actually I can answer this as we look only for chairs in the shade and there was ALWAYS plenty. We love sitting in the shade and people watch.



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Actually I can answer this as we look only for chairs in the shade and there was ALWAYS plenty. We love sitting in the shade and people watch.



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Thank you. Just to further clarify, were there plenty of loungers (as opposed to upright chairs) in the shaded areas? Thanks again!



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Thank you. Just to further clarify, were there plenty of loungers (as opposed to upright chairs) in the shaded areas? Thanks again!



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It was upright chairs (but with leg rests), not a table chair. But not the lounger. Didn’t see many of those in the shade. But they do have umbrellas so some of the lounge chairs by the pools are in shade.



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Thanks for the review.


As far as lounge chairs being in the shade. There is no rule that you cannot move a lounge chair to a shady area. I have asked pool attendants if it was ok and they said it wasn't a problem.


My problem has been space being available in the non-smoking side.

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Great report. Sounds like a great cruise (aside from the stomach bug/ food issues). We're booked in a Boardwalk stateroom so always interested in hearing others thoughts.


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I had Boardwalk balcony 12293 and loved it. Loved the perks too.



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It was upright chairs (but with leg rests), not a table chair. But not the lounger. Didn’t see many of those in the shade. But they do have umbrellas so some of the lounge chairs by the pools are in shade.



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Thank you. That was my impression based on pics.



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Thanks for a great report....i learned a lot and got some great tips from reading it for our January cruise. we have more than 25 cruises on Princess and only a few on RCL, but having really wanted to try the Oasis class. i can already taste the roast beef sandwich!

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Maria, I'm glad to read that other than a bit of sickness that you had a great time. I hope to catch up with you two again in the future on a cruise to somewhere.


Great surprise from the casino too!




Nice to hear from you Andrew — with as much cruising as the two of us do, we are bound to sync up again (hopefully sooner than later)!



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Nice to hear from you Andrew — with as much cruising as the two of us do, we are bound to sync up again (hopefully sooner than later)!



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Indeed. The last few times we have been in Coxumel Elation is in port and it makes me think of you guys. Merry Christmas to you, Doug and Ellie.

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