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I am now onboard Grand and having some problems


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Princess is cutting the size of the laundry rooms in half to add an extra cabin...


'nuff said...:(

I have seen this myself on the Crown, they are cabins for staff as they have a double bunk on the back wall.

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Entertainers are staff, not crew. They don't share in tips. Most staff are professionals and make decent wages. They are not slaves. Most of them have cabins on deck 4, but some staff members do have cabins on passenger decks. But they are LIVING in these cabins for 5-6 months at a time. They have ALL their possessions in these cabins. It's not practical to have someone in that situation pack up all their belongings over and over again because of an unfortunate incident with another guest cabin. It's the cruiseline's decision to allocate some passenger cabins for staff for whatever reason (not enough cabins on deck 4 perhaps) and the cruiseline chooses not to sell those cabins. Crew are usually not allowed in passenger areas when they are off duty, nor can they eat at the buffet. Some staff can eat wherever and whenever they want, but many of them are limited to the buffet only during "off" hours, i.e. not main meal hours. And the percentage of staff that are using the facilities you are so concerned about is very small compared to the number of crew. None of this takes away from the very unfortunate incident with the OP, and I agree that Princess should do something to compensate her.


There are some entertainers who are on board for a very short time. Some change ship or join a ship even after the cruise has begun. One of their cabin might be able to be given to the PAX and the entertainer could double up with some one else if there is space. On our last Regal cruise this year the opera singer got on at the last port of call, then we had a sea day (maybe two sea days) and she was off in Fort Lauderdale. So, she did not have lots of stuff with her.

I just still think there is a way to help these PAX who got flooded out.

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That's kinda an extreme way to take it. I think another way is that cruise ships are crowded enough as it is, especially areas like the buffet and the pool. While no one is saying that the crew deserves lesser treatment, if we're paying this much for a vacation we want to enjoy it. It's hard enough sometimes to enjoy a cruise with the crowds scrambling for the last over-cooked fry and people reserving pool chairs 9 hours in advance. If the crew have designated areas for themsevles in their off-time, it allows there to be more room for the guests. Plus, I'm sure the crew is sick and tired of dealing with us all the time and a little "away time" from the guests might be a welcome relief.


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Thank you... this is what I was trying to say.

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Each cruise line has regulations as to what categories of people employed on the ship are permitted what level of access to guest areas. Some get none other than working hours, others have much more laxity. Then there are people who are not quite employees but are being permitted to cruise free in exchange for a service rendered, such as the priest in the example a few posts up. These people are not crew and are not assigned to crew quarters or mess. They cruise in passenger cabins and have an MDR assignment as well as access to all guest areas when they are not performing the duties for which they were brought on board.


Some lines regularly have guest speakers or special entertainers--these people are typically permitted to bring their families on board and are placed in a balcony cabin on that line. We've met some lovely people who actually invited cruisers to speak to them in the public areas.


How/where these people are housed is not really the concern of this thread. The point is that an individual is essentially being forced to remain in a cabin that is at best uncomfortable and at worst unhealthy. Princess needs to be prepared for events like this and have the ability to move the family involved. Admittedly, I wouldn't be happy if I were moved from a balcony to an inside cabin, but at least I'd have a clean, safe place to spend the cruise.

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I totally agree with you...be firm but calm. As I said in my previous post..I got a new carpet installed and compensation that was satisfactory to me without going ballistic. I think asking the Hotel Manger to take off his shoes and come into the cabin helped..



Firm but calm is good advise. I had a plumbing situation on another cruise line, Celebrity, and initialy guest relations resisted changing my room. They claimed there were no other rooms. But I went back a few times and talked to them calmly and they changed my room the next day. When they finally offered me anopther room they gave me a list of seven cabins to choose from!!! So from having no cabins available they had at least seven. And it was not an upgrade, it was the same type of cabin. Likely they have cabins available on Grand too. When there are several thousand passengers there are always some no shows.

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MTJSR, You mention meetings, and then the room steward(s). If they are who you met with, that was probably the problem.


Possibly, however I met with our Room Steward, Head Room Steward (white uniform) and talked to Passenger Services twice. Bottom line is, there should be no staff ladder a passenger needs to navigate to get the appropriate resolution to something like a cabin flood.

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Sorry to hear the Grand is still having problems. I will not go back on her after my experience last June. Its just too old and too patched together.



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I read on here awhile back that the Royal was heading to San Pedro.

Maybe they'll send the Star to SF.



We still love the staff on Grand:)

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It now been four days and the OP is still in a cabin that has issues. Sorry to those who do not believe in the all out heavy handed way to handling things. If the OP had gone 100% on day one they who not still have issues. Four days and no meeting with the Hotel Director (Report). That meeting should have happen within 4 hours.


It is clear the OP is a nice caring person and doesn't want to make waves..... But this is exactly what the cruise lines want, it limits the cost involved. I can say 100% guaranteed if it was my cabin I would not be in it four days later, the issue would have been resolved one way or another. I feel sorry for the OP.....


Unless you would have gotten off the ship, Not quite sure you would have been able to accomplish anymore than this poster. Even when you call your maritime attorney that you mentioned.


Speaking of experience. Some members may remember when my cabin was flooded on the Crown a few years back from the toilet. We came back towards our mini-suite after breakfast when our cabin steward came running towards us telling us there was a major issue with our cabin. It had flooded from the bathroom all the way to our balcony sliding door. Anything and everything that was touching the floor, from clothes to shoes to suitcases to backpacks were wet. We couldn't even get someone senior up to our stateroom.


Our day in Curaco was ruined. While we got off for a few hours, they replaced the entire carpet. And they offered us a dinner or $50 OBC. We were traveling with people who we had met the year prior and they were kind enough to wait with us and witnessed everything. My cabin stunk of glue that night.

Well the very next day, the cabin had another flood! I posted on here, I was constantly downstairs, I emailed headquarters, I reached out to my TA. I am normally a nice person (if I do say so myself! :D) but I pushed and probably wasn't that nice after a few days . People pushed on my behalf.

In the end I finished the cruise, got $200 credit and that was it.


Plus side, with the stinky smelling carpet in the hallway and the fans running for a good portion of our sailing, I could find my cabin easily after spending a few hours in Crooners. I have been through a fire and a mini flood on a cruise ship and how many people can say that! Gives me a funny story to make fun of myself while at happy hour! I still have lots of happy memories from that sailing and cemented a friendship with some wonderful people so that's all that matters in the long run.


OP, I truly hope that you are able to find some enjoyment out of your cruise. I'm really sorry you had to deal with this issue.

Edited by Host CJSKIDS
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Wow, I just watched the videos of the terrible flood that happened today on the Carnival ship our of New Orleans. That's a major flood issue!



I read that Carnival is offering a 100% refund to those effected and 50% off a future cruise. If true that is a step in the right direction.

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Wow, I just watched the videos of the terrible flood that happened today on the Carnival ship our of New Orleans. That's a major flood issue!



Yes, just saw something on it, commentator said Carnival was refunding all guests impacted.

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Wow, I just watched the videos of the terrible flood that happened today on the Carnival ship our of New Orleans. That's a major flood issue!


Carnival figured out how to handle the situation when a cabin was not inhabitable:

Cruise guest Marla DeAnn Haase, who shared the footage, was one of the passengers relocated in the wake of the flooding. She wrote on Facebook that she and family members were moved to the ship’s spa, where they slept on yoga mats.

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The water problem on the Carnival ship was reported to affect 50 cabins. So not way they would have that many empty units available. They have shown the correct way to handle this 100% cruise refund in cash and 50% future cruise credit. To bad the policy is not the same across the corporation.

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I too have had the flooded cabin before. It is not sewage but water. The carpet does smell bad. If they dry it with the large fans, then 24 hours is usually the impact. They will replace or repair damaged items. They will do compensation (OBC) for the time the cabin is impacted at night. If you want more then you will have to fight and spend vacation time to get it. It is a common enough problem usually caused by the passengers that they have a standard procedure. You need to decide how badly it is affecting you and how much time to spend on it.


Hope the OP is in pretty good shape now.

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While it may be caused by passengers, it is not necessarily the passengers in the room at the time. At the beginning of our Japan cruise, we had the toilet overflow twice when it was flushed. Both times, it affected only the bathroom, in part because I saw it and tossed a towel just inside the bathroom door.


I can attest that WE did not put anything other than TP and excrement down the toilet. The first time the stateroom host told me that it can by any cabin in that particular system, and he basically mopped and sanitized the bathroom floor, then called someone else who really did nothing but declared it "fixed." The second time, he called the plumber who tried to tell me that it hadn't happened! Right--I just called for fun. The plumber got there after the steward had again cleaned it up.


No, we didn't feel we were owed anything--we had a problem that was resolved. I was irritated that it took two episodes to get someone to take it seriously.

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On a LA round trip to Hawaii on the old Regal (last sailing before going to P&O) we had a pool pipe burst across from us at 2 in the morning that flooded 4 or 5 rooms including ours. Maintenance reacted very fast and had the leak stopped, water vacuumed, and blowers started within an hour. I ran to the pursers and got the only room left on board (someone missed boarding) for the rest of the night. Next day all the carpets were pulled and replaced. We had to deal with the smell of the glue for about 4 days.


When we got home, a letter went out to Princess explaining what had happened and the problem with the glue smell. They compensated us for about a third of the 15 day cruise as well as paid for the repairs to a laptop that got wet.

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With no other passenger cabin to be moved to. Can't they have one one or in the entertainment staff (that have a cabin in the non crew area) double up with another staff member and give theses passengers their cabin? To me this seems like a way to get them a cabin.


I doubt that they would touch an entertainer. I actually got bumped from a room on the Pacific Princess because an entertainer decided to bring his wife and needed a larger room. They tended to put entertainers on obstructed Ocean view rooms on that ship that were smaller than the other rooms. They tried to put us into the entertainers old room and when I requested my old room back they said it was removed for service for operational reasons. I then told them that we were driving to the airport and if they did not have a solution by the time we reached the airport then to cancel the cruise. It turned out fine they ended up giving up a very nice free upgrade, though I had to go through the resolutions department to get it resolved.


Later on I noticed that there was no name tag on the door, but when I asked the steward that was servicing the room he said that it was being used by one of the entertainers and his wife.

Edited by RDC1
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My discussion would be pretty simple. Fix it to the standard of a non-impacted cabin promptly (should be able to be done within 24 hours) or make plans for me to be departing the ship at the next port. That I would then have the discussion with Corporate as to why the ship could not provide adequate resolution.


I have only had one problem with a cabin in the 27 cruises I have done with Princess. When I had that problem I raised it with customer service, they indicated that there was nothing that they could do (was on the last day of the first leg on a 20 day 2-10 day B2B). I told them ok if it was not fixable then we would get off in Ft Lauderdale when we docked the next day and not continue the next 10 day trip. 2 hours later I got a call from the customer service manager with the information about the new cabin that they would move us to the next day during turn around.


Basically I was willing to pay the cost of departing and risk the potential loss of the value of the second 10 day cruise rather than continue on with the current circumstances. We had already planned how we were going to spend the next 10 days in Florida when they contacted us and said the Corporate came up with a solution.

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We had a flooded cabin during a storm between Barcelona & Marseilles. The staff got it dried out in two days and were great.


On the other hand, we were on a ship where the AC did not work on our floor, or in the dining room or kitchen. The cruise line lied to our TA (and others) pre-cruise, and lied to us when we boarded the ship and our room was above 90. When the situation did not improve as promised when we were underway, we demanded a return to port and full refund. They declined to return whether we were refunded or not, so I wrote our TA and corporate customer relations. After we returned home, we reached a fair settlement. Critical to our TA's negotiations was our rejection of the bad cabin and the demand to get off, which was documented.


You can read my review of our disaster of a cabin on the Island Princess. We met with staff on a daily basis.


Our son and daughter-in-law went on a ship where there cabin came with a backed up toilet. They posted U-Tibe videos of sewage. They were moved to another cabin quickly.

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26 princess cruises flooding x2... first time on the sky we were moved to another cabin, without any effort on our part; second on Grand, 2 days from end of cruise, they dried the cabin and gave us a free dinner.... both seemed very reasonable to us... I think the blog is over the top.

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