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Wait for a soda, using BB card or bring soda onboard?


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This comment always surprises me because we haven't had this experience ever. Our first cruise with BB, my youngest was ten. By the third day, I swear every bar tender/waiter on the ship knew him by name. The servers in the show lounge would catch his eye, give him a raised eyebrow, he would give them a thumbs up and they would go get him a Fanta. The kid drank his weight in Fanta that week. The bar tender at the pool bar knew his entire life story and would greet DH and I as "Joe's" mom and dad. LOL The next cruise, the older two set a goal to out drink the younger one. None of them ever had trouble getting service. (However, they lost that bet. :')) Third cruise, still no trouble getting service but not quite as much soda was consumed. ;)


It seems as though my experiences clearly differ from yours.


I’ve had the Fountain Fun Card and Bottomless Bubbles on every cruise I’ve sailed on Carnival just as I’ve had the Ultimate Soda and More package on every single one of my Princess Cruises. I don’t seem to have any difficulty being served in a timely manner on Princess but on Carnival, it’s like fighting tooth and nail. It shouldn’t be easier for me to leave the dining room to get my own refill than to ask a bar waiter in the dining room for one.

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Bar tenders avoid kids like the plague. Bring your own. How much soda will the kids drink in a week. Think of the daily cost of the package X 4 X the days of your cruise; that's a lot of money on sugar water that could be spent on experiences.

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Well, this was certainly enlightening and entertaining!


We have decided to bring the soda onboard.


Our family has been a soda package purchase one for the last seven cruises. The service has declined for us, especially the last two cruises. The lack of service, increased wait times, and even more limited options no longer make the convenience worth the cost. So, we shall find out if the hassle is worth the savings. The soda is a big deal on vacation, since I am one of those scary mamas who limit things like soda, red dye, and screen time on a regular basis. My older two look forward to their root beer on vacation. This, hopefully, will translate into motivated helpers when going through security to board the ship.


Any suggestions as to the method of toting will be appreciated. Currently deliberating the pros and cons of the boxes versus an additional rolling suitcase filled with soda cans... (and yes, I am serious. When traveling with toddlers and pre teens, logistics matter.)


Thanks to those of you with helpful and/or entertaining advice. It is much appreciated. Not sure who I would be leaving the toddlers with, if they weren't on the ship. Glad there are those of you with lots of family to take your kids for a week at the drop of a hat. I wouldn't know about that sort of thing. Our kids travel with us. They also enjoy lots of time at the Camp Carnival. Whose staff members we get to know and whom we tip well at the end of our stay.

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This comment always surprises me because we haven't had this experience ever. Our first cruise with BB, my youngest was ten. By the third day, I swear every bar tender/waiter on the ship knew him by name. The servers in the show lounge would catch his eye, give him a raised eyebrow, he would give them a thumbs up and they would go get him a Fanta. The kid drank his weight in Fanta that week. The bar tender at the pool bar knew his entire life story and would greet DH and I as "Joe's" mom and dad. LOL The next cruise, the older two set a goal to out drink the younger one. None of them ever had trouble getting service. (However, they lost that bet. :')) Third cruise, still no trouble getting service but not quite as much soda was consumed. ;)



I'm with you 100% on this. Between CCL and NCL I have NEVER had any issue getting a coke with the package. (I always say I'm not going to get it, but some reason end up caving and getting it:rolleyes:). Of course, I am guessing there is a "bit" of hyperbole on the wait times some folks complain about (and the tin foil hat conspiracy theories make me laugh.). Waiting a minute or two is certainly better than walking all the way back to my cabin then back for a coke. (and coke is generic term used, before someone goes off about not having this or that brand). Lastly there is absolutely no way I'd drag on soda (or water) with me. I like to travel as light as possible.

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Newbie with lots of questions...


We are cruising CC for the first time in December. Our only other cruise experience was on Disney, where there were soda fountains were self-serve all over the place.


I have already purchased BB for the three kids. Two of them are big soda drinkers if ever given the chance, and vacation is the chance... and the other one won't touch anything carbonated, but was interested in the juices ( and keeping things fair). In my mind, a drink with every meal, would make up for the $5 per day cost. DH and myself will not be getting the Cheers! package.


Based on what I'm reading here, I'm a little bit confused about how kids get the BB drinks. I would love some more specific details.


1. If kids need to go to bartenders to get soda, how does one generally stay hydrated on the ship? Is there water available somewhere self-serve? How would one access the beverages that are included, like the coffee, tea and lemonade? Does that also need to go through a bartender?


2. Convenience vs inconvenience was referenced a couple of times. But it almost seems like seeking out a bartender and waiting in that line would be just as inconvenient as bringing or getting a can of soda from your stateroom?


3. All of the soda is canned? It's not on Fountain?


4. Can I still cancel the BB? Especially for my DD that does not do carbonation, I'm sure she'd appreciate that money to spend on coffees and malts...


5. Is there a limit to how many cans can be carried on? I had already planned to bring on some sparkling water for myself.


Thanks for any info!

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Newbie with lots of questions...


We are cruising CC for the first time in December. Our only other cruise experience was on Disney, where there were soda fountains were self-serve all over the place.


I have already purchased BB for the three kids. Two of them are big soda drinkers if ever given the chance, and vacation is the chance... and the other one won't touch anything carbonated, but was interested in the juices ( and keeping things fair). In my mind, a drink with every meal, would make up for the $5 per day cost. DH and myself will not be getting the Cheers! package.


Based on what I'm reading here, I'm a little bit confused about how kids get the BB drinks. I would love some more specific details.


1. If kids need to go to bartenders to get soda, how does one generally stay hydrated on the ship? Is there water available somewhere self-serve? How would one access the beverages that are included, like the coffee, tea and lemonade? Does that also need to go through a bartender?


2. Convenience vs inconvenience was referenced a couple of times. But it almost seems like seeking out a bartender and waiting in that line would be just as inconvenient as bringing or getting a can of soda from your stateroom?


3. All of the soda is canned? It's not on Fountain?


4. Can I still cancel the BB? Especially for my DD that does not do carbonation, I'm sure she'd appreciate that money to spend on coffees and malts...


5. Is there a limit to how many cans can be carried on? I had already planned to bring on some sparkling water for myself.


Thanks for any info!





I have 2 teens do hopefully I can help answer your questions.


1. The included drinks (tea, lemonade, water, coffe) are all self-serve in the lido buffet.


2. Convenience - There are bard EVERYWHERE so you are never far from one. Once my boys leave the cabin when they finally get up they rarely come back until time to get ready for dinner. After dinner we never see them again until their curfew which is 30 minutes after the last teen club event ends so they can grab one last ice cream or pizza with friends. They would never want to have to go all the way across the ship to get a drink from the cabin. Nor do they like to keep up with an insulated mug. Easier just to grab something when they pass a bar. They have never had a problem getting served.


3. No fountains


4. Yes you can cancel but I would think twice before you do. My boys both drunk quite a bit of soda at home but honestly not much on the cruise because they love the fruit punch (with real fruit juices) that they can get at the bars included in B.B.


5. 12 cans per person and you can bring more on at each port although we never have. We do bring some on just because we prefer Dr. Pepper.

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Well, this was certainly enlightening and entertaining!


We have decided to bring the soda onboard.


Our family has been a soda package purchase one for the last seven cruises. The service has declined for us, especially the last two cruises. The lack of service, increased wait times, and even more limited options no longer make the convenience worth the cost. So, we shall find out if the hassle is worth the savings. The soda is a big deal on vacation, since I am one of those scary mamas who limit things like soda, red dye, and screen time on a regular basis. My older two look forward to their root beer on vacation. This, hopefully, will translate into motivated helpers when going through security to board the ship.


Any suggestions as to the method of toting will be appreciated. Currently deliberating the pros and cons of the boxes versus an additional rolling suitcase filled with soda cans... (and yes, I am serious. When traveling with toddlers and pre teens, logistics matter.)


Thanks to those of you with helpful and/or entertaining advice. It is much appreciated. Not sure who I would be leaving the toddlers with, if they weren't on the ship. Glad there are those of you with lots of family to take your kids for a week at the drop of a hat. I wouldn't know about that sort of thing. Our kids travel with us. They also enjoy lots of time at the Camp Carnival. Whose staff members we get to know and whom we tip well at the end of our stay.




Just a side note for your kids -


Take RootBeer, etc. over to the Lido deck to the diy soft serve ice cream machine for floats. It’s available 24 hours a day. They will always have glasses there as well. Enjoy your cruise!



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Answers above in red. To note: While bringing soda on in a bottle is forbidden, bringing on empty soda bottles is not. I always carry several empty soda bottles and pour the canned soda into a bottle once on board to help keep it fresh and I can carry it without it spilling (once opened).


Thank you so much for your detailed responses! That really helps me in my decision. I think I'll cancel BB for the kids. They'd rather drink from the room and have an extra $5 to spend every day on a special drink or something fun.

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I have 2 teens do hopefully I can help answer your questions.


1. The included drinks (tea, lemonade, water, coffe) are all self-serve in the lido buffet.


2. Convenience - There are bard EVERYWHERE so you are never far from one. Once my boys leave the cabin when they finally get up they rarely come back until time to get ready for dinner. After dinner we never see them again until their curfew which is 30 minutes after the last teen club event ends so they can grab one last ice cream or pizza with friends. They would never want to have to go all the way across the ship to get a drink from the cabin. Nor do they like to keep up with an insulated mug. Easier just to grab something when they pass a bar. They have never had a problem getting served.


3. No fountains


4. Yes you can cancel but I would think twice before you do. My boys both drunk quite a bit of soda at home but honestly not much on the cruise because they love the fruit punch (with real fruit juices) that they can get at the bars included in B.B.


5. 12 cans per person and you can bring more on at each port although we never have. We do bring some on just because we prefer Dr. Pepper.


Thank you so much for your detailed responses...great responses like yours make my choice all the more difficult!


Reading your experience, I could see that ring so true for my 16 yo DS. But my girls (14 and 11) will probably stock closer to us (as they did two years ago on Disney).


I LOVE that you can pick and choose who gets BB. I think DS would also get a "kick" out of ordering at the bar where the girls would still be nervous to do that independently...


Thanks... and thanks for the "welcome"!

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Just a side note for your kids -


Take RootBeer, etc. over to the Lido deck to the diy soft serve ice cream machine for floats. It’s available 24 hours a day. They will always have glasses there as well. Enjoy your cruise!



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Fabulous idea! Thank you for the suggestion. :) They will be thrilled to put it into practice.

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Bringing kids that require a "diaper bag" and "two strollers?" Leave these small children at home...they won't remember where they are or what they're doing there anyway, so save yourselves and everyone else the trouble!


Your statement is so true.


When our oldest was a toddler, we were at a convention in Orlando. Everyone would ask if we took him to Disney etc. Our response was no, we just let him ride the multiple escalators for "free" at the convention center. He was happy riding those.

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my comments below:


Well, this was certainly enlightening and entertaining!



Any suggestions as to the method of toting will be appreciated. Currently deliberating the pros and cons of the boxes versus an additional rolling suitcase filled with soda cans... (and yes, I am serious. When traveling with toddlers and pre teens, logistics matter.)

I would likely opt for the rolling suitcase (provided good enough to handle the weight. Generally I'd choose roll vs carry, but if the cartons are opened for inspection it definitely makes it easier.

I also liked the suggestion of more space for souvenirs. If you don't have souvenirs to bring back, maybe the case could be filled and nested within a larger case for the trip home.


Thanks to those of you with helpful and/or entertaining advice. It is much appreciated. Not sure who I would be leaving the toddlers with, if they weren't on the ship. Glad there are those of you with lots of family to take your kids for a week at the drop of a hat. I wouldn't know about that sort of thing. Our kids travel with us. They also enjoy lots of time at the Camp Carnival. Whose staff members we get to know and whom we tip well at the end of our stay.

You know what works best for your family. The rest of us can offer our opinions and experiences, but they are based on what is best for our situations. Sometimes it matches and sometimes it doesn't. My husband and I had our reasons for not bringing our children with us - and are grateful for family who kept them (with planning, not at the drop of a hat;)). While that has worked well for us, I do sometimes have twinges of regret when I read about other's wonderful experiences with their children. Enjoy your time together since that is what works for your family:)

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Once the bartenders peg you as a soda drinker, expect the wait times to increase... especially if the package holder is younger.

Definitely felt that way on the Magic last May and I'm 57. Won't get Bubbles again for that reason. Will have Cheers on the Magic in September. Will be interesting to see if I get faster service.

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It seems as though my experiences clearly differ from yours.


I’ve had the Fountain Fun Card and Bottomless Bubbles on every cruise I’ve sailed on Carnival just as I’ve had the Ultimate Soda and More package on every single one of my Princess Cruises. I don’t seem to have any difficulty being served in a timely manner on Princess but on Carnival, it’s like fighting tooth and nail. It shouldn’t be easier for me to leave the dining room to get my own refill than to ask a bar waiter in the dining room for one.


My husband and I have had a mixed bag, but on the whole...our experience was like yours since 2016! On previous cruises before Cheers existed, we always had our sodas on the dining room table the moment we walked in and got at least one refill. Roving waiters would gladly bring us each one as long as I ordered a mixed drink here and there with an extra $1-2 tip. Waiting was never more than a minute or two at the bar and it was well worth the costs!


Unfortunately, when we cruised the Dream, our experience was terrible. Despite asking, we only got our sodas at dinner 2 or 7 nights...and they were delivered during dessert. We waited in line at bars for several minutes at a time for warm, flat sodas...often they didn't even have Coke Zero available. I tried tipping more and everything, but it didn't change much. I probably drank 8 glasses in 7 days...it was seriously that bad.


I didn't opt for BB on our Triumph cruise, but husband did. He got great service all 5 days!


Mileage varies. Despite both experiences, I still cannot decide what to do on our September cruise! I love the convenience of BB, but am a bit scared about having the same experience we did on the Dream! I also don't wish to try to fly with sodas and may not have time before getting on the ship.




And fwiw: I had an even worse experience on Royal Caribbean! Their bar waiters would actually make us wait 10+ minutes while they served everyone consuming alcohol to quit ordering before they would fill our cups. I can't tell you how many times I heard, "I'll get you some soda once I have time." That's a huge NO in the future for me!

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My husband and I have had a mixed bag, but on the whole...our experience was like yours since 2016! On previous cruises before Cheers existed, we always had our sodas on the dining room table the moment we walked in and got at least one refill. Roving waiters would gladly bring us each one as long as I ordered a mixed drink here and there with an extra $1-2 tip. Waiting was never more than a minute or two at the bar and it was well worth the costs!


Unfortunately, when we cruised the Dream, our experience was terrible. Despite asking, we only got our sodas at dinner 2 or 7 nights...and they were delivered during dessert. We waited in line at bars for several minutes at a time for warm, flat sodas...often they didn't even have Coke Zero available. I tried tipping more and everything, but it didn't change much. I probably drank 8 glasses in 7 days...it was seriously that bad.


I didn't opt for BB on our Triumph cruise, but husband did. He got great service all 5 days!


Mileage varies. Despite both experiences, I still cannot decide what to do on our September cruise! I love the convenience of BB, but am a bit scared about having the same experience we did on the Dream! I also don't wish to try to fly with sodas and may not have time before getting on the ship.




And fwiw: I had an even worse experience on Royal Caribbean! Their bar waiters would actually make us wait 10+ minutes while they served everyone consuming alcohol to quit ordering before they would fill our cups. I can't tell you how many times I heard, "I'll get you some soda once I have time." That's a huge NO in the future for me!


At the same time though, I've had fantastic to stellar beverage service on 100% of my Princess Cruises with the soda package. No difficulty getting refills in the dining room with them already waiting upon arrival, drinks brought over within a minute or two when sitting down at the buffet, no issues with the waiters getting "lost" in the Princess Theater and everything is served timely when sitting at the bar.

Edited by xDisconnections
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I don't like carrying things onboard, so I get the bubbles for my kids, we get cheers. No issues getting service for them, but we tip well, and I add tips to their drink receipts every few times. My kids enjoy the freedom of bubbles and ordering when and whatever they want, and it enhances our vacation. If they didn't order many, I'd just pay per soda.


Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

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I tried both. Carry on is the only way for me. The BB program is full of gotcha's. Pineapple juice was NOT included. The wait at any bar was way too long. MDR service was faster, but a refill was not really a reality. The soda was served from an open can and was as flat and diluted from the amount of ice used.


In my own cans I had greater variety, and it was cold, cold, cold out of the fridge or on ice in my room. A cold can at Guy's, or a Mountain Dew at dinner in the dining room completes my meal.


Aha! I created a new topic for this but you may have answered my question. You were allowed to bring your carry-on sodas into the Dining Room/Buffet?

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I don't understand why ships can't offer both.

I can answer that. It's because they were out an exclusive deal with either Coke or Pepsi. They get discounted rates when doing so and there is a clause that they cannot serve a competitors product. It's why in most cases you'll never see both Coke & Pepsi side by side at a self serving station.

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Aha! I created a new topic for this but you may have answered my question. You were allowed to bring your carry-on sodas into the Dining Room/Buffet?


We've never had issues bringing our tumblers with us in the Buffet, or glasses of wine into MDR. I have never heard of/read about any issues bringing cans into the restaurants.

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