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Kids Behavior

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Sadly, not much different. In our changed society, today people breed, not parent.


I guess I'll be the little boy who tells the emperor he has no clothes on. I don't by this at all. Yes it's a different world today than it was when I was raised in the 60's, but I think kids and parents take a bad wrap because it's different.


My mother, and my friends parents, all believed in the belt and disciplined us. We were also told children were to be seen and not heard from. Despite this level of discipline and expectation, we still got in plenty of trouble and did a lot of stupid things. Sometimes people were injured, most often us. We were kids. We weren't bad kids just kids. When my parents went to a party we were left alone (unsupervised as you now put it) and chaos ensued. When we all went together to places, the adults congregated and the kids went off on our own. If we did something that got back to our parents we were punished. When the next opportunity came up, we did the same thing. Before you ask, I had my first job at 12 cleaning offices after school, so I was not running with a bunch of privileged brats. Again we were kids. The biggest difference was, if an adult saw us they stopped us, whether we were their kids or not. They didn't judge our parents for not following us all day in the car, they didn't judge us as bad, they yelled "What the hell are you doing? Get down from that." and we did. I guess I was not the angel that many of you (and evidently your children) were, who never broke a rule, ran into someone, or blocked the stairs by sitting on it. In fact if you asked my mother, she would probably tell you that it would have been a prayer answered to get a call telling her that my fiends and I were sitting on the step blocking the way. Then she would have said "Well tell them to get the hell up, your the adult."


I think the problem is, we get on forums like this and hide behind anonymity, and become way over the top in rhetoric because it's easy. If you don't want to deal with kids and their behavior, I get that. As others have mentioned, find an adult oriented cruise or vacation. But what is the necessity to condemn kids and parents in general. It's funny how so many people will go here blame others for ruining a vacation, but WON'T simply tell a 12 year old "Hey stop throwing stuff all over, and pick that up." The vast majority of kids are good kids (just like yours) and they will do what you ask if you are calm and reasonable in your instruction. Try putting your hands up and saying "Hey slow down, its to crowded to run". I have never had a kid curse me out for saying this. Yes, sometimes they don't hear it, but curse me out. Never happened. I have never had a parent come after me for talking to their kid, other than to apologize. Maybe its that when these things happen I'm calm, not mad. I'm not thinking less of anyone, I simply want them to stop. When the parents approach, I tell them the truth, "He/she was just being a kid, it's no big deal. I did worse when I was their age." Same goes for the kids. I don't think whats wrong with your parents, why are you so rude. I think and say "Hey stop throwing the popcorn please". I'm sure somewhere out there are these unruly kids and defensive parents, but they are not the majority.


There is a big difference in the world I see today is that people want to fix blame not problems. As ma23peas eluded to, why are you all so afraid to step up and ask a kid to stop? My first thought is, God I hope someone would tell my kid to knock it off.



if you don't want to deal with kids, I don't think you should have to qualify it by saying "I don't hate kids". I get how someone can reach the point where they just don't want to deal with it. I do think you'll have a a hard time finding a cruise on Royal without kids who are acting like kids.

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Two Adult Cruise Passengers Assault Minor on Independence of the Seas


Oh God, I wish I hadn't searched that!

I'm glad I looked up the incident up.

Not sure what you read but in a UK paper the "innocent" minor (the victim of the attack) wanted to trade a 'key chain for the virginity.' of the daughter of one of the attacker. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4175740/Dad-sentenced-attack-teen-propositioned-daughter.html

Don't get me wrong what happened to the boy was wrong but I would feel more sympathy for the boy if he had not decided to stayed up later than on the rest of the cruise, according to NBC https://www.nbcmiami.com/investigations/Teens-Assault-on-Cruise-Ship-Caught-on-Surveillance-Camera-473020823.html and wanted to trade a girl's virginity for a key chain.

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Our last time on Carnival was when we made the mistake of going when school was out. The number of undisciplined kids and unconcerned parents was awful. All cruise lines are the same, they cannot offend parents and it is not their job to moniter the kids, that belongs to the parents. We have since chosen to cruise on off times, one of the reasons I home school my granddaughter, so there are fewer kids on board but still some for her to interact with. If you want a cruise line with no kids try Holland.

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I'm glad I looked up the incident up.

Not sure what you read but in a UK paper the "innocent" minor (the victim of the attack) wanted to trade a 'key chain for the virginity.' of the daughter of one of the attacker.


I hadn’t read it; now it’s even MORE messed up!!! :eek:

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It’s always helpful to step into another’s shoes to understand their perspective. We should all try to be kind to one another.


This needs to be printed on t-shirts that are then handed out all to passengers as they board.

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While you claim not to be exaggerating and claim not to be someone who just complains about kids, I have a feeling that you would be unhappy on any cruise line (even one that is adult-only). You talk about "people being hurt" about "vacations ruined" because of kids. I have cruised many times - AK, HI, Maritime, Med, Baltic -- never seen a pax injured by an unruly child (I've seen someone fall down a half flight of stairs because HE was drunk - but no one under the age of 45 anywhere even in earshot). I've never even been awakened by an unruly child (but have been awaken plenty of times by adults fighting in the cabin next store, by adults being loud in the hallway, and by adults banging on my door by mistake). I know of no one whose "entire vacation" was spoiled by unruly kids.


I am not a fan of loud people of any age -- and I have been disrupted by kids (and adults) -- but in no case has it "ruined" my vacation (or even so much as an afternoon of my vacation). I have been in elevators where a group of kids think it funny to hit all the buttons -- but there again it has been a momentary inconvenience and has not really "ruined" anything.


I fear that even an adult-only cruise would have pax who somehow will "nearly trample" or otherwise disrupt your personal bliss. I fear that on a private island, you will be disturbed by a jet flying miles away and be "attacked" by unruly gulls or singled out by a murderous coconut.


Thank you for your ridiculous and judgmental response. If you were shooting for sarcasm you missed. If knocking old people down and nearly hitting a person in the head with a bottle from a hundred feet above is not a big issue for you that's fine. And I'm sorry if I have a hard time relaxing on the vacation that I paid for when somebody else's kids are physically climbing on me in the hot tub, or storming into the serenity area in large unruly groups.


But thank you for insinuating that you are a much better person than me. I don't believe it for a second, but thanks for trying.

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Totally disagree.


Have seen security "round up" kids who were actually playing cards in a stair area and tell them to go to their cabins as it was almost curfew.


Also kick an entire family out of the solarium. Large family pretending "no English" with several kids, including swim diapers, and just being very loud and taking over the pool. Several people complained. Two security guards showed up. Prior to that several passengers had tried to explain in Spanish that the area was for adults. One of the guards quickly switched to Portuguese - they picked up all their stuff and left. Many people thanked the security guard. He said no problem and said he would keep an eye on them. He also said he knew at least some of the group spoke English as they had been quite unruly elsewhere on the ship.


Thanks, that's something that would never happen on Carnival.

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This kind of issue is a catch-22 for the cruise line. If they do nothing, people rabble about the cruise line not enforcing the rules for the children. If they enforced the rules every time and actually did something about it, you'll have parents descend on RCI with their lawyers saying their precious child would NEVER do x/y/z, that the cruise line had no right to tell them what to do or what not to do, how dare they, etc etc.


I think that is absolutely correct. PLUS they would rather have a one time cruising family of 4 than two adults that have cruise 15 times. If my wife and I don't come back after 15 cruises, so what? They can replace that family of 4 with a new on the very next cruise. Carnival even says in in their business model. They want first time cruisers who really don't care about cruising.

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Thanks, that's something that would never happen on Carnival.


I have seen these things done on Carnival ships as well. They are not happening all the time. They will not happen all the time on Royal either. At least on the cruises we have been on there are more kids on Royal than Carnival, but there is more room on the larger ships so it's easier to find quiet spots. Given the passion for you in this issue, don't sail Royal (at least not the big ships).


Why would I do that? Does it have anything to do with my question?


I agree with you. I remember reading and commenting on this when it happened. It is an important thin for people to think about, but has nothing to do with your post.


I think that is absolutely correct. PLUS they would rather have a one time cruising family of 4 than two adults that have cruise 15 times. If my wife and I don't come back after 15 cruises, so what? They can replace that family of 4 with a new on the very next cruise. Carnival even says in in their business model. They want first time cruisers who really don't care about cruising.



This is what I am struggling to understand. Originally you asked about something that bothers you, with a main point of "Would it be better on Royal?" The first few answers should have told you what you wanted to know "NO it is not going to be significantly better on Royal." Try other lines, smaller ships, or sailings during the school year.



If everything you say about Carnival is exactly true, so what. You don't have to do business with them, you have options. You are a retired couple, who doesn't want to deal with a lot of kids. That's fine. Royal is built around families. Just look at the ships. In my experience Carnival is currently built around families and young adults. I see more 25 to 35 year old's who want to party on Carnival, and more families on Royal. Neither bother me, but that is me. If you want to be angry that Carnival doesn't value your business, okay. It might bring you some peace to consider: Carnival has a product. It is not what you want. It isn't personally against you, you simply are not their demographic.

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See, that's what I mean. If Carnival has a curfew, I have never seen it. What is the curfew on RCI?




Haven’t had a chance to read replies but RCI curfew is 1 a.m. supposedly.. Re. kids behaviour, parents do not take responsibility for them and they run wild, knocking on doors at all hours, running everywhere, jumping in pools, dropping litter etc etc and nothing is done about it by anyone. We have cruised many times out of season where there are lots of kids on board. We’ve heard that the parents get last minute specials and pull the kids out of school. The longer cruises are better :)
















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I think that’s the right answer. RCI is built for active families with kids (we sailed HOtS this summer). We have young adult daughters and Royal was not anyone’s favorite. Honestly, i do not think we are the target audience for RCI and that is fine. NCL fits much better. They have many more activities geared toward adults late night. RCI was overly kid oriented for us. Now we know... the great part is we have many choices!



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I think that’s the right answer. RCI is built for active families with kids (we sailed HOtS this summer). We have young adult daughters and Royal was not anyone’s favorite. Honestly, i do not think we are the target audience for RCI and that is fine. NCL fits much better. They have many more activities geared toward adults late night. RCI was overly kid oriented for us. Now we know... the great part is we have many choices!


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Am looking to try one of the newer NCL's within the year. We were looking at them for this Sept, but decided on Allure. Our one cruise on NCL was when my son was 19, because they let us sign a letter allowing him to have beer and wine on board, which turned out to be the tipping point. It provided more places for him to hang out on board and places to meet people his own age.

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I think that’s the right answer. RCI is built for active families with kids (we sailed HOtS this summer). We have young adult daughters and Royal was not anyone’s favorite. Honestly, i do not think we are the target audience for RCI and that is fine. NCL fits much better. They have many more activities geared toward adults late night. RCI was overly kid oriented for us. Now we know... the great part is we have many choices!



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Thank you.

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We took my son's class on a short "C" cruise (port close to home and cheap) the kids told me about some behavior issues that happened with some other teens at the Ball Sports court. I couldn't believe what they were telling me! bulling. Our students were ok in the big pic and they are 18, but we didn't have any issues on RC like that. There are kids in the summer, so I would go during the school year if you can. My son just graduated, so finally hubby and I can travel during the school year. We are so excited!

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I have never sailed RCI, but I have an honest question. I have been cruising for a long, long time on another cruise line but I am thinking of switching. The reason is simple, the unsupervised kids are completely out of control on the cruise ships and staffs REFUSE to do anything about it.


I'm not exaggerating and I am not just someone that bitches about families with kids. I'm talking about people being hurt, entire vacations ruined because parents refuse to control their kids. Complete brushing off of nearly all rules. And the staff will simply not do anything about it.


So my question is simple; does the staff on this line hold parents accountable for monitoring and controlling their kids or not? I never thought I would actually leave the cruise line that I have always used, but things get worse every time I sail and I have had it. I don't want to stop cruising, but I am looking for a line that actually holds parents accountable for the behavior of their kids when it gets out of hand.


I love RCCL but honestly my last two cruises; one in March on the Grandeur and ince in June on the Radiance the packs of kids running and screaming and carrying on around the ship was out of control! The parents no where to be found and many of these packs had children as young as 4 or 5 included! In the past, and i have been on many cruises, it has never been so bad!

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I love RCCL but honestly my last two cruises; one in March on the Grandeur and ince in June on the Radiance the packs of kids running and screaming and carrying on around the ship was out of control! The parents no where to be found and many of these packs had children as young as 4 or 5 included! In the past, and i have been on many cruises, it has never been so bad!

Thanks for the reply. Sounds like exactly the same thing I am seeing on Carnival. I will try another line. Thanks again.

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I will echo what others have said here. If possible , try sailings other than in the summer and school vacations and also cruises longer than 7 nights. We have well over 30 cruises on Royal and have never experienced what you describe. Good Luck!:)

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I think that’s the right answer. RCI is built for active families with kids (we sailed HOtS this summer). We have young adult daughters and Royal was not anyone’s favorite. Honestly, i do not think we are the target audience for RCI and that is fine. NCL fits much better. They have many more activities geared toward adults late night. RCI was overly kid oriented for us. Now we know... the great part is we have many choices! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Chuck and I have been on Royal since 1996. I would like to address the Kid Oriented comment. If you choose to go on the Largest Oasis Class ships especially the newest Harmony, they are definitely more kid/family ships! Especially when the kids are let loose for holidays and summer!

We go on the cruises when the kids are in school and/or cruises longer than than 7 nights on the smaller/other Class ships which is when adults tend to not bring children along. I am pleased to say that we have never seen masses or children travelling in packs. I think this is more the families with children who truly don't understand their responsibility and the cruising concept of "Family Vacations" These parents are just letting their kids go Wild so they can forget their children are even travelling with them!

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I guess I'll be the little boy who tells the emperor he has no clothes on. I don't by this at all. Yes it's a different world today than it was when I was raised in the 60's, but I think kids and parents take a bad wrap because it's different.


My mother, and my friends parents, all believed in the belt and disciplined us. We were also told children were to be seen and not heard from. Despite this level of discipline and expectation, we still got in plenty of trouble and did a lot of stupid things. Sometimes people were injured, most often us. We were kids. We weren't bad kids just kids. When my parents went to a party we were left alone (unsupervised as you now put it) and chaos ensued. When we all went together to places, the adults congregated and the kids went off on our own. If we did something that got back to our parents we were punished. When the next opportunity came up, we did the same thing. Before you ask, I had my first job at 12 cleaning offices after school, so I was not running with a bunch of privileged brats. Again we were kids. The biggest difference was, if an adult saw us they stopped us, whether we were their kids or not. They didn't judge our parents for not following us all day in the car, they didn't judge us as bad, they yelled "What the hell are you doing? Get down from that." and we did. I guess I was not the angel that many of you (and evidently your children) were, who never broke a rule, ran into someone, or blocked the stairs by sitting on it. In fact if you asked my mother, she would probably tell you that it would have been a prayer answered to get a call telling her that my fiends and I were sitting on the step blocking the way. Then she would have said "Well tell them to get the hell up, your the adult."


I think the problem is, we get on forums like this and hide behind anonymity, and become way over the top in rhetoric because it's easy. If you don't want to deal with kids and their behavior, I get that. As others have mentioned, find an adult oriented cruise or vacation. But what is the necessity to condemn kids and parents in general. It's funny how so many people will go here blame others for ruining a vacation, but WON'T simply tell a 12 year old "Hey stop throwing stuff all over, and pick that up." The vast majority of kids are good kids (just like yours) and they will do what you ask if you are calm and reasonable in your instruction. Try putting your hands up and saying "Hey slow down, its to crowded to run". I have never had a kid curse me out for saying this. Yes, sometimes they don't hear it, but curse me out. Never happened. I have never had a parent come after me for talking to their kid, other than to apologize. Maybe its that when these things happen I'm calm, not mad. I'm not thinking less of anyone, I simply want them to stop. When the parents approach, I tell them the truth, "He/she was just being a kid, it's no big deal. I did worse when I was their age." Same goes for the kids. I don't think whats wrong with your parents, why are you so rude. I think and say "Hey stop throwing the popcorn please". I'm sure somewhere out there are these unruly kids and defensive parents, but they are not the majority.


There is a big difference in the world I see today is that people want to fix blame not problems. As ma23peas eluded to, why are you all so afraid to step up and ask a kid to stop? My first thought is, God I hope someone would tell my kid to knock it off.



if you don't want to deal with kids, I don't think you should have to qualify it by saying "I don't hate kids". I get how someone can reach the point where they just don't want to deal with it. I do think you'll have a a hard time finding a cruise on Royal without kids who are acting like kids.

Best post!

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