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open letter to our fellow passengers


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I know that smokers are in the right if they are in the designated smoking areas. My problem is that the smoke doesn't stay there. I love to go on my My phoney coughing and gaging routine is not an act. It am sorry it bothers anybody. It bothers me too. I also have the same "routine" where there is some perfumes.




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I was on the Diamond and had the same problem. During trivia people that didn't smoke were in the smoking area. Of course I did not smoke during trivia, just before.(because I am a courteous smoker.) I was harrassed so bad by a group of people, who always had to sit in front of the person reading the trivia questions. They were so bad that when yelling at me didn't work, one man came up to and said just because I was allowed to smoke in this area didn't mean to I had to. I told him if he didn't sit down, I would light one up in each had and stick one between each toe. I told him I only smoked one cigarette before they game, even though it was really none of his business and that there were plently of seats over in the no smoking section. That would not satisify him. He kept yelling at me until the waiter came over and told him I was allowed to smoke and if he did not quit harrassing me, he would be asked to leave. He finally sat down. Of course as usual, I finished my one smoke and then did not smoke until after the trivia game was over.

I am aware that smoking bothers people, that is why even in sections where it is allowed, if the ship is having a public event i.e. trivia in the smoking part of the room, I refrain from the time the event starts until it is over. I do not smoke in my own car when I have non smokers in it and would never dream of smoking in anyone elses car. I try to be as accommadating as possible. Now maybe had this people came up and ask me nicely if I would stop smoking because it bothered them, they could have saved themselves a lot of aggravation, as I would have done so.

Yes smoking is not a good habit, but it is still legal and I only smoke in the designated areas. But it is never in my mind a right of anyone to come up and verbally harrass someone for a habit you don't like or condone when they are complying with the rules.


Have a great day.



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I did quit, and so have millions... It can be done.


I think what is going to happen is the majority (non-smokers) will keep squeezing out the minority (smokers). It (banning smoking) has happened on airplanes, in the workplace, in restaraunts, in bars, parts of casinos, ... on and on. It started in the US on the west coast, spread east and south. It is now spreading toward Europe and the British Isles.


What I believe is ships will not become non-smoking right off... options as to where smokers can light up will become less. Many places (despite European standards) are off limits already (dining rooms / theaters / halls / etc) Hallway lounges will be the first to go. Then maybe the casinos next. The lounges off by themselves where people do not have to traverse will stay for a while. Then it will be moved to outside only.


Just my personal projection..... (should take 10-15 years) :D


Congrats! Yes it can be done, easier for some and harder for others. I agree with everything you said. Designated areas are becoming increasingly hard to find everywhere. Options will be less but entirely non-smoking across the cruise industry, somehow I doubt it since the Carnival non-smoking ship did not last very long.

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I am a non smoker - and I have just as much rights to breathe clean air as you, a smoker have the right to smoke. I don't object to your smoking, however I do object to breathing in air that is filled with smoke.


My mom died of COPD and she never smoked a day in her whole life. The COPD came from breathing the air from the coal scuttles burned in her home in Olney, Pennsylvania so the family could keep warm when she was a child and then again from breathing the purple to gray colored air hanging and hovering a least a foot or more from the ceiling where she worked as a secretary in Pennsylvania for years before they made a law that you could not smoke at work .


My point is - I wish that smokers could somehow devise a plan so that I do not have to breathe the air of the smoke that you leave behind. If we all could figure out how to do that - than I do not have a problem with your smoking - it is only your life and lungs that you are filling up with smoke laden air not mine.

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First , I'm a nonsmoker, married to a former smoker. I've never been bothered by a person smoking in a designated area. If I were, I would definitely have left it to them because it is for them. I really wish they would make the casinos non smoking, I'm so tired of smelling like an ashtray when I leave, and don't enjoy the sore throat I get. Yes, I know, I could avoid the casino, but where would I gamble then, its not like I have options. But you do have the choice of not smoking...in the casino. If the complaints of non smokers outweigh the smokers i'm sure they will change this. But until they do you can ruin my casino visit... I don't really have a choice. And please don't equate smoking to someone with a full plate,, my plate isn't going to ruin the taste of your food, or make your eyes and throat sore.



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My point is - I wish that smokers could somehow devise a plan so that I do not have to breathe the air of the smoke that you leave behind. If we all could figure out how to do that - than I do not have a problem with your smoking - it is only your life and lungs that you are filling up with smoke laden air not mine.

The plan has already been devised – stay out of the designated smoking areas. From what I can tell, Princess ships are ventilated properly so that smoke doesn't filter over to the non-smoking areas...so that should take care of it for you.

The non-smokers might have had a look on their face but I don't believe anyone said anything if the person was really in a designated smoking area.
I’ve been witness to the contrary – I’ve seen non-smoking passengers confront smoking passengers in designated smoking areas because you see it's not about designated areas, it's about some people feeling righteous over what society deems as easy targets. The non-smoking passengers just don’t realize how silly they look when they go into their cough and gag routines. In fact that’s almost a reason to light one up in itself.
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There are those who really do 'gag and cough' and sneeze... and it is far from being a 'silly routine'. If I were that good of an actress, I'd be making some money with it!:) However, what you don't see is the persistant headache some non-smokers get from exposure to smoke. My son and I both have that reaction, and we've learned to hold our breath upon entering and exiting 'non-smoking' buildings, knowing the odor will be extremely strong right outside the doors. Some perfumes elict the same response. My work department is near the unloading/loading dock station in my building and I often get a nagging headache from the exhaust fumes.


During our June cruise we had to pass through a smoking area to get to the dining room. And we did it without making a face... maybe we turned blue in the face from holding our breath... ;), but we didn't 'shame' smokers! Our nearest neighbor often smoked on the balcony, part of the reason why we don't care to have a balcony next cruise. I will say there wasn't a smidgeon of smoke odor in our cabin... I was quite impressed, especially as some non-smoking motel/hotel rooms still reek of stale smoke. Smokers also keep me out of the ship casino... so I guess that's just more money for the smokers to win... or lose (as the case may be).


I do appreciate smokers staying in the designated smoking areas, but it does drift. As far as looking cool, uh-uh, don't think so!


And a note for one particular smoker I recently saw smoking in a very designated non-smoking area... Don't smoke at the gas pumps!!!:confused:

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I'm a non-smoker and proud of it! Banning smoking in restaurants and public areas has been long overdue. For years the non-smoker was the one that was discriminated one. For years the non-smoker has been choking, breathing and smelling the "smoker smog". We have coughed, sneezed, and wheezed for years, but the smoker's blew smoke in our faces and didn't notice how we are gasping for fresh air. Yes, even my father, who smoked 3 packs a day of Chesterfield King Size, blew all his smoke into our lungs for years. Finally, after his stroke, gave up the terrible habit, but it was too late and he died after suffering another stroke.


I am much more understanding than most non-smokers. Smoking areas are great because it gives the smoker a place to puff away. If I elect to sit in that area, then I cannot complain because it's a smoker's area. Shame on the people that complained about the smoking areas. Don't they realize that it took many many years for the non-smokers to get the freedom of air that we have now. I don't want to go back to the old way.


As more and more places go "smoke free", I hope smoker's will help their health and their families health and quit smoking. In the meantime, if your a non-smoker and don't like the "Smoking Areas" just don't go there. Happy Crusing!!!

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And a note for one particular smoker I recently saw smoking in a very designated non-smoking area... Don't smoke at the gas pumps!!!:confused:

While we’re at it, cell phones sometimes create very small sparks. You shouldn’t use your cell phone while filling your tank either.

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And a note for one particular smoker I recently saw smoking in a very designated non-smoking area... Don't smoke at the gas pumps!!!:confused:

Sorry for the double post. How much longer before these boards are working consistently and properly?


But I get another chance to make a point - it's unfortunate that non-smokers have to make pariahs out of smokers and it's unfortunate that smoke sometimes drifts into non-smoking areas. It's also unfortunate that some of those who are bothered by smoke do the gag and cough silly routine (I've not seen one person do that who legitimately is gagging or coughing) instead of politely asking if the smoker would mind not smoking because it bothered them (if we're not talking about a designated smoking area). There are certain subject which just seem to be a hot bed and it's unfortunate that this means we can't be civil to one another when it comes to smoking.

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Sorry for the double post. How much longer before these boards are working consistently and properly?


But I get another chance to make a point - it's unfortunate that non-smokers have to make pariahs out of smokers and it's unfortunate that smoke sometimes drifts into non-smoking areas. It's also unfortunate that some of those who are bothered by smoke do the gag and cough silly routine (I've not seen one person do that who legitimately is gagging or coughing) instead of politely asking if the smoker would mind not smoking because it bothered them (if we're not talking about a designated smoking area). There are certain subject which just seem to be a hot bed and it's unfortunate that this means we can't be civil to one another when it comes to smoking.



I am the DH of the OP. I would like to say that BDJ hit it with " it's unfortunate that we cant be civil to one another..." The OP was really commenting on how rude & obnoxious behavior from her fellow passengers hurt her feelings. I however didn't get to many of these ,perhaps because I am 6' & 200 lbs where she is 5'1 & petite & in a wheel chair at times due to Post Polio syndrom. It seems like people confront ladies much more often then men. Please folks, show some tolerance for others. It would be much better for all pax if everyone got along.

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But I get another chance to make a point - it's unfortunate that non-smokers have to make pariahs out of smokers and it's unfortunate that smoke sometimes drifts into non-smoking areas. It's also unfortunate that some of those who are bothered by smoke do the gag and cough silly routine (I've not seen one person do that who legitimately is gagging or coughing) instead of politely asking if the smoker would mind not smoking because it bothered them (if we're not talking about a designated smoking area). There are certain subject which just seem to be a hot bed and it's unfortunate that this means we can't be civil to one another when it comes to smoking.


It is unfortunate that people smoke. As far as smokers becoming pariahs...I see no problem with that. You made your choice. It was one thing to smoke when the effects were not well known--it is another thing to smoke today. And smoking in public is inherently uncivil. The problem will be solved when smoking in any public place or area is not allowed. And that will happen. Someday smoking won't be allowed in any public area on cruise ships.

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I’ve been witness to the contrary – I’ve seen non-smoking passengers confront smoking passengers in designated smoking areas because you see it's not about designated areas, it's about some people feeling righteous over what society deems as easy targets. The non-smoking passengers just don’t realize how silly they look when they go into their cough and gag routines. In fact that’s almost a reason to light one up in itself.


When I was smoking, I was also confronted with the cough and gag routine and that brought out the B**CH in me and I made sure I chain smoked as long as the non-smoker stayed in the designated smoking area! Am I proud of that? No. Was I justified? Yes.


It is unfortunate that people smoke. As far as smokers becoming pariahs...I see no problem with that. You made your choice. It was one thing to smoke when the effects were not well known--it is another thing to smoke today. And smoking in public is inherently uncivil. The problem will be solved when smoking in any public place or area is not allowed. And that will happen. Someday smoking won't be allowed in any public area on cruise ships.


It is unfortunate that some people smoke but it isn't as easy to quit for some and the non-smokers will never understand how hard it is. I took me at least 5 honest tries and just as many years 'till I finally was strong enough to get over it. It's been 4 years and I still have a craving every now and then but I know that if I take the first cigarette it won't be the last. As far as ships becoming all non-smoking, I don't see it happening any time soon due to the large foreign population who smoke. Plus the fact that it has been tried and failed. BTW, have any of you diehard non-smokers been on the non-smoking ship?

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Plus the fact that it has been tried and failed. BTW, have any of you diehard non-smokers been on the non-smoking ship?


One non-smoking ship could not solve the problem plus it was on the wrong ship and cruise line for me. I don't consider it a failure. One ship was a stupid idea and it was marketing bull**** to pretend tom do something. And I thought putting people off the ship because a teen had a pack of cigarettes was attrocious. I am not in favor of banning smoking, just banning it in public spaces. People have the right to kill themselves. It would make more sense to have one smoking ship. That might work... Non-smokers are the majority by far now.


As far as the foreign population...the move to ban smoking in public areas is spreading abroad. It is not just a US happening anymore. Smoking in public areas will be ended on cruise ships. I am not making a time prediction of how soon. It will happen. I was actually surprised by how fast a no smoking law that makes it possible for me now to go to a nightclub or bar and not have to leave after twenty minutes because of the smoke came into effect. Since the cruise ships are foriegn flagged it will take a little longer but their customers are going to expect non smoking so the cruise lines will eventualy end public smoking because the majority of their customers will demand it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok Folks....the bottom line is.....


A "smoking" section in a restaurant (or cruise ship, for that matter) is like having a "peeing" section in a swimming pool! It just doesn't work. The smoke is going to infiltrate the non-smokers air. It lingers on the smokers' clothing and it is downright nasty!


Hooray for the good old USA (at least parts of it) for banning smoking all together in enclosed places. Last I checked, the bars and restaurants in California haven't closed up because the smokers can't smoke in them!


Having said that, there is no excuse for rudeness! A little civility goes a long way. If a smoker is following the rules and smoking in a designated area, they shouldn't be shamed or harrassed. I just don't happen to think there should be any designated areas in places the general public frequent.

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Recently took delivery on a 2006 Chevrolet Impala LTZ - while driving home from Christmas with the kids - I looked around for a lighter and ashtray (we are non smokers) - could not find either. I asked my salesman why - he said all cars are now based as non smoking - you have to order the optional smokers package to get a lighter and ashtray - Three cheers for General Motors!


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I'm very happy to be a non smoker for several reasons. One of those is that smoking and smokers are so ostracized these days, I can't imagine it is very convenient and comfortable, particularly in North America.


Our first cruise was one of the last sailings of the Paradise which was a smoke free ship at the time. We also live in an area where smoking is pretty much banned everywhere and we much prefer it that way. (DH is an ex-smoker).


With all that being said, I noticed very little smoking on our last two cruises, both of which were not smoke free. I think it's managed well, and if smokers stick to the appointed area they have a right to be there. Attitudes are changing though and smoking is only going to get less socially acceptable, never mind the medical issues. If you must smoke, I wish you good luck on finding a place to do so.

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Giving smokers a dirty look is a natural reaction when the smart people have given up the drug. It is a dirty habit and it is hard not to reflect what you feel when you see a smoker. Yes, smokers, it is true, when I see you smoking, disgust is going through my mind. There is no way I am going to try and hide it. If you don't like it don't smoke in public.


Wow, Charles, you must be perfect. Do you drink? Everytime I see an obnoxious drunk disgust runs through my mind. I feel that way when people use foul language in public as well. If you do drink, do you EVER drive? Talk about dangers to others - a woman and her unborn child were killed this past weekend 2 blocks from our home by some idiot who drank and got behind the wheel. On our last cruise a drunk vomited in the elevator while we were in it, ruining my daughters formal. In addition, there was a drunk Santa Claus running around the ship stuffing tea bags in peoples pockets - disgusting. I wish there were a non-drinking cruise but life isn't perfect.


As far as smokers being stupid, they have just made a poor choice, they are not stupid. I suppose you have never made a "stupid" choice.

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When I am in a smoking area, I do not complain. BUT, I do wave my hand in front of my face and cover my nose and mouth because I am highly allergic to tobacco smoke...and I do like to breathe. So, I am not making a nasty comment, I am just protecting myself until I am out of the smoking area. Sometimes it's not possible to avoid the area and we have to walk through, so I take precautions to make sure I don't breathe in the smoke. Smokers who object to this sort of action should take heed and know that it is self protection, not being nasty.


Especially in San Francisco, you will find that there's a larger aversion towards smoke (hopefully not smokers). For me, I also do the above, but when I'm in a smoking area (ie. walking through casino on my way to the dining room), then I would hold my breath instead. My daughter is 8, and I see her do the waving the hand thing, so I would remind her to not make a big deal but just hold her breath and walk quickly. This was more of an issue when we had to wait for a group of folks in the lobby of a casino hotel (outside was snowing, so we couldn't really go anywhere else).


I'm sorry you encountered these rude folks in the smoking sections when you were following the rules.

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I really wish they would make the casinos non smoking, I'm so tired of smelling like an ashtray when I leave, and don't enjoy the sore throat I get. Jim


So true. I just want to be able to have a choice (I think Circus Circus in LV or Reno has a non-smoking section). About 11 years ago, I was in LV during one of the playoff games prior to the Super Bowl, and I went into one of these rooms set up with lots of TV screens. I sat there for several hours (I'm a non-smoker and more tolerant of smoke smell then), cheered for my team, and had lots of fun watching the game with about 100 other people. By the time I went back to my room, my nostrils were feelin' uncomfortable, so I went and umm, cleaned them... and found them filled with black stuff ... well, I won't go into details, but it was this personal illustration of what several hours in a smoke filled room could do to a person, let alone actually smoking.


In the past year, I've had my first opportunity to work with someone who smokes (when I started my first real job out of college 15+ years ago, one of the perks was a non-smoking work environment!). During the last year, she has changed her eating habits, exercised and worked w/a trainer regularly, lost a lot of weight, but she is unable to stop smoking, so that gives me some idea how hard it can be to quit.

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Baxter... sometimes it's impossible to stay out of smoking areas. As mentioned previously, on some ships, you have to go through the Casino to get from one part of the ship to another. You can't avoid the smoke unless you go up or down a deck. Also, there are some people who smoke in non-smoking areas regardless of the posted signs. Yes, you could then move but why should you have because someone else is breaking the rules and being inconsiderate? It's not always easy to avoid the smoke.


The OP poster was in a designated smoking area. I am not a smoker but feel that we have become fanatical and are infringing on the rights of smokers. They are adults and know the dangers of smoking and as long as they are in a designated smoking area I have no right to make faces or make rude comments if I am passing through that area knowing that it's smoking designated. Same with casinos. I do go up a deck and then down---if we ask the smokers to go outside to smoke in most public places but allow drunkards to run around the ship, I don't find it cumbersome to walk a few more steps to avoid the casinos on the ship.


If however the smoker's are in a non-smoking area, then I remind them that it's not a designated smoking area.

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Recently took delivery on a 2006 Chevrolet Impala LTZ - while driving home from Christmas with the kids - I looked around for a lighter and ashtray (we are non smokers) - could not find either. I asked my salesman why - he said all cars are now based as non smoking - you have to order the optional smokers package to get a lighter and ashtray - Three cheers for General Motors!




I don't see anything to cheer about...does this mean they have to pay extra? This goes against the grain of discrimination!

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Wow, Charles, you must be perfect. Do you drink? Everytime I see an obnoxious drunk disgust runs through my mind. I feel that way when people use foul language in public as well. If you do drink, do you EVER drive? Talk about dangers to others - a woman and her unborn child were killed this past weekend 2 blocks from our home by some idiot who drank and got behind the wheel. On our last cruise a drunk vomited in the elevator while we were in it, ruining my daughters formal. In addition, there was a drunk Santa Claus running around the ship stuffing tea bags in peoples pockets - disgusting. I wish there were a non-drinking cruise but life isn't perfect.


As far as smokers being stupid, they have just made a poor choice, they are not stupid. I suppose you have never made a "stupid" choice.

I do not see the point. :confused: Is it one poor choice deserves another ?? I am sure Charles would agree and be disgusted with the above "choices" too, as would I.

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