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open letter to our fellow passengers


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We returned yesterday from our 10 day dawn princess cruise, and we left this beautifull ship with a heavy heart, due to the treatment we received because we are smokers. We received a good dose of american fanatasism and prejudice.

We followed the rules and smoked in the designated area's as provided by the ships printed instructions, we sprayed our clothes with frebreze, so we would not offend anyone. There were just a few places to smoke as most of the ship was non-smoking.

We found people every time in the smoking sections, that did not smoke and acted offended and agressive toward us, and maybe thought that that dish was for candy and seemed to have a great time, waving the air, and covering their faces,and make nasty comments so we would hear them. And we did, and were hurt by them.

Yet those very same people go ashore in mexico, and gulp the diesel laden air without complaint.

We have seen people at the wine tasting that get stupid drunk on the free wine, load food on their plates like there is no tomorrow, and yet they would have been glad if we jumped over the rail and would have been glad to help us when we smoked outdoors next to the ashtray.

We will check back, because we know that the comments will come. Good or bad. We will however keep smoking and direct our energy toward our fellow humans that need help, like the elderly and homeless.


C.and L Akins and party.

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Some of us are not used to smoke. I live in a city where smoking is not allowed in any bars, restaurants or where I work. I am thankful that I don't have to smell any of it.


While I was not on your cruise, I recently was on a cruise and personally wished that smoking areas were more restrictive. It made me feel very fortunate that it is very restricted where I live.


Sorry I don't share your same feelings but the ships seem very smoky to me and it is a big turn off.

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We returned yesterday from our 10 day dawn princess cruise, and we left this beautifull ship with a heavy heart, due to the treatment we received because we are smokers. We received a good dose of american fanatasism and prejudice.


We will however keep smoking and direct our energy toward our fellow humans that need help, like the elderly and homeless.


C.and L Akins and party.


You sound like you are not American.....:confused:


In my part of American, this has benn going on for years, smokers are disdained, laws passed to prevent public smoking, nothing new to smokers.


I don't agree that it is fanatasism or prejudice if someone does not care to share your smoke, or smell of smoke.


Are European cruises more tolerant? Maybe you should consider them...:)

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I kind of feel the same way as Coral. California is all but non-smoking. You cannot smoke in restaurants, bars or even outside if you are within so many feet of the door of many office buildings! So I am spoiled. My parents were heavy smokers and as a result of that, I have a chronic "smoker's cough" and asthma even though I have never smoked. So I don't agree that second-hand smoke is not harmful. I may do un-healthy things myself (eating too much, for instance) but that doesn't have any adverse effects on you, does it?

Smoking should not be allowed where food is served. Bars and casinos and some open areas aren't too bad (in moderation). If a smoker is in a designated non-smoking area, the ship's employees should actively enforce this rule. And hey, maybe if non-smokers are in a smoking area, they should be kicked out of that area if they complain! Fair's fair!

I think the ships should designate several blocks of strictly non-smoking cabins throughout the ship. My guess is these would fill up fast!

And don't get me started on cigars. Truly a downright nauseating smell that sticks around long after the smoker has left the area.

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We returned yesterday from our 10 day dawn princess cruise, and we left this beautifull ship with a heavy heart, due to the treatment we received because we are smokers. We received a good dose of american fanatasism and prejudice.

We followed the rules and smoked in the designated area's as provided by the ships printed instructions, we sprayed our clothes with frebreze, so we would not offend anyone. There were just a few places to smoke as most of the ship was non-smoking.

We found people every time in the smoking sections, that did not smoke and acted offended and agressive toward us, and maybe thought that that dish was for candy and seemed to have a great time, waving the air, and covering their faces,and make nasty comments so we would hear them. And we did, and were hurt by them.

Yet those very same people go ashore in mexico, and gulp the diesel laden air without complaint.

We have seen people at the wine tasting that get stupid drunk on the free wine, load food on their plates like there is no tomorrow, and yet they would have been glad if we jumped over the rail and would have been glad to help us when we smoked outdoors next to the ashtray.

We will check back, because we know that the comments will come. Good or bad. We will however keep smoking and direct our energy toward our fellow humans that need help, like the elderly and homeless.


C.and L Akins and party.


I agree with some of your statements. If you were in a smoking section it was not right for people to make nasty faces towards you. I also agree that it's hypocritical for someone to look down on you when they themselves are not in the best physical condition themselves(i.e. extremely overweight).


Like the above poster I grew up with both parents as smokers and as a result of that I have very bad asthma. Second hand smoke does harm others, no matter what smokers try to make themselves belive otherwise, I'm living proof. I'm sure you know all the dangers of smoking and don't need a lecture from anyone else here:) It is your body and your right to do what you want with it.


Some people simply can't stand the smell of cigatettes - try looking at it this way.... would you like to stand next to someone that was continually passing gas? Again, however, if you were in a smoking area you were in the right of that situation.:)


I also agree that it is ridiculous to complain about smoke and drive an SUV at the same time, but that's another subject completely. It is very hard to have a belief and be consitant about it:)


And I agree with another above poster, perhaps cruising a European line would be a better match for you. Sorry about the dirty looks, sorry it hurt you that much:)

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We followed the rules and smoked in the designated area's as provided by the ships printed instructions. There were just a few places to smoke as most of the ship was non-smoking.

We found people every time in the smoking sections, that did not smoke and acted offended and agressive toward us, and maybe thought that that dish was for candy and seemed to have a great time, waving the air, and covering their faces,and make nasty comments so we would hear them. And we did, and were hurt by them.


C.and L Akins and party.

I do not know why this subject upsets everyone so much.:confused:


First let me say I am a smoker. The OP stated they smoked in the "smoking" section of the ship OUTDOORS. Since this area is posted for smokers, non-smokers have no reason to complain if they decide to sit there. I do not understand what the fuss is about. As smokers we respect your right to non-smoking areas and expect the same in return. Everyone is entitled to a great cruise.

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I used to smoke and I now honestly detest the smell of it. I completely understand the desire to smoke and I feel badly that you were treated that way. However, most people view smoking as unhealthy and it can affect those around you. Second-hand smoke is a huge health risk.


I guess the best you can do it try to tolerate their rude behavior and hope that they will learn to tolerate your choices.


I hope you consider giving up the habit. My previous job was ina large cancer hospital and the amount of people who die from smoking is overwhelming.

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Ignore these people, they shouldn't bother you. It is politically correct to dislike smoking and it's gotten so out of control that 1 human being can openly make a comment about another human being in public - and we as a society ACCEPT this behaviour.


It is not politically correct to make comments about fat people. They slow me down, they smell, and their bad health costs the system a lot of money.


You would NEVER hear me make such comments, but they are the same as me commenting about a smoker.


I run every day and am in great health but I have NO right to impose my personal choices, or comment on anyone else's.


thanks for listening



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I don't smoke, but I feel that providing a smoking area for smokers makes sense. I don't "judge" smokers.I have found that some smoking areas are not well thought out. On one recent RCI cruise, the smoking area was just outside of a very busy doorway where two of the four ship's ping pong tables were located. Perhaps a bit more thought could have gone into the placement of that smoking area, perhaps RCI reviewed all areas an determined that this area WAS the best. People should not be rude to smokers - particularly when they are following the rules. If people have a problem with where the smoking areas are located, they should note it to the proper staff on-board.

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"We have seen people at the wine tasting that get stupid drunk on the free wine, load food on their plates like there is no tomorrow,"


I have been to several Princess wine tasting events, and they don't serve enough wine to anyone to get "stupid drunk" or have enough to load their plates. The only food I have seen is the very small appitizers that are matched with the wine. Have I been attending the wrong wine tasting? Something does not add up here.



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We returned yesterday from our 10 day dawn princess cruise, and we left this beautifull ship with a heavy heart, due to the treatment we received because we are smokers. We received a good dose of american fanatasism and prejudice. C.and L Akins and party.


I feel it depends on your viewpoint.


fa·nat·i·cism n. fanatic outlook or behavior especially as exhibited by excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions on some subject


I would agree on the enthusiasm and zeal, or extravagance in people's behavior in how you were treated. Kind of comes with such an emotional subject...


prej·u·dice n. An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.


But, I don't think people are reacting without knowledge or facts. It is entirely just the opposite. And the ex-smokers are typically the most vocal. I know because I am one.....;)

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I feel it depends on your viewpoint.


fa·nat·i·cism n. fanatic outlook or behavior especially as exhibited by excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions on some subject


I would agree on the enthusiasm and zeal, or extravagance in people's behavior in how you were treated. Kind of comes with such an emotional subject...


prej·u·dice n. An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.


But, I don't think people are reacting without knowledge or facts. It is entirely just the opposite. And the ex-smokers are typically the most vocal. I know because I am one.....;)


What about the fact that they were smoking in the designated smoking section?

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C & L... you're not going to get any sympathy from me. My mother was a smoker and died of lung cancer... a horrible way to die! And yes, I am a fanatic when it comes to someone smoking around me. I won't let anyone in my house that smokes and I am thankful that California has strict smoking laws. With the high rate of deaths due to smoking related causes, I wouldn't be suprised if the people you came in contact with on the ship, were reacting to a death in their family due to smoking. Bravo for the cruise ships finally curbing the amount of smoking onboard!

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I was on the same cruise as the original poster, and I didn’t see any issues with cigarette smoke. I only saw a couple of instances where people were smoking while walking through the ship or in elevator lobbies, where they were asked by the cruise line not to smoke. Otherwise I saw no instances of smokers using the non-designated smoking areas. Within the guidelines set forth by the cruise line, there didn’t seem to be any disregard.

It’s unfortunate that some still feel the need to denigrate those who smoke even when they comply with the rules. Smokers are ostracized by society because the habit of smoking seems to be a disregard for one’s own health and the health of others. It is interesting that drinkers aren’t treated the same – their behavior is injurious to themselves as well as others. But the regulation of smoking on board ships is the responsibility of the cruise line. If non-smokers are concerned about people smoking in designated smoking areas, they need to contact the cruise line and ask for changes in their policy – they should not take it out on smokers.

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I was on the same cruise as the original poster, and I didn’t see any issues with cigarette smoke. I only saw a couple of instances where people were smoking while walking through the ship or in elevator lobbies, where they were asked by the cruise line not to smoke. Otherwise I saw no instances of smokers using the non-designated smoking areas. Within the guidelines set forth by the cruise line, there didn’t seem to be any disregard.


It’s unfortunate that some still feel the need to denigrate those who smoke even when they comply with the rules. Smokers are ostracized by society because the habit of smoking seems to be a disregard for one’s own health and the health of others. It is interesting that drinkers aren’t treated the same – their behavior is injurious to themselves as well as others. But the regulation of smoking on board ships is the responsibility of the cruise line. If non-smokers are concerned about people smoking in designated smoking areas, they need to contact the cruise line and ask for changes in their policy – they should not take it out on smokers.


Nicely stated, thanks.


Sometimes I think smokers get picked on because they can get picked on...which, if you think about it and that's true at all, is kind of sad. It's like open season on smokers. Isn't it enough that they're killing themselves? Must people go out of their way to ostracize them?


As a sometimes-non smoker I know how easy it is to look at a smoker and wonder what in the world is the matter with them that they would stick that thing in their mouths


But as a sometimes smoker I know the answer to that question: smoking is cool! An expensive, health destroying waste of money, but cool!


I mean really, who doesn't think the Marlboro man is hot?

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I am a non-smoker, but support you. My goodness, you were in the smoking section minding your own business, doing what people do there - smoke. Those who didn't like the smoke had no reason being there. Plain and simple, yes?


BTW, while I am not in favor of smoking for the pure health issue, your post was very well written in a calm professional manner.





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It is amazing to me to think when I waitressed through college that people just blew smoke in my face and my body didn't react and now if someone is smoking hear me all my senses become irritated....Laws have come along way baby..........especially in California...but I do find it interesting when we go to certain resort towns and stay in hotels that I have been told because the hotel caters to Europeans that they do not have non-smoking rooms(this is usually at ski resorts but I have always found that interesting).


As long as you are in a smoking area, just remind those rude people where they are.

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"As a sometimes-non smoker I know how easy it is to look at a smoker and wonder what in the world is the matter with them that they would stick that thing in their mouths


But as a sometimes smoker I know the answer to that question: smoking is cool! An expensive, health destroying waste of money, but cool!


I mean really, who doesn't think the Marlboro man is hot?"


Chris, I really hope you are kidding, the only time the Marlboro man was hot was at his funeral service, the main ad guy did contract lung cancer.

I am an ex smoker and because of the law changes and several of the things the original poster mentions I am thankful I was able to give it up. We have some dear friends (whom we cruise with) that are smokers, I wish they were not because of the health issues but it's their choice, their life. When we spend time together we are able to work things out so we are all comfortable. You would think a 100,000 ton ship would be large enough to afford the same to strangers.

Those hand waving, cough coughing folks are just being childish if you are in the designated smoking area. If the cruiseline says you can smoke, you can smoke. We should leave you alone, you have enough troubles as is.

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What about the fact that they were smoking in the designated smoking section?

My comment was not declaration of a right or wrong. :confused: My comment was about the people making comments to the OPers. From their point of view they may admit to being fanatical but I doubt they would admit to being prejudicial..:)


It’s unfortunate that some still feel the need to denigrate those who smoke even when they comply with the rules. Smokers are ostracized by society because the habit of smoking seems to be a disregard for one’s own health and the health of others.

It is unfortunate, but they feel stongly enough they will comment even when the smoker is complying. It is their statement about the habit and it's effect on others.


If non-smokers are concerned about people smoking in designated smoking areas, they need to contact the cruise line and ask for changes in their policy – they should not take it out on smokers.

And I think you may see that... Just as in Calif where they legally moved smokers out the office, then out of the restaraunts, then the bars, then the doorways. It is a sign of the times.

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I used to smoke and I now honestly detest the smell of it. I completely understand the desire to smoke and I feel badly that you were treated that way. However, most people view smoking as unhealthy and it can affect those around you. Second-hand smoke is a huge health risk.


I guess the best you can do it try to tolerate their rude behavior and hope that they will learn to tolerate your choices.


I hope you consider giving up the habit. My previous job was ina large cancer hospital and the amount of people who die from smoking is overwhelming.





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But as a sometimes smoker I know the answer to that question: smoking is cool! An expensive, health destroying waste of money, but cool!


I mean really, who doesn't think the Marlboro man is hot?


This statement is usually said by teens. I just can't think of any adult friends who think "smoking is cool". Maybe it is the people I hang out with but smoking is anything but cool.

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Lord, spare us from fanatics of any stripe! There are precious few among us who are so close to perfect that they should be going around trashing others.

A cruise is supposed to be a wonderful time to relax and to "go with the flow". If you don't like smoking, just don't go into the smoking areas. As I recall from my time on the Dawn last year, there are very few such areas and they are rather isolated.

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