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Anyone stick (more or less) to Weight Watchers on an NCL cruise?


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Last year I gained 5 pounds on a 7-day cruise. This year I'm taking a 9-day cruise, PLUS we have the unlimited drinks.


Any tips from someone who has at least maintained on an NCL cruise? With the new program giving zero points for lean proteins, I hope it will be easier.



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Last year I gained 5 pounds on a 7-day cruise. This year I'm taking a 9-day cruise, PLUS we have the unlimited drinks.


Any tips from someone who has at least maintained on an NCL cruise? With the new program giving zero points for lean proteins, I hope it will be easier.




Well, I wish that I had maintained as my latest weigh-in yesterday showed me up almost 7 lbs, but I know that for me that a lot of that is water weight and most of it will drop off quickly - I could tell that I was retaining water by the end of the cruise on by this last Sunday. The other family members stayed within a couple pounds. The odd thing about this that I ate the the healthiest out of our group plus was the most active but gained the most - the weight loss journey can be fickle at times.



Cruise food can be salty plus it will throw you out of your routine and there is temptation everywhere.. I did find it was easier with eggs and fish/chicken "free" so it would be easy to stay on plan - and I did for at least half (its hard to have just fruit for dessert day after day). At least the sweet portions are small - you just have to call it good with one.


I did least a mile walk in the morning after breakfast and/or in the evening so I was logging 4-5 miles easily just on the ship plus taking the stairs most of the time. One thing you gotta do is stay away from the drinks as you could easily suck up all of your daily points with a few of the fancy ones each day. I only had 3 drinks the entire cruise - I did drink a lot of water (bought the 24-bottle water package). I did have the soda package , but I still couldn't drink enough diet Pepsi to make even that worth it.

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It really does come down to exercise, as a balance against time at the buffet and at the bar.


Get your time in at the gym, then go to a table service restaurant for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and limit your alcohol intake, regardless of beverage package.


Or, be like me -- spend an hour at the gym in the morning with your wife, then drink and eat yourself silly for the rest of the day, because "hey, I worked out this morning!"

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Go easy on the drink package.As another poster noted, those frozen,fruity,rum drinks can really add calories.

Move as much as you can on the ship and in port.

Drink a lot of water.

The food usually contains a good amount of salt.

After cruise weight can be water weight. Don’t be discouraged when you get home- youmaybe retaining water for a awhile.

Get back on program as soon as you can.

Enjoy the cruise- focus on relaxation and enjoying experiences rather than the food.

This is from a lifetime member of WW. I can definitely understand your concerns.

Bon voyage !

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I took a NCL Spirit cruise in January. I ate my usual omelette and fruit for breakfast. At lunch stuck with protein snack or salad. Got plenty of walking in and ate small meals at dinner, often skipping dessert or just having a few bites. I drank plenty of Bloody Marys and consumed the garnish as an afternoon snack. Lost 2 pounds on the cruise. Ate at all the various restaurants and had what I wanted. There was lots of healthy, low fat low carb dishes. [emoji4]



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A lot of cruise weight is water weight, it seems oxymoronic but the more water you drink the less water weight you will pick up as it will help flush out the enormous amount of salt you are eating. Potassium counter acts salt too, so keep your intake high, sweet potatoes are your best friend, then regular potatoes, then bananas.


Exercise is good for you, but isn't how you loose or maintain weight. You have to run flat out (not walk fast, out right sprint) for 2-3 miles to burn enough calories to make up for a small individual serving sized bag of potato chips. You need to burn 3500 calories to loose 1 pound of fat.


You are on a cruise, don't go crazy, but enjoy yourself. When you get back from vacation get back on your program. The stress relief a cruise can provide will do more for your well being than trying to stay on your program. Whatever you are trying to accomplish is a marathon not a sprint, how did you do this YEAR not how did you do this WEEK.

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I haven't been on NCL, but here's what I do on other lines...When I cruise I stick to the points for food, but I give myself a break on the drinks ( I still track them though). I drink wine and lower calorie cocktails like vodka and Sprite Zero or rum and diet Coke, nothing with added sugar or fruit juice. I don't eat ice cream or baked desserts, but might have fresh berries for dessert. Breakfast is boiled eggs, fat free yogurt, and fresh fruit, maybe iced coffee with sweetener. Lunch is salad bar and beans, with dressing on the side, maybe a non-creamy soup. Snack is fruit or veggies. Dinner is lean protein and veggies, no rice or potato. I might have beef once or twice. I'm not good at getting motivated to exercise, but I walk around the track a few times a day and dance a few times. Good luck!

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After going off plan for several months, I am back at my lifetime goal weight and even 4 pounds under that. My goal before at TA in 10 days in to lose 1 more pound so I have a cushion ahead of the cruise. I feel SO much better. My plan is to focus on veggies, fruits and lean proteins. I've cruised before on plan so I know it is entirely possible. Thankfully, we do not consume much alcohol even at home but I do plan to enjoy a few small glasses of red wine during the cruise. I will get in walking and gym time every day and take the stairs versus the elevator. I am visualizing what I will eat and being successful. The one thing I am a bit concerned about is tracking. We plan to use the internet sparingly and I don't know to what extent I'll be able to use the WW app for tracking - anyone know? Tracking really keeps me on an even keel. We are spending some time in Spain and France after disembarking, so that leg of the vacation may be more challenging. I'm going to focus again on fruits, veggies, lean proteins and a lot of walking. I'm a tad bit concerned about that wonderful french bread and butter but I will treat myself within reason.

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:)On our 2008 10 day cruise, they had low calorie meals listed on lunch and dinner menus in MD. When we were on the 2016 cruise on the Sun they did not have that. Going on Dawn, 7 day to Bermuda. I'll use my tracker and tools. I did lose 1/12 lbs on our 2011 cruise. Will take above suggestions to help stain program.

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I would agree with all above posts. I am Lifetime but working my way back. I rarely gain on a cruise but I do make sure that I hit the gym for at least 30 minutes on the treadmill each day, unless it is an early port stop. The walking that is involved in the ports usually more than helps work towards those activity points. I think I logged 26000 steps the day we were in Gilbraltar. I focus on fruit, yogurt, occasionally eggs(now zero point so now I may opt for those). If the ship has those lovely crunchy rolls I treat myself to to with a slice of ham and or cheese. Lunches are usually salads. Dinner is lean protein, light appetizer. I do have my wine or Prosecco, but none of those sugary drinks because I really am not a sweet eater. I also usually pass on desert which drives my DH crazy but I would rather have other choices. I don’t deny myself and will try local and special items when on the menu. And yes, water, water, water! We are on the Baltic July cruise and have ever been here before so trying local cuisine will be a treat. I think the key is just not treating this as a food free for all. Unlimited food also means unlimited choices. I think Freestyle will make this an easier experience. And even I feel we can’t access the app we can go “old school” and use a paper tracker! I think you can still get those at a meeting.

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Last year I gained 5 pounds on a 7-day cruise. This year I'm taking a 9-day cruise, PLUS we have the unlimited drinks.


Any tips from someone who has at least maintained on an NCL cruise? With the new program giving zero points for lean proteins, I hope it will be easier.



all I can say is, we no longer gain so much weight on cruises We have learned to pace ourselves. We also know some of that weight gain is simply fluid and after a couple of days at home the scales do not jump up and scream like they did hat first morning home.

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Good Thread. I am also planning on it for a 21 day cruise coming up in a few weeks. I think with the freestyle, it will be a lot easier. I am lifetime, trying to get back to goal and I have liked the new plan. I hope it works. Have a great trip.


Also, on port days of every cruise we have been on(over 200 sea days), we have walked over 20,000 steps and even on the ship about 10,000. So, I think exercise is good, but diet is the main thing for me.

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Thanks all, this thread has been very encouraging.


We ALWAYS eat in the main dining room. We're traveling with another couple. If they want to eat in the buffet, they can go the three nights we're at specialty restaurants. I don't like crowds!


It's an Alaska cruise, so most of the port stops are early morning, but I can look at my calendar to see when I can work exercise in at another time.


On our last cruise, I gave in to temptation and had dessert at both lunch and dinner. Think I'll pick one or the other, and only eat a bite unless I love it.


We get in on a Monday, and I don't weigh in until the following Monday, so hopefully will have time to lose the water weight at least.


Having the cruise to look forward to has helped me with temptation in the lead up. I think, "Would I rather have that piece of Costco cake at this retirement party, or a chocolate mousse on the cruise?"


Best of luck to all of you on the journey.



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Your have to set realistic goals. What I do is only allow myself one dessert a day. I do not eat any bread of rolls. That is basically all I do in terms of food.

I do walk 2 miles on the track every morning and I try to never take the elevator. This seems to work for me.

Good Luck


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I have followed weight watchers several times over the years with both success and failures. I finally found what works best for me is just counting/logging calories of intake. I know how much I need to stick to loose weight as well as how much in order to maintain. When I cruise now, I still do as home, stick to similar foods as home, but have also a treat or two, but do log calories , but am just aiming to maintain while on vacation. I don't use apps for calorie counts, but over the years pretty much know what most foods are.


Meals in MDR, I try to avoid gravy, sauces, and mixtures of things that I cannot tally calories easy. and of course limit carbs somewhat, but still include them. Just my way of doing it now. Weight watcher's should be able to give advice to you also on how to track points.

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Thanks for the reminder about the "old school" paper tracking sheets! :cool: I will pick some up next week when I weigh in before we leave. Agree with you on the new Freestyle choices. They should makes things easier.


I would agree with all above posts. I am Lifetime but working my way back. I rarely gain on a cruise but I do make sure that I hit the gym for at least 30 minutes on the treadmill each day, unless it is an early port stop. The walking that is involved in the ports usually more than helps work towards those activity points. I think I logged 26000 steps the day we were in Gilbraltar. I focus on fruit, yogurt, occasionally eggs(now zero point so now I may opt for those). If the ship has those lovely crunchy rolls I treat myself to to with a slice of ham and or cheese. Lunches are usually salads. Dinner is lean protein, light appetizer. I do have my wine or Prosecco, but none of those sugary drinks because I really am not a sweet eater. I also usually pass on desert which drives my DH crazy but I would rather have other choices. I don’t deny myself and will try local and special items when on the menu. And yes, water, water, water! We are on the Baltic July cruise and have ever been here before so trying local cuisine will be a treat. I think the key is just not treating this as a food free for all. Unlimited food also means unlimited choices. I think Freestyle will make this an easier experience. And even I feel we can’t access the app we can go “old school” and use a paper tracker! I think you can still get those at a meeting.
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Agree - great thread here. Is is helpful to hear about others' experiences and to both give and receive support. Good health and good luck to all! ;)


Good Thread. I am also planning on it for a 21 day cruise coming up in a few weeks. I think with the freestyle, it will be a lot easier. I am lifetime, trying to get back to goal and I have liked the new plan. I hope it works. Have a great trip.


Also, on port days of every cruise we have been on(over 200 sea days), we have walked over 20,000 steps and even on the ship about 10,000. So, I think exercise is good, but diet is the main thing for me.

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Currently on a low-carb diet, not WW, but following this thread. One thing that I plan to do is to NOT WEIGH MYSELF until I've been home for a week, to see what is "real" weight vs water weight/temporary weight. Also planning to WALK WALK and more WALK on the ship.

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I just made GOAL last week! I will be on an Alaskan cruise in May. I not only follow WW but I eat Whole Food Plant Based No Oil (WFPBNO) for my heart. I had a heart attack and stent placed last March 20th and made drastic changes because all my blood work 'numbers' were good two weeks prior to my heart attack. So 'normal healthy' range is not enough for me. I had 70% blockage in my LAD (the widow maker) and 55% in a branch of my circumflex that I hope clears due to my diet and lifestyle changes.

I plan to use the WW app and Dr. Greger's app (daily dozen) to keep on track on the cruise. No meat/eggs/dairy/cheese is easy for me but the no oil will be the challenge on the cruise. I use white balsamic vinegar for a salad dressing and I plan on bringing a bottle of it with me. I hope it doesn't get me sent to the naughty room!

I also plan to walk each day to keep my cardio up and get my steps in. If I gain, I know it will come right back off!

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I just made GOAL last week! I will be on an Alaskan cruise in May. I not only follow WW but I eat Whole Food Plant Based No Oil (WFPBNO) for my heart. I had a heart attack and stent placed last March 20th and made drastic changes because all my blood work 'numbers' were good two weeks prior to my heart attack. So 'normal healthy' range is not enough for me. I had 70% blockage in my LAD (the widow maker) and 55% in a branch of my circumflex that I hope clears due to my diet and lifestyle changes.




I plan to use the WW app and Dr. Greger's app (daily dozen) to keep on track on the cruise. No meat/eggs/dairy/cheese is easy for me but the no oil will be the challenge on the cruise. I use white balsamic vinegar for a salad dressing and I plan on bringing a bottle of it with me. I hope it doesn't get me sent to the naughty room!




I also plan to walk each day to keep my cardio up and get my steps in. If I gain' date=' I know it will come right back off! [/size']




That’s great!

I’m going to check out that Dr Greger’s app.

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Congratulations on reaching your goal! I am going to check out the Greger app although I don't know to what extent the app and the WW app is usable while we are at sea. Anyone know?


That’s great!

I’m going to check out that Dr Greger’s app.

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